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Pot Bellied Stove / Water Cooler



  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,012 Member
    All but Taryn made it last Sunday. They enjoyed all but the bean dish – I tried a new recipe so now I have beans in the freezer ready for soup. I’ll do ones they like this week. Other activities had them leaving about 2:30 so we enjoyed a quiet evening. Monday afternoon Alan’s boys came over to help Ralph set up his Christmas scene. According to the letters in the container, 2009 was the last time he did it. (It takes away one of the tables we eat at so will have to be creative. Alan’s girls came over a bit later and Molly (and Ava a little) decorated our tree. It was good I had the morning to get everything out. I also got Ralph’s cranberry relish made and we watched some TV shows I had taped to. They ended up being here about three hours longer than planned cause Katie was in town and heard a clunk and found the wheel leaning against the fender. So Alan went in with the trailer and loaded it up. So I fed the kids and took them home about 7:30.
    Tuesday morning I started setting out things I had gotten for presents and the afternoon was our Good News Club party. We told the Christmas story and had some games and a little gift for each one. It went well. I got home and we quickly ate and headed for a band concert with two of the granddaughters in it. Wednesday we had a Christmas Brunch at one of the Bible study gal’s houses. She loves to decorate and we all brought some of the food. We had a good time eating and visiting and got the grand tour of the house since they and one son had switched places. Ralph had a special meal at church with the senior Bible study so that worked out nicely. Wednesday evening was church and one child to watch. She was tired but wouldn’t relax so the tow of us walked with her and visited as we walked.
    Thursday morning was at home, Then we went and I worked with friend getting ballots ready for our church annual meeting. Then Ralph and I went to the bigger town to a bookstore where all books are $1 and that day they were 15% off. He found a lot of books that will eventually go to Africa. We ate at McDonalds and then went and watched my great-niece play basketball. Sadly, they lost but she got a couple of three pointers. Friday was our usual town trip. I told Ralph it would be a longer day as I had thing to get for Christmas. He survived but we didn’t get home till about 12:30. It was cold enough that I took the pizza but didn’t worry about the refrigerated stuff and got our sandwiches made. I eventally got everything carried and somewhat put away.
    Today was the usual straighten the house and food. I mixed up meatloaf, baked brownies and cut up pineapples. I’ll do the potatoes and green beans in the morning. And I’m doing biscuits for the bread. Alan and some of the kids came and did Ralph’s Christmas present – new steps for the back door. It took more work cause Ralph wanted to keep the cement slab but they got it done. Now he has a small landing and a railing – although the depth of the step is deeper than he thinks it should be. Then in the evening the Youth Group (well a third of it) were here to carol. They go to everyone in the church 70 and older and do three groups so it doesn’t take so long. We had 8 kids, two sponsors and a baby. They sang and then we visited for a little bit. Then they were headed back for supper and fun. And puts us up-to-date again.

    Isabella, have you heard from the friend you sent the gifts to? I’m sure she’ll like them. Bummer on more unwanted landscaping but it will help if you decide to sell. Good for your self-restraint at your Bible study deal (I did not do that well). I have not looked at the book yet. I probably should put it in my to read pile. I struggle with reading non-fiction (other than the Bible) so one of these days. I am enjoying my fitbit. I am glad I could find one that clips on my pocket. Just the way I like to do it. Have you tried the pizza place yet? And yes, I am double-checking the door (most of the time).

    Sheryl, I’m so glad your eyes are doing better. Lost and found – ugg – I found the fitbit and the watch. But finally had to confess to the 4-H club that I still can’t find some papers so will do sign up sheets again this month. So glad the echo was good and things are progressing well with other things.

    And with that I’ll close and be really caught up. Tomorrow night is our Christmas program. We’ll practice with the kids during Sunday School. :)
  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    Good morning all. Temps have been in the low to mid 60's all week. Great when it's sunny but a bit cool when it's cloudy. Not complaining though. Did my usual shopping yesterday. Bought the rest of the stuff for lasagna since the ground beef was on sale this week. Not sure if I'll make it for Christmas or not. We'll see how hubby is feeling.

    We were having a good couple of days then I messed up and forgot a pot of boiling water on the stove until it completely boiled away. It really freaked him out (understandable) and very much added to his anxiety. I shouldn't have walked away from the stove with a pot on. I got distracted with the puzzle and forgot about it. He was so upset he took the puzzle apart. Breaks my heart to cause him such stress. :(

    Sheryl, thanks very much for the info on the massager! Very happy to hear that the echocardiogram went well and everything is normal with your heart, etc.

    Debora, your week was busy as usual. Lots of great Christmas music and fun!

    Have a wonderful week ladies!
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,012 Member
    Happy Christmas Eve Day and Merry Christmas tomorrow! We have had some cold weather the last few days. Today is nice cause it’s sunny and up to 23. Snow is melting off the roof – although we didn’t get a lot. Last Sunday was good. The regular three families were here. Jim and Lori stayed the whole afternoon. We worked a 300 piece puzzle. I set out cheese, summer sausage and crackers for supper and the Christmas program was at 7. It was very nice. Our SS crew did well. More did the motions than when we practiced. I ended up sitting on a step with one so he would stay up there and look cute. The kids stayed with us through the whole program and did well that way too Of course, we have front row seats so you can see everything that is happening.
    Monday was 4-H so I spent time doing the calendar and gathering what I needed together. We had a couple of good talks and a fun gift exchange. People hung around and visited which is always fun too. And I had less to bring home than I took. Tuesday I hit wrapping gifts hard. I only had three to do on Wednesday morning. That morning I also ordered the pizza and set the tables. We used a table in the dining room, one in the kitchen and one in the office but there was a spot for everyone. After we ate, we all headed downstairs. Ralph reads the Christmas story. This year Brecken brought her violin and played a song. We took our annual grandparents/grandchildren picture and then began the gift opening and snacking and visiting. We open gifts one at a time so all can see what the person gets so it takes awhile. During the afternoon, it had gotten slick in the big town but everyone made it to and from safely. And overnight we got a little snow. It got up to around 4 I think, so we skipped going to work with my friend and just stayed home.
    Friday was still very cold so I didn’t meet friend to walk so I wouldn’t be out in the dark. But we did make our normal trip to town. My list was not very long so we were home well before noon. I got the basement cleaned up in the afternoon and went through the trash to look for good tissue paper (only found about 4 pieces) and pulled out the cardboard. Today I’m browning hamburger for taco soup, working on checks for Willing Workers. We give a Christmas gift to each of the missionaries and with me they seem to get them after Christmas. :) But money spends anytime. None of the kids invited us to church tonight but I’m happy to stay at home rather than being out in the dark with cold. Tomorrow we don’t have Sunday School but to have our Christmas Day service. Sadly I won’t hear much cause Im in the nursery but that will allow some parents to listen. My sister is coming over after it for soup and a puzzle. I was going to make taco soup but doing chili now – have the right ingredients for it.

