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Workout check-in thread: You October-y Lifting Heavy!



  • logg1e
    logg1e Posts: 1,208 Member
    Glad to hear your good news canadianlbs
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    edited October 2014
    crabada wrote: »
    I bring the bar to right under my boobs - basically where the bottom of my sports bar is. Not sure if that's right or not, so curious what other folks suggest / do?

    don't ask me; i don't really have boobs. more like just a ribcage with nipples on it. but healthy nipples, it seems like! :p

    uh, yeah though. anywhere from bottom bra strap up to nipple, for me. i think it depends what works for you, and also feels safe for your shoulder anatomy. if i go up too high, i have to flare out too far and that feels like the top of my humerus starts to float and wander around in the shoulder socket in a way i don't like. i know bp is a high-risk lift for the rotator cuff muscles, so i let how i feel dictate to me more than whatever the form book might say.
    what are these plate raises you speak of?

    well, that's what i'm calling them. lessee. and it seems to be mostly a front-deltoid move, but i couldn't do it at all without also bracing hell out of my entire core and back and pretty much everything else. i liked it so i'm going to keep doing it for a while. youtube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hFo-LIkCozU
  • logg1e
    logg1e Posts: 1,208 Member
    Went back and did the four remaining sets of bench press at 56lb! PT spotting me was not impressed and said it wasn't really worth doing :smiley:
  • coltsgirl311
    coltsgirl311 Posts: 226 Member
    Just checking in to say hi, as I am on a (voluntary) hiatus until next week. You ladies are all awesome!!

    @Crabada thanks for the insight on how you do rows; I'll try that position next time to see if that feels more "natural" for lack of a better term. I am always lifting the bar to my nipple area or above my boobs, maybe doing below them is a better way.
  • sumnerfan
    sumnerfan Posts: 244 Member
    Hi there. I've been looking around and reading. I've decided to begin this weekend. I'll also be doing 30 minutes of cardio three days a week. I'm still a little fuzzy about warm-up sets and such, but I feel like these things will sort themselves out as they become necessary since I'm completely new to lifting.

    I've been very impressed with the results you ladies are getting. Any advice you have for a beginner would be greatly appreciated.
  • symba1130
    symba1130 Posts: 248 Member
    Workout B this morning...

    I was totally looking forward to DL - BUT I ran out of time. We had our daughters school conference this morning and its the day I usually workout and head straight to work. SOOOO proud that I still worked out and then showered/dressed at gym like normal and then went home to meet up with hubby and kiddos.

    Squats - I think I felt pressed for time today so my head wasn't fully in the game.
    Warm up + 5x5 @ 90lbs

    OHP - Warm up + 5x5 @ 50lbs

    DL - ZERO! Bummer

    On a positive note, my daughter got good reviews from her teacher. She is early entrance so I was really curious as to what they would have to say (She doesn't turn 5 until the end of next month). I guess all my husbands hard work over the summer has paid off. I give him most of the credit as he is the stay at home parent at the moment and is the one who has taught her to write/cut/glue, etc. You know...all that important stuff for a kindergartner :-)

    Hope everyone has a wonder Halloween tomorrow!!!
  • I repeated bench and rows last workout since my previous one was a bust! Back to 115 on squat and going to repeat. Benched 75 and felt good about it. Going to try 80 next time, finally. Rowed 40 to ease back in and not reinjur my shoulder. It was easy so going to do 45 next time and progress (or not) from there.

    Going for a light OHP tomorrow and I'm going to deload deads back to 165 I think since it's been so long. October's been kind of a bust as far as lifting goes for me! I've planned to finished the program before Thanksgiving so I just need to stick to my schedule. All said and done, this 12 week program will have taken me 4 months, lol.
  • spirit095
    spirit095 Posts: 1,017 Member
    Squats: warm up + 5@60,80,95,110,125
    Bench: 5@45,45,50,55,65
    Row: 5@45,50,55,65,75

    Squats: warm up + 5@70,80,95,95
    OHP: 5@45,45,50,60(PR but turned into push presses >.<)
    DL: 5@95,100,120,135(PR)

    I'm going to repeat this week's weights to get more comfortable with them. I'm so happy to finally be able to use the big girl plates now :D .

    Have a fun Halloween ladies!
  • Llamapants86
    Llamapants86 Posts: 1,221 Member
    So yesterday was just a run day. I had brutal DOMS from Monday's deadlifts and running club pushes hard. I ended up just telling them to go on ahead and I walked back to the office. Still managed to get just over 5k in so I wasn't TOO embarrassed.

