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Starting Nov 1



  • Blueberry09
    Blueberry09 Posts: 821 Member
    After a couple of glorious days in Fort Lauderdale it's off to Miami to board the ship tomorrow
  • Blueberry09
    Blueberry09 Posts: 821 Member
    What happened to the rest of my post? Weird. I wished you guys a merry Christmas and typed a whole long message. I didn't see until this morning that it was gone!

    Anyhow have a wonderful holiday and I will try to check in if I get wifi
  • ramalem
    ramalem Posts: 1,066 Member
    Hi Ladies!

    Blue - have so much fun on your cruise and soak up some sun for me!!

    Jen - I wish I had the option of a free gym. My old job had a pretty nice gym in our office and it was $15 month.... the did donate all the money to a different charity every month so that was nice. I pay $60/mo for mine which sucks but it has a lot of amenities and is super close to both work and home.

    I finished up all my shopping yesterday and just need to wrap a few more things before I am officially done done. I'm actually anxious for Christmas to just be over... im nervous for how Charlie is going to do at my big family gathering. Hopefully he just sleeps through it.

    I've got my dr. appt on Friday and hopefully can start shredding next week!!!

    I'll probably be back on, but if I don't talk to you ladies, I hope you have such a Merry Christmas!
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    How's charlie with strangers? The new baby in our family mostly sleeps, and doesn't cry a lot.

    Merry Christmas to you, too! I haven't been over here too often lately; my gym visits were a bit further apart than usual. I did up my deadlift weight to 70 for 2 sets of 12 yesterday; the rest I left more or less where they were. My body seems to be changing--suddenly people are noticing it looks different; my jeans that were a little tight suddenly fit like a dream, and my other jeans I can't fit in anymore as they have no flexibility and couldn't hold my squat-built behind.

    I'm not sure I'm going to get a walk in today--I've been busy all day (had to finish Christmas shopping this morning, then went grocery shopping--that place was as though it were a saturday rather than a Monday--then did some stitching on a project for ben (it's a tiny cross stitch of one of the characters from "the wire," and now i'm trying to bake but round one, despite greasing and flouring my mini muffin tin, stuck like crazy. Bah. They're still delicious but I can't hand them out to the mailman! Which means we'll be eating them. All. Bummer.) and now it's nearly dark.

    Enjoy that cruise, Blue!
  • terrie_k
    terrie_k Posts: 406 Member
    Have an amazing cruise Blue!
    I'm hoping to start logging my calories soon, I tried to send all of you friend requests as it seems my timeline is pretty dead. I'm not kidding myself that I will count before and during holidays. Hoping to ease back in with 1800, then 1500 and see where that goes.
    Run tonight with my friend. Bought new jeans that are a size up from before.. at least I am comfortable again..
    Happy holidays everyone. I should be on here again as I am on at work I won't get any days off until Christmas.
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    I eat 1800 every day, as a rule. I love me some lifting :)
  • terrie_k
    terrie_k Posts: 406 Member
    Run was good last night. Happy to have a buddy that pushes me or else I would've walked most of it. Calves are sore today :smiley:
    I think when I get back to heavy lifting I can stick to the 1500-1800 depending on lift days or not. We will see what my body reacts to.
  • terrie_k
    terrie_k Posts: 406 Member
    How was everyone's holidays? I am back to work today.
    So cold today, was supposed to run but I am backing out if my friend doesn't. Made it on the bike (parents don't use it anymore) last night for a bit, good to get muscles going. Got some dumbells (only go up to 20lbs) for Christmas too, now to get a bench and barbell and I am set to start!
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    Holidays were good! Busy, but good.
    I'm supposed to be finishing up basic training III in supercharged either today or tomorrow, but I've evidently come down with something. I'm doing my best to mend before we leave on Friday! Yesterday we helped friends move out of one house and into another for many, many hours; I think it used up whatever resistance I had left to this thing, which had been lurking at the edges for days. Alas!

