Pot Bellied Stove / Water Cooler



  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    edited February 2017
    Good Morning. Isabella, it's the "Fearless Flyer" and I got mine too and made a list of new items I want to try out. Some new items from last month (or 2 months ago) I still have sitting in the pantry. Sounded terrific, but I don't care for them. Rosemary & Cheese Biscuits, (a semi-soft cracker), a bit strong, too much rosemary to my liking. I bought some new spices, but they already smell stale...not a great aroma. I was shocked and disappointed, TJ's usually has great things. I have decided that I HAVE to buy spices in the little containers so I can replenish them with new and fresh more often. I have spices in the cabinet dated back to 2014. I'm really cleaning house.

    Yes, I have a great sister. And, Debora, you are a great sister too, taking your sister to appointments and also fun activities. You're amazing, going to a ball game, a play and another ball game all in one evening. I'm sure all the grandkids appreciated having grandma and grandpa attend their activities.

    John is not settled with the woodstove yet, at least not while it's just the two of us. However, yesterday, Jack and Gayla came over and John raved about the stove. After they left, the other John dropped by. Was just passing by and decided he had a few extra minutes so he pulled in the driveway. We have taken to locking the front gate because of solicitors not heeding the No Soliciting sign out front. I had just gotten off the phone with Norma and still had the phone in my hand. I looked out the window and saw the other John in the driveway with his cell phone in his hand and as I told my John to go let him in, the phone rang. He was telling me he's out there and I answered "I see you". Good thing it was really him or someone on the other end would have been spooked. We had a good visit, been a long time since we've gotten together. He's having medical issues too and has stayed home more than ever before. Anyway, my John raved about the woodstove to the other John too, he just goes nuts to me about the stove.

    Gayla is now using a walker. It was quite a feat getting across the street and through our muddy walkway with it, but the cane was putting her off balance and caused shoulder pain. She can hardly wait for tax season to be over and she can have her surgery.

    I had quite a long, very good and intense talk with my Mom yesterday and I told her to consider coming up here with Norma. I believe that she actually may do it. Every excuse she came up with, I had an answer and solution for. She never said "No", and once I have a set date for surgery, and they buy the plane tickets, she's locked in. She'll have a few hours of discomfort traveling, but once she gets here, she can sit in my big comfy chair and we can rest and visit. I told her that we won't be traveling and sight seeing, it's a vacation of REST and when Norma craves activity, she can go outside and do something with John. We'll see how that plays out.

    Marcie, it was in my local news about the Lake Oroville dam problems and evacuations. I had to look at the map and see how close that is to you. Not too close, but not too far away either, not the way water flows, I'm thinking that it could effect your area. Any news of it causing problems your way? I know you have had lots of rain, much more than usual.

    Today is surgery day for my aunt. Anxious to get any news later on to see how things went. I'm praying that this will solve her problems. That will be such a relief for her family. Having her back again and not having to deal with long-term care.

  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    edited February 2017
    Happy Valentine's Day. I didn't get over here this morning, but have some time this evening.
    Had a good Bible Study this afternoon and did a little shopping, stopped to pick up Rx's. Still waiting to hear about which day will be surgery day. Hope to hear very soon, as Norma wants to buy airline tickets at a good price and needs notice to do that. Great news, my Mom is going to come up with Norma. This will either be terrific or horrific. ha ha ha

    I have not heard anything about my aunt yet, I pray that her surgery yesterday went well.
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    edited February 2017
    Good Morning. Just a quick note since I dropped by last night. Not much new here. Getting my email update ready to go.

    I am planning to watch an hour program on beating cancer tonight on the internet. I was wondering if I'd be able to watch it uninterrupted, that's unusual around here. If it were on tv, I'd record it because I know John will need help with something during the program, but, it's on-line and I don't know how or if I can record it. Anyway, I just saw a Portland Trailblazers game (basketball) on the tv schedule at 6 pm tonight...yay, John will be occupied. He can watch tv and I'll watch the computer.

    Going to speech therapy this afternoon, in the rain. Forecast for heavy rain all day long.

    I guess that's about it.
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Just popping in to say "hi". Hope you're all having a good week. Mine filled up more than I thought it would so back later.
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good Morning. I got the date for surgery, Tuesday, March 21st, and immediately told Norma. By having it later in the month, she got a better price on the airline tickets. I guess the prices were higher earlier in the month for Spring Break, maybe? So, they will be arriving Sunday, March 19th and staying until Sunday, April 2nd. Mom was changing her mind, but Norma and I both shot down all of her stupid excuses. One of her lame excuses was that she doesn't have a rain coat anymore. I jumped on that one...we're NOT leaving her out in the rain!!!!!

