Pot Bellied Stove / Water Cooler



  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    A cat on the counter would be a no from too! Luckiley my old 15 year old cat cant jump up on the counters anymore. I just don't mind them on the bed with me.
  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    LOL, Annie sleeps on the bed, but not on my pillow and I did allow my dog at my feet, just not between us and pushing me off the bed. I am somewhat soft. :wink:
  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    Yeah I would most definitely protest if my cat or dog slept on my pillow. Not happening! Ha!
  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    Good morning everyone, today will be another one of those high heat index of 105-109 degrees. It is currently 80 degrees and 84% humidity out there and I haven't even gone out to water yet. Still waiting until it's light enough out there to check things out. Yesterday I noticed two of my watermelons have stopped growing and I'll need to remove those from the plant today which will stop it's energy from trying to grow them. The others seem to be doing great.

    Yesterday morning I sprayed a mixture of neem oil, bt and diomataceous earth on everything out there. It worked very well and I like the diomataceous earth going into the liquid spray because it's a fine powder and you have a swirl of dust all around you when you dust it on dry. I liked it going on wet instead and it seems to have covered the plants very well after it all dried. No more dust cloud all around me. The bt is for worms I have seen around on the leeks and tomatoes lately. I pulled all the leeks the other day and can't wait to use some in a leek and potato soup. I'll probably freeze some to use in other soups or casseroles.

    I'll need to make a store run today and get some cleaning done as well.

    Have a great day everyone.
  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    edited July 2017
    Hi all, having a wonderful relaxing day today. Catching up with you guys while I do several loads of laundry. Clean sheet night tonight - Yay! :) A friend at my gym gave me a fairly large zucchini so I plan to make zucchini bread in a little while. It is still pretty hot these days but the AC is running so I will use the oven with relative impunity. ;) Later we'll do our usual Trader Joe's and Sprouts shopping (Dan has decided he likes to go shopping between 4 and 5pm). We'll have dinner then afterward we'll watch a recorded movie.

    Since Debora asked what a typical week day consists of for me - I get up between 4:30 to 4:45am, make my green shake, get ready for work, go to the gym (formerly a Curves gym) before work Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. I get to work around 7:30am (scheduled start time is 8:00am). Walk for 30 min at lunchtime then eat lunch. Work till 6:00pm (scheduled quitting time is 5:00pm). I am fortunate to live 6 miles from home so unlike Marcie the commute is usually not an issue. I get home around 6:15pm and make dinner. We are finished with cleanup by 7:30pm and settle in for a little TV viewing until around 9:00pm bedtime. My only weeknight activity is bible study on Wednesdays unless we are on break like now. We will start up again the end of August.

    Anew, the link to rooting tomatoes in water was interesting. I look forward to hearing how it goes for you. Let us know if you try growing some hydroponically. I gotta admit - I'm with you, I may let a dog on the bed but it certainly wouldn't "rule the roost". Marcie, you are indeed a softie! :smiley: That link about the neck pillow sounds really interesting too. I often wake up with a kink in my neck because of the position I slept in (like this morning). This might help. Have you received yours yet? Let me know how you like them. That last cantaloupe sounds amazing! My mouth is watering! Were the 2 watermelons you had to pull undeveloped and not edible? How were the leeks? Good that you found a mixture to put the diatomaceous earth in. One of the reasons I never tried it although they say it is really good for so many things is that they always caution that the dust is really fine and can be hazardous to inhale so to be cautious and wear a mask when spreading. But you are so good at research that I'm betting that you already knew all that!

    Debora, neat that you got to have the 3yr olds this week and see how they have grown. At our church you must have at least 2 people in each classroom (or wherever you are with the children) at all times - for the children's protection as well as your own. I took your suggestion about the apple cider vinegar and put a small amount out on my desk at work. The fruit flies walked around the outside of the container, around the top, but never went in! It was infuriating! Maybe I had too small an amount at the bottom of the container or maybe the braggs is too strong for them. What type and size of container did you use? What brand of vinegar was it? I am determined to beat those little beasts!! It is so annoying when you are trying to work and they fly at your face! :#

