Pot Bellied Stove / Water Cooler



  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    Hi all.

    Been a busy weekend. Lots of errors run. Yesterday I went out for beakfast, took a load of cans and bottles to the recycling center (got $36 for them), went to Kohls and got some shoes, got gas, got the car washed, donated another load of stuff to Good Will, got cat food at the pet store, and got groceries at the grocery store.

    Hard boiled eggs for the week yesterday and got all of the laundry washed.

    Today I went out for breakfast again, and had to go back to the grocery store because I forgot to get shampoo yesterday.

    Now I'm getting ready to paint my finger nails. They are looking raggly now. I'll watch some of my saved TV shows while I work on them. Later today I need to vacuum this house again and continue to find stuff to purge.

    Debora, yay on trying the egg muffins! I love them, and there are so many variations when making them.

    Isabella, yay on the raise!

    Have a great day everyone.
  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    Good morning everyone.

    Quiet in here again!

    It's cloudy and about to rain. Enjoyed the sunshine yesterday though. Got up to the upper 70s.

    Dad and I were running errands and shopping all weekend. Seems like every time I got back, he was getting in his car to go somewhere. Yesterday afternoon I drove over to Ross Dress For Less to check out their comforters, and wound up buying a purse and a couple pairs of shoes. I need to change the comforter on my bed. Not liking it, but didn't see anything at the store I wanted. Will keep looking.

    Man, the bike riders were sure out in full force this morning. I hate having to navigate around them when driving down town. Not all of these streets have bike lanes. Just makes traffic that much worse.

    I never did get around yesterday to purging more stuff. Maybe next week. Dad said I should take my next round of stuff to another Good Will near us, and give those guys a break!

    I took an hour nap yesterday after painting my nails. Cisco didn't join me on that one, nor did he sleep with me last night. I guess he was Dad's dog yesterday!

    Having an egg sandwich for breakfast right now. Sure is good.

    Well, I think I walk a couple laps around the building before it starts raining, and then get back to work. I hope you all have a spectacular week!
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good Morning. We had heavy rain yesterday and it was forecast to be an inch. The early morning news yesterday said that if we got what was forecast, we would be at 4 inches of rain for the month of April so far, a record. I'm pretty sure we got that much because now the front yard has standing water. The ground is totally saturated and squishy when you walk on it. This can't be good for the house, this poor old mobile is crooked already and if it starts sinking...

    The mountain resorts are still rejoicing for all the snow. They got 6 inches at Timberline and 8 inches at Mount Hood Meadows. Winter has returned.

    I hope to go to Bible study this morning and while I'm out, pick up my prescriptions. I'll see how John is when he gets up. If I can't make it to Bible study, I'll still have to go out for Rx. I took my last chemo pill, I usually don't let myself get totally out, but it happened this time.

    I don't have any doctor appointments this week, but I should call and schedule another speech therapy session. I haven't done anything since before surgery. I got really lazy about my vocal exercises and will probably have to start from scratch and work up to be back where I was before, trying to hold a note for more than a few seconds.

    I think the coffee pot is just about done...I need a my mug filled.
  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    Good morning all.

    We were supposed to get rain yesterday, but it never happened. Just got chilly and lots of wind.

    A long work day yesterday. I had lots of forms to work on for posting on the website. I'm chipping away at all of our forms. We're reformatting them for easier completion by the customers. Just another ongoing project I'm involved with.

    Cisco slept with Dad again last night. I guess he's given up on me!

    Traffic was sure bad on the way to work this morning. Worse that usual. Lots of road work being done right now, so it's making the commute really, really bad.

    Spent a bunch of time last night on YouTube watch Vet Ranch videos. It's so great how they help those poor dogs that are hurting and homeless. They get them fixed up, send them to a foster family, and them then get them adopted. One little guy had to have his hip bone removed because it was crushed by a car, and by the end of the video he was happily racing around the yard of his foster family.

    Trash day is tomorrow, so I think when I get home I'm going to purge some stuff out of the box freezer in the garage. It's got a lot of old stuff in there that I'm not going to eat.

    Sheryl, sorry about all that standing water. How annoying. I sure hope it doesn't affect the house! I hope you are able to got to Bible study this morning and that John is okay when he gets up. I know what it's like to deplete a prescription like that and that have to scramble to get it refilled.

