Pot Bellied Stove / Water Cooler



  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    Good morning all.

    More rain in our forecast. It's been sprinkling this morning, and more rain and wind later. So much for my clean pool!

    When I got home from work yesterday I continued to purge stuff from the closet in the spare bedroom. So much stuff in there! Snow globes for days! Mom was more of a pack rack that I thought! I've got another load of stuff to run over to Goodwill.

    Yesterday was trash pick up day, so I took my elderly neighbor's cans in for her when I got home. Her daughter was living with her for a while, but has moved away, and she can't do it. She has COPD and is quite sick. I don't like that she is living alone right now. She needs someone with her. Her husband passed away a few years ago.

    Cisco can't seem to decide on a permanent sleeping place. All last week he slept with Dad and this week he's been sleeping with me. I wake up to find him on my bed. So many choices that dog has.

    I almost forgot to give Cisco his Frontline and heart worm medicine yesterday. He gets it once a month and yesterday was the due date. He dosen't like the Frontline flee medicine, but loves the heart worm treat.

    Anew, I hope you are feeling better today. Yay on everything popping out of the soil for you!

    Back to work. Have a nice day everyone.

  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good Morning. I've been up for hours, but had a trillion emails to junk. I have to figure out how to make the spam go directly into the spam file and not into my inbox. They sure do come in overnight in droves. I hear John stirring, but I hope to get something written before he comes out here.

    Anew, I admire you for pushing through your pain and getting your garden going. How exciting to see seedlings popping up already. I keep putting it off, right now, there's too much mud. Later, I'll find some other excuse.

    Saturday was a very enjoyable time, great food and great people to share it with. The restaurant was just as I remembered, delicious!!!!! Although, I did not remember the name of the place correctly. It's China Cook, not China Kitchen. Anyway, we pigged out and brought lots of food home for yummy meals later.

    We were not able to quite finish the laundry...the dryer door decided to die. It will not close properly and stay closed enough to keep the switch pushed in to keep the tumbler going. We did everything we could think of, resorting to duct-taping it and even that didn't work. The heat of the dryer would cause the duct tape to pull away and it would shut off. I suppose I could stand there with my finger on the switch, but how boring is that, standing (or sitting) in the laundry room for at least a half hour at a time with my finger on a push button.
    So, I went washer/dryer shopping. Norma left Sunday, so after we dropped her off at the airport, I told John that I was going to stop at Home Depot and get "Sticker Shock". I told him that he wouldn't care later...he'd forget the prices. Then, Monday, after my doctor's appointment, I stopped at Lowe's for the same thing. Then, for 2 days, I waffled between buying a set or just settling for a dryer. When Marcie got her new set, I think I mentioned that I purchased my washer and dryer, used, when we moved here in 1992, so I estimate that they are over 30 years old. The washer needs to be moved to get the dryer in place and I figured that by moving the washer, it will die also, so might as well get the set and replace them both at the same time. I went back to Lowe's on Tuesday because the sale ended on Tuesday for the set that I decided on. I have Whirlpool and am so pleased with them that I always told myself that when the time came, I'd buy Whirlpool again. But, I chose GE because the price was right and the washer won't lock down the lid during the cycle, so I can add clothes or soap after the cycle starts. Yay! I would go crazy if I couldn't get in there during the wash. They had washers in stock, but the dryers were sold out, so I have to wait for the next shipment, end of next week.

    Marcie, I hope that Cisco is and will be fine. I have also heard that when cats and dogs are eating grass, it's a red flag that something is wrong. Keep us posted. How wonderful that you have another access to the dump and can get rid of more trash. We are stock-piling scrap metal (woodstove, washer and dryer) so I see a scrap-metal run in our future. Fortunately, we can combine stuff with Jack and have a full truck load. Plus, he knows exactly where to go and how it all works, so we'll split the money.

    Yesterday morning, we had a visit from some other cousins. So good to see them and get caught up. Bev, my cousin, is one of them that live in Grants Pass, Oregon, and she came up to be with her daughter's family all week, who live in Portland. Kristie, Bev's daughter, is the cousin who came over often when I had chemo and she brought food and did laundry and cleaned my house before we had hired Comfort Keepers to come in 2-3 times a week. She is such a sweet girl and has her hands full with her own 3 daughters. The oldest (10 years old)has some form of slight autism and the middle (8 years old) is so intelligent that it's hard to keep her occupied, she finishes her work quickly and gets bored. The little one (5 years old) also has some issues that I trust she'll grow out of, but you never know. Bev wants to come up to help more often, but her husband is not doing well now, so she is torn between caring for her husband and helping out her daughter. I just keep counting my blessings when I hear of everyone else's daily routines.

