Pot Bellied Stove / Water Cooler



  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    Good morning everyone. It is a sunny 81 degrees and 43% humidity here at 10:21 am. The cold front came through so it is the leftovers of that. I am saddened by all the tornadoes that have come through this year. Those that are suffering and those who have family they will never see again. It is so sad to watch the news anymore.

    Hubby and I built another trellis made of some of my garden grids I purchased years ago. We stacked them two high which gives me an A-frame trellis measuring about 76" high by 32" wide. I can take the two sections apart and use them laying on the long side to support low growing things during the winter in my 8' x 3' beds. They are perfect for that but in the meantime I will be using them as an A-frame for growing the watermelon. It is a bush watermelon that will get to be about 4 feet tall and I should be able to trellis the short vines on it. I'll be growing them in a huge black pot the soil is already in. I realized this morning there aren't any drain holes in this pot yet, so hubby will need to help me on this. I have two other of the same pots that are empty so he can drill holes in one of those and we can transfer the soil into it.

    The cantaloupe is coming along very well with lots of flowers on it and I am sure most are just male flowers, but too small to really tell. Some of the flowers have opened and those I can see are male flowers. I have peas forming and the bush cucumber has really exploded in leaf size and beginning to fill out it's area now. I haven't seen any flowers on it yet but sure it will happen very soon. The cherry tomatoes are coming in and I have enough today to make my pasta salad with roasted bell peppers using them. I think I put the recipe over in the recipe thread a while back.

    On on a serious note I thought I would update on my angiogram I had done. Although when I was in recovery hubby and I were told that my arteries were clean as whistle (which they are) and they said my heart was operating at 55% (which it is not) my doctor on follow up last week told me my heart is operating at only 39%. He said I have pulmonary hypertension and it is why I have trouble breathing. He said because of the lung issues my heart has to work extra hard to get the blood into my lungs which weakened my heart. So, I have cardiomyopathy caused by pulmonary hypertension. My heart may get stronger if I stay on the blood pressure meds, but the lungs will never repair themselves.

    Have a great day everyone!

  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    Good morning.

    It's getting warmer here now. They say by mid-week it will get to 93 degrees, but later in the week it will be back in the 80s. Today should get to the mid-80s. It's windy again today, but no where near as bad as it was last week. That pool better stay clean!

    Today's the end of the April pay period and I had to create my monthly schedule (showing what I did during the month), and the amount of meetings I attended inundated that schedule! Probably one of my most meeting-filled months in a long time. Enough with the meetings already!

    Cisco went to bed with Dad last night, but migrated to my bed some time in the night. He woke me up around 1:30 am, so I took him outside to go potty, then back to bed for both of us.

    I cut Simon's nails again last night, and managed this time to not go down into the quick. Also painted my nails as they were getting scraggly again. Pink again this time.

    Traffic was absolutely awful again today. Made me 10 minutes getting to work. I sure miss the Spring Break respite I got.

    I never did get around to making Jello or lentils yesterday. Just hard boiled eggs and made some banana nut muffins. After that I lost my umph and took a nap!

    Isabella, sounds like you had a busy and fun weekend! Lots of visiting and good food.

    Anew, tornadoes always worried me when were living in Indiana in the early 80s. No rhyme or reason where they will form and land. Very scary. We didn't have a basement, but our neighbor did, and they always invited us to retreat to it if needed. Sending as many positive vibes I have your way that you feel better!!!

    Sheryl, I hope all is well with you and John.

    Well, back to work. Have a great day everyone!
  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    edited May 2017
    Hello everyone.

    Gosh Sheryl, sure missing your daily updates, but I know you are busy.

    Didn't do much last night. Just gathered trash for the upcoming trash pick up tomorrow morning, washed some dishes, and watched some of my recorded TV shows. I'm down to 60 percent full on the DVR now. Last night I watched three episodes of Better Call Saul (a spin-off of the old series Breaking Bad).