    Well, since it's so nice outside, I'm going take a little walk before getting back to work. Have lovely day everyone.
  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    edited April 2017
    Good morning everyone. It's a cloudy 86 degrees and 61% humidity with high winds day. I can hear it whipping around out there so I need to figure out how to secure my tomato plants to the trellis for support. One of them has become very bushy and growing out away from the trellis, I see that branch blowing around a lot lately. All 9 of the bush bean seeds I sowed have come up making it 100% germination. I am quite surprised at that and the rest of the garden is doing great.

    The peas have a couple of blooms on them, the cherry tomatoes are starting to blush and everything is doing well. Except for my bells and basil in with the tomatoes. They are too covered by tomato branches to get the sun they need, so I need to seed some more of those. When I figure out where to plant the watermelon I will then know where to seed some bells and basil. I have a new design idea for the bed covers in the making. Instead of using the double layer polycarbonate I'll be going another direction. It's still in the planning stages.

    Have a great day everyone!
  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    edited April 2017
    Good morning.

    It's a little drizzly here this morning. Not raining hard though, so that's good.

    Someone got stuck in one of our elevators here at work yesterday. Glad it wasn't me! They sure are having problems with these elevators. A repair man is working on it this morning.

    When I got home from work yesterday I purged a bunch of stuff out of that deep freezer in the garage. Have lots of room in there now!

    Dad had the gardener chop down our kumquat tree yesterday. He said the branches on the tree were dead. I hadn't noticed. Anyway, it's gone now. I never ate the things anyway. The lady at work who I brought them too will be disappointed.

    Dad attended his monthly American Legion meeting last night, then when he got home around 8:30 he went across the street to our elderly neighbor's house to help her with a computer problem she was having. He didn't get home from there until nearly 10:00. Usually he's in bed by 8:00, so it was a late night for him.

    Once again, Cisco decided to sleep with Dad last night. I feel so rejected. Ha!

    After getting the trash all squared away, I just watched a couple shows from the DVR and then went to bed.

    Traffic wasn't too bad this morning surprisingly. I actually got up to 65 mph in certain places.

    Helped a blind man when I went to La Bou this morning for breakfast. They have this twisty-turny roped off lane leading up to the counter and he and his service dog got turned around in it. I'm surprised that have that lane set up like that. I would think it wouldn't comply with ADA requirements. He was sure nice man, but he was irritated with that lane. Don't blame him.

    Well, back to work. Have a nice day everyone.
  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    Hi all.

    Sheryl, missing your daily updates again!

    Traffic this morning was bad again as usual. Inched my way to work. Ugh.

    I have two back to back meetings this morning. No break in between. I hate when that happens. To much sitting for long periods of time. The first is to review revisions I made to one of our forms and the second is a meeting about changes to the website content management system. Fun stuff (not)!

    I broke the news about us cutting down our kumquat tree to the two ladies here at work that harvested them for and they weren't happy to here it!

    Cisco was sure my dog last night. He hung on to me all night. Simon was too. He kept playing the paw game with me. Just kept tapping my hands with his paws.

    It's cloudy here today, but no rain. Got really windy yesterday, but so far today no wind. I went the to the store after work yesterday and it was so windy it was hard to walk against it.

    When I got home from work yesterday I spent some time sweeping up stuff in the back yard and on the side of the house. Lots of leaves and dead flower petals all over the place.

    The roses in the front of our house are sure pretty right now. They are in full bloom.

    I haven't had to bring in the garbage cans for my elderly neighbor across the street for two weeks now. I think her daughter who visits her must be doing it.

    Yesterday at work the Grille's special was the baked potato bar, so I got one of those for me and got one for Dad to eat for lunch today. I added to the potato chili, steamed broccoli and cauliflower, green onions, cheese, and on mine a little sour cream. So good.

    Anew, nice job on the garden. Wow!

    Well back to work.
  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    edited April 2017
    Good evening everyone. Today is not as hot as it was yesterday, it was 99 degrees and 7% humidity for most of yesterday. It finally cooled down to about 86 degrees and the humidity went up to about 20% last evening. It's 81 degrees right now and 51% humidity, it feels nice out there. I sprayed the garden today with BT and Daconil to help ward off the worms and fungus's. Next week I spray with Neem which handles most bugs including worms but is also a fungicide. I alternate week after week so I don't go over the limit for how many times per season to use any one product. I try to be as organic as possible, the Daconil is synthetic but you can pick up to the day of spraying on everything I use.

