Pot Bellied Stove / Water Cooler



  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    Good afternoon everyone, good to see you Mygnsac.

    It's another warm day today. Right now the temp is 92 degrees and 65% humidity. I picked a few more tomatoes, green beans and cucumbers from the garden. I also spotted a watermelon female flower and I took a male flower off and pollinated it. Hopefully I will get a watermelon out of that one.

    Mygnsac-It sounds like you have been very busy along with all the retirements and other parties to attend, it does sound to be getting to be an expensive proposition. Glad you got yourself moved and can get rid of some more clutter from your life. Here's to wishing on that lottery win. Just play sometime. :wink:

    Sannferris-Glad those Llamas got to help you out with the mowing. It is so nice of you to offer your spare room to your friend. I hope she takes you up on it. She could probably use other help for a few days after surgery.

    Well, I am going to check out here. Got my tomato sauce made yesterday and saved some tomatoes for a tomato pie for dinner tonight. I'll serve it on a big bed of baby spinach and some watermelon for dessert. Have a great day everyone.
  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    Hi all. Long day. I had barely sat down at work this morning, and one of our staff was reporting a problem to me about our website. Apparently an import job (importing data from our database to our search website) failed last night. I contacted IT and they got that resolved fairly quickly...before the customer complaints started rolling in.

    I still haven't finished organizing stuff at my new desk. I keep getting assignments and just can't get to it! I feel like I'm working in chaos right now!

    Spent the entire day today working on webpage revisions for my division chief. She's going to be presenting them to the executives tomorrow to get their feedback.

    I found a $20 bill on the floor in the hall at work today. I was good tough and turned it in to lost and found (that's what I would hope someone would do if I dropped some money). The lost and found guy sent out an email, but if know one claims it, it will be mine.

    One of young staff members tripped today while carrying a box of document and hit her head hard on a table when she fell. She passed out for a few minutes before regaining consciousness. We called an ambulance, and they were there in a blink of an eye. They wound up taking her to the hospital to get checked out. There was blood all over the floor, so the building maintenance guy had to come and clean the carpet.

    Anew, the temps you are getting! We're still only about 80, but I hear we'll be in triple digits by the weekend. Good luck with the watermelon.

    Sheryl, I love that your llamas help you out with the yard work! I hope all goes well with Gayla's operation. I'm sure she'll be glad to have that behind her!

    Trash day tomorrow, so I need to gather all the trash still in the house and get it out to the can. Have a nice night everyone.
  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    Good morning everyone, up early today so I will try to do an actual insecticide spraying today. Haven't done that in a very long time in the garden so it needs it. I'll use what is called neem oil from the neem tree. It's organic and not only is it an insecticide but it is also acts as a fungicide, so win win in the garden. Today is supposed to be another hot one. The temps have been heat index's of over 100 degrees the last week even though the temp is under 100 degrees. It's that humidity which makes the heat index rise. It's 81 degrees and 87% humidity right now, and the sun isn't even up yet, lol. Yeah, nope, decided I'm not spraying this morning. The wind is only 7 mph, so it won't dry soon enough before the sun comes beating down on the leaves with the humidity so high. I'll have to find a better time when the humidity and temp will be lower. Looking at the forecast it looks like some time next week might be the right time. Just hoping the good bugs come by and take care of things for me.

    Mygnsac-Oh my gosh, I hope your coworker is doing okay after her fall. I too would turn in the money if I had come across it. Once I was at the laundry mat folding my husbands jeans and money fell out of his pocket. Just as that happened a little girl said "mommy there is some money", and her mommy decided that money was hers. I told her to back off, that came out of my husbands jeans which is why it was right at my feet. Sheesh, people have a lot of nerve.

    Is this what you sampled at Costco? This looks like a great deal on Amazon.

