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Daily check-in: Something catchy that rhymes with January!



  • katro111
    katro111 Posts: 632 Member
    Short and sweet workout today.

    Deloaded squats: 5@100, 5@110, 5@120lbs
    Sumo DL: 3x10 @‌ 135lbs
    Split squats: 10, 15, 20 (per leg) @ body weight
  • DaivaSimone
    DaivaSimone Posts: 657 Member
    Everyone of you girls are inspiring because of your commitment and your constancy. I am feeling a little depress today (thanks to my four hours of sleep night), but I was reading your check ins and was like: oh yeah, lifting is fun. I'm looking forward to my tomorrow workout!

    Today was a complete rest day, but I'm hitting the gym tomorrow at 6:30. Can't wait!
  • perseverance14
    perseverance14 Posts: 1,364 Member
    Yes I know 11 sets of 5 reps of squats is a bit crazy.

    Workout A (Tues)

    Bench press - 5 x 5 - 75

    Barbell Row, Bent Over - 5 x 5 - 75

    Squats 5 x 11 - 115
  • psych101
    psych101 Posts: 1,842 Member
    edited January 2015
    @Llamapants86‌ I feel the exact same way about lifting, esp when everything else in life is not going to plan!

    Lifted tonight in the hot hot garage. So hot lol

    Squat 5x5 @ 165lbs - am so happy with this cos is basically what I weigh!! Form was *kitten* on the final rep so will repeat this weight for a week or so I think

    Bench 5x5 @ 83lbs

    Row 5x5 @‌ 95lbs

    Holy moly I am shaking now!!


  • TheMOC
    TheMOC Posts: 74 Member
    Today was a cardio day. I need to shave some seconds off my run time quick so I decided to try hill sprints. OMG. Not for the faint of heart. I thought my lungs were going to explode by the halfway point.
  • krokador
    krokador Posts: 1,794 Member
    edited January 2015
    I feel lazy today. And I was a bit tired and out of it this AM to be honest. Skimped on my warm-up and am paying for it with groin and hamstring cramps right now xD Ah well.

    (these stupid forums won't even add the image link from drive tinyurl-ed. I don't know how to deal with this no more D:)

    As i said, too lazy to type it out, but you can see what goes on paper and how i log the crazinss (if you can read it, lol)

    It's so cold out right now, but should warm-up over the course of the day so, walk pl0x at lunch?
  • coltsgirl311
    coltsgirl311 Posts: 226 Member
    Workout A today. I was planning to move up on squats but I was fighting some DOMS from Monday, so I stayed at 95 lbs. Ironically, they actually felt easier today, even with the soreness!

    Squats 5x5@95 lbs
    Bench 5x5@60 lbs. Planning to move up next time.
    Rows 5x5@60 lbs. Planning to move up next time.

    RDLs 3x10@60 lbs
    CGBP 3x8@45 lbs

    Elliptical since I'm getting sick of the treadmill. I can't wait for the slightly warmer temps so I can start running outside again!
  • fothers365
    fothers365 Posts: 59 Member
    Work out A today-

    this is the second time doing this since I just started recently.

    Squats 5x5@55lb
    BP- 5x5@50lb
    Rows 5x5@50lb

    These were all fine so able to increase the weight in them all next time.

    Keep up the good work everyone!
  • DaivaSimone
    DaivaSimone Posts: 657 Member
    Workout B today

    Squats 1x45, 1x65, 1x75, 5x80 - it was ok. Somehow, I always fear that I won't be able to get up after going down, or something like this, but I finished my sets with a pleasant difficulty, and now I'm feeling my thighs with an equal pleasure.

    Overhead press 1x30, 5x35. Can't wait to try them at 40 because 35 was not that bad.

    Deadlift 1x45, 1x65, 1x95. I was supposed to make the set at 75, but I made a mistake somehow and ended up racking 25 pounds plates instead of 20 (yeah, I know that 20 plates would have made 85 pounds, not 75, but HEY, morning ok), and I did the set at 95. It was ok. I can probably up from here, but I will make another try at 95 before going to 100.
  • Llamapants86
    Llamapants86 Posts: 1,221 Member
    @DaivaSimone‌ I would suggest that you do a fake fail on all of the lifts at least once, preferably at a relatively lower weight. It really helps with confidence knowing that you can drop it if you need to.
  • DaivaSimone
    DaivaSimone Posts: 657 Member
    Is there a proper way to fake fail? (ok, this is a noob question for sure)
  • haley183
    haley183 Posts: 24 Member
    Workout A last night

    Squat - 5x5 @ 85 lb
    Bench - 5x5 @‌ 65 lb
    Row - 5x5 @ 75 lb
  • krokador
    krokador Posts: 1,794 Member
    Is there a proper way to fake fail? (ok, this is a noob question for sure)

    Sure, if you squat in a cage or with safeties all you have to do is go down and pretend you can't get back up, sit back and let the bar rest on the safeties. That way you can also figure out how to adjust the height of them properly if that's possible. If you *don't* have safeties it's a bit more of a hassle because you have to drop the bar behind you. It *will* be noisy. So don't unless you really need to.