    I started to go through my closet to clean out clothes that I haven't worn in years. I came upon some nice blouses that were too tight in the bust line. Stretching the buttons to their limit. But, I'll save them a little longer, with breast reduction, maybe they will fit again?!?!?!?

    The program that I watched last night was very interesting. This guy was diagnosed with stage 4 colon cancer in 2004. He had surgery, but refused radiation and chemo and healed himself with diet and exercise and "clean" living. I'm gleaning a lot of good information from all these alternative methods of treatment that I'm finding and incorporating what is best for me. I will still do surgery and stay on my chemo pill, but certainly eat better and exercise when I can and take some of the supplements. I'm using probiotics and bone broth, etc. And, the most important thing, pray for God's healing. He started off by saying "Cancer is a Divine tap on the shoulder...how you are living is killing you!" By knowing that we can change lifestyle to heal our bodies, gives us empowerment.
    The program I watched last night was the first part of a ten part series. "Just getting started" and already he mentioned many times that this is a 100%, full time commitment, for at least 2 years to completely get rid of the cancer. I know myself! I have terrible self-discipline and would not stick to a strict regimen full time, so I'm taking parts of what works good for me. I feel like I have a head-start since my household is tobacco free and although there is some wine for John, I'm alcohol free as well. I don't like carbonation, so no soda for me. I'm cutting back on the coffee, but won't cut it out completely. I'm finding that I'm taking a liking to some herbal teas, who knew?

    Yesterday, speech therapy showed some improvement. In one exercise, the goal is to hold a note for 40 seconds. Last week, I could do 8 seconds and yesterday, I held it for 12 seconds. But, 40 seconds sounds like an eternity right now. My high notes are clear, but when I move down the scale...gravel.

    Still haven't heard anything about my aunt, I hate to bug Lara for news, she's got her hands full. I'll just continue to pray for healing.

    Today, I have a follow-up appointment with the pulmonologist. I trust that he will release me for surgery. He may want to talk to the anesthesiologist, they work at the same hospital, so it shouldn't be a problem contacting each other.

    I guess that's it for now.

    Debora, hope you have a chance to breath this week and then come and tell us all about it.

    Marcie, hope you are staying dry and traffic is not too bad with all the crazies out there in the rain. Miss your morning break comments.

  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Happy Birthday To You!
    Happy Birthday To You!
    Happy Birthday Dear Isabella!!!!!!!!
    Happy Birthday To You!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I hope you have a wonderful day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    A quick Good Morning, I've got to get the car back to Toyota this morning to have a tire fixed. Yesterday, when I went out to leave for my appointments, I had a flat tire. Big screw in the right rear. I was able to reschedule the blood test for today and that gave us an hour to change the tire, in the rain. I pushed John to his limits, he was cold and wet and miserable, but he helped me and we got the job done. I got to my pulmonary appointment exactly on time. More on that later.

    Nancy told me that she heard from Lara and our aunt's surgery was successful. She will keep me in the loop whenever she hears more.

    Gotta go get the car ready. If I'm not back later today, I'll have lots to say in the morning.

  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good Morning, I spent my morning watching the 3rd module of Square One, very good. I couldn't watch it completely last night when it aired live. John is up now, so once he starts watching basketball, I'll be back and tell you all about Thursday and Friday.
  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    Good morning all! Thank you so much Debora for the Happy Birthday wishes! It is my big 6-0! :) They had a wonderful cake for me at work. It was a chocolate layer cake with strawberry whip cream frosting and fresh strawberries on top. Delicious!!! I also had a Jersey Mike's sub for lunch. We had plans to go to dinner to a Chinese buffet with two couples but we had a really high wind and rain storm and Dan and one of the other guys were too nervous about our homes to be able to enjoy dinner so we decided to postpone dinner until tonight. Dan still took me out to dinner though. We went to a little local Italian restaurant. I got their Italian beef sandwich which is usually really good but it was disappointing this time. The meat was skimpy and chewy. I mentioned it to the waitress but they made no effort to compensate us. Not even a free b-day dessert. Oh well, I am over their Italian beef sandwich and will not order it again. Dan's meatball sandwich was very good and so was the minestrone soup so all is well. At least I didn't have to cook. We watched a hallmark movie called "The Birthday Wish". How apropos! It was really cute!

    My best friend since 3rd grade, Grace, who lives in FL has been sending me gifts all week. First she sent me beautiful flowers at work - red tulips and purple iris. Stunning! They were some of my mom's favorites. So nice that she remembered that. Then she sent me a box of little do dads to open such as home made earrings, socks, a bottle of essential oils, etc. Then she sent me a check for $60 to go out to dinner. Crazy woman! She will be turning 60 also in 2 weeks. I don't know how I'm supposed to follow that act!!!