    Well, John got up and then went back to bed again so I have time to answer some more emails.
  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    Good morning everyone, today is another beautiful day with the sun shining and humidity isn't so bad at 57% and 75 degrees, it's almost 10:00 my time. I am waiting on hubby to get home from the city trash collection place. Today is one of two per year that you can take your trash that won't fit in the cans for them to haul them away for you. So, old wood from the garden, other garden stuff I don't want like plastic containers that are sun damaged and other junk like that. When he gets home, I will be showing him how I would like everything watered out there because I am doctor ordered not to be in the garden until tomorrow.

    Yesterday I had an angiogram catheterization. It went very well, I was home around 3:00pm and am just doing the recovery thing to keep my artery from opening back up. I don't know if I posted I have been diagnosed with cardiomyopathy or not, but that is why I had an angiogram. So my arteries are clean as a whistle, my heart is weak and operating at 55% and my lungs are staying inflated. So, doc thought last week that I may have had some infection that damaged my heart, and I am thinking that is what he will tell me when I have m follow up appt in a couple of weeks. Apparently he got lots of pictures to study. I feel good, just a little sore there on my leg, hip area, so I won't be hanging around here today.

    Have a great day everyone.

  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    Good morning all, today is our free library concert. The musician is one of our favorites. We have a gift certificate to Chili's so we will go there for late lunch/early dinner afterward. We haven't been there for years so we are looking forward to trying it. Do you have Chili's Grill and Bar in your area? I've had a major eating week! My work friend Paula is leaving San Diego. Her last day was Friday so we went out to lunch twice this week. Then my friend Carol invited me to lunch at the Senior center on Tuesday. Then we had a potluck for Paula at work on Thursday and our company had Installer Appreciation Day on Friday to show our field guys our appreciation so we catered Mexican breakfast for everyone. I gained a few pounds and really feel the need to get a handle on this! Several girls at work are starting a "biggest loser" challenge on Monday. I think I am going to participate even though I won't contribute money and so won't be eligible to win the pot. I think it will just help to be in that mind set with everyone. My one hesitation is that I will have to tell them what I weigh. Yes, I am embarrassed. We'll see how it goes. Sylvia recommended videos by Danette May somewhere on facebook. There was an offer for free weight loss DVDs - all you have to do is pay $6.95 shipping. They supposedly incorporate exercise with a healthy eating plan. She sounded so sincere I went on line to order them. Of course, before you complete the checkout she offered all these other DVDs and protein powder, etc (one time offer at this "special price"). By the time the transaction was complete, I kinda felt duped. Oh well, we'll see how things go. $6.95 isn't tragic if the DVDs turn out not to be very helpful.

    Marcie, nice to have a long weekend thanks to Cesar Chavez. He did a lot for our farm workers. Great job on all the purging of stuff. Feels good doesn't it! Our Costco has a nice snack bar at great prices. The lines are long but move quickly. Where else can you get a hotdog and drink for $1.50?! I don't eat there often but enjoy it when I do. Interesting about the scam number painters. We have a guy that comes thru every couple of years and offers to re-paint the numbers on the curb for around $11.00 for plain numbers or a bit more if you want a design (like a rainbow) with it. He tapes a notice to your garage door and if you want it done you leave the money in the envelope. We have had him do it once or twice. The numbers get faded and it makes it easier for people to find the house. We haven't had any scammers come thru but I can see how they could take advantage of people who would think it is the same type of service. Were your mom's snow globes the really nice ones or little plastic ones? I like snow globes and can see how they would be addictive to collect. Did you keep one?

    Anew, Your garden is really coming along. So nice to see the little shoots coming up. That is why spring was always my favorite season in NJ. The Anole's look really cool. I love watching the lizards in our yard. I don't know what type they are but I take great satisfaction in the knowledge that they eat bugs. :) I don't think you told us about the cardiomyopathy. At least you finally have a diagnosis and hopefully you will be able to tolerate the treatment. I'll continue to keep you in my prayers.

    Sheryl, So happy that the China Cook outing went well. Good food, folks, and fun! If you don't mind my asking, how much did the washer and dryer end up costing? Is the washer top loading? Ours are old (I think we bought them in 1994) but they are Maytag and the repairman that had to come out for a small leak several months ago said they are still in surprisingly good shape (yes, the Maytag repair man finally had to work!). ;) Nice that you got to have a good visit with cousins too. Is John still fascinated with the wood burning stove or is it old hat now?

