Pot Bellied Stove / Water Cooler



  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    edited January 2015
  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    edited January 2015
    Good morning everyone, we buy water at the local Windmill Express and have been for years. I can't drink tap water the chlorine smell and taste knock me back. We filled our 5 gallon and three 3 gallon jugs on Saturday night before my husband left on his trip Sunday. I noticed the water had a slight metallic taste on Saturday evening when hubby put the 5 gallon on the crock which still had about 1.5 gallons in it from the last jug.

    As I have used this water and more from the 5 gallon jug has been dispensed into the crock the metallic taste has become much stronger to the point I wanted to vomit from it. I called the company but was only able to leave a message, no emergency contact. I then called the poison control center and the woman there told me she didn't know what to tell me. Well that was a big help. I cook with that water and I drink the water too using at least 3 gallons since Saturday night. I talked to my husband about it last night and told him I didn't know if I should go to the hospital or not. I went to bed and slept but still woke up to metallic taste in my mouth this morning. I have eaten plain yogurt, pineapple and honey with the taste still in my mouth.

    I am waiting for the company to call me on this, I don't know if they put too much minerals back into the water or what. I am now looking into having my own reverse osmosis in my house so I don't have to rely on them. I also changed my kitties water to bottled water since I don't want her drinking the water either.

    sannferris, I also like flavored water but have never tried blending a cucumber but I will now, lol. I love veggie smoothies and never thought about blending my water and thanks, I prefer you use my profile name. I am horrible with names so would prefer to just call everyone by your profile name. I am learning some of your names but until I can remember all of you I think I will just go by profiles. I am sad for Granny, I pray she will see the end of the black tunnel and see the light with us over here.

    arobed53-The pancake and pajama dinner sounds fun. It sounds like you will continue to be really busy for a while with the babies. Congrats on the new one and glad your check made it to you. My smeller has always been really good. I have Lupus SLE a form of arthritis and smells are a huge problem for me. Chemicals especially but they had just put out fresh cooked and glazed donuts in stacks and stacks. I think they were still hot and it definitely made me sick to my tummy.

    Have a great day everyone.

  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    edited January 2015
    anewstart22, will do on the name, I understand. My first interaction with anything on the internet was NM and since Nancy used her last name as her user name, I did the same. I didn't know any better and I wasn't too private back then. Now that I joined Facebook, I made everything in my profile private. Facebook still scares me, being out there in all the internet world.

    I don't "blend" the fruit in the water, I just slice it and let it sit in the water, overnight is preferable, it gives it time to "infuse". Lynn had a Serving up a Smile column on infused water.

    I heard back from Billie, so lunch is on. She said any day except Monday, so I'll see if she wants to get together this coming Friday. She said that she got a new cane specifically for stairs, so going out to lunch will be the test.

    Marcie, I put in a link on the other post using the chain, but don't know for sure how to put in the text. My link simply shows up as the URL to click on. Help!!

    Going out today to pick-up Rx's and do a little grocery shopping. Will be back later.

  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    sannferris wrote: »

    Marcie, I put in a link on the other post using the chain, but don't know for sure how to put in the text. My link simply shows up as the URL to click on. Help!!

    Sheryl, after you put the URL in using the link icon and click ok, it automaically places your curser in the place where you just type the text of the link.
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    edited January 2015
    Thanks, I'll try that now.

    2012 NM Walk

    OK, I understand now, it didn't exactly put the curser in the proper place, but I figured it out, where it should be.

    2012 was the last walk and it actually turned out not to be a "walk". There weren't too many that showed up so we just sat around and visited. That was fun too.

    EDIT: the link doesn't appear in a new tab, it will change this page.
  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    edited January 2015
    Weird. It always puts it the right place for me. After adding the link and clicking ok, just immediately type the text of the link, or leave as is and the url will be the text of the link.
  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    edited January 2015
    mygnsac wrote: »

    Sheryl, I was glad to see you commented on this post out in the main forum. I havent seen any other NMers out there yet. There is lots of inspiration and really nice people out there.
  • jlhawki
    jlhawki Posts: 225 Member
    Sheryl, I am so impressed that you added a link! I have so much trouble with that kind of stuff. Sounds like your lunch will be fun! Tell Billie "Hi" for me!