    Glad to hear about your dumbbells; I have a set of similar size for when I can't get to the gym.
  • terrie_k
    terrie_k Posts: 406 Member
    Moving is lots of energy. I spent my cleaning up a flood I created.. oops!!
  • Blueberry09
    Blueberry09 Posts: 821 Member
    Happy new year ladies! Jen it's too bad we're not flying thru Chicago this year - we'd be passing in the airport I'm sure :) We are flying thru Dallas- just got to FLL. Flight leaves in two hours. Thank god for free wifi! I missed you guys :)
    - Cruise was awesome. Excellent weather, amazing food. Not looking forward to my weigh in tomorrow lol. Back at it on Monday! Also not looking forward to the snow that's supposed to fall today :( ugh. I want to stay here!!
  • clambert1273
    clambert1273 Posts: 840 Member
    Booo lol ok I am here... I logged my heifer food today... So it gives me something to work with but probably won't even think about working out for a while... The little voice in my head keeps me scared about it so just something I have go into slowly I guess...

    Of course still have to quit smoking before my doc shoots me in the face...
  • Blueberry09
    Blueberry09 Posts: 821 Member
    Lol Christina! You still haven't quit? I'd shoot you too lol

    I can understand how scary it must be to start working out again after what you went thru. Start slowly, like you said! You'll get there! I'm starting lifting again on Monday. Got to get rid of this water weight before my next trip to see my granddaughter in February. She was due yesterday but still hasn't put in an appearance yet! So I wait, not so patiently I might add lol
  • Blueberry09
    Blueberry09 Posts: 821 Member
    No baby news yet :( I know she's only 3 days late but doesn't she know how anxious I am for her to get here? LOL

    I had a headache for most of the weekend - not sure if it's sugar withdrawal or the change of air pressure - or maybe it's the 50 degree swing in temperature??? I wanted to start lifting again today but woke up with the headache again. I decided to just ride the bike instead - ease back into it gently LOL Despite my good intentions, there were no BWMs performed while I was away ;) Lots of stairs tho! At least 20 sets a day!

    Did you keep your date with Jillian Meg?
  • ramalem
    ramalem Posts: 1,066 Member
    Morning ladies! CLAM! You're here! QUIT SMOKING!

    Blue - oh babies taking their sweet as* time. She'll be here before you know it. I did not keep my date with J only because I've come down with either a really bad cold or the flu the past few days ugh. Once it goes away and I can breath, it's game on. How was your trip!? Cruise ships are deff good for stair walking.

    Jen - I hope you're having fun!!!

    Between the holidays, a newborn and getting (possibly) the flu, I've been down for the count the past few weeks. I've also been having some mild depression issues lately, not sure where they are stemming from... possibly baby blues or the IUD I got a week and a half ago. Heck, it might even just be a funk I'm in. I think I'm starting to come out the other side of it though - which is good. I have a feeling once I can get back into a routine, start working out and wearing something other than sweats I'll start to feel like myself again. I really thought I'd have this whole motherhood thing down by now, but kiddo is throwing me for a loop the last week or so :) I'm also gearing up for hubbie to be out of town from this Sat through the following Wednesday, I might be in tears by the time he gets home. :blush:

    Anywho - just wanted to checkin with you guys. Hoping to get back into the habit of checking in 2-3 times per week. Have a great start to the week!
  • terrie_k
    terrie_k Posts: 406 Member
    Welcome back Blue! Have you noticed how dry it is here? Took me 2 weeks before I didn't have to moisturizer hourly but I still have to use Lipsol every few hours. Dry air and all the pressure changes might be adding to your headaches, our weather has been crazy lately.

