Welcome! Say hello....



  • Lisa0Anne
    Lisa0Anne Posts: 154 Member
    Hi Everyone

    Hope all is well, I have always liked being active and have had to lose 65-100 lbs 3 times in my life (for of my pregnancies) currently just had a break over summer and going get back at it.

    My current goal is to go down a couple sizes or 18 lbs whatever comes first but my main goal is just to be fit and healthy for life. My new years resolution was to run a 5 km once a month for the whole year and so far I have done it, I have 4 runs left to finish my year, I honestly can't believe it I have never even run a 5 km run before the resolution, so I am proud.

    My next run is a registered charity run its 6 KM and its on Sep 27

    I am looking to have fun and make friends while I am on my journey to good health while I am at MFP :smile:

    Take Care and good luck on your journeys as well.

  • mamarundrc
    mamarundrc Posts: 1,577 Member
    Welcome Lisa0Anne! A 5k a month is a great goal and a great way to stay motivated. I may have to steal that for 2015. Feel free to browse around. We have a weigh in challenge and a September miles challenge going. So glad to have you in the group!
  • HI there my name is Yakira and I am from Florida, I am 33 years old and as long as I can remember I have been watching my weight. I never seem to be able to reach my goals, I find myself picking at foods or eating left overs and that is what is killing me even though my goal is to loose just 7 lbs it seems so hard.
    Personally with me is about having a tight body and I think that is the hardest thing especially when you compare yourself to other women, all these expectations we try to live up to that are so unrealistic but at the same time you will try anything to get there, I know allot of women can relate to this. I have so much respect for individuals who have been able to stick by there weight loss goals because I know is not easy.
  • JRIV60
    JRIV60 Posts: 732 Member
    Welcome to the 30 Somethings group Yakira!! :drinker:

    I am one of the mods in this group. Any and all ideas welcome so please feel free to start a new thread or join any of the current ones. Support and motivation are keys to success.

    There is a weekly weigh in thread posted if you care to use it in addition to a September Miles Tracking thread. They are both open to edit so you can log in whenever.

    What part of Florida are you at? I call Tampa my home. :0)

    Good luck on your journey!


  • Diggergirl1996
    Diggergirl1996 Posts: 29 Member

    I just joined the group, and as you can see, have a lot of work to do. I rarely weigh myself as it terrifies me, and also discourages me. At this point, I've lost 2 inches off my waist, 1 on my chest, 1 inch off my arms, and am down 2 dress sizes. It's coming off somewhere, but the pounds won't move. I need some accountability, so I did place my name on the spreadsheet. I'm hoping that seeing other people's progress, and reading the challenges everyone goes through, will inspire me to work even harder.

  • red0801
    red0801 Posts: 283 Member
    Evening All...I'm Ryan.
  • petroal1
    petroal1 Posts: 2 Member
    Hey There,

    I'm Alex and new on MFP, about a week or so now. I think I've found my base line now and know why I weigh 224lbs. My goal is to get to 195lbs. I try and eat Paleo as much as possible but it's not always a reality for me. I'm loving the app and find it addictive and exciting. I'm kind of analytical so the tracking of numbers and being accurate really speak to me.

    I have two great kids and one that is in the super hero/ninja phase so running and jumping with him is a daily occurrence. I'm using the ACCUPEDO app to track steps ad connect it to my MFP. It's pretty cool.

    I'm always happy to see other people success's and the joy in them. If you want to friend me that would be great. Plus...I need the accountability to stay on track. Now, I just have to dust off my treadmill and get on it.

    I wish you all success and perseverance!!!
  • ascrit
    ascrit Posts: 770 Member
    Hello fitness pals, my name is Andy. I eat paleo (most of the time) and I love to CrossFit. Don't worry, I am not judgey about those who don't. :wink:
  • KatyRhys
    KatyRhys Posts: 9 Member
    Hi -- I'm brand new to the site, though I've been using the app for a few months...My highest weight was 240, and I'm hovering just a few pounds above 200 at the moment. My ultimate goal is 140. Anyway, I'm a New Jersey girl who just turned 30 in August, and it's nice to meet you all. :flowerforyou:
  • dquickly
    dquickly Posts: 11 Member
    Hello. I'm coming back to MFP after an extended hiatus. I was nearly down to my goal weight last November ... and now I find myself having recently turned 35 and at my highest weight ever (excluding times when I was pregnant). I need accountability and motivation. I'm hoping to find some of that here.

