Pot Bellied Stove / Water Cooler



  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    Good late night to everyone, I hope you had a great day. I thought I would come in and post to update on the rain I was expecting. Well, so I got the rain I wanted but I was also gifted with some extreme wind while hubby and I were out to dinner. Came home to find our 12 foot side gate destroyed and 24 feet of our back fence down. The wind pushed the gate the opposite direction that it's supposed to open and damaged the very expensive and high quality hardware we put on it four years ago when hubby built the gate. This isn't the cheap stuff you get at the local big box store, it's the heavy duty almost $200 for the set hardware that is adjustable when the gate would get out of alignment. There is a 4x4 post broken in half and a few of the boards are cracked. The hardware that attaches the gate to the 4x4 has been stretched about 3/4" on both the top and bottom hinge with the hinge being bent in an upward angle. The back fence has four 4x4's that are snapped in half which resulted in the entire portion to be laying in the neighbors yard. We can see another neighbor's fence is broken in a portion of it as well.

    My garden is a little worse for wear, I think I'll be pulling some tomatoes and beans tomorrow when I can see the damage at daylight.

    Well, I had a good day today, other than this mishap we are ok.

    Mygnsac-I just got a kick out of that picture, lol. I felt the same way when I worked in a doctor office. :smiley:

    Have a great night everyone.

  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    edited May 2017
    Good morning everyone, it's a cool 61 degrees and 91% humidity this morning. It was cooler when I went out to check the garden. As I went around spraying the copper fungicide on all the plants I was able to assess it all. First we tied up two tomato plants last night since the storm bent the cage legs and both were laying down flat to the planting bed. The plants were unbroken. The beans, flowers and most herbs are laying flat as well as the pansies in my one bed. The watermelon was laid almost flat but the cantaloupe came out well with no visible damage other than looking a bit wind blown. I see all my cantaloupes are still on the vines, so I am happy about that. The cucumber is great too, didn't look like it was touched and it was in the same bed with the beans.

    The storm is interesting in how it came through since all small pots and 5 gallon buckets are all in the same place as before, but it damaged the gate and fence. It's amazing, other things should have been blown around and hubby noticed the tall brown grass below the shed was blown out behind it. I'm glad the wind didn't take that out, it's tied down in four corners. We had winds of 50-60 mph come through here with rainfall of about .75" in less than 30 minutes. Damage all around other counties around us too. The compost stayed within it's cage too, no paper flying anywhere, not even stuck to the kennel fence. So, I guess we found the fix for that problem.

    So, back to tending the garden and enjoying life as it comes. We'll have to fix some things but for now the soil will need to dry up some before new posts can be placed.

    Have a great day everyone.
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good Morning, Oh My, Anew, sounds like you had a tornado burst in your yard. I feel for you in regards to fence and gate damage, especially when you have put in time and expense for GOOD parts and hardware and made it heavy duty and expect it to last a lifetime. I've been there and know the frustration. Hope you can get the repairs done soon.

    I don't go to other posts here on MFP, but I remember over a year ago, I saw those ridiculous ones about various things about the "person above you". Didn't make any sense to me and I never looked into what they might be saying.

    I don't broadcast that I'm doing a "cleanse", big misconception also because I don't think what we're doing is technically a cleanse, not in the way we all think of a cleanse. I think they should reword it, but I don't know what other word would be appropriate, detox, maybe? It's just eliminating gluten, sugar and caffeine. Anyway, I haven't had any ill effects, however, the Facebook page for the group has some posts that some of the ladies are having nausea and abdominal pain. I think they may have those problems because they have had so much bad bacteria in their gut. I answered the questionnaire on the Candida web site and came up with a total of "2" which stated that I don't have a problem with Candida. You assign a number to every "yes" answer, but almost all my answers were a "no". I'm sure that I learned so much from NM, that if I had the problem, I already got rid of it. The transition phase is in now, the "restore" part and we are reintroducing foods into the diet and see how it affects our bodies. We can have most fruits again and see how the sugars make us feel. I really don't feel any different. Our energy level was suppose to be boosted, but I'm still the same, mostly wanting to rest after a little bit of work.

    Marcie, I also got a kick out of that picture, it's a great one to show the exasperation. Glad that you got the door situation fixed. I imagine hearing a door consistently rattle is disturbing. And, yay on having your mail more secure, that's important.

    John and I were outside almost all day yesterday but there's still so much more to do. we'll just keep at it, little by little.

  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    Good morning everyone.

    Gosh it sure got hot yesterday, but this morning it's nice and cool. I'm hoping our cooler weather is going to start today. Supposed to only be in the 70s and 80s starting Friday, through the weekend.