    Marcie--I hope you know how nice it is that you have a lot of answers for us! I just figured out how easy it is to save my meals that I eat. That will be a big time saver :)

    Greasy--Do you think putting your weight as 100 pounds less would help? I don't know if that would trick it or not but its one thing I thought might help.

    Arobed--Congrats on the new little one! Hope the pregnancy goes well :) my kids would love a pancake/pajama party!

    Anew-- hope you can figure out the water issue! how may more cabinets do you need before the kitchen is done? I'm still 'planning' mine, hoping to start in March.

    Have a great night all, I did my water aerobics this am and just finished my weightlifting exercises so I'm going to relax :)
  • Judyelaine1952
    Judyelaine1952 Posts: 25 Member
    Popping in to say hi. I now have a system. Spark has a nicde recipe calculator and I can share them with Rick on there as well as log there. It is easy to add foods and i have to because its another site thst lets everything through. I sm only doing recipes there so wont have tu o add sloy. Since I can link it with my fitbit, it will sync with my Fitbit account and I can log everything else at fit bit..i am much happier now. I don't like spark except for the recipe aspect...too junky....Miss NM...spoiled.. :'(
  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    edited January 2015
    Hi everyone, hubby comes home tomorrow and then gone again on Friday. Hopefully he will be home on Saturday but I'm not holding my breath, lol.

    jlhawki, I never got a call back from the company and each time I called today they wanted me to leave a message. I tried it again, and there is something wrong with that water. I think they added too many minerals back into it after they completed the reverse osmosis program. Bottled water tasted far better and I don't care much for bottled water.

    We built the sliding cabinet drawers for the kitchen but haven't built any new cabinets yet since we haven't decided on new flooring. We will be working on building the dining room wall hutch and building new vanities for the bathrooms before we tackle the kitchen. If only we could agree on flooring. ;) I can't wait to hear about your plans.

    Judyelaine1952, I'm glad you found something you like and it's good to see you here.
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good Morning. I connected with Billie and we're getting together tomorrow. It's been over a year since I've gone out to lunch with her.

    So, today, I have all day to get the house in order so John doesn't have to see any mess while I'm gone tomorrow. Maybe I can even convince him to sit for a haircut, but maybe not. There's always the weekend.

    I'm still getting used to Facebook. When someone comments, does that comment cause the post to jump to the top of the page again? Sometimes I see something that I read a couple days ago, but it's up front like it's new. And, when I get an email that states someone posted on my "timeline". I can see that in the email, but I don't see it when I have my page up. Where is my "timeline" anyway?

    Marcie, I see now what you mean that the curser selects where to type text in the link. What threw me is that my curser selection is three characters off and I have to reselect. Took me a couple times to figure that out.

    Well, I better get the animals fed and get myself something to eat as well.
  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    Good morning everyone.

    I woke up thinking it was Friday. What a bummer. I'm already ready for another vacation. Ha!

    I watched that movie "Saving Mr. Banks" the other day (about the making of Mary Poppins) and I've had that song "Chim Chim Cher-ee" on a loop in my head ever since!

    Dad is trying yet another dog food out on Cisco. He had a discussion with the guy at the pet food store and he recommended it. He said if Cisco doesn't like it we can bring it back and try something else. Stubborn dog! He wouldn't touch it last night, but he was eating it this morning. We will win the battle of wills here!

    Did I tell you I got one of those red light tickets from a camera posted on a traffic light on December 31st? I apparently didn't come to a full stop when turning right on a red light (it was in the wee hours of the morning with no traffic. It's legal to turn right on a red light, but you have to come to a full stop first.). Sigh. That's $500 down the drain and I need to sign up for traffic school (I think it's online) to have it not affect my insurance. What a pain!

    Elaine, nice to see you. Glad you found something that works for you. I actually like the recipe builder here at MFP.

