Pot Bellied Stove / Water Cooler



  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    edited July 2017
    Good Morning, another quick one today. John went back to bed, but you never know if that's for an hour or only a few minutes. He needed lots of help with everything yesterday, so I did not get anything done, just looked for stuff that he had misplaced.

    About a year ago, maybe two, we did receive a card in the mail telling us of a "neighborhood website, to share things", but I tossed it once I saw who was heading it up. A neighbor who is a busy-body and wants to know everyone's business and then is a trouble maker by spreading rumors and butting into your business. Even in the signing on to the web site, she's asking for a lot of personal information. She's down the street and I just steer clear of Lisa. So, I most likely will not be finding a new home for Cookie here in the neighborhood.

    I had some "me" time earlier this morning and decided to enjoy Friday's episode of the Great British Baking Show that I had recorded. I'll get some kitchen clean up done before heading outside, or maybe, wait, I may make too much noise and John will get up again.
  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    Good afternoon everyone, it's a scorcher again today. It's 92 degrees and 52% humidity with a heat index as high as 109 degrees. At least the humidity is a bit lower. Hubby and I will be heading out to return that new faucet we bought last weekend to Ace Hardware. It's too tall for my sink area and I didn't realize I need what they call a "low arc" design. The one we bought is "high arc". I'll get my favorite shrimp quesadilla at one of our two favorite restaurants out there, then we'll head to the grocery store. So, it will be a busy couple of hours coming up. I did pick that cantaloupe this morning and I also picked a couple of cucumbers, we'll see how those cucumbers taste later for a snack.

    Mygnsac-I hope cisco likes his new shoes. We had some for our dog years back and she didn't like them because her nails would get caught up in them. She also would not allow her nails to be trimmed so that was probably part of the issue. When she was a puppy I had taken her in for a bath and nail trim with the results that they cut three nails on both paws too short so they bled. She was in pain and she remembered that so there was no touching her paws anymore, not even allowing me to massage them like she used to always love me to do. :(

    Sannferris-I looked at that NextDoor thing when Mygnsac posted about it before and felt it was too personal, and too intrusive as well. Your description of Lisa reminds me of Mrs. Olsen on Little House on the prairie, lol. ;) Glad you got some "me" time this morning.

    Well, everyone have a great day and try to stay cool.

  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    Hi all.

    I just finished folding towel, and I'm just about ready to get in the pool. Need to skim some leaves off the surface first though. The water must be pristine!

    I went out for breakfast earlier, popped to Ross, and then went to the grocery store. The clerk there was complaining that people buying fresh corn on the cob are pulling the husks off at the store. I told here the store just needs to set a small trash can next to the corn bin (that's what other stores do).

    Sheryl, glad to hear you got some you time this morning!

    Anew, I've had no issues with Nextdoor. You can choose what info you want to share. Been a member now for a few years. I like being able to see what's happening in the neighborhood.

    Okay, time to put away these towel, and go clean the pool. Have a great night all.
  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    Good morning everyone, today I have an eye appt in big town. Hubby is off and I tried to get him to come with me so we could do some shopping while there. He doesn't want to join me though, waaa!

    It's another scorcher today with a heat index of 109 degrees. It's 87 degrees and 64% humidity right now. I just came in from watering and cutting back all the tomato plants. I pulled one completely and I pulled all those french marigolds that had the bugs all over them. I need to plant some seeds of those and see if I can't get them going out there again.

    I tasted one of those cucumbers and although it's much better than before they still have a bitterness to them. I told hubby that I will pick once more and if it's not better I am pulling them. Not going to waste water and food on a plant that won't give me something good back.

    Mygnsac-Glad you like that community website, I have a lot of admiration for people who trust those things. I am so much more into my privacy though. I don't know about yours but they want full name, address, telephone number, etc on there. No way am I making myself open to a bunch of people I don't know and will probably never even come across. Case in point. I see that Match dot com commercial where they show people all the persons they have bypassed in one way or another. Yep, I could like that person, they like to shop where I do, or they like the same coffee shop I do. Yeah, nope, not for me, lol. I just see people getting stalked, lol.

    Have a great day everyone.