    Marcie, Did you try that new restaurant this week? How was it? Cool that you got to order off the senior menu. A lot of restaurants now want you to be at least 62 before they'll let you. As I mentioned to Anew above, I have to agree with her about dogs on the bed - I may let a dog on the bed but it certainly wouldn't "rule the roost". Marcie, you are indeed a softie! :smiley: I know what you mean about thinking about your mom a lot lately. I go thru periods like that. It may have something to do with your chatting with family on Facebook lately. It is probably bringing back memories. It is so sad that they didn't take your mom's stomach issues seriously and just chalked it up to IBS! They did the same thing with my dad. He went to the old family Dr. who always said "oh Joe, you're getting old. It's probably just rickets". When my dad finally went to another doctor, they told him it was too late - the cancer had spread throughout his body. He suffered for a year or so. They even severed his spinal cord thinking it would lessen the pain which of course it did not, it only crippled him. He passed away when I was 3 so all I remember was seeing him in a "hospital bed" in the middle of our living room. Thank God medicine has come a long way since then!

    Sheryl, Wonderful report from your surgeon! I wonder if coconut oil would be good to use to rub on the scar tissue. I have read good things about it. Did they recommend any specific type? I hate to tell you that around here it is usually rats that chew the rubber on the bottom of your garage door then they go up into your car and chew the hoses and such. Hope that's not the case with your garage. Too funny that you told your mom that she'd have to come there if she wants your weather, you're not sending it away! :wink:

    Well, I've prattled on quite long enough! But before I go I thought you all might like to see the picture frame Dan and I ordered for our "big anniversary" pic next year. You have to roll your mouse over the pic to really see the detail and the beauty of the crystals.
    Take care and have a great week!

  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    Good morning everyone, it's 75 degrees and 88% humidity out there this morning. It feels wonderful and we have a chance of rain today and tonight. We'll see how that goes but I did already water anyway because my containers cannot go without water. I took some more tomato cuttings from my husky cherry and also some from my homestead heritage tomato plants. I'll be pulling all the tomato plants in the next few days. This will give me enough cuttings to plant for me and to share with some others that may want them.

    I made a huge mistake the other day I discovered I had spider mites on my watermelon and was cutting away the affected leaves. I sadly misjudged and cut one of the vines to a good watermelon that was growing, so it is a total loss for that one. The others are all doing well and the oldest one is marked for harvest between next Saturday and the 30th. I keep tapping it daily and the sound is getting more and more like a deep thud. Whew, can't wait to bite into that one. :smiley:

    Mygnsac and Isyvanek-I am so sorry to hear about your parents, how sad. :

    Isyvanek-I have not received the pillows yet. I'll let you know how it goes when we do. I am definitely liking putting the diomataceous earth into the mix because wearing a mask and safety glasses with gloves to treat with it is not any fun. Now I just have to wear a mask and gloves to get it from the bag, and then into the water to mix it up. No more dust cloud all around me anymore. I won't be growing any hydroponic tomatoes because I don't have the setup for that. The cost is prohibitive for me as well. The leeks smell very good, I cleaned them and put them into the refrigerator and will use them this week. Those watermelons had stopped growing and that means the plant aborted them so they were undeveloped.

    Well, it looks like we might get that rain today and I really hope we do. Have a great day everyone.

  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good Morning, I'm so far behind, lots of reading and I jotted a few notes, but I know I'll forget to comment on some things.

    First thing, Anew, did you send me an email? I have not opened it yet and won't until you tell me it's legit. I have gotten several emails from other friends that made no sense and when I asked them about it, they said that they had NOT sent them, so now, I don't open anything that doesn't look kosher.

    Mystery solved! and it's not good. Isabella guessed it, we have rats. That was not my first guess because the feed bags were not chewed into. However, as of yesterday, there is a hole in a bag of cracked corn and we had a mess to sweep up. About 4 mornings ago, I saw a rat walking across the backyard, so I set the rat traps and caught one the next morning. But, nothing since and now the mess with the corn, so I know there are more, not just the one. Our neighbor Dona is also having a problem with mice and rats and she actually caught a weasel as well. They are building the last house, lot 13, in the development behind us and have stirred up all the critters that were living back there. We're having a greater mole problem too, more mounds than ever before.

    Debora, Norma won't be moving up here, but I'm sure that she will be visiting more. She used to live here in Vancouver and could hardly wait to move back to sunny California, in fact, they moved to San Bernardino within the same year that John and I moved up here. We just passed each other.

