Pot Bellied Stove / Water Cooler



  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    Good morning.

    I sure could have used an extra hour of sleep this morning. My eyes are tired. Not looking forward to staring at the computer monitor all day.

    It's supposed to get up to around 90 degrees here today, but back down in the 70s tomorrow. Weird weather right now. It won't be long before it's nothing but hot out there.

    There sure were a lot of accidents on the roads this morning. People need to slow down and drive safely around here!!

    The county is sure doing a lot of work on the roads lately. On the drive home yesterday I kept having to divert around the road workers. It needs to be done, but do they have to do it during the heavy commute time?!!

    Cisco decided to sleep with Dad last night. Changing it up again!

    I spent a lot of time working on the website yesterday. Lots of updates going on now. Today I'll be working on updating forms again.

    Sheryl, I hope all goes well at the oncology office. Yay on the restrictions being lifted!

    Back to work. Have a nice day everyone.
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good Morning. Yesterday was another beautiful weather day, but I didn't get out to do any work. I really could have, got home at 1:20, but by the time I fixed lunch, I got lazy again and decided not to pull the lawn mower out. I know I'll regret that tomorrow when I'm home all day and it's raining. My oncologist gave me the results of the scan, a small tumor in one of the lymph nodes behind the rib cage is slightly bigger, very slightly, less than 1 cm, but still bigger. He did not want to change any chemo meds yet, I go back in 2 months for another CT scan and check it again. He said that if it's growing, he'll change my chemo pill. I still feel very good, at rest, only the shortness of breath slows me down when I try to exert myself. I guess my life will continue at a much slower pace from now on, that's OK.

    Bible study was very informative again, I sure enjoy that time of learning and fellowship. The pastor has recently been putting on a pot of coffee and hot water for tea for us, how nice, we have a short social time before study.

    John threw me for a loop last night, asked me how to get rid of Cookie. It's spring and Cookie is horny and humping anything that moves. John is so concerned about our old chickens and ducks, they can't handle the rough sex, yes, Cookie even mounts the ducks. I know that neither of us can chop heads off anymore. We have been letting all the animals live out their natural lives and die of old age. Last time I wanted to get rid of roosters, I found someone on Craigslist who wanted them, so I looked at Craigslist again and found an ad for Wanted: Free Livestock. I replied and I'll see if I get an answer.

    Another new development, our next door neighbor got 2 Holstein bull calves. I assume he got them to knock down his pasture, too muddy to get out there to mow and they are belly deep in grass. But, the hilarious thing is that the llamas are scared to death of them. That neighbor has always had dogs and it takes a day or two for the llamas to get used to a new dog, but these are docile calves, and it's been a week, and the llamas are still upset about the new additions. I first noticed something was up when I looked out the window and all the llamas were staring in the same direction, and one of them sounded their "alarm" yell, (usually, these are extremely quiet animals). I had to go investigate.



    The llamas are staying as far away from that south fence as possible. Too funny.

    We'll see how things play out, this particular neighbor is not known for taking good care of his animals. I don't know how long he plans to keep them, but as they grow, they could easily push down our fence. When we had calves, we had electric fence to control them, but I'm sure that Gary will not go to that effort.

    I better get going, lots to do this morning before my next appointment. Dr. Smith said yesterday that he doesn't think Dr. Schneider will proceed with any radiation, but I'll find out today for sure, directly from him.

  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    Good morning all.

    It's cooler this morning. Got up to 92 degrees yesterday, but today it's supposed to be cooler. Yay.

    Cisco came and got me at 1:00 am to take him out to got potty. Was okay because I needed to go too.

    I got up earlier than normal this morning, at 5 am, thinking I could get an early start on the drive in and avoid heavy traffic. That plan didn't pan out. The traffic was bad as usual. :/

    This morning we are having a potluck breakfast for one of our managers for this Birthday. We all just contributed money and one of our office technicians brought it all in. She really outdid herself. There was a quiche, scrambled eggs, bacon, a puff pastry wrapped around bacon, watermelon, blueberries, oranges, apples, honey dew melon, cherries (yay, cherries are back!) doughnuts, and three kinds of juice. Wow!

