Did you swim today?



  • bama6977
    bama6977 Posts: 71 Member
    30 min in hotel pool....Yuk!
  • AquaticQuests
    AquaticQuests Posts: 945 Member
    edited January 2015
    45 min.

    Trying to go easy for the time being as I investigate some discomfort I've been having over the past week! Will probably get checked. Has me abit worried!

    So instead I'm ticking down the speed and trying to be even more deliberate on all the elements of the stroke I can remember, and trying to make them all second nature!

    Breathing without lifting whole head (ie one eye remains under and head remains low), high elbow catch, wrist above fingers on entry and elbow above wrist on entry, pulling back towards feet and not down towards bottom of pool, fingers going in first and not in a thumb first orientation, hand not crossing the midline on entry or at any point in the pull, legs straight and kicking from the hips, ankles loose and flexible but extended and stretched out on the kick, horizontal body position and stretched out with core remaining as controlled and tight as can be sustained, body rotation enabling maximum energy transmitted to pull, legs close together and no scissor kick, stroke rate not too slow, pull with maximum power, and carrying the power through the entire pull to the end where the hand approaches the hips and comes out increasing stroke length without gliding

    So much to remember - it's like every week, there's an additional item to keep track of! But one day, one fine day, it will all click together, and boy what a day it will be!

  • Bruceapple
    Bruceapple Posts: 2,026 Member
    Yes: 1 mile @ 35 min. + 1 mile @‌ 39 min
  • juliet3455
    juliet3455 Posts: 3,015 Member
    800 Free, 200 Breast, 200 Back, 200 Kick-Breathing exercises 60 mins
  • newoutlook2014
    newoutlook2014 Posts: 68 Member
    wow... impressive stats

    not today but yesterday I aquajogged 20 lengths.. and today I booked swim lessons to start in 2 weeks to improve my technique
  • juliet3455
    juliet3455 Posts: 3,015 Member
    edited January 2015
    600 free, 200 back, 200 breast, ~ 200 kick and breathing exercises, ~60 mins:
    4 per lane so lots of extra mental work required to get in a decent swim.

    Plus a little quality water slide time with my niece and nephews after lanes were done. Nothing as good as hearing the excited scream of a child having fun on the slide. Helps the family out as with the extra Adult one of us stays in the Recovery pool and makes sure the little ones get to the edge safely.
    I love throwing the flippers on and doing a Dolphin kick at the bottom of the pool as long as I can because it gives them a big kick watching "Uncle fly under water".

    The instructors in our Stroke Improvement and the Master's group have exposed us 40+ year old men who started swimming late in life as having a "Weak Kick" when compared to Ladies of the same vintage (Started swimming later in life) or people who took up swimming at an early age. The strange thing to them is that the bio-mechanics look right but there's just no power being developed when compared to other groups. Free and Breast stroke I am the fastest in the group of 8 - Backstroke - middle of the pack. Put a boogie board in our hands and tell us to do 2 lengths of kicking and I am dead last- sucking for air and everybody pass's me - from my perspective they seem to be flying. That's why I have added a lot of extra Kick/Breathing exercises to my routine.

    Macstraw, AquaticQuests and others in the group - any hints or suggestions?
  • newoutlook2014
    newoutlook2014 Posts: 68 Member
    yep went again today.. did 20 lengths aqua jogging
  • Bruceapple
    Bruceapple Posts: 2,026 Member
    Yes, 2 miles @‌ 72 minutes
  • NoelFigart1
    NoelFigart1 Posts: 1,276 Member
    1300 39:40

    Drills, drills, drills. Gotta get proper stroke mechanics into kenetic memory.
  • bama6977
    bama6977 Posts: 71 Member
    25/50yards@35 min
  • Macstraw
    Macstraw Posts: 896 Member
    juliet3455 wrote: »
    600 free, 200 back, 200 breast, ~ 200 kick and breathing exercises, ~60 mins:
    4 per lane so lots of extra mental work required to get in a decent swim.

