Pot Bellied Stove / Water Cooler



  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    Hello everyone, The weather has been pretty good the last couple of weekends making it easy to get the garden going. Hubby and I built a trellis for the tomatoes to climb on. I bought cherry tomatoes that were supposed to be a determinate bush type (that's what the tray they were sitting in said), so I bought two of them. A couple days later after I had planted them I asked hubby to look at how big they would get and he told me he didn't know, it says determinate. OMG, I was not happy about that at all, lol. Those things would take up my entire garden bed.

    So, build a trellis from some old wood we bought from a lady who had used lots of nails and staples in. I took out the nails and staples, hubby did the cutting and building according to my vision as we went along. It turned out really nice and it's huge, 10' long by about 8 feet tall. So, I have two cherry tomatoes that will go crazy on it planted in front of the middle section. Then I have two roma tomatoes on each side. There are three containers, each 40 inches long with two tomatoes in each. I also seeded one basil and 1 bell pepper in front of the tomatoes, in each container. That still leaves me way too many tomatoes than I need, roma's only come in a six pack. I have two homestead heritage planted also. I asked my friend if she was going to come pick in a few weeks, there is no way I can use all that.

    I'll be able to plant cantaloupes, squashes and beans along that trellis as well. It will be nice to rotate the crop out there. I have already decided I would like two more trellises, but these will be made with cattle panel in an arch design. The bottoms spread about 4-5 feet apart so I can walk through and sit down in a chair to enjoy some shade from the vines growing on it when it's hot. It will make it easy to harvest and work the vines by going under also. I have lots of seeds to sow of veggies and flowers. Flowers to bring the good bugs to the garden to battle the bad ones that always come my way. Already spraying soap water to battle the white flies on tomatoes, and found a cut worm in my onions the other day.

    Sanferris-Sure glad to hear things are going well for you.

    I hope everyone is having good weather and enjoying it too.
  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    Hello everyone, The weather has been pretty good the last couple of weekends making it easy to get the garden going. Hubby and I built a trellis for the tomatoes to climb on. I bought cherry tomatoes that were supposed to be a determinate bush type (that's what the tray they were sitting in said), so I bought two of them. A couple days later after I had planted them I asked hubby to look at how big they would get and he told me he didn't know, it says determinate. OMG, I was not happy about that at all, lol. Those things would take up my entire garden bed.

    That was supposed to be, he didn't know, it says "Indeterminate", which means it could go as big as 10 feet long trailing arms here in the south, sheesh!

  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good Morning. As I was typing here yesterday morning, my eye lids got very heavy and I went over to sit in my big chair and dozed off. All of a sudden, it was 8:30 and both Norma and John were up and getting their cups of coffee. I did not bring in the firewood, one log at a time, but John brought it in later and we had the house toasty warm all day.

    I had an interesting realization very early yesterday. At about 3:30 am I woke up and was crazy with itches, even though the nurse told me to wear the bra 24/7, I took off the bra and went back to bed. I was comfortable while in bed, but when I got up at 6 am, I had pain. Got that compression bra back on asap. I knew it was giving me support and pressure, but had no idea how much that heavy pressure eliminated the pain.

    Going to see the oncology surgeon today for post-op. The appointment is at 1 pm, so that gives me all morning to get John to take another shower and wash his hair this time. I NEED him to scrub my back for me, so that will get us in there together so I can make sure that shampoo gets used. Then, after we see the doctor, we can all go out for lunch.

    Tomorrow marks one week from surgery already. I'll need to get an email update out to let everyone know how I'm progressing. I am so thankful that I'm doing so well.

  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Well, I get to go in for jury duty tomorrow. We'll see if I get chosen or not. There was a long list of names that have to report. I know a couple of them so at least there'll be a familiar face there.
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good Morning, yesterday was good but I put quite a strain on John. He couldn't understand why he was there and did not like the waiting. We got the results of the pathology, there were 2 distinct tumors that were of the same cancer properties as the old ones, so the chemo pills that I’m taking should probably continue to be my treatment. All other tissue removed was benign. I go back to see this particular doctor in 6 months. I still have a lot of other doctors I will be seeing in the meantime.