    Cisco repeated his sleeping pattern again last night. Started out sleeping with Dad, and then around 1:30 am he woke me up to go out to go potty, then slept with me until they went walking at dawn.

    I got home yesterday and took Cisco out to the backyard like I usually do and he carried his favorite toy out there like he usually does, but now I can't find it. He dropped it somewhere out there, probably in the bushes. Time for a new toy I guess. It's not like he doesn't have a bazillion other toys, but that's his favorite. Such a spoiled dog.

    Dad said my cat Simon spent the entire day yesterday sleeping on my bed. I think he approves of my new quilt and is determined to get it all cat hairy.

    Working on PDF files to post on the website here at work today. I have three to get done. Also waiting for the word from our Executive office that our ITD department can release an update to our Business Search that will upload about 10,000,000 PDF images of documents we've filed and scanned. We've been working on that for quite a while. Hope all goes well.

    It was too warm and stuffy here yesterday. Got up to 90 degrees, and is supposed to be warmer today. I just walked across the street to go to the bank and it's already warm out there. Should be back down in the 70s by the weekend though.

    I left for work a little earlier than normal this mornings, and the traffic was sure a lot better. What a difference a half hour makes! The bike riders were out in full force though. Kept having to navigate around them.

    That darn pool of ours is once again filled with leaves. Too much wind yesterday. Looks like I'm going to have to clean it again this weekend.

    Well, back to work. Have a great day everyone.
  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    I just walked over to the bank and about melted. Not liking this heat!!!
  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    Good evening everyone. Today was humid, I don't remember the temp but it was something like 78 degrees and 80% humidity. Right now it is 77 degrees and 81% humidity, we are supposed to get rain so I sprayed the tomatoes, beans, peas, cucumbers, and cantaloupe with Neem oil to help stave off the fungus's which come in the rain. The rain should come a bit tonight and a whole lot more tomorrow with the temperatures dropping as well.

    I had enough cherry tomatoes tonight to use in our meal, instead of making the pasta I was going to make I made the california lavash pizza. It's only 300 calories for the whole thing and it's loaded with veggies. It was very good and the tomatoes were very sweet. I see flowers on my cucumber plant now too. The garden is coming along nicely.

    Mygnsac-I hate the heat too and tornadoes scare me to death as well. We don't get much of that activity here but once in a blue moon we will get them.

    Have a great night everyone.

  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    I decided to take today off from work.

    Yesterday those 10,000,000 PDFs were finally realeased and posted on our website around 1:30 pm. What a process that was. Glad it's over now!

    Went out for breakfast and popped into the grocery store afterwards.

    Our pool guy skimmed off most of the leaves out of the pool earlier this morning. I got the rest of the leaves out after I got home.

    I went swimming in the pool for the first time this year. Felt so refreshing. Had to take a shower afterwards though. Clorine always turns my hair white because of the hairspray! Dad says the pool is too cold for him right now. I thought it was perfect.

    We had to turn the air conditioner on for the first time this year yesterday, and it's on now too. Looking forward to the cooler weather we're supposed to get over the weekend. So not liking the hot weather.

    It's been an expensive month so far at work. I've had to contribute to a Cinco De Mayo party for next Friday, a birthday breakfast for one of our managers next week, a gift card for a retiring employee, going out to a restaurant for her retirement lunch, and her retirement party in the office. Wow!

    I brought my elderly neighbor's trash cans in again today. I think her daughter did it the last couple weeks, but she wasn't here today.

    Dad and Cisco are both taking a nap right now. Dad said yesterday Cisco "broke wind" while they were napping and had to turn the whole house fan on because it was so bad. Ha!