    Since the sun is coming up I will head out and water the garden, then get a shower and head to the grocery store so I can get ahead of the really high heat this morning. Have a great day everyone.
  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    Just got in from feeding everything the new food. I noticed I had two more little female watermelon flowers. I hand pollinated those while I was out there. It is sure going to be hot today. Heat index of 105-109 degrees today because the high dewpoint. Our wind is only 7 mph right now. Normal wind is about 15 mph.

  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good Morning. Tuesday was a damp day, but I got to the store and back without getting drenched. I have the Burger King coupons again for a buy one whopper/get one free, so on my way home I picked up 2 for lunch. I was very surprised when John couldn't eat all of his. He has been eating less and less, but he usually eats a whole hamburger, not this time. I remember a time when we'd both eat 2 burgers each plus John with fries and I'd get onion rings. Now, he only ate 3/4 of his burger and nothing else. After lunch I started laundry, got 2 loads done and did 2 more loads yesterday. I finally got the kitchen floors done and the new rugs down. What a difference that makes, even John noticed.

    More rain today and tomorrow, but should be nice and dry for the weekend.

  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    Another long work day. Looking forward to the weekend.

    It's definitely warming up again. Got to 96 degrees today. At least we don't get the humidity Anew gets.

    We had the party today for my co-worker who is moving to Nevada. Subway sandwiches were delivered. Also had macaroni salad, chinese chicken salad, ceasar salad, cookies, and cupcakes. Brought some home for Dad because there was a lot leftover.

    Been getting a lot of friend requests on Facebook from co-workers!

    I've got half of my new desk organized now. If I have time tomorrow, I may get the other half done. Just so much stuff to sift through.

    Well, I think I'll watch one of my recorded shows, and then call it a night. Have a nice night everyone.

  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    edited June 2017
    Wow Mygnsac, what a feast you had and it sounds yummy. Glad your desk is coming along for you.

    Hello everyone, it's about 4:30 pm and it's really hot out there at 93 degrees and 58% humidity. Our heat index is again 105 to 109 degrees today. The wind is also around 10 mph so it doesn't help with with heat. While watering the garden today I noticed the first watermelon I hand pollinated had grown larger overnight, so I gave it a mesh bag to hang around in. The other two look like they were successful as well so I will watch them and see if they get bigger the next couple of days. I also did some more vine tying to the trellis for the overnight growth. All of the beans are much taller and I had another handful to pick today. If I get another handful tomorrow I will make a meal of them for dinner. In the meantime, I wash and let air dry all that I get and place in a sealed mason jar in the refrigerator. It looks like they are keeping really well in there. If I don't do it this way hubby might not ever get any cooked beans, lol. I'll just eat them all fresh off the vine. :D

    I have been having some very strange dreams lately and this morning I woke around 5:30 to my doorbell ringing. Hubby was in the garage and I asked if he heard the bell, he said no and I told him I wasn't opening the door and I didn't want him to either. He looked out the front window and didn't see anyone. So he walked out the back door and around through the gate to the front and didn't see anyone out there. No cars, or anyone walking. It was still dark out though. I don't know who that was but I am closer to getting some sort of video doorbell installed. That makes me uncomfortable because hubby leaves for work at 6:00 am and always opens the big garage door to come and go.

    Well, I need to get ready for dinner tonight. It's our friends birthday and he wants to get a steak dinner. Have a great night everyone.

  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    Woo hoo, the work week is over.

    Never did get back to finishing organizing the rest of my desk today. Will have to wait until next week. Spent most of the day working on webpage and web form revisions that will be rolling out next week. I'll be glad when this us behind me!

    Really warm here today. Got to about 101, and they say it will get up to around 108 by Sunday. Definitely getting in the pool this weekend!

    Anew, yay on the watermelon! So far I havent found a good one yet around here!

    Sheryl, I'm with John. It's rare I can eat a whole hamburger anymore.