    Sheryl, it's so nice and green there now! I hope the llamas adjust to their new neighbor soon. Sad that Gary doesn't do well at caring for his animals. I never get people like that. Sorry to hear about the tumor. I hope all goes well with that. Also sorry to hear that John wants Cookie gone. He was so fond of him when you first got him. I hope you are able to find him a good home.

    Well, I'm stuffed and think I need to go for a little walk before getting back to work. Have a great day everyone.
  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    edited May 2017
    Good morning everyone. It's 83 degrees and 65% humidity. It was really warm and humid this early am and I haven't opened the door since about 7:00 am to check what it really feels like now. We have a new cold front coming in at the end of the week so things should dry up and cool down in the air.

    I had to trim the tomatoes again a couple days ago and it left lots of my fruit exposed to the sun. There was a huge amount of blight on my tomato leaves in spite of the spraying I have done with the fungicide. Part of the problem is because the plants are too close together, so next time I will plant them twice the space apart than they are now. Part of the reason they are so close together was the Roma's come 6 to a package and I only wanted two of those for my garden. I couldn't find anyone to take the extra's so I wound up with more tomatoes than I wanted in the first place.

    I am picking tomatoes daily now and they are really good. Monday I cooked some down to make a sauce. Hubby has shared his little pint of tomatoes at lunch with a couple of the ladies a couple of times. One has 5 acres with garden beds everywhere but doesn't have tomatoes on her plants yet. Makes me wonder if her soil has too much nitrogen. The other doesn't garden. Of course both loved them. I picked a pea to see how they are doing and it had four little peas inside the pod which tasted very sweet and just tender enough to enjoy it. It will be another three to four weeks before I am supposed to pick those. I thought the peas I bought were the non shelling kind, but when I got to looking at the picture on the package I realized they were for shelling. That's fine with me, I just won't have peas to put into a salad unless I blanch them first.

    I sowed some watermelon seeds (4) between the A frame trellis we just built and realize now that because the direction the trellis is in the garden bed I won't be able to water very easily when those get growing. I'm having a hard time just getting the soil wet and trying to reach through and around the trellis. I'd change it's direction if I could, but then it would be too much shade for the plants to grow. So, we'll be removing one side and laying the other one at a greater angle so I can trellis all four plants into it. I might wind up pulling two of the plants that pop up because I think the trellis is too small for four plants with just one side used. I also seeded more bell peppers and basil since those in the tomato pots are not doing so well. I decided not to transplant from the tomato pots so I don't disturb the roots of the tomatoes, so seeded instead.

    I also seeded some contender beans for hubby in hopes they are similar to an italian green bean. I can't get the seeds unless I order them from a catalog. The cucumber is growing well with me trying to keep it within it's cage by tying the stems. The cantaloupe are also doing well and I am daily tying the stems to the trellis. Lot's of flowers on them but the one baby cantaloupe fizzled out. I think maybe it wasn't actually a cantaloupe yet, but was a female flower instead and did not get polinated. My first time growing cantaloupe so we will see.

    Arobed-believe it or not that smoothie is really good. You can't taste the carrot or the tomatoes, it tastes like a thick apple smoothie. Be careful how much you drink though as it's loaded with fiber and I paid for it, lol. Probably the best fix for constipation around. It sounds like things are still on the move for you.

    Mygnsac-I was looking at pool covers thinking maybe one of those would come in handy for you. Geez, those things are expensive.

    Sanferris-Sorry to hear about the cancer having come back. I am enjoying the pics of the llamas and the stories of the animals.

    Isyvanek-Sounds like you had a great dinner with the neighbors and thanks on the garden kudos, it has been fun. I use food grade diomataceous earth on the garden too as they say to never use pool grade in a garden.

    Well I hope you all have a great day today.
  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    Anew, fresh tomatoes right of the garden sound so good. We tried growing some at home in container, but they just fizzled. I just don't have your green thumb! We did have a pool cover once, but it was just such a pain to put on and take off. Wasn't one of those expensive ones though. They can get costly.
  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    Yeah, I guess the expensive pool covers can be walked on making leaf removal easy to sweep off.

