Pot Bellied Stove / Water Cooler



  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    edited May 2017
    Good morning ladies! It has been a VERY relaxing weekend! It was so beautiful yesterday that Dan and I spent a good amount of time sitting outside. I decided to read a book for pleasure instead of nutrition articles or something. My friend gave me The Good Earth by Pearle S. Buck. It is a modern classic. It hooks you in right away. I gave Dan a "brain puzzle" book for his birthday and he worked on those. He loves those things, especially the logic puzzles. I plan to make burgers and potato salad in honor of the day. :p

    Anew, I agree - I will have to pull the waffle maker out and enjoy some homemade waffles. Maybe next week. Thanks for sharing the story about meeting the vet at Lowes. Really glad you stopped and chatted and that hubby got to share about being a vet also. Always nice to remind everyone that this is the reason for the holiday and to appreciate the freedoms that we enjoy because of these individual's service and sacrifice. Our pastor did a really nice talk and prayer about it yesterday before he started his teaching. I think you should try the veggies if the package says that they are good summer veggies. Especially the zucchini. Like you said, what is the worst that would happen - they don't grow. But I can't imagine zucchini not growing! You usually need a book on 101 things to do with zucchini. They are that productive. Look forward to hearing how it goes.

    Marcie, sounds like you've been having a nice weekend. A nap and free breakfast. Nice treats. Not to mention all the good deals you've been finding! Neat pic of the old car. Sounds like a tasty breakfast too.

    Debora, great to hear the missionary updates. Exciting and encouraging. Our pastor has often mentioned that for those of us who can't or don't go, sending the missionaries gives us a blessing. (I didn't explain that very well but don't really know how to put it...) So nice that you found your leather stamps and also got to do some rearranging and decluttering! Great job! Wow, all the things you usually have going on and this week you'll have Lori's 3 staying with you?! You're so good with them though, and I know you will be building fond memories for them. How did Ralph's cemetery tour go? Was it like a historical tour?

    Sheryl, hope you're having beautiful weather and enjoying spending time outdoors even if it is just to sit on your new deck in your new furniture. :)

    Well, I'm going to go have a small bowl of cereal for breakfast. I don't have it often and we bought hazelnut milk because it was on sale this week at Sprouts. It will taste really good with cereal. Hopefully it will clear up later so I can sit outside again and enjoy my book. I think we are getting what we call June gloom. June in San Diego is usually cloud cover in the mornings which burns off in the mid morning/early afternoon.

    Happy Memorial Day all and thank you to all the veterans and their families for your service and sacrifice.
  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    Isabella, sounds like you are having a nice relaxing Memorial Day. The flags are up on most of the houses on our street. My great grandfather was in World War I, my two grandfathers were in World War II, and my uncles and my Dad were in the Vietnam conflict. Lots of veterans in my family.

    Here's a picture of our bush on the front pourch. I've never seen it bloom like this. Dad put a canvas over it to protect it from the sun, and must be why it's growing like the. Also, Cisco sunning himself on his little pad. He's such a sun dog.

  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    Marcie, pretty pic of the bush. Is it a hydrangea? Several vets in my family as well. My dad was in WWI. That is how he got his citizenship. My brother Tony was in WWII and my brother Carmen was in Korea. My nephew Johnny was a career Airforce vet and retired as a Kernel.
  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    Yep, it's a hydrangea. When we moved in to this house in 98 Dad thought it was a weed and kept cutting it back, then when we hired a gardener he told us what is was and that we should let grow. I have an uncle who was a career Navy vet for about 20 years. My Dad did 4 years in the Navy and specialized in electronics. Afterwards he started working for TV stations usuing what he learned in the Navy.
  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    mygnsac-I love that car, it would be fun to drive. When you mentioned the suitcases on the side it reminds me of all the old pictures of people traveling cross country in those things. Could you imagine doing that now? Not me, lol.