    I'm looking forward to the upcoming three-day weekend. As usual, we are closed on Monday for Memorial Day. That will be our last holiday until July 4th.

    Looks like the mailman had no trouble finding the new mail box yesterday. Yesterday Dad pulled an old rose bush that was kind of blocking the mail box, and laid down some walking stones for the mailman to step on. It's all set up now. I think we should paint the box in the garage where the mail is deposited though. Right now it's just unpainted wood. Maybe I'll paint it next weekend.

    I'm just having a small breakfast this morning. A little yogurt, raisins and some nuts. A group of us are going to that Riverside Clubhouse restaurant that mentioned before for a retirement lunch. I looked over the menu online and have decided I'm going to get their French Dip sandwich (minus the fries...I rarely eat them when served). Since I'm driving people there, I had to clear stuff out of the back seat. Usually it's just me in the car.

    Anew, my goodness, what a storm you had. That much wind is just the worst. We've had so many wind storms this year. Sorry to hear about the damage it caused!!

    Sheryl, detox is another word they had on MPF. Ha! Sounds like your doing great on the cleanse! I hope you are feeling well. Yay that John is able to go outside and not be cooped up in the house.

    Have a great day all.
  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    Wow, I just took a walk outside and it feels like it's getting colder out there.

    My old boss, the one with Lupus who retired, will be at the retirement lunch today, and today is her Birthday, so went across the street to the little general store and picked her up a Birthday card and a little nick-nacky thing. I haven't seen her since the end of February when she fully retired. Be nice to see her again.

    I thought we were going to that restaurant at 11:30 this morning, but I noted the time wrong on my calendar. It's actually at 1:30 this afternoon. Wished I had eaten a little more this morning. By the time we get back, it will be about time to go home.

    Sure having issues with my computer and printer today. I had to have IT fix in an issue with Outlook (it kept giving me message that the email address of people I was sending emails to were invalid...they still received the email, but I kept that message...fixed now), I put more paper in my printer, and now can't closer the drawer on the thing, and whenever I log on, I'm sometimes getting a message that my account is closed...I wait for a few minutes and try again and it works okay.
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    I got ready to write you buys and scrolled back to my last one and was sure I had written since then. So now I was looking at open documents and found this that I started last week and then evidently got sidetracked. So think I'll go ahead and send it and try and get back here soon. The Tuesday is talking about is a week old but it's still something you haven't read. :)

    Tuesday I had another whole day at home. Can't really say I got anything big accomplished. I did get through 3 sacks of trash from last Christmas - I tossed it aside cause I wanted to pull out the cardboard to recycle and tissue paper to reuse. I only got to in cause I'm still looking for my leather stamps. Still no sight of them. Wednesday was the complete opposite and I wasn't home much at all. I walked with my friend early at 6:15 cause she had a meeting. Then I worked on teh Echoes for a couple hours in the morning. We finished up the lasagna from Sunday's dinner. Then we picked up Ava to take her to physical therapy. On our yay, Alan asked if we could go to Hutch (next town over) to pick up some bearings for him. So Ralph dropped us off and while she had her hour of therapy and he got to and from Hutch. We made a quick shop at the Etc. Shop and got a box of books and a bunch of pencils and headed home. We noticed on the way home that the bridge they been working on for the past four months was finally ready to drive on. That will make a lot of us happy. Anyway, we got Ava home, drove to our house, I changed, grabbed the angel biscuits I made over the noon hour and headed to our supper with friends. She had fixed a delicious meal - fried chicken, yummy mashed potatoes and lots more and we had a good time visiting.

    Today I got the recycling loaded and took it in. The rest of the day was at home. We even cancelled Bible study cause of possible bad weather. Fortunately it did not get bad. We got a little rain and had quite a bit of wind but that was it. Since I was home, Ralph got a much needed haircut. I've worked on sorting socks for Lori, ordered some books, crocheted some and this and that. Shopping is ready for tomorrow's errands. So walking and shopping will take care of tomorrow morning.

    Oh, sounds like it may be raining again. Alan and family left for western Kansas this morning, Katie's grandfather was taken to the hospital. He's been fighting cancer and it looks like the end is close this time. Not sure how long he'll be gone.

    Sheryl, your cousin Amy sounds like quite an amazing person. Congrats to her. Nice that you and Norma will do the cleanse together and waiting till the time that's best for you
  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    Debora, nice to hear from you! I'm sorry to hear about Katie's Dad. What's a leather stamp?

    Hi all.