    Anew, I hope the water issue gets resolved quickly. I don't care for the tap water here, and drink water filtered through the fridge. I LOVE the smell of freshly made doughnuts! Don't eat them much anymore, but love to smell them.

    Jannie, sounds like you have noble profession! Glad to hear you are figuring it out here on MFP. I know it's not NM, but I can live with it.

    Debora, congratulations on the new grandbaby! That was cute how they told you about it. Yes, work projects were waiting for my return. Mostly website projects so far.

    Sheryl, thanks for relaying Granny's message to us. Just makes me so sad she is feeling so low. I hope you and Billie do go to lunch and have a great time.

    Hi to Greasysgal, Tammy, and everyone else who may be lurking!

    Back to work. Have a great day everyone.
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Wow, here it is - afternoon already - warming up slowly today - only in the 40s - ha. Yesterday I left for the meeting, then ran around delivering the projects we had collected during the year, visited two thrift stores, returned a purse to Walmart and picked up cheese, chips, grapes and meat to go with the dinner rolls my sister had sent with me and the evening was spent watching E. And I also worked on their laundry, did dishes, a little straightening and watched Chopped or maybe I should say listened to it mostly. So today I've enjoyed being at home. Got a few things taken care of and hope to do a few more this afternoon. Bible study is this evening and I actually have my lesson done.

    Anewstart22, hope you get the water thing figured out.
    Sorry the smell made you feel sick. I enjoy those smells.

    Sheryl, guess I should try flavored water. I've done it with carbonated water. I just leave my water sit on the counter cause I don't like it so cold. So fun that you get to go have lunch with Billie. I can't wait to hear about it.

    Marcie, I haven't ventured out into the main forum because I feel like I already have enough andthink I'd spend a lot of time out there. Maybe in time.

    Elaine, glad you found a good site for recipes and figured out how to work it all. I have not connected my fitbit up with anything yet. It just always take me awhile to try something new.

    Sheryl, I don't know a lot about Facebook. Everytime you refresh your page, what's at the top of the page will change. And you can get to your timeline but clicking on your home - at least that's how it works for me. On the right hand side, I have a spot that says Debora and one that says home and that is my newsfeed.

    Marcie, the daughters, daughter-in-laws and I went to see that move - so good. I was just thinking I need to find another movie for us all to go see and have a girls night out. Cisco and his dogfood.
    $500 for a ticket - that's crazy. At least you can do the test online.

    Logging is not near as fun now - still too used to how NM was but it helps me with things. I check out the reports - just not every day. I see now why me talking about things with my kids was over their heads. The feedback is just different but you do get that eating less calories to lose weight. I'm sure I had a hard time getting used to NM.

    Hi to everyone else. Better get on to getting more things done. Have a great day.
  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    Good Afternoon everyone, I am excited to leave here in a few short minutes to pick up my husband at the airport. I'll report back later.
  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    edited January 2015
    Ok, Hi there again. I picked up hubby and we decided to have dinner out because he was hungry. He stepped on the first plane this morning at 7:00 am Pacific time and stepped off the plane here at 3:45 pm Central time. He was hungry. I went over my fat, my protein and my sodium is way too high but It's ok, it is just one day. I removed all the meals I was supposed to eat for dinner and snack after I had eaten lunch. This helped in my calorie consumption. I only get him until he leaves for work in the morning and then hops in a car at 1:00 to go back to Galveston for another round. Hopefully he will be home on Saturday night otherwise it will be Sunday afternoon. He is napping now, I'm supposed to wake him up in about 30 minutes.

    sannferris, I don't know who Billie is but it sounds like you will have a nice lunch and I am thinking good thoughts that you would have a chance to give your husband a hair cut.

    mygnsac, I saw that movie too, the other song that runs in my head when I hear it is Chitty Chitty Bang Bang. Both movies were always good and it was great to see the making of it.

    How did Cisco do on the new food today?

    Oh no, the dreaded red light cameras. Can you get the fine lowered if you take a safe driving course? I know in California a person could go to traffic court and get the fine lowered if they took a safety course. I don't know if that is the case everywhere though.

    arobed53, still haven't heard from the water company, I think they are making a terrible decision not to call me back. I wonder how many other people have water they can't drink?

