Pot Bellied Stove / Water Cooler



  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    Good morning.

    It's a cold, cloudy and blustery morning this morning. We may get a little rain later today. Then it will be warming up the rest of the week, back up in the 90s by the weekend.

    When I got in to work this morning I went downstairs to the office Grille and got a bowl of oatmeal, raising and brown sugar on the side, and ordered a side of bacon. Dad was telling me this morning that he always crumbles a little bacon in his oatmeal so I thought I give it a try. It's actually really good. Who knew?

    Traffic this morning was bad, but no quite as bad as yesterday.

    I don't know what the car dealership did when I took my car in for servicing last weekend, but they really messed up my windows. I had just gotten them detailed and I noticed yesterday when the sun wash shining on them that they were all spotted. So last night I broke out the window cleaner and cleaned them. It's just so hard to keep that darn car clean.

    Been drinking low sodium V8 every day lately. Lots of potassium in that drink.

    Other than cleaning my car windows and straightening up the house behind my messy Dad, didn't do much last night. Just caught up on a couple of my recorded shows and watched some videos on YouTube.

    My cat Simon is sure clingy lately. Every time I sit down, there he is slapping my hand with his paw and drooling on me. Why do cats drool? I'm going to have to look that one up. When Mom was alive, she always had a "drool towel" nearby for when Simon or Casey (the cat we put down in 2013) cuddled with her.

    Sheryl, good luck with the cleanse. Wow, what an accomplishment for your cousin Amy. She must be a very ambitious person to want to be a judge. Sounds like you are really looking for the dry warmer weather. I'm kind of in between on that. I'm over the rain and cold weather, but I know as soon as it gets hot, I'll be whining about that too. Just can't please me.

    Well, I think I'll finish my oatmeal and get back to work. Another day of revising our forms. I have to get one prepared to post on the website later today, and then notify our stakeholders of the changes made (over 500 people). This time I will definitely turn off the read receipt feature!

  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    edited May 2017
    Good afternoon everyone, its been a bit hot and then overcast and cooler the last couple of days. We have possible rain showers tomorrow so I will need to spray the fungicide tonight when the sun is lower, right now it's 86 degrees and 54% humidity. When I went out to water this morning at 6:30 am it was 71 degrees and 74% humidity. I had to cut a lot of the tomato stems off because some fungus was able to catch hold. I have been far more successful keeping that at bay this year by simply being smart enough to use fungicide on a regular schedule.

    The garden is doing well with cucumber bush filling out it's cage and tying up the vines now and then. It's loaded with flowers and I see four cucumbers that look to have been pollinated. The cantaloupe is doing well on the trellis, I check it twice per day to train it up the trellis. There are lots of flowers on it and hopefully some cantaloupes on it too. I've been picking tomatoes and have made a small batch of homemade sauce, and some salsa. I picked a few onions last week and used one of them in last nights dinner (black bean burritos) with some homegrown tomatoes. The peas have only put out a handful and it looks like it is just too hot for them, I may need to pull those and replant something else there. I bought a lot more seeds for the fall so I can grow a bunch more of those and freeze them.

    I planted more beans last week and this time it is bush contender, all of the seeds have come up and are all at least 6" tall already. That's another 100% germination and I used pea/bean innoculant. The bush blue lake beans are doing well and I discovered it's first flowers this morning on them. The watermelon only had one seed of four come up and it looks healthy. I am going to go ahead and reseed another one in the hopes of having at least 1 more plant to trellis. I decided the A frame trellis we built for the watermelon has to be separated and only one side used so I can get to the plants as they grow. I am finding it difficult to water because of the position the trellis must be in. I can only imagine trying to tie the vines to the trellis when I can hardly even water through it without getting the plant leaves wet. That's detrimental here, as the fungus's would thrive on it.

    The best part of it all is that my garden area never had any shade where it sits, and it's the only place to put it. With all the new trellis's and the plants all grown up there is nice dappled shade in the evening that covers everything, except the backsides of the NW garden area.

    I hope mother's day was nice for all who celebrate, I stayed home and we ordered pizza because hubby and I worked very long in the garden area that morning. We have turned our old 6'x6'x6' dog kennel into a compost area to keep animals out of it. It has a top too and we have a family of possums that likes to use our fence line to cross the neighborhood. The small stuff like torn up egg cartons and paper were getting blown all over the yard with the heavy wind we have here. So the fix was to use some 1/2" hardware cloth on the inside of the kennel to keep things inside.

