Pot Bellied Stove / Water Cooler



  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    Anew, the cannibud bill creates a new business entity type called a Cannibus Association Cooperative for businesses that sale marijuana, which is now legal in CA.
  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    Mygnsac, is that medical marijuana for sale?
  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    Recreational pot for sale.
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good Morning. I browsed back to refresh my memory about comments I want to answer. Not in any particular order.
    Isabella, I have no idea how long it will take before they call about Cookie. She did not tell me where I am on the list, but she did say that they only deal with one rooster at a time and who knows how long it will take to find him a home. I'm trying to figure out another way to get rid of him, he's terrorizing the back yard. I think it's time to lock him into a smaller area and isolate him.
    Norma put in ceiling fans in all the rooms in her home and what a difference it makes. really nice! She has A/C, but rarely uses it. If I didn't have to do some MAJOR rewiring, I'd do the same, but this mobile doesn't have ceiling fixtures in the bedrooms, only an outlet connected to the wall switch to turn on a table lamp.
    I'll have to look for Dulcinea watermelons, haven't noticed that name before.

    Marcie, John started picking up the pine cones in the front yard to help me as I mow the grass. Then, it just became something for him to do and he looks out the front window and if he sees one, he knows there's more to find. Now, sometimes he wants me to mow so they are easier to see. He puts them in buckets/barrels and we used them to start the woodstove as kindling. I was told that they smell nice in a fireplace, like Christmas, but we have not detected any great aroma. Anyway, we had so many barrels piling up, we put all of them on the burn pile yesterday and now we'll start all over again for the woodstove next winter. At one point, John had special buckets with certain pine cones (I guess by size, but I'm not really sure what made them special) and he told me those were NOT for burning, he wanted to keep them. But, Thankfully, He decided to get rid of all of them yesterday. Yay!!
    I'm so glad you are safe. I'm so concerned now when there are irate customers in a place of business, you just never know what they are capable of doing, some horrendous things. I still count our blessings constantly when I think of the San Bernardino shooting and how close Norma was to that. I also recently connected to one of John's cousins and her daughter and grandkids live in Connecticut and were close to Sandy Hook. God protected our families from such tragedies.
    Norma and Dad would get along very well...mutual hatred of mushrooms. I love them!

    Anew, two of the stores that I regularly shop at, Fred Meyer and Safeway, give "fuel rewards". For every $100.00 spent, you get 10 cents off per gallon of fuel. Many of the stores have a gas station in conjunction with the store. You can accumulate the rewards to get up to $1.00 off per gallon, however, I usually use them at 10 cents or 20 cents off. Then, quarterly, they wipe the slate clean and start all over again. So, if I don't use my 40 cents by the end of June, I lose it. I hate to lose it.

    Yesterday, John and I were outside all day, Started the burn pile at 8:30 am, calm wind and overcast, just perfect. I thought that I'd shear one or two more llamas, but instead, we decided to take down our dying Sequoia tree. I planted four of them in the pasture for shade years ago, but this one, the biggest and healthiest one when I planted them, fell over a few years back. Jack came over with his tractor and propped it back up and we staked it, but it did not survive. Because of the drainage problem, it sits in water most of the year and the root system just disintegrated and there's nothing there to hold it up or nourish it. Those trees simply don't like "wet feet". Last wind, it broke lose the chains and stakes and fell again. It's finally dry enough to get out there and cut it down.

    Well, I screwed up, used "attach a file" instead of "attach an image" and it won't let be delete those and put in what I want, so I'll put the photos on the next post.
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    The tree fallen over, I thought it was only the panel holding it up.



    Got most branches off and the top off and working our way down the truck.



    After we got the panel moved and thought the tree would fall, it didn't go all the way over, so I guess we'll use the tractor to pull it and cut up logs for firewood.

  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    Hey all.