    Debora, you must be even busier than usual, although that is hard to imagine! :)

    OK, I'm gonna get going. It will be time to leave for our concert soon. Have a great week everyone!
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    And here goes another week speeding past. Babysitting a week ago Saturday went fine. I was there from about 8-3. 3 1/2 year old has gotten potty trained - tells you and takes himself - very nice. When Lindsey came home, there were 5 kids - just not all her kids - that neighborhood goes back and forth a lot. I came home and made my salad and finished up a few other things.
    Sunday I taught the lesson in SS. Molly got to sit with us in church. She did well and then it was home for dinner. I did not have many leftovers. Some were leery of my salad cause they thought it had cottage cheese in it. Ralph can't stand it so I would not use it for something for him to eat. It was cream cheese and sour cream with a little sugar - I just couldn't get rid of the lumps but it tasted good with the apples and grapes. After everyone left, we had a quiet evening which was nice after all the going of the past week. Monday I got to be at home. Ralph went to Historical Society in the evening. He said it was very interesting - a lady talked about a town that was just made up of black people. Tuesday was Good News Club. The person doing the cookies made yummy ones - rice krispie bars and sugar cookies with frosting and sprinkles. We were getting more rain so kept everyone inside till their rides came.
    Ralph wanted to go in and buy boxes so he could start packing up more books so we went even though it was raining. The wipers acted up - they worked okay but would only stop in the up position. Then when we got the boxes he went to bring the car up so they wouldn't get wet and it took him a long time to come. Turned out the wind took his door when he opened it and it hit the car next to us so he had to exchange info. We've never heard back from them so it must have not been very bad.
    Wednesday our work with the Echoes was to put in order all the ones people had given me since I did the original laminating. So now we'll go through and look for ones we don't have, ones that can go to the Mennonite Library and then ones we can toss. This won't be a fast process but the lady helping me doesn't want it to end. :) Thursday morning I was up at 3:30 am so I could take a friend in for her colonoscopy. It all went well. She was back home shortly after 10, I dropped by to see Lori and then picked up a computer for a friend and was home by noon. I had 4-H Council in the evening and went early and ate at Freddy's with Matthew and Julie.
    Friday was errand day with 8 stops this week. We even voted for our special election so don't have to think about it on Tuesday. The evening was a banquet at the school Ralph and the kids attended for high school. The meal was delicious - the cooks at school make it. Dessert was bought - a yummy individual bundt cake. The program was good and then afterwards we visited so long we didn't get home until about 10:30. Today I've had the whole day at home, straightened the house, did some food stuff and other little things and chatting you was a big want to.

    Sheryl, the time with Norma zoomed by but what special memories you both have. It was so wonderful that you felt good after the surgery so you were able to do more. Frustrating that John doesn't remember but nice that he's fine once you remind him. Nice that you got to see more family.
    Yay on choosing a washer/dryer quickly. Hope you enjoy them when they come. I like the idea of it not locking. You can pause the ones that lock and add stuff but this will make it even easier to do.

    Marcie, you've had some busy weekends at home after a busy work week. You're making great progress on the spare bedroom. It's a job to clean up the yard after a big wind too. Glad your dad is enjoying the American Legion meetings and has another activity on top of all his walking. How's Cisco doing - any problems after eating the grass? Love the tough love your gardener showed his son. Nice of you to help your neighbor.

    Anew, how fun to see your hard work pay off with seeds sprouting. Getting all set up took a lot of planning and work but you'll sure enjoy the results. You push through a lot of pain to do all you do. Hope some rest takes care of that.
    Sorry to hear about the cardiomyopathy. Is there anything you can do to treat it? Guess you'll learn more when you see the doctor.

    Isabella, you have a great group of friends - always off doing something fun. Jamie's car sounds very nice. What color is it? My stuffed peppers were traditional - ground beef, rice and tomato sauce. We may take old hens to sell someday but won't be there often.
    Those free concerts roll around pretty often. Fun that you will have a free concert and then get to have a free meal. We have Chili's around here. Haven't eaten there in awhile though. Hope the DVDs help with getting the added pounds to go away - they are sneaky about slipping back on. I've gotten lax on logging again. So what can I say. Show the group at work you can be the biggest loser even without winning any money. Everyone else will have to tell what they weigh too.