    I think that due to the fact that I'm doing so well, John doesn't understand or remember that I had the surgery already. Last night he kept asking me if the doctor that we saw is going to schedule me for the surgery. I said that it's all done and over with, I had the surgery last week, he does not remember any of that.

    Today, Norma and I are going to clean house, well, I'll show a bit of an attempt, probably Norma will do all the work.

    Tomorrow, we are headed south to meet up with 2 of Norma's friends who she went to college with. Should be a fun outing. Thursday, some cousins from the Portland area are coming for a quick afternoon visit, probably just an hour or two. And, Friday, back to the plastic surgeon for another follow-up appt.

    Oh, way too soon, it will be time for Norma to go home. whaaaaa

    Debora, did you get chosen? I was chosen once and then before we could go the distance, he made a plea deal.

  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Yep, I got chosen - go back tomorrow. Can't talk about the case now though. Need to do a few things this evening so will save my long post for later. :)

  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    Hi Sheryl, did the oncologist say whether you will have to do radiation? Hopefully a nice lunch afterward made the waiting worth while for John. Sounds like some fun outings and visits the next few days. Be good to yourself. Nice that Norma can "help out" with cleaning the house.

    Anew, so great to hear from you. Too funny about the monster tomatoes. It will be nice to have your garden going again though. We'll stay tuned for further developments.

    Debora, I have been called down to the courthouse but have never made it out of the juror's lounge.

    Take care all!
  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    Hello everyone, today began with a good deluge of rain, good enough to tear up my zinnias in the pot out in my garden. :'(

    I'll need to keep an eye on it to see how it does, but everything else looks great. One of my basil seeds has shown it's first two leaves in my cherry tomato container, so just waiting to see about the bell peppers I planted there too. I sowed one of each basil and bell pepper in the two roma tomato containers as well. I should be doing well with those in a few weeks. Tomorrow I'll sow lots of seeds for herbs and flowers to get the garden further into bringing the good bugs to it. We have lots of gecko's out here, they are all over the garden and I am hoping the bad bugs will be under control with them. I do think they'll eat the good guys too though, so it's all about balance out there.

    I found a new tool for the garden too. I was searching for a DIY template for planting seeds in the the square foot garden to get spacing under control, and found the perfect tool already made for us. So, I don't have to make a template with wood pieces, or string, or....

    This seedingsquare.com/ will be absolutely perfect. It's a canadian company so I will be buying stateside to avoid the slow shipping from there.

    I have only been called for jury duty twice in my life, they nailed me to the chair the second time, lol.

    Have a great day everyone.

  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good Morning, Norma and I had so much fun yesterday. Drove down to Wilsonville to meet up with her 2 college friends. We had met up with Barb and her husband about 5 years ago, but I hadn't met Marilyn before. Norma hadn't seen Marilyn since graduation so they had 40+ years of life to catch up on. I thoroughly enjoyed my "day out with the girls", I don't get to do that very often.

    Isabella, I see the radiation oncologist on April 16th. My other doctors and I doubt that I'll need radiation, but I won't know for sure until he tells me in a few weeks.

    Here's the update that I emailed my cousins:

    Email Subject: One week later and 2 post-op appointments

    I am constantly amazed at how good I feel. God has definitely put His Hand on me.

    Last Friday, I saw the plastic surgeon and had the drains removed. I feel such freedom to have those tubes and bags gone. Monday was a visit to the oncology surgeon. The pathology report showed 2 distinct tumors, 1.9 cm and 2 cm, that were of the same cancer properties as what I’ve been fighting all along, so the chemo pills that I’m taking should probably continue to be my treatment. All other tissue removed was benign. Still feeling next to zero pain, I imagine that is due to only breast tissue being cut, no muscle or any other important parts that would impede movement.
    I go back to the surgeon this coming Friday again, and I see my medical oncologist in 2 weeks. I have an appointment with the radiation oncologist also in April. Right now, we doubt that I’ll need any further radiation, but we’ll see what he has to say.