    Have a nice night all.
  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    edited June 2017
    It's after 2:00 am and I cannot sleep for the life of me. I tried, I was in there about an hour but could not stay asleep so I got up. Hubby is in there snoring away and I have to be in the garden early am to spray for the white flies. I can't wait for cooler days or the plants will suffer. If I do it in the morning just as the sun is coming out I can have dry plants by the time the sun really starts to burn into them. White flies will suck the life out of my garden if I don't get them under control. I also found a cucumber beetle in my watermelon soil when I was watering yesterday, so I want to take care of those too. It's the summer bug and fungus/blight battle in full force now.

    Well, I hope you all are snuggled in bed and enjoying the little lambs jumping in your minds eye.

  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    Woohoo, just came in from spraying Neem and the wind was really nice so everything is already dry. When I started it was 80 degrees outside and now it's 82 degrees with 79% humidity. Another scorcher today for sure since it's only 7:24 am right now. I also see that another watermelon I hand pollinated is looking good, the other one fell off so it didn't take. Two out of three is good. I also found two more to hand pollinate so we'll see how that goes. That food is amazing, the tomato plants I had already cut way back for fungus's has all kinds of new growth on them. That spraying fungicide doesn't stop everything, it just helps to keep it at bay so there will always be some cutting back. But it's all filled back in again with lots of new flowers. The heat will be the telling thing too since tomatoes don't like to set in the heat. We shall see how it goes.

    Well, everyone have a great day today and stay cool.
  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    Hi all.

    Gonna be another scorcher today. It was already 90 by 9 am. Supposed to get up to about 106 today. We've got the house closed up and the AC on.

    I am washing a load of laundry, but that will be my last one until it cools down again. Just a waste of energy in this heat.

    I went to IHOP for breakfast this morning and got a spinich omelette and coffee. Liked the omelette, but wasn't fond of their coffee. Super weak. Also stopped by the grocery store on the way home.

    I'm continuing to purge stuff out of my bedroom closet. Right now it's mostly shoes. I just have way to many in there that I just don't wear. Will take a bunch of those to Good Will later today or tomorrow morning.

    Anew, I hope you are able to get some rest tonight. I was us up about the same time too (PST of course), because the days was pestering me to take him out to go potty, but we went right back to sleep after that.

    I think tomorrow I'll go swimming, and then take a shower afterwards. Today I'm just going to stay inside and get stuff done in the house.

    Have a nice day everyone.
  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    Good morning all, I didn't get a chance to check in yesterday. My friend Jackie and I are going on a little coastal jaunt next weekend to visit several different small local markets and a bakery, then stop for lunch at a little beachy restaurant. So I spent a lot of time planning the most efficient (and still pleasant) route to take. It should be a fun girl's day out. Then we did our usual Trader Joe's and Sprouts shopping. I made Trader Joe's Organic 100% beef uncured hotdogs for dinner along with some coleslaw and potato chips. A nice little treat for us. Then we watched a recorded Hallmark movie. One of their better ones and quite enjoyable.

    It's been in the high 80's to low 90's here but not too bad yet since the humidity has been pretty low. We're having our yearly June gloom here so it is overcast in the morning and burns off by mid morning. Today it is already sunny out at 8am.

    Dan and I really enjoyed the concert last weekend. Of course, we always do (we like a pretty wide variety of music). We went to a small local chain restaurant afterward called Champagne French Market Bakery Café. I had a $5 off $25 coupon. :) I got the French dip which was quite tasty even tho it didn't have as much meat on it as I would have liked. As I'm sure you can imagine, considering it is a French bakery café, the baguette was fabulous! Dan got a sandwich with a French name that was basically grilled ham and cheese with bechamel sauce in it, then they melted cheese on top of it. Tasty enough but too messy for Dan. We didn't spend quite enough on the 2 sandwiches and an iced tea to reach $25 so we "had" to buy a chocolate chip cookie for dessert as well. :p

    Today will be church then Jimbo's (a local organic market chain) for the last few grocery items we need. Then I'll make my pot of greens and I plan to make spaghetti sauce and we'll have pasta with Sprouts hot Italian chicken sausage. They make the best sausage! They make it fresh right there in-house daily.