    The retirement lunch yesterday was really fun. I couldn't believe how many of our former, retired, workers were there. My old boss (the one with Lupus) and my old-old boss (he was old when started 28 years ago and is in is mid 80s now...but looks so good) were there, along with 15 others. We sure were a noisy group, catching up with everyone. We had 6 retired people there, and 9 current workers, but of course, only myself and the lady I drove there had to return to work after lunch. Everyone else took the rest of the day off. Still, we were there from 1:30-3:00. I ordered the french dip, and it sure was good, but too much food for me. I brought the leftovers home for Dad and he enjoyed it. Cisco even got a piece of beef (his eyes bugged out over that!).

    Today will be a day of meetings (oh joy). I have one at 10:00, one at 11:00, one at 1:00, and one at 2:00. Golly. Not going to get much accomplished today.

    Pretty weather again today. Nice and cool this morning, and maybe up to 80 this afternoon. It is a bit windy right now though. I suspect there will be no swimming this weekend. I can feel the swimming pool cooling down again!

    Dad spent a good chunk of his day yesterday cleaning up the garage. He said he never even got to take his daily nap (he takes one for about an hour every day). He was definitely ready for bed last night.

    I went to bed pretty early last night and didn't take Cisco out for a final pee. I woke up around midnight and tried to get him up and the stubborn thing just wouldn't budge. I guess if you don't have to go, you don't have to go. I sure did!

    Sheryl, when I come here I always expect to see a post from you, but glad you are able to sleep in a little now.

    Alright, I guess I better start preparing for these meetings. I'm going to have to print out some stuff, and printer is still out of commission, so I'll have to print to a printer at the other end of the floor. That's going to be so not convenient.

    Have a nice day everyone.
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    edited May 2017
    Good Morning, I'm here, I'm here. Yea, I miss not commenting every morning too, but sometimes, it just doesn't work out. John gets up earlier and earlier. Also, I've been trying to read/listen to the videos linked to the cancer web site I hear from all the time, this one is called the Hay House Summit and covers everything from nutrition to emotional stability to decluttering, etc. I didn't get to it all last week when it aired, but I got an email that says it's replaying all this weekend. 100 hours of videos, I doubt I'll get to all of it again, but that's too bad, I'm not buying this set. They are asking $300.00 for the discs and I know I will not use them enough to warrant that kind of money.

    John and I were working outside everyday this week with a break yesterday and took off in the car. I read an email yesterday morning that reminded me that I had $20.00 rewards coupon for Staples that would expire May 31st. I didn't have anything on my office supply list, but just couldn't pass up losing $20.00, so decided I could at least get file folders and some more good gel pens. So, I told John I wanted to drive to Portland to check our PO Box and go to Staples and he said he'd go with me. As we walked through the store back to the folders, we passed a big display of Logitech showing keyboard and mouse. I remembered how John is always complaining about the letters being rubbed off of our old Dell keyboard and he can't type, so that was perfect. The keyboard that is most like our old one was on sale and we walked out with a new one for only $2.99, using the coupon. Great deal. I'm using it now and it has a great touch.

    At the PO box, I feel bad for some woman named Mary...they put her mail in my box and I'm pretty sure it was Rx's. I haven't checked the box in a month, so who knows how long Mary has been searching for her meds. I get other people's mail in my box more and more often, they must have hired an incompetent recently. Usually it's junk mail, but this time it was very important.

    Decided not to go for a drive since we have so much to do at home. On our way home, I stopped for a little shopping, needed some meat and veggies and bought more ice cream for John.
    Last Monday was 92, Tuesday was 86 and then drastically dropped to a high of 65 and overcast on Wednesday. Yesterday was nice, sunny and in the low 70's. Today, it's building back up into the 80's and will be hot for the next 3 days, in the 90's. I may decide it's too hot to work outside and will be able to watch those videos over the weekend.

    I can't remember if I told you that Gayla got her hip replacement surgery scheduled, for June 22nd. She's anxious to get this done and start the healing. They live upstairs, over their business, and use a spiral staircase (very steep and narrow spiral) to get up there and it will be impossible for her to use those stairs right after surgery. They have been looking for an RV to use during her recuperation, but it's hard to find something reasonable. Jack said that one of the places would rent an RV for $1,000.00 per week, that's too much. Even though they won't be putting miles on it, it will sit on their property the entire time, it's right during the peak vacation season June-July, so the prices are outrageous. I haven't asked John yet, but if they can't find anything, I want to invite them to use our guest room. It won't be as convenient or private as having the trailer, but they will be close to home to feed all their animals every day and Jack can still conduct business without traveling.

    I better get going, I can hear John stirring in the bedroom.
  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    Good morning everyone. Yay, it's Friday again, and we have Monday off.

    Apparently I left work yesterday just in time. Right after I left they had to evacuate staff from the building for something (they didn't say what it was). So they all had to go across the street to a park where we go when we have fire drills. Glad I got out of there before that, or I would have been late leaving, and would have had to deal with heavier traffic.