    My sister is off seeing her kids this weekend so I planned a meal that uses tortillas so no one would miss her dinner rolls. Well, she baked some anyway so I put them in the freezer and will try and remember to send a bag home with Lori. It can help with a meal at home. I'm making salsa chicken. Then in the evening we have a salad supper for the women at church. It's always yummy and I hear the speaker will be good.
    This week has 4-H, Good News Club, the Echoes, no Wednesday night church or Bible study but we have a special Good Friday service. Plus I need to get things ready for Easter. I did get the coins to put in the Easter eggs. We'll see if I can get to the few decorations I have. So we'll see if I chat much (or just read)
  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    Hi Debora, another whirlwind week for you! Kinda nice that you still have Echoes to do since it is a time of good fellowship. Our free concert was enjoyable. We chatted with an older gent afterward. He reminisced about the old days. I enjoyed my meal at Chili's more than Dan did. I have had a hankerin' for baby back ribs so that's what I had. They were moist and tender and the fries were hot and crispy. They brought them in a little metal basket that kept them pretty warm which was nice. We only had to chip in $7 after the gift certificate which was mostly tip so that was nice. Your salad with the cream cheese and sour cream sounds interesting. What was the recipe? Your plan to make salsa chicken and tortillas sounds like a tasty idea too. What will you make for Easter? We have a Good Friday service also, it will be at noon. I am leaving work at 11:00am and taking the rest of the day off. I haven't planned anything for Easter. I might just get a rotisserie chicken at Sprouts and call it a day.

    Hubby has a slow leak in his tire - sure enough there's a screw in it. We are going to go to Costco to get it fixed. We plan to get there as soon as they open then go to the later service today. We'll see how that all plays out.

    Have a great week all!
  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    Debora, I realized that I forgot to answer your question about Jami's new car. She wanted to get it in black but I advised against it and after she had time to think about it, she agreed with me and got it in white instead. :)
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good Afternoon. Just popping in while John is outside. A beautiful day today, and yesterday I was outside working along with John. Had a big windstorm Friday, but we came through it OK, didn't even lose power. South of Portland got hit a lot harder, a lot of trees down; blocking roads and on houses and cars. The news said that 76,000 PGE users had power outages. We only have pine cones and light branches to clean up.

    Isabella, I don't mind sharing the prices. The original price was listed at $599.00 each and Tuesday was the last day of the sale where they were marked down to $478.00 each. I asked everywhere I went about getting a price break on buying a set, since I really only needed the dryer, and they all said that's rare anymore. Very seldom will a manufacturer give that deal these days. For Lowe's to do the installation for free, I also had to buy all new hoses, connections and dryer duct-work. So it was adding up, but I thought that's worth it. I applied for and got a Lowe's credit card so I could get an additional 5% off. The credit card offer was a choice of the 5% off or 12 month interest free financing. We will pay the entire bill when it comes, so I thought getting another 5% off is a good thing. Total for everything, plus tax, came to $1,102.

    I looked behind the old washer/dryer and WOW !!! it's filthy back there. I think I should pull them out before Thursday so I can clean. I doubt the installers will let me clean while they are here, they'll be in a hurry to get the job done and get out of here. There's 25 years worth of dust bunnies back there.

    Well, John's asking for help, gotta go.

  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good Morning, not much new since yesterday afternoon. Going to rain again today and I'll be out in it, have an afternoon doctor's appointment.

    Oh, I meant to say regarding the price for washer/dryer, total includes tax, not plus tax. I always get that phrasing confused.

  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    Good morning everyone.

    It's a pretty day today. Billowy clouds, sunshine, no rain and no wind! Surprisingly the last wind storm over the weekend didn't blow stuff in the pool. It's still crystal clear from the last cleaning.

    Looks like they've officially declared the drought over in more areas of California. I guess we'll be seeing more green lawns around town again in the summer.

    I took another load of "stuff" over to Goodwill yesterday. I'm getting to know those people really good. I took all of Mom's doll collections...minus the one she had since she was a little girl. I'll keep that one. Most of the other dolls were gifts to her from friends over the years. Tons of em! I also kept her stuffed Garfield cat. She loved that thing.

    It looks like I'll be taking my elderly neighbor's garbage cans in indefinitely now. She leaves her backyard gate unlocked for me. She has a daughter who lives nearby, but she only stops over a couple times a week to check on her Mom. That family was really helpful to us when Mom was sick. Loaned us ramps to installed on the front porch for when we needed to take her to the hospital/doctor and visited her often.