    Isabella, sorry about the pot on the stove. It’s easy to happen. I started browning the ground beef, came over to the computer and then started hearing a noise – thought it was car out front but it was the ground beef. Fortunately, I got to it and then kept my attention on it better. Is Dan doing better – ready to do another puzzle. Hope you make the lasagna. It sure sounds good.

    MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    Good morning ladies! Merry Christmas!!

    Did my shopping on Friday morning to beat the rush but everyone had the same idea so the stores were busier than usual instead! Oh well, I got it all done.

    I joined a new gym and took on a personal trainer for a couple months until I get settled. She is having me do exercises instead of working the machines for now. She is having me do lunges, squats, planks - all of which I hate! But I know they are good for me although VERY difficult right now. I'm sure I'll build up the ability to do them more. :(

    Dan and I went for a really nice walk yesterday morning. I went to Christmas Eve service at 1pm. Then we had a nice relaxing day. I made a frozen pizza for dinner, Rao brand, that was actually pretty good. We've been watching a lot of Hallmark Christmas movies and "A Christmas Carol" came on TCM and we watched it. Dan is finally in the Christmas spirit. Thank you Lord! He started putting the puzzle together that he broke up after the "burned pot incident". I'm not going to work it at all.

    I will make lasagna today. I'm looking forward to it. I'll portion it out and freeze them to eat for the next few months.

    My friend Jami is in town and we spent the day shopping together last Monday and plan to get together for a walk this Monday morning. It was nice to spend time together again.

    Debora, your holiday celebrations sound wonderful. Enjoy the chili. I haven't made that for a long time.

    Sheryl, hope all is going well for you and that you are spending Christmas with your wonderful neighbors. Did you rehome the llamas?

    I'm going to head out for a walk now before I start my day.

  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    Hi all, Happy 2023! Holidays were quiet. Dan was not up to Christmas emotionally so we pretty much celebrated the next day but it was nice. I still made lasagna and it was a good batch. Have 6 containers in the freezer for future meals. New Year was mellow as usual. We tried watching some stuff on TV but it was REALLY boring so we just watched a recorded movie. We ordered pizza for dinner. On New Years day I made a steak for us to share and mashed potatoes and broccoli. Simple and tasty.

    We've been having rain off and on all week which is fine since it has mostly been raining in the afternoon and night. I am scheduled for my second session with the personal trainer at the gym tomorrow. Thursday we are having a potluck brunch and movie at one of the bible study girls house. Should be fun.

    Well that's about it for me. Have a blessed week.
  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    Good morning. Looking pretty lonely here. I had a very nice time on Thursday at the potluck brunch. Food was wonderful of course. We watched the movie Brigadoon with Gene Kelly and Van Johnson. Not my choice but good to be with the ladies. Did my shopping yesterday in case it rained again today. I have a hair cut appointment at 1pm. We are not going to get food out today because I have so many leftovers in the fridge.

    We have an appt to get the trees on our slope trimmed on Tuesday and of course it is the one day next week that we are forcast for heavy rain. I'm hoping I can get them to come on Monday instead but we've been waiting for this appointment for 3 months so I don't want to cancel. We'll see.

    Well that's about it for me. Have a blessed week ladies.
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,012 Member
    Happy New Year – already one week in. I left last time at Christmas Day. Sister and I did get the puzzle done. It was only 400 pieces but harder than I thought it would be. It has some large pieces and some small and they fit in funny ways. But was still fun to do together. I’ll be donating it now. Not one to do with the grandkids. The next week I got started on the 4-H program book, let Ralph start boxing up books, got jump ropes ready for Willing Workers. I had several deadline things come up.
    January 1 was the Christmas celebration on my side. There were about 30 of us. Two of my kids didn’t make it. I ordered the pizza and took the drinks and the rest brought desserts and snack. Molly (granddaughter) made cupcakes since it was her actual birthday. We ate and visited. Kids went off to play. They range in age from 7 to 22 but have fun together. Then we did gifts that were for specific and then a bunch of us did our food gift exchange which they all enjoy.
    Willing Workers was last Thursday. Our speaker was interesting and we came up with a deal to move more of the cookbooks we did 5 years ago. So I brought a box home to do the corrections. We lowered the price so we can cover the loan. I doubt we do another one cause people google them so easily now. And I’ve worked enough that the program books is ready to be fun off and hand out Monday. Getting the farm books ready for next Thursday is next on the list (after getting ready and having 4-H Monday) but it won’t be hard. Just have to do it.
    Ralph sister passed away Dec. 24 and was found in her home on the 25th. We haven’t had a close relationship the last few years so have not been in on any of the planning. The blessing is we don’t have to empty the house. Some of the cousins have planned the service which we will go to. She was cremated and they picked out the plot but we get to have the burial. So the 14th will be a full day. There’s a memorial service planned for one of Ralph’s cousins and then we hope to do the burial and go to the service all in the same day. Scott and Michelle (double cousins to my kids) are both planning to come and that’s the family left. Ralph is the last one and he was the oldest. Emotions are different with not being close. I’m very thankful we got along good enough to do the Claassen Christmas a few years ago and that she did not lay in her house long. She had heart problems so they think that’s what caused her death.
    Ralph is getting rid of some of the old hens this week. Hopefully, he can pick out the ones that are laying but I doubt it. Then the building will need to be cleaned and younger ones moved and he’ll start thinking about getting new ones. We are getting a bit more for our eggs now since the price in the store seems to be staying up. Last Monday he was tired and sore and accidentally dropped a basket of eggs on the kitchen floor. A dozen eggs makes a big mess but it cleaned up better than I thought it would.
    One more interesting thing – one day our electricity went off. Just us. Fortunately, when they came out, it was on their part. So the guy worked and got it going and left. About an hour later, it went off again. So the guy came back and found a bad place out on the road. No problems since then. But I’d better get busy and get a new battery for my battery back up cause the computer went off quickly both times. I was glad it happened in the daytime. We could still function and didn’t have to get out flashlights.

