January ETL - Nutritarian New Year!



  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 4,055 Member
    JCN80 wrote: »
    Eating has been going well. We made a vegetable soup and Thai Braised Kale and Tofu, which is one of my favorites. Unfortunately, the babies got my husband and I sick, so I've had a fever for the last two days. If I get better at the same rate they do, then I should be able to go to work tomorrow. *fingers crossed* I also learned that being sore from a workout plus being achy from a virus is a very unpleasant combination. I advise against it.

    Also if anyone wants to be my friend on MFP, I would love to have some ETL friends :)

    Hi JCN, glad to hear things are still going well. I have been feeling a bit under the weather myself the past few days. Hope you all are feeling better soon. I'll shoot you a friend request.
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 4,055 Member
    Everyone’s food sounds so good. I am still feeling pretty blah today. The headache seems to be mostly gone though, and my stomach seems a bit better. I hope I’ll be back to myself by tomorrow. Going to make it another early to bed night.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    Mihani wrote: »
    Everyone’s food sounds so good. I am still feeling pretty blah today. The headache seems to be mostly gone though, and my stomach seems a bit better. I hope I’ll be back to myself by tomorrow. Going to make it another early to bed night.

    Good luck and get some rest!
  • whats_her_name
    whats_her_name Posts: 716 Member
    My onion juice was actually really very good. I'll make it again for sure. My DH is feeling sick and went to bed right after supper. So I had to take my son to hockey. No treadmill for me tonight as I still have a mountain of dishes waiting for me at home. Not to mention the kids' homework, snack time and bedtime. Sheesh, what a long day...
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    My onion juice was actually really very good. I'll make it again for sure. My DH is feeling sick and went to bed right after supper. So I had to take my son to hockey. No treadmill for me tonight as I still have a mountain of dishes waiting for me at home. Not to mention the kids' homework, snack time and bedtime. Sheesh, what a long day...

    Glad the onion was good and hope you weren't up too late!
  • tdh1991
    tdh1991 Posts: 511 Member
    HI All,

    Sorry to hear everyone is feeling sick. Feel better soon. It seems like everyone I know has been sick since New years.

    I am back at home. Today it is back to work but only for 3/4 day. Not so bad.

    Goal for today is to make a dinner plan for the rest of the week. Day off today from the gym and plan on working out the rest of the week.

    Everyone have a great day
  • whats_her_name
    whats_her_name Posts: 716 Member
    My DD was being a bit of an overtired drama queen, so it was close to 11 when I finally went to sleep. Long, long day. And then both my kids ended up in our bed, so I started getting crowded out (and woken up) by 3am. So I didn't get up with my alarm today, either.

    Tonight isn't going to be any better - the kids both have activities tonight and the DH has a retirement party, so I'm on my own... With both me and my daughter being overtired. Should be fun...

    On the bright side, I am down a WHOPPING 4 lbs this morning!!! Of course, still up overall (quite a bit), so I can't get too excited about that until I get back to my weight from last Oct. But still, it feels good and let's me feel like maybe I can rock this round of juicing (last night I had my doubts - I was pretty hungry).

    Trying another new (and scary) juice for lunch today - made with half a head of green cabbage... I can't even remember the other ingredients right now! I'm crossing my fingers that it's tasty...

  • liapr
    liapr Posts: 648 Member
    Hi all :)

    Sorry to hear that so many of you are feeling under the weather. For some reason, I'm still scraping by, although it does seem like absolutely everyone has been sick with something! Knock on wood for me...

    Karrie, awesome re the loss!! Boo re the sleep... hope you can catch up a bit tonight. Sounds like one of those crazy weeks!

    Terri, welcome back to the cold! Misery loves company, hehe :) I find the meal plans are helping me big time!!

    Mihani, I used your idea this week!! I made a big salad with tomatoes, avocado, red pepper, black soy beans, brown rice, and a homemade burrito sauce (adobo, chipotle pepper, coconut yogurt, lime juice, cumin). It was yummy and a great way to work in beans with salad. Thanks again for your suggestion/inspiration!