    I didn't do as much this weekend as last. Just hard boiled the weekly eggs, swept up some leaves on the back porch, and continued to purge stuff. Would you believe there is still purgible stuff in the spare bedroom closet?! Once I finish in there I plan to start purging stuff from my bedroom closet. It's just jam-packed with stuff that needs to go. Dad's closet will be next on the list. Lots of stuff in there he never uses. Also getting rid of Mom's old sewing machine. Dad and I decided it should go. If we need another one, we'll purchase a new one, but I can't remember the last time I sewed anything. I'm definitely not a sewer.

    Friday I had a late meeting in the afternoon (2 hours!!!) and didn't get to leave work until later in the day. Gosh, the traffic at that time of the day is just horrendous. I don't think I ever got over 10 mph the whole way, and had to sit through traffic lights through 2 or 3 runs. It just seems like traffic has gotten so much worse in this town than it used to be.

    Isabella, the snow globes were glass and really pretty. Just didn't display them so they needed to go.

    Sheryl, you and me are new washing machine and dryer owners! Sounds like you got a great deal. Loving my new set. I think Dad bought them at Lowes too. I know the feeling about the mess behind the machines. We really scrubbed the floors good before the new machines were delivered.

    Debora, as usual, I'm impressed by all you do!!!! My goodness!

    Well, I think I have a little time to take a walk before going back to work. Have a nice day everyone!
  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    Good afternoon all, it's a cloudy day with rain expected last night and this morning. It hasn't come and I didn't water thinking the rain would take care of it. I think I'll go out and water the seedlings if this afternoon rain doesn't come. We have more rain expected tonight and tomorrow so I will avoid watering the tomatoes and onion beds until tomorrow, if the rain doesn't come. Everything looks great out there with everything having come up except some of the flowers (I think they take the longest to germinate) and that one basil I will need to reseed. I still haven't seeded the new seeds yet because we've been working on other things out there. Yesterday I saw two bees in the tomatoes, yay more good guys!

    Hubby started building a cover on my big 3' x 8' boxes he built. He has the frame done, we just need to figure out the top and I think I am going to go with real greenhouse polycarbonate double panels. It will cost about 50% more than using the polycarbonate patio cover we can buy at the big box home stores, but it comes with a 10 year warranty and they claim it can handle hail. I am thinking since it is a double layer that it will be better than a single layer. It also will hold in heat better if we decide to make it a small greenhouse for winter. We could add removable sides later that I can store in the shed while not in use. It looks great, this was his design as I had no idea where to start, except to tell him I needed a cover and I wanted it very tall. During summer I can plant tomatoes and squash there and have a little rain protection to help keep the fungus's at bay. We'll see how my plan works, but I do know I will be able to have winter crops out there without freezing them if they are covered.

    I am feeling really good from the angiogram. Hubby couldn't find the hole made in my artery when he replaced the bandage for the first time on Saturday, so it is healing well. A little bruised there and on my hand where the IV was inserted. But good otherwise.

    It looks like you are all very busy getting things done, new appliances too. It's nice to be busy again.

  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    edited April 2017
    Good morning everyone.

    Wow Anew, you sure are busy with the garden. I wished I could have one, but just no room in the yards for it. All I have is a kumquat tree, and I never eat the things. Now and then I bag them up and bring them in to work. There a lady here that loves them. I hope you are feeling better!!

    It's cloudy here today. We are supposed to get more rain later today and tomorrow. Have I said I'm over it now?! Enough with the rain already. At least no wind storm is predicted this time.

    Traffic has sure been good so far this week. I think people have taken the week off for spring break. I'm actually enjoying the commute.

    I decided to splurge on breakfast this morning and went across the street at work to La Bou. Bought a cheddar, egg and bacon breakfast sandwich on a croissant. So yummy. Dad continues to go out for breakfast every morning. Either to one of his greasy spoon joints or to Noah's Bagels. He likes the breakfast sandwiches at Noah's. He says there are usually a ton of police officers there when he gets there around 6 am. I guess that's their break time.

    Tomorrow is the recycle trash pick up day, so last night I collected all the gift wrapping paper I pulled out of that spare bedroom closet and put in the recycle can. I kept the un-open packages of paper, but will probably take them to Goodwill on my next run. I'm still trying to find the foot pedal that goes with Mom's old sewing machine. I know it's somewhere in Dad's bedroom closet, but I guess I will have to do some digging to find it.