    Washing towels now, and I think I'll go watch one of my recorded show and chill for awhile. Have a nice day everyone.
  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    Gee whiz, the temp is up to 95 degrees now! Ugh!
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Sunday was a good day - all but Lindsey were here (she had a migraine). Had fun celebrating the 4 birthdays. Deacon who's 3 had chosen a fart gun for Uncle Matthew. He was sure he would love it. Derek had a back-up gift but let Deacon give the fun and everyone got a good look at it - I think they are going to take it back. Very realistic sounding. Sister had 4 different kinds of jelly beans so had a taste tasting contest too. Living room is still a mess but I'll get to it sometime. No one will be here this next Sunday cause the 1st grade class is having a party for the families and sister is going to visit her daughter. We were back at church in the evening to hear from one of our missionaries.

    Monday the sun came out and it got fairly warm. Yay. With the rain on Sunday, baseball game was cancelled but did have to go to town and take the ear tag papers and money in. Tuesday was another nice day and it had dried enough that the Good News Club party could be outside. It all went well. Ralph and I left early for a music concert at school which was good. Jeremiah had to come down before the last song as he was looking like he would pass out. He's fine once he gets off the stage. After we got home, I realized I didn't have the key to the Community House but it was late so I thought I'd wait and go look for it this morning.

    About midnight it started raining and we ended up with at least 2 more inches. So headed out to walk with my friend and when I came to water across the road in the 4th spot, I turned around and came home since it was still raining. Once it quit, the roads cleared but our lawn is soggy and I'm sure glad we have electricity cause the water keeps coming in the sump hole. Looked around the Community House and no key. I finally called the place we had the party to ask them to go look where we were parked and found out I had dropped it in Richard's van when I was giving him food for the guys. So relieved to know where it was. I guess I should have called them earlier or they should have called me but it's good to know. I also forgot to lock the door which had been taken care of. Too many things going on I guess. I enjoyed have an entire day at home - it hasn't happened a lot lately - made some progress on things but always more to do. Tomorrow I'm home until evening - so about to make my list so i'm ready to get with it. Spent some time today hunting for my leather tools - no luck yet - but I need some of Marcie's energy and push to get back to decluttering things.

    Marcie, I'd love to be able to sell you eggs. I love the quilt. Why is it smelly when you peel eggs - I don't notice any odor when I do it? Amazing what a half hour makes for your driving. Almost makes you want to go to work early all the time. :) It's hot where you are and we are using the furnace.
    Funny on your cat sleeping on your quilt all day. Cisco tries to treat you and your dad equally it seems.
    10,000,000 images - hope it goes well. What do you do to pdf files? Sounds like a big job to recreate you schedule. Since they have to know when you are in meetings, is pay different for different things?
    Yay on getting to swim after all the time you've spent in getting it clean. No one is thinking about swimming around here yet although Thomas told me he jumped in some river fully clothed the other night during their scavenger hunt. Brrrrrr.
    Your story of turning the fan on because of Cisco made me laugh.

    Isabella, what a fun day and you got to ride in style. The evening with your neighbors does sound magical - the tulips were a nice choice. Food sounds good too. So glad it all went so well. Not what you would have imagined during the fence time. Interesting on the nuts - never knew all that.
    Ralph will see the chickens when they are moved outside. Going down their stairs is hard for him. But they won't last inside much longer - too much aroma.

    Anew, fantastic to be enjoying tomatoes from the garden already. I'm glad you have the results from the angiogram - now you know what your can do to help you and know that pacing yourself is what you need to do. You have plenty to deal with.

    Well, I'll let you all go and I'm off to do my list.
  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    Good morning all.

    It's already 75 degrees out there. It's going to be another hot day today. Once again, ugh!

    I think I slept with my left eye open last night because its bothering me this morning.

    Cisco came and got me at 12:30 am last night. Took him out to go potty and the cat followed behind us. Took some doing to get my stubborn cat to go back in the house so I could go back to bed!

    The traffic this morning wasn't not too bad. Was able to keep the speed up to about 40 mph the whole way in.

    Sheryl...missing you!