    The weather was so nice yesterday. Never got up over the mid 70s. It did get a bit cool in the evening. When Dad and Cisco got back from their dusk walk, Dad turned the whole house fan on and froze me out! I actually wound up putting my coat on. After a while he said, wow, its chilly in here. Yeah, you think?!

    Yesterday someone here thought it National Doughnut Day (I just looked it up and it's not until June 2nd) and brought in a ton of doughnuts and pastries. I passed on them (last thing I need) but brought a pastry home for Dad. He will occasionally eat something like that, but not often.

    No meetings today. Woo hoo!!! I might just be able to get stuff done. I a lot of webpages I need to revise for an upcoming roll out of a new online filing service. I also just created a new logo to apply to the webpages, and I need to test it out and see how it looks online. This will keep me busy until the end of the day.

    They say it's going to start warming up again, but we won't have heat wave we just had recently.

    Well, I think I'll go walk a little walk and maybe get some lunch. Not sure what I want thought. I might just end up drinking my V8 and having a yogurt. I'm not real hungry, but need to eat something.

    Have a nice day every.

    P.S. Nice to hear from you Sheryl. That's so nice of you to office your spare bedroom to Gayla and Jack if they can't find a trailer. Yay on getting a new keyboard for so little money. Great deal. The "E" on my keyboard at work has totally disappeared. It's probably about time to have them replace it, but I'm living with it for now.
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good Morning. This will be short, John is up already and ready to go. Boy, he keeps me hopping. Every day this week, he has brought to my attention that there is a baby bunny out front under the pallets that had firewood stacked on them. We've used the wood but haven't moved the pallets out yet. I keep telling him to leave the bunny alone, the mommy is around and is taking care of her baby. It just kills him that he can't pick up the baby bunny and bring him in the house. Yesterday, he came in the house with his hands cupped and wanted to ask me where is a good place to place a bumble bee. The fact that the bee was content to be in John's hands tells me there is something wrong with the creature, but I told John to put him in the apple trees, he'd be safe there. It took John about 20 minutes to relinquish that little guy, had to find just the right spot.

    I've got to finish up my email update for the cousins and get that out today. It's 7 am and already hot, so I don't know how much I can do outside today. I've turned into such a whuss, I can find any excuse in the book for not doing work.
  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    Good morning everyone, up early and gave all the garden a feeding today. I just picked the first cucumber and it measures in at 7.5" long and 2.5" across, it's huge. :D I have ten cantaloupes in the garden right now and a couple of them are getting to fill about half of my hand up in size. It's time to make slings and keep them from falling off the vine from their weight. Picked a few more tomatoes and will make more sauce to freeze up. It won't be long before tomatoes are done for the season, it's getting too hot out there to make new blooms. I received the beans I will be planting so tonight I am going out when it is cooler and pulling up the two tomato plants that aren't doing much and planting beans in their place instead.

    Yesterday was very hot and humid with today coming in even hotter. Around 7:45 am it was 81 degrees and 84% humidity, now it is 87 degrees and 71% humidity. Weather forecast 105 degrees with heat index today and was about 100 degrees with heat index yesterday. We are supposed to get some rain starting Monday and all through the week making it another week of even more humid weather.

    Mygnac-Glad you got out before they evacuated everyone, and hope it wasn't anything bad.

    Sannferris-What a deal you got with your coupon, I love deals. As a matter of fact today I got an email from Petsmart for 30% off one item on their list of a lot of items. My kitty litter was on it so I bought a big 28 pound bag for in store pickup next week when I go into big town.

    http://www.petsmart.com/featured-shops/online-savings/?srule=best-sellers&pmin=0#page_name=home&category=sitewide banner&cta=30off1item

    Well, I hope you all have a great weekend.

  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    edited May 2017
    Good morning all, we really enjoyed our anniversary weekend last week. The movie "The Lovers" was okay but not sure I'd recommend it. Well, maybe as a rental. Not much planned for this weekend - mostly R & R. Yay! Dan ws sleeping when I got home from work and slept thru the evening yesterday so I was on my own and decided to watch a few half hour comedies on demand that I've been wanting to check out. I watched American Housewife, Kevin can wait, Man with a plan, and Superior Donuts. I liked Superior Donuts enough to want to set it to record. I'll have Dan watch it with me today to see if he agrees. Judd Hirsch (Taxi) is the main actor and still really good.

    I have to agree with all of you on the MFP posts. I noticed some of the "person above" posts, read one, didn't like them and have ignored them since. Like you all, I ignore most of the other posts. I do read the recipe share group sometimes. If I ever get more time I wouldn't mind checking out some of the games like Marcie.