    If I never hear the word "cannibus" again I will be thrilled! I just don't know why the governor signed that stupid bill into law. It's so convoluted and poorly written. But it's law now and effective immediately, so recreational pot companies can form under that law now. I'll be spending most of my day developing forms for them to use to form their entities. Until those are in place they will just have to draft their own documents. We're also going to have to make changes to our database (which will be the most costly to our department), so management is going to try submit a request for compensation for that cost today. We'll see how that goes. We really shouldn't have to eat that cost!

    I walked Cisco last night while Dad was at his American Legion meeting. As usual, that dog of mine peed on every lawn and bush we passed. I don't know how such a little dog has so much pee in him! He also gave me a nice poo...of course at a house where the owners were outside. Once again, hung my head in shame.

    Nice commute this morning. Unusual for a Wednesday. Still staying off the Freeway and taking the surface street into work.

    Trash day today, so last night I collected all the trash in the house, and the old veggies in the fridge and tossed them. Also swept up some leaves on the ground outside by the side of the house and in the front yard and tossed those in the green waste trash can. The gardeners were there yesterday. It's beyond me why they didn't do that!!! Sheesh.

    Dad gave me marching orders again yesterday to bring him a cup of soup from our Grille here at work. Yesterday's soup was beef vegetable. I don't know why he likes that stuff. Too me, it's just a bowl of salt!

    Sheryl, good job reducing the pine cone supply! So sorry you have to pull out that tree. I hate it when we have to do that. Since we've moved in this house about 19 years ago, we've removed about 8 trees. Dad's thinking about having another one of our palm trees removed (he already had 3 removed, and we have 5 left).

    I hooked up last night on Facebook with a couple of my cousins I haven't seen or spoken to for decades. One was the older brother of my cousin who just passed away from brain cancer and the other was his younger sister. I sent them a pic of them with their parents (minus the sister...she wasn't born yet) at a family reunion we attended in the 70s. They were so little then!

    Well, back to the cannibus stuff! :( Have a nice day everyone.
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Oh Marcie, so sorry about the cannabis debacle. I'm not opposed to medicinal cannabis, but in regard to the paperwork and forms and all, it has to be done right and not pushed through willy nilly and making a nightmare for you.
    In fact, that's the latest webinar I'm following. Cannabis was used for medicine in our history all the way up to 1938, when it was then made illegal. Lots of good medicine in the plant that does not make one high. I mentioned before that this is a treatment that I will not use for myself, but find the scientific info very interesting. It eases seizures and pain, helps with so many different diseases and can shrink cancer tumors. I thought it was always smoked, but most of the medicinal uses are with oils and juicing. Good luck with the government issues that you now face.

    Gayla update: I talked to her last night and she's doing very well. Can put all her weight on her leg/foot and very little pain. She's able to get around quite well in her home and plans to try to make it down the stairs today and see how that goes. She hates the compression stockings that they told her she has to wear. Extremely difficult to get on and off, even with Jack's help, almost impossible. And, with her short legs, these stockings are too long and uncomfortable when they are on. They told her to come back in and get re-measured and get a pair that will fit better. We'll see.
  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    Yeah, they legalized recreational use of marijuana here in California, so it's not just used now for medicinal purposes. Not that people haven't been smoking the stuff forever when it wasn't legal! It's all about the money, of course!

    Finally getting some decisions from our legal staff on how they want me to proceed. Lots of emails going back and forth right now!

    I kind of equate that stuff with alcohol.

    I guess I'm like Bill Clinton...I only tried pot once (when I was around 14 years old) and didn't inhale! Ha!

    Sheryl, good to hear that Gayla is getting around a little better now. Hope they can get her better fitting stockings. Must be super uncomfortable.
  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    edited June 2017
    Here's the pic I sent to my cousin. A few years before she passed I went through some old photos and put some in a clock frame for Mom. She loved that thing. It's still sitting on her roll top desk in the front room next to her ern. Pic quality's not the best though. The baby my uncle is holding is the one who just passed away from brain cancer. My uncle also succumbed to cancer about a year before Mom passed away from cancer. Stupid cancer! :'(


  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    sannferris wrote: »
    The tree fallen over, I thought it was only the panel holding it up.