    I'm container gardening, it's all in the potting mix used and the size of container. It can't be too wet or heavy, and tomatoes are big feeders. Giving nutrients once a week is a good thing.
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good Morning. John was up and asking what we're going to do today. I said, haircut, beard trim and shower...he went back to bed. I have all day to get that chore done and get him into the shower. Nothing else on today's agenda.

    Yesterday was good. I was in and out of the doctor's office within 10 minutes. Hardly worth the drive, we could have talked on the phone. Anyway, no radiation at this time. Since I go back for a CT scan and follow-up in 2 months, Dr. Smith will keep Dr. Schneider in the loop if radiation is needed later.

    I got home and the weather was still so good, I got the mower out and started mowing the front. I filled the wheel barrels and left them out in the pasture so the llamas could eat the grass out of them. I decided not to handle it twice and leave the clippings in there instead of dumping it out and having to rake up the left overs to put on the burn pile. (Well, this morning they were empty, so I didn't have to do anything but put them away). I also had John help me move the feed bunk that is outside to a less muddy area. We have 2 hay rack/feed bunks in the stalls, but a third one is outside of the stall and it's a disaster trying to get to and from, especially with the hay, I get stuck in the mud every morning. Since the ground was dry enough for us to get it moved, I took the opportunity. Now, it's on higher ground and I got hay to it easily this morning. It started raining this morning while I was out feeding and we're forecast for a wet day today.

    My legs are achy this morning and it took me a few minutes to realize that I worked yesterday, first time in many months, no wonder I'm aching. Feels Great!!!!!!

    Anew, I will garden vicariously through you. I have decided once again, to forego a garden this year. It's so much work and I have many other chores on my list for this summer. You really have your garden thought out and wonderful that you have lots of variety.

    Isabella, I am so glad that your dinner with neighbors was such a success. I'm now wondering if the husband wasn't so friendly before because of a language barrier, I didn't realize he was foreign when you talked about the fence last year. I hope you will share those recipes, although I know from my Armenian recipes, it's hard to write out all the fine details. It's easier to see someone prepare it than to read about how to do it.
    And, your salmon dinner with your other friends. I'm off a couple weeks here. So happy that you and Dan enjoyed yourselves at both get-togethers.

    Marcie, I just have to chuckle about Cisco and his nighttime bed hopping. Maybe he figures when he naps in the afternoon with Dad, then you get him that night. Once again, I can not even fathom your daily commute. I loved being self-employed for that reason, I could leave for work after everybody else was off the roads.

    Debora, I'm also way behind here too...glad you had safe travels when visiting your family. Sounds like that was a quick trip for as many miles as you drove, but a great reunion.
    How wonderful to see Thomas baptized. I'm sure you will have more grandkids proclaiming their life for Christ, being raised in this Christ-loving family.

    It's really raining now, I can hear it.
  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    Good morning everyone.

    It will be another cool day here today. It got really windy yesterday and it's still windy this morning.

    Dad was grumping last night about his walking buddy who brings his dog along when they go walking at 7 pm. He's petered out on Dad and Cisco the last two nights. Night before last he said he it was too hot out for them (90 degrees) and last night he said he was installing a garbage disposal, so Cisco and Dad walked alone.

    Another day here at work of form changes. I have a long list of our forms that we are going to be revising. Also have a late afternoon meeting. I hate it when they schedule meetings at the end of the day!

    Cisco was considerate last night and didn't wake me up in the middle of the night. He went out to go potty before I went to bed and then slept the rest of the night.

    They gave us the $2500 check the state is giving to us state workers. After taxes, etc., the total amount of the check came to $1400. Sheesh. I know I'll get some of that back the next time I do my tax returns though.

    Back to work. Have a great day everyone.
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    From $2500. to $1400. is ridiculous!!!!
  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    sannferris wrote: »
    From $2500. to $1400. is ridiculous!!!!

    Yeah. That's California for you. Lots of people grinder their teeth over that one!
  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    Good morning.

    Yay, it's Friday again. Long week.

    For a change, traffic on the way to work was actually good this morning. I managed go 65 mph the whole way in. Good way to end the work week.