    John does not remember any part of last week and is asking me when my surgery is going to be. I’m sure that his reaction is because I’m doing so well, no one would ever know I had surgery last week. It’s so very hard for him to understand what’s happening.

    I am absolutely enjoying every moment with Norma. She needed to get away as much as I needed her here with me. We are having a blast, like 2 little girls, getting the giggles and ending up in big belly laughs. We can find humor in everything.

    I KNOW that my progress is due to your prayers, Thank You.

    Love, Sheryl

  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    This week ended up being full or at least feeling that way so this may be another of those long posts so you have been warned. Sunday when we left church Ralph told me had invited WB (his wife died about a year ago) to come for dinner since he knew we had plenty of food. We got home and found out Lori's wanted to leave as soon as we ate cause they were going to go see Beauty and the Beast (girls) and Power Rangers (boys). Well, WB didn't come and didn't come so all but Ralph started eating and when W finally came, he and Ralph ate together and had a good visit. Ralph took him home about mid-afternoon. So it all worked out okay but felt funny to start eating without him. Then the evening was the 85th dinner. We had a good visit at our table - 80-100 were there - cousins on both sides. We had soup and sandwiches and then yummy cake and homemade ice-cream. Yum

    Monday I mostly had at home - worked on things knowing at 5 I could call to see if I had to report. Sure enough I did. Once I made the call, I cleaned up the bags from Good News Club and took the needed stuff and key to one of the teachers and dropped eggs off at a friend's. I did the dishes and things that would make it easier if I was gone more than a day - the unknown.

    We didn't have to be there till 8:45 and I was sent to Courtroom C. There were at least 50 people and I was "fortunate" enough to be in the top 24. First they made a seating chart - we each told our name, what we did, if we were married, what our husband did and where we lived. Then each of the lawyers got to ask us questions. I wasn't asked much. Then we had a recess so they could decide the 12 that would stay. I started talking with one of the other possible jurors. She was selected too and so when we were dismissed for lunch we walked down to a sandwich shop and ate together. We went back and heard the testimony for the state - 2 hours worth and they were done and that's where we quit for the day. It was 4:30 so I made it back to Potwin to get my bag and key back and took my usual kids home. Fixed supper, did dishes again and some little things since I knew I'd be gong at least one more day. It started raining again and rained all night - enough to made the sump pump run. We needed the moisture but didn't know what it would do to the creeks.

    A car went by before I Ieft and the way it drove, we thought there was water across the south road. But the car made it so I headed off to walk. Turned out the water had been across the road and left corn stalks - not problems driving at all. We walked and then I headed the long way to town. I did not go back home cause there was a possibility of creeks being up. In the morning we heard from the other side and about 9:45, the judge dismissed us to the back while he got the instructions ready and the lawyers got the final statements ready. He thought it would be 30 minutes but it was over an hour. We talked about our families and lots of other things cause we still couldn't discuss the case. By the time we got the instructions and head the lawyers, it was after 12. We decided to talk for awhile and talk about the case. We really wanted to make the husband guilty but the state did not have enough evidence to make without a doubt and if there was any doubt, it had to be not guilty so it was not guilty on all three counts. When we went back in, I just watched the judge so I would see the faces of the husband or the wife. We left the judicial building about 1:30. I went to the bank, stopped at McDonalds to eat and headed home. I got to how I thought I could get home and the creek was up so had to drive an extra 6 miles. By the time we went to pick up the kids for church in the evening, the water was almost down - enough that we drove through it. Ralph spent the day in town getting the headlight problem fixed (at no cost).

    Thursday was at home for the day and I worked on things here - get the Sunday School lesson ready, decided to straighten the house, etc. etc. Our local school district did not have school cause too many roads the bus had to drive were flooded. But all was okay by Friday. Thursday night I went to Bible study - always a fun time.