    Debora, nice that you were able to have a day at home. Rare for you! And, no one on Sunday.
    Wow! Before posting PDF files on our website, I have to set the fill in fields (so customers can complete the forms online) and set the links to other websites that we include in the instructions. Depending on the form, it takes a lot of time to complete.

    Eating an egg sandwich for breakfast this morning and it sure is good. Woke up really hungry this morning, which is rare for me.

    My arms are sure sore this morning from all that swimming yesterday. I think I did 20 laps in the pool. One thing I missed though is we used to have a chair out their that I would use to support myself when getting in the pool, and someplace to leave my towel while swimming, but that went to the dump when Dad's walking budding made his last run there. Dad says he plans to get another one soon.

    Well, back to work. Have a lovely day everyone.
  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    Have I complained about how hot it is? Well, I'm doing it again! My goodness. Had to rant about it somewhere! Yesterday was supposed to be the warmest day of the week, but I think they fibbed to us!
  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    Good morning everyone, it's nice and cool out right now at 62 degrees and 61% humidity. The wind is minimal and the sun is shining. I went out and fed everything their nutrients this morning and as I was watering the cantaloupe I noticed a baby on the vine. Wow, so fast to start getting those and now that moves me to figure out what I am going to do for a sling to tie to the trellis. I think I am going to use knee high panty hose to slip the cantaloupes into and tie that to the trellis, it should do the trick nicely.

    Having some problems with our insurance company not following through with their responsibilities regarding our flood insurance. So, decided to find another company to change over to when it's time to renew. This company has put us into a situation with our home mortgage and I don't take kindly to this at all. So, we have to wait to change over the flood insurance but the home owners can be moved anytime and I plan to do just that. We'll be moving everything over, cars, homeowners, flood (at end of policy time) and we already have windstorm somewhere else. That somewhere else is where we might be moving everything to. At least they do their job of getting things done as necessary for our windstorm. Seems we have been paying three times what we should have been on homeowners, I can't wait to find out how much we'll save on auto as well. We have everything together with one company to get the multiple policy discount. Looks like the only discount was them taking from our pockets, it's called the five finger discount.

    Have a great day everyone!

  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    I had to come back and make a correction of my accusing the insurance company of basically taking a five finger discount. I didn't realize they had removed a whole bunch of things from that quote which lowered it down to a reasonable amount. However, on that same note the insurance company has still failed to do it's job so we will be changing our insurances over to another company that I know I can trust because we have our windstorm through them.

    I just made smoothie for brunch
    1 apple cored
    4 campari tomatoes whole
    1 very large carrot peeled
    3 ounces of 100% apple juice with no added sugar
    handful of ice

    All blended in the vitamix, yum.
  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    I'm checking into update on the fitbit. I received one of the two I ordered today and as I am going through the owners manual I see a warning that startles me. Here it is in a nutshell

    "Special notice for devices with PurePulse™ Technology: PurePulse products have a heart rate tracking feature that may pose risks to users with certain health conditions.

    Consult your doctor prior to use if you:

    have a medical or heart condition
    are taking any photosensitive medicine.
    have epilepsy or are sensitive to flashing lights.
    have reduced circulation or bruise easily.
    have tendonitis, carpal tunnel syndrome, or other musculoskeletal disorders"

    Now, I am not pleased to find this out after I have made the purchase and waited for delivery of it. I did an online search regarding this and came upon this forum regarding issues people are having with these things.


    I bought this so I could monitor my heart, I have carpel tunnel and I have three forms of arthritis. While the product was demonstrated there was no disclaimer about the warnings written in their owner manual. That thread above is quite an eye opener and the fact people are having problems with pain and tingling in their wrist which eventually moves up their arms is scary. But then their are those who have heart palpitations and other heart issues while wearing this new fitbit. It has to go back, I needed it to help me, not to cause me an issue. I am posting about this in case anyone else made the order and may have some problems with the new fitbit HR monitor.