    My friend Jami and I are having a girls day out today. We always take each other shopping for our birthdays. We are going to the farmer's market first, then to Ross Dress for less and Steinmart which are both in close proximity to the farmer's market. We'll probably go out to lunch also. Everyone is making me feel very special for my big 60th.

    Debora, you are amazing! 2 ball games and a play all in one day! What was the new dish you tried out? Sounds like your sister's b-day was nice. I make a pot of cooked greens every week, usually chard and kale. I sort of steam/sauté it then put it in a container and have some cold every day at lunch. I don't like to heat it in the microwave because I don't want to take the chance that the microwave will destroy some of the nutrients. I really like it and have been doing it for quite some time now. I still haven't gotten tired of it so it must be doing me some good. :)

    Sheryl, yes, the fearless flyer. I bought their chile lime spice but haven't tried it yet. I also bought the éclairs which were fabulous! TJ has some great herbal teas. Very happy to hear that your mom is coming too. I know you'll make it work. Good to have a surgery date.

    OK, gotta go - Jami will be here any minute!! No time to proof read even so sorry about any typos!
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    edited February 2017
    Hi again,

    Isabella, I did not stumble over any typos, you done good!!! ha ha ha

    I will back up to Thursday, as I said yesterday, I walked out at 2 pm to leave for my 2:30 blood test and had a flat tire. I rescheduled the blood test to Friday and that gave us an hour before my 3:30 pulmonary appointment. John was a great help in his strength, but I had another epiphany that he doesn't remember how to change a tire. I had to talk us through the process, but I sure needed his help, I couldn't have done it all by myself. We are still a great team.

    The pulmonologist has done all that he can do. Bottom line, my lungs are clear and free from any disease, but can only function at 62% due to the paralyzed diaphragm. Unless something new happens, I will not be seeing this doctor again. He has released me for surgery and said there's no problem with anesthesia. We were both pleased with the improvement in one week of vocal exercises, and anticipate that it will get better and better.

    Yesterday morning, I got to Toyota by 9 am and was out of there at 10. They repaired the tire and put it back on the car, at no charge. I fully expected to pay, but didn't have to. Yay, Bonus.

    In the afternoon, I went to have the blood test, my numbers were good and I'll continue on the same dosage of warfarin. Get checked again in 3 weeks. I'll have to double check exactly what day I stop taking it for the surgery, at least one week prior, maybe longer. Then, I went for a massage. Heaven! Quite a bit different from the massage I got during PT. Back then, they spent about 20 minutes and only on my left arm. Yesterday was an hour session on my entire back and both arms. Semi dark room with soft music, wow, it was great. I bought a Groupon for 3 sessions, so I scheduled the remaining 2 appointments already and plan to go again, paying full price, so I have a massage once a week before surgery. Then will return after I heal and recover from surgery. This is my new favorite thing.

    That 3rd module, in a series of 10, plus tonight's 4th module, is all about what to eat for the best cancer fighting diet. Very interesting and helpful. I'm getting a lot of help through many different protocols and figuring out what's best for me.

    John is cracking me up. I started a fire in the woodstove this morning and am getting a running commentary on the flame. Constantly, oohs and ahs and "now the flame is in front". "Now, it moved to the back". "Now, it's perfectly symmetrical". What next? I'm on pins and needles.

  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    Sheryl, you are too funny! Love the "blow by blow" (or should I say glow by glow! ;)) description of the flames you were getting from John! :) Is there anything they can do for your paralyzed diaphragm? Hopefully the voice exercises will continue to help. I believe our bodies can heal themselves of many things. Very happy that you are getting a lot of good info on how to get healthier before and after the surgery. Excellent that you are getting regular massages. They are good for you in many ways. Many massage businesses give a discount when you but a package of massages. Sounds like the groupon was a good deal too.

    On another note, hope I'm not sounding too bitchy but I really don't like that our new friend in the 5 letter game only uses partial words for others to make sentences from. I can't bring myself to make sentences from her offerings. Sorry, but I had to get that off my chest. I didn't want to say it on the game thread because I don't know who she is and don't want to offend her but wanted to let you know why I haven't been participating there as much...

    Well, I'm off to serve the soup we are having for dinner. Have a wonderful week everyone!
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Hi everyone, I'm starting this at 9:45 pm so I know it won't get finished tonight but hopefully tomorrow (and it did). To me the week filled up a bit more than I planned but it all worked out. Monday I got things ready for 4-H and went to 4-H in the evening. It was a fun evening with some good talks. We also found that day that our son-in-law's (Matthew) grandfather had died. On top of his dementia, he had recently been diagnosed with congestive heart failure and they didn't do much for it cause he didn't understand about using oxygen. One of his daughters and husband own 7 funeral homes in OK so they brought up the casket and worked with the funeral home here where the service was held.