    The peas have flowers all over them now, the bush beans are all up and growing fast, the bush cucumber is getting bigger and the tomatoes are going crazy. The cantaloupes are doing great as well. My only fear on those is that I will be dealing with squash vine borers so I use a good spray of Diomataceous Earth powder on all the stems of everything. Hopefully I can ward off the borers. I also do a light dusting of all the plants too. It's totally organic and helps with the bugs too. This is my first year trying the routine spraying and treating, with a noticeable improvement to my garden. I should have a good amount of veggies coming my way.

    Hubby learned how to do the fluid treatment for our cat today and it went well so we should be doing it at home each week, instead of going to the vet office. The harness is sure a stress saver for all of us.

    Mygnsac-Often the wind is strong like that here. Most of the time you can't open the car door and let go or the wind will slam it into the car next to you. The nature of the beast here and part of the gardening issues here, figuring out how to protect plants from the wind (especially seedlings).

    Have a great night everyone.
  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    Hi all. Yay it's Friday again! Just need to get through this work day and I'm free again for another two days.

    I thought I would have no meetings today, and wouldn't you know as soon as I sat down someone sent me a meeting request for this afternoon. They just get in the way of me getting my work done.

    One of my long-time co-workers is retiring next month, so a group of us will be taking her out for lunch, and give her a gift card. I tossed in $10 towards the card. I'm sure going to miss seeing her around here. She's worked for this office longer than I have, and I'm at 28 years.

    When I got home from work yesterday I once again swept up outside in the backyard. That darn just won't stop and keeps blowing stuff off the trees. The pool needs to be cleaned again too, but I'll do this weekend if Dad doesn't get to it today.

    Dad was complaining last night that there was a yucky smell coming from the garbage disposal. I broke out the Comet and start scrubbing inside of there, then tossed a few of by vinegar/lemon ice cubes down there. Sure smells better know.

    Cisco surprised me last night and decided to sleep in his dog bed in my room. He worked for while to get his blankets just right. It's so cute watching him try to manipulate his blanket with his teeth. Apparently I just don't get it right.

    Anew, wow, 99 degrees! I'm not looking forward to the hot weather that is around the bend for us. So far we haven't exceeded 80 degrees this season and yesterday it never got out of the 70s.

    Back to work. Have a great weekend everyone.

  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good Mid-Morning. Once again, I slept in and then John got up at the same time. It's really challenging these days to keep him occupied and happy. The sun is shining and John went outside right now, Yay, I count it a blessing when the sun is out.

    I did get to Bible study Tuesday and stopped at Fred Meyer for groceries and Rx. Tuesday afternoon, I got a phone call from Nancy. So good to talk to her, it's been months. (we've emailed, but it's been a long time since I heard her voice). It was a good day but, for some unknown reason, I couldn't sleep that night. So, Wednesday was a blah day and nothing got done. I seemed super tired and had more problems keeping John busy.

    Back to Nancy, she is still suffering with back pain. She's able to work with the help of pain meds, plus, she's able to sit instead of standing most of the time. She still has help with her Dad, my other uncle, Bob, and Roy, their care-giver give Nancy a break in dealing with the dementia. I can't even imagine handling a loved one plus holding down a full-time job.

    John just came back in and needs me to see something.
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    edited April 2017
    I blinked my eyes and another week is almost gone. Our trip to Colorado was good but fast. We (Ralph and two sisters) left here at 7:30 am. We stopped for lunch at 12:30 and met another sister who parked her car and rode with us and the other carload (sister and hubby and daughter and family) ate with us too. We stayed together the rest of the way until we got close to our hotels - somehow I got us at a different Quality Inn but just a few miles away.

    We settled into our rooms and then headed down the road to find my brother. We got to the rehab center and I went to find him. It was a bit of a shock - sitting in a wheel chair and he talks but short sentences. I went out and everyone came in to say hi. It was his suppertime so we left to go eat and told him we'd be back. Ate at Applebees and then went back and gathered in a bigger room and visited. His daughter and one son were there then too. Only stayed about an hour cause he looked tired. Back to the room.

