Pot Bellied Stove / Water Cooler



  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    A quick Good Morning. I've been staying up later at night and sleeping in more in the mornings. I find a greater need to be awake when John is awake, keeping track of what he's up to. Since the days are longer, it's still light out when I would like to go to bed, but John's not ready and continues to go outside, even at 9 pm. I'll be glad when it starts getting dark by 7 again, and winter is wonderful, it's dark by 5 pm.

    I feel for you with triple digit temps. We're having highs in the 80's all week, it's wonderful, and cools down to the 60's at night and is very comfortable.

    Gotta go, John is up and active.
  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    Okay Sheryl, I want your weather!!! I'll sure be glad when this current heat wave goes away. I feel like I'm melting whenever I walk outside. They have heat stations set up around the city for people that need to get out of the heat and don't have an air conditioned place to go.

    Looks like tomorrow we will be rolling out our new online filing service. We've had a few service companies testing it out for the last week. Some kinks, but they are being resolved today. I'll be spending the rest of my day finishing up changes to our webpages for that roll out. I'll sure be glad when this is behind us!

    I woke up at 4 am this morning and just couldn't get back to sleep, so just got up. Decided I might as well come in to work early and get started on those webpages. Stopped at Noah's Bagels and got myself a hazelnut coffee, then came on in. Got to work at 6:30! Once again, there sure were a lot of cops at Noah's. I must hit the place just as they are all taking their break.

    I bought this ring recently and it just arrived yesterday. I don't wear jewelry much anymore, but I thought this one was pretty.


    Don't know if I mentioned, but the $20 I found last week is now mine. The lost and found guy in the building let me know no one claimed it. So woo hoo on that! Free money is always a good thing! Sorry for the person who dropped though! I think the most money I've ever found was $50. Turned that in, and someone did claim that.

    Sheryl, good idea to be awake when John is. I hope he's doing okay. I'll be glad when it gets darker earlier too. I sure enjoy winter more than summer! Were you ever able to re-home Cookie?

    Anew, having to run the AC in the winter. Wow! We're just nonstop heater during the winter. Good luck with the watermelons. I want to buy one, but every time I do, they are just no good. There's a farmers market across the street from the office here on Tuesdays. Maybe I'll go over there today and pick one up there. Sometimes I feel like I'm just throwing money away when I buy melons!

    Debora, always nice hearing from you. I just don't know who you keep up with all you do. My mind spins thinking about it!!!

    Isabella, I record a lot of animal shows (Animal Channel, Nat Geo Wild stations on cable) like Dr. K's Exotic Animal ER, The Incredible Dr. Pol, Bandit Patrol, The Vet Life, etc. I also record stuff like Survivor (though that's done now), and some crime shows like Shades of Blue and Bull. My favs are the animal shows! Love seeing animals being saved.

    Well, I think before I get back to work I'll go ahead (before it gets to hot out there) and go check out the melons at the Farmers Market. Have a great day everyone!

  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    edited June 2017
    Ugh. No luck on the melons. Not one stand at the Farmer's Market with them! I did get a small bag of chili lime almonds from the nut stand. Yummy! Poor guy there says he's not looking forward to standing out there today in the heat!
  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    Woo hoo. Back in the 80s next week!!


  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    Good evening everyone, the temps are still high with the heat index at 110 degrees again. Rain was forecast for today through thursday but it's off the forecast now so heat stays.
    Can't say much about the garden, it's still doing well.

    Sannferris-Oh, I wish I had your weather. I too have been sleeping in but trying to get up when hubby goes to work so I can be outside to the garden before it gets too hot. Have only managed yesterday up early, but back to bed when I was done and slept until 1:30 in the afternoon.

    Mygnsac-Your ring is very pretty and glad you got the cash too. It pays to be honest. I was at Sprouts Farmer's Market a couple weeks ago and when I got back to my truck I realized I had not paid for the potatoes in the bottom basket of my cart. So, I took them back in and paid for them. I knew I would feel guilt if I had just decided to toss them into the truck and gone home. I also knew when I opened the bag to cook some it would be on my mind again too. So, back they went. Honesty is always the best policy in my book. Hope you find some decent watermelon out there. Seems your in the valley where they grow a lot of it, aren't you?

    Hope you all have a great evening.

  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    Mygnsac-Are any of these farms near you? Maybe you can go direct to the farmer out there.

  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    Mygnsac-Are any of these farms near you? Maybe you can go direct to the farmer out there.


    Haven't looked back in to it, but maybe I should!