    This morning we did our usual errands. My list was short so we did get home by 11. I had time to put everything away, heat up the stuffed peppers for dinner and some other stuff. Then we went to an auction in an Amish community that's held on the last Friday of every month. It started our as a poultry auction and there was plenty of poultry - chicken little and big, eggs, egg cartons, geese, ducks, and turkeys. There were also rabbits (so cute) pot bellied pigs, goat, hay, fencing. Oh yeah, there were guinea, peacocks and even 2 swans. Ralph found out how it works if you bring something to sell and then we watch for awhile. It was cool and we weren't going to buy so headed home(a strong hour away). We stopped at Dollar Tree and the thrift store we like and ended up with a box of books. We came home and ate the part of the sub we got at Walmart this morning.

    Tomorrow I'm babysitting for about 2/3 of the day for Derek so that should be fun. When I come home I'll make my salad, etc. it will all work out.

    Sheryl, you have to have lot of patience to make kata. Wish I lived closer. Glad the firewood got in so you could be toasty warm. It has been a cooler week for us. So glad you've been able to handle the pain and you are doing so well. Sorry John has already forgotten you had the surgery but nice too. So glad you and Norma have been having so much fun.

    Isabella, I got out of jury duty a lot of times when I helped a lot with Emily. I did go to federal court once but thankfully, was not chosen although I made it to the courtroom.

    Anew, how fun to get your garden going. The trellis sounds neat. You can get things going so much earlier than here. Yummy. Cool on the garden tool. Let us know how it works.

    Have a great weekend. I'm sure I'll pop in to read but doubt I'll take time to chat.
  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    Good morning everyone, today will be another busy day in the garden. I am hoping we make it before the rain sets it in, it was supposed to be sunny today with a little rain tomorrow. Now they say 30% chance of rain today and still rain tomorrow. We have more soil mixing to do which will refill the big 3' x 8' bed, fill up other containers, and still have plenty of great mix to add containers or fill in holes after I pull a spent plant. Hubby will be happy not to mix anymore soil for a long time. He is such a trooper to help me out.

    We had to run to big town yesterday morning, and I needed to water the garden first. He helped me and was such a trooper. Couldn't ask for a better person to be my partner.

    So, today we water the garden again, mix soil, build some more trellis's and setup what I already have, and if time is available build a structure onto the big planter boxes that we can put a top on. I need to keep animals out of the garden, they keep destroying my plants. I know it's the opossums because they are always in my yard at night. They use our fence as a pass through to move along the way.

    I seeded all kinds of herbs and flowers yesterday, still need to plant cucumber, peas, and hopefully some cantaloupe when we get those trellis's done. Noticed another basil coming up in the tomato boxes, still have one more to come up and still waiting on all three bell peppers to sprout up.

    Last night I cut open a personal watermelon, and hubby commented there wasn't much flavor in it all. He is so right and I let him know that when we grow our own he will enjoy it like he did when he was a kid.

    And the best part of it all! There was a beautiful blue dragonfly in the garden today. Yay, the good guys are on the way. Oh, and the zinnia's are looking great. I am sure glad I didn't dead head all the flowers because they looked so terrible out there. Just a good shot of water and they came back 10 fold within minutes. Which sounds so strange, since a deluge of water the day before is what hurt them in the first place. But nice and perky and colorful all over again. Planted some seeds for the dwarf one last night.

    Hope you all have a great day today!
  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    edited April 2017
    Hi all, It's been cold here the last couple of days! No wonder so many people are getting sick with all the crazy temperature changes. I've been wearing sandals every day anyway since I had my pedicure. I have to show my lovely toes off! :p It is my friend Jami's birthday this Wednesday the 5th so we are going shopping for her birthday today as is our tradition. Really looking forward to our girl time again even though we just had a great time last Saturday. We picked a BUNCH of lemons this week so I took a bag full to work (they went quickly because people LOVE our lemons). Later today or tomorrow I'm going to bake a lemon bundt cake. I'm going to poke holes in the cake also so the glaze will soak into the cake as well as on top. I'll let you know how it turns out. Jami got a new car. She had a Lexus luxury sports car that she would have to start putting money into so she decided to sell it while she can still get some decent money for it. She chose a new Infinity Q60 luxury sports coupe. Pretty snazzy. She got almost $9K for her Lexus and negotiated on the Infinity until she got close to the bottom line price she wanted. She is going to pick me up in it today.