    Isabella, just hearing the words lunges, planks, etc. sounds painful. But they are good to do and are things you could do at home too. Your Christmas sounds nice. The lasagna sounds delicious and how nice to have some to pull out later. How fun that you get to spend time with Jaimie.
    Would love to have your rain. Some has been in the forecast but not made it here. We did actually have some snow on the ground on Christmas – not a lot and it didn’t last long but it was snow. Prayers that you can get the trees done.
    Glad you are getting to do so many fun things with your Bible study group. Do you ever miss going to work? Going to send this on its way and then try calling my sister again. She didn’t answer the last time and usually she calls back but it’s been an hour so guess it’s my turn again. Have a good week.
  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    Good morning! It is supposed to be in the 60's this week. Cooler but we'll take it. It is also predicted to rain all weekend thru Tuesday so we did everything we had to do on Friday, including grocery shopping, and are content to stay house bound until then.

    We were able to have the trees trimmed on Tuesday even though it rained. It rained lightly on and off while they were trimming then poured the minute they finished. Now we don't have to worry about it again for a few years. Another blessing is that right after they finished the home owners above us on the other side of the slope came down with a check for half the cost of the trimming without us even having to ask nor being told how much it cost. God is SO good!

    My trainer at the gym had me work some of the machines last session. I enjoyed it much more. :)

    Debora, glad your holidays went well. Sorry about Ralph's sister but glad it is not too stressful for you both. The TV announcers talk about the egg shortage and prices but our Trader Joe's has eggs and has not increased the prices. Love them!!

    Well, have a blessed week!
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,012 Member
    Hi. We had a busy weekend so something had to give and that was chatting with you but here I am today. The 9th was 4-H so I had my 4-H Day. We had some really talks. We had two that gave talks on making cookies and at the end passed finished ones around to share. That was really nice cause our refreshment people were not there. Wednesday we started Bible study back up. We are meeting at the church again. We were meeting in a home cause it was hard to her to get her husband out and he passed away. And out Wednesday nights started back up. We didn’t end up with a baby but halfway through the evening one of my granddaughters was peeking through the window so I waved her in and asked her why she wasn’t in class. She said they didn’t have a teacher so we had the five of them come in and supervised their play. Their teacher was always there so I was surprised. What I learned is with the new startup is was supposed to be my oldest grandson and he was thinking he started when his college classes started up so he’s ready for next week.
    Thursday morning I went to town by myself. I took the farm books in, spent a little time with a friend, got a HAIRCUT finally and did the week’s shopping. I got home, fixed us a sandwich and we headed in to work with friend. Friday morning I was home when friend brought shoebox stuff for Lori and then we ate and headed for town to the Rescue Mission and got Bibles, a bookstore and got more books ($.90 each), watched Lucy bowl, ate and then to homecoming at Ralph’s old high school. All fun stuff but a busy day.
    Saturday morning was a memorial service for a cousin’s son- good but long service so we went straight to the cemetery for burial – small group and it didn’t take long but we visited till too cold since there was a good breeze. From there we went back to town for gas and a quick bit and then on to Gwen’s service. Those who planned it did a nice job. There were refreshments and people visited. There was a mix of family, 8 of her classmates, her church friends and others I didn’t know. Things to us felt a little awkward but no one else noticed as far as I could tell. Hubby made the remark on the way home that he was glad it was all done. Got home and finished house stuff and Sunday was all the kids here and two birthdays. The January meal is pancakes and sausage, fruit and donuts. We ate a little later cause I had to get the pancakes done but all enjoyed the day (from reactions). Three weren’t there which helped seating wise cause a leg fell off one of my tables Saturday so had to figure out what to do. Hopefully, Alan can figure out how to fix it. We also learned that sister left some money to Alan. Out understanding was no one was getting anything so it was nice that he did.
    Today was a trip to town to Panera. Ralph did some things while I got together with some flylady friends. One had even driven for three hours to join us. I have several projects I put on a list – no deadlines but would sure like to get them done so we’ll see how the week goes.

    Isabella, we made it to 60 today but it is still much the exception. Enjoy. Wonderful that the trees could be trimmed and that the neighbor was so prompt with the payment. Nice that you got to do the machines. What is the price of eggs at your Trader Joe’s?

    I am enjoying the sunshine through the window. Enjoy your week.

  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    Good morning! It has been mid 60's this week. Very nice. We also have a cool northern wind this week but I don't mind. I did my usual shopping on Saturday then Dan and I settled in and watched the football game between Jacksonville and Kansas City. It was a really good game and KC won. We didn't bother much with the other game and it was a major blow out.