    Debora, our last study day was really nice but Dan and I had a spat right before I had to leave because I broke a vase and didn't stay to clean the floor after I cleaned up the glass (I told him I'd clean it when I got home). He felt that I was choosing my friends over him. So it kinda put a damper on my evening. He cleaned the floor while I was at study. We both walk around bare foot and he wanted to make sure we don't get glass in our feet. We worked thru it when I got home and talked thru it the next day and resolved it. It's really nice that you find people to bring dinner to the teachers during the bible school. I'm sure it's really appreciated which is obvious since they took you to lunch. ;)

    Anew, Around here the bees come out very early before it gets hot so that is probably what they are doing there also especially as hot as you've been having it! How do you make tomato pie? Please share the recipe. Too funny about hubby not getting any green beans if you didn't jar them because you'd eat them all - fresh from the vine veggies are SO amazing! How do you know which watermelon flowers are male and which are female? How do you pollinate them by hand? You really know stuff!!

    Marcie, I can't imagine going to the grocery store without a list. I bring a list and STILL forget stuff! At least they made a few small healthier menu changes at the office grill. It is still progress. Did anyone claim the $20? I found $50 right by the ATM when I worked at a bank many years ago. I told them the same thing - if no one claims it, it's mine. Surprisingly no one came in to claim it. I guess they didn't even know where they lost it but I would have asked the bank just in case. $50 is a lot of money to lose. I'm curious, what shows do you record?

    Sheryl, it is a great idea to prepare the house and bedding in case Gayla comes to stay with you after the surgery. So nice of you to offer. I know it will be a mighty blessing to all involved. Good that the llamas are no longer concerned about the bulls. Hopefully they won't damage the fence as they get older. We'll stay tuned for further developments. ;) It is amazing that John didn't finish his burger. Dan is also eating less but still has no problem finishing a burger. We were marveling just the other day about how much we used to eat compared to what we eat now.

    Well, it's 8am so I'd better go finish getting ready for church. Have a wonderful week everyone!
  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    Hi all, it's been a trying day today and I think the heat is getting to me. Way too hot out there to garden anymore. I pollinated another watermelon mama flower today and showed hubby how it is done, just in case he sees something and I am not home he can do it for me. I am making homemade tomato soup for dinner tonight with grilled cheese sandwiches. Easy dinner.

    Isyvanek-I read the internet a lot, lol. That's how I learn and when I ask myself questions, I go looking for the answer. I wish I would see a bee or two here. I have been seeing some wasps but that's about it. I'm really bummed my cucumbers have come up bitter and it seems the culprit is the heat and the fact they were without water that one time. So, we just picked some small ones which weren't near as bitter and I am hoping from here on out the new ones will be good again. Otherwise I will be pulling the entire plant and just know what not to do again. All in the garden learning.

    Tomato pie? Well I saw an episode of Paula Deen and I think it was on Food Network when she made it. The first time I made it with the pie crust like she showed, but it was too soggy. I made it like a casserole without the crust after that. I made it the other night with the crust and was still unhappy with it. I hate soggy crust. So, it will be back to making like a casserole. Tomato pie recipes are all over the internet. I don't make it very often because it is quite fattening with what's in it. The only good thing about it is the tomatoes and green onions, lol. I double the tomatoes and cut the cheese and mayo in half for the recipe too, so I could eat without so much guilt. The cafe you had lunch at sounds really good. We don't have anything like that around here, one of the reasons I miss it out there.

    Mygnsac, I hope you stayed cool this weekend.

    Have a great night everyone.

  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    Just got out of the pool...then took a shower to wash the cloreine off. The pool is at the perfect temp right now. Even Dad got in it. Now I need to boil a dozen eggs for the week and then paint my nails...they are looking scraggly again.