    Sheryl, very happy to hear that the general consensus is that radiation will not be needed. I'm sure the radiation oncologist will agree. I agree that prayer makes a huge difference. God is SO good! I will continue to pray daily for you and John. Your girls day out sounds like great fun. Glad it went so well. Norma being there is great medicine too!

    Anew, your garden tool looks really cool. I had never heard of such a thing but what a great website and what a great way to make the most of your gardening space. Yay on seeing the beautiful blue dragonfly. I know what you mean about the mini watermelons. I will only buy Dulcinea brand mini melons now because they are consistently sweet and delicious and I know they will be good. With the other growers I never know how they will be and am disappointed more often than not. Did you know that watermelon and watermelon juice is good for high blood pressure?

    Debora, that was a quick trial. Good that you had a buddy to go thru it with. That is funny that you had stuffed peppers. I made stuffed peppers last week and we got a couple of meals out of it (I only made a small pan). I stuffed them with turkey meat, rice, onion, celery, jalapeno, pepper jack cheese, and various herbs. They were delicious! What was yours stuffed with? The Amish auction sounds interesting. Do you think you guys will take something there to auction/sell?

    Well, I'd better go get ready for my day with Jami. Last time she came to pick me up I'd gotten so carried away on the computer that I was still sitting here in my house clothes when she arrived. I can't do that to her (and myself) again!

    Have a wonderful day!
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good Morning. This morning is laundry for Norma, she's packing already, these 2 weeks went extremely fast. She leaves tomorrow afternoon. I will miss her terribly.

    Wednesday, we had a wonderful visit with cousins who drove up from Tigard, Oregon, about 30 miles, but seems longer when you have to drive through Portland in traffic. I am so grateful that they were willing to make the trip. They are going to Hawaii later this month to celebrate their 60th wedding anniversary.

    Yesterday, we had an equally great visit with Carol and Larry. Always so good to catch up on what's happening in our lives. Carol and I visit a lot, but the men and Norma don't get in on all the fun very often.

    Very good report from the plastic surgeon yesterday, I go back in 2 weeks for another follow-up. Everything is looking good and healing well. I still feel wonderful, Praise The Lord, this is great. I haven't taken any pain meds since last Monday. Since I went to the doctor again, John asked me several times last night when they will be "cutting" me. I said the cutting is all done, these visits are after surgery doctor visits. He seems content when I say that, that all the hard stuff is over, but then, he forgets and asks again.

    Today at 1pm, we will walk over to Jack and Gayla's and go out to lunch with them. My idea to go to China Kitchen, but will have Jack drive because it's easier for Gayla to get in and out of their vehicle than mine. We went there with them a couple years ago and I loved it, the food was very fresh and delicious. It's across town, so John and I haven't been back there since, not that it's too far to drive, but it's just so much easier going Mexican in Battle Ground just up the road. When I can talk John into going out, it's usually Mexican.

    Debora, too bad the state didn't present more compelling evidence. It's hard to feel in your gut that someone is guilty, but by law, have to "set them free". Since you mentioned that the wife was there in the courtroom also, I guess that it wasn't an offense against her, or at least, she lived through it.
    I remember when I was a kid, my mom was on a jury where they convicted the wife for killing the husband, with scissors, ewwwww. When she was pronounced guilty, she yelled out and threatened each one of the jurors. Freaked my mom out, but this woman got locked away so wasn't a real threat.

    I better get going, check on Norma's laundry for her and get a load of my own in.