    Tuesday morning I had my check-up with the periodonist. My numbers were better and she didn't bring up surgery - maybe a deep cleaning. She did mention a gum graft on one tooth where the gum has receeded a lot. I didn't get the cost - I know it will be a lot so will put it off as long as possible. Dental stuff is expensive. We then visited the new Sprouts store and used a gift card to eat at Paneras. This was Ralph's first time to eat there so I took the time to explain all he could get before we stepped up to order. We got home in time for me to get the bags for Good News Club and go set-up. Several were gone due to other conflicts but it was a good meeting. We had heart shaped cookies made by a lady in our church who has done them for several years. She is 96 now so one of her daughters helped her but they are always nice - frosted and decorated with chocolate chip, or red hots and some m&ms this year. We spent the evening at home and I was able to get Ralph's hair cut.

    Wednesday morning we had our project committee meeting. We went through our storage - not near as much work as it used to be and then planned work and projects for the year as we enjoyed a brunch. We each brought different parts. We had an egg casserole made in the crockpot - very good. There was a delicious fruit salad and my sister had the "bread". She made cinnamon rolls and baked donuts. She can't eat much of it with her diabetes but she still excels in making things like that. I had the drink so took tea, hot chocolate and Sunny D. Ralph had fixed himself a sandwich cause when I got home I had time to change clothes so we could leave for the funeral. Then I did my Friday errands as Friday plans had changed. I was able to do my shopping list Tuesday evening and figure out Sunday dinner so it all worked out. Then in the evening was church. One of the teachers brought the teachers and the kids pretty much turned them down because they weren't soft. I liked them. :)

    Thursday was kind of my day at home. I did take the recycling in in the morning and go to Bible study in the evening but otherwise I "cleaned" the house, washed the sheets, got my bag ready for Friday and whatever else I had time for.

    On Tuesday Derek had asked if I could babysit Friday. He wanted to surprise Lindsey and take her out to celebrate the 15th anniversary of their first date (not many do that). So I was to be at their house at 10 am. They went to the town where they met (2 hours away) and got home about 11:15 that night. I just had the youngest to start with, gained the second at 11:30, the next at 3 and the last two after school at 4. We had frozen pizza for supper and then had movie night. This time I put the boys down on time and let the girls finish watching. I put the younger two girls to bed and then the oldest and I played for awhile. She had quite a interesting thing to play - good imagination. Got her to bed and was going through the house and picking things up when she called me cause she had a bloody nose. Took quite some time to get it stopped - finally googled what to do - what I've always done (lay down and let it stop) is not the right way to do it and didn't work with her but we got it stopped for sure about 10 minutes before her parents got home. I made it home by midnight and ended up sleeping in an extra hour Saturday morning.

    Saturday I went to Edge at church - a women's brunch with a panel discussion which was excellent. The afternoon I spent baking and "decorating" the cake, made a jello and other things. Ralph was busy doing some geneology stuff which he wanted me to type up in the evening. About 5 we headed to a local church for the church supper and got to visit with some people we don't see often. From it we went to our church to hear how CRU wanted to start a chapter at a nearby college and enjoy some delicious desserts. So many choices and I overdid. When we got home I finished setting up the third table and did the typing for Ralph.

    We took two cars to church - partly cause there was someone Ralph wanted to visit with after church and partly cause we picked up two high school whose parents were gone for the weekend so the car was much fuller. I taught our class, the sermon was good and then it was home for dinner. I fixed lasagna and we have a pan left so will eat some and maybe freeze some of it. We celebrated our youngest's birthday - she'll be 30 on Wednesday. The kids had fun playing. Then we went to a visitation for a cousin that passed away - fought lung cancer for 3 years - had just turned 80. We'll go to the funeral tomorrow morning. This evening I've been watching TV - the tivo is getting full - lots of new shows again and slowly doing my list. I'm not going to make any predictions about whether this week will be full or not. Time will tell.

    Sheryl, so funny how John loves the stove with others. His play by play is interesting. If there's nothing on TV to watch, he'll have the woodstove to keep him occupied. Glad a walker can help Gayla until she can have the surgery.
    Glad you convinced your mom to come. Hope it all works out okay and glad you got a date set so tickets could be purchased. You've done great with getting the house ready.
    Glad your aunt's surgery went okay. And great that you are researching things that you want to try to help you with your cancer fight. Great that you can watch the modules later if you can't watch them live. Yay on being able to hold the note longer. Keep singing.
    Thankful you can use your teamwork with John to get the tire changed. It's so good he'll let you tell him how to work through things. And very cool that you didn't have to pay for the repair.
    Your massage sounds wonderful.