    Have a great night all.
  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    Good afternoon everyone, another scorcher today with 110 degree heat index. The wind is slow and the sun is high and air conditioning is the only way to escape it. I hope everyone is getting to escape the heat somehow. Of course some are battling the rain and cold too. It is so strange how things can be so different around the country. About four hours north of me is lots of rain and has been for a few days, yet here I am burning up. Just had leftover tomato soup for lunch and it was even better today and the flavor is just so fresh.

    I was out early 6:00 am today to get the watering done and decided to feed the cucumbers, cantaloupe and watermelon again in hopes they all recover from the lack of water they had a few days back. I am hoping this didn't cause my cantaloupes to suffer. The watermelon is new so I should be ok. Everything is doing so well in the garden other than the bitter cucumbers, I even have new flowers on the Homestead Heritage tomato plant that had no flowers for the last week. Oh, and I discovered two new tomatoes on one of my Roma tomato plants. Boy that food really is amazing stuff. I'm not supposed to get new tomatoes in the heat so we'll see how this goes.

    Well, not much else going on here so I'll check out. Have a great day everyone.
  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    Ugh. Just hot and miserable out there. Just needed to whine about it!
  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    Ugh, I hate the heat! Wish I had a swimming pool to dunk in.
  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    I have one, but just don't want to have to take a shower (always have to wash off the cloreine)...so just hybernating inside with the AC tonight. I just checked the temp and it's up to 108 now! This heat wave can go away now!
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Hello, another week zomed by. The tenderloin last week turned out really good so not a lot of leftovers but that's okay. No potatoes left - Katie used the last of them for her dessert. Monday was 4-H so spent the day getting ready for it and went in the evening. Had some good talks. Took two of the 4-Hers home so saw where they had moved too. Tuesday I straightened the house in the morning. In the afternoon, Ralph and I took some eggs to the school, went to the Etc. Shop, ate at Burger King and killed some time there before going to Brencken and Aven's t-ball game. Such a windy day.
    Wednesday we worked on the Echoes. We are working on making copies of ones we didn't have duplicates of to put in the historical library for a back-up. Ralph had gone into Wichita to check out some books someone told him about at a DAV store and then he picked up Deacon and Madden. The rest of the week was busy with them. Overall, it went well. But little things made it interesting. Deacon was coughing a lot so had to use his extra asthma stuff the first day (his emergency attention as he calls it) . Fortunately it was okay the rest of the week. Second day Madden had a runny nose most of the day but he didn't object to it being wiped. Deacon missed his family more. Madden is started to say some words with grandpa being said the most. They slept all night once put to bed so that was very good. I usually laid down with Deacon so I didn't have to wonder if he was messing around with things. "Worst" moment was when leaving McDonalds on Friday. I had taken Madden to the bathroom to change him - found out I grabbed a pullup instead of a diaper so didn't do it but someone turned on the hand dryer and it is very loud. When we were leaving Deacon needed to use the bathroom and Ralph had carried the other stuff out to the car. So the whole time we were in the bathroom, Madden was crying so I decided to skip washing hands and that started Deacon crying. So we came out and Ralph was there so I sent him back with Deacon and I went to the car and they both settled down. They had fun riding around in the carts with grandpa. Got no more than I had to but hadn't gotten my mind straight to do it before they came. Oh yea, Thursday was a big storm - fortunately early evening so I was able to get Deacon to sleep by 10:30 - he is scared of storms. Saturday about 5:30, we took them back home. They were glad to see everyone. And we got another storm that night so I was very glad they were at home. We gotten over 3 inches of rain this week - a lot for June.
    Today all the kids and sister were her (25 of us). I fixed hamburgers (24) and hotdogs (18) and had 3 hamburgers and 4 hot dogs left. A little fruit salad. It's a meal everyone eats good. We celebrated two birthdays and Derek and I both picked out basically the same gift for Owen (a remote controlled car). So maybe he'll share with his siblings.
    This week has filled up somewhat. Tomorrow we clean the Community house and I want to go to another t-ball game. Tuesday I hope to get together with my flylady friends and then our 4-H does the birthday party at Wheat State Manor in the afternoon and decorating cookies meeting. And maybe a baseball game. Wednesday is working on the Echoes and then lunch with a couple of friends. I also hope to go computer shopping sometime - trying to decide whether to do a laptop or a desktop again. We'll see if I can get a little bit done here at home too.
    Tomorrow they start doing an oil well digging on land by our house to see if there's any oil there. Be interesting to see how it goes - noise wise and all that too. It's right by the road that goes up to the hogs so within a quarter mile of our house.
    We are very thankful to have Thomas, our oldest grandson, with us. At the youth group party they biked and ended up at the lake. The first ones there got in the water - in the appropriate area. Maybe they should have rested for awhile but these are teenaged boys. Anyway Thomas got tired and thought he would go down and push up from the bottom but it was deeper than he thought and he panicked. Thomas is a big kid so it took the other 4 plus a guy that had a innertube to get him in. One of the guys thought he and Thomas would both be goners. Thankfully, they got him out. He rested for a long time - continued on with the evening - even had the devotional and drove home in the rain and now acts like it's no big deal. Lori reminded me of a couple of scary times in her life too.