    I did more machines this week with my trainer. We've covered them all now. We will see what she comes up with for our session this week. My husband is considering joining the gym as well since he is trying to get healthier and the gym will be paid for by our supplemental with healthnet.

    Not much else going on. We are working on a puzzle called "library at midnight". It is a tough one but really cute. It has characters from classic novels and kid's books come to life and reading their book. Fun.

    Our neighborhood ladies group is having lunch this coming Thursday. I'm looking forward to it. Then our bible study is starting back up on Feb 2nd. I can't wait. We will be studying the book of John.

    Debora, sounds like things are going well. Was Alan able to fix the table? Nice that Ralph's sister left him something. I believe the regular large eggs at Trader Joe's are $2.99 if I remember correctly. I'll have to pay more attention next week. The eggs I buy at Trader Joe's are $3.79. They are cage free and are called "dark yolk" eggs because they have extra omegas in the feed. They are much tastier than the regular pale yolks!

    Ok, have a great week!
  • tlspindor
    tlspindor Posts: 214 Member
    Hi everyone, just wanted to stop by and let you that I'm still doing okay, sorry I haven't been around just staying busy with hubby on weekends. Helped hubby put in a gray water line last year, laid down water lines out to the shop as well last year. Still working but trying to get another job with another homeopathic company, I've submitted my application now it's a wait and see game.

    I'll stop in when I have more time. Take care everyone, God Bless you and be safe.
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,012 Member
    (Jan. 16-21) This week did not feel quite so rushed which was nice. Monday was at home. Tuesday was at home. Wednesday I had Bible Study and the nursery at church. Thursday I had at home cause friend I usually go see was getting a perm. Friday we went to town with a fairly short list and then we were at home. And today was at home. So I made progress on things here. I got through all the SS material I’ve had here at home and got it ready to give to Lori. She has a place that uses it – just have to pay postage. I finished correcting one box of cookbooks. I got some short one time jobs taken care of. Friday morning the TV screen went blank. I thought it had to do with the Tivo and computer cause I was having trouble with losing internet off and on (still happening) but finally restarted the tivo and all is well.
    I see I started writing the above last week but never sent it. Shame on me. So continuing on -
    I’m happy to be at home today. This past week was our Bible Conference which was good but we had services morning and evening Monday through Wednesday. Then Thursday I got the morning at home but then went to work with friend, then the bookstore, got Lucy, ate at McDonalds and then went to 4-H Council meeting. Our 4-H agent is resigning after just a little over a year so that’s sad to hear. Hope the next one will be a longer stay one. Two years seems to be about as long as the last two or three have stayed. It’s a busy job but still nicer when someone is not always in training. Friday we went to town and then had the day at home. I’ve almost finished correcting another box of cookbooks. They are 5 years old now so doing a push to sell them and get the loan paid off.
    The table legs are fixed. Alan took them home and fixed them with screws and brought them over yesterday and put them back on and helped me get the table set up. I had been using the white skinny tables we have. It worked but a bit harder to have spots to set the food. Ralph did enjoy more walking space but it’s okay as long as I keep the basement door shut.

    Isabella, your weather is like spring weather here. We did get up to 44 yesterday and it wasn’t real windy but now we are supposed to have some very cold days (like a high below freezing). We shall see. We root for the Chiefs here – but we are in the same state. Your sessions with your trainer seem to be going well. That sounds like a big step for Dan to join the gym too but a good one.
    Your puzzle sounds interesting. And very interesting on the eggs. I looked up at the Trader Joe here and there were over $4 a dozen. You would not think it would be so different in different areas of the country but it evidently is.

    Tammy, nice to have you pop in and glad to hear it’s gong well. Sounds like you have to jobs. The one during the week and the one to help hubby on the weekends. It keeps you busy.

    Well, I need to finish getting my SS lesson ready to teach – it’s David and Goliath 2 year old style. And instead of baking rolls this week, I am going to do bread. Ralph bought a loaf yesterday but it won’t last the week. Have a good one. I’m looking forward to mine.
  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    Good morning! It is in the mid 60's this week. Had rain yesterday but all is nice for the rest of the week and forcast to be in the high 60's Friday and Saturday. I did my usual shopping Saturday then not much else. I started a new book by Nora Roberts. Her books are always fun.

    The neighborhood ladies lunch was fun. I got to sit next to some interesting ladies this time and the conversation was good. The food was expensive but also good so it was worth it.

    I have my training session today. Never know what she's going to have me doing. Dan isn't ready to join the gym yet. I'm not surprised. He went off his high blood pressure medicine and wants to be sure he is up for that type of exercising first. We purchased several heart supplements so we'll see how everything goes. For now he is doing push ups and sit ups at home. That's pretty good if you ask me.

    Bible study starts Thursday. Yay!!

    Tammy, Glad you were able to stop in. Hope you get the job you want. Keep us posted when you can.

    Debora, Glad Alan was able to fix the table legs. Sounds like your weeks are going well. I am also surprised in the egg prices at your Trader Joe's. I guess they are regional like most things. Tucker Carlson had two separate people who raise chickens on his show and they talked about the fact that their chickens haven't been laying very many eggs like they used to. They finally changed the feed and their chickens started laying again. One person said they had been using a feed from Purina. The other person didn't say who they were getting it from before they switched. Have your chickens been laying eggs like they normally do?