  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good Morning. Marcie, Happy July 3rd...day off and especially a Monday off is always welcome. Tomorrow will be the Big Day with Cisco. Good Luck. Our animals always seem to be fine with the noise and bright lights, but I have to deal with John, worrying about the animals. He wanted to go outside night before last and check on them right up until 11 pm when most of the noise stopped. Last night was quite quiet for being July 2nd and a weekend night, I was so thankful. So, tonight and tomorrow night to deal with and then it will ease up for another year. We usually still have a few bangs after the Fourth, but not too bad.

    Today at about 1 pm, our friends will be stopping by. I haven't told John yet, I'll wait until a few hours before hand and hope for the best. I'm thinking I need to give him enough time to shower and clean up, I hope, I hope.

    Gayla's doing very well, healing and working to strengthen those leg muscles. It really helps that 99% of the pain is gone and she can concentrate on walking better.

    We're having nice cool overcast mornings and bright sunny afternoons, into the 80's and then cools back down at night for comfortable sleeping. Just perfect. Got a lot of work done outside yesterday, but nothing that I had planned. John diverted my attentions to something completely different. Wanted to get the front lawn mowed so it looks nice for our company today, but it didn't happen. Grass is tall and ragged, but they'll have to take us as we are. Actually, I know they won't care. Although, I wanted to sit out on the new front deck to visit and a nice manicured lawn would have been a nicer backdrop to view. Oh well.

    I'm back, John got up and I told him we are having a nice surprise today with a visit from Gerry and Marilyn. He seems good with it so far.

  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Okay, I'm going to talk with you guys tonight or else. I always say I don't have time but that's just an excuse. So right now, I'm making the time. When I last wrote, I had plans to go to garage sales with Lori. We did for the whole morning and bought something at almost every sale but it was mostly gifts, for Operation Christmas Child or for the Daycare. Ralph went to a book sale during that time and got 5 bags of books at a good price. We went to Best Buy and looked at computers, ate and went home where I got ready for Sunday. I had the house cleaned up and an easy meal so it worked out fine to be gone.
    I ended up teaching on Sunday cause the one who was supposed got sick but with teaching 2 year olds, prep time doesn't take as long. The kids were over. Lori's were staying till 5 but we left to go to a meeting at church. Then I came home and cut up a bunch of roma tomatoes (about the only kind I buy) and we went to our Fellowship meal. They did a taco bar - really tasted good. It was raining so we had to eat inside but had a wonderful time visiting.
    Monday morning I got up early and went to Lori's to help her. I did dishes. Helped Lucy clean up her room, did the two bathrooms, we all worked in the boys room and then started folding laundry. I had to quit at 3 cause Alan's were bring Ava sometime after that. She came about 4:30 and was here until Thursday evening. The rest of the family went in their converted school bus out to her family to help with wheat harvest. Ava still had week of summer school. She was gone each morning but we went to the half price sale at Etc. Shop one morning, I worked on the Echoes the next morning and I stayed home the last morning while Ralph went to a funeral. She had lunch at the school so meals were easy. I laid down with her for rest time and bedtime. She moves her legs a lot before she goes to sleep but did sleep all night. I think she liked having the toys to herself and she ate well. She never asked for much of anything. When she does some things you have to remember she's a 7 year old with a 3 year old mind but I thought things went well. She was happy when her family got back and they said they missed her. Right after she got picked up, we left for Jeremiah's last ball game (which they lost).
    Friday morning we went to the big town so I could babysit for Lindsey. She needed to renew her driver's license and have her yearly checkup (which she had to wait an hour for until they called her back). This time I actually had all 5 kids and only put one down for a nap. From their house we went to the town for our Friday errands and didn't get home until after 5. A long day. Then about 9:30 I got an email asking what was going on with one family. Sadly I found out that 2 college age boys had been killed in a car wreck involving just them. They were cousins and both were to be groomsmen in a wedding on Saturday of another cousin. It's a family from our church so it has been a hard weekend. The one boy and his brother were also supposed to go on a missions trip to Mongolia today. The wedding did go on - sad but joyful. The pastor changed his sermon for Sunday to help us all deal with the tragedy. And now we have a funeral on Wednesday for the one. Caleb was from Texas so his service will be there.
    Saturday I did the usual Saturday stuff. I fixed a crock of BBQ green beans and took them to a potluck with a group of Kenyans (like we do each year). It wasn't a large group but it was a nice evening to be out. Too bad, Sheryl, that you weren't here. You could have gotten rid of Cookie although his would not have lasted much longer. The family that hosted the event had 3 roosters they didn't want so anyone who wanted one could up their name in a drawing and a lot of them did. They had to take them home live but I'm sure they were butchered soon and lots of them wanted them. We left before they shot of the fireworks but could enjoy the high ones as we drove home without all the noise.
    Sunday I taught again. We just had Alan's and my sister her at dinner since Jim and Lori left on vacation. After they left I actually took a little nap. Then we had a missions report in the evening. I still had a big of a headache and on the way home, it got bad. So I went to bed - all better today. I thought I was going to be home today but instead I got invited out for lunch. The lady I work on the Echoes with lost her last sibling and her family is in Pennsylvania so we got together with her. Nice time. Then this evening I took my sister to get her fixed car so did not get as much done at home as I had hoped But the time with friends is good. Ralph wants a haircut yet tonight too so will get that out of the way. I like to do it before it gets so long, but..........