    Sabine, ahh I'm glad I'm not the only one to have done that!! How is your week going?

    JCN, will add you right now!!

    Feel better guys. Maybe everyone get a nice long sleep tonight! I'm sleepy today but having a busy work day.

    PS I ordered Focus T25 and am excited to start that! I wasn't a huge fan of 30DS but I like the reviews for T25 and the sound of an upbeat cardio/strength dvd. It's a similar premise - 25 minutes a day for 5 days a week. I think it's doable and I'm excited for something different!
  • JCN80
    JCN80 Posts: 29 Member
    what's_her_name, that sounds exhausting. I was hoping that things would get a little more relaxed with older kids. Hopefully you get some rest tonight.

    Lia, let me know how Focus T25 is. I was thinking of getting that, but I'm really just looking for a good workout for the weekends. During the week I workout at our office gym, and I do the aerobic and strength training classes there.
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 4,055 Member
    Darn it, lost my post. I am feeling better today. I never felt totally sick like I had to stay in bed, just queasy and a headache for several days. I have it in my head that it is Friday and no matter how many times I tell myself that it's Thursday some part of my brain refuses to believe.

    Lia, stumbled across a salad dressing that uses chickpeas on Dreena Burton's site. Maybe another way to get some beans in your salads. plantpoweredkitchen.com/recipe-page/?recipe_id=6066668

    I just signed up for a 6 week Tai Chi class. I took it some years ago but didn't stay up on it and I don't remember much. It starts mid-February and I can't wait!
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    edited January 2015
    The family wanted "chain food" last night, so we went out to a restaurant. I had a caesar, and a small entree (which I ate half of, brought half home). BOY can I feel the difference. Always so fascinating. What I'm working through is WHAT, exactly, makes the difference. I started having hot flashes DURING dinner. And they continued through the night. fascinating.
  • whats_her_name
    whats_her_name Posts: 716 Member
    Ooh, that chickpea dressing sounds like a great idea - I think I'll try that when I'm eating again.

    Glad you're feeling better Mihani - it always sucks when you're not feeling 100%.

    Sabine, that is really interesting - do you think it's salt or something like that? I'm trying to think what could be different about the food you ordered vs. what you would make yourself at home....

    Today is day 3 of juicing and I am down 6 lbs. Yay!! But I am ashamed to admit that I still need to lose 16 more to be as low as I was last fall. There. It's out there. I'm a dummy...

    I am happy to report that my kids went to bed easily last night, and I went to bed immediately after them. I think I was asleep within seconds. And with my sweater on, too. Didn't wake up at all until 4, then saw the clock and went <<yes!!>> then went back to sleep until 6:20. And when I got up, there were no kids in the bed!! Can't remember the last time I could say that... So today I think we are all well rested, and tonight is a nice, relaxing night at home - getting caught up on homework and my knitting. I might be able to wear my new handmade socks to work tomorrow!

    Today's breakfast juice was a red pepper & carrot drink. Can't remember what else was in there, but it was pretty darn tasty. I'll be making that one again too. My other 2 juices today are old standbys - favorites of mine from my last round of juicing. (Yes, I only make 3 juices each day, but I make 5 servings all together, so I'm getting enough - don't worry...)

    Alright, gotta get to it. Have a wonderful day and I hope everyone's night is as relaxing as mine will be (I'm REALLY looking forward to it!!)

  • whats_her_name
    whats_her_name Posts: 716 Member
    I think my Fitbit is here! I have to go pick it up at lunch, and then get it charged up this afternoon!!! I'm so excited!!
  • MakePeasNotWar
    MakePeasNotWar Posts: 1,329 Member
    Time Warner finally cane and hooked up our internet today. I feel like I am just crawling out of a cave, lol. I used my iPhone to log a few times, but I had to use roaming data for internet so I haven't been on the forums since before we moved.