    The storms are definitely putting a cramp in the gardening style but that's okay, we need to get the rain to keep us out of that bad drought we had a few years back. That's a very pretty hydrangea plant, I love the color of the flowers. You know, I see lots of space for container gardening, lol. You could grow up instead of out, and you have a windbreak in the wall behind everything. Let's see in the fall you could plant things like lettuce, swiss chard, kale, green onions, cabbage, radishes and...

    The list for fall goes on and on what you could grow, I can't wait for fall to come. Did you know when you grow greens you can cut back a few leaves and it will continue to grow new leaves for more salad?

    The best part is, you already have a beautiful plant to bring the good bugs into the garden area. :smiley:

    Isyvanek-Sounds like a nice weekend to me. I made some pancakes for lunch, yes we ate at 1:30 this afternoon. Anyway, I much prefer the waffles over a pancake any day with that mix for sure. The crispness the waffle maker gives them is far better than a soft pancake is.

    As far as growing squash in summer it might be that mildews and molds would be prevalent in the garden because the humidity is so high in the summer here. It's already high now, so I'll have to dig some more to get a real consensus on growing squash now or see if I just need to be patient and wait. If I can keep the molds out of the garden I have less chance of it spreading to other areas within the garden. So, I'll just have to research some more.

  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    edited May 2017
    Anew, I'm with you. Waffles over pancakes always! Doubtful I'll ever attempt a garden. I definitely do not have a green thumb like you! Maybe when I retire I'll give it a go.
  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    It doesn't take a green thumb, it takes the right soil and proper watering to get started. If you have that down there is no telling what you can grow. ;)
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    edited May 2017
    Good Morning. Anew and Marcie, maybe not a green thumb, but certainly, a lot of time and effort are needed for a garden. It is hard work. I have so many good produce spots around here, I'm not sure if I'll do a whole hearted garden again, maybe just tomatoes. I do have my raised bed for strawberries and I have blueberry bushes near the apple trees. I can see why you'd need to cradle a melon if it's on a trellis, they are heavy. I think most people just let the vines creep along the ground and don't need the extra support.

    Marcie, I had no idea that My Pillow was sold in stores. I got mine through their web site. Glad you like yours, John and I are still enjoying ours.

    Norma told me all about Amy's graduation last Sunday. It was an huge event for our family. The ceremony started at 2pm with 27 in the graduating class and lasted until 4:15. Then, Amy's guests and relatives, 59 of them, went to a Mediterranean Restaurant and ate and visited from 5 to 8:30 pm. Norma said it was fantastic. The food just kept coming, course after course after course. She lost count of how many courses of food and had filled up already on the appetizers. She was careful as to what she ate, being on the cleanse/restore, but still ate too much and said she made herself sick.
    Next month, another cousin is having a 50th wedding anniversary party. That will also be a huge event for the family. Norma will fill me in on the details, she is representing Mom and myself at all these events.

    I never got a response from my reply to the Craigslist ad about Cookie. Even though chickens was listed as "wanted livestock", he probably had in mind laying hens, not roosters. We do need to do something, Cookie is getting more and more aggressive, to the other animals and to John and me. I've had to kick him off of me a few times because he attacks. This is not good.

    Speaking of tv shows, I saw a commercial for a new show coming this fall called Sheldon Cooper. It will be the Big Bang's character as a 9 year old in high school. I trust it will be funny, but they will have to get a great child actor to play that part, we will all be comparing him to the character we already know, quirky and weird and hilarious. Those will be big shoes to fill. John and I have enjoyed watching the old reruns of Johnny Carson on Antenna TV. I like that they have these stations that play the old shows that I loved. I watch Perry Mason and Matlock and Columbo on MeTV.

    After a long stretch of dry weather, we are having sprinkles this am. I plan to go to Bible study, but really won't know for sure until John gets up and I see how he is doing this morning.
  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    Good morning all.

    I wound up baking some low-sugar, glutten-free chocolate mini muffins with pecans yesterday. They are really good. Was going to bring a couple with me this morning, but forgot them. They have no preservatives, so I need to keep them in the fridge.