  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    edited June 2017
    I keep checking my work email and our website to see if the roll out of that new online filing service has rolled out...was supposed to happen around 8 this night, and it's still not out there! Gosh I wished they would just get it done already so I can move on with other projects!! Well, I'm done and going to bed! Night all.
  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    Good morning everyone, its 80 degrees and 78 % humidity with a nice breeze and the air was cooler this morning which made for a pleasant watering time. I also picked some tomatoes and green beans. Yay, I have plenty of green beans for a dinner meal and leftovers for hubby to take to work. Looks like the beans are going to be full force now so maybe I can eat some right off the vines, lol. Our heat index is between 105-109 degrees again today, sure do wish that would stop now.

    Bought milk the other day with a July 4 expire date and opened it last night to find it is soured. Yuck. Did I mention hubby fixed my a/c in my truck a couple weeks back? It was the little tiny motor inside there that had separated from the part that changes the a/c to heat. It would just spin instead of cathing on anything. Took all of about 20 minutes once he figured out what it was and fixed it. There is this company that has aftermarket parts to fix the manufacturer issues on vehicle air conditioners. They are called HeaterTreater.

    Here is a video on what hubby had to fix on his 2004 2500 dodge diesel truck. Mine thankfully wasn't ear as bad as his was.

    This is what he did for mine. It was so much easier than his, lol.

    I hope you get to finish up the website stuff today Mygnsac.

    I hope you all have a great day today.

  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    I finally decided to log on My Net Diary and I already don't like it. I want to add a recipe so I can use it for a meal. Everything is in grams, not pounds, ounces, cups or spoon measurements. I can't go about figuring out all my recipes in grams just to add them to my log. I feel like I just wasted my time already. I really miss Nutrimirror. :'(
  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    edited June 2017
    Another long...and hot day. Glad it's done. Tomorrow will be another busy day, and is supposed to be the hottest day of the week at 111 degrees. Sure looking foward to next week when it's supposed to cool down into the mid and upper 80s.

    The roll out of the new online filing service happened around 7 am this morning, and by the time I left work today, there were around 800 filings that had been made. Yearly, we get around 400,000 of these filings, so this is a good start. This is our announcement encase your bored! :D

    Nearly killed a cat this morning on the way to work. Darn thing ran in front of my car. Had to slam on the brakes to avoid murdering it! Wouldn't have been a good way to start the day!

    One of my neighbors is going to stop by sometime tonight after she gets home from work to check out my bike. I'm looking to sell it as I never use it (we've just had it hanging in the garage). We're asking $250 for it, so we'll see.

    I just went out and braved the heat to pull my elderly neighbor's trash cans into her backyard. I think her daughter has been doing that for the last several weeks, but she must not have stopped by today.

    Anew, green beans...yum! I love to steam them, then toss them with a little garlic salt, then keep them in the fridge to munch on throughout the week. Those and sugar snap peas.

    Sheryl, Debora and Isabella, I hope you are all having a great week!

    Have a great night all!
  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    Good morning everyone, it's 9:30 am and I just came in from finishing up in the garden. It was a decently pleasant morning until about an hour ago. When I went out at 7:00 am it was 78 degrees and 77% humidity with cool breeze. Now it is 89 degrees and 58% humidity and the sun popped out making it even warmer. We broke a record yesterday by 2 degrees. It was 100 degrees yesterday without heat index and we are looking at the same temps today, maybe warmer. The heat index is again 105-109 degrees. We have rain forecast starting this Saturday through the next two Mondays, then off one day and back for two more. That's not going to be fun.

    I watered everything, picked tomatoes and cut back any bad branches and leaves. Then decided to pull that french marigold I doused with spinosad powder because it was loaded with spider mites and I didn't want it to spread throughout the garden.

    Were you able to sell your bike mygnsac? Glad you were able to get that website stuff finished. Your method of preparation for beans and peas sounds really good. I treated hubby with a fattening way to cook the green beans. I made green beans with bacon pieces. Yum. There was plenty for him to have a great big plate and I had half that. The other half went into a mason jar for his lunch the next day. Those beans were really good. :smiley:

    Well, I hope you all stay cool and dry today. If you are in the Tropical Storm Gulf Coast area I hope you did okay out there.