    Yesterday we had a late afternoon meeting which was endless. Was only supposed to be an hour, and turned into nearly two hours. Caused me to be late getting out of the office at the peak of rush hour traffic. Not a good commute home.

    I have one meeting this morning, which set up, to review form changes I've made with our division chief and one of our managers. That should be it for meetings today, unless someone springs another one on me.

    Dad's walking buddy and his dog showed up last night to walk with Dad and Cisco. Dad was surprised they didn't come up with another excuse not to walk.

    Tomorrow will be a busy day. I plan to run my errands in the morning...need to go to the grocery store, get gas, get my car washed, and stop by the dress shop to buy some pants...mine our getting a little big on me now. Later in the afternoon, I have a 4 pm appointment to take my car in for servicing. That was the earliest time they had available, and I want to get it done. I'm behind on that.

    Well, I guess I'd better get prepared for my meeting. Have a nice day and weekend everyone, and Happy Mother's Day Debora!! I hope your kids do something extra-special for you on Sunday.

  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    Anew...I meant to wish you a Happy Mother's Day too!
  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    edited May 2017
    Hi all, I took the day off yesterday because it was Dan's birthday. We didn't do anything special but had a great day anyway. We went out to breakfast to this place we've been wanting to try. It is a basic diner type place that is supposed to have good "home style" food. We really enjoyed it and my omelet was so huge I took half of it home and will have it for lunch Monday. Then we picked up a watch I had in the shop that needed a new special watch band. Then we went to Bed Bath and Beyond to get Dan some new towels and me some new kitchen stuff like a dish drain and sink protector. I love Bed Bath and Beyond! I had a bunch of coupons and the cashier figured out that I could use 3 $5.00 off coupons so I got $15.00 off my purchases!! Next, we went to get gas and to a friend's house to pick up some hair dye she didn't want. Last, we went to dinner to a Greek restaurant called Pegasus. Dan had a gyros and I had a veggie pita that had hummus, eggplant, grilled cauliflower and lettuce and tomato. Then we settled in for the night.

    Today, we have our free library concert then dinner with Jami and Joe for Dan's birthday. We are going to Hamburger Factory. I plan on getting a branding iron burger. It has jalapenos on it and pepper jack cheese with a jalapeno cream sauce on the side. YUM! :p

    Debra, I will share the recipes when she gives them to me. They are very busy right now but will write them down when they get a chance. Sounds like you all got a lot done at willing workers. What a great feeling. What an amazing blessing to see your grandson give his testimony and get baptized!!! Your heart must be very full!

    Anew, lots of fresh tomatoes straight from the garden! Love it!! Nice of hubby to share! Your garden continues to flourish. I love hearing about it!

    Marcie, Can't believe you actually got up to 65mph on the way to work!! You should have bought a lottery ticket that day! ;) Sounds like a never ending list of forms to revise. Job security! Heat up to the 90's already?! Yikes!

    Sheryl, So glad that the surgeon released you to resume normal activities. Also very happy that you don't need more radiation. Concerned about the tumor being a bit larger. I'll continue to pray. Loved the pics of the llamas and the calves. Are they any calmer yet? Did the guy on Craig's list respond about taking Cookie? Perhaps you could post a notice to ask if anyone wants a rooster. Our neighbors speak very good English. I'm wondering if it was a cultural thing somehow or perhaps they were leery that we might be prejudiced or something. You never know in today's atmosphere unfortunately. I think certain factions of society like to keep stirring the pot between cultures and races to keep people apart so we can't concentrate on the things that really matter in our world...

    Okay folks, I'm going to grab a small bite to eat and get in the shower. Have a wonderful weekend and a great week and happy Mother's Day to all the moms.
  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    edited May 2017
    Hi everyone.

    Just about ready to call it a night.

    Had a busy day of running errands today. Went out for breakfast at a local diner, got gas, went to Sams Club to buy some beach towels that were on sale and restock on my hand lotion and deoderent (so much cheaper than the grocery stores), got my car washed and detailed at a new place my Dad recommened (looks so great now), went to the Toyota dealership to have my car serviced (took them 2 hours!), went to the grocery store, then went to the dress shop to get some new pants.