    Tonight was squat night 1's.
    Warm up then 165 lbs x5 170 lbs x 3 and 195 lbs x 3 and they all felt awesome. I debated about going down for 4 but decided I really didn't want to risk the fail and hot damn 3 is pretty darn good!

    Straightleg Deadlifts 95 lbs, reverse lunges 25lbs each side and burpees for 5 sets of 10 reps. I really liked the lunges better than the glute bridges, don't know why but they just seemed easier to do but make my butt hurt so good lol.
  • psych101
    psych101 Posts: 1,842 Member
    Hello lovely ladies!! Some great progress going on up in here!!

    Here's mine:

    Squat 5x5 @ 145lbs - moving up next time
    bench 5x5 @ 77lbs
    Row 5x5 @ 77lbs

    Then some random single leg single arm superset stuff - feeling shakey now lol
  • danirosevoelkel
    danirosevoelkel Posts: 511 Member
    Good Morning, you all are rockin' as always. I hope you all are having a great Halloween!

    I'm a Spartan Racer!


    Last night's workout went so well. I'm really, really happy with it!

    Warm up with some @$$ to the grass body weight squats

    Squat 5x5 @ 35lbs. These suckers still hurt, but I can feel that I'm getting better. My balance is better, I get lower and I can stand up a little better.

    OHP 3X5, 1x4 and then 1x3 all @ 35lbs, Oh man these are so hard!! But I have improved so much from the last week I tried it. I really am getting stronger!

    Deadlift 1x5 @50lbs, these I'm iffy about my form. I need to look up more info. I mean I keep my back straight and lift with my legs, but I just feel something is off. More research is needed.

    Well That's all for this week as Sunday I will be running a Spartan Race and I think that will cover my workout lol. Who knows, I might still come home and hit the gym, we shall see!

    Have a great Weekend gals!
  • arrrrjt
    arrrrjt Posts: 245 Member
    Finally started back in the swing of things yesterday.

    Squats - Warmup + 5x5 @ 155 lbs
    Bench - Warmup + 1x3 @ 115lbs, felt awful, went down to 105, got 4x5 but it was a bit rough.
    Row - 5x5 @ 90 lbs - feeling better about this though

    Finished with some assisted pullups and planks (2 1/2 minutes!)
  • LazyFoodie
    LazyFoodie Posts: 217 Member
    edited October 2014
    Not sure why I never saw this thread before but awesome seeing everyone's workouts! Here is what I did this morning:

    Forced warmup: 5ish minute elliptical while waiting for squat rack or power cage to open up

    Squat: empty bar warm up and 5x5 at 80lbs. This is the first day that squats felt heavy and I got super sweaty from doing them! I forgot to dig into my heels on one and ended up losing my balance a little but recovered okay.

    Overhead press: 5x5 at 50lbs. Did 50lbs last time but thought it was really heavy and form was not great so stayed at the same weight to work on form. I think it was a lot better this time. I will try out my new 1.25 plates on these next time.

    Deadlift: Did 2 reps then had to fix plate then did 2 more, paused to fix form then did 2 more at 120lbs. I watched Rippetoe (spelling?) videos for 20 mins last night on deadlifts and was pretty excited to do these this morning but I didn't execute what I learned for form as well as I imagined. I also used the 35lb plates on these and stacked them on top of some 25lb ones bc I was too lazy to drag some 45lb plates onto the floor. That didn't go too well. The barbell wouldn't stay on top of the 25lb plates and would wobble when I dropped it so I had to pause and de-stack it. I ended up doing the rest on the floor. I think I'll stay at this weight next time and try to improve my form.

    Do you guys still stack when using 35lb plates for deadlifts? it is still smaller than 45 but only a few inches I think. Also, is it bad etiquette to be doing my deadlifts with the squat rack bar? I've been doing it there after doing my squats and OHP there since it is only one set so I don't think it takes that much more time. But sometimes I take a few minutes getting the plates on/off the bar (really hard for me when the bar is on the floor).