    Meg - I'm glad you realize that you are in a funk, it should help you figure out what to do to get out of it. Goodluck, I know you can pull through :smiley:

    Just got a home gym (mostly for lat pulldown and I think I can rig it for rows) yesterday FREE! Just waiting for the roommate/tennant to vacate so I can have my gym room. Still just missing the barbell and bench but I think I can muddle my way around with my dumbbells.
    I have been doing well biking (indoors) lately, about 30-40 min a day, not much but something. Haven't had a run outside in 2 weeks due to holidays and cold, I miss it to the point that I actually might brave the -15C today and give it a shot (promised the running buddy we would do 2x this week).
  • Blueberry09
    Blueberry09 Posts: 821 Member
    terrie_f wrote: »
    Welcome back Blue! Have you noticed how dry it is here? Took me 2 weeks before I didn't have to moisturizer hourly but I still have to use Lipsol every few hours. Dry air and all the pressure changes might be adding to your headaches, our weather has been crazy lately.

    Funny you should mention that - the minute I stepped out of the airport here, I swear my skin started to flake and itch LOL A tan sure fades fast when it's -25 out! I think the headaches have something to do with the pressure change. It hasn't gone away yet :(

    Sorry to hear you're under the weather Meg :( I hope getting back to a regular schedule helps to clear things up for you. Although being without hubby for a few days probably isn't going to help. I'm going to be in Vancouver this weekend - I'll help you LOL Too bad my aunt is in Vancouver and not Seattle!

    A free gym, Terrie?? SCORE!! I noticed in the flyers on the weekend everyone has workout equipment on sale. You might be able to pick something up cheap!

  • terrie_k
    terrie_k Posts: 406 Member
    Super excited. Added a free bench and some weights. Ready to start when my room is clear!
  • Blueberry09
    Blueberry09 Posts: 821 Member
    That's awesome Terrie! I started again this morning and remembered how much I hate step ups LOL

    Baby is on her way :):) Mandi had to be induced so I'm not sure how long it will take. I hope to have an update by morning! Maybe even pictures!
  • Blueberry09
    Blueberry09 Posts: 821 Member
    She's here! Paige Elizabeth was born this morning at 10:11 am Denmark time. She was 5 lbs 7 oz 18.9 inches long. I might be a little biased, but I think she's beautiful LOL
  • clambert1273
    clambert1273 Posts: 840 Member
    OMG she is beautiful...

    and now all of you can shut up - I quit smoking today... have not had 1... I am cheating and using the patch for now but will remove that after a week or 2.

    AWWW babies... glad they aren't mine :wink:
  • Blueberry09
    Blueberry09 Posts: 821 Member
    AWWW babies... glad they aren't mine :wink:

    I know what you mean :) I'm the world's greatest Auntie! I can hug them and spoil them and send them home! This one will be just about 5 weeks old when I get to meet her <3

    YAY for quitting smoking! So what if you're using the patch? Just like weight loss - do whatever you need to do to get you thru! You got this - I know you do :)
  • ramalem
    ramalem Posts: 1,066 Member
    Aww Blue - she's gorgeous! How exciting for you. What a tiny little thing. Vancouver, fun! have a good time.
    Terrie - free home gym? Amazing! I want one.
    Clam - YAY good for you. We'll be here to remind you daily that it's a great idea haha.

    Finally feeling better today. I got in a good long walk up a very very steep hill yesterday and that felt pretty good. I'm going to try and get back out again this afternoon, have to take advantage of anytime it's not raining around here. If Charlie decides to nap well this afternoon perhaps I'll start my time with Jillian. Luckily, the weight is still coming off due to breast feeding, but I'm anticipating that leveling off pretty soon. I'm trying to make better food choices too, and focusing on ordering out less.

    It's tough to know how much/if at all the limit my food intake since I am breast feeding. A lot of moms have said to wait at least until 2 months to start making any big changes, as I can affect your supply. So, I'll give myself another week and then maybe start tracking or at least paying attention more.

    Anywho - have a great day ladies. Hopefully checkin soon!