    Sorry for the bad news everyone.
  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    Hi all, I've been getting caught up on paperwork and phone calls today. I called our neighbor and told her how much we enjoyed the evening last Saturday and asked if she would share her recipes with me. She was quite pleased and promised to write them down for me. We are getting together with our friends Jackie and Ken tonight. We only get to see them every few months - they are very busy. Jackie is making salmon. We're really looking forward to seeing them.

    Marcie, it has been hot here too this week but not as hot as up there. We've been using the AC this week also. It is much cooler here today and drizzly. I find it interesting that they make you do a monthly schedule of what you did all week. Do you do it on an excel spreadsheet? Glad the uploading of the PDFs is over with. How nice that you got to enjoy the pool after all your hard work. Wow, they have been asking for a lot of money for work things. Hard to say no though. I wonder if Cisco has been coming to you around 1:30am to go outside because dad won't wake up to take him out?

    Debora, glad the b-days went well. That is a pretty funny gift (I think it's a boy thing!). Have you been getting lots of rain as we've been hearing about in the Midwest? Why are you looking for your leather tools?

    Sheryl, MISS YOU!! Hope all is well.

    OK, I gotta go jump in the shower and get going. Have a wonderful week everyone!
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Oh my, Marci, if it's that hot now, what will summer be like. 20 laps is a lot to start out with. Great exercise though. It does sound like a lot of work and attention to details to do a pdf. 40 mph still isn't that fast.

    Home again most of the day which has been nice. Still haven't straightened the house from Sunday which is bad but sheets got changed and laundry and a little sorting downstairs while I looked for my leathercraft stamps. It has been two weeks since we took eggs up to the school so I took up fresh ones. The others are just fine but will use them in other ways.

    I wrote the above Thursday evening and then the doorbell rang and there was my sister with fresh rolls since she was going to be gone Sunday. She was headed to Willing Workers so I loaded up and left right after her. The meeting went well after I made phone calls and figured out how to be able to heard with the mic in the room we were in. Now I'll know for the future. There are two others who usually do it and they were both gone. I worked with a group that had a pamphlet and a wordless book bracelets to put in bags - we did 900 of them. They will be used this summer with different Child Evangelism events.

    Friday morning my friend and I walked early as she and my sister were headed down to Branson. My sister rides along whenever our friend goes that way and visits her daughter and family. Ralph and I then went to town and got the errands done - got the second half of the taxes paid so that's off my mind. Picked up flashlights to use for graduation gifts - no sub sandwich marked down this week so got some fried chicken and potato salad that we'll get 4 or 5 meals out of it. Then after eating we headed for a town about a hour away to watch Thomas play baseball. They won the game so played again at 7 so we went to the Goodwill store and ate inbetween the two. It was about 10:30 by the time we got home.

    Today I packed a lunch and we headed to a town to a car show - didn't stay too long, visited some thrift stores to look for books and watched one more game. Unfortunately, they lost. It was one of our warmer days (up to 85) but we sat in the shade with the opposing team. We got home about 5:30 so since then I fixed out pizza and salads and got things together for church tomorrow.

    Sheryl, I hope all is well with you and John is keeping you busy in a good way. Sure do miss you.

    Anew, sorry for the insurance problems - putting everything in the same place sounds like a good plan. A few years back, Ralph a couple of small accidents with the semi and the company we had it with said they would drop it unless we put everything with them. Not a lot of places would cover the semi for a good price so we did it. I just close my eyes and write the check. I really like the people at the company we were with before but have gotten to know the ones here. I mostly work with the receptionist and she is very helpful.
    Glad your smoothie was yummy. The list doesn't sound like it would be. So sorry the fitbit won't work for you - you were so excited about it. Glad you found out before using it - you shouldn't have any trouble getting your money back I hope. Maybe you could ask your doctor if there is any device like that that he could recommend.