    I give up on keeping that darn car clean. I had it spotless, then drove to work this morning and a guy with a leaf blower blew dust all over it. The clean just never lasts!

    I woke up earlier than normal again today. Was up at 4:30 am. Ugh. Just couldn't get back to sleep, so just got up and took a shower and got on with the day.

    I think Dad's just about over his walking buddy. He keeps skipping out on the walks and doesn't text Dad to let him know he's not going. Dad was grumping about it last night. I guess we'll see.

    Going though the closet in the hallway we found a jar with tons of pennies in it. Mom must have been saving them. I'm going to cash them in at the bank later this morning. I'm sure it won't net much money, but might as well cash them in.

    Sheryl, I heard about that "Sheldon Cooper" show to. Curious about that one. I sure do hope you can rehome Cookie. Sounds like he is getting out of hand now.

    I'm off to go get some breakfast, then back to work. Have a nice day all.
  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    Mygnsac-Check those pennies to see if you have any that are actually worth money. Your mom might have stashed some good ones in that jar.
  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    Good afternoon everyone, It's been a nice day today with lower humidity than the last couple of days. Right now it's 93 degrees and 42% humidity. I went to big town today and it seemed like less people on the roads which made it easy to zip in and zip out of all the places I needed to go. I'm waiting for the A/C guy to come and clean the inside and outside units. I had to reschedule from last week because of the rain, today it's perfect for it.

    Gardening is definitely a lot of work but if I had known about mels square foot gardening prior I could have saved myself a lot of hard work, and disappointment. I would have been successful at it too if I had started with his design. Hubby even commented that the garden is actually doing what it is supposed to do. Give good stuff, lol. I told him because his hard work made it possible, and I needed the proper soil, and I needed supports like the trellis's. It is enjoyable once all the hard work is done though. I quick pickled the first cucumber we picked after I ate a slice of it first. Boy was it nice and crisp with a sweet taste, not bitter like the grocery store ones. I even got to eat the peel. So, we shared one in our salad last night too. I have two more I will probably do a regular pickle on while they are fresh.

    Sannferris-I hope you can find a home for cookie soon. I hope you don't get seriously injured from him. I hope you can also do a small garden like I have. It's just 24' by 21' and it's all raised beds and containers. The trellis's definitely help in the minimal space I have.

    Mygnsac-Those muffins sure sound good to eat.

    I hope everyone has a great day today.

  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    Good afternoon. Lovely day here still. The temp I think will not get much over 80 degrees today. I never did get in the pools yesterday. It was just too cool and window out for me.

    I met with my boss earlier today to ask to move to another desk. I've asked for a few years now and always get declined (she would always tell me she was reserving the cubicle for a new analyst), but I got green lighted today to move into the cubicle I wanted. It's my old cubicle from the early 2000's, has super high walls, and better yet is not near the noisy phone staff like my current cubicle. It will take about a week for IT to get all of equipment moved down there, but in the mean time I've started trickling my stuff down there. Gosh I have so much stuff. 28 years worth of it. It's always an ordeal when I change locations in the office. I think I've done it about 20 times now since we moved in this building in 1995.

    Anew, I did a quick scan of those pennies, and they were just regular old pennies. Cashed them in earlier and the total came to $10.52. Not bad. I'm going to give it to Dad. It will buy him a couple of breakfasts when he goes out to eat. Those pickles sound yummy! I don't think I've ever had a homemade pickle before.

    Well, I have some webpage I have to work on (what's new), and then I think I will take a few more loads of stuff to my new cubicle. I want to get as much down there as I can before IT moves my equipment, so I don't have to move everything all at once.

    Have a nice rest of the day everyone.

  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    edited May 2017
    Woo hoo, they finally fixed the paper drawer on my printer here at work. I've been printer-less for days now.

    Every time I have to walk to the other end of the floor, I've been carrying loads of stuff to put in my soon to be new cubicle. I'm determined to get as much over there that I don't need for daily work as I can before the move!