    Isabella, your friend went out of her way to make your 60 special. Good luck figuring out what to do for her. She must not have many others to get gifts for. Bummer on the not-so- good sandwich. Did you buy anything when you and Jami were out shopping?
    The new dish was potatoes, green beans and smoked sausage in the crockpot. Peeling the potatoes and cutting up the sausage were the hardest part so it was an easy dish. Next time I would drain the green beans - the meat made enough liquid but there was none to start with. Keep doing the greens since you enjoy them. They are good for you. I need to improve my choices.
    I know what your meat with the game but it is the 5 letter game - not a word with 5 letters so she's playing it correctly - just not how we were doing it. So come jump back in.

    Marcie, are you extra busy? Or is Cisco keeping you on the run?

    Today was a cloudy day. It would be great if the clouds brought some rain. Think I'll leave here and head for bed. Have a great week.
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Should have give you the "long" warning again.
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    edited February 2017
    Good Morning. I've missed a few days, with watching the cancer video in the mornings, since I miss most of it live the night before, and working on my email update, I wasn't able to get over here before John got up.

    Isabella, regarding the 5 letter game, I had the same response to ChrisNels1's letters, but Debora is right, It finally dawned on me that it's 5-letter game and I realized that it doesn't have to be a real word. But, we are very slow to change...I'm used to seeing a 5-letter word, not random letters.

    Saturday, I gave John a beard trim, skipped the haircut this time, and he took a shower. I did laundry and we had a nice clean bed Saturday night. Felt good again.

    Debora, wow, you had a busier than normal week. Wednesday evening, a teacher brought in something that you liked that was not soft...what was it? That was the one subject that was missing. I'm picturing crispy, crunchy, something... cookies maybe?
    Last trip to Trader Joe's, I bought a big soft pretzel. I liked it, but John prefers the little crunchy ones instead.

    Marcie, we miss you. Hope all is OK and you are simply busy. Hope to hear from you soon.

    Last night's video is "How To Eliminate Stress & Heal Your Heart", I can't wait to go watch it, this should be fascinating. I mentioned in my email update that the on-going battle with the development behind us is more stressful than anything else in my life. If I can find a solution for that, I may heal completely. But, I feel that some stress is beyond our control.
    Also, in the video about detoxing, he said "separate yourself from toxic people and situations". My mind immediately went to Mom, she is toxic, never joyful, but it's impossible to separate from her.

    Norma received a text from Lara that our aunt is doing quite well. She said that Aunt Esther is much better. She is recognizing things; remembering, and answering with half sentences that make sense. Lara is able to understand what Esther is trying to say even if she does not finish the sentence. With more therapy and time Esther should get better. Lara did not say where Esther is located right now, but she assumes that it is at the Rehab Center.

    I plan to go to Bible study today and then run errands. I wasn't going to start a fire this morning since I'll be gone, but it's chilly and I'm changing my mind. I think I will get the woodstove going and it can burn out while I'm gone and I'll start it up again when I get home. I don't leave for 5 hours, so might as well be warm and cozy for that amount of time.
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Good morning, as usual the week is speeding past. We did get around an inch of rain Sunday evening. So nice even with having to drive on muddy roads. Monday we got up and went to cousin's funeral. Nice service and enjoyed visiting with a young lady planning to go to Ecuador in March to work on a water project. The rest of the day was spent at home - enjoyed that a lot.

    Tuesday I had the morning at home. Felt like I got some things taken care of but there are always more things to add the next day. Tuesday afternoon was Good News Club - about 20 were there - story of Gideon. I got home, we quickly ate and then went to Taryn's concert. Along with the honors choir (4th-6th grade), the 5th grade chimes choir did several numbers - so it lasted about 30 minutes but was done very well. We visited a bit afterwards and then headed home. Almost hit a skunk in our last three miles - there sure seem to be a lot of them roaming around this year.