    We also have the cage up on cinder blocks with the 2" caps on top to cover the holes in hopes of keeping the weeds from growing in there. I also put the straw all around the compost pile to keep the weeds light blocked. I wet everything down and add a layer of cardboard on top that I also wet down really well. I am hoping this will keep things moist enough to get the compost moving faster and keeping the weeds out too. The compost was doing well on it's own, it was really nice underneath but the weeds and things blowing around was really depressing me, lol. Too much work!

    Have a great day everyone!
  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    Double post
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good Morning, I'm back. I checked in early, played the 5-letter game and then got caught up in an email that linked me to another cancer/life healthy seminar. I enjoy the information, but it sure takes me time to watch all the videos. This one is a 4 series set of about a dozen special speakers each. It will be "on air" until May 23rd, so I'm running out of days to watch it all. I don't think I'll purchase this one, I bought several others that are on 6-9 dvds, lots of watching and learning to do. The ones I have also come with a book that details the info on the videos, great reference. They cover so much, foods, meds/supplements, exercise and spirituality, good inspiring stuff.

    I have so much info, I'm getting confused about what belongs where. Did I get it from The Truth About Cancer, or Chris Beat Cancer, or from the Cleanse/Restore Reset? A lot of it overlaps, which is reassuring that it helps with the cancer plus is simply a healthy lifestyle. I just printed off a recipe for Avocado Pancakes with Lemon Parsley Butter from the Candida Diet web site. (That's for the cleanse). It's made with coconut flour and coconut milk, looks really yummy.

    I've shared some info about essential oils with Norma and gave her some info that I now realize came from the cancer website, however, like I said, it overlaps and is still good, valid, info.

    The big thing is that I need to get back to some exercise. I've really taken it easy for a very, very long time now and I can feel it. I know that I'll get great satisfaction out of getting chores done and my body will thank me for it. The weather is looking good, forecast to be dry and warmer for the next week or more. We may be in the 80's for the weekend. Oh Marcie, you are not alone about the whining. We do that too, just wait til next week, I'll probably be complaining that it's too hot to work outside. ha ha I hope to get started shearing the llamas, they will appreciate the "weight" lifted in the warmer weather. They need their Spring vaccinations and deworming also and that's always easier to administer without all that fiber in the way.

    Yesterday, I made it to Bible study. What a morning, waffling back and forth, John slept in so I thought I'd skip going out. Then, once he was up, things looked better, then confusion set in and I decided to stay home, but in the end, everything turned around again and John was fine to be on his own for a couple hours. It was good to get out and visit.

    It's been over a week since the last CT scan and follow-up appointments and I need to get my email update written up. It's so weird, I have lots of things running through my mind, but when I sit down to write...nothing sounds right. I need to get to it though, I'm starting to receive emails asking how we are doing, they "haven't heard from me in a long time". I guess I'm obligated now to continue keeping everyone notified.
  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    Hi all.

    I decided to take the day off. Nice not having to deal with traffic.

    I went out for breakfast, took that load of clothes over to Good Will, and went to the grocery store.

    Today was trash day, so after the trash trucks came through I went across the street and brought my elderly neighbor's trash cans inside her back yard gate. I also wiped down the outside of her cans and ours because they were really dirty with all the wind and rain from yesterday.

    We had loaned one of our green waste trash cans to a neighbor a couple weeks ago...he's doing some work on his yard and needed an extra can, and he returned it to us a little while ago.

    I've been monitoring my work emails today, and it looks like I have lots to do tomorrow. Never ends.

    Nice weather today. Got up to the upper 70s with a little breeze.

    Sheryl, nice that you were able to go to bible study. I hope the weather gets good enough for you to sheer the llamas and get some exercise.

    Cisco and Dad are about to go out for their final walk of the day with his walking buddy and his big ol' dog Duke.