    By the the time I got home I was pretty much done for the day. I'll do the laundry and weekly cooking tomorrow.

    While at Toyota I got tired of sitting around. I walked ten laps around their huge lot. Their were also alot of noisy kids inside, so I wanted a little respite from that. Their parents were just looking at their cell phones and not paying attention to their kids behavior. I just don't get that.

    While I was going through more stuff to purge I ran across this little book my Aunt (Dad's younger sister) sent me in 1970 while she and her husband (they later divorced) were in Sierra Leone Africa doing missionary work. It's a book about children there. So cute. Also includes an inscription from my Aunt to me. I'll surely keep that one. When she got back to the U.S.A she became a registered nurse. We lost her to brain cancer around 30 years ago. That really weighed heavy on my grand parents.

    I think the next batch of stuff I'll take to Good Will will be clothes. I've got to purge my clothes. I have so much in the closet now that I cant get more in there, and most of it is too big for me know. Maybe tomorrow I'll find some time to get started on that.

    Finishin up watching and episode of Chicago Med, then its off to bed for me. Cisco decided to sleep in my room tonight. He's in his dog bed snoring up a storm right now.

    Isabella, Happy Birthday to Dan! Nice that you were able to take the day off to be with him. Gosh, all those peppers...I couldnt take that! I'm a whimp when it comes to spicy foods!

    Night everyone. Have a great Sunday, and once again Happy Mother's Day to our Mothers out there.
  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    Well, I purged about 30 pairs of pants from the closet that I think are donatible. There's still more in there, but I'm done with that for the day. I also gave dad marching orders to go through his closet and purge the stuff he no longer wears. I'll take it all to Good Will next week end.

    Sure opened up a lot more space in my closet!

    Got my weekly cooking done. As usual, Dad is now complaining about the smell of all the hard boiled eggs I just peeled. Just turned the whole house fan on to fan out the house.

    Now I'm trying to remove my nail polish so I can repaint my nails. The polish I put on last week had glitter in it, and that kind of polish is just so hard to remove! Struggling with that right now.

    I took a hour nap a little while ago. Sure felt good. I got up at 6 am because that dog of mine woke me up when he and Dad got back from their morning walk. I usually dont get up that early on the weekend.

    Well, back to my attempt at removing this stubborn nail polish! I hope you all are having a great day!
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good Morning. What a crazy weekend, no big news, just crazy lazy. Lots of rain and I scrambled to keep John busy. Yesterday, there was a basketball game that kept him occupied for a short time, but every commercial and half time, he'd wander off.

    Thursday, I did get John all cleaned up and sweet smelling.

    Friday, I got John out of the house, I got him to go with me to pick-up my Rx and we went out for lunch. I had planned to continue on for a drive, but it was raining so hard at times, we came home. I just couldn't enjoy driving in that rain.

    Got some laundry done and I'm loving my dryer. Having a light in there makes life so easy. The new washer is nice too, but the dryer makes it over the top.

    The llamas are getting used to the calves. They no longer sound their alarm yell and they are grazing closer and closer to the south fence. The calves are unusually quiet. The first week, I heard their early morning mooing, but not lately. When we had calves, they would carry on every morning until they got their bottles, but then, these calves are a bit older, past the bottle stage.

    Marcie, I so desperately need to purge my closet. I envy you for getting that chore done. And, congratulations on the additional weight loss, sounds like you have truly changed to a healthy lifestyle. I do well for awhile and then fall back into my old bad habits.

    I trust you got your nails done. I've never put on glitter polish, I'm so Plain Jane, I stick with clear polish.

    I'm going to go through the cleanse and restore again and Norma is doing it with me. Almost everybody else is starting today, but we're waiting until Thursday. Norma has several get-togethers and a special dinner on Wednesday, so we decided to wait to get started, instead of having a cheat day right off the bat.

    John is getting up now, so I'll close.
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    oh yea, I forgot to mention earlier this morning, no response from my reply to the Craigslist ad about Cookie. John has not mentioned it anymore either. However, now that I say that, he'll probably say something about it today.
  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    Good morning everyone. Oh joy, another work week. Can you tell I'm thrilled? Gosh I wish I could retire!