    Got most branches off and the top off and working our way down the truck.



    After we got the panel moved and thought the tree would fall, it didn't go all the way over, so I guess we'll use the tractor to pull it and cut up logs for firewood.

    You're sure getting there. Looks like lots of work!
  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    Just walked around the State Capitol park. Not too hot out there, but definitely warmed me up! Just amped up the fan at my desk! Okay, back to the pot! :(
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good Morning.
    Marcie, Norma walks around the Court House and gov. bldgs. on her break every day also. Yesterday when she called me she said that all kinds of tents/canopies were going up. Wondered what was happening...I told her that you often have farmer's market around your buildings, maybe she was having the same? Turned out they were setting up for BBQ lunch for the Assessors Office. There was also a Union BBQ tent and several other entities. Later, she called as she was in line for lunch, yum. Her bagged lunch from home is waiting for today's lunch break.

    Another beautiful day yesterday and more on the way for today. I told John that today, we are taking off to run errands and play. It seems that everything expires tomorrow, end of June, so we will go out to eat and get fuel and spend money to save money, ha ha ha. I have rewards from Shari's and my mouth is watering for a special breakfast. They have loaded hashbrowns that are to die for, inside the potatoes are bacon, cheese, peppers, onions and then I top it off with gravy. I'm going to splurge today.

    Got an email from some very dear friends who are traveling home from a wedding (Seattle to Eugene) on Monday and want to stop by here for a visit. It will be so great to see them again. They were housebound for years caring for Marilyn's mother, but since Millie passed away, they are getting their lives back. Last time they passed through, over a year ago, Marilyn's sister was with their mom so they could get away for the weekend, but John had an anxiety attack and refused to see them. I met them at a restaurant off of I-5 just north of us to visit. I think John will be OK this time, I have learned to tell him our plans and not ask anymore. He can not handle choices and it took me a long time to realize that. It was so difficult at first because I wanted to include him in the decision making, but that's no longer.

    I also got emails from two different cousins that want to come visit sometime this summer. This will be an exciting summer for us. And, Norma will be coming up the first week of August. So much fun.

    Haven't talked to Gayla yet to see how she made out yesterday, if she came downstairs and/or went to the doctor's to get new compression stockings. Hopefully, I'll check in with her later today, depends on how my day goes with John. He needs a haircut and beard trim again. Either I need to do it this morning and have him shower before we take off, OR, if I can just get him to shower and wash his hair, I wonder if I could stop by Great Clips and get him to sit in the chair for a professional to do it. Ha, wishful thinking!!!!!

  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    Good morning all.

    Well, my first "pot" meeting of the day has just concluded! Woo-hoo. Need to pin down our lead attorney later today to get some addition direction before I start creating forms. He was supposed to be at my meeting this morning, but didn't make it in in time.

    Dad got all snarky with me this morning. When I got up I opened the side door in the garage (with the security gate still locked) just to let some fresh air in the garage, and he asked me if that door had been opened all night. I said no, I had just opened it a few minutes ago. Apparently he thought my response was in an angry tone...and it wasn't! I swear, I'm really getting tired of those types of encounters with him! I'm 52 years old and don't need to be scolded by my father. Give me a break. Just had to vent here about that. Not a good way to start the day.

    Didn't do a whole lot last night. Just straightened up the house, swept up a little outside, and cleaned the litter box. Also watched a couple of my recorded shows, and checked out some Facebook posts.

    Okay, well I started this post around 10 this morning, then kept getting pulled into "pot" meetings! My goodness!

    I'm requesting to take next Monday off, so I'll have a four day weekend since July 4th falls on Tuesday. Poor Cisco. He's going to be a nervous wreck with the fireworks going off. It wouldn't be so bad if was just on the 4th, but I'm sure people will be setting them off over the weekend too. Usually takes him a few days to get over it.