    I think I'll just relax for the rest of the night and continue to watch some of my recorded shows. Have a great night everyone,
  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    edited May 2017
    Good morning everyone, it's a somewhat cloudy and windy day. The temp is 86 degrees and 68% humidity, it feels warm but cool but then it's a cool wind when it hits you. We got just a tiny drizzle of rain yesterday, not even enough to empty the water from pot trays and things the mosquitos would want to live in. I just came in from watering the garden and could see bees buzzing about my cucumbers and cantaloupes, all different kinds of bees. A huge bumble bee, a hover bee and a regular honey bee. It was great to see them moving from one flower to the next on my plants. :D

    I had to pull the peas the other day, I couldn't stand seeing them without much production. I'll plant lots of those in the fall when the temps drop down. Now I have to decide what to plant in the area they were in. Both of the bell pepper's have come up and all three basil I planted in the same box too. The bells and basil planted in with the tomatoes still aren't doing well although one of the bells is finally growing up now. There is just too much shade there from the tomatoes. Speaking of tomatoes, wow, am I ever picking a lot of them. We had BLTA (bacon, lettuce, tomato, avocado) for dinner the other day and it was so nice to use a fresh tomato from the garden. I have been using some onions from the garden too now. They are red onions, but they are sure sweet when cooked up.

    Mygnsac-It sure is nice to get a day off from the rat race. Although I don't work now, I sure remembered enjoying a day off.

    Sanferris-It's good you are focusing on your health, I wish I could be as focused as you are.

    Isyvanek-I am really jealous of the concerts you get to enjoy. It really takes me back to my teens when we would go to Balboa Park and see the outdoor concerts. Such a beautiful place for them.

    Well, I hope you all have a great day today.

    WOOHOO! WAIT! I just had to come back and tell you I found four cantaloupes growing. Yay, these for sure were pollinated. Woohoo! :D

  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    Hi all.

    Great traffic this morning. 65 mph the whole way in! Nice way to end the work week.

    I spent a good chunk of time yesterday reviewing a new brochure we're going to be putting up on our website and making recommended changes. Then the exec who drafted the thing decided to not accept most of my proposed changed. What a waste of time. Sheesh.

    It got up to about 86 degrees yesterday, and is supposed to get up to 90 degrees today. The house stayed pretty cool, so we didn't need to turn the AC on, but I'm sure we will this weekend. I'm hoping the swimming pool is warming up again and I'll be able to get in it this weekend. Dad keeps trying to get me to get in it when it's only been in the 70s. Too cold for me!

    Not sure yet what I'll be doing this weekend, other than the usual laundry and weekly cooking. I think my "pot-of-something" this week will be lentils.

    Cisco woke me up at 4 am this morning to go potty. He actually climbed on top of me to wake me up. That was first. Nothing like waking up to find a dog on top of you! I tried to get him to go out before I went to bed, but the stubborn thing wouldn't get up.

    I just went and got a bowl of oatmeal (with raisins, brown sugar and bacon again) from the Grille here at work. I seem to be on an oatmeal kick here lately. Sure keeps you full all morning. Later today I'll have my V8 and some yogurt.

    If I have time today at lunch, I think I'll get in the car and see if I can find a restaurant that we are going to next week for a retirement luncheon. Dad says it's easy to find, but I like to scout ahead so I don't get lost on the day of the lunch. I'll also be driving a couple of my co-workers there, so I need to know how to get there. Dad tells me when he was working, they would often go to this place. Says their steak is really good, but I won't be getting steak for sure.

    Anew, yay on the cantaloupes!! I bought one at the store they other day and was shocked that it was actually good.

    I guess it's time to get back to work and finish out this day. As usually, looking forward to the weekend.
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good Morning, just a quick pop in to say Hi. It's going to be another gorgeous day and we'll be outside.
  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    edited May 2017
    Good morning ladies, tomorrow is our 29th wedding anniversary. We decided to go out to celebrate today and celebrate at home tomorrow. We are going to the Angelika Theater which is one of those luxury theaters with assigned seats which are large recliners and "gourmet" grill type food that you can either eat in the theater (which I would not do - that would be SO distracting!) or get 50% off with your ticket stub after the movie and eat in the lounge. We are going to the first show which is only $8.50 then we decided to try their food for the first time. I looked up the menu on line. I'm debating between a fancified burger or maybe some potato chip crusted chicken tenders. We had a frozen pizza for dinner last night so I don't want to have one of their pizzas. We'll see. Oh, I forgot to mention - we are going to see the movie "Lovers". It got good reviews and seems appropriate for an anniversary. Debra Winger is in it. I've always liked her and haven't seen her for a long time. Stay tuned for reviews on the movie and the food! :)

    Tomorrow, I plan to cook our favorite meal. Fettuccini Alfredo with shrimp and broccoli. It is very rich so I only make it a couple of times a year. It will be a real treat. The shrimp was on sale at Jimbo's so I was real happy about that too! Jimbo's meats, etc are always high quality so I know they'll be good. We almost never eat shrimp any more because they are bottom feeders and since the gulf had that oil spill, I refuse to eat their shrimp although they are supposedly safe now. I don't trust many of the other providers either so I am very cautious where I purchase it the very few times we eat it. We'll have a nice bottle of wine that my friend Jackie gave me for my birthday then sit and enjoy one of the MANY movies we have recorded.