    Cisco decided to sleep with Dad last night. The night before he slept with me. He can't make up his mind on his sleeping arrangement. I haven't seen him eating grass lately, so I think he is feeling better now. He certainly hasn't lost his appetite. I keep catching him eating the cats food. Simon never finishes his bowl of food (I only give him a small amount at a time...too much and he throws up), but there is usually a little left over that the dog scarfs up. He always looks so guilty when I catch him at it. He knows he's not supposed to eat it.

    Dad's walking buddy (and his dog Duke) didn't show up last night when he and Cisco went for their walk. He gets so irritated when they flake on him. He always grumbles about their excuses when they don't show. I was at a store last weekend and saw a shirt that said "No Excuses" and bought it for him. One of the guys who actually started the whole walking group thing hasn't showed since last fall. I guess he's over the walking thing.

    There's a lady here at the office that is training a little yellow lab puppy to be a service dog. He is just so darn cute in his little vest. She takes him everywhere with her. They were at La Bou this morning and people were taking pictures of him.

    I went to bed early last night at 8 pm and slept until 5:30 am. Lots of sleep for me. I don't know why I was so tired, but I guess I needed it.

    I think I'm going to have to dump a bunch of shows I have saved on the DVR. It's nearly 80% full right now. I just haven't been watching as much TV as I usually do. I'll have to see what can go tonight. Some series I haven't even watched, so they'll probably go.

    Well, back to work. Have a great day everyone.
  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    Well I was wrong. Just walked outside and the wind is blowing strong again. Gee whiz!
  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    Good morning all.

    Sheryl, missing your posts! I hope all is well.

    Well, I dived in to Dad's closet when I got from work yesterday and found the cord and foot pedal that goes with Mom's sewing machine. I also found the manual for it. It's ready to go to Goodwill next weekend.

    Cisco decided to sleep with me last night. I woke up around midnight to find him snuggled up against me, and that's where he stayed until Dad took him walking at dawn. I don't know why he doesn't want to sleep in his dog bed anymore. Maybe I need to wash it, but he likes smelly stuff. I guess I'll throw it in the washer next weekend.

    I cut Simon's nails last night and went to far down in the quick on one of them. Poor thing yelped. I'm usually pretty good at cutting his nails. No blood though.

    Another good traffic day this morning. I'm not used to being able to go the speed limit on the freeway. Usually I rarely get over 20 mph.

    Well, I guess that's about it. Have a nice day everyone.

  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good Morning. Thanks Marcie, all is well, just weird. Glad that Cisco seems to be OK. Now, if he would just get back to his own bed.

    Monday, I had an appointment with Dr. Smith, my oncologist. He took me off of the blood thinners and ordered an ultrasound of my left leg to have a comparison for any future problems with the blood clots. He said that he should have taken me off before the surgery, but kept changing his mind. I know that would have helped the plastic surgeon because he was so concerned about me bleeding. Oh well, it's all over now.

    Tuesday, I was getting ready to leave for Bible study and John had sort of a panic attack. Kept questioning me on where I was going and when I'd be back, how he could reach me and what he should do if I don't return. I had it all written out, but John has problems now of reading something and it's not registering anymore. I almost did not leave, but decided to go anyway. When I got home, he was outside and had lost all track of time and commented about me being home already. So evidently, all went well while I was gone. I'll keep pushing the envelope until I know, for sure, that I can not leave him alone at all anymore. I need to get out of this house every so often and Tuesday's Bible study is a great reason. Doctor's appointments are not enough.

    Yesterday, I saw the radiation oncologist and he's still waffling about radiation. He's going to confer with a few other doctors and a friend who is at Harvard School of Medicine. He said I'm a special case and he'd like more input. I will see him again in a couple weeks after another CT scan.

    My appointment with the plastic surgeon for tomorrow got rescheduled so I called Lowe's and rescheduled the washer/dryer delivery and installation for tomorrow, Friday. It's forecast to be less rain and that will help with moving these machines through the house and setting them up. Also, that gives me this extra day to decide how I'm going to clean the laundry room.

    I'm back and so surprised that my comment is still here, I expected to have come back and lost it. I will post it before I really do lose it.

  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    edited April 2017
    Good afternoon everyone. Today is a warm day, it's 85 degrees and 61% humidity right now. Was hoping for some good rain the other day but only received about 15 minutes total over the three days we were supposed to have it. Today is a good garden day. Many of my flowers are coming in, I've stopped writing down what has come up, and when on those because they are just flowers, and herbs. Important, but not much for food to eat, lol.

