Pot Bellied Stove / Water Cooler



  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    Hi all, we had our free concert today. It was fabulous! It was a 6 member bluegrass band. mandolin, banjo, fiddle, base, and 2 guitars. Such fun, happy music! Then we went to a new local taco shop type restaurant. It was pretty tasty. Did our Trader Joe's and Sprouts shopping after that and here I am catching up with you all now. :)

    Greasysbal, so glad you popped in. You'll have to stay and chat when you get a chance.

    Sheryl, sounds like your CT scan went pretty well. Hope they can figure out something to do about your paralyzed diaphragm. I never heard of mypillow. I'll have to check it out now that you and Marcie are talking about them.

    Marcie, those oranges sure look good! Nothing like home grown! We've been having steady rain too but not bad. Had a beautiful sunny day today. We heard that the draught was only "mostly" over. ;)

    Debora, sorry to hear about your cousin. How is it going staying at Derrick's with the kids? Did you get icy conditions where you are these last couple of days?

    Well, Dan is waiting so I'm going to run. I'll try to check in tomorrow.
  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    edited January 2017
    Good morning.

    Yesterday was sure a pretty day. Cold, but clear sunny skies. I got a lot of errands done. Got the car washed, went shoe shopping trying to find some comfy walking shoes (fail!), went to Best Buy and bought an Ipod Shuffle (mine went kaput a few months ago), went out for breakfast at Rosie's (the place where we went for Thanksgiving...they are much better with their breakfast than with Thanksgiving dinner!), went to Rite Aid (needed to restock on moisturizer and a bunch of other items for the bathroom), got gas, and then got groceries.

    I asked Dad when he wanted and where he wanted to go for his Birthday dinner and he chose to go last night. He wanted to go to Claim Jumpers. That was my first time going there. It was a bit of a drive getting there, but worth it. He had their french dip with a spicy Thai peanut cole slaw, and I had the cheese burger with shoe string fries. I guess he missed the word "spicy" when ordering, so I ate the cole slaw (it wasn't too spicy and it was so good) and I gave him most of my fries. We even splurged and ordered a piece of their super rich and yummy six layer chocolate cake to share. That thing was HUGE...enough for five or six people to share, so we had lots of leftover cake to bring home. I asked the waiter if anyone has ever eaten a whole piece of cake in one sitting, and he admitted he had done so once...and then got real sick afterwards! They are a bit pricey, but since we went with sandwiches, it wasn't too bad.

    I think it's time that I start looking around for a new computer. While I was trying to sync my new Ipod Shuffle last night with Itunes, it was just giving me all kinds of grief. I'm still trying to complete that sync and get my music on to the Shuffle. The computer is way old, so I guess it's time. I mostly use my Ipad, and it's rare I even turn on the computer, but I need it sometimes.

    Isabella, that concert sounds like it was fun! Yeah, I heard it was "mostly" over too.

    Well, I think I'd better close and go eat something. I haven't eaten today yet. I'm thinking "brunch" sounds good. Have a great day everyone.
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good Morning. This past weekend was rough. John definitely has cabin fever and can't find anything to keep him busy in the house. There's still lots of snow outside and he gets cold so fast, I don't want him venturing out. I thought sports on tv would be good, but he just won't sit for any length of time and even basketball, his favorite, couldn't keep his attention.

    I'm really torn about this woodstove this morning. I cleared the front deck of snow and tried to shovel part of the front walk and driveway, but I don't know how they can get the new stove through the snow. I finally got the front gate to open all the way, so a vehicle can get through it. But, I assume they will use a hand truck to move the stove and that will be difficult in the snow. There's also still snow on the roof, I don't know how that would affect installing the chimney. I'll call them early and see what they say. I really have no problem postponing again. I want the job done correctly the first time, not have problems with the installation and have to have them come back. Plus, the snow may slow them down and I have an appointment with the throat specialist. I need to leave the house at 3:15 pm and Scott said that they'd be done about 2 pm, but that was before the snow.

    Isabella, John and I would have loved your afternoon concert this week, Bluegrass is our favorite.

    Marcie, your meals always have my attention...sounds so good.

    I think that's it for this morning, I'll let you know what happens.

  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Big wave of relief came over me. I called the store at 7:30, no answer, I knew they weren't open yet, but thought I could leave a message. At 8:40, I got a call from Morton's Stoves and they said that due to the bad weather, they hadn't been able to go pick up the hearth pad yet. So, installation is scheduled for Friday, January 27th. They asked about next Friday, but I have the PET scan scheduled for that day. Now, I can relax for the morning, take a hot shower later and get ready for my appointment with the ENT. I was super stressed and gave myself a headache, it's almost all gone now.
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    edited January 2017
    Good Morning, so much to say this morning. We're expecting freezing rain today, so Bible study has been cancelled, don't want anyone running off the road. Still lots of ice on the roads, I skidded just a bit going to my appointment yesterday. The State Hwy and the freeway were cleared, but the smaller streets and parking lots are a mess.