    Sheryl, so nice to have you back on a somewhat regular basis! Nice that you got John cleaned up and fresh and that you got to have lunch out. :) How neat that your dryer has a light inside. I can't even imagine. The wonders of modern technology! It will be great to do the cleanse with Norma. It is always better to have someone to go thru it with to share ideas, successes, recipes, even failures, and to hold one another accountable. Your cousin Amy sounds amazing. Very motivated. Owns her own business, just graduated law school and plans to become a judge. Sounds like several lifetimes to me! Did you get a chance to shear the llamas? I bet they love when you do. But if I remember correctly, it is quite a chore and takes you more than one "alloted time" to get them all done.

    Debora, another full week as usual! The school band concert sounds great! I love stuff like that. Lots of receptions this week too. Were they all for graduations? I had to laugh when you said you didn't get much accomplished!! You always have so much to do. I guess maybe you mean "constructive" things accomplished? But you get more accomplished in one day than most of us do in a week!

    Marcie, great job purging all those pants. It feels really good to have room in the closet doesn't it? With all the clothes purging I did several months ago I still don't have much room in my closet which tells me I need to go thru it again and get rid of more clothes. Even if they all fit, if I don't wear them any more it doesn't matter does it? Dan drinks a 5oz low sodium V-8 every day also. A holistic Dr "prescribed it" for the potassium many years ago and he has been having them ever since. It makes me crazy too when you take your car to the dealer and they think they are doing you a "favor" by cleaning your car for you but the windows ALWAYS come out terrible. I think they don't actually clean them, they just wipe them and not very well. It's been a very long time since I've had cats but I don't remember them drooling. Did you drive and find the restaurant that you need to go to next week? We always like to do that too. Much better than getting lost the day of the event. Too funny that you are peeling the eggs for your dad but he complains about the smell. I don't know if you ever heard of "candle lite" candles? They always touted their vanilla candles to be odor absorbent. I used to burn one whenever I cooked fish or other smelly stuff and they actually work quite well. I never tried it with other vanilla candles but it may be worth a try?

    Anew, nothing like a BLTA made with home grown tomatoes! That was the thing I looked forward to the most when I grew tomatoes! Hubby too because that is the only time I make bacon. :) The red onions sound wonderful too. I've never grown them but I've purchased them fresh from the farmer's market a few times and they are amazing! So much smoother than from the grocery store. So nice that your cantaloupes got pollinated too. Fun to watch the "little babies" grow. We love to watch the bees in our yard. They go so crazy for the magnolia flowers - they almost seem drunk from the nectar. We don't get as many as we used to though and that really saddens (and scares) us. What did you decide to plant in place of the peas?

    OK, I should go start to get ready for our outing. I also just saw a flash on my screen that Sheryl just posted while I've been writing this VERY LONG post. So I'll have to see what's new with her. Have a wonderful weekend all!
  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    edited May 2017
    Good evening everyone. It's a very muggy day today with the tiny bit of rain we got. I was sure hoping for more to help loosen the soil some and make weed pulling easier in the yard, those pesky weeds won't stay away. Besides I sprayed the garden with antifungal, and would sure like to have had a real good reason to spend my time out there doing that, lol. There is more rain on the way though.

    I discovered four baby cucumbers in the garden the other day, and many more that look like they might have been pollinated. I will be pulling two tomato plants that aren't doing much flower setting since it's getting too hot for many tomatoes anyway. It's the one baby homestead heritage that reached for light, and had been broken off by some animal out there. It's just too late for it to set fruit. The other one is another roma that isn't doing much fruit setting either. I'll plant some vining pole beans there to use the trellis hubby and I built back in march or april.

    I might move the basil and bell peppers I seeded and have all come up into their own separate 5 gallon buckets, and plant some squash in their place in that larger planter. I have a couple months to decide so I think a week or two for decision making will be great, and the babies could grow up a little more before I pull them from their home.

