Intermediate Team Chat Board



  • Jennwa
    Jennwa Posts: 107 Member
    I agree with burpees and planks as punishments as I loathe them both. I think that would be a good one.

    I'm at 50/40 for the challenge, after today I should have all the time that I am supposed to have and then some by the end of the week.

    I also apologize for not commenting as much as I would like. I have to sneak to the forums at work ;) I have a computer at home but it is soooo dang slow that I just do everything on my phone anyway. I will try to be a better teammate about that :)

  • turntechBiologist
    turntechBiologist Posts: 374 Member
    Hello Intermediate Teammates! :smiley: turntechBiologist here from Team Carl, just wanted to say that I wish everyone the best with getting all of their cardio and strength training minutes in! Don't give up! :smile: I'm a little behind myself since it rained on Tuesday and I felt completely drained for some reason (also our power went out, ugh).

    Sunday: 15/0 (Went for a walk with a friend, wasn't sure if any exercise from Sunday would be counted or not)
    Monday - 35/20 (wasn't sure if to include warm-ups/stretching afterwards or not, but I did)
    Tuesday - Nothing :(
    Wednesday 15/20 (only did my strength training routine because I spent almost all day lost trying to get home with my mom)
    Total so far: 65 cardio/40 ST
    P.S. I cried when Daryl saw Carol walk up in the woods. Also, anyone notice how Carol had time to take a bath and freshen up before running into the family? XD

    OMG my heart exploded when I saw Daryl and Carol reunite! I knew it was such a long time since they last saw each other, and I almost cried :') (between Daryl/Carol and Glenn/Maggie it's hard to pick my OTP for TWD) I was really happy when the Grimes family reunited <3 Also I'm glad Tyreese kicked some serious butt! XD

    Also lmao, I kept wondering how Carol got cleaned up so fast XD
  • hit my goals tonight:

    Totals for week so far
  • SaraAlexandre
    SaraAlexandre Posts: 1,313 Member
    Everyone is doing great! I think for a first punishment for being early on, we should stick to one type of exercise with a set number to do through out the week because not everyone can do it every day. Start lower and then build up from there, week to week.
  • nicca_jb
    nicca_jb Posts: 1,278 Member
    Hi all,

    I just joined this challenge (so I'm following the horde right now?) - but I'll be on Team Maggie.

    I agree that an early punishment should be less intense, such as @SaraAlexandre mentioned above - a number to do throughout the week - or at intervals (x number things y times a week). I can't exercise every single day, but if I know I have a number to meet, I'll make time.

    Glad to be here!

  • Jitteryspork
    Jitteryspork Posts: 550 Member
    So a cool factoid - Martin, (I think that was his name) The guy in the shack that Tyrese and Judith were in.. the butthead who was gonna snap her neck, that Tyrese totally beat the crap out of, and apparently killed... That is my highschool buddy Chris Coy. :) I am so proud of him. I saw his pictures all over facebook showing that he was at the premier, but I couldnt find his name on IMDB so I thought that maybe he was just there because he was an actor (He has smaller parts in shows like CSI, Bones, Criminal Minds, ETC, and a bigger part in Xtreme... but when I saw him, I almost screamed!! We were in Drama class together for 3 years in highschool. He always dreamed of pursuing the acting career, and he did it! I am so prooud of him! :)
  • jamielynnmobile
    jamielynnmobile Posts: 68 Member
    So a cool factoid - Martin, (I think that was his name) The guy in the shack that Tyrese and Judith were in.. the butthead who was gonna snap her neck, that Tyrese totally beat the crap out of, and apparently killed... That is my highschool buddy Chris Coy. :) I am so proud of him. I saw his pictures all over facebook showing that he was at the premier, but I couldnt find his name on IMDB so I thought that maybe he was just there because he was an actor (He has smaller parts in shows like CSI, Bones, Criminal Minds, ETC, and a bigger part in Xtreme... but when I saw him, I almost screamed!! We were in Drama class together for 3 years in highschool. He always dreamed of pursuing the acting career, and he did it! I am so prooud of him! :)