    Marcie, nice that you're connecting with family through Facebook - of course they do have to be ones that post. i read more than I write (kind of like here). Sorry your dad put his back out. Glad it didn't keep him down too long. He sure is a tough guy. If your dad's toe tender after the remove a nail?. Mine is when I break one back too far. Enjoyed the Barkley videos. The clock with pictures is nice. Hope you get the stuff for the cannibas bill taken care of soon. It's not like you don't have enough work.
    Depending on our moods, it sometimes doesn't take much to make us react wrong. I do it plenty myself. But it's not fun. Hope you're enjoying your 4-day weekend. One more day to go and then a short work week. How do the shoes fit Cisco?

    Sheryl, nice that the llamas don't mind the weather either way - take some pressure off you to get it done by a certain time. Ceiling fans do help. We have a couple of them. Probably helps with Norma since she is gone a good part of the day and home when it cools down. Our house heats up just with two of us so we make good use of the AC. That's nice that your rewards are quarterly. Ours have to be used in 30 days but we need gas often enough. The store that does also has a survey that you can do once a week and get 50 points so that helps me too. It all helps although I saw gas for $1.89 today. Thanks for sharing the pics of taking care of the tree - very interesting. Did you get enough walking done in IKEA. That's what I've heard you have to do so won't be going there with Ralph - he's not a big fan of just walking. He gets too tired. Hope you had a good time with your company and enjoyed the deck in spite of the grass.

    Anew, the racks you got for your counter are cute. It's always an adventure to taste things out of the garden. At least it sounds like you have more that taste good than don't. I have used cucumbers that have a bitter taste in a pickled relish and they taste okay that way. So you might try one as a refrigerator pickle and see how it is.

    Isabella, sounds like and Jackie had a great time together. Oh my, ouch with Jaime. And she had to walk down on it hurt. She's tough.
    The well they were drilling was on our property but they got a dry hole so now we just have a mess there. It will have to set a year or two before they can finish it off. Yes, we do have lightning bugs. Kids used to enjoy catching them and putting them in a jar and using it as a flashlight.
    Interesting that your friend got a hard cast because of the ligaments. Our hired man's wife fell down the steps at their house and they thought she would have to have surgery but the bone was staying in place so she has to wear a boot for six weeks and put no weight on it. So her girls - 6th grade on down - are helping with the cooking and stuff. Their dad says it's not quite as good.

    Again this is long but guess that's how it is. Have a wonderful 4th of July. Bang Bang.
  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    Can't sleep! Ugh!

    Finished up the laundry today, pruned the hydrangea plant out front, and raked up some leaves our annoying neighbor's tree dropped in our driveway.

    Tomorrow I'll do my weekly cooking, and paint my nails. They need it desperately!

    Debora, my head just spins at all you do!

    Sheryl, hope all went well with the visit from your friends, and that John was okay with it.