    Wednesday we worked on the Echoes - made it through two years - have two years that we know about to hole punch yet and then we are going to spend a day at the historical library doublechecking what they have so we can compare to what we have. Then it's going through from the beginning and making sure each page is labeled by month and year. Then it's covers for the notebooks, everything in nicely and the project will be done - except to add the current year every January. And now that the month and date are put on them, it will just be laminating, hole punching and adding to the notebooks. Wow, that makes it look like there's an end to the project but I still see it as several years down the road. :)

    Again, I had the afternoon at home (I could get used to this) and church in the evening. I took a package of cookies in case the one little girl I go to class with forgot and she did but they liked the cookies I took. :) Left right after church and got home and worked on my list for today. And, drrrrrrrum roll, I have the entire day at home. I was moving along pretty well but will get done what gets done. I have a load of laundry going, have cleaned the back stool, and other small things. It seems like I do things but not worth listing. Whatever it is stuff that evidently I think needs to be done. Ha. Tonight is a baby shower. We do showers for first time babies born to families attending our church. This is the fifth child (although she had some miscarriages) but they lived elsewhere when the others were born. In fact their oldest is a senior in high school. (unlike the family that just twins and the oldest is in 4th grade and the twins are numbers 6 & 7). It will be a fun evening and make up for not having Bible study. :)

    Sheryl, yay on the beard trim and shower. There will always be stress in our lives - some good stress and some bad stress (your water battle is the bad kind) - I think it is probably more of how we handle it. The same with detoxing. Not always easy to handle correctly though. Nice that you and Norma have each other to talk too. This series sounds like it has been very helpful for you. Enjoy Bible study and the fire - yes, stay warm - is John willing to leave the stove along when you are gone?

    Off to keep plugging away on things. The dryer is done so can go fold he sheets and towels. More leftover lasagna for lunch so easy fixings. Enjoy your day.
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    edited February 2017
    Wow, it sure is quiet around here, no one popping in for days.

    Good Morning, it's actually quiet here at home too. I went to Bible study Tuesday and brought home Subway sandwiches for late lunch/early dinner. Yesterday was nice outside so John and I did a few outdoor chores that have been waiting for us for months.

    I am behind in the cancer videos, watching them live at 6pm is no longer working out for me. I try to watch them in the mornings, but I get interrupted then also. So, I have purchased the program so I can watch it at my convenience, plus watch them over and over again. It takes several times to get all the info.

    I had a long phone conversation with Mom yesterday. She's coming up with more excuses for not making this trip. I thought that once the tickets were purchased, it's a done deal. But, she may very well just waste those $$$$ on the tickets and stay home. If she gives us more grief about it, I'll just tell her to stay home, why make us ALL miserable. It's too bad, but that's the way it is.

    Isabella, you don't know how right you are about "glow by glow". I am now getting commentary on the colors, the flame is orange...why did it just change to red?...Now, it's yellow. Quite entertaining, if it doesn't make you want to blow your brains out!!!
  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    edited February 2017
    Hi everyone.

    I really got behind here! I've taken the last couple days reading all of your posts that I've missed. Lots going on in your lives!

    We finally caught a break from the rain. More is coming next week, but I'm appreciating the dry weather right now (and so is Cisco!).

    The rivers around here are sure full. After so many years of drought, it's a sight to see.

    Sheryl, no, we weren't affected by the Lake Oroville dam breach. Some staff, and the families of some staff in my office were though. They were part of the evacuation of nearly 190,000 people, but all turned out well for them. Scary stuff.

    Dad had a guy come to the house last weekend to quote us a price for replacing all the doors and closet doors inside the house. Looks like he's going for it and they will most likely do this sometime in the next month. Dad is definitely on a home improvement kick right now. The doors are looking sad, so it's needed, but it will be costly.

    No a whole lot going on in my life right now. Just same-o get up, go to work, come home, etc. I think I'm in a rut. Ha.

    I'm super-tired this morning. I woke up dragging and my eyelids feel like lead. I'm definitely consuming coffee this morning! I'm not looking forward to staring at the monitor all day today here at work. Maybe I'll have more energy as the day goes on.

    Isabella, belated Happy 60th Birthday wishes to you! That cake they got you sounds so yummy! I'm like Debora with regards to the 5-letter game. There's really no rule that the 5-letters needs to make up a word. It's just what we usually do (I think it makes it funner to make it a word and not just random letters). That would irritate me too when they didn't compensate you for the sub-par sandwich or at least offer you a Birthday dessert.

    Sheryl, so glad to hear the surgery is scheduled, and that Norma and your Mom will be coming. I hope all goes well with your Mom when she is there. I was surprised to hear she agreed to come. I had to laugh when you said you had spices in your cabinets dated back to 2014. I have some going back as far as 2000, and one container of cinnamon that my Grandma sent us long before she died in 1994. I definitely need purge. That series you've been watching sounds interesting. Sounds like John is starting to appreciate the new wood stove...at least around others. Cool that Toyota didn't charge you for repairing the tire.

    Debora, yes, my new washer and dryer chime a little song when the cycle is complete. Wow that that store had to close because they didn't have anyone to run it. I've never run across that before. You and Ralph are so great about attending your Grandkids games and events. I never had that as a kid as we lived so far away from my Grandparents. Your's are fortunate to have you!