  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good Morning. Today is Gayla's surgery day and I see that the truck is gone, so I assume they are at the hospital. I usually hear the clang of their gate chain and/or the loud mufflers on the truck, but I did not hear them leave this morning, I must have really been zonked out. I had planned to go to the hospital and wait with Jack during surgery, but when I talked to Gayla yesterday, she still didn't know what time surgery would be. They told her that she would get a call between 4 pm and 6 pm to tell her the schedule and she would need to be there 2 hours prior to surgery. Crazy that they would not have the time already scheduled way ahead of time. Gayla told me that she was told if she has surgery this morning, she'll come home tomorrow, but if it's this afternoon, she'll be released on Saturday. They were able to get a motor home and it arrived last night, but we're still not sure if Gayla will be able to get in and out of it easily, so I have the guest bedroom ready.

    Our weather has been perfect, even cooler than forecast. Highs were 78 for Monday, 79 for Tuesday and yesterday. I started shearing and have 2 llamas done, 6 more to go. I only shear for a couple hours in the morning, easier on them and on me, just a little at a time.

    John is up now, so I'll close.
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Week has been going well. Today is my day at home until we leave for a visitation. A guy we know from 4-H had a heart attack and died Monday afternoon. Monday a friend and I spent 2 hours at the Community House to clean. We thought it looked better when we left. Ralph and I then went to Brecken and Aven's t-ball game. Fun to watch - not sure it's something they'll stay with or not.
    Tuesday was a full day of going. We went to Wichita and Ralph went to a bookstore while I met with Flylady friends at Panera. I waited and ate with Ralph when we left but did get something to drink. 8 of us ended up coming so lots of talking. The afternoon was the birthday party at Wheat State Manor. One family couldn't come at the last minute so I ended up making a cake. The kids did a good job of serving the cakes and drink. From there we went to a shop in town and got to decorate some sugar cookies and hear how they did business. I went home, fixed supper and my sister and we headed out for Jeremiah's 7:30 and 8:30 volleyball games. They won one match and lost one and we made it home by 10.
    Wednesday we worked on the Echoes and then I met two friends at a Mexican place. I had fajitas which were really good. . I was home for the rest of the day but we spent quite a bit of time ordering more books with Ralph. Getting close to having that done.
    Today I'm straightening the house (from last Sunday) along with other things. I put a different cover on one bed that hopefully won't slide around so much. It was interesting the other morning when 11 helicopters flew overhead. I don't think I've seen that big of group of them before. They did get started drilling for oil but it's not as noisy as I thought. I also learned that you should not brush your teeth when using the stool in case you have to sneeze. Makes a mess. :) Also, Monday night a friend - former tax guy, our banker, Julie's boss till recently, who had a heart attack last week and a stent put in came home Monday and passed away during the night. This is a family who had one of their triplets killed in a car accident about 1 1/2 years ago so this is hard on them. Colin would have been 55 this Saturday. Looks like I might be keeping one of Alan's kids part of next week. So the adventures continue.

    Anew, I'm with you. We make good use of the AC in the summer. No need of it in the winter though. Bummer on the sour milk. Did you take it back or just decide to bake with it? A gallon is a lot. So nice that your hubby is so good at keeping your vehicles going. Yum on your green beans - bacon isn't bad to have as a treat.

    Sheryl, we miss your posts but it does make sense to do the same schedule as John. Prayers that Gayla's surgery goes well. Nice that they got an RV. Good to have the bed ready in case but with the RV she might not try and push to get upstairs to her place as quickly.

    Marcie, nice ring. So glad you didn't hit the cat. I never like to hit an animal. Glad the online filing service is up and going okay. Nice that you got the money. Did you write the announcement that we could see? (my only problem with looking was that I didn't open it in a new window so I was glad I was not writing posting on site cause it would have been lost). Did your bike sell? Yum on the green beans.
    It's a warm day here but just in the 80s-90s and I'm in the house mostly so it's okay. Stay hydrated everyone.
  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    Hi all.

    Been another busy work day. Got a couple more things to post on the website, then I'm done for the day.

    The neighbor who was going to come take a look at my bike last night never showed. Kind of annoying. My Dad went to the trouble of getting it ready for her. We rolled it outside to the side of the house. If she doesn't show, or doesn't contact us tonight, I'm going to take pic of it and advertise it on the Next Door website. Maybe one of the other neighbors are looking to purchase a bike.

    Found out last night that one of my former co-workers has liver and lung cancer and is undergoing chemo now. He just retired two years ago. Stupid cancer!!

    Ugh..just got hit with a meeting request. I guess I'll stop by here later! Have a great day everyone.

  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Quick afternoon note...Gayla came through surgery with flying colors. They had gone to the hospital at 5 this morning. I spoke with Jack about 2 pm and he was very impressed with the surgeon. When Gayla went to recovery, the surgeon came out and sat with Jack in the waiting room and explained all that had been done in surgery. Since Gayla had waited so long, there was also repair done to her rotator cuff that had deteriorated more. Even in her groggy state, she said that she felt great, no pain. She gets released at 2 pm tomorrow.