    I think it's about time for me to turn in an go to to sleep. Have a great day tomorrow all!
  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    Good morning everyone, it's going to be a scorcher out there again with a heat index of 110-114 degrees. Right now it's 85 degrees and 74% humidity. I've watered and picked for the day unless that cantaloupe decides to slip from the vine for me sometime today. It seems to be hanging on for dear life, lol. The watermelon is huge, I should go out and measure that thing hanging up on the trellis. I hope all of the slings that are on it keep it up there and I may just add another one or two. It's just massive for what they call a sugar baby. The beans aren't putting out as much as I would like them to so I may go ahead and call it a season with those too. It's just getting too hot out here for the garden. I still can't believe how healthy everything is in-spite of the heat and humidity.

    Today we are headed to my BIL house for bbq, I made some potato salad and chili to take with us. I can't handle bbq smoke so I'll be trying very hard to avoid the door when people are coming and going today. It should be fun to see some family today.

    Arobed53-I'm with Mygnsac, you do so much it's hard to know what to comment on, lol. Busy busy busy person you are. I never thought to try a pickled relish with the cukes. We aren't much for relish though, I really prefer to eat cucumbers fresh. Those racks are working out very well. I have only used two rolls of paper towels since I got them because the rags and towels are so easy to reach for. Makes me happy.

    Mygnsac-Sorry you're having trouble sleeping. Have you tried Remifemin? There are different ones to choose from, and it takes at least 30 days to really feel the effect of it, but that is what I did when I just could not sleep at night. When we had the wedding to attend in California I needed to be able to be on a regular sleep pattern. It helped me a lot. Sounds like you got a lot done yesterday.

    Happy Fourth of July everyone!

  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good Morning. Great day yesterday. I told John that he could do anything he wanted until noon and then he'd have to come in and take a shower. He'd pop in the door and ask, "how much time do I have?" 2 hours, you have until noon. 15 minutes later, "how much time do I have?" about an hour and half, you have until noon. Not too much time later, "how much time do I have?" You get the point, this went on all morning. Finally, noon = shower time. Not too much trouble this time, just a little fussing.

    Gerry and Marilyn arrived at 1:15 pm and we went to lunch right away, we were all hungry and in the mood for Mexican. Good food and good visit, even though we were in a restaurant, we were the only ones there and it was nice and quiet and we could visit easily. We then came back to the house and walked around outside and John showed them all of our ongoing projects. We stopped in the barn and checked out the tractor and all the inventory parts and trucks and then came back to the house for some sitting and visiting. We talked about sitting out on the front deck, but never did. Came in for the computer because I showed Marilyn the Blue Apron website and told her I can gift her a week of meals. They are interested. Since we were inside, we sat in the living room instead of going back out to the deck. Marilyn is having hip replacement surgery next month, so Gerry said that he'd be doing the cooking for awhile and is very interested in the Blue Apron meals. They left at 6 pm, so we had a nice long afternoon with them. John told them to come back soon. Since Millie died, they have had a chance to travel and purchased a large motor home and Gerry mentioned that the motor home would fit nicely on our property for a longer stay. We said sure, they're welcome anytime. They came for several days, years ago, when they had a camper on their truck and it worked out well.

    Today, the family in Southern California plans to gather at Karen's house for the Fourth. It has become a tradition, for years now, to get together at her house. Mom said that she plans to go. That's great, she needs to get out once in a while. It certainly was easier on her when she lived in Pasadena and if Mom and/or Dad got tired, someone could run them home (just a couple miles down the road) and return to the party. Now, Norma will either have to listen to Mom moan about being tired or leave early and not return since it's a further drive to get home. But, I trust it will all work out well for everyone. Mom mentioned that times for seeing family is getting fewer and fewer and she needs to take advantage of it.

    Debora, wow, like everyone else mentioned, I marvel at your schedule and how much you do in a day. So busy, but that keeps you young! ha ha ha It certainly keeps you slim, all that "on the go" and walking, lots of activities.

    John got up already and is out the door. Wants to know what to do today, I told him we'd continue to work out front and cut up old pallets that were for firewood. He's going to check out back first and see what looks new and different out there this morning. Who knows what he might find.