    Had to escape the office today, so went across the street to the Mexican restaurant and had a fajita and some iced tea. Nice just to sit back a relax for a bit. Had leftovers of course, so will bring those home to Dad encase he wants them.

    I'm going to have to stop by the store on the way home. I'm out of milk. I like to have a glass each morning before I leave for work.

    I got up around 5 am this morning and just couldn't get back to sleep. One good thing about getting up that early. The traffic is a bit better than normal. Can't say it's good, but it is better. Also gave me a jump start on the work day. I had to kill another tree making copies for my first meeting of the day!

    Sheryl, good decision to not make John make choices. I can see where that would be a problem. I hope you enjoyed your breakfast. Sounds great. I also hope John's grooming went well!!!

    Well, I guess I'll go outside and take a little walk, and then finish out this work day. One more day this week! I woke this morning thinking it was Friday. Boy was I disappointed!
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    edited June 2017
    Good Afternoon. My day is topsy turvy and I'm here now instead of this morning. I thought I ran John ragged yesterday and he'd sleep in, but instead, he was up and ready to go first thing, so we went outside and worked and now I'm spent. John took a short nap this past hour and he's on the move again, just headed out the door.

    Yesterday was good, got John's hair cut and beard trimmed and showered and clean clothes, hardly recognized him, ha ha.
    We got to the bank, post office and had a wonderful meal at Shari's. I had 2 different kinds of rewards there, each worth $5.00, and it turns out that only one of them expires today. I tried to use both together and get $10.00 off the bill, but they won't do that so I took the $5.00 off that would expire and I still have another $5.00 to use another time. Apparently, no expiration date on that one. So confusing.
    We then did something that we've talked about for years and years. Stop at the big blue building by the airport...IKEA. Every time we drive by there, we say "some day we'll have to walk through the store, they say it's an experience". You know, the infamous "they" that are always saying stuff. Well, I decided we needed a walk to burn off all those lunch calories and we had the time, so we went through the store. Took a couple hours and saw every bit of the place. It indeed was an experience, but one that we'll never do again. So much stuff. I am not a home decorator so not very interested in furnishings. We laughed at the light fixtures, who would want those atrocities in their home? And, how would one clean them? Anyway, it was a fun day of walking, but next time I think I'll find a park.

    On our way home, we stopped at Trader Joe's and I grabbed a few things including a watermelon. It is a very good one, nice and juicy and sweet. Then across the street to Fred Meyer for fuel, got 40 cents off per gallon and filled the car plus two 5 gallon cans for the lawn mowers. Got home and crashed. Of course, John headed outside and was still ready to do something more. He's like the energizer bunny and I'm pooped.

    Marcie, your comment about Dad being snarky because he thinks he detected an angry tone really hit home for me. With my raspy voice and coughing and John's deafness, it sounds like I'm yelling at John just to be able to be heard, and lately, he's snapping back. Fortunately, it blows over very fast, he forgets within minutes. I'm glad for that.

    Well, I better get back outside and see what John's doing now.

  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    Yay, the weekend has arrived, I'm taking Monday off, and Tuesday is a holiday. Woo-hoo!

    I had a meetingless day at work today, so another yay!

    Our division chief went to a burger place called Sqeeze Inn (first I heard of it), and we all placed orders for her to bring back. I ordered a small cheese burger. It was huge! If that was small, the regular must be massive! It also had a layer of fried cheese on it! Dad says he's been there before when he was still working, and said they always referred to their burgers as a heart attack on a plate. Was really good, but I couldn't eat the whole thing.

    Sheryl, I've never been to IKEA. I should pop in one of these days.

    Well, I think I'm going to just kick back and relax until bed time. Tired tonight! Have a great night all.
  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Love it!!! The Hills Are Alive...for four day weekends. Have a wonderful, restful time. Oh No, you will be dealing with Cisco's anxieties and loud noises. Well, have fun anyway.