    Thanks for having me.
  • Karboleggs
    Karboleggs Posts: 8 Member
    I'm looking for new friends on MFP. Many of my friends are inactive. I would like a better support group. Thanks :D
  • mamarundrc
    mamarundrc Posts: 1,577 Member
    Welcome all! We have a couple of challenges starting up. We have a HO HO HO Holiday weight loss challege (in the announcemnts) Feel free to set a goal and add yourself to the spreadsheet. We are also starting a miles tracking for anyone who wants to track for November. That spreadsheet can be found in the thread in the discussions. I am looking forward to taking this journey with all of you!
  • marichairs
    marichairs Posts: 21 Member
    Hi Im newish to this group (first time posting joined a while ago) just looking for some more friends
  • gingershonobi
    gingershonobi Posts: 5 Member

    I am Guy, been trying to lose wait for years... I am focused and all that this time. 3 days in and I have been under my MFP count each day and done a workout each day.

    Lets do this!

  • CandyKangaroo
    CandyKangaroo Posts: 22 Member
    Hi! my name is Candy, and I am 35yr-old, Christian wife and mom of two boys. my husband and I have been happily married for 13 wonderful years. we live in a small country town in North Carolina. I am currently using the Wii Fit Plus to help lose weight, as well as walking and eating healthier. I'm hoping to make some new friends <3
  • mamarundrc
    mamarundrc Posts: 1,577 Member
    Welcome marichair, Guy and Candy! We have a couple of challenges going on, a weight loss tracking challenge and a miles logged challenge. Feel free to join in, both just recently started. Things have been a little slow on this group so feel free to add any discussions or start any challenges of your own if you would like!
  • pandamorous
    pandamorous Posts: 88 Member
    Hey there. I'm Irshan, a 32 year old doc in Georgia. I'm married to a beautiful wife, we've got two great kids, and life is grand...except I can't stay consistent with caring for my health. I've got weight to lose and health to gain, but my motivation never lasts. I'm hoping this helps!
  • mamarundrc
    mamarundrc Posts: 1,577 Member
    Aashi82 wrote: »
    Hey there. I'm Irshan, a 32 year old doc in Georgia. I'm married to a beautiful wife, we've got two great kids, and life is grand...except I can't stay consistent with caring for my health. I've got weight to lose and health to gain, but my motivation never lasts. I'm hoping this helps!

    Welcome to the group! We are all here to help you on this journey. My only advice is to make sure whatever you are doing to lose the weight and get healthier works for YOU. It does not help to do a diet to lose weight if it is not part of a lifestyle you can maintain. If you love bread, do not cut it out completely because someone told you it is bad, learn to eat it in moderation. Find an exercise plan that doesn't feel like work. For me, a lot of my activity comes from playing with my kids and doing things with my family.

    Good luck!

  • Hi Im shannon, My biggest passion is dancing salsa and argentine tango but i don't like the way that i look right now so I've stopped and it makes me sad that I'm not dancing. i want to lose the weight and start dancing again. to work out i do hot yoga and walking my dog brownie. i love this food counter its like a game. and i hope to make some friends on here. I'm going to turn 34 in 3 days and maybe thats why I'm feeling a little down, reminds me that I'm getting older and I'm not happy with how i look. i want to change that. :)
  • Joannah700
    Joannah700 Posts: 2,665 Member
    Hello everyone - I'm Joannah. I'm 31 and live in beautiful Southern California.

    I've been using MFP for a few months now, really after I split from my husband, and it's helped me keep my calorie intake level and focus on overall health goals. Making sure I'm eating enough and not overeating.

    While doing ok on the split - emotionally it's been over for awhile, I'm now dealing with the logistics and figuring out how I want to spend my evenings now that I'm not dependent on someone else. And that's included a fair bit of yoga but I'm also enjoying dating myself. And I must say, I'm a great date. I always let me watch my favorite movies and even... get this - rewatch the dance numbers or super funny scenes.
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