    On bench you just lower the bar down to your chest and practice the roll of shame. (Plenty of youtube videos showing it off)

    Failing on deadlift isn't dangerous (unless you try to grind it out and lose your back tightness, then you could get hurt).

    Same for OHP. The bar just won't go up, at worst just drop it in front of you and get the hell outta dodge (but usually you can safely rack it on your shoulders and put it back somewhere).
  • Llamapants86
    Llamapants86 Posts: 1,221 Member
    With squats you need to make sure the squat rack has pins. You just kind of sit down until you hit the pins and then lean forward and get out of the way. When you are practicing it you can be very controlled. When it happens for real its more, well gravity driven.

    Bench I do the roll of shame because I don't have safety pins, you just roll the bar down your body. It isn't pleasant but it does get you unstuck.

    OHP you just aren't able to get the weight up or you drop it in front of you (lots of noise but no owwies)

    DL's and rows you just set them down in a partial rep. No biggy.

    That's how I do it, others might have more effective ways or better ways of describing it.
  • DaivaSimone
    DaivaSimone Posts: 657 Member
    Thank you krokador and llamapants for detailed answers! I definitely will take time friday or next monday to practice those. I'm a little bit shy to do this in the gym, but still, I think it's a matter of safety, so let's do it!
  • So many new members of the group--I can't keep up with you all. That's awesome :-)

    My workout for today:

    Squat 5x5 75 lbs (yay)
    Barbell Military Press 5x7 45 lbs (so so sad; last week I was at 50 lbs)
    Deadlift, Straight Leg 1x5 100 lbs (yay)

    Convict Conditioning Step 2: Horizontal Pulls 5x8
    third world squat 5x8

    I received my new bench yesterday. It's partially assembled but I had to stop so I could watch POI last night. I'll finish it so I can use it for Friday's bench :-)
  • Thank you krokador and llamapants for detailed answers! I definitely will take time friday or next monday to practice those. I'm a little bit shy to do this in the gym, but still, I think it's a matter of safety, so let's do it!

    I practiced failing a squat at the gym with the pins and it was very underwhelming, LOL.
  • Everyone had the same idea as I did about coming to the gym in inclement weather. Oh well, still got a good workout in! And to all my northern friends in this group, a little snow where I live goes a long way. It's laughable.

    Squat 125 5x5 :dizzy_face: going to stay here again until it's easier and my form doesn't wobble.

    OHP 60 8x3 but it was difficult and some were ugly so will stay here again.

    Deadlift 145 1x5 plus some others with different grips. I was happy with my form. I usually do left under and right over once it gets heavy but I think it felt more natural when I reversed it. Will try it that way for working sets next time.

    I also did skull crushers because the squat racks were taken 30 3x8.

    I missed the gym. Can't wait till Friday.
  • Sumiblue
    Sumiblue Posts: 1,597 Member
    squats 5@45, 5@65, 5x5@105
    Deadlifts 5x5@135, 5@45

    Hip thrusters 10@45
    Bicep curls-5@45 (I was fried at this point)

    I feel like I've gotten really weak. I'm not progressing with OHP at all. Squats were okay but felt heavy and I could feel my muscle pain in my quads with the warmup. I think it's just because I am squatting deeper, I'm really chewing up those quads, lol. Deadlifts sucked tonight, plain and simple. I'm going to stay at 135lbs next time.
  • bepeejaye
    bepeejaye Posts: 775 Member
    To all that suggested the different ways to fake squat fails - thank you! I aim to try some!

    Sum - I am that way with OHP too...this is my second month and I still have not loaded any plates on the Oly bar. But this week, I aim to add the 2.5 lbs. on each end. The last time I did that I manages 3 then failed...I guess will go from there. Let's keep at it. Muscle memory is an amazing thing!!

    I do not add weights every week, but every fortnight- so that I may work on my form. I do not know if that will work against me, but I will continue doing so...

    Lift on!!!