    Plus a little quality water slide time with my niece and nephews after lanes were done. Nothing as good as hearing the excited scream of a child having fun on the slide. Helps the family out as with the extra Adult one of us stays in the Recovery pool and makes sure the little ones get to the edge safely.
    I love throwing the flippers on and doing a Dolphin kick at the bottom of the pool as long as I can because it gives them a big kick watching "Uncle fly under water".

    The instructors in our Stroke Improvement and the Master's group have exposed us 40+ year old men who started swimming late in life as having a "Weak Kick" when compared to Ladies of the same vintage (Started swimming later in life) or people who took up swimming at an early age. The strange thing to them is that the bio-mechanics look right but there's just no power being developed when compared to other groups. Free and Breast stroke I am the fastest in the group of 8 - Backstroke - middle of the pack. Put a boogie board in our hands and tell us to do 2 lengths of kicking and I am dead last- sucking for air and everybody pass's me - from my perspective they seem to be flying. That's why I have added a lot of extra Kick/Breathing exercises to my routine.

    Macstraw, AquaticQuests and others in the group - any hints or suggestions?

    I'm betting that your kicking fast & furious without much distance gained to show for it - think more about generating power from the hips, making the kick strong instead of concentrating on how fast you can get your legs moving. A fast kick is effective for sprints, once you learn to generate that power but that's a little down the road. Go to YouTube & look up "2 beat kick", you'll get some nice drills to work on. You'll learn the feel of generating power, then you can adjust your kick speed to the type of swimming you're doing. The other thing to do is kick, kick & kick some more. Add some extra kick sets to your routine - not crazy yardage, but to do some kicking every day so that you get more attuned to the feel.....

  • newoutlook2014
    newoutlook2014 Posts: 68 Member
    did another 21 lengths of aqua jogging (I'll do some actual swimming in time--promise) and even managed to pass some people (a first for me)!
  • 60sPanda
    60sPanda Posts: 303 Member
    Yesterday and this morning did 2km in 40 mins, then a 5 min cool down. Felt good.

    Thanks for the tips McStraw on kicking - I know I have a fairly good speed, but its all in the arms as my kicks are really, really weak. I too shall look up that video and get my kickboard to the pool with me from now on.
  • NoelFigart1
    NoelFigart1 Posts: 1,276 Member
    1500 43:32
  • juliet3455
    juliet3455 Posts: 3,015 Member
    Thanks for the kicking tips McStraw. I usually just searched for swimming video - never thought of searching for 2 beat kick or kick videos. No swim yesterday - a corporation had sponsored the pool for the day so it was a day long free public/family swim. Great for the families/not for us laneys.
  • Bruceapple
    Bruceapple Posts: 2,026 Member
    Yes, 2 miles @‌ 72 minutes
  • gentlygently
    gentlygently Posts: 752 Member
    1k in under 36 mins (IM mainly) plus 300m of drills. So slightly faster and then a bit longer...happy with that. Especially as had not been trying for speed as knew would be going for longer.

    An 8.30am swim - the end of the commuting crowd rather than my usual 'not working today' crowd. Expected high speeds and not much friendliness. Wrong on both counts.
  • juliet3455
    juliet3455 Posts: 3,015 Member
    600 free / 400 kick & breathing exercises.
    Regular Tuesday Night Swim Lessons.
  • NoelFigart1
    NoelFigart1 Posts: 1,276 Member
    1500 44-odd minutes.

    The time isn't really all that important because it was drills, drills, drills. My RIBS hurt, for pity's sake, so I really wasn't engaging my whole body on my stroke. Glad I caught it now rather than practicing it wrong for ANOTHER 100,000 times!
  • AquaticQuests
    AquaticQuests Posts: 945 Member
    edited January 2015
    Woot woot! Don't know if I'll be able to wait till next week to get back in the pool as I had planned!
    May give them a go on Saturday - feel like I a 5 yr old!