    Well, I'm off to have breakfast and start my day. Have a great week.
  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    Oh, I forgot to say one more thing:

    Go Chiefs! :)
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,012 Member
    Saturday evening and just a few things left to do – do our pills for the week, call my sister, change the kitchen towels and put the recliner back in place when Ralph is done watching TV. We are having tacos, applesauce and cookies tomorrow so fairly easy to get ready for. I browned the meat and will have it in the crockpot, baked the cookies, and cut up olives and onions.
    It was a good week. We had cold weather the first part of the week but no ice or snow so still could get out and do whatever we wanted. We watched Lucy bowl one afternoon and she had a 150 games which was really good for her. I went to Bible study and we did a grandma shower for our leader (things for her to give to her daughter) and had snacks with it. We actually had two babies to watch in the nursery Wednesday evening. We had Willing workers Thursday afternoon and our project committee met beforehand and ate together while we planned out projects. Friday was our usual shopping. In the afternoon we went to a homeschool group wax museum with 4 of our grands doing it. Clark was farmer related, Owen was Beethoven, Molly was Ruby Bridges, and Ava was a hot dog. There were about 20 kids total that did it. In the evening we went to watch my great-niece play baseketball. The girls won. The boys lost in double-overtime. I forgot to take our evening pills so we took them late but it’s not the end of the world. Today was at home. Tomorrow is communion so we’ll just go at church time.

    Hi Isabella, we got up in the 50s finally today so you are warmer. It’s always nice to have a book going. Some are harder to put down than others. :) Glad you enjoyed the neighborhood lunch. The expensive we had for our project meeting I thought was expensive but I’m thankful I could pay it. I hope Dan’s blood pressure doesn’t shoot up. The exercises should help and doing those at home sounds good to me.
    What will you study in this Bible study session.
    That’s interesting on the egg people. Our older hens are laying less but that’s normal for as they get older. If people don’t put lights on their chickens, they all less less in the winter because the days are shorter. And they need a good layer feed. Ralph grinds his (well, a neighbor does it for him now) own feed cause it’s costs a little less. Some people don’t buy a layer feed since it costs more but it’s has the right nutrition for a laying hen. Ralph got rid of a few of his older hens. And new ones have been ordered but they won’t come till the first part of March.

    I agree - Go Chiefs - just one more week to wait.

    Have a good week.
  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    Hi all! It is cloudy with a slight chance of showers then it will be nice and in the mid to high 60's the rest of the week. I did my usual shopping yesterday and also went to the farmer's market to get more local honey. I also got some tangerines at the farmer's market which I am looking forward to eating. I went to Trader Joe's first - bright and early - so I could get some of their dark yolk eggs if they had them this week, and they did. Yay! They are SO good! Later in the day Dan and I put all our tax stuff together and we will drop it off to our tax preparer tomorrow morning.

    My friend Jami is in town for her son's wedding so we got to have lunch together Friday along with our other friend Mona. We had a really nice visit. Short but sweet. She is flying back to NC Monday so I probably won't see her for about a year.

    Today we started a new series in church about being fishers of men. Something I always have mixed emotions about because I'm not very good at evangelizing.

    Dan went back on his blood pressure medicine and is still taking the extra supplements. He said he is experimenting. We'll see how it all goes.

    Debora, our bible study group will be studying the book of John. The workbook focuses on the "I am" statements of Jesus and is by a gal named Megan Fate Marshman. She has spoken at our church a couple times and I really love her passion for the word of God.

    I was aware that chickens lay less in the winter and when they are older, but not that people put lights on them so that the days are not shorter. Makes sense. I figured Ralph probably made his own feed for the chickens (or had it made). Very smart.

    One more week till superbowl. Go Chiefs!! :)

    Have a great week!
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,012 Member
    Evening. It has been a week with a lot of going. Sunday we had tacos and after everyone left, we took eggs over to Julie’s. They wouldn’t let us see the progress in the house. They want us to wait till they are moving now since it’s only a couple weeks away. So we dropped in on some friends and had a nice visit. Monday was at home. Tuesday I had lunch with a friend and then we started Good News Club up again. We had the same ones plus 2 or three new ones so that was fun. We had soup for supper and then headed for a basketball game.
    Wednesday morning was Bible Study, I was home in the afternoon and then I was in the nursery at church and we had two kids – so one for each of us. Thursday morning I was home. At one I was at the dentist, then I visited my friend, then it was two and art show for two of the granddaughters and then to the Soil Conservation annual meeting which included a delicious dinner. Friday was our usual errands and a basketball game in the evening. This morning we went to a funeral about an hour away and then to a pancake and sausage feed this evening. Got to see some people we don’t see often so that was fun. And tomorrow starts another week. Fixing a pork loin in the crockpot and spice potatoes.

    Isabel, so smart to get out early and get the eggs you like. Nice weather for you. We started out at 9 and did get up in the 50s. We go up and down. Eggs at Walmart were down a bit this week so we’ll see if it will last or not. How fun that you and Mona got to have lunch with Jami.
    I’m with you on not being good on evangelising. Maybe the series will be helpful or help you see that the way you do it is okay for you.
    Is Dan still doing his push ups and sit ups? Are still doing new things with your trainer.?
    That sounds like an interesting Bible study. Do you have things to fill in each day in your book? I’ll have to check her out. We like going through a book.

    Have a great week.
  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    Good morning! It has been cooler this week. Fine with me. We'll have plenty of hot weather soon enough. I did my usual shopping on Saturday and went to the farmer's market as well since my friend Grace asked for something for her birthday that I can only get there. Since Valentine's Day and my B-day are coming up I also treated us to a beautiful piece of Salmon from the fresh fish guy. His fish is expensive but the freshest I've ever had. I managed not to over cook it and it was delicious!

    I started a new book. It is historical fiction and is very thick. Started out holding my interest right away though so we'll see how it goes.

    Wow, GO CHIEFS!!! What a close game all the way through to the very end. But the Chiefs always come back even tougher in the 2nd half so I'm not surprised they won.

    Debora, sounds like you had a good week. Dan is still doing his exercises although perhaps not as frequently as he was. I still have about 6 more sessions with the trainer. I didn't like some of the exercises she gave me this week but she gives me enough variety to pick and choose from.