    Isabella, cool that your neighbor is willing to share her recipes. After you try making them and find out how easy they are, you could maybe share here. Good job on catching up with the paperwork and phone calls - they need to be done. Have fun with Jackie and Ken. We have gotten enough rain to us but not near as much as some other area. Thankful for that.
    They want to use the leathercraft stamps during Bible School. They have some they always use but this year's class is bigger.

    Enjoy your week.
  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    Hi all.

    Yesterday I got all my weekend errands done. Went to the grocery store, got gas, got the car washed, went to Home Depot to pick up a new toilet seat, went to the pet store to get another bag of cat food (they had a sale going on), went and got a new swim suit, and went out for breakfast,

    Stayed home today. Finished the laundry and hard boiled the eggs for the week. Also vacuumed the house and cleaned the carpet in Dad's office where Simon threw up last night. Geez!

    It was cold here yesterday. A little warmer today though. Weird wheather now.

    Isabella, no, it's not in an Exprel spreadsheet. We have a website we use to report our monthly duties.

    Debora, nice that you could be home again most of the day!

    Sheryl. missing your posts!

    Have a nice evening everyone.
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Had 6 kids in Sunday School this morning - lesson went well. They enjoyed putting a cotton ball on their cloud. It was baptism at church and Thomas (oldest grandson) was one of those who gave his testimony and was baptized. Came home to a quiet dinner and even a nap before I went to the bridal shower. And the evening has been quiet. Got my list made - plenty to do to get ready for 4-H. Going to go downstairs and see if I can find some cotton yarn to try and make a potholder to go over the handle of a cast iron skillet so I can try out a pattern.

    Marcie, yay for getting all your errands done in one day - you had a bunch of them. Today was busy for you too. Yuck on Simon throw up more often. You're cooler the lat couple of days and we're were in the 80s the last two days so hot for us. Hope your commute goes smoothly in the morning.
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good Morning. I have lots of appointments this week, today I see the surgeon. Tomorrow, Dr. Smith will give me the results of the CT scan that I had last Thursday, and Wednesday, I see Dr. Schneider, radiation oncology, to see if I need more radiation. He wanted to see the CT scan results before making his final decision.

    We're having several days of dry weather, but naturally, I'll be at the doctor's. I don't feel like doing much work outside right now anyway. I will not do any kind of garden again this year. I did not prune the apple trees either. They are in full bloom, but the fruit probably won't be so good, since I didn't prune the long shoots.

    I better get in the shower and get going.
  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    Sheryl, glad you were able to pop in. Been missing hearing from you. I hope you get great results at all of your appointments.

    Hi all.

    Yet another work week has begun. Gosh I wish I could retire. Would love to not have to commute here every day. Sadly, I'm not even close to that yet. :/

    Yesterday was a bit warmer than Saturday, but still pleasant. Hasn't gotten hot again yet. I checked the temp on the pool yesterday, and it has cooled down to 74 degrees. A bit to cold for me and Dad. Dad says he won't get in it until it reaches 78 degrees. Maybe it will warm up by next weekend.

    That dog of mine plastered himself to me all night long last night! I tried to get him to got out to go potty around 2 am, but the stubborn thing wouldn't budge. I don't know how he can go so long without peeing. I sure can't!

    Having a small breakfast burrito and a low-sodium V8 for breakfast now.

    A lot of the streets downtown are closed now, until around 2pm because they are having a memorial service for a police officer at the Capitol today.

    Debora, how do you make potholders? Do you knit them?

    Well, I think I'll take a little walk outside, and then get back to work. Have a great day everyone. Another day of working PDF form for posting on the website. Forms, forms, forms. I also need to update a few of our webpages.
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good Morning, short on time again this morning, need to shower and get going to oncology office. I trust it will be a short routine visit and I can go on to Bible study from there. I get the results from the CT scan today and tomorrow, I go back to the same place to see the radiation oncologist. The surgeon lifted all restrictions yesterday, yay, I can get out and do some yard work again. However, by Thursday the rains will be returning. Naturally, the 3 really good weather days, I'm tied up with appointments.