    As I was going through the cubicle I'm moving to, I found a bunch of files and folders that my former co-worker
    s had put together (the one who committed suicide last June). Thinking about that again just makes me sad. I wished he hadn't felt that was the route he needed to take.

    I just took a couple pictures of the mini fridge I have under my desk here at work. It's been unplugged and not used since last fall when they were rewiring the office here. After they were done I decided not to use it anymore. The little freezer section ices over, and if the power goes off, it defrosts and gets the carpet wet. I think when I get home tonight I'm going to put a post on the Nextdoor website, with the pics, to see if any of our neighbors can use it. Otherwise, it will be dump-bound. I don't think Good Will would accept it.

    Okay, back to work. Once again, have a great day everyone.
  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    Just posted on the Nextdoor website about my mini fridge I want to give away, and instantly got two replies from people who want it. I'll bring it home tomorrow and then coordinate with the first responder for delivery.
  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    edited May 2017
    Good evening everyone, it's 78 degrees and 79% humidity out there right now. This is why it's so hard to live in the gulf coast with the weather constantly changing. Got the water filter I ordered in the mail to attach to the garden faucet. It's called Boogie Blue Plus.


    It's to get most of the chlorine, chloramine and other junk out of the water. Which means I can use water straight from the hose for my vegetable food. No bad guys to kill the good bacteria and such. It's good for the garden all around, it won't kill the good bacteria's that are alive out there. I was filling 32-1 gallon jugs of water and letting them sit at least 24 hours to air and hopefully get most out. It will be nice to just put some solution in spray bottle and attach it to the hose and dial in 1 tablespoon per gallon and water. So much easier and so much less time feeding each week. I decided I will go ahead and keep the gallon jugs and fill them with filtered water to leave around the garden. If I need a little water I won't have to bring the hose out, I can just use the gallon instead.

    Our A/C tech came to service the inside and outside unit. When he finished inside it was time to go outside, and when he removed the top cover he was stung by a wasp. Oh my gosh, he's allergic and had to use two epi-pens, and go to the ER. I am so bummed he got hurt. He says he'll be okay, but that the stings are getting worse each time it happens. I think he needs a new kind of job. Poor guy, "I'll just go put the cover back on before I go". "What?" I said, "Don't worry about that, just leave it. It's not important, you are". Silly man. He left his tools and everything here and I followed him to ER to make sure he got there ok. Then another guy came and finished the job. We've been having a time with wasps lately, it's not as bad as last year was though. We have knocked down a couple of nests in the last three weeks or so. The one in the A/C unit was hidden in the corner under the top cover. No way to see it there and we could only know it was there if we had seen wasps flying around it.

    Mygnsac-Glad you're getting to move your cubicle, but sad for you having to relive those bad memories. :'(

    Someone will fix that mini fridge and be happy to use it. Good for you not tossing it in the garbage. Our city will pick up appliances and recycle them, so I'm glad they don't just go into the dump.

    This is the recipe I made for refrigerator pickles.

    I might make this pickled mixture for hubby next.

    Have a great night everyone.
  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    edited May 2017
    Good morning everyone.

    Woke up to rain this morning. I wasn't expecting that. I didn't listen to the news last night, so they probably reported it. Had a soggy dog after Cisco and Dad took this morning walk. The rain has stopped now, but it's still really cloudy out there.

    I woke up this morning at 4:30 again. Sheesh. Decided to just come in to work early so I could get that mini fridge loaded into my car. Took awhile to find a dolly here in the office that I could use to haul the thing. You'd think we would have tons of them around. I finally found one in the unit next to mine and the supervisor was nice enough to let me use it. I told him I'm moving to a new location and may need it again. He said just take it whenever I need it. Such a nice guy...and I love the way he treats is staff. So positive and up lifting. Some of our other supervisors could take a cue from him for sure.