    We have a mystery...we place a small piece of wood (a 1"x2", about 8 inches long) under the big barn door (an overhead door like on a garage) to keep the door from crushing John's air hose that he keeps laid out from the compressor to the outside. For the last week, every morning, I have found the little board outside the door instead of laying right under the door. Some critter has moved it during the night. I thought it was moved to get into the barn through the little gap, but nothing in the barn is disturbed. The feed sacks are still all intact, the hay doesn't look messed with. Plus, a critter big enough to move the board and have the dexterity to do it, like a raccoon, would be too big to squeeze through under the door. A little critter that could get under, wouldn't need to move the board at all. Strange. Also, if it is a raccoon, he would go after the chickens or ducks before playing around with a piece of wood. I think tonight, I'll set the live animal trap right outside the corner of the door, where the board is located, and see if I catch anything. I'm not sure yet what bait I should use in the trap since I don't have any idea what it is that I may be trapping.

    Well, I guess that's it for now. Wishing everyone a Happy Fourth of July.
  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    edited July 2017
    Happy 4th of July everyone! Dan and I have had a VERY mellow relaxing day. I actually slept in till 6am. 9 hours sleep is very unusual for me. It was nice. Dan got up around 9am and we had cereal for breakfast. I don't have it very often so I really enjoyed it. Then we went on line and ordered a crystal picture frame from Bed Bath & Beyond for our 30th anniversary picture next year. It is our tradition to get a crystal frame for a milestone anniversary (except for our 25th we got silver of course). Dan said that he considers our 30th to be like a 50th anniversary to us because we will not likely live to see a 50th anniversary. I think it is quite likely we will but I'll run with it. :)

    We shared a turkey sandwich for lunch then I made homemade potato salad for our dinner tonight. I plan to make the kielbasa that I bought from that German store a couple of weeks ago. We can watch fireworks from our street so we don't have to worry about dealing with crowds or traffic. If we had to drive somewhere we probably wouldn't bother but I can't resist them since all I have to do is walk outside at 9pm. Jami might drive down to watch them here. We'll see what they feel like doing later.

    Interesting that Sheryl and Anew found the neighborhood sight to be intrusive. I guess I can understand being leery when it was started by a "problematic" neighbor. Like Marcie we have participated for a year or so. Dan signed up for it so I have no idea what info he had to submit (our address perhaps but that is public info anyway) but he is a very cautious guy so he wouldn't have given too much more than that. We like being able to get contractor referrals, etc. I get caught up in reading some of the threads sometimes tho and some neighbors can get downright rude at times. That's when I step away for awhile.

    Anew, just when I thought it couldn't get any hotter and humid where you are - it did! Yikes! Thank God for AC! So glad the rest of the cantaloupes have been good. The info in the links you posted was interesting. I really like the Tuscan cantaloupes but they are comparatively expensive so I don't buy them often. I'm glad I'm not the only one that found the commercial for the new match.com app to be kinda scary.

    Debora, all I can say is WOW and WOW! I don't know how you do it but as Marcie said it must keep you young! Also I think it is a real blessing to have family around to be able to spend a lot of time with - especially if you all get along for the most part ;) - as well as a great church family. What a wonderful community you have. Our gas at Costco this week was $2.59 a gallon compared to your $1.89. Interesting about the oil well. If they had found oil would you have gotten money from it? What will they do with the dry hole and why does it take a year or 2 to finish it? So sorry to hear about the 2 college boys killed in the car accident. That is always a sad and difficult thing and happens all too often.

    Well, I'm going to go see if it has cooled down a bit outside (it was 86 degrees earlier) so I can sit out and read the latest consumer reports.

    Happy 4th of July!! God Bless America!
  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    edited July 2017
    Hi all, and Happy 4th of July. Love seeing all these flags flying in the neighborhood!

    Went on out for breakfast this morning. This time I went to Lumberjacks. Got the chicken fried steak meal. The eggs and potatoes that came with it were good, but the chicken fried steak was incredibly over cooked and tough. I didn't eat it, and they knocked $5 off the price of the meal.

    After breakfast I headed over to a local pet shop to see what kind of stuff they have to calm pets when fireworks are exploding, but I guess I timed that poorly. Apparently they were having a parade in that area and I kept getting detoured. Later in the day I did go back. The manager at the store recommended this oil, derived from hemp, which is supposed to have calming effect on cats and dogs. I'm dubious, but will give it a shot.