    Sunday morning we enjoyed the hotel breakfast and packed up. We headed out to a church but got there when we would have been late so went to Target for sister who needed a card, Barnes and Noble, a thrift store (books were too expensive) and then went early to the cafe where we were meeting out younger brother. We got us signed in so the 45 minute wait was only long for us. Rest waited about 15 minutes. Turned out this cafe only does breakfast on Sunday but I had a really really good rice pudding porridge. Then we headed to the party.

    The party was at Jack's girlfriend's house. It was family and friends. We got pictures of the 7 siblings and cousins there and talked and talked. Jack seemed to have a good time. Lots of good refreshments. When it was over, we loaded up and headed down the road - drove 4 hours to our hotel. We ate at Arby's and settled in. I was determined to get my 10000 steps in so walked the length of the room for awhile.

    Monday morning was pack up again, eat breakfast at the hotel (same stuff as the day before so I had biscuits and gravy again plus eggs... I like breakfast stuff). We took off, drove till lunch time, ate at Spangles and made it home about an hour later. The last time we stopped for gas, DH didn't have his credit card so cancelled it when we got home. It did show up in the car Wednesday night but new one is on the way - still nice to know no one else has it. Got unpacked when we got home, took care of the eggs gathered while we were gone and made my list for Tuesday. DH and I just snacked for the evening.

    DH did all the driving on the trip. He probably didn't have me drive to and from because I would have driven just the speed limit - not in the 5 miles over. In Denver he drove cause he was the best driver so he was tired when we got home. We never paid for a meal - technically that is. Breakfast was included with the hotel and one of my sisters covered every other meal. Two of the sisters did the whole thing for everyone. And then the sister that goes with us a lot, did all the rest (like she always does).

    Tuesday was the 4th Tuesday so it was to town for the half price thrift store sale and we got two boxes of books. We also stopped at Goodwill and the grocery store. Then home for some ham and roasted asparagus (a neighbor gave be a big bag of it). The afternoon was Good News Club. We gave out the invites for the party which they are looking forward too. Came home and Alan and family were over here mowing the grass. They also borrowed my hair clippers as the kids had brought home notes about lice being in the school. The boys got summer haircuts and they found lice on both of them. We were fortunate and never had them so not a fun thing for Alans plus their kids had stayed with Loris and Derek's over the weekend so they had to call and tell them. Evening was quiet after they left.

    Wednesday morning was working on the Echoes, working at home in the afternoon and we had our ending of Wednesday nights wiener roast and class. It was a cool day so we ate inside - hot dogs were roasted outside. Also had baked beans, chips, fruit salad and drink.

    Thursday I was home in the morning. We ate a little early and then headed for Jeremiah's track meet. It was cool and rained some off and one but we watched him to the long jump and then the 100 meter dash. We took him home, ate and then went to Brecken's kindergarten program. They invited us back to the house for awhile and then home again. Alan was finally able to start planting the last field of corn. Part of it is still too muddy. We're supposed to get more rain this weekend. I hope it holds off. We also need to get the 4-H pigs ear-tagged.

    We've had eggs piling up so loaded them up and donated them to the Rescue Mission. Then we watched Lucy's program (it was also the night before but they were giving it for the elementary kids). It was called Survivor Babylon - very well done. We went on to town and did our shopping (my sister had to go wherever we went) and got done early enough to go by the house and put the cold stuff away and then it was to Potwin for their Marketplace. Each class makes something and then sells it with the money going back to their classroom. We enjoyed popcorn, got chips and salsa, Ralph helped Clark buy one chick and as the price went down, added more so he had 4 chicks plus 2 we bought in town so Ralph is helping them get that all set up. When he gets home, I'll fix our pizza and salads.

    Tomorrow Ralph is going to a vintage and farmall tractor sale - just to look. I'm going to a bridal shower and then will be concentrating on the house and getting gifts ready. We are celebrating 4 birthdays for April. And that sums up my week. (Ralph just came in and said the grands now have 13 chicks. The other grandma bought 6 for her son and decided he wouldn't want them). :)

    Anew, your garden continues to do well under your tender loving care. My mouth is starting to water. That's so wonderful that you and hubby will be able to take care of your cat at home now.