    I have had a hard time with logging too and I fixed that by adding Snack, Dinner, Breakfast and Lunch in front of a meal I am saving or a recipe I am building. This makes it easier for me to find what I am looking for. I also set it up to be alphabetized in list to make it easier as well. I posted a tutorial on how to do it.

    mygnsac and arobed53

    Oh, I used to love the smell of donuts too and there were a few times in my life that I stopped and picked up a hot one, but donuts haven't been in my life much and I think the smell was so bad because the sugar was hot on those things. I was telling my husband there must have been four stacks of about 15 boxes per stack and they were all hot. I explained to him what an NSV was too. He responded, "but you don't eat donuts", lol.

    I hope everyone has a great weekend planned and mygnsac, sorry yours will begin one day later than you thought.

  • greasysgal
    greasysgal Posts: 15 Member
    I manually set my daily calorie goal a few weeks ago at 1400 with my mandated protein/carb/fat ratio but I guess my point(s) were that the websites set abnormally high daily goals and even though I am staying around my 1400 I am not losing at all. My brother lost 115 lbs so he could qualify to give the other brother his kidney.....pretty darn amazing !!!!
  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    Hi everyone, it's been kind of slow in here, I guess everyone has resumed their daily norms after the firestorm. I am glad you are all here to chat.

    Hubby is gone again, I took him to work this morning and he's off in a car since 1:00 to head to Galveston. He will be home sometime Sunday afternoon and I have discovered a trigger, I definitely eat some wrong foods when I am under stress. I seem to eat bread and it's usually the sweet breads like banana bread and today I bought some cinnamon bread at the store. Not the kind with a sugar glaze on it but nonetheless, it is not the best bread to be eating. I was smart enough to stop at four pieces today so my numbers may be off but I haven't added my foods yet today. I also had toast with eggs and pineapple with my husband this morning. I am dreading my number but I will log that from here.

    Wow, greasysgal that is amazing, I love to hear success stories and your brother's kicks the whole thing up a notch.

    I hope you all are having a great weekend and if you watch the super bowl I hope you have lots of laughs from the commercials.

  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    Hi all.

    Yay, Friday is here. Feeling a little wonky today (a little headachy & a bit of an upset stomach) so I'm glad the weekend has arrived. I also woke up with a big ol' pimple on my chin and I'm having a bad hair day. Sheesh. I'm just a mess today.

    We had a small security breech in the office last Friday (it was reported in the newspapers), so they've ramped up the security around here. In addition to the security guards we already have, they have a CHP officer posted in the building, and I suspect we will ultimately have metal detectors to walk through. We'll see. Just makes me sad. I remember coming back to work the day after 9-11-2001. That was the first time that they placed security guards in our building, and we've had them ever since (have to flash our keycard badges at them when we enter the building), and now we will probably have metal detectors. :\

    Anew, I bought a loaf of cinnamon raisin bread last week. Sure it's not the best for us, but a piece now and then is ok. The main bread I eat is the Alvarado St. No-Salt Sprouted Grain bread. I used to make banana bread all the time when we had aged bananas laying around, but no so much anymore. My old bananas are now mostly used in my Pumpkin Protein bars or in smoothies.

    My Dad and I may go out for dinner tonight. Probably either the fish restaurant or the Italian. I'll let him decide, but I'll push for Italian. It's been awhile since I had some Spaghetti Aglio E Olio. Love that stuff. I bet Dad will want to go out for fish though. He's really watching his fat and sodium intake right now. I think he has about 5 more pounds he wants to shed before he's back in maintenance.

    If you haven't seen it already (Anew, I know you have), I posted some links to Lynn Matava's cooking videos in the NM'isms post. I was trying to find them last night. I had bookmarked the NM post where Lynn had shared them with us, but of course that bookmark doesn't work anymore. So I went to Lynn's Facebook page and asked her to give directions to the videos.