    Dad will be going to one of his walking buddy's house tonight to watch their fireworks, while I'll stay at home to comfort my scaredy-dog! I also still need to boil eggs for the week and paint these nails of mine. When it cools down a bit, I may go out and finish pruning that hydrangea bush of ours out front. I got about half of it done yesterday until I cried mercy from the heat!

    After I went to the pet store this afternoon I decided to treat myself to dinner, so popped in to Strings Italian and got Salmon Pescatore, roasted brussel sprouts, mashed potatoes, garlic bread and salad. So good! I managed to get through about half, and Dad polished off the rest when I got home.


    I hope it doesn't get too loud for you tonight. I'm suspecting it will here! Have a great night. Back to the rat race for me tomorrow. Woo-hoo!

  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good Morning, John's up already so this will be quick.

    Marcie, your meals are wonderful, thanks for taking photos. I never remember my camera until the food is half or all gone.

    Extremely noisy last night. Sounded like bombs right in our backyard. John and I went to bed together, I was so thankful, but by 10 pm, John got up and got dressed and said that he had to check on the llamas. He returned at 10:45 and commented that they all just laid in the pasture, not concerned at all. I held my tongue of an "I told you so", I simply said "good". It was quiet by midnight.

    Nothing in the trap this morning, but the little board is moved again. So curious as to what's going on out there during the night.

    Debora, so sorry about the death of those two boys. What a tragedy.

    Gotta go now.
  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    Hi all.

    Well, back to work today. Sure did enjoy that long weekend!

    Traffic wasn't too bad this morning. I think people are taking time off for the week. Hope it continues throughout the rest of the week!

    I made a stop at Noah's Bagels this morning on the way to work to get a small hazelnut coffee, and ran in to Dad. He was just finishing up eating a bagel and egg sandwich. Just can't seem to get away from that guy! Ha! First time I've been there when there were no cops taking a break. Must have missed them this morning.

    The noise of the fireworks last night finally stopped around 11ish. Not as bad as last year, but still bad enough to make my dog a panting, shaking mess. He dove for cover under my bed (didn't know he could still fit under there!). That was his hidey-hole for the night. He finally came out around midnight and crawled into bed with me. I woke up at around 1:30 to use the bathroom, and then offered to let him out to go pee. He gave me that "you must be kidding" look and we went back to bed. It will be a few days before he'll venture outside at night again.

    The cat just takes the noise in stride. When the noise starts, he'll just plant himself under one of the beds, and when it's over, he just gets on with life. Not after affects for him.

    I sure wanted to track down the idiots that were setting off those illegal bottle rockets last night and smack them. It's no wonder so many of our pets wind up lost or in shelters after the 4th. Stupid things just rattle the windows.

    Debora, that is just so sad about the death of those two boys. As Sheryl said, such a tragedy.

    Sheryl, glad the fireworks didn't affect the llamas! John has such a kind heart to check on them, even though you knew they were okay.

    Isabella, love the picture frame tradition you and Dan have. So sweet.

    Anew, hope you don't have to pull up those plants! I admire your gardening expertise!

    Doing a little catch up today since I was off on Monday. Also had to track down my paycheck this morning. They issued the paycheck on Friday after I had left the office, and I had to search for who was holding it. Finally found it and made a run over to the bank to deposit it. I don't get that bank. They have about 10 windows, but rarely have more than two people serving people. There was a huge line of people needing to be served, and it seemed everyone of them had some complicated, time consuming, transaction they needed to have done. Ugh. I should have just waited till I got home and deposited the check using the app on my cell phone. Of course, I left my cell phone home today!

    While I was out and about yesterday, I popped in to the dress shop I usually by my clothes from. They are apparently trying to clear out old product. They had pants on the clearance rack for $4. These pants usually go for $40. Can't beat that! Bought two pair. Would have bought more, but those were the only ones in my size. Also bought a top that was 50% off and a couple pairs of capri pants that were 40% off. Great deals.

    I continued to purge stuff from my bedroom closet over the weekend. Have a stack of clothes and shoes building up on the dining room table (that's where we collect that stuff). There's a lady on the neighborhood NextDoor website that collect stuff like that for the WEAVE organization (Women Escaping A Violent Environment) who is asking for donations. I think I'll contact her once I'm done purging and give it all to her. Should probably be done purging that stuff by next weekend. Give the poor Good Will guy a break this time!