  • clambert1273
    clambert1273 Posts: 840 Member
    Meg just set your calorie goal manually higher to account for the extra calories needed for BF :) That should still keep you in a slight deficit without the fear of the milk production.
  • clambert1273
    clambert1273 Posts: 840 Member
    So today I went back looking through old threads that I had bookmarked on here - my motivational threads that got me started wanting to do this so long ago... Of course they make me want to do it all again.. but then I freeze (literally stop dead in my tracks).. it is like an invisible barrier that I can't seem to break through :( It is so depressing... maybe after a week or 2 with no smoking I won't be as terrified. I think my brain is actually waiting for the follow up Angiogram which is on January 28th and hoping he says "everything is good, no further problems". Our biggest fear is that the coiling isn't working OR he finds another that needs fixed. BAHHHHHH I hate this..

    I ate well yesterday.. still have not smoked but wearing the patch like a wimp. That is exactly how I interpret it - I am too wimpy to go without it right now *sigh* and if you notice I have not said one word on Facebook about quitting lol

    Then comes the decision.. do I start back with NROL, Strong Lifts or Starting Strength... Can someone please make my brain stop.... and I had to order a new scale :neutral_face:
  • Blueberry09
    Blueberry09 Posts: 821 Member
    Oh Christina :'( I feel for what you're going thru - I'd be terrified myself. Is there anything that you can do without possibly aggravating your condition? It's been so long, waiting until a clean bill of health on the 28th just puts it off just a little bit. I hear ya on the what to do, what to do?? I started back just this week - do I do 4W again? Or Supercharged or 4Life as I have both books? Do I do the plan I came up with in the fall? Decisions decisions. I decided to go with my own plan. But I think I might change it. Step ups did that to me LOL Funny, I didn't mind the lunges in w/o 2 so much this time :)

    If wearing the patch is what is going to work for you, then I say wear it proudly!! We all get thru our battles in different ways. I eat the same thing for lunch day after day and the guys in my office always make fun of me :D BUT, I know it's healthy and it's really easy to pull together in the morning so I say phooey on them! Now that I think about it, I eat the same thing for breakfast, lunch and my snack at the office LOL Day after day! But for me it's easy and it works.

    I'm glad you're feeling better Meg. Do you take Charlie out for walks yet - or is he still a little young to be out in the chill? I'm just a great Aunt - I know nothing about actually raising babies LOL Did you get to book some time with Jillian? I'm really thinking of incorporating some of her weight moves into my workouts for a little variety. Like Christina, I need someone to make my brain stop!!

    Have a wonderful Thursday!
  • clambert1273
    clambert1273 Posts: 840 Member
    I know it is something I just have to DO to get over it... hubby offered to be in there with me so that if I freaked or just needed help then he would be there... I think I will just set in my head for Feb 1 .. that way it is after my doc and I can adjust from there if I need to and gives me time to recover from the Angio.. it's the waiting and not knowing that is killing me...

    I know I shouldn't care that I am wearing the patch and I don't plan on wearing it long.. just getting out of the "habit" part of smoking.. like the certain time of day or driving and then I will remove it... but still feel like a wimp LOL

    I love the simplicity of strong lifts.. it literally only takes about 30 min and you are done. Each day you work out the weight progresses so that is good. I need to get some fractional weights... that just reminded me lol

    I will shut up now :)
  • Blueberry09
    Blueberry09 Posts: 821 Member
    I will shut up now :)

    Nah, vent away! That's what we're here for :)

  • terrie_k
    terrie_k Posts: 406 Member
    My dad did the nicoret gum and my mom went cold turkey, both after 20+ years of smoking. Everyone is different with what works, the important thing is succeeding :)
    I decided to start 30DS to get my weight down a bit (hopefully) before starting to lift. Plus, I need my room vacated still. I didn't realize how hard that workout is when you are out of shape! I remember making fun of the husband for struggling the first time we did it and now I can't do more than 5 "man" pushup :(
    So many workout options out there!
  • terrie_k
    terrie_k Posts: 406 Member
    What a small adorable baby!
This discussion has been closed.