    The weather here is amazing and we have been able to hike all but about 2 days since we arrived. There are several good trails around so it will probably keep us in new hikes for at least a few weeks :smile:

    The produce has been good overall, but it's a bit tricky to get berries that aren't overripe, so my first priority for balcony plants is going to be a potted strawberry bush, I think. I'd love to grow avocado, but even the dwarf trees are 10-15 feet high, so that's not going to work.

    I hope everyone is well; I will try to catch up on all the posts in the next couple of days.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    Ooh, that chickpea dressing sounds like a great idea - I think I'll try that when I'm eating again.

    Glad you're feeling better Mihani - it always sucks when you're not feeling 100%.

    Sabine, that is really interesting - do you think it's salt or something like that? I'm trying to think what could be different about the food you ordered vs. what you would make yourself at home....

    Today is day 3 of juicing and I am down 6 lbs. Yay!! But I am ashamed to admit that I still need to lose 16 more to be as low as I was last fall. There. It's out there. I'm a dummy...

    I am happy to report that my kids went to bed easily last night, and I went to bed immediately after them. I think I was asleep within seconds. And with my sweater on, too. Didn't wake up at all until 4, then saw the clock and went <<yes!!>> then went back to sleep until 6:20. And when I got up, there were no kids in the bed!! Can't remember the last time I could say that... So today I think we are all well rested, and tonight is a nice, relaxing night at home - getting caught up on homework and my knitting. I might be able to wear my new handmade socks to work tomorrow!

    Today's breakfast juice was a red pepper & carrot drink. Can't remember what else was in there, but it was pretty darn tasty. I'll be making that one again too. My other 2 juices today are old standbys - favorites of mine from my last round of juicing. (Yes, I only make 3 juices each day, but I make 5 servings all together, so I'm getting enough - don't worry...)

    Alright, gotta get to it. Have a wonderful day and I hope everyone's night is as relaxing as mine will be (I'm REALLY looking forward to it!!)
    Good question. It *could* be salt. I need more data points, but don't want them. ha.
  • whats_her_name
    whats_her_name Posts: 716 Member
    Welcome back peas! :smile: Happy hiking!! I'm growing 2 avocado trees right now, but I've read they take 7 years to bear fruit. We'll see. We're working on year 1 here...

    I finished my first pair of knitted socks last night and have been wearing them ever since! Customized to just my size, they hug my feet and feel so comfy! I can hardly wait to make more! And it doesn't matter how much weight I lose, the socks will still fit!


    My fitbit did arrive yesterday; it's a fun little gadget. And Mihani, you're right - it does feel a little judgy - It actually made me get on the treadmill and do my workout last night so I would get my 10,000 steps for the day. (Yes, I set the goal a bit high - but maybe that'll get me on the treadmill EVERY day!!). It also recorded that I only got 6 hours and 34 minutes of sleep last night. I have to try to do better there... I think judgy is just what I need right now...

    Also, this morning is day 4 of juicing. After 3 days, I'm down exactly 7 lbs. Yay! Going strong, too. I'm definitely in for another 3 days. Wash, rinse, repeat! :smiley:
  • UtahWI
    UtahWI Posts: 257 Member
    edited January 2015
    JCN80 wrote: »
    Eating has been going well. We made a vegetable soup and Thai Braised Kale and Tofu, which is one of my favorites. Unfortunately, the babies got my husband and I sick, so I've had a fever for the last two days. If I get better at the same rate they do, then I should be able to go to work tomorrow. *fingers crossed* I also learned that being sore from a workout plus being achy from a virus is a very unpleasant combination. I advise against it.

    Also if anyone wants to be my friend on MFP, I would love to have some ETL friends :)

    Hopefully you are feeling better by now! My viral thing came on like a bus, the fever lasted 2+ days, but then dissipated quickly. But the morning it came on, well...I had done the toughest workout from Kettlebell Kickboxing Scorcher Series the night before, and I had a hard time figuring out just what I was hurting from! And that went on for several days, I am pretty sure most of my aches and pains were from the flu but the deep glute soreness I expect was from the KB. Not really a great combination, I agree!