    Okay, well I think I will go take a little walk (need to stretch my legs) and then get back to work. Have a great day everyone!
  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    Good evening everyone, today was not a scorcher in a sense of getting a high index warning but it was hot nonetheless. Right now at 8:40 pm it is 89 degrees and 64% humidity and it was decent out in the garden taking a look around. I picked 5 cucumbers all different sizes from gherkin to a medium dill size and they are all bitter, with and without the peel, so that plant is coming out tomorrow. :/

    I went ahead and watered the cantaloupe plant today because I woke up around 8:30 and it was too hot to be out there pulling things out of the garden. So I watered everything and went into the house for a/c, lol. I'll pull that tomorrow too. I haven't checked the beans today so I will do that tomorrow and pull them if I am not satisfied with their output. No reason to waste water, food, and time on something that won't give back to me. The heat and humidity out here really is a garden nemesis.

    I picked the last Homestead slicer tomato off the plant so it will come out tomorrow as well. I might take a couple of cuttings from it and see if I can't get them to set some roots for a fall garden planting. I'll do the same with the awesome cherry tomatoes I have growing. They are still setting new fruit, even in the weather we are having. Everything else seems to be doing well. The watermelon plant has lots of baby watermelons but they don't seem to be setting. I did see one tonight that looks like it might have pollinated and hopefully will get another one growing out there. The one that is there is now about volleyball size and headed toward basketball size. Hope it's support doesn't break, lol.

    Mygnsac, that salmon dinner looks divine. I wish I could get something like that here and running into your dad at the bagel shop is classic, lol. Sorry Cisco is still having trouble with those noises. I wonder if you could build him some sort of noise canceling box you can put him in for the duration of the really loud stuff? Not sure how you would get air to him though if you did it.

    Isyvanek-I love those Tuscans and it's all hubby will eat from the store. They are expensive, but so much more worth it because you know it will be a good one. I definitely see scary things happening with that Matchdotcom thing for sure, how creepy that is.

    Sannferris-Glad the Llamas made it through the noise out there and John had something to keep his self busy, even if you did want to sleep.

    Have a great night everyone.

  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    I had to come back and tell you all what I just discovered. Well, I knew I could do this but I had forgotten how to do it. So, I want to take some cuttings from the Homestead Heritage tomato plant and root them to grow for the fall season. I am going to do the same for the cherry tomato plants I have too. I will have to seed the other tomatoes I want to grow though.

    Here is a webpage that tells how to take a cutting and root it for a plant later. If I do this right I can keep getting a new plant every year out of these plants I bought and never pay for a seedling again. I only bought them because I had a late start in the garden this year. I should be on top of things now though.

  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    edited July 2017
    Good morning everyone. Boy, this morning has just flown by. I can't believe it's already almost noon.

    Because I took Monday off and Tuesday was a holiday, I have my days all mixed up. I woke up thinking it was Wednesday. But, woo-hoo, it's Thursday!

    Lots of cops (and no Dad!) at Noah's Bagels this morning. Picked up another small hazelnut coffee and went to work. Of course, hit every traffic light on the way in on red. Dad says that's our family curse. We never get a green light!

    I think Cisco is starting to get over the whole fireworks thing. Last night I got up to go to the bathroom around 1:30 am and then offered to let him outside. This time he actually went out, but didn't pee. Still, progress. I think everything will be back to normal by the weekend. I only heard a couple fireworks going off in the distance a couple times last night. Hopefully that will be it!

    Dad says for now he's stopped walking with his walking buddy. Since he had that toenail removed last week, he's still nursing it (soaks it in salt, medicates, etc.) and it's still a bit painful, so he's walking slower than normal. When Mom was a kid, she had to have both of her big toe toenails removed. Because of that, just looks normal too me. He's definitely not liking having to wear open toe sandals. I think he'll be happy once he can start wearing his walking shoes again.

    It's warm here how, but it's supposed to get even warmer over the next few days. They say we'll be back in triple digits by the weekend.