    Sheryl, funny that you mentioned Dan's b-day being so close to our anniversary. We didn't pick the date specifically for that reason but the fact wasn't lost on me that it was close and that the numbers are the same as his birthday but backwards which should help him remember if needed. ;) I know what you mean about calling your eating plan a "cleanse". It definitely is not a cleanse in the sense that most people use it. It is really an "eating clean" plan but cleanse is easier to say. So nice to finally get a new keyboard and for such a great deal! That really worked out! I love those types of things - kinda like my Bed Bath and Beyond coupons a couple of weeks ago. Great to hear that Gayla finally got the hip surgery scheduled. Did you get a chance to ask John if they can stay in the guest room during her recovery? So interesting that he brought in a bumble bee that he wanted to save. He has such a sweet gentle heart! How is the little bunny under the pallets?

    Anew, bush beans instead of the peas sounds like a good idea. How scary that you came home to a broken fence after those strong winds. Happy to hear that your veggies survived pretty well. I always wondered how watermelons and cantaloupe stay on the vine - I'd never heard of a sling but it sure makes sense. Your waffles sound wonderful too. I also have a waffle maker that I bought at a garage sale and have used it exactly twice. I like it but never think to use it.

    Marcie, What a great deal on the new pants for $9. I love getting deals! Happy that you got to use the pool again. It sounds really nice. I miss going over to our community pool. Maybe this year. You'll have to let us know if the grill uses any of your suggestions. He certainly could do a few of the basic ones most of the restaurants are doing now such as multigrain bread, fresh fruit, black bean burgers, and crusty bread with soup. These are different times, people are eating healthier and I think these would definitely do better. Nice that your bank still offers a coin counting machine. None of the banks in our area have them any longer. At least not for the public. We will either have to roll our change now (which I don't mind doing) or take it to a coin machine at CVS and pay like 9% for using it!! Really like the desk picture you posted. I copied it and e-mailed it to myself at work. The retirement lunch you attended sounds like it was a really nice time. Great to catch up with so many people.

    Debra, busy days as always. I don't know how you do it. The visit with friends sounds really nice. Tell us about the angel biscuits?

    Well, hubby is asking for breakfast so gotta go. I'll try be pop in again since it is a long weekend. :)
  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    edited May 2017
    Hi everyone.

    We are having another pretty day, weather-wise. May get up to around 80. I love being able to open the windows and not have to turn on the AC.

    I got my errands done this morning. Went out for breakfast, got gas, got the car washed, and made a stop at Walmart to get some underwear (needed a smaller size). While there I noticed they had a good sale on capri pants, so got a few of those for wearing around the house. The also had a sale on My Pillows, so got one of those.

    After getting home, Dad, Cisco and I all laid down for a nap (different beds of course!), and I tested out my My Pillow. I really like it.

    After the nap I started gathering more stuff to take to Good Will. I've been working on purging stuff from my bedroom. Will keep at it today and then make a run over there tomorrow.

    Isabella, enjoy the long weekend. I've seen all the shows you mentioned, and just couldnt get in to them.

    Anew, my goodness the temps you are getting! I'm sure we'll be having them again soon, but not with that humidity you have.

    Sheryl, wanting to care for a bumble bee and a bunny sure speaks to how good hearted John is! I just learned the other day that one of my former co-workers now has dementia. Just such a terrible disease. She retired about 20 years ago.

    Take care and have a great weekend.
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Okay, here it is Saturday and next week will be full so I'm determined to spend some time with you guys today (not just reading). A week ago Friday was a usual errands and then at home day. And Saturday I had the whole day home - that was very nice. Saturdays have usually had something on them lately. Late in the evening Lori called to say they would not be coming - several graduation receptions to go to and she want to go to a friend's church for her baptism. I was glad she called before I brought up the third table. So I figured out who would sit where without having to move too many of the booster seats. Fixed the same amount of food so had several meals for this week. :)

    Sunday started our Missions Conference. The speaker had good messages and it was good to hear from one of our missionaries each service. We heard a story about the speaker riding a dead big horned sheep down a mountain, getting his nose bit off when he lived in Siberia, how he met his wife, etc. With church each evening, I was glad to have Monday at home and my big project was hunting for the leather stamps (used for making designs on leather like a belt or a purse) and I did find them - not in the box I thought they were in (which I also found). I also got 4 boxes ready to take to the thrift store. I even got back to the dollhouse our girls played with but I don't know if I'll get the grands play with it. The furniture is old and Ava does not know how to be careful or some of the younger ones. Maybe I'll look for some other furniture they could use.