    Lia and JCN...I have T25, I love Shaun T! But, I haven't done the set as a set...It came out shortly after I was done with chemo and it was of course way too hard for me then but I had illusions of grandeur....I overestimated where I needed to start with fitness for a looooong time, lol! Since then, I have done pieces of it but have gotten distracted by doing other things and have never gone back to try to do the whole thing. I do like the bits I have done. There is a modifier, although some of the modifications are pretty boring, and I found myself at times needing to uplevel the modifier but not yet be ready for the full move. Easily enough done, to uplevel.

    I am going to do a little "tougher" workout today, then go back to work tomorrow for the first time since being sick....I am guessing it will be exhausting...I will get back to that Scorcher Series on Monday.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    Welcome back peas! :smile: Happy hiking!! I'm growing 2 avocado trees right now, but I've read they take 7 years to bear fruit. We'll see. We're working on year 1 here...

    I finished my first pair of knitted socks last night and have been wearing them ever since! Customized to just my size, they hug my feet and feel so comfy! I can hardly wait to make more! And it doesn't matter how much weight I lose, the socks will still fit!


    My fitbit did arrive yesterday; it's a fun little gadget. And Mihani, you're right - it does feel a little judgy - It actually made me get on the treadmill and do my workout last night so I would get my 10,000 steps for the day. (Yes, I set the goal a bit high - but maybe that'll get me on the treadmill EVERY day!!). It also recorded that I only got 6 hours and 34 minutes of sleep last night. I have to try to do better there... I think judgy is just what I need right now...

    Also, this morning is day 4 of juicing. After 3 days, I'm down exactly 7 lbs. Yay! Going strong, too. I'm definitely in for another 3 days. Wash, rinse, repeat! :smiley:

    Those look like nutritarian socks! I love them! SEVEN pounds? Amazing.
  • liapr
    liapr Posts: 648 Member
    Wow, Karrie - great socks AND huge loss!!! That's amazing!!! You should be so proud of your crafty and juicing abilities lol. Do you find you are hungry when you juice anymore or are you totally used to it now? By the way, I'm ashamed to admit it but I'm also 15 pounds where I was last February too. I am finally feeling leaner though these past two weeks.

    I have been pretty good with ETL the last 2-3 weeks, but again, still kicking my sugar habit. I think I'm getting better though. Thanks for the feedback Jean, I'm excited to try out T25! Just nice to have a more interesting workout I can do at my own house. I have slacked off on yoga because it honestly takes me 2 hours round trip and I roughly have about 3 hours between arriving at home and sleeping lol.

    JCN, I'll let you know how it is when I get it too, although awesome you get to your office gym so much during the week :) I don't have a gym membership, so I might be relying on T25 a bit heavily. Jean, I feel like me and the modifier will be friends, lol.

    Jean, happy you're feeling more normal! How was your workout?

    Peas, welcome back! Nice to hear you're settling in well there. How is the weather?? So exciting to have yummy fresh produce too!

    Mihani, delicious - thanks so much for the recipe. How is your week going?

    So happy it's Friday... I think I will make cauliflower "wings" tomorrow night as a nice treat. I'm hoping it will be a relaxing-ish weekend... Hope you all have a good night :) xx
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 4,055 Member
    Karrie, love the socks! Peas, welcome back, we missed you! Lia, I'll be interested to hear how it goes with your T25. Jean, that kind of sounds like what hit me earlier this week. I am so glad to be feeling better.

    This has been a bit of a tough week for me. Between not feeling well and being busy and tax time coming up, not to mention it's cold and dark, I'm just not my usual self. My hands have been painful too, and I really don't want to bother with surgery until tax time is over with.

    So I'm just all around grumpy. I told my boss I am not coming in to the office this weekend. My patience is wearing very thin, and I need some time away from there before somebody gets hurt lol.