


  • danirosevoelkel
    danirosevoelkel Posts: 511 Member
    Don't be discouraged by that weight gain. Your body freaks out with the changes and holds in water since it's paniced. You're also building muscle and so that puts some effect on the scale as well. Just stick with it :)
  • danirosevoelkel
    danirosevoelkel Posts: 511 Member
    I have not been able to start the shred yet, but I think hubby and I decided that Tuesday was our day to start! Excited, not excited.. meh.. I know it's good for me but gosh dang it's a killer haha. Great job pushing through guys!
  • danirosevoelkel
    danirosevoelkel Posts: 511 Member
    Has anyone taken their before pictures? I took mine Saturday and .... I need the shred LOL! However on a good note, I lost a lb last week! I've been doing pushups, squats and made small dietary changes.
  • Peta314
    Peta314 Posts: 40 Member
    edited October 2014
    Hello! I'm new to this site (MFP), and this workout too. I have over 20kgs of overweight (44pounds aprox). I started the 30 day Shred 9 days ago. So today I'll be doing L1D9. It's been terribly hard! I've started with soup cans (0.9pounds aprox), and I'm currently doing it with 2,2 pounds weights (1Kgs). Do you recommend doing some cardio exercise also? One of my knees is bothering me a bit, and for what I've seen, level 2 seems pretty hard. Do you guys recommend extending level 1 for more than 10 days before getting into level 2?
    I'm glad I found this thread, this will help me a lot! I weight myself every two days, but I think that weighting yourself every week is best. Not only do we retain water due to our work out (our muscles need it soo bad in order to get toner and bigger), but we (women) also have to fight our hormones! Also, despite your sex, if you do not take enough hours of sleep, and if you are very stressed, hormones like Cortisol (stress hormone) peak up, and hormones like leptin (satiety hormone) and melatonin (sleep hormone) go down and that affects your weight. In addition to that, remember that muscle weights more than fat! So if you lose fat, but make some muscle, then you might weight the same or even a bit more. However, if we keep a good diet, cardio, and some muscle training, regardless of the ups and downs, we should all see results in inches lost, and in some cases, weightloss over time. So, in order to avoid getting discouraged with the daily ups and downs, I believe that weighting every 7 days or so must be best. Just make sure you do not go over board with what you eat, try to sleep at least 7 hours a day, and drink lots of water!

    WE CAN DO IT! :D
  • Aine8046
    Aine8046 Posts: 2,122 Member
    Has anyone taken their before pictures? I took mine Saturday and .... I need the shred LOL!
    That's a good idea! I'll do mine tonight!

  • Aine8046
    Aine8046 Posts: 2,122 Member
    I have not been able to start the shred yet, but I think hubby and I decided that Tuesday was our day to start! Excited, not excited.. meh.. I know it's good for me but gosh dang it's a killer haha. Great job pushing through guys!
    I had my weights and the dvd for a week, building my courage to try :) Day 1 was terrible, Day 2 was better. Today is Day 3 and I woke up 30 min earlier than usual to do it before work since I'll be at home only around 10pm today... It was not as bad as I though it would be, but I am was so sore and stiff right now despite all the stretching I did this morning. I feel like Pinocchio - my body is all wooden... I am also running every other day and I had a great run on Saturday (before the Day 1 Shred). No way I am running today. I'll try to do it tomorrow - hopefully I'll feel better.
  • Aine8046
    Aine8046 Posts: 2,122 Member
    Peta314 wrote: »
    Hello! I'm new to this site (MFP), and this workout too. I have over 20kgs of overweight (44pounds aprox). I started the 30 day Shred 9 days ago. So today I'll be doing L1D9. It's been terribly hard! I've started with soup cans (0.9pounds aprox), and I'm currently doing it with 2,2 pounds weights (1Kgs). Do you recommend doing some cardio exercise also? One of my knees is bothering me a bit, and for what I've seen, level 2 seems pretty hard. Do you guys recommend extending level 1 for more than 10 days before getting into level 2?
    I see nothing wrong about extending it. I plan to do every level for 2 weeks - it's more convenient for me to start every new level on the weekend. I did not think about the soup cans :) I have 5 lbs weights and they are too heavy for some exercises, and too light for others. I'll dig through my kitchen cabinets tonight. Maybe even water bottles would work.

  • danirosevoelkel
    danirosevoelkel Posts: 511 Member
    Peta314 wrote: »
    Hello! I'm new to this site (MFP), and this workout too. I have over 20kgs of overweight (44pounds aprox). I started the 30 day Shred 9 days ago. So today I'll be doing L1D9. It's been terribly hard! I've started with soup cans (0.9pounds aprox), and I'm currently doing it with 2,2 pounds weights (1Kgs). Do you recommend doing some cardio exercise also? One of my knees is bothering me a bit, and for what I've seen, level 2 seems pretty hard. Do you guys recommend extending level 1 for more than 10 days before getting into level 2?
    I'm glad I found this thread, this will help me a lot! I weight myself every two days, but I think that weighting yourself every week is best. Not only do we retain water due to our work out (our muscles need it soo bad in order to get toner and bigger), but we (women) also have to fight our hormones! Also, despite your sex, if you do not take enough hours of sleep, and if you are very stressed, hormones like Cortisol (stress hormone) peak up, and hormones like leptin (satiety hormone) and melatonin (sleep hormone) go down and that affects your weight. In addition to that, remember that muscle weights more than fat! So if you lose fat, but make some muscle, then you might weight the same or even a bit more. However, if we keep a good diet, cardio, and some muscle training, regardless of the ups and downs, we should all see results in inches lost, and in some cases, weightloss over time. So, in order to avoid getting discouraged with the daily ups and downs, I believe that weighting every 7 days or so must be best. Just make sure you do not go over board with what you eat, try to sleep at least 7 hours a day, and drink lots of water!