    Tuesday morning Ralph went to the men's breakfast. Then we headed to town cause it was half price day at Etc. and Book Reviews had all books 50% off. Lori was at Etc. so it was fun to see her. We got a few books at both places, went to Dollar Tree, stopped at Kwiktrip for their summer drinks (pop is one thing I know I drink too much of but enjoy a lot - am trying to do more flavored water and see if that will help). (And I remember chia talked about a lot and use it but can't remember the benefits - another thing I miss about NM), ate at Burger King and had the afternoon at home. Wednesday we worked on the Echoes (and will not meet the next two weeks). We finished another step of the process so a good time for a break.

    Thursday was another day at home and I plugged along on my list. I was trying hard to finish up the meals for our week of Bible School and then I try to get 2 meals for those teaching from our church at the Community Bible School. Sometimes it's just a matter of finding people at home. :)Thursday evening I went to Bible Study - good time. There are conflicts the next two weeks so will have a break from it too.

    Friday Ralph had me look up a engine part . We found it so went to ask Alan if he should get it. They had jerryrigged something that worked so they didn't have to fill the seed containers with buckets so we went on to town. But as we were shopping Ralph thought we should get the part so we did all but the grocery shopping drove to another town 30 miles away and I got groceries while he got the part. It was a smaller store so worked out well and we were headed home by 12. Finished up the leftovers. I worked on straightening the house in the afternoon/evening along with finishing up my Sunday School lesson and it was calm so I burned the trash. Today I'm doing food stuff for tomorrow and doing computer things and need to make the last phone calls on who is driving who for Bible School. Three of Lori's come on Monday for the week so need to get my mind geared up for that too. :) I'm reminding myself not to plan to get much done besides meals and watching the kids. Since there's a lull in new shows, I'm about caught up on shows I've recorded - just in time for the summer shows. :) It has warmed up again and now we've gone several days without rain so Alan has been busy planting soybeans. Of course, that means we could now use some rain to help bring them up. Never satisfied - ha.

    Marcie, did you look up why cats drool or decide they just do? It is interesting about things you do at work. Detailed things and lots of looking at a computer screen. I guess a good thing about meetings is it's a break from that. Wow, no pot of something. That doesn't happen very often. Your dad uses the computer for relaxing - not for the detail work you do. :) Glad your contractor will make good on his work. Rattling is not good. Do you think you'll see your aunt since she's moving a bit closer?

    Anew, your garden gets tender loving care. Things grow very quickly it sounds like too. Fun to watch them grow. Great ideas on the compost area. (oh, brownies just came out of my oven - love the chocolate smell). Wow, you had quite the wind - glad the garden was damaged and it was mostly the fences - glad you are okay. Pretty strong to mess up that heavy duty hinge.

    Sheryl, I'm glad you enjoy and are learning from all those videos. Do they all bring different viewpoints and give you much to think about? Everyone does enjoy your updates - mostly just to hear from you cause you are very special to many. With our family, I figure if I'm not hearing anything , they are doing ok and we hear when things aren't so good. Guess it's that no news is good news type thing.

    Isabella, what a nice anniversary celebration. Happy Anniversary!
    Yes, the receptions were all for graduations.

    Sheryl, I know men than have forgotten anniversaries. Ralph is not one of them. Anytime he is asked, he can tell you how long we've been married to the number of days. :) But our birthdays are both on the 15th as is our anniversary so that does help. I can see why you aren't doing the Blue Apron but I'm sure you'll be glad to get back to them. Sorry you aren't feeling more energy but just keep working on things little by little and progress will happen - just not speedily. :)
    Very cool on the new keyboard. I need to get one. My m and n are completely gone and the V is half gone. Everything else looks ok.
    June 22 is just around the corner. I'm sure Gayla is excited to get it done. Nice of you to offer your guest room. That would work out so nicely. I don't think I'd enjoy a spiral staircase for all the time but definitely not then.

    Marcie, I'm with you on the forum - ignore what you want. I don't get on there much cause what I've looked at hasn't been all that helpful - interesting at times. I have a hard time keeping up with here and our 5 letter game. I don't know what they have on the Grill menu but you've given some great suggestions. I think they might be surprised if they would try some of them. At least you can say you tried.
    What does your dad collect his change in? That's a good amount of change. Loved your picture with all the paper. I don't hear talk about being paperless anymore - everything has to be backed up. Smart change on the mailbox. Ours is out by the road but as far as we know we've never had any trouble.
    You do a good job of finding good deals on your clothes. That's always fun and helpful. Glad you got another lawn chair to use at the pool.
    The retirement luncheon sounds very nice. Sorry you had to go back to work, but... Oh, I think you had an overload of meetings the other day.
    Now your dad has cleaned out the garage. Your place is looking like a model home - with just the things you need in it.
    Good for you on passing on the pastries. I would have given in.