  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    Good morning everyone, today will be a humid, overcast, waiting for the rain day. It is supposed to rain, I hope it does because I have not watered the tomatoes as of yet. Was supposed to rain yesterday as well. So, it gets two more hours to dump some rain upon us before I go out there and water anyway. We finished mixing the soil in the garden, filling pots and I finished all the seeding I can do for March and April.

    My hands hurt, my whole body aches, but I feel good knowing I will have a pretty well rounded out garden this season, can't wait for fall when I can plant the cold crops. :)

    Have a great day everyone!
  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    Good morning all, Jami and I had a really nice day together yesterday. She took Dan for a ride in her car and even let him drive it a bit but she didn't drive it to go shopping, we took my car instead. I'll have plenty of time to ride in it. We found her a really cute outfit and she found a couple of other cute items so it was a very successful trip. She wanted Costco very berry sundae for lunch - what a cheap date! ;) Then Dan and I went grocery shopping when I got home so we only have one store to go to today. I plan to make spaghetti and meatballs for dinner tonight.

    Sheryl, so nice that you got to see your cousins. Wow, 60th anniversary for them, amazing! How was the China Kitchen? Bummer that Norma is leaving already. Time really flew!

    Anew, nice that your garden is all set now. I can't imagine the aches and pains. I have a bible study friend that just told me about an all natural pain reliever that someone told her works really well. She tried it and really likes it. I bought a bottle. It is not very expensive. I haven't tried it yet. It is by a company called Hyland Homeopathics. Here is the link if you want to try it. Otherwise I'll let you know when we use it. Hope you feel better. hylands.com/products/hylands-arthritis-pain-formula

    OK, I'm off to church. Have a great week everyone!
  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    Good morning everyone.

    Had another long weekend. We had Friday off because of the Cesar Chavez holiday.

    I got a lot done this weekend. Vacuumed the house, waxed the furniture, cleaned the bathrooms, did five loads of laundry, changed Dad's bed sheets, cleaned the carpet twice where the cat threw up (ew!), hardboiled a dozen eggs for the week, made some beans, cut the cat's nails, etc.

    We had some REALLY windy days at the end of last week, so I spend a lot of time cleaning up stuff that had blown all over the place, and I spent most of Saturday morning getting the pool cleaned up. Gosh that pool was full of stuff. It looks crystal clear now though. Still too cold to go swimming though.

    Saturday afternoon I loaded up my car with stuff I've been purging from the spare bedroom and ran it over to Goodwill. Mostly Christmas nic-nacks and decorations. Last night I kept purging and have another load of stuff ready to go. I'll probably take it to Goodwill next weekend.

    Dad is still attending his monthly American Legion meetings. He seems to be enjoying them. Last Saturday they had a barbecue. He went to it, but said it was just so packed with people, so he decided to leave. He wound up stopping at Round Table and got himself a salad. He's one of those weird people who goes to a pizza place and doesn't eat pizza!

    I keep catching Cisco eating grass in the backyard. I hope he isn't getting sick. It's about time for him to go see the vet for his annual visit, so we'll have him checked out.

    As I was unloading groceries on Friday a couple guys approached me. They claimed to work for a charitable organization and asked to paint our house number on the curb for a contribution. We passed (we already have our number on the curb), and then a little later I saw a cop car down the road taking them in. Someone must have reported them. Got to be real careful these days. I suspect they were just canvassing the neighborhood for possible burglaries.

    Sheryl, I'm so happy to hear that you are doing so well with the recovery. It must be so confusing for John. Sounds like you have a great time with Norma! It's so great that she was able to come be with you.

    Debora, jury duty...ugh. Not something I look forward to. They call me in about once every couple years.

    Anew, its nice seeing you pop in!!

    Isabella, sounds like a nice day with Jami. I've never eaten at Costco, but there are usually tons of people there doing so.