    The motor home has electricity, a bed and a toilet, but there's something wrong with the gas line, so there's no hot water. Water for the toilet and sink, but they'll probably take their showers over here. We'll just wait and see how things go.

  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    Sheryl, glad to hear Gayla's surgery is done! I sure hope she gets some relief now.

    One more day and the week is done! Woo hoo! As usual, I'm ready for it to be over. I'm hoping for no meetings tomorrow. Seems like I was stuck in stuffy meeting rooms all day today. Just couldn't get anything done.

    Today was supposed to be the hottest day of the week. Now over the next few days we'll slowly start dropping temps. Woo hoo again.

    Had to stop at the grocery store after work today. We were out of milk. Lately I've been buying the fat free Fair Life brand. It's highly filtered and lactose free, so Dad can drink it too. He just can't do lactose anymore. Of course it's more expensive. No surprise there.

    Dad just sent off an email to our neighbor to see if she's still interested in my bike. When I got home today I took a few pics of it, and if we don't hear back from her, I'll go ahead and advertise it on Next Door. I'm sure someone in the neighborhood needs a bike, and it's in perfect condition.

    Well, so far on our new online filing website, we've had about 1600 successful filings over the last two days. Customers are thrilled with this new filing option. Still a few kinks, but IT staff are working on those.

    The legislators here in CA have gutted a bill that was introduced in January and replaced the content to add a new cannibus association cooperative entity type. It has zoomed through the senate and is now on the governor's desk waiting for him to sign. Once signed, it goes in to law immediately. Usually, bills don't go into law until the next January 1st. This thing is just written so badly, and we were scrambling today trying to figure out how we can implement it and was it will cost us. For a moment, I thought our head attorney's head was going to explode! Keeping my fingers crossed the governor won't sign it in it's current form!

    Debora, I'm sorry for the loss of your friend!

    Well, I think it's time for me to de-stress (obviously) and watch a little TV. Have a great night everyone.
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good Morning, just watched the news and weather forecast...will be in the 90's today and triple digits for the weekend. I'll take it easy and have all the fans on. It's bright and sunny and already getting warm.

    We still have Cookie, for the time being. A friend told me that one local farm supply store will take roosters and re-home them, but only one at a time. I called and they already had a rooster there, so I'm on a waiting list. I have no idea how long that may take, so still looking for some other way as well.

  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    edited June 2017
    Good morning everyone. Happy Friday!

    Typically, the traffic on Fridays are a bit better than the rest of the week, but not today. Lately I've been staying off the freeway and using an alternate route. Been working out better, but today it seems like everyone decided to use that route too.

    Stopped at Noah's Bagels again this morning and got a small hazelnut coffee and a plain bagel with cream cheese. My goodness...they must have put at least a quarter cup of cream cheese on that thing! Scraping a bunch of that off!! No cops today. Must have missed their break time.

    I slept in this morning until 6 am. Dad said half the day is over by that time (he's always up by 4:30). However...he takes a nap every day. Not an option for me when I'm at work! By the time I got up, Dad had already walked the Dog and then went out for breakfast.

    I swear, when I got in to work this morning there was a line of staff waiting to report various problems to me. I was hoping this would be an easy, problem-free Friday. Got that wrong!

    Our neighbor who had expressed interest in buying my bike never showed again, so I took pics of it last night and will post them in the classified section of the neighborhood's Nextdoor website. Hoping I'll get a taker. I looked it up online last night and the Blue Book value (who knew they had Blue Book for bikes?) for that bike in excellent condition is $208. Since the bike would come with additional accessories, I'm going to initially ask for $250. Will go no lower than $200.


    It got up to 108 yesterday, but will be a bit cooler today. They predict around 103. Still bad, but getting better. When I woke up this morning it was only 70, so we were able to open the windows and turn the whole house fan on for a little bit before closing it up again. Should be in the 90s by Sunday. I can deal with that!

    Sheryl, triple digits in your area?! Wow! Do you have AC in the your house?

    Man, as I was typing this, someone brought be another problem to resolve. Gonna be a day of problems apparently! I think I'm going to sneak out for a few minutes and take a breather. It's still not super hot out yet, so maybe I'll take short walk outside.

    Have a great day everyone!

    P.S. For some reason I have glitter on my hands. Can't figure out where I got that! Gosh.