    Marcie, I'm sure you appreciate any day that your commute is not so bad. And meetings are a part of your work but you sure seem to be having a lot of them lately. I guess you can consider it a break from your computer screen but it keeps you in one place just sitting more. Nice for you that the kumquat tree is gone. Maybe your friends can find someone else with one. What color are your nails now? The Goodwill store will miss you when you get done purging. Cisco sure likes variety for his sleeping places. I bet watching him arrange the blanket is cute. Stuck in an elevator. That happened to Ralph one time - not fun. Maybe it's just cause you don't know how long and you just have to stand there. :) Nice of you to help the blind man. I'll bet your roses smell good.

    Sheryl, sorry you're not getting your alone time in the morning and John is getting more demanding. Glad you got away for Bible study. Like Marcie said, we miss you dropping in but understand. Wow, lots of rain in your area. I can see why you like the sunshiny days. Have you done your vocal exercises today - easy to put off when no one is going to check up on you. Sorry to hear Nancy is still having back pain - glad she has meds but I'm amazed at all she still does.

    Isabella, what do you soak the walnuts for? How neat that you are getting together with your not-friendly fence neighbor. God works in his own ways. I'm too late for the advice, but I'd say to take nothing and respect what she said. How did the evening go? Did you make it to Sprouts?
    My uncle really didn't look at the album that night so I don't know. We were all able to sit in the same room so could visit as a group. I don't know how much we'll get together in the future as our lifestyles are very different but it will hopefully happen more often.

    Have a good weekend whatever you do.
  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    My gosh, that wind we had yesterday was awful. Hard to even walk against it. This morning no wind at all. Yay!

    I'm going to have to clean that pool later today. It's just full of leaves again. I sure hope that's the last of our rain storms.

    I'm going to scrounge around the house this morning and see if I can find more stuff to take to Good Will.

    Need to vacuum the house today and get the laundry washed.

    Sheryl, good to hear from you.

    Debora, sounds like you had a great trip, and nice that you didn't have to pay for your meals. I painted the nails pink, but they need it again. That will tomorrow.

    Have a nice day everyone.
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good Mid-Morning, again. This may be the best time to check in from now on, at least on sunny days when John can get outside. I slept in again this morning until 7 am and John got up by 7:30.

    Yesterday, he had to have me come look at what the mole had done in the front yard. We have gobs and gobs of mounds and tunnels in the back yard and now, it's moved to the front. Oh, Great!!!

    Debora's comment reminded me to tell Isabella not to take anything to dinner with the neighbors. I meant to say something last week and never got back to it. When I invite people over and say don't bring anything except yourselves, that's what I truly mean. So, respect their wishes and just go have a good time, empty handed.

    Another beautiful day, I may talk John into taking off in the car and just go for a nice drive. Even with 2 dry days, it's still too wet out there to do any actual work, so a nice drive sounds good to me. I'm doing laundry right now, but I can put that off, easily. I've been telling myself to do laundry for 3 days now and finally started it this morning. The new washer and dryer are working out very well.

  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    Just got back from my weeken errand run. Got gas, went out for breakfast at the Big Bear Diner. Got one biscuit and gravy (wasn't fond of that so only ate half), two pieces of bacon (yum) and a cup of coffee (also yum).

    After breakfast I got gas for the car, went to Ross and bought a new quilt for my bed (the comforter I have now is driving me crazy. It bunches up and looks awful), then I headed to the grocery store to stock up groceries. While at Ross I also bought a new shower curtain liner and a new shower curtain. Need to put those up some time today.

    Folding clothes right now. I have about 4 more loads I want get done today, and also want to wash Dad's sheets.

    The wind is picking up again. I thought we were done with that! They say it will be in the mid 90s next week. Ugh.

    Dad was talking with some folks at a local veggie stand asking about watermelons, and they said give it a few more weeks. The ones being sold in the stores are no good. Boy are they right about that. We bought one last week and it really bad.

    Sheryl, I hope you enjoy your outing with John.

    Bye all.
  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    edited April 2017
    Good afternoon everyone. I am checking in to let you all know fitbit has a new alta with a heart monitor, it's smaller than the regular one too they say. It comes with two straps, one black and one of the three colors you choose. They have a blue grey, fuscia pink and a maroon(ish) one.