    The book we are doing our bible study with has "group questions" and also 3 days of reading and questions you can do for a more in depth study. We don't go thru those questions together because we don't have enough time. There is also a video that we watch before we start to discuss the questions. The book gives you a code to watch the video on line on your own as well if you want to but I don't use it. It also has scripture memory verse "cards" for each weekly session and even a page you can color if you want to. :) There is also a "small group leader" guide in the back of the book.

    The Romans study we just finished was the same set up. I guess they all use the same publisher even though it is different writer/speakers. That one was by Jada Edwards. The publisher is Harper Christian Resources and the 2 studies we've done so far are in their "Beautiful Word Bible Study Series". They also have studies by other great Christian women such as Anne Graham Lotz.

    Have a great week and Happy Valentine's Day!!
  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    Did my usual shopping yesterday. Took a walk and read my book also. My birthday Friday was nice. We tried to go to one of our favorite Mexican restaurants for late lunch but when we got there a sign on the door stated that there had been a kitchen fire and they are closed indefinitely. :( We couldn't think of anywhere else we wanted to go so we ended up at our usual - Hamburger Factory. I got their fried chicken which was very good. In the evening we watched a Hallmark movie I had recorded called The Birthday Wish. It was very cute and enjoyable.

    We started a new study at church today to kick off lent called 40 Days. Should be very good as usual.

    Not much else going on today. I'll go for a walk again then probably read and start my bible study homework. It is supposed to rain most of next week. I have lunch dates every day but Friday so should be fun.

    My friend Grace in FL sent me an adult coloring book for my birthday. I may try coloring in it today. We'll see.

    Well, that's about it. Have a great week!
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,012 Member
    Hope you had a good week. We had some evenings at home this past week. Had enough Sunday leftovers to get me through the week so that was nice. Monday was 4-H so spent time getting ready for it and then had a good meeting. Tuesday was Good News Club and I don’t know if was from the parties at school, but we had some acting up. (And the cookies were again made by the one who has been doing them for year for Valentine’s Day and she is now 102. Great grandkids helped her decorate them.) Two of the boys have paras with them at school but we want them to be able to stay. We also got some much needed rain. Wednesday I went to Bible study and then took my sister to lunch at the local cafe for her birthday. I haven’t celebrated with her on her day for a long time since she lived in another town so it’s fun to have her closer. I know she likes cinnamon rolls so I baked cinnamon twist and gave her some. Hubby liked that I made them cause he got some too. She came over to my house and helped me work on 40 resurrection egg carttons I was putting together for a release time club. When I finihsed up on Saturday after I bought oyster crachers, I was even more thankful. Thursday we went to visit my friend and then into bigger town to go a couple of bookstores and then ate at Chick-A Fil for our half anniversary (which was really Wednesday). We finished off a gift card we had. Friday was our usual errand. I splurged and got chuck roast (only $4.00 a pound) for Sunday and fixed potatoes and carrots with it. We had the rest of Friday and all day Saturday at home. So I got ready for Sunday, finished the egg cartons, finished getting the SS lesson ready and some other little things. Today was everyone here (except for the 4 that went to the volleyball tournament) and I invited my sister. I tried something new and made a ding dong cake. It was okay. Not sure I’ve every made something that I had to let mix for 15 minutes. Everyone left about 3:30 and we’ve enjoyed a quiet day since.

    Isabella, enjoy the cooler weather. We were in the 50’s yesterday but the blustery wind made it seem cold. Today was beautiful. It changes from day to day.
    Happy Birthday a couple days late. Sounds like you day was nice. Nice and relaxing. Sorry about the kitchen fire.
    Yum on the salmon. Most of the salmon I have had in my life comes from a can. Nice that you can get such fresh fish. If the book grabbed your interest right away, you’ll probably zoom through it.
    Sounds like your trainer is doing a number of different things so you’ll have lots to choose from when you are on your own. Good for Dan. Sounds like a good Bible study. Do you color the page? We have done some with a video but the books were things to do every day. I usually end up writing as we go. The study we’re doing is made so you can do it that way. We are almost done going through judges – way to much fighting in it but God has his plan.

    This is filling up with activities - good things but it means not a lot will get done at home.
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,012 Member
    Today is a nice sunny day and up to 45. Yesterday was cloudy and cold – think it got up to 20 so we’re doing that jumping around again. Weather changes a lot. Sunday all the kids were here plus my sister and a friend of Brecken’s. It was nice outside so the kids went out to play. Monday was at home until the last home basketball game that we could go to free. Both boys and girls won. Sub-state starts this next week. If we go to any, it would only be the first game which is at home. Tuesday was Good News Club and watching Derek’s kids. We got Jordan before noon and he went down good for a nap. I went to club and Ralph got Jordan up and went to pick up the two girls at Berean. We met at a nearby church after I served the cookies and left the brown car and went to their house. Ralph dropped us off and went to get Madden. We had him get off at a friend’s house in case we were late (but we weren’t. Kids had their snacks and played. Ralph took Madden to tutoring and I got them to bed. The boys are the hardest and it’s not that hard to sit outside their door and read a book. We left when Taryn (the oldest got home from basketball) so we were home by 10.
    Wednesday was Bible study, friend and I worked on Sunday School papers in the afternoon and then I was in the nursery in the evening. Thursday afternoon we went to one town and visited in nursing home and then we went home switched cars and went to the town we go to on Friday and did out shopping and I went to 4-H Council meeting. We found tops on sale for $1.00 each that would work for shoeboxes so I filled up my cart then and then went back after the meeting and got a bunch more. So now I’m going through them and taking off the tags and putting them together by sizes.
    So I’ve had Friday and Saturday at home I’ve plugged away but progress is slow. I had a friend who lost her husband at the end of last year call me and we talked for an hour. Today I had a cousin call but we didn’t talk as long. :) But I’m slowly working through the clothes I bought and jump ropes and bracelets strings, etc.
    When we were in town Thursday, Ralph bought 10 chicks so they are in a box in the living room. When we got home from our meeting they were still kind of huddled together under their light. Turned out the furnace wasn’t working. We got up two small electric heaters and the house only went down to 60 overnight. Then he tried more things and got it going in the morning. We got the air conditioner fixed last Monday so are ready for the summer. Tomorrow I’m going to help at 4-H days right after church. I sit at the candy bar table. 4-Hers get one after doing their talks – kind of a thank you for doing it. They only get one even if they do several things. Ralph will go to a fellowship meal so I don’t have to do any food. So I haven’t had to work on the house today either.
    Alan came over and they cleaned out the building the old hens were in. Next week he’ll move the one year old hens into the clean building and then can work on cleaning out their building to be ready for the new chicks he ordered (along with these he bought). With all he’s doing, he’ll be extra sore tonight. I’m very thankful Alan is willing to help him. Never a boring week around here.