    WE CAN DO IT! :D

    Welcome! I did each level for 15 days, that was when I felt comfortable enough to move on. When I could keep up and didn't get as winded and got to the end like, "wait? that's it? it's over already?" then I moved onto the next level.

    I started with soup cans too! ;)

    I weigh every morning first thing after I use the restroom just to gauge my body, and every Saturday morning to update on MFP and my goals. If the weighing is discouraging, then let it go, that number on the scale literally means nothing. I know by the time I tone out and gain muscle I will weigh more than I do now. Go by how you look and feel. Take pics, take measurements, keep on task!

    Yes we can do it! :)
  • danirosevoelkel
    danirosevoelkel Posts: 511 Member
    Aine8046 wrote: »
    I have not been able to start the shred yet, but I think hubby and I decided that Tuesday was our day to start! Excited, not excited.. meh.. I know it's good for me but gosh dang it's a killer haha. Great job pushing through guys!
    I had my weights and the dvd for a week, building my courage to try :) Day 1 was terrible, Day 2 was better. Today is Day 3 and I woke up 30 min earlier than usual to do it before work since I'll be at home only around 10pm today... It was not as bad as I though it would be, but I am was so sore and stiff right now despite all the stretching I did this morning. I feel like Pinocchio - my body is all wooden... I am also running every other day and I had a great run on Saturday (before the Day 1 Shred). No way I am running today. I'll try to do it tomorrow - hopefully I'll feel better.

    Yeah those first few days are murder haha. I remember it very clearly. Those pushup's especially, I've never had a lot of upper arm strength.

    I'm running as well. I will only have the shred on my schedule twice a week and run the other three days. I might bump that up, we will see how my hubby and I feel.
  • tamarawisniewski
    tamarawisniewski Posts: 24 Member
    I think extending it until you feel ready is the best thing to do. I have not taken any pics yet and I don't weigh myself regularly. I gauge myself by my clothes..I think for me that is best. Today, I did the Flat Belly Workout dvd.
  • Sammie51013
    Sammie51013 Posts: 45 Member
    I agree, I think the scale isn't what's important with this workout. It's how you feel and look after!! I took before photos ... I think I am starting to make some progress, but had a set-back. Didn't have time yesterday due to working late and I don't know if I will have time tonight ... I tell myself its 25 minutes so make time, but when I get home after a 14 hour day, it's a little hard to do .... :\ I will get back on track. I finished Day 8 of Level 1 Sunday.

    I have a sore shoulder, which makes some of the exercises hard. I usually try to push through and do ok but don't want to cause any injury. Any thoughts? It's usually on the push-ups and the movements you do with squats that hurt the most. It's like the front of my arm.
  • danirosevoelkel
    danirosevoelkel Posts: 511 Member
    I'm starting the shred back up today! Might do it every other day since my running plan is on the table with this freezing weather. My asthma would have a field day with cold runs lol.
  • cindys921
    cindys921 Posts: 396 Member
    Well I did 3 days of level 1 last week and fell off track. Hoping to start back up this week. Not sure if I am going to do every day or mix it up with walking/jogging !!
  • Sammie51013
    Sammie51013 Posts: 45 Member
    Mixing it up has helped prevent it from getting old! Maybe once I've learned all the levels I'll try rotating them. Anybody done that? What did you think?
  • SyzygyX
    SyzygyX Posts: 189 Member
    I have to wait to get started; I was gonna start on Monday, but I'm sick. :disappointed:
  • Aine8046
    Aine8046 Posts: 2,122 Member
    Did Day 4 today. It gets noticeably easier :)
    Took pictures too. :|
  • missy5290
    missy5290 Posts: 68 Member
    Aine8046 wrote: »
    Did Day 4 today. It gets noticeably easier :)
    Took pictures too. :|

    True. Did day 3 today. I didn't feel as if I wanted to die as much as I did the first 2 days. So far so good. Trying to get the husband to join too.
  • Aine8046
    Aine8046 Posts: 2,122 Member
    edited October 2014
    Aine8046 wrote: »
    Did Day 4 today. It gets noticeably easier :)
    Took pictures too. :|
    Here are the pictures. Now I HAVE TO finish and post the "after" pics :wink:

  • Aine8046
    Aine8046 Posts: 2,122 Member
    And I did Day 5 this morning. It's more fun to do it in the evening than at 6am. I woke up though :)
  • danirosevoelkel
    danirosevoelkel Posts: 511 Member
    I did day one yesterday and lord did I forget how much "fun" it was.. sarcastically speaking of course. I think I need to start with the 3lb weights as the 5lbers nearly killed me. I run today so Thursday will be my next shredder day. I'm hoping to finish this program, but I'm going to start weight lifting soon so I'm not quite sure yet. Great job guys! Oh I took a before picture and some measurements too!

    waist: 28.5
    Hips: 38
    Chest: 34
    R Arm: 10.5
    L Arm: 11
    R Thigh: 22.5
    L Thigh: 22

    Weight: 145.4 (Started at 155)