    Good Morning all, cloudy morning and much cooler. I'll try to get more shearing done in the cool of the morning. Yesterday we got up to 93 degrees, but by 8 pm, it was back down to 73 degrees, perfect sleeping temp.

    Yikes, our next door neighbor just revved up his old, extremely noisy, truck and I hear John moving the blinds to look out the bedroom window. Well, I guess he's up now and my morning me time is over.

    Not too much new news, we just keep plugging along, doing chores around here.
  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    Hi all, my friend Jami had to have a hard cast put on. The Dr said he is not concerned about the broken bone, he is concerned about the ligaments. If they don't re-attach in 6 weeks he will have to do surgery to take one from her upper leg and attach it. I was supposed to hang out with her today to keep her company while she is laid up but she got a massage to help the rest of her beat up body and felt really sick afterward. :( I'm going to call her tomorrow after church and if she feels better I'll visit her then. Otherwise, I did a load of laundry and have been puttering around on the computer all day. I ordered some vitamins from Costco and ordered a jacket that was half off from Blair.

    Dan has been working on the yard all day (mostly the back slope) for the last few weeks. He planted some ice plant babies on the slope today and is taking a shower now before we go to Trader Joe's and Sprouts. I planned on getting a rotisserie chicken at Sprouts for dinner but Dan said he has earned it and wants to go to dinner before we go. No argument here! :p I'll leave it totally up to him as to where he wants to go.

    I don't think I have mentioned to you all that I have discovered lunch at the senior center near my work! My friend who is 74 invited me to join her there one day. It is $4.00 per meal and is a "full rounded" meal - for example Friday we had salmon, brown rice, spinach salad with oranges, a fruit cup, and 2% milk. I really enjoy going there. The food is decent, a nice variety and I really enjoy chatting with her and her friends. I have been going every week or so for a few months now.

    Anew, bummer that the cantaloupe wasn't up to par. Hopefully the others will be sweeter. I was once told by a farmer that cantaloupe will get softer after it is picked but will not get sweeter. It has no way to produce more sugars. I have also read that this is true. Let us know.

    Marcie, those Barkley videos are very cute. I always enjoy those commercials. Dan and I have been noticing that commercials are getting more creative and clever lately. We have actually stopped to watch a couple rather than fast forward thru them! It's about time! They used to be that way when we were much younger.
    How is working on the cannabis bill coming along? Too bad for your dad that he doesn't like mushrooms and missed out on the pizza. I know a few people who don't like them. I'm with you and Sheryl, I love them! I don't know what it is with the guys in our lives these days! Dan has been a bit grumpy lately too. I've been chalking it up to the fact that he's been outside in the heat all day every day lately and is very sore and tired.

    Sheryl, Glad to hear that Gayla's recovery is going so well! I remember that Granny's hip replacement was a pretty quick recovery also. You have been getting a lot done lately. The burn pile is taken care of, the tree is mostly down, the llamas are being sheared. Did you pull down the rest of the tree? Do you have a neighborhood site where you are that you can perhaps rehome Cookie on? You mention that you would not try medicinal marijuana. It's funny that Dan and I were just discussing that this morning. We would both try it without hesitation if we had a medical condition it would help. Perhaps it is the era we grew up in. As you said it has been used for many years for so many conditions. I agree with you about Ikea. I went once with a friend many years ago and don't have a need to go back. Very happy that you will be getting a visit from your friend that you had to meet at a restaurant last year. I remember that. And visits from cousins too. And the icing on the cake - Norma is coming in August! What a wonderful summer!

    Debra, I'm sure you are crazy busy. You are usually even busier in the summer with going to the kid's games, etc.