    I just ordered two. One for me and one for hubby. You can get them through qvc on five easy pays and the price is 125.99 each today. My first payment for two is $25.99 each plus tax and shipping is free.

    Here is the link if you are interested in getting a new one. This is a today's special and is only good for today until they run out.


  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    Well, that stinking pool is clean now. Took me forever to skim off all those leaves. It was sunny and warm out there, so Dad insisted I wear a hat. I conceded, but I've never been a hat wearer. Now I have hat hair! Luckily I have no where to go tonight. He wears a hat every time he leaves the house because he's lost most of his hair on top of his head.

    He tells me his doctor told him he needs to come in for a colonoscopy because its been a decade since his last one. He said he either had the choice of doing that, or bring in a stool sample. Dad said not a hard choice there! A stool sample will be delivered!

    Dad told me Simon threw up in his office earlier today. When I went in to clean it up I couldn't find. We suspect my sicko dog ate it. Yuck!

    Got my new shower curtain liner, shower curtain and quilt all up now. Love the quilt for the bed. Looks so much better than the last one...which is currently residing in the trash can.
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Hubby went to the auction even though it was raining and windy enough the umbrella went inside out. He had a good time there and then bought another box of books. I enjoyed the bridal shower - they served brunch, had one game and then passed the gifts around which was fun. There's another bridal shower tomorrow afternoon but I'll just take my gift for it since all the kids will be here. I spent the rest of the day doing food stuff, getting the 4 gifts ready, finishing up my Sunday School lesson. We donated a bunch of eggs and now the place we take them to sell them ran out. So will be able to take them there again plus the school should be about ready for more. I wouldn't have donated so many but they were piling up and she had no idea one person would come by 13 dozen and another 5 (especially when they are on sale in the store for $.88 a dozen). Tomorrow we are having pulled pork (found a package left from the wedding). I got some hot dogs for the kids cause I wasn't sure there was enough pork. Made a cherry jello, potato salad and will do barbecued beans plus cake and ice cream. Ralph got the eggs washed so now it's my turn - get them in the cartons. He lays them out on a towel and they dry quite quickly.

    Marcie, sorry you have to clean the pool so much especially when you aren't using it yet. Wind does things like that. Good to wear a hat. I'm not a hat person either. Good job on the housework.Lots of laundry taken care of. Cool on the new quilt (picture?) and shower curtain. Gives the rooms a new feeling. What color for the hails this week? Your dad's a smart man - it's easier and cheaper to do that although I don't know if my doctor would give that choice.

    Sheryl, did you get to go for a drive? Sounds like a nice day for it. You sounds about as wet as we are. Sounds like you're figuring out a new routine. We'll take you whenever we can get you.

    Anew, enjoy your fitbit. I still enjoy my fitbt one. The heart monitor might be helpful for you.
  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    Gosh, I'd sure like some of your eggs Debora. I just paid $3.00 today for a dozen at the supermarket!

    Here's the new quilt...plus cat who's already getting his cat hairs on it!

  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    Nice day today. Should get up in 80s like yesterday. And better yet, no wind!

    Still working on the pool. I got everything skimmed off of the top of the water. This morning we have the pool sweep working on getting the stuff that's floated to the bottom. So much down there that we keep having to empty out the pool sweep's bag. Were really close now to having it done.

    Went out for breakfast, then popped into the grocery store to get couple items I forgot to get yesterday.

    I just hard boiled some eggs for the week. Need to go peel them now. Very smelly when I'm peeling eggs, so I think it will be time to open the windows. Later I'm going to make some banana nut muffins, jello, and a pot of lentils.

    When I was emptying out the pool sweep bag this morning, the pool pump was still on and I got sprayed with water in the face. Dad got a kick out of that. He's such a brat sometimes!

    Well, I guess it's egg peeling time. Bye everyone.
  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    edited April 2017
    Hi ladies, I had an absolutely fabulous day yesterday! Our friend that moved out of town during her divorce came in for a visit so we all met for a girl's breakfast out at a restaurant in the Hillcrest area called Hash House A Go-Go. Jami picked me up so I got to ride in her new car. The place was packed and VERY loud! Jami and I agreed we wouldn't go back. It's kind of expensive but food was decent - they give you a ton of it (each plate is almost the size of a turkey platter!) - so I split an eggs benedict plate with Mona. It was served on mashed potatoes with a red pepper sauce over it and the biscuit on the side. Total for just my portion with coffee, tax, tip was $14.00. Since it was so loud in there we drove to a park to hang out and catch up for a while. We left at noon and went to Jami's house to dye our hair. Got home at 3pm and Dan and I went grocery shopping to Trader Joe's and Sprouts. We had about an hour to relax then off to our next door neighbors for dinner at 6pm.