    Marcie, cute photo of Cisco all sprawled out on the bed. I've never owned a dog, but had cats, so I still know the feeling of not wanting to disturb their comfort and end up all contorted trying to move a leg or arm. Our cats knew that if they wanted to go out, just lay on my face and I will be up immediately.
    Again, I am so sorry about your Mom. Ovarian cancer is one of those that can go undetected or misdiagnosed until it's too late. There's no lump that can be seen and felt like in a breast, or in my case, in my neck.

    I had a CT scan last Thursday and will see Dr. Smith next Tuesday for the results. I believe that I had previously said my appointment was on Monday, but I have since checked the calendar and I was remembering wrong. I go in at 10:15 and I doubt it will take long, so I'll still be able to get to the 11:30 Bible study. I got to Bible study last Tuesday and we finished 1Thessalonians.

    Friday, I got the tractor out and John and I pulled out the Sequoia stump, wasn't too hard since most the root system was rotted away sitting in all that water. We cut up the rest of the trunk and yesterday, I split the logs for firewood.

    My days never turn out as planned. I think that John and I can get something done in about 45 minutes to an hour, but it ends up taking several hours or all day. I have to be patient and flexible as one little chore can morph into a whole different project.
  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    Sanferris-I did not send you an email. I have no idea what that would be.
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Thank you, I'll delete it without opening it.

    I just remembered another comment, Isabella, the surgeon gave me a bottle of Bio-Oil and also told me that when I'm through with it, use coconut oil. I have a jar of coconut oil already mixed with Lavender oil and I will continue with that. I have also used Frankincense as well.
  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    edited July 2017
    Good morning everyone, it's 76 degrees and 88% humidity outside right now. Just came in from watering and have decided I will be pulling the tomatoes over the next few days, they are not setting new tomatoes but there are tons of flowers on the cherry tomato. It's too hot to cut them down all at once because the sun will come raging on and I will have to be in it. A reason I love going out early mornings is because the sun is out, but the garden is shaded by the houses, and it gives me some time out there to sweat without the sun beating down on me too. Makes it much more comfortable out there. We barely got any rain yesterday with just a few minutes of sprinkles. We are supposed to get more today but I am not counting on it.

    Did I mention that my garlic chives are doing much better since I pulled the leeks out of the garden box next to them? They are not in the same box, just were next to each other and the garlic chives had a lot of tips that were brown. Now that I have pulled the leeks up I have noticed my garlic chives are doing 100 times better, all the brown tips are almost gone and its much greener, although it was already very green and I thought doing well in our heat. So, I won't be planting leeks and onions near the chives anymore. These chives are awesome. I was given a small little square of them from a friends garden and she told me to plant them in a big box, and that it would fill the box up in no time. Sure enough that 36" long box by about 10" wide is filled up with garlic chives.

    It took about three years to fill the container and they die back in a winter freeze to total brown ,and I thought they were dead. I picked off all the dead chives and left the crowns in the ground and couldn't believe they actually started growing when things warmed up. I have been amazed by these things for the last four years and they taste great on baked potatoes, mixed in with mashed potatoes and tossed into scrambled eggs. Glad I have them, they are the only chive that is flat leafed without a hole down the center of them.

    Looks like it's time to share my bounty with others because it will be crowded in the container next year. I may take a few clumps and plant them out front of the house too. Still trying to figure out what to plant out there, lol.


    Have a great day everyone!

  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good Morning...I'm beside myself with these vermin. Whatever is going on, they are much smarter than I am. I used duct tape and covered the hole in the feed bag and set three rat traps and one live animal trap and this morning, there's nothing in the traps and a new hole in another bag and cracked corn all over the floor. In a way, I was relieved there was nothing in the live animal trap because I wouldn't know what to do with the critter. I don't think I can kill it and I certainly don't want to just let it go, he'll be right back to do that same stuff over again.
    The moles have gone totally crazy, mounds all over the place. I had put poison down in the tunnels, but it doesn't phase them. I think they must sense it and just block off that part of their run.

    It's another beautiful, warm, sunny day. We've had over 45 days of bright sun and no rain. With our luck, it will change while Norma is here in 2 weeks, and be gray and gloomy, exactly why she moved away from here.

    I heard from Christina and she's overwhelmed also, her health is in the toilet (her words), the eds is getting so much worse, she recently dislocated her hip and the pain meds are not doing a thing to ease her pain. The eds causes her joints to constantly mess up. She has family issues as well, her step-mom had surgery and Christina traveled to Ohio to care for her. She's amazing, with all that she is going through, she continues to help others.