    It's going to be a busy work day, so I'd better close and get back to it. Have a lovely day everyone.
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good Morning, Oh Marcie, so good to see you. Yay, glad all is well.

    First off...Mom is not coming after all. Long story short, she said she would come because she "didn't want to hurt our feelings". After all these years, she still doesn't know me, I don't get my feelings hurt. I would rather people be honest with me. Anyway, instead of being honest and just saying "No thanks, I don't want to come", she came up with one lame excuse after another and it became a game for me, I could shoot down all of her stupid excuses. She finally got her doctor to "advise" against a long trip like this. Now, she has a scape goat, the doctor said she shouldn't go anywhere. She is just going to stay in her apartment and vegetate and dwindle away. Norma called me last night and after spending Thursday and yesterday with Mom, Norma predicts that Mom will be in a wheelchair within 6 months. Mom can barely shuffle around using the walker and the less she does the weaker she gets. It's so sad. Norma tries so hard, but just can't please her. I pray that this doesn't "break" Norma.

    I had a consultation with the plastic surgeon yesterday. Very interesting information, I'm apparently a special case. Usually, the mastectomy is done and a week or two later is the reconstruction surgery. They are going to do it at the same time only because my oncology surgeon is calling the shots and she doesn't want me under anesthesia more than once. I also found out that I will be having more radiation after surgery. I was not aware of that until yesterday. Not a problem, I'll do what they think is best, it's just that when I was asked about radiation, I said I wasn't having any more and they had to grab the report and show me that I was. I have 2 more pre-op appointments and also will see my oncologist again before surgery. I still need to be told when to stop taking the blood thinners before surgery.

    Marcie, I'm laughing at the cinnamon in your cabinet, does it have any aroma left to it? When I had Tammy, the care-giver/cook, come in after chemo, she cleaned out my cabinet and replenished everything in 2014. I'm told that spices should be changed out every year.

    Well, John is up and I better go.
  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    edited February 2017
    Hi ladies, You ladies are right about the 5 letter game. I thought it was a rule that it had to be an actual word but I guess that is just what we were used to. But I like it that way! :) Okay, I'm over myself - I'll put my big girl panties on and participate. ;) What a great birthday week I've had! We had a wonderful time at the group dinner at the Chinese buffet on Saturday night. Then we all came back here and played dominoes and ate home made brownies that I made for the occasion on Thursday evening, Everyone raved about them (Ghirardelli's mix from Costco). ;)

    I took the day off yesterday for my birthday since I couldn't take my actually birthday off because my boss was out of town. Dan took me to the Angelika Theater which is a luxury movie theater that has big comfy recliners for seats. It was really nice and the early showing is half price so it was only $8.50 each. We saw the movie "Hidden Figures". It is about the black women who helped with the space program. It was a fabulous movie on so many levels, the historic aspect, the great acting, the story lines - an absolute MUST SEE! We went to a burger joint called Grub Burger Bar afterward for lunch. The burgers were delicious! The one I had was called the guacapotle burger. Needless to say, we didn't need to eat dinner. We just had some cheese and crackers later in the evening and a piece of chocolate he bought me from Sees Candy. It was such a wonderful day.

    Today, my friend Jackie who couldn't come to the group dinner took me to Little Italy downtown where we strolled around the farmer's market there then she treated me to lunch. It was expensive!! We had such a good time! We hadn't spent "girl time" together, just the 2 of us without husbands, in a very long time. This evening Dan is taking me to dinner to a really nice Italian restaurant called Café Luna (I guess it is an Italian kinda day!). I am really looking forward to it.

    Debora, so nice that you actually have a few days with time at home this week. I had a skin graft for receding gums for my two lower front teeth a few years ago. I don't really remember but I think it still cost several hundred dollars after the insurance paid. They took the graft from the roof of my mouth so there was a week or two of recovery time. What new shows are you watching? We started watching one called Powerless. It is quirky but we'll watch a few more and see where it goes. When Jami and I went shopping last Saturday I ended up with a cute new top from her and I bought myself a new bra.

    Sheryl, Crazy that your mom agreed to come because she didn't want to upset you. It is better that she stay home if she is going to make everyone miserable. You don't need that right now. This way you and Norma can have plenty of great sister time. It is a real shame that she is declining and will need a wheelchair soon. Norma can't do much about it though. Dan and I discovered the BIG soft pretzel at Trader Joe's too and he loves soft pretzels so I moisten it, sprinkle a little salt on it then heat it in the oven for 5 minutes or so. We really enjoy it. I'm curious, what are some of the foods the cancer program is telling you to eat to fight cancer? Good that it was nice enough for you and John to get outside and do some chores. I bet he was really happy about that. And clean sheet night too! Yay!