    He was Barry on True Blood! I knew I recognized him! That's awesome.
  • ToughHippieChick
    ToughHippieChick Posts: 698 Member
    quick question... I went over my calories yesterday. :( When we answer yes or no about staying in our calorie range, is that every day or a weekly total or X number of days a week? How do we compute that?
  • knitapeace
    knitapeace Posts: 1,013 Member
    quick question... I went over my calories yesterday. :( When we answer yes or no about staying in our calorie range, is that every day or a weekly total or X number of days a week? How do we compute that?
    I thought I read that you needed to stay in calories 6 out of 7 days, or within a weekly total if you're doing varying calorie counts from day to day as with intermittent fasting. I'm going with the weekly total.
  • habit365
    habit365 Posts: 174
    Can I just say I love this challenge. A little extra push to get enough cardio in, and to get started on a strength program! (I am at 82/55 for this week so far) I have to type this quickly because I may not be able to move my arms soon from the weight lifting. :astonished:
  • turntechBiologist
    turntechBiologist Posts: 374 Member
    Despite the days I didn't workout this week, I still did good and hit my goals! :)

    Sunday: 15/0
    Monday - 35/20
    Tuesday - 0/0
    Wednesday - 15/20
    Thursday - 0/0
    Friday - 35/20
    Total so far: 100 cardio/60 ST

    Oh yeah, I almost forgot to put my two cents in about the punishments. I definitely agree with the burpees as punishment. 25 (or more) a day seems good.
  • Mrscheyfleming
    Mrscheyfleming Posts: 149 Member
    Completed all my goals :)
  • redwoodkestrel
    redwoodkestrel Posts: 339 Member
    Just added my stats to the scoreboard thread:

    Cardio: 525/80
    Strength: 50/50
    Within calorie goal: yes
    Character challenge - Michonne: yes (ooof! quite a workout!)
  • Gambrell104
    Gambrell104 Posts: 282 Member
    just added my numbers!
  • SaraAlexandre
    SaraAlexandre Posts: 1,313 Member
    Don't forget to post on the check in board. I got a few recorded already!
  • kawookie
    kawookie Posts: 813 Member
    Sunday: 65 minute 5 km walk (cardio)
    Tuesday: 30 minutes raking lawn (cardio)
    Wednesday: 45 minutes hiking (cardio)
    Thursday: 30 minute strength training video (strength)
    Saturday: 30 minute strength training video (strength)

    140/80 cardio
    60/50 strength

    Food was a struggle this week more due to lack of tracking. I'm trying to get back to tracking consistantly, and between my dad being in the hospital all week and going to various interviews, sometimes I forgot to track.

    I didn't realize there was a Carol challenge until today. I looked at it, but I just did 30 minutes of squats, lunges and arm work with Firm 30. A bout with Jillian is not feasible today and I'm out of time. Really sorry team Carol. I will strive to be more aware and tracking next week.
  • My #'s are up, I killed in cardio this week but I want to get in more strength than the bare minimum. As far as punishment goes I think burpees are a great idea.
  • Georgielee37
    Georgielee37 Posts: 113 Member
    I made it !!!!!!! Barely but I did and that is what counts rights.....I did not get in anything extra...this week.
  • jchrisman717
    jchrisman717 Posts: 780 Member
    Cardio is a breeze with my zombie run. Really need to work on strength. Stayed on track with my good plan and did the character video this morning. Totals - 210 cardio and 65 strength.
  • KameHameHaaaa
    KameHameHaaaa Posts: 837 Member
    Just added my stats to the scoreboard, figured I'd share them here too :)

    Cardio - 282/80
    Strength - 102/50
    Within Calories - Yes
    Team Daryl Challenge - Yes