    After I got home from work yesterday, I finished pruning that hydrangea plant out front, and while I was at it, pruned a bunch of rose bushes out there. Dad said he couldn't understand why I wouldn't wait for it to cool down there before doing that, but for that I'd have to wait for night fall, and the last thing I want to do at night is yard work! By that time I'm usually in my night gown and getting ready for bed! Not sure why he didn't do it. He's home all day (or the gardeners)! In any case, it's done now.

    My elderly neighbor across the street from says she's not happy with the work the gardener is doing on her yards (she uses the same one we do). Not sure why, but I guess she's going to start shopping around for another one. We're pretty satisfied with them. The only issue I have with them is they fail to blow out the leaves that build up on the side of the house by the trash cans. I usually wind up sweeping those up myself.

    I'm thinking about stopping at the Noble Vegetarian restaurant on the way home from work today. I've been craving their Vietnamese Spring Rolls (they call them "Roses on the grille"). Haven't been there for awhile. So good! Grilled soy sausage and green wrapped rice paper, lettuce, carrots, rice noodles and served with a peanut sauce.


    Another one I like, but I won't get today is their "Angel At Peace" meal (a faux chicken with veggies and rice). Also really good.


    Anew, no, Cisco would not tolerate being put in a box (lol). We can't even get him in a dog crate. He was crate trained when we adopted him 2013, but we spoiled him, and now he won't have any of that! He just has to ride it out every year. Sorry about having to pull up those plants!

    Well, I guess it's time to get back to work. Have a great day everyone.

  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    edited July 2017
    Dinner tonight. I decided to stop at the Noble Vegetarian Vietnamese restaurant. Haven't been there for a long time. Of course I'm not a vegetarian, but I do enjoy some of their dishes. As usual, I had leftovers. I'm on my own this time though. Dad is not a fan of that place!

  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    Good morning everyone, it's 81 degrees and 72% humidity out there right now. I watered the garden this morning and pulled the green beans too. This opens up the bed that the watermelon is growing in so I was able to lay three of the vines on the bed to grow there. This will help provide more room on the trellis for the rest of the vines. I found 4 more watermelons growing on the vines and I am excited for that. I think I have a solution for the supports out there to hold those watermelon up on the trellis. If I use some shade cloth with grommets in all four corners I can attach them to the trellis with zip ties. I can make those hammocks as big as I want them to be. This should be a good solution for my problem.

    Last night I pulled the cantaloupe and discovered that it was developing some powdery mildew. So glad I found it before it went crazy in the garden in this heat. I also pulled the cucumbers and discovered some mites on a couple of the leaves on those. Glad I won't be dealing with these plants while it is so hot. I still need to pull that tomato plant out there but I can only do so much before I get too hot to be out there anymore. We might get some rain today but I watered anyway since I don't want the garden to be without water again.

    Glad to hear Cisco is doing better now.

    Have a great day everyone.

  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good Morning...or is it? John is having a rough start to the day and moaning and complaining already. I wish I could slip him a pill or drink or something to change his attitude. Funny thing is that when I tell him about Mom, constant complaining, etc. he says she just wants attention. He is doing the exact same thing, but does not see the similarities.

    It's overcast this morning, so I hope to get out there and shear a llama or two before it gets too sunny and hot.

    John needs help with something so I've got to go.
  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    Morning all.

    Gonna be another hot one today. They say we may get up to 106. Supposed to the hottest day of the week. Should be back down in the mid 90s by next week.

    Cisco woke me up in the middle of the night kicking my stomach. His little legs were running! He must have been chasing a squirrel or something in his dreams. Had to tap him awake! I don't know when he's going to realize he'll never catch a squirrel, when awake or when asleep! He sure tries though!

    I'm going to be working on forms today. Have to create a new one, and revise a couple of existing forms. So I'll be planted in front of the computer all day. What's new?

    Anew, sorry you had to pull up those plants!

    Sheryl, sorry John is having a bad morning!

    I need to make a quick run over to the bank (the mother of one of attorneys just passed away and they are taking collections for flowers...and as usual, I'm cash poor...just never carry the stuff with me anymore!). Then, back to work.

    Sure glad it's Friday! Again, what's new?

    Have a great day everyone.