    Isabella, have you been coloring in your new coloring book?

    Sheryl and Tammy, hope all is going well for you.
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,012 Member
    Was also going to mention that this week was my anniversary of joining nutrimirror 12 years ago. I had 5 wonderful years with it.
  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    It has been a fun week! I gained a couple pounds with all the eating out but hopefully they will fall off quickly now that I'm eating normal again. Did my grocery shopping on Friday instead of Saturday since we had a break in the weather. Good thing since it rained most of Saturday.

    Several gals from our bible study group are going to the movies on Tuesday to see the movie "The Jesus Revolution". We are going to the first matinee so it should only cost around $8.00. It is playing at my favorite theater and one of the girls is going to pick me up if it rains. I'm looking forward to seeing it.

    I am already half way thru my 1000 page book. It is very enjoyable.

    Debora, Thanks for the birthday wishes. I haven't colored the pages in my bible study guide yet but I want too. :) You're right - my trainer is giving me a variety of exercises to do so that I can have a varied workout when I am on my own. The chuck roast sounds wonderful. How did it come out?

    Well, have a blessed week!
  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    Debora, I just saw your other posts. It is so interesting all that has to be done for the chickens. Glad Alan is willing to help Ralph get it done. I haven't started my coloring book yet. I went on line and checked out some videos on coloring with pencils for beginners. :) Happy nutrimirrorversary.
  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    Good morning. Had a good weekend. I did my grocery shopping on Friday because I went to an all day women's conference on Saturday. I don't know if you've ever heard of the "IF Conference" in Dallas Texas that is held every year? Well my church showed 6 of the teachings plus a catered lunch and a break out session to discuss the teachings in the afternoon. The 23rd Psalm was the theme of the conference and most of the teachings were taken from that. It was very good. I sat with several members of our bible study group in the main sessions. When we went to the break out session in the afternoon I didn't know any of the ladies so I got to know some new people as well. :) The praise and worship were wonderful as well.

    Sunday I went to church, worked with Dan in the yard, did laundry and a couple other chores, cooked my greens for the week, then finally relaxed and read my book before dinner.

    God bless and have a wonderful week!
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,012 Member
    Hello, hope all is going well. Last night the time changds. Not sure I’m excited about it but it happens. I set the time on the alarm clock but forgot to turn on the alarm. But I woke up at the new time due to mother nature calling. I thought I had popped in last week but guess I didn’t so you’ll have to read more now. Ralph enjoyed his time at the fellowship meal and I had fun at 4-H days. I would ask the kids what they did and I was given a gummy worm pudding cup and two piece of cherry pie (Ralph and I really enjoyed them).
    We didn’t go to any of the substate games but Berean won. Last Saturday we went to Kansas City and watched Jeremiah play volleyball. His team didn’t win any matches but we watched some good playing.
    I only had 11 for dinner last Sunday and will only have 10 tomorrow. Lori’s whole family is going to go watch Jeremiah play but I’m glad they can do that. Last Sunday I still fixed all the hamburgers we had and they made some good leftovers. Today I did chicken enchiladas so we’ll see how that goes – don’t think I’ve ever done them on a Sunday.
    Last Monday I had the entire day at home and worked on short one time jobs and felt like I got quite a bit done. I still have plenty of things to do but that day did help. Hope I have another day like it in the next month. Had all the usual things. Wednesday Ralph went to town and came home with 18 chicks. Thursday morning his first order came into the post office so 40 more. That evening we went to a 1st grade program. It was only about 30 minutes but very cute. Friday morning he got the last 30 chicks he ordered so they are all settled in their new home and the 10 that had been in the house have moved out too.
    Friday was our REC (electric coop) meal and annual meeting. We enjoyed Mexican and the meeting only lasted an hour and we were headed home listening to the Berean girls play at state. They won so got to play for the championship on Saturday and they pulled it off. Yay. Always fun when it happens – last time had been in 2008. They lose 6 seniors so it made it fun for them too. At least two of them are going to play basketball in college.
    Lucy spent Saturday night here so we could get her to church to go on the Youth Group work project. Her two sisters will spend Monday night so I can take them to a craft meeting Tuesday afternoon so that will be fun and I just know the have tos will get done and the rest will wait. :)
    Last Sunday we only had 11 here for dinner. Today it was just 8 of us. I did enchiladas for the first time. Plenty left but I’m watching three of Alan’s tomorrow so guess what’s for lunch. Owen is getting glasses and starting vision therapy so he can read and see better. Tomorrow night is 4-H so I’ll be working on that too. These ones are older so I should be able to get both done.

    Isabella, glad you’re week was so fun. I’m sure those pounds are gone. Send some of that rain this way. Did you enjoy “The Jesus Revolution”? I thought it ended in our area last week but now I see it’s still available so maybe we should check it out. And you’ve probably finished your book by now. The chuck roast turned out well. We didn’t have much left.
    How fun to be able to go to the Women’s Conference. And you had time with those you know and made new friends. It so fun to see you have so many things to do that you didn’t have time to do while you were working.
    How many more sessions do you have with your trainer?