    Traffic was once again horrendous this morning. Crawled to work. These roads just can't accommodate the population.

    No meetings today. Yay! Just more forms and webpage revisions. The day should fly by...hopefully.

    Beautiful weather this weekend. Only got up to the mid 70s with a nice little breeze. They say we'll be warming again and it should be back in the 90s by the weekend. Maybe it will warm up enough where I can get back in the pool. I bought that new swim suit a couple weeks ago and haven't been able to use it yet because it cooled down so much.

    Dad was complaining yesterday that the house smelled so bad. I told him it was because I had just peeled his eggs, like I always do each weekend. I make the things for him and if he doesn't like the smell, then I can stop making them. I'm tired of him complaining about the smell every weekend. I peel them in advance and put them in an enclosed egg holder because he has trouble peeling them. The smell evaporates pretty quickly, but he always complains. Ugh. I think I'm getting cranky in my old age!

    Sheryl, I'm glad you are enjoying your new washer and dryer. I am too. Sorry your drive got cut short by the rain. I don't like driving in heavy rain either. I hope you can re-home Cookie soon.

    I think I'll go take a short walk before getting back to work. Have a nice day everyone.
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Well, I did it again - went a whole week reading everything but not writing a word. It did turn into a fairly busy week. Monday was 4-H so had to get stuff ready for it and then go to the meeting. Tuesday morning Ralph had his yearly check-up with the cardiologist which went fine. The appointment was at 10 so I thought we'd eat out but made a stop at Sprouts and didn't get much and then came home and ate but I had leftovers so it was okay. The evening was the school band concert which three of Lori's kids were in so we went to it. It was good - interesting to see the progression from the beginner bank to the high school band. Then afterwards Thomas came up and introduced me to a girl - someone he met last summer at CYIA and has stayed in touch with. Her parents are missionaries in Brazil and they are her for a short time.

    Wednesday I went and worked on the Echoes and then finally got with straightening the house to work toward Sunday. I had kind of been piddling with doing it but got the front part of the house done - knowing I only had Wednesday and Thursday morning to do it got me moving faster. :) Thursday morning, I finished the house, made my packing list and at 11 headed for Derek and Lindseys. I got there and found out she had a morning sitter and I was the afternoon one. I was there till about 5:30 so rather than drive home (in the rain), I got something to heat at KwikShop and just went straight to Bible study. I also set up the sign up for Bible School meals. Always enjoy the time of Bible study.

    Friday morning Ralph and I went to town for the usual errands. I put everything away when I got home, got my stuff together and about 2 headed for Lori's. I stopped by the church and got 2 gallons of water cause you couldn't drink their water without boiling it for the next day. I picked up the girls from school and went to their house. The boys and parents were headed for Worlds of fun. The bands were performing in a contest and then have fun on the rids. Saturday the girls had to go where I went except I did ask Alan to watch them during the graduation I wanted to go to. After it we went to a reception, came to my house for awhile, went to another reception and then headed back to their house. The receptions took care of meals so they played till it was time to go to bed. I had caught up the dishes, paired up sox, did some laundry and straightened things some. They came home about 10:30 so I was home by 11:15.

    Sunday was Sunday School and church. We had a neat slide show of many of the mothers in the church with their kids. It was also baby dedication (11 couples and 12 babies) and then a good message. Since I was gone, dinner was frozen lasagna, canned peaches, peas and carrots, dinner rolls (thanks sis) and ice cream sandwiches for dessert. We had another reception to go to (skipped the graduation) and then met 3 of the kids and their families at Spangles which was fun. So it was another full day.

    Today I've been home except for taking Ralph over to the farm and getting back the car we had loaned Alan over the weekend. Then I took the invites for Bible School up to the school and put them in the teacher's boxes to hand out. I don't know that I've accomplished a lot otherwise. We had Sunday dinner leftovers at noon and fixed our pizza and salads for supper. I went through two sacks of trash - one had a bunch of tissue paper from Christmas that I folded and another had recycling from a bunch of scissors that we had opened so I pulled the cardboard out (this is all stuff in the room where I think the leather stamps are so trying to clear space). Of course, I did dishes, a load of laundry and just a bunch of little stuff. About 2 I felt tired so dozed off for about 40 minutes (guess the weekend caught up with me). It looks like I have more time at home this week so hope to make progress on my list - only time will tell if that happens.