    When I get home tonight I'll contact that person that wants the mini fridge and then maybe run it over to her. I'll have to Google her location. I know I have the manual to the thing somewhere here in my desk at work. Will have to search around for it. Would like to give that to here too.

    Today is trash day, so I gathered all the trash and uneaten food in the house. Gosh we have a lot of trash each week. If you look in my elderly neighbor's trash can across the street, it's almost always near empty. I guess we're just trashy people! I also bagged up our used batteries (we have built up a bunch over the last few months) and brought them to work with me. There is a used battery box they keep near the elevators in the parking garage. We also have a ton of used light bulbs, but Dad will have to run those over to Home Depot.

    Dad's walking buddy and his dog Duke showed up to walk with Dad and Cisco at dusk last night. I guess they are back on the program. I suspect he probably didn't show up on Monday because he was doing something with his family for Memorial Day.

    Anew, those pickles look good, but I'm pretty sure I'll never make them. I don't mind the store bought pickles. I do love a good dill pickle. I've gotten to where I'm not too fond of the sweet ones for some reason.

    Sheryl, I hope all is well with you and John today.

    Debora, I hope you are able to have some you time today and relax a bit!

    Eating an egg sandwich and drinking a little milk this morning for breakfast. Later I'll probably just have some V8 and a yogurt. Maybe some cherries. I got some the other day at the fruit stand along the side of the road (the guy who sells watermelon when they are in). They're just so good right now. I always look forward to cherry season.

    If it's not raining right now, I think I'll go take a short walk before getting back to work. Another day of webpage updates. I have a meeting on Friday where I will present the changes, so I need to get those done and printed out for that meeting.

    I'm still trickling stuff down to the new cubicle. Got lot's more to go, but every time I walk down the hall I just grab a bunch of stuff to take there.

    Later this afternoon we are having a retirement party here in the office for my coworker who is retiring today (the one a group of us to her to that restaurant last week). I think I may splurge a little and have a little piece of cake. Can't remember the last time I had cake. I just spoke with her and she's just giddy about being able to finally retire. I don't think she's going to be missing this place! I'm jealous. Wished I could join her.

    Here's the response from our Grille in the office about their request for menu ideas. What do you want to bet they don't take any of my suggestions for some healthier options?

    "Gold Rush Grille Customers,

    We want to thank everyone for their input on menu ideas and changes. We are going over all the emails we received and are using them to make changes and update our menu. The new menu is in the works and will be ready soon! Again, thank you for all of your great input."

    Have a great day everyone!
  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    edited June 2017
    Good evening everyone, it's 74 degrees and 99% humidity out there right now. We had about 30 minutes of drizzle earlier today and just had a good hard rain for about 1 hour that just ended. I wasn't able to go out and spray the new growth with copper because the leaves were still wet from the drizzle rain. I just have to cross my fingers there won't be any issues with fungus's. The rain is supposed to go for the next three days. Hubby hit a baby garter snake with the weed eater earlier, it didn't seem hurt so he let it go over the fence in the acreage back there, which is the church yard nobody ever uses. I don't mind letting good guy snakes live, but I don't want any in my garden, lol. Yikes, I am always looking for snakes. I have lots of geckos and anoles working away in the garden, once in a while I see a frog around. So plenty of bug eating assassins out there.

    For dinner tonight I made homemade pasta sauce using tomato, onion, oregano and basil from the garden. It made about two quarts so I'll toss one in the freezer, the other I used over rigatoni with lots of leftovers. I also served fresh steamed green beans with a garlic butter sauce, and some leftover homemade croutons from a meal we had last week. I would normally serve a salad with this but I ran out of lettuce the other night and haven't been to the store yet.

    Mygnsac-I know what you mean about trash cans being full. Most of the time we have some space left in ours but sometimes it's really packed. Mostly because they don't give us a second can, it's only one for the trash and the yard waste like cut grass. The only way they pick up any other yard waste would be cut trees you put out on your lawn and let them know you have a pickup. I don't like it that the yard waste goes to the landfill but it's so full of weed seeds you don't want to use it for compost. Those weeds are horrific out here, one of the reasons I like having a container garden on weed cloth, weeding is very easy. I hope some of your menu changes are accepted this time.