    Well, I think I'm going to go take a little walk and then get back to work. Have a great day everyone!!!
  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    edited April 2017
    Good evening everyone, it's been one of those days that I can't get easily moving because I hurt so bad. But I did it, I went out to the garden this morning and moved some of the soil we mixed from the big bed I planted the pea seeds in. I put it into eight 5 gallon buckets I bought at Lowe's yesterday. There was just way too much soil in that bed to use it wisely, but I had run out of places to put the extra soil we mixed up. It's great to know that when I need some soil to put somewhere I will have it ready to use.

    That's good because it would be next fall before it would be cool enough to mix anymore to use. It also means the structure to my garden is almost complete and it's taken four years to get where we are now. Just too short of a time we can work out there with our weather patterns we have. Still need to figure out trellis for the cantaloupe I planted and a cage for the bush cucumbers. I still want some cattle panel trellis's for rotation of the crops, but that will have to wait. We need to figure out what to do with the smaller bed with the bottom falling out of it. I know I want a new bottom, but I think I want to move that bed also, which means moving the smaller containers where the onions, leeks and chives are planted. This can happen in the fall when the garden is not yet planted with fall/winter produce, and will be perfect timing. By that time the spring/part summer crops will have all been done and the garden waiting for it's new season. It is way too hot here in summer to plant anything.

    We also need to hook up the water system this fall. We have most of the parts for it, but we still need more and I don't want to set it up until I have the garden design set just right for all seasons. Then I won't have to move the water system.

    While I was in the garden today I saw more Anole's (I kept calling them gecko's), and a pretty butterfly that made me smile. I also discovered another bell pepper has come up, so that's all three bell peppers, and two basils. Still waiting on the last basil plant. There's plenty of room in the garden to seed more, so I bought more seeds. That's logical, right? LOL, it's all more herbs and flowers, but one was a sugar baby watermelon. Yum!

    Try to find the anole in this picture, lol. These things are really a beautiful green, and they turn to brown also.


    It looks like everyone has been busy the last few days. I hope it continues for you all. Have a great night.

  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good Morning, I'm still here, but no time on the computer. I'll be back soon to catch you all up on the last several days.
  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    Good morning everyone.

    I wasn't feeling too well yesterday, so stayed home from work. Feeling better today.

    I did start feeling better yesterday afternoon, so I continued purging stuff from the closet in the spare bedroom. I took another load of stuff over to Goodwill. Mom must have had a basket addiction. There were tons of them in there! Also tons of wrapping paper in there I didn't know about. I've purged just about all of our holiday nick-nacks. Kept a few pieces that have sentimental value.

    Our gardener is going to run a bunch of stuff to the dump for us too. Dad and I are in a purging mindset right now. We have a lot of stuff up in the attic and in the backyard that needs to go.

    We noticed the gardener was working alone yesterday on the yards. Usually his son is with him. Dad asked about it apparently his son decided he didn't want to work. So on the drive over our gardener stopped his truck and made his son get out and walk back home. His son is in his mid-20s and no excuse for that.

    We had another wind storm on Monday, so we had to clean the pool again. This is getting old! No more wind storms!

    Well, I guess it's time to get back to work. Have a lovely day everyone.

  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    Good morning everyone, got a great night sleep, well morning/afternoon, lol. I just woke up about an hour ago, and it's 12:30 in the afternoon right now. My body still hurts, but the back pain is what is hardest to overcome. I feel better today though, so as long as I am careful in the garden it should be much better in a couple of weeks. It's sunny, 71 degrees and only 31% humidity out there, what a beautiful day it is today!

    I checked on the garden and while I was watering and picking a few weeds I noticed more seeds coming in. One of my bush cucumber seeds is up, I planted three seeds. My alaska peas are coming in with 5 of the ten holes I planted the other day, all with 2 seeds per hole. I have some zinnia's, and marigolds coming in as well. It is so fun to watch things pop out of the soil.

    Mygnsac, glad you are feeling better and it's good to get stuff out of the way too. We have more to do here when I open that room that's been closed up for the bed bugs. I think I am going to let it stay closed until at least july or even august just to make sure they are "DEAD".

    Have a great day everyone!