    This week is spring break but most of usual activities still go on so it won’t seem a lot different to me.
  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    HI. Did my grocery shopping on Friday again since it was supposed to rain Saturday. We spent all day Saturday indoors and worked on the puzzle and I finished my book. It was a good one. I will read a bit of my health book before starting another fun book. Ran several errands today then did laundry and cooked my weekly greens. Dan's high blood pressure is really acting up so I am back to reading labels more closely and trying to cook low sodium. It seems to be helping. I finally ordered a "Dash Diet" cook book to help with low sodium meals. We'll see how it goes.

    Several gals went to lunch after the bible study on Thursday. It was really nice to spend more personal time together.

    We finally got a bit of sunshine today. It was really nice. We are supposed to have more rain starting Tuesday.

    Debora, I have 2 more sessions with my personal trainer. One on Wednesday morning then one more after that. I'm kinda ready to be on my own for a while so I don't have to be at the gym at a certain time.

    Well, have a great week!
  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    Debora, I forgot to answer your question about the Jesus Revolution. We all absolutely LOVED the movie. It was a "4 tissue movie" for me. But then I often cry at movies (but I noticed that I wasn't the only one). :) You really felt the Spirit moving throughout the movie. It was neat to see the history of the 70's also. The church I used to attend for many years was part of the Calvary Chapel churches so it was enjoyable to see the film from that aspect as well. They pretty much told the story as it was. I highly recommend it.
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,012 Member
    Hi, the weekend came and went and the middle of the next week is here. Last week I had 4-H. It’s the meeting we call parent’s night and the parents of the officers fill in and parents give the talks. Always fun. It was spring break so did not have Good News Club. Instead I went to a 4-H crafts meeting since it was at our church. It was one where everyone paints the same picture and the ages were 7 through 15. Very interesting to watch. The pictures were all the same but different.
    Wednesday I went to Bible study and church in the evening but we had no one in the nursery so just visited which was fun too. I was supposed to have grandkids overnight a couple of times but dad decided to bring them to the craft meeting so they didn’t need to stay and Maggie got pink eye so couldn’t do Wednesday. Thursday I worked with my friend, then we dropped some shoebox stuff off at Lori’s house and visited some friends that lived in the area ending with a meal at Wendy’s. It snowed for the time we were in there and then it was done. Friday was our usual trip to town. In the evening we met up with Matthew and Julie and went to a fish fry and a Catholic church. They had taken us last year and it is some really good food. It’s a fundraiser for them and lots of people are there. The line was no shorter when we left then when we came in.
    Saturday morning I spent cleaning the house. Then I started on the food. I didn’t think I had that much to do but it took until evening. I did dinner rolls, made no bake cookies, made green fluff (as a fun thing for St. Patrick’s Day) and mixed up the meatballs. I had gotten the hamburger out a couple of days earlier to thaw. Fortunately before I started mixing, I realized I had 10 pounds out instead of 6 so I could refreeze what I didn’t need.
    Sunday all but one of us were here for dinner. Everyone seemed to enjoy it. K-state was playing in baseball and all stayed till the first half ended and then headed home so they could watch the rest at home. We were taping it cause we had a meeting at church on a camp in Alaska that several from our church had helped at. We heard from several who have been there and then enjoyed finger food – there was such a variety of food. No one talked about the game so we were able to enjoy the second half when we got home.
    Monday we had our final appointment in the flu vaccine study we were in. We also ate at Applebees with a gift card we had. Tuesday we were back in town to meet with the surgeon to get things moving on Ralph’s hernia surgery. Things are on track since it’s been the year since he had the stents put in so now we wait to hear from the scheduler and I’m kind of hoping it won’t be till after Easter. This morning was Bible study and I got to lead since our usual leader could not come. So I actually did my lesson ahead of time.

    Isabella, Finishing a puzzle and a book on the same day – pretty special. Fun books go so much faster for m. I didn’t know there was a “Dash Diet” cookbook. I should probably try harder but he has it under control with meds so….
    Lunch with the Bible Study gals sounds fun. A good time to get to know each other a bit more.
    Our weather jumps up and down. It got up in the 70s today but last week we had a day or to below freezing. Keeps us guessing.
    Hope you can keep things going without your trainer. You have a lot of determination so I’m sure you will.. Going at the time of your choice will be good.
    Glad you enjoyed the movie/ I found two times that would work to go that last week and both times Ralph was so tired by evening we didn’t make it. Such is life.

    Time to go fix supper (salad and pizza) and get Ralph set up for his zoom class. Grandson asked me to pop some popcorn for him cause he is still at work. He’s going to use it with his 1st grade class for the refreshments. Not a hard thing to do. And our one charge should be back tonight. Enjoy the rest of your week.
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,012 Member
    Good morning, going to get this going before the day is past. The sun is out but still on 42 so we don’t plan to go to grandson’s soccer game. Surely there will be some warmer mornings in the next month. He has one every Saturday till mid May. End of the week sped by. Went to work with my friend on Thursday and another person was visiting too so we got lots done. I am double-checking today since we did them so quickly and most are okay. I also went to the dentist and got a filling covering on my tooth that had the crown come off and they couldn’t do a new one without lowering the gum and that was expensive. So I’m trying this route. We’ll see if works. Friday we did our ususal shopping and then in the evening I went with my sister to the local high school’s play. It was a short on but very cute – Anna and Augusta. I’m glad it wasn’t very long so I wasn’t up so late. I got my sheets changed yesterday – we went too long between changes but since we shower at night, it never felt bad. Silly to put it off cause it doesn’t take that long. As far as I know I’m home for the day so we’ll see what gets done. I straightened the house yesterday so focusing on food stuff today.
    Enjoy your day.