    John is outside already and I'm not sure what today will bring. I have so much on my list, I don't know where to start and will probably get nothing done. Like I told Christina, I want to get in the car and just drive away.
  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    Good morning everyone, it's 80 degrees and 80% humidity out there. Just 10 minutes ago it was 78 degrees and 84% humidity. So strange how our weather changes on a dime. We had a good downpour about 4 am this morning but I just pulled two tomato plants and the soil is not very wet. It is moist, but not wet and this explains why my plants were without water after all that rain. I was checking the tops and everything looked great but there really wasn't much water getting to the bottom of the planters. I watered anyway and I also gave the watermelon another shot of food. That will probably be the last food until I pick the biggest watermelon this weekend. I hope to anyway and if it isn't ready I'll feed again this weekend anyway.

    Oh my Sanferris, so much going on with you. I hope you can get those rats and moles under control. I wish I had some ideas for you on that as well, sorry I cant be of help there. I also hope Christina can eventually find some relief from all that pain. It amazes me she would be taking care of everyone else while she is in pain. I hope you have a better day today.

    I hope everyone has a good day today.
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good Morning, John is up and out the door already. I went out early to feed and discovered another new hole in a third bag of cracked corn, pile of corn on the floor and nothing in any of the traps. I am bewildered.
    The poison that I put out for the moles has done nothing, new mounds all over the yard. I told John to leave it alone until tomorrow and I will pull up my markers and he can resume dowsing the mounds with water and sticking the hose down into the tunnels. He thinks he can drown the moles, but they are quick and simply seal up the necessary tunnels to stay safe. However, John has killed several in the past using this method. When they pop out of the ground, he can zap them with the high water pressure and kill them.

    Ready to jump in the shower and get ready for Dr. Smith appointment. Will bring home the report of the CT scan.

  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    Coming in for an update on the new support travel pillows. Got them in today and tried them out already. I think they would be great for traveling and are comfortable using while laying on the couch. For support they need a high top style chair, if your chair is only shoulder height I can't see it working. Hubby also tried to use it in bed because he is a tummy sleeper, but said unless there was some way to strap it on to his head he can't see it working out very well.
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    edited July 2017
    Good Morning. So sorry the pillows are a perfect fit for you. Of course, on the ad, they were absolutely perfect for any condition, ha ha, well, that's advertising for ya.

    Yesterday was a full day. Dr. Smith was running late, so I thought that I may miss Bible study, but I made it just in time, walked in at 11:30 on the dot, with even a moment to stop in the ladies' room first. Anyway, back to the doctor's visit, the CT scan showed mostly unchanged with the exception of the lymph node in the arm pit was very slightly larger. Dr. Smith still decided to wait on any change in medication, mainly because there's more research he wants to do to give me just the right one, so many different chemos out there now, and so much more new coming out. I go back in 2 months to do the same again, CT scan and then a follow-up. He said that if there's no change or it's bigger, he'll have a change for me then, we'll need to do something. I also have my 6 month mammogram and follow-up with the surgeon, so September will be full of appointments again. Well, it does get me out of the house.
    Bible study was a good one, very few people (only 4 this week) but lots of discussion. Sometimes we feel freer to speak out with fewer people.
    Then, I stopped at Home Depot and got some rat poison pellets, decided to poison instead of trapping, since trapping isn't working well for me right now. I checked my baits this morning and it looks like 2 of the 5 "bait stations" have been nibbled at, but there's also a new hole in a bag of cracked corn as well. The instructions said to remove all other food sources, but I have no where else to put 10 bags of cracked corn, so I set the bait stations on the floor anyway. When I finish feeding all this corn, I will buy only a few bags at a time, so I can handle it better, not buy a ton pallet of 40 bags.
    Next stop was at Fred Meyer, p/u Rx and groceries and then a quick drive through Burger King drive thru for whoppers to bring home for late lunch/dinner, had one more coupon for BOGO free. Decided that I was gone too long, John was beside himself when I got home. I will not be able to pack a lot of errands into one day anymore. I've said that before haven't I? I've got to remember and learn my lesson. Stick with only one thing at a time.

    I'm home all day today and have a bunch of stuff that I told John I would take care of, just didn't feel up to it yesterday when I got home so I told him I'd do whatever he wants "tomorrow" meaning today's the day. We'll be busy outside all day.