    I hurt my back a couple weeks back and does not seem to be getting better. My mid back hurts, I'm getting cramping in it and in my ribs on each side. I don't know if it is the water pills I have to take causing it or not. I am trying to eat a lot of potassium to replace what I am losing, but it doesn't seem to be helping the matter. Guess I'll be talking to my doctor next time I see her. Don't have an appt set at this time though. So, the garden will be attended to but I won't be so quick to bend down and look at what just popped up to read the tag on it.

    Got a survey in the mail from the local funeral home wanting to know preferences for burial. I am not too interested in doing something like it. Our name and address is on it, they want your age range, and every other imaginable information from it. I find these kinds of things to be too invasive into my private life and have received them at least once a year for the last three years. I think I am mailing it back and telling them to take our address off their mailing list. It's appalling to me but maybe others think it is ok. I don't know, I just don't want it and I certainly don't want them to think they would handle any of my business ahead of time.

    Sannferris-Glad you are feeling better.

    Have a great day today!

  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    Good morning everyone.

    Yay, it's Friday. I'm ready for this week to be over...but I sure have enjoyed the light traffic due to Spring Break. I'm sure it will be bad again next week.

    Last night I continued with the purging project on the spare bedroom closet. Purged two huge boxes of Christmas nick nacks. I can't believe how much of that stuff we accumulated over the years. I have another huge load of stuff to take to Goodwill tomorrow.

    I couldn't figure out how to get Mom's sewing machine in its case, so tasked Dad with figuring it out. Of course, he figured it out. I was puzzling over that since last weekend.

    Have two long meetings this morning. Not looking forward to them. Lot's of sitting. I don't like sitting for long periods. I find more and more that I need to get up and walk a little every hour or so.

    Sheryl, so glad to hear from you. Sorry that John is getting panic attacks, and keeping my fingers crossed that radiation won't be necessary. Hope all goes well with the washer/dryer installation today.

    Anew, I hope your back starts feeling better soon. That's sure no fun.

    Debora and Isabella, I hope your both having a good week!

    I think I'll take a little walk and then get back to work.
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    edited April 2017
    Good Morning. I got a phone call from Lowe's delivery and they gave me the 2 hour window of 11:30 am to 1:30 pm. I moved all my loose junk out of the laundry room and swept, but still would like to pull out the washer and dryer to clean behind them. We'll see if John will help me when he gets up. We got the water turned off (that was quite a chore because the faucets were "frozen" in the open position, I don't turn them on and off on a regular basis) and the hoses loosened, so I hope the switch will go smoothly. I have my little shop vac out and broom and dust pan ready.

    So, hopefully, it won't be pouring down rain when they arrive.

  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Hi, Friday already. So windy outside, it feels about like you could blow away.
    The salsa chicken was a hit and we had it several times this week . The salad supper was great as always. So many different kinds of salads - they gave us big plates but still just had little dabs, there were so many. The tables were decorated simply but very pretty (and the tablecloths were left on and used for the funeral meal on Tuesday). The speaker (who became an author in her 70s) gave her life story and told things God has taken her through. Very very good evening.
    We had out 4-H exchange meeting Monday so another club met with us. That was fun. It worked out that I could go to the visitation beforehand for the cousin since both things were at the church. Tuesday morning was the funeral and we went to the burial and stayed for the meal. So I got home in time to go to Good News Club. We met in the upstairs and the kids did well. I had the evening at home so finally got Ralph's hair cut. It needed it badly.
    Wednesday morning I went to walk and had a flat tire so Ralph came and changed it. Later in the morning I went back to church to work on the Echoes and when I went to leave the car just clicked so Ralph came and got me. Figured out it was the started so our hired man messed with some wire and got it started so we got it to the shop. In the afternoon I picked up Alan's kids (good thing we have more than 1 car) from school and had them here for a couple of hours. Home for the rest of the night.
    Thursday morning I started straightening the house for the week. Stopped to go to Lindsey to watch the boys and Aven for a bit. Fixed macaroni and cheese for lunch and they ate it all. Ralph and I were going to stop at MacDonalds but I did try a cucumber tomato salad I saw in her fridge and it was so good I asked her to bring it Sunday. We ate, dropped by and saw Lori and left some eggs (supply is building up) and found out they have a problem with the electricity in half the house - saw some wires glowing - it was supposed to be looked at today. Got home about 3 and got back to the list. Started filling the Easter eggs for the grand to hold. Each egg gets a quarter. They seem to like that. Last night I went to send some pictures to Walmart 1 hour photo. I don't do it very often so I always have to figure things out again. I finally got it done and we were able to pick them up this morning. We are going to my niece's Monday evening to celebrate Uncle Joe's 87th birthday (he's my dad's youngest sibling) and she suggested pictures of our families to give him. So I emailed out and looked at stuff I had and came up with a few pictures. I bought an inexpensive album and will label and put them in it. He has two sons but they don't do a lot with him so he wants to come to our stuff. Jenni decided to invite the sons and dug up one number and at least one of them is coming. So that will be fun to see him - it has been many years.
    Today I walked, we went to town. My list looked long but didn't take as long to do as I thought it would. Found a good sized ham to fix for Sunday. We were home by noon, had more of the salsa chicken and I froze what was left. I mopped floors today - it's been a month or so so they needed it badly. It didn't take that long so why do I put it off. The car got done so we went and got it. Did the dishes and some other little things. Will have part of the sub sandwich we got at Walmart for super and then we have a cantata at church to go to. I pretty much have the day at home tomorrow but have plenty to do. We will run into the close little town to eat lunch at a fundraiser for a girl with some health problems and is going to travel to see a special doctor.
    Another "funny" - my hair dryer was just blowing out cold air the other night. I thought I had a new one on hand and pulled out the box to find it was the previous one which still sort of worked. Ralph looked at them and took them out and blew out the dust and now the old one is working better. I bought a new back up one today. I was getting ready to toss the one when I noticed a tag and read it and it said if the dryer starts blowing out cold air and do..... So I'll try out what it says but why did I not notice that before.