    Well, this has turned into one of my long missives. About done with what I think I need to do. We'll eat in awhile and I plan to go through some emails this evening.
  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    Just woke up from my afternoon nap. Gosh I like being able to nap a little on my days off.

    I ran my next load of "stuff" over to Good Will this morning, then stopped at the grocery store to pick up yet another item I forgot to get yesterday.

    Last night I made a trip to a recently retired coworkers house to bring her a couple things she left behind in the office. Dad said he didnt know I was gone and was talking to me. Good, he does that too me all the time!

    That dog of mine decided to sleep with me last night, but napped with Dad this afternoon. He just cant make up his mind.

    I've got three loads of laundry done, and have two to go. I think I'll do those tomorrow since I have the day off.

    After I dropped off that stuff with my retired coworker, I tried to locate a restaurant that a radio station I liston too promotes, but just could'nt find the place! I even used Google maps. So I just came home and heated up a Lean Cuisine Cafe Steamer meal.

    Dad went out for breakfast this morning, as usual, and one of the customers there who had just ordered his breakfast had an emergency and had to leave before he could eat, so the waitress asked Dad if he wanted to bring it home to me. Nice getting a free meal. It was scrambled eggs, hash browns, and bacon. I ate about half of it.

    Debora, always great hearing about your doings. Always so busy! No, I havent looked up the cat drooling thing yet. Just something he's done since he was a kitten.

    Have a nice night all.
  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    edited May 2017
    Good late evening everyone, it's 81 degrees and 89% humidity out there. I sprayed everything in the garden with copper fungicide to get ready for the four days of rain we have coming and it's all still wet out there. I hope it all dries before the storm comes or it was a waste of time to do it, and probably a detriment to my garden when the fungus's all come marching in with the rain. Hubby the other day said, "Geez, spraying again, you have enough layers on there to last until the end times", lol. I had to explain that fungicides are not pesticides, and they don't stay on the leaves, they do wash off in a heavy rain but they do help keep the fungus's away.

    I trimmed all the tomato foilage this morning, and made the slings for cantaloupes to be safely hanging on the trellis. I found some bath scrubby's at dollar tree yesterday and took them apart, then I cut them about 12 inches long and tied a knot in one end of them. Then I slipped them over the cantaloupe(s) and used short 4" zip ties threaded through the top of them and zip tied them onto the trellis. They should hold perfectly while the scrubby stretches to accommodate their size. The best part of all is the scrubby's are reusable if washed well, but I'll have to cut off the zip ties.

    We also just picked more tomatoes and two more cucumbers about the same size as yesterdays. I did get my beans in the mail so I took out the one non productive tomato plant and will plant beans in it's place. I'll wait to put seed in until after the first part of rain to get the soil real wet for me. I'm not sure how watermelon is going to do for me, even though the package says to plant it now in my area. It seems the local garden group says watermelons are only good for spring and that's just about finished.

    Sizzling summer June-August is time for beans, eggplant, jalapeno, chili petins, and okra do well as long as they get enough water to survive. Hmm, not much on that list I want over summer time, lol. Beans, I guess I can plant a lot of those but everything else is a no go for me. I don't care for any of the other stuff, lol. I don't understand that list though, I have squash seeds that say I can plant now and had planned to do that. So, I think I am going to try that as well. What's the worst that can happen, I get nothing, but at least I tried.

    I just can't keep up on here. So many posts and so many things to respond to that I just shake my head to try get a clear picture on it, lol.

    Isyvanek-It's good to hear your anniversary weekend went well, it sounds like you got a lot of shows watched and off your plate too. I wish I wanted to record things, it would be nice to go back and watch them but I am just too lazy to bother with it, lol. Get that waffle maker out of the cupboard and make some, you will really enjoy them, I promise. :smiley:

    Arobed53-I'm glad you got to see and hear from all the missionaries at church. I always enjoyed that at mine. It's so neat you have an old doll house for the kids to use. I can understand not wanting the old furniture to get damaged in it too. There are a lot of kits out there for pine furniture you can stain or paint yourself. It would be great if you could find something at the second hand store too.

    Mygnsac-Wow, your getting to be as busy as arobed is, lol. Be careful I think you're in a contest with her. :wink: Sleeping in and free breakfast, that's the quintessential weekend. Hubby slept until 12:00 today, he never does that.

    I was going to close this out but something just crossed my mind that I wanted to speak of.