    There was another Webinar on the Cannabis Series last night, but I was too tired to watch it, I'll watch it this morning, unless John gets up soon. It's #4 of 7, every Tuesday night. I find it very interesting and want the info in case I need it someday, but right now, I don't think it applies to me since I'm not in pain and the chemo pill doesn't cause nausea or any side effects that the cannabis can help with. But, it certainly is fascinating how much the cannabis can help with some situations. Of course, every body is different and last night's topic is "Not all diseases are treated equally".

    Well, we're on a new page here so I can't scroll back and browse through your previous comments or I'll lose everything I wrote. So, I'll close for now and pop back in if I remember something else.

  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    edited July 2017
    Good morning everyone, it's bright and sun shiny out there with 91 degrees and 55% humidity right now at 10:30 Central time. We have a high heat index warning of 105 to 109 degrees again today. I didn't pull any new tomato plants today because it was warming up too fast and I also sprayed again for the mites. The plants need to be dry before I pull anything so if it cools off enough tonight I will do it then, otherwise I will try tomorrow morning.

    Sanferris-Oh the pillow is great for me, my chairs are high backed and there are four different ways to use the pillow. It is far better than one of those donuts are and much better support than a donut. I will be storing at least one in the truck and keep one inside to use often. Well worth trying them out. I know when we take a trip anywhere hubby will be comfortable sleeping while I drive. He falls asleep all the time and is constantly trying to make a regular pillow work. This new one will be great for that I'll just have to try to remember to pack the second one in case we pull over somewhere for a quick nap.

    Hopefully that bait will take care of the rats for you, and I would kill them too. I can't see trying to trap them. Glad you made bible study and got the doctor visit taken care of as well. It's good your doctor is trying to find the best treatment for you out there.

    Have a great day everyone.
  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    LOL, Annie sleeps on the bed, but not on my pillow and I did allow my dog at my feet, just not between us and pushing me off the bed. I am somewhat soft. :wink:

    A friend of mine on Facebook says she has a king size bed and her two dogs and her cat all sleep with her and her hubby. Says she's lucky if she gets and edge of the bed. Think I would draw the line there. Ha!
  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    edited July 2017
    Hi all.

    Well, for those of you not on Facebook...here's my CA State Fair saga...Stupidly decided to go last Saturday during the heat of the day. No parking available in the regular lots, so they diverted me out into the grass field behind the park. Spent a couple hours there just walking around, checking out the exhibits and the animals, got myself a small strawberry smoothie, bought a hat (I only have bazillion of them at home, but forgot to bring one), then went to go get my car and go home. Couldn't find the darn thing. Walked from one end of that grass field to the other, twice, clicking my car's remote trying to get it to beep at me. No success. Thought the car was stolen. Went back to the park's entrance and told the security guard I think my car has been stolen. He immediately called 911, parked me under a shady tree so I could cool off, then when out to the parking lot to try and find my car. The police lady arrived and laid into that nice young security guard. Told him, the next time this happens, he is to place the person in an air conditioned place, give them some water, and then just wait for the police to arrive. Felt so bad for that young man. He was just so helpful. Anyway, she then placed me in her police car (front seat...woo hoo), cranked up the AC for me, then we drove down each isle down in that grass field...and she found my stinking car. Gosh! Told her I was so sorry for wasting her time. She said, never be sorry...that's what they are there for. Okay, that's my saga. When I got home I went on to the CA State Fair's Facebook webpage and thanked that young man for his help. Hoping he got the message. He was obviously upset by being chastised by that police officer.

    Well, Dad just gave me marching orders to go get him a cup of the soup in the Grille here at work. Today's special is Potato Cheddar w/Bacon. Yuck! To me, it's just a bowl of salt, but he seems to like that stuff.

    Have a great day, and Sheryl, I hope you concur the rat problem!!!!
  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    edited July 2017
    Once again, any of you who don't check out Facebook...One of our former NM members (USA Andy) is painting a pic for me of my Cisco...Here's what he's got done so far. He sure has captured his smiley face! He even added an ear for me. Apparently in the pic I gave him I had cut off one of my dog's ears! That's a a cat toy I had over his head in the pic I sent Andy.

  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    Well, looks like Karyn from NM is also going to have Andy paint her dog! Ha!