    Isabella, glad you enjoyed your meal at Chili's. Tire all fixed? We got ours fixed yesterday. Katie had a flat too - we always seem to have more trouble after the roads are graded. Hope your work week went well. Did you get any days off for this weekend? A white car would probably show the dirt less - good choice.
    Apple Grape Salad - Combine 8 oz. softened cram cheese, 1 cup sour cream, 1/3 cup sugar and 1 tsp vanilla. Add 1 lb. whole grapes and 4 apples (I used gala), cored and cut in pieces.

    Sheryl, are the new washer and dryer in place? I know what you mean about being dirty behind and under. Will you try them out right away. Glad John did okay once you were gone the other day. Your appointments keep you on the go but everything seems to be looking good. Hope you can keep going to Bible study.

    Marcie, I bet Goodwill is enjoying seeing your coming with all the goodies you're bringing. This project is a big one but you're making great progress. Great that you can help your neighbor some each week. That's what neighbors are for. Glad you got the sewing machine figured out. You make me want to get down in the basement and get at in again. Nice on the nice commutes to work this week. Glad it lasted for several days. Don't be impressed by all I do - I don't have to go work at a job every day so have time to run around. I know what you mean about wanting to move around every little while. It just feels good. Love how Cisco makes the rounds of beds - wants to stay close to everyone. Glad your dad has kept up with his walking - the others are just losing out on the benefits.

    Anew, bummer on the sore back. Hope it improves quickly. At least all the planting is done. The boxes sound like neat idea with year round use. You are very creative. Hope everything is continuing to grow well. We had three days that guys could be around out in the fields planting corn but got another good rain last night - enough to stop it all. Supposed to get more over the weekend but I hope it holds off till after Sunday or longer. Glad the angiogram went well. I've never gotten a questionaire from a funeral - planning ahead is not a bad thing - less decisions for other people but I haven't done it.

    Time to get supper put together and get ready for the evening. Have a great weekend.
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good Morning. The machines are in place and I did a load of towels already, so I know everything works, clean and dry. The new machines are physically smaller than the old ones, but the washer tub and dryer tumbler are larger. Less extra metal all around the outside and lighter. Maybe I'll be able to move them to clean a little on the sides and behind. At least, I can get a broom sideways in between them and sweep out dust and dirt.
    Here's the old set:


    And the new GE:


    The lighting in the laundry room is terrible so the photos aren't great, but they really look good in person. And added bonus that I did not see at Lowe's because they aren't plugged in on display...the dryer has a light inside, so it's great to find all the socks and wash cloths that try to hide out in there.

    Now, I have the old woodstove, old washer and old dryer on pallets in the driveway waiting to be taken to scrap metal. I didn't have a chance to talk to Jack yet about that, and we need to get another load of hay, so if we need to use our truck to take the scrap, it will have to wait until after we use more hay and get the truck empty again. I guess there's really no big hurry, our driveway looks like a junk yard already, so what's a few more junk things out there.