    My Dad will probably pop in and out of the Superbowl on Sunday, but he doesn't watch the whole thing like he did when he was younger. I won't watch it at all. I'll probably pop in and out of the Puppy Bowl on the Animal Planet channel. Loads of awwww there.

    Greasysgal, what a great story about your brother! Talk about an incentive to lose weight.

    Debora, I don't blame you about the main forum. It can be overwhelming. One thing about it, there is always tons of posts all day, every day. I have bookmarked about 20 ongoing posts that I follow and comment on regularly.

    Sheryl, did you and Billie go out for lunch today?

    Well, I guess I will finish out my work day. Have a wonderful weekend everyone!
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Hi everyone,
    It's the end of a really nice day. I started out walking, filled up with gas, and went to one town and did my errands there. Then it was on to the bigger town where I met with some Flylady friends at Panera. I had watched six short videos so got $5 off a broth bowl, a free drink and some off a cinnamon roll. I didn't eat the roll there but did later so went over on calories but it was all good. After a two hour visit, I went to the DAV Bookstore and found two big boxes of books to buy. Got my groceries and headed home. Cut some felt for Lori, fixed frozen pizza and salads for supper and a few other things. Got my list done for tomorrow and it looks like I'll have the whole day at home (I hope).

    Anewstart22, glad your hubby got to be home for a little bit.

    Greasysgal, very amazing on your brother. Hope you can figure out what works for you.

    Marcie, sorry you're not feeling well but like you say, it's the weekend now. Bummer on more security. But it is for your safety. Curious minds want to know - fish or Italian. Yay for your dad on the lost pounds. He did that quickly.
    I know you mentioned some good posts once. I should go find them and check it out. I've now been looking at one every once inawhile - no comments though.
    Your cat is going to go crazy on this post. :)

    If I watch the superbowl it will be for the commercials. But I'm behind on my taped shows so may just watch them. I did find Recipe Rehab on Sunday morning so am set to take it and then I ran across The Incredible Dr. Pohl (tales of a veterinarian) and set to tape it.
    Think I'll head for bed. I'll wear my fitbit one more night. I've learned I'm a pretty good sleeper most of the time. I also decided that even though it's not all "exercise", there isn't any reason I can' log all my walking at my Walk Across America. That will help me move a little bit faster so I'll do that starting on Sunday. I am enjoying the fitbit - haven't used it to push me yet but time's a coming.

    Good night.
  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    edited January 2015
    Hi everyone, I am happy to report the sleeping has been good this past couple of days. I feel great and I am awake having had 8 hours sleep last night. Yay!

    I purchased a fennel the other day to make some some Lobster Bisque on Saturday(today) for my husband thinking he would be home and plans changed for him. I decided to take a look online for different things to do with the fennel and the tops. I found a note saying to steep chopped fennel fronds in hot water, strain and drink when cold and I like licorice so I thought I would give it a try. I will also be browning the chopped bulb in a pan until crispy for a side dish. I'm actually thinking they would be very good added to Lynn Matava's layered quinoa recipe.

    Mygnsac, sorry you aren't feeling good and hope it doesn't last too long. I didn't see anything on my news here about any security breaches in California. When I worked at a medical supply company back in the 90's in California we suddenly had to wear a badge and put it through the reader before we could get in the building. This was after they suspected someone was watching us and trying to steal trade secrets and it was a new employee. We also had security personnel in each building. It's not fun to feel like your every move is being scrutinized.

    I made a pumpkin cranberry bread the other day and I use my ripe bananas for smoothies too now, I break them into four pieces and freeze for later for my smoothies, I also freeze whole bananas for baking. I will make your protein bars one day with the whole bananas I froze. I pull out 2-4 depending on what I am making and let it thaw in a bowl and I am good to go on my recipe. Enjoy your dinner, it's always nice to go out to a nice dinner, especially with someone you love. Your dad sounds like a nice man and I had the puppy bowl on my radar too, lol.

    Arobed53, you are a very busy individual and I am in awe of your energy. It sounds like the FitBit really is the way to go, I'll have to take a look at finances and decide if I can do it now or not.

    Everyone have a great day!