    Sheryl, glad you don't need radiation. Probably smart not to do a garden - just stick with what you can do at your own pace. Other than missing the taste, we're all enjoying Anew's garden. Sorry one of the tumors is bigger but at least he's keeping close tabs on it. Nice that you made it to Bible Study. Hope you can figure out what to do with Cookie - an old rooster isn't good for a lot. Glad the llamas and calves are getting used to each other. I enjoyed the pictures.
    Good job on the mowing. Glad John could help you move things.
    I agree - driving in the rain is not fun - I would have gone home too. Glad you're enjoying your washer and dryer - makes doing laundry seem less like work.

    Marcie, your commutes are quite the challenge - makes you keep up on your defensive driving skills. Your weather seems to be jumping up and down like ours is. We had another good rain on Thursday which again Alan our of the field but he hopes to plant his last 10 acres of corn tomorrow. And then it's about ready to start doing soybeans.
    I'm crocheting the potholders in a circle and they slide over the handle of a cast iron skillet.
    Interesting to hear what you do at work - a lot of detail all the time to keep track of. Your potluck breakfast sounds very yummy. Glad you got your check - that's a lot taken out but $1400 is a nice amount for now.
    Sorry your dad's walking buddy doesn't always show. I miss it when my friend is gone and we don't walk.
    You got a lot of stuff done Saturday - nice that you could get some walking in while your car was being serviced. What a neat book from your aunt - what special memories. Great job on purging the pants. Should make it roomier in the closet now. What's the nail polish color this week? I assume it's glitter-free.

    Anew, my mouth is watering for some of your tomatoes. You sure know how to use the space in your garden.
    I don't make smoothies - not my thing. I know they say you don't taste all you put in. It does pack in a lot of nutrition.

    Isabella, how nice that you could take off for Dan's birthday and have such a fun day. Happy Belated Birthday greetings to Dan. Those coupons are nice at Bed Bath and Beyond. I bet the branding iron burger had some heat too it with all those jalepnos.

    Sheryl and Isabella, yes, it was special to watch Thomas give his testimony and get baptized.

    Enjoy your week.
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    edited May 2017
    Good Morning. It was pouring rain and raining hard, for a few minutes, now, it's calmer again. Will be like this all day today, on and off rain, and then transition tomorrow for a string of 4-5 dry, warmer days. The early morning news even mentioned that the weather computer models say it will be dry and 80's all next week too, but that's a little too far ahead to make real plans for it. However, I am very wishful that it's true, it will get me off my butt and outside doing something constructive.

    I trust that I will make it to Bible study later this morning, but I'll have to wait to see how John is when he gets up. With this rain, I may need to stay home, he'll be very moody and not know what to do with himself. I love it when he can go outside and putter around, pulling weeds and picking up pine cones.

    I got an announcement in the mail from my cousin Amy, she's graduating law school next week. Wow, what an accomplishment. She will take the bar exam in July and her future plans are to become a judge. I don't know exactly how that works, if you have to practice law for a certain amount of time first, or if you know the law, you can go directly onto the bench. We'll see what she does. Right now, she owns her own real estate firm, she has some other family members working for her and with her, I guess they will take more responsibilities in the firm. She is also married and has a son, I think he's about 10 years old, so she really has her hands full. I can not imagine juggling all that.

    Talked to Norma yesterday and she has more goings on this week, luncheons at work and a funeral on Thursday and a get-together on Friday, so, we're going to start the cleanse on Saturday. We should have done it in April when we first planned to do it, but we waited until Monica got the group together and now, it doesn't fit into Norma's schedule. She is so busy and active, there will probably never be a convenient time, I told her we don't have to be "perfect", just to do the best we can. It's mainly eliminating gluten, sugar and caffeine and detoxing our gut so we can see what effects us as we reintroduce some foods back into our diet.

    There's a lull in the rain again, so I'll go out with some hay for the llamas.