    That's about it for me right now. Have a great week! In case I don't get a chance to check in on 4th of July, I'll wish you all a great 4th right now! :smiley:
  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    edited July 2017
    Hi everyone, I've checked in and read but decided not to post because it's all the same thing when I do. We are still scorching hot out here with heat index of 109 again tomorrow. The fireworks in the neighborhood have already started.

    I pruned back the watermelon because the vines are much more prolific than the cantaloupes are which was causing an airflow issue. Hubby helped me to add a trellis to the right side of the watermelon vines and we also put up the other matching trellis in an A-frame style so I could route some vines on it. We moved the big 100 gallon container that is about 1/2 full of my garden mix over to the garden bed that the watermelon is growing in. I made sure I have a five foot path and we attached it at the top with the other trellis. So, it's sitting on top of the 10 gallon container which is covered by a wood lid and I can walk through the A-frame, if that makes any sense at all, lol. I still have the one watermelon growing on the vine and hanging there real well. I hope to get that one when it ripens.

    We just had one of the two cantaloupes I picked the other day and let finish ripening on the counter. It was perfect, juicy(running down my hand kind of juicy), with a nice texture and very sweet. It smelled so good before I cut it that I had to give hubby a sniff. That food and getting some water saved them I think. I have one to pick tomorrow and that will leave two on the vines. After that I will pull the plants because it's too hot and humid to get anything new here. I am hoping I get the same results from my cucumbers as well.

    I am amazed at how well the garden is actually doing in this heat and humidity. It is usually drying up at this time. I am pulling some of my french marigolds because they are getting spider mites on them. That's what they are there for, to be a trap crop and help keep things off my other plants, so they are doing their jobs very well. I have only had to spray once in the last 4 weeks or so for bugs, and anti-fungal twice in the last two weeks. I'd say that's a feat in itself in this heat. Those spider mites can wreak havoc in the garden though so I'll need to keep watch for them.

    Sanferris-I am so glad you are getting to get outside and get things done. I hate being cooped up inside the house.

    Mygnsac-Whew-four day weekend, my hubby has one of those too. I hope you get to enjoy it to it's fullest.

    Isyvanek-It's great news on Jamie's broken bone and I hope her ligaments will heal properly so she can avoid surgery. Lunch at the senior center sounds great. We don't have that here that I know of, but cities around us have it. I think we are too small a town.

    For cantaloupes you pick them when they turn yellow and slip off the vine. They are already ripe then but if you leave them on the counter they will soften and the juices release better when you cut them open. Here are two links where you can read about it. One is Dulcinea's website that tells you how to choose theirs in store. If you pick one that is the first choice and leave it on the counter it really will get better with time. Those Tuscans are awesome.


    This link is a gardening website which is very imformative and it covers harvesting for a few different melons.


    Have a nice night everyone, you are probably all asleep now.

  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    Anew, ha! I was asleep...now I'm awake. Just keep waking up every couple hours. Ugh.

    Didn't do a whole lot today. Got one load of laundry done, went out for breakfast, got gas, got the car washed, went to the grocery store, went to Walmart, and went to Costco.

    I also popped in to Petsmart and picked up some little booties Dad wanted for Cisco for when the pavement is really hot. Not sure how Cisco will take to them, but we'll give them a try.

    I was surprised no one around here set off any fireworks last night, but now I am hearing some going off in the distance. I had just taken Cisco out to go pee, and as soon as he heard that, he ran to the door wanting to go back inside. I'll sure be glad when this is all over!

    Anew, your gardening skills are so impressive.

    Isabella, what an ordeal for Jamie! My goodness. Nice about lunch at the senior center!

    Sheryl, I hope you get a bit more you time tomorrow! We all need that!

    My Aunt (Dad's sister...the one whose son just died from brain cancer) just sold her house in Maryland and moved to Arizona. Her daughter and her family also did the same and they are now living in the same neighborhood. They finally got settled in this week. Big move! I started communicating with both of them on Facebook recently.

    Okay, well I think I may watch one of my recorded shows, then give sleep another try. Have a great night everyone.