    Today hubby and I went to Lowe's and as we were walking inside there was an old gentleman walking toward the door, and I noticed he had a dark blue WWll hat on. So, I stopped and told him that we had just been talking about that in the truck on the way over. Memorial Day was for WWll military members lost in the war originally, but it has been added to as time went on to cover all that have fought and died for our country. He smiled and said in 1942 he went into the army, then he realized he had made a huge mistake and went into the air force instead in 1945. He spent 28 years in the military and we thanked him for his service. Then of course my husband shook his hand and told him he was 28 years in the Navy (he was actually 29). Two military men from two different era's, and they didn't even get each other's names, lol.

    Hubby enjoyed that little chat and I think the nice gentleman did too. He said he was going to get a cart because his died on him down the aisle so I brought one to him because he was walking pretty slow and with a cane. Just to think, if that cart had not died on him we would not have had the pleasure of speaking with him, unless we had seen him somewhere else in the store.

    I think we should all remember what memorial day is really all about, and the sacrifices these men and women who have lost their lives to protect us.

    Anyway, Happy Memorial Day everyone, I hope you all have a great day.

  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Sunday was a nice day. I taught our lesson Naaman. Excellent message and then home to a dinner that everyone seemed to enjoy. My sister was able to make Thomas' watch a link smaller and we soon sent them off so they could take Thomas to CYIA (It's teaching children training that lasts 2 weeks). Alan's stayed until the car race on TV was done. Then we enjoyed a quiet day. Ralph did drive over to our church cemetery to look it over cause he is giving a cemetery tour today.
    Today is the start of Bible school. I'm picking up two kids and taking tee meal poster. I always enjoy seeing everyone come the first day. Then Lori is spending the morning here since she wants to go on the tour but there are plenty of leftovers. I'm doing a meal for one of the teachers tomorrow so will start working on that this afternoon. Lucy and Paige can help if they want.

    Marcie, funny on your dad talking and you not there. It's happened here too. Sorry you couldn't find the restaurant but cool on your dad bring breakfast home. Enjoy your day off.

    Anew, I too hope your plants get dry so the stuff works. No wonder my gardens didn't do real well. They had to make it on their own plus I didn't do well with the weeding. I did think of another set of dollhouse stuff I have but probably won't get it out this week. Still would have to move several things to move it. Neat that you met that guy at Lowe's. You're right about the reason for the day.

    Hope you all have a good day.
  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    Up at 5:30 am this morning. Just not right on a day off work! Just couldn't get back to sleep.

    Cisco slept with me last night...pressed against my back.

    Dad just got back from going out to breakfast. I think I'll do that too. Afterwards I need to once again pop in the grocery store. Yet more stuff I forgot to pick up yesterday.

    I have the last load of laundry washing right now. Later I'll make some hard boiled eggs for the week, and I think I'll make Dad some mini banana nut muffins.

    It go to 90 yesterday. If it does the same today I'll probably go swimming this afternoon, then take a shower. I always shower after swimming. The chlorine turns my hair white! Tonight I'll just relax, watch some of my recoreded shows, and paint my nails.

    Tomorrow it's back to work. Ugh.

  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    edited May 2017
    Good afternoon everyone. It's 82 degrees and 62% humidity out there right now. We had a strong storm come through last night and I see lots of damage to the pansy and marigold flowers out there. Everything else seems to be okay. I did find one of the cantaloupes we put a sling on last night has now turned yellow overnight. I have no idea how that can happen. It seems the cantaloupe is growing well and then all of a sudden it aborts itself, it's very strange. Oh well, moving along I need to go out and cut off those zip ties and remove it so the plant doesn't use energy trying to make it grow. The patio is flooded and the cages are blown around that were on the patio being stored for later. Hubby's cell phone kept going off telling us flash flooding and severe thunderstorm warnings. The thunder and lightning was really bad. I had already turned off the a/c, the computers and television to make sure they didn't get knocked out if we had an electricity surge. More rain on the horizon, I hope it's just a drizzle or something like it.

    Arobed53-Unfortunately the plants did not fully dry last night because the humidity was so high and the wind wasn't blowing. I'm sure most of it was protected though. I sure am glad to hear you have other furniture to use, I think girls in general like to play with doll houses.

    Mygnsac-A swim in the pool sounds good. I slept really late today since the storm kept me up all night long.

    I hope you all have a great day today.

  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    edited May 2017
    Anew, my goodness you sure are getting a lot of storms! Sorry about the cantalope.

    Here's a picture of a very old timey car that was parked at the restaurant I went to for breakfast. The owner told me he inherited from his dad who inherited from his Dad. Really neat seeing that old of a car. It has these built in suit cases on each side of the car.


    Just got back from breakfast and the grocery store. Dad's off somewhere, don't know where. I had half a belgium waffle, 1 egg, 1 piece of bacon and a cup of coffee for breakfast. Need to fold the towels in the dryer and then start my weekly cooking.