    I finished with some pullups on the assist machine and intervals on the stairclimber for 20 mins. Now I am super tired and not sure if I have enough energy to go for my normal lunchtime walk.
  • threnjen
    threnjen Posts: 687 Member
    Today was not so awesome for me. I sincerely believe it's because earlier this week I was not eating much on a few days (no appetite which is quite unusual for me) and I think my lack of fuel just caught up. Everything today felt weak and half-assed and my grip in particular was weak. No weight increases, in fact one was a forced deload. Note to self: JUST EAT even if I don't really feel like it

    Warmup: 14min elliptical

    Squats: Warmup, then 5x5@75. Repeat of 75lbs. They were ok? Not bad, not great. I actually felt like I did a better job my first time at 75.
    There was a girl next to me who squatted 185 while I was there and I was in awe of her.
    Accessories: planking in between sets. 2x60sec, 2x50sec
    @Crabada I just started doing this and I definitely have to rest a lot longer, so it doesn't help me finish any faster. I just like the feeling of doing "something"

    Bench: Warmup, then 3x6,1x5,1x6@repeat 60lbs. I failed on my rep 6 of set 4 for some reason. Have no clue what happened, I think I just lost concentration. Had to rack it low and scooch out. At least I hit most of the 6 reps as planned.
    Accessories: In between sets did the thing where I keep the bar up at the end of the set and do leg raises. Then rack the bar and hip popups. Did 2x15 leg raises but then my wrists started hurting holding the bar up so my last 2 leg raise sets were a lot less, not even sure how many. 3x15 hip popups.

    Barbell Row: flubbed through 1x5ish@75, then 5x5@70lbs. What happened here?! I've done 75 before and even though my form was bad it was nothing compared to today. Something was up today with my grip and I just couldn't seem to hold on to the bar. After the worst opening set in the history of ever, I immediately deloaded to 70lbs and did my 5x5.

    Deadlift: These have basically become my barbell row accessory. Again though my grip today was just weak.1x4@135 current weight. My legs/back could handle more but I could tell if I stood up again that I would drop the bar on the floor so I had to stop.

    Overall I grade myself a C+ today
  • threnjen
    threnjen Posts: 687 Member
    nancy274 wrote: »

    Do you guys still stack when using 35lb plates for deadlifts? it is still smaller than 45 but only a few inches I think. Also, is it bad etiquette to be doing my deadlifts with the squat rack bar? I've been doing it there after doing my squats and OHP there since it is only one set so I don't think it takes that much more time. But sometimes I take a few minutes getting the plates on/off the bar (really hard for me when the bar is on the floor).
    35s I didn't stack. I hated stacking, makes it so hard to put the bar back down because you have to put it in just the right spot.
    Seems fine to me to use that bar. Like you said, doesn't take that long to do a set. Was someone waiting? Maybe if someone was waiting, I would move.

  • spirit095
    spirit095 Posts: 1,017 Member
    Squats:warm up + 5@65,80,95,110, 3@125, 8@95
    Bench: 5@45,45,50,60, 3@65, 8@60
    Row: 5@45,50,60,70, 3@80(PR), 8@70

    The rows were ugly, but I got them up lol. Have a nice weekend :)

  • psych101
    psych101 Posts: 1,842 Member
    Hey all!

    Had a great lift today! Have been leaving my accessories until after my SLs workout and I feel like it's made a huge difference to the amount of weight I can shift!! During my rest times now I just walk about, drink some water, flex in the mirror lol

    Squat 5x5 @ 150lbs
    OHP 5x5 @ 60lbs
    Deadlift 1x5 @ 176lbs - BOOYAH!!

    Deads take so much out of me but god damn I love them!! My fav lift of all time!
  • logg1e wrote: »
    Went back and did the four remaining sets of bench press at 56lb! PT spotting me was not impressed and said it wasn't really worth doing :smiley:

    I'm sorry. What?!

    Unless I'm reading this wrong, I think it's time to ditch this particular PT.
  • Good Morning, you all are rockin' as always. I hope you all are having a great Halloween!

    I'm a Spartan Racer!

    Deadlift 1x5 @50lbs, these I'm iffy about my form. I need to look up more info. I mean I keep my back straight and lift with my legs, but I just feel something is off. More research is needed.

    Super cute costume. I hope your race went well!

    Something that has helped a TON with my deadlift form -- or at least making me feel more comfortable with this lift -- is to think of it as a PUSH instead of a PULL. Really push through your legs, through your heels, into the floor, rather than pulling with your back.

    My trainer friend literally yells "PUSH" when I do these -- which is awesome, but also a little embarrassing. He's loud. :) And when he's not there, I yell it to myself in my head.
  • psych101 wrote: »
    Deadlift 1x5 @ 176lbs - BOOYAH!!

    Deads take so much out of me but god damn I love them!! My fav lift of all time!

    JUST YES. Me too!

    Awesome job!