    I know I'm happy things are going pretty well out there, especially considering the fact I haven't had a garden in so long, and it was an impromptu, "I want a garden this year" without much prior planning lol.

    Breakfast this morning was 7 grain waffles with onion, bell peppers and cherry tomatoes sauted and then eggs scrambled into them. Onions and tomatoes from the garden of course. :)

    Mygnsac-I hope you got to go swimming.

    Isyvanek-Happy Anniversary! Your weekend sounded very nice to celebrate.

    I haven't planted anything in the pea spot yet. I decided since it is getting into the spring/summer mode I will wait a couple of weeks and maybe plant some more bush beans in there to keep the bounty going. I could can or freeze those. Or, I could plant some zuchinni or yellow crookneck squash there.
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    edited May 2017
    Good Morning. We had a beautiful, dry weekend, got up into the high 80's. The ground is still soft, but we could get around out there. However, still haven't tried to take the tractor out. John picked lots of weeds and I mowed a little bit, but there is just so much to do, I'm overwhelmed. I haven't even started on the llamas yet, but they are so smart, they find shade in the heat of the day and rest. They probably think we're crazy trying to work out in the sun.

    Anew, your waffles sound delicious, savory instead of sweet. I never thought of that with waffles, but what a great idea.

    Happy belated anniversary to you, Isabella and Dan. Dan's birthday is very close to your anniversary, does that help him remember? ha ha. I guess it's a stereotype that men forget anniversaries, I haven't met a husband yet who actually forgets.

    Marcie, Dad has a great idea with the bacon in the oatmeal. I'm one of those people who think bacon goes well on anything and everything, however, oatmeal is a new one for me, but sounds delicious. I'll have to wait to try it though, no bacon on the cleanse.

    I am skipping the Blue Apron meal deliveries for a few weeks for the cleanse/restore and I miss not having all the ingredients for a meal already portioned out and ready to put together. I got really spoiled. I have to actually plan out everything and shop for every detail. We're having lots of chicken and roasted vegetables. I make big salads and if John wants something a bit more, there's always bread and cheese for a sandwich. Norma says that she's eating a lot of salads and noticed that she's eating less overall because it takes longer to eat the salads and she's full.

    We're going to be hot today again, forecast to hit 90 degrees, but then low 80's on Tuesday. Our hot, hot heat doesn't last too long, just a day or two at a time, just perfect.
  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    edited May 2017
    Good morning everyone, and happy Monday!

    Friday during my lunch hour at work I got in the car and scouted out that restaurant we are going to on Wednesday for the retirement party. Super simple to find, but the parking is terrible. There's a Target a couple buildings down the street, so I think I'll probably wind up parking in their parking lot.

    Saturday I went and got my car washed, got gas, got groceries, went out for breakfast, and stopped at the dress shop. They had some really good discounts on pants and I got a pair that normally runs for $40 for $9. Great deal.

    I was able to get in the pool Saturday afternoon and did a bunch of laps. It got up to 95 degrees that day, so it the pool was nice and warm on the surface. Still a bit chilly below from our cooler weather last week, but once I started swimming it mixed it up and was fine. Dad still won't get in it. It has to be a specific temperature before he'll get in it. He was complaining to me that we maintain that pool, but know one get's in it, and he's the stubborn one. Gosh he irritates me sometimes.

    We used to have a couple lawn chairs in the back yard. When getting in the pool I would always put one of them on the edge of the pool. Just something to hold on to when getting in and out of the pool (the pool has no hand rail). On the last run to the dump, Dad had his buddy haul them away because they were looking really weathered. Now that we're (me) swimming again, he went to Home Depot and picked up a could more. Sure makes it safer entering that pool. I wished it had hand rails, but that would cost thousands to install.

    Sunday I went out for breakfast (again!), made a run to another grocery store (wanted to replace my water thermos, but they were out of them...here I come Amazon), and went back to the dress shop to pick up some discounted capri pants (for wearing around the house).