    Well, I thought I had finished this and sent it this morning. So I'll get it off now. It was nice to be home this morning and cleaning the Community House only took a couple of hours. A good day.

    Anew, my mouth waters when I read your posts. I never knew you had to hand polinate watermelons. Or even to know when to do it. You seem to be even hotter than we are. Plenty of humidity here too but usually we have wind too. Is a tomato pie made with red or green tomatoes? Oh, just read your explanation. Interesting.

    Marcie, glad you got all moved to your new desk and are able to do some purging there too. Are you feeling more organized? They keep you so busy with projects it may take some time. Cool on the free lunch. Sound like you made some progress with the Grille place. Baby steps. Lots going with your fellow employees - hard to not chip in on all the events I'm sure.
    I would have turned in the $20 too. I found $90 in the Wal-mart parking lot so took it in and found out that if it wasn't claimed, it just went into some fund they had. Another time I found a $20 bill when I got out of my car at Dollar Tree so told the manager and as some lady was checking out she was looking for her money so we realized it was hers.
    So glad the person who fell at work was okay. Kind of scary when it's happening though.

    Sheryl, glad the calves and llamas are getting along okay. Nice that the rain doesn't keep you from outside too long. With the heat it dries up pretty fast around here too now. Glad you are getting the house ready for Gayla - looks like they will need it and you'll enjoy their company I'm sure.
    Lucky you on the Burger King coupons. We haven't seen any of those for quite awhile.

    Isabella, what a fun time you have planned for next weekend. You and Dan find some fun places to eat at. Sorry about the spat with Dan but cool that you got it all taken care of. We aren't perfect people so we continually work together. It was sweet of him to want it to be safe.

    Lots of hot weather for you guys. We were only in the 80s today but supposed to be in the 90s the rest of the week. It was nice sitting at the t-ball game.
  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    Isyvanek, sometimes I think I am just sitting still being lazy when I read your list of everything you do. I don't know where you get all that energy to keep going day in and day out. I would be laid up in bed after the first three hours of your day. I wouldn't normally have to hand pollinate a watermelon except that I am trellising them and there aren't many bees out to do it for me. I am growing sugar baby which will get to be 6-8 pounds each. Small refrigerator sized. I have only one plant but it's going crazy with vines everywhere. We just tied them up tonight because they are getting long enough to need support. The first three feet of my trellis is full of vines now. One of the vines is almost at the top and it's about 7 feet tall.

    Mygnsac-I wouldn't survive without a/c day in and out. Even during the winter the a/c is going most of the time because the humidity remains high around here. Once in a blue moo I get to enjoy the cooler interior of the home without a/c or a heater. I really do enjoy that when it happens, just wish it happened more often. Stay cool.