    Have a great night everyone.

  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    edited June 2017
    Well, my Nextdoor neighbor stopped by around 5 pm tonight and picked up my mini fridge. As usual Cisco liked her. He Likes women. It's just men he worries over. He's been like that since we adopted him. Wierd.

    I let the second lady who intersted in the fridge know it was gone.

    The inhouse retirement party for my retiring coworker was fun. Today was her last day. I gave her a card and a hug. Gonna miss her.

    Anew, all those fresh veggies sound so good.

    Dad and Cisco are on their final walk of the night. Its cooled down enough, so we've opened the windows and turned the whole house fan on. Feels so good.

    Earlier today when I was at work Dad had someone come and work on our garage. Foor some reason lately its been rolling back up after we close it. They had to replace the motor entirely. Works great now. Seems like every time we blink we're having to have something fixed around here.

    Well, I think I'll watch a little TV, then off to bed for me.
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good Morning, if this goes through. Yesterday, I had computer problems, more specifically, internet problems. Every time I got it hooked up, started writing, it disconnected again, then I'd have to reboot the modem again. I finally gave up and for some reason, no one will ever know why, it has fixed itself and is on now. I also have half a dozen "mail delivery failure" notices in my email. I'll try resending those today. I don't know if it's my computer that caused that or quite a few others are having problems too.

    Tuesday Bible study was very good. A smaller group showed up, (6 of us), so we all participated in the discussion and had a good learning experience. One lady asked if we would be "breaking for summer" which is customary with most groups, but the Pastor said no. He said that Jesus doesn't take off from June to September. I thanked him because I really look forward to this day out once a week and I don't want to stop for summer. So far, all of us who are attending are retired and don't need summer vacation. The other group that I used to attend had a lot of younger women with children, so I guess I can see why they would need to be off when their kids are out of school.

    Not sure what today will bring since it's raining this am. I had planned to mow some more, but won't do that til it's a dry day. I still have plenty of housework to do, but I can so easily talk myself out of that. I bought new kitchen rugs and mats for the laundry room, but want to thoroughly scrub the floors before I put them down. A lot of build up at the back door where we track in all kinds of dirt and mud.

  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    Good morning all.

    Pretty day today. No rain, and nice and cool. Will probably warm up to the mid 80s later.

    Traffic, as usual was awful this morning. I don't think I ever made it over 20 mph the whole way in to work. So frustrating. And, the big rig trucks were all over the place (I hate those things!) Gosh I wished I could retire. I think I've whined about that before.

    I just walked over to the bank across the street from work to deposit my paycheck and their computer system is down. That was a first. They manually wrote up the deposit and will add it to my account once the issue is resolved. Teller doesn't know how long it will be before it's restored. Annoying. There were bunch of other staff at work who weren't here yesterday to get their check, so I emailed them all to give them a heads-up encase they were going to that bank to deposit their check. I should have just used the app on my phone to deposit the check, but it's such a pain to use. Got to have just the right lighting for the phone to take picture of the check.

    Last night I got a third response to my offer of the free Mini Fridge. I let her know it's been taken, and then took down my post entirely. I'm surprised I got three takers on that fridge!

    Today I'm going to continue to move stuff down to my new cubicle, at least the stuff I don't need on a daily basis. It will probably be another week or so before IT moves my equipment and I can officially move. Then I need to continue to work on webpage changes. I have a meeting this afternoon with one of the managers to review the changes, and then tomorrow well present them to our division chief and head attorney.

    The inhouse retirement party yesterday for my coworker was fun. Lot of staff their, current and retired. I'm happy for her, but sad to see her go. I decided to forgo the cake, but did bring a piece home for Dad.

    Well, I guess I better get back to it. Have a great day everyone.