    Dad said he didn't want a "pot-of-something" this week, so my only weekly cooking was hard boiling a dozen eggs. I took a little nap yesterday, finished up the laundry, painted my nails (still can't get that glittery nail polish off, so just painted over them again...maybe I need to break out the paint thinner...sheesh) and then just relaxed and watched some of my recorded shows. I've got the DVR down to just 38% full now! I think one of shows taking up so much room was 60 minutes. Dad had that on automatic record and there were 30 of them saved. He gave me the green light to dump them last night since he's never going to watch them. He's not much of a TV watcher anymore. If he watches anything, it's usually on his computer. I just don't see how he can park himself in front of that computer for so long. By the time I leave work, I'm just itching to get away from a computer monitor.

    The contractor that Dad hired to replace our doors is coming back to the house today. He needs to fix the door he installed between my bedroom and the spare bedroom. It rattles whenever there is a wind blowing through the house or when we have the whole house fan. He also needs to fix my closet doors. They keep coming off the rails for some reason.

    It's supposed to stay in the mid to upper 90s for the next couple of days, but then will cool down again. They say by Friday we'll be back in the 70s. Doesn't bode well from swimming this weekend, but we'll see.

    My Aunt in North Carolina (the one who just lost her 40 year old son to brain cancer) has sold her house and is moving to Arizona to be closer to her other son. Her daughter has done the same and will be moving into a house nearby her Mom. My Aunt's house in North Carolina is just beautiful and I'm I sure she got a lot of money for it. Her late husband headed up various businesses and left her with lots of money.

    Isabella, belated Happy Anniversary wishes to you and Dan!!

    Anew, too bad you had to pull the tomato plants, but yay on the baby cucumbers!

    Sheryl, I'm sure you'll miss those Blue Apron meals, but good luck on the cleanse! Stay cool in that hot weather!!

    Debora, I hope all is well with you and your family.

    I think I'll go take a little walk before it heats up too much, and then get back to work. Have a great day everyone.

  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    Good morning everyone, we finally got some rain through the night. It's nice to have rain for cleansing the air. Everything feels and smells new again. It's 80 degrees and 88% humidity so it is extremely hot/humid out there right now. The concrete still has some puddles on it but I am sure it will be gone by afternoon. We are supposed to get more rain today as well. Now that it's nice and wet out there I think I am going to go seed something.

    The A/C guy was supposed to come today to clean and inspect the outside and inside units but with the rain I called and canceled it. I don't want the guy out there working in the rain so I rescheduled for next week.

    I forgot to mention the waffles were topped with fresh blueberries and pure maple syrup. I also wanted to correct myself on what kind they were. I said 7 grain, but realize now they were 100% whole wheat by Hodgson Mills. They were very good, with a nutty and crunchy flavor and I made them in a belgian waffle maker. I made the recipe for two large waffles, but it actually made three in my regular size waffle maker. It was nice to have waffles. I've had the waffle maker for years and only used it once before, lol. Hmm, one of those things you buy and just leave in the cupboard. I know our breakfast meal saved us about $25 minus the tip we would leave if we had gone out. Plus the fuel savings is a bonus. It was nice to feel good enough to make a big breakfast for hubby. Here is the kind of mix I used and I purchased it at my local grocer.


    Sanferris-I'm glad you got to enjoy being outdoors after the cooped up winter time.

    MFP really needs to get their community forums in order by my opinion. I just saw a new one they started, "is the person above Gay, Straight or Bi?". What a demeaning thread. I cannot believe they allow those sorts of threads on here. It's very disappointing.

    Have a great day everyone, it should be a nice one!

  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    Anew, there are tons of inappropriate posts on MFP. I just ignore. I've booked marked a bunch that I, when I have time, I participate in...mostly trivia an game posts (like our 5-letter word game), but rarely check out the new ones. The ones that drive me crazy are the the ones like would you date the person above. So stupid. The thing with MFP is there are so many members and so many new threads, unlike NutriMirror. Also, never mention a "cleanse" because they will be all over you on that one. That most common response to that is that's what the liver and kidneys are for.

    When I went walking earlier it was already getting hot out there! I wouldn't be surprised if we get triple digit weather today.

    I walked across the street to go to the little grocery store and their credit card machine is down. Had to walk around the corner to go to the bank to get cash. I just never have cash on me.

    The manager of the Grille in our office is seeking opinions on menu changes so I sent him the following. I'm pretty sure none of my suggestions will be accepted though. I've tried before, but he says healthy stuff just doesn't sell.