    Marcie, so good to "see" you! Thanks so much for the happy birthday wishes. Glad that you weren't affected by the Oroville Dam situation.

    Well, gotta go change for dinner. Have a wonderful week everyone!
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Good evening. I'm winding the day down so have some time till I head for bed. This has been a good week with time at home - and I can't give you a list of great things I did but I feel like I got some things taken care of. Thursday was at home for all day. In the evening I went to a baby shower. They really did up the decorations - fireplace mantle, centerpieces - birds nest with a bird perched on the side, tablecloths on the tables and each place had a teacup and saucer at it - lots of different ones (one of the hostesses has a collection). The devotions was good, refreshments yummy - 3 different quick breads, fruit and cheese, and vanilla chi tea. Our table got busy visiting so missed seeing a lot of the gifts opened which is a drawback for this set-up but it was a fun evening.
    We went from a few days of 60 and 70 for highs and then Friday it barely got over 34. Today it made it to 42. It is February and the cold is more normal but it sure feels cold after the warmth.
    Friday morning was the usual errands. We took some donations from our church to the local pregnancy center and got a tour of the place but otherwise it was the regular stops. We haven't been able to find a marked down sub at Walmart for the last two weeks so I'm starting to try and have something in mind to eat when we get home. We finished up the lasagna this time. In the afternoon, I finished straightening the house - sure wish I would have done the basement sooner. It didn't take that long and makes me feel a lot better when I walk down the steps. I fixed our pizza and salads for supper.
    This morning I got busy and did the food stuff for Sunday cause I was maybe going to go with Lori to watch Thomas play in his school state equivalency. They ended up being able to ride in the van that Jim was driving for the school so I stayed home. It would have been fun but I got things done here too. I picked out a new dish which is roasted so not sure how it will work with the potatoes since they will be in the oven a couple of hours before they start cooking. I hope they won't turn dark. Time will tell. This evening Ralph realized we forgot to go to a poultry sale last night so now have to wait another month. I'll write it down this time. I cut up a pineapple for dinner and then made a broccoli/raisin salad for the fellowship meal we're going to for the evening.
    Heard from brother with parkinsons. His kids helped him move into an assisted living place this weekend. He falls to easily and his place had stairs which he can't do. He was like my dad and could about fix anything and was always good about coming out here and that all came to a screeching stop. And he has a kind that is untreatable and progresses quickly. He wonders if he got it from exposure to agent orange.

    Sheryl, glad you made it to Bible study. Are all the sub sandwiches $6 this month? They are here. We don't eat there like we used to but they are good. Definitely easy to transport. Buying the videos sounds like a smart idea so you don't have to feel rushed going through them.

    Marcie, so good to hear from you. Replacing all the doors - that a big project but never thought about doing it. We've replaced the front door twice I think but never thought about replacing any others. Tired and staring at a monitor. Did you sneak a nap in on your lunch hour? So good to hear your drought is really past. We're not as dry as you were, but could use some rain again.
    My spices are not up to date either but I keep using them - probably not as potent but I hate to toss our containers that still have a lot in them.
    It was only the pharmacy part of the store that was closed - just for part of the one day. It was open when I had to go this week. Not the usual thing for a store.

    Sheryl, sorry your mom isn't coming since Norma put out the money but if she doesn't want to you'll have a better time without her. Norma can release her frustrations in person. Anything still going on with her and Simon? I would want to go just to be with my daughter but maybe I'll be different when I'm her age. She's making her choices and I'm with you, I hope Norma can let this stuff roll off her back. If she ends up in a wheelchair, she'll need more care too.
    Interesting that they told you they don't normally do the reconstruction at the same time cause the person here just had them both at the same time. Glad you can do it at once. Takes a lot of appointments to get everything lined up.
    I've heard that about spices too - I sometimes think some of those things are said just to help the sales - spices are not cheap and some aren't used a lot.

    Isabella, what a fun birthday week. Lots of good eating and fun activities. Glad you were able to enjoy so many different things. So wonderful when everyone shows you how special you are.
    If you had that surgery a few years ago, it's probably more and I won't have any insurance help for that. The roof of the mouth was where she said she would take it from too. I have a chart and have been putting $100 a month toward dental and it spends more time in the hole than gaining. :)

    Remembered today about some sour milk in the fridge I have so will look for a cookie recipe and use it for that. I will try and bake cookies for Good News Club. I haven't had very many volunteers for cookies but don't want to serve boughten ones every week - although some of the kids eat those the best.
    I'll leave you guys and surf the web for a recipe to use. Have a good Sunday. I plan to.