    We took our shoes off at the door as is their custom. I brought a bouquet of tulips (I just had to bring something!). We sat and chatted about everything from life in India, how they met, ended up in the US, religion, work, restaurants, their boys - no topic was off limits (the only thing no one brought up was politics ;) ). We also went and looked at the progress, or lack thereof, of their backyard renovation and he discussed his vision of what the finished result would look like. Then we sat some more and they served us this delicious red (kinda sweet) rose water drink. We finally sat down to dinner around 8pm. The food was AMAZING!!! Bindu made most of the dishes but Rahul, who also likes to cook, prepared one of the dishes also. I don't know what the main dish was called but they prepared a vegetarian version of it (cheese paneer I believe) and one with chicken. I think we and their younger son were the only ones who had the chicken. She also prepared dahl which was the best lentils either of us had ever had and she made some whole wheat naan bread that was fabulous. Rahul had commented to us that for us he had cut the amount of hot peppers that he usually adds in half. It was plenty spicy for us so we can't even imagine how spicy "normal" is for all of them!!! After dinner the boys, ages 14 and 11, played their guitars for us. Very talented. We chatted some more, this time with the 14 yr old participating, and finally left at about 10:30pm. What a magical evening!

    Today we went to church, shopped at Jimbo's and now here I am. :) I'll cook my weekly greens and sit outside and enjoy this beautiful day. Life is good!

    Marcie, too funny that your dad told you to take some stuff over to the other Goodwill to give the guys a break. Major bummer that they are doing road work to further frustrate your commute. The alternative though, as we have here is really crappy roads, so hopefully the added aggravation will be short lived and will be worth it. Scary that people keep getting stuck on that elevator. Hope they get it fixed permanently soon. I bet it feels good to get the kumquat tree removed. Too funny that Cisco keeps rotating his sleeping spot - he probably doesn't want to deprive his people of his presence and tries to share himself with you guys. :) That potato bar at work sounds really good. I love baked potato bars! I agree that it is too soon for the store watermelons. I have not purchased any yet because I was pretty sure they would not be sweet. I got a chuckle from your hat hair comment. That's why I don't wear hats - I thought I was the only one that called it "hat hair". Your quilt is very colorful. I imagine it really brightens up the room.

    Sheryl, hope the saturated ground doesn't affect your house. That would be awful. Where do the llamas go when the entire ground is saturated? So sorry to hear that poor Nancy has to deal with all that and the back pain too. Chronic pain is horrible. Did you and John end up going for a ride? Thanks very much for the advice not to bring anything but I decided to bring flowers. :)

    Anew, the progress in the garden is amazing. Everything is thriving. It has to be really gratifying to see your efforts pay off like that. I didn't realize it was so windy in TX. I've heard a lot of good things about diatomaceous earth. Some people even get food grade and ingest it. Hope you and hubby really like your new fitbits. Let us know how it goes.

    Debra, sounds like the CO trip went really well and the added bonus of your sis paying for the meals. How nice to see the family and get to visit. Bummer about the kids having lice. How fun that the grands now have chicks to raise. Will Ralph help them raise them? It was pretty funny - I read your comment too quickly at first and thought you said that you made "cherry jello potato salad". I thought that sounded REALLY weird then realized it was 2 different items! :) I soak the walnuts (and almonds when we get them) in distilled or filtered water because "raw nuts (and especially raw seeds), contain moderate levels of phytic acid and enzyme inhibitors. Phytic acid is biologically necessary for the plant, as it helps safeguard the nut or seed until proper growing conditions are present and germination can occur. These enzyme inhibitors prevent the seed from sprouting prematurely, but can cause potential problems in humans by binding to nutrients in the body and contributing to nutrient deficiencies and digestive system irritation. Soaking the nuts makes their nutrients more bioavailable so you get more of the nutrients." And that's it in a nutshell! ;)