    "From: Giffen, Marcie
    Sent: Monday, May 22, 2017 10:35 AM
    To: 'menuideas@goldrushgrille.com'
    Subject: My list of preferred foods for the new menu

    I’ve recommended to you before that I would love to see some more healthier options on the menu, but you replied they just don’t sell. Would love to see some of the following on the menu:
    • Turkey bacon option
    • Whole grain breads
    • Whole grain tortillas
    • Whole grain pastas
    • Roasted or steamed veggie options (in lieu of fries). Would love to see more squash, green beans, asparagus, parsnips, sweet potatoes (not fried) etc. on the menu
    • Fresh spinach-based smoothies (yeah, I know that will never happen! )
    • Low or fat-free cheese options
    • Chili, lentils, black beans, vegetarian beans, etc.
    • Black bean burgers on whole grain buns
    • With the daily soups, I’d would prefer a small piece of crusty bread (like La Bou provides), than those salty crackers we currently get.
    • More fish options. We usually only get it on Fridays, and it’s always salmon or fish and chips.
    • Brown rice dishes
    • Fresh, seasonal fruit

    Marcie Giffen
    Program Analyst
    Business Programs Division
    California Secretary of State
    (916) 695-1166

    From: Gold Rush Grille
    Sent: Monday, May 22, 2017 8:57 AM
    To: Gold Rush Grille
    Cc: Sacramento Headquarters
    Subject: Menu Changes

    Good Morning

    It was been a long time since we changed our menu here at the Gold Rush Grille.

    We are looking to change it very soon, and would love some input.

    Please email menuideas@goldrushgrille.com if you would like to offer some ideas on menu changes.

    Thank you so much


  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    edited May 2017
    Mygnsac, yes I have learned to ignore most of what is there too. I don't dabble much in games but have in ours here. Just a suggestion, if you have time to edit your post I would remove all your personal information from that email you sent. Your full name, where you work and phone number is on there. Anyway, just stay safe online. As for the changes to the menu, I think you are on the right track, they say things don't sell, but if they would offer them on the menu more often, and people see others eating them they would find people really do want a more healthy option.
  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    Mygnsac, yes I have learned to ignore most of what is there too. I don't dabble much in games but have in ours here. Just a suggestion, if you have time to edit your post I would remove all your personal information from that email you sent. Your full name, where you work and phone number is on there. Anyway, just stay safe online. As for the changes to the menu, I think you are on the right track, they say things don't sell, but if they would offer them on the menu more often, and people see others eating them they would find people really do want a more healthy option.

    Thanks, Anew. My info is matter of public record, being a state worker, so I think I'll be okay. But thanks for the warning! Yeah, when I first brought up the matter of having healthier options to the owner of our Grille a few years ago, his response was he tried it before, but it doesn't sell. If he tried it before, I sure missed. I don't recall them offering healthier options ever!
  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    Good morning all.

    When I got home from work yesterday the "door" contractor was still there. He had already fixed that door between my bedroom and the spare bedroom (no longer rattles in in the wind). He also relocated our mail box so that when the mailman inserts the mail from the outside wall, the mail will flow down into a box that he built inside the garage. Makes it more secure. Pretty nifty.

    The door guy is training his 21 year old son on the job and Dad sad he was super hard on him yesterday. Laid in to him whenever he didn't follow instructions. I guess that's how he will learn, but it's not good to do that in front of customers. He just seems so nice when I've been around him. He calls me "young lady" which is not something I ever hear!

    I think when I get home today I'm going to get in the pool and then take a shower. I need to take advantage of this hot weather before it cools down again at the end of the week. Yesterday it got up to 99 degrees and today will probably be the same. I asked Dad if he's going to go swimming (he doesn't really swim...he just floats around), but he said he has a doctors appointment and some errands to run. More excuses!

    Yesterday I collected all the change that Dad has saved up and bagged it up to take it over to the change machine in the bank across the street here at work. They open at 9 am, so I think I'll head over there now before getting back to work. I think there's probably about $40 worth of change there. The last time I did that we had years worth of change saved up and the total came to about $150.

    Have a great day everyone.
  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    edited May 2017
    Just cashed in that change and it came to $42. Wow! Since I have an account at that bank they don't charge a fee to use their coin machine, so nothing deducted from the total. Without an account they would have deducted $6.
  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    Oh my gosh. Just walked outside and about melted from the heat. I'm over it now! Golly.
  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    Yep, definitely have days like this! Someone posted this in one of the MFP forums. Sometimes I feel like I'm always killing trees in this job making copies of documents for meetings.