    The snow itself isn't unusual, but the fact that it wasn't immediately followed by rain to wash it all away is unusual. We haven't had snow/ice on the roads last this long, not used to it and apparently, can't handle it. My appointment yesterday was 4 pm and I got there early since I didn't know how the roads would be. I filled out all the forms for a new patient and sat and waited, and waited and waited. It wasn't bad, actually kind of nice to sit quietly, without interruption. Not having to answer John's questions over and over again. But, since it was already so late in the day, I didn't know how John would handle it, me being gone after dark. But, I didn't think there was anything I could do, I knew that John would not answer the phone, so why bother calling him? Also, in the past, I will tell him when to expect me home in the note I leave on the counter, but when I get home a little late, he says he doesn't even know what time it is. Although, now I realize that was because he was outside, keeping busy. John is going crazy inside and got upset that I wasn't home by 7 pm. He called Gayla and asked what to do. She said she would talk to Jack and call him back. Fortunately, I got home (7:35) and called Gayla to tell her I was home and all is well. I will have to be better prepared next time, however, I probably won't have any more late appointments, I hope. What surprised me most, and Jack and Gayla, is that John used the phone and made the connection. When I'm home, he tells me that he can't use the phone.

    The doctor did an endoscopy and said the left larynx is still paralyzed. He said my voice is a little better because the right larynx is doing double duty. The left side is also bowed from not being used, so even when the right side moves way over and meets up with it, there's still a gap, causing things to fall through. There is a surgical procedure, put in an implant, to straighten, stiffen and move the left vocal chord over, so the right side doesn't have to work so hard and also it will help close up that gap. But, not guaranteed to eliminate the choking. May help my voice, but my voice is not my main concern. I have lots to think about. He said wait until all the other tests are done, swallow test tomorrow and PET scan on Friday, and discuss options with my other doctors. Funny, as we were talking and the doctor was learning of my problems, he said "Oh, you are patient that Dr. Bucerzan was talking to me about. He was asking me what I thought and I said, I don't know who you're talking about, I haven't seen her yet". Now, I guess they can discuss me, I'm being talked about by professionals.

    The bad thing about being so stressed these past couple of weeks, is that my BP reads high in the doctors' offices and those doctors think I should go back to the meds. I'll talk to my PCP and figure something out, I guess I do need the help of medication.

    I will take it easy today, just wait for the rain to make it all muddy again. I have enjoyed the hard frozen ground to walk on.

  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    OK, this is NOT meant to be...me watching the series of Victoria on Masterpiece.
    I set up the DVR for Sunday night and John overloaded the circuit with space heaters and popped the circuit breaker. I reset the tv and DVR and checked the timer and thought it was good, but it did not record. During last night, 3 am to 5 am, it was repeated and I set the DVR again. This morning, it's not there. Oops, I had left the timer on PM instead of changing it to AM. I would have recorded something later this afternoon instead of the wee hours of the morning.
  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    edited January 2017
    Good afternoon all.

    The long weekend is over. Sigh. I could have used another day! The next holiday is President's Day next month.

    Dad put on his IT hat and took a crack at working on my computer on Sunday. That thing is a mess. He spent a couple hours on it and got it where I could sync my new Ipod Shuffle. He said he thinks he can get it where it runs faster, and will tinker with it this week. If all else fail, I'll start researching and figure out what I want to replace it with. My operating system now is the Vista (tells you how old it is!). I was able to place about 400 songs on the Shuffle. I don't care for the new design. Apple always messes with things that don't need to be messed with!

    Yesterday I dye my hair. It's been about a year since the last time I did that. My hair isn't fully gray yet, but lots of annoying gray strands keep popping up all over the place. I dyed it a medium brown, close to my real color (before the grays started making their unwanted appearance). If Mom were around, she'd probably be chuckling at me. I used to always tell her that she needed to stop dyeing her hair so I could see what her true color was at that age (and then know what to expect for myself!), and she would call me a brat and tell me that she wouldn't want to spoil the surprise. Ha!

    It's cold here today. It was mid 30s when I got up and it's 40 now. Not too bad, but there is a breeze which makes it feel colder. Poor little Cisco's ears where freezing when he and Dad got back from their walk this morning. He got in bed with me and I just rubbed his ears until it was time to get up...of course I wrapped him in a blanket like a dog burrito. That dog just has such a hard life!

    I got some really sad news when I got to work this morning. A lady here at work collapsed while at Target last weekend and was rushed to the hospital, where she passed away. She was only in her mid-50s, but has been dealing cardiovascular problems for the past decade. I was her supervisor from 1998-2000, and have worked with her intermittently ever since. She was just one of the sweetest people here at work. I'm just so very sad about her passing. :'( Her family asked that we not send flowers. Just if we want to, collect money that we can donate to one of her favorite charities. Like they did with my co-worker who committed suicide last June, they will set up a couple sessions with an EAP Counselor here for anyone that feels they need it. I don't plan on attending. I did attend one of the sessions for Patrick last June, but mostly because a friend of mine who was really close to him wanted to go, but didn't want to go alone. I also think it is quite different losing someone to suicide vs. natural causes.

    Sheryl, what a long day you had yesterday. I can't stand the waiting part of visits to the doctors, but I can see where you would like the quiet time. That's quite a decision you'll have to make, but at least they are working at finding a solution. I hope it warms enough to thaw you out! We get a snow here maybe once every 5 years or so, but it never enough to build up or stick. Hasn't happened during the drought at all though.

    Sheryl, how frustrating about your recording! Can you watch the episode online? Sometimes the networks will have videos of their programs available on the websites. Also, sometimes you'll find them on YouTube.

    Wow, I just looked up at the clock and it's already almost 1 pm. This day is flying by. I guess I'd better close and go eat a little something before getting back to work. I'm just going to have a light lunch today. I brought in a bag of celery sticks (been on a celery kick lately) and some yogurt.

    Have a nice day everyone!
  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    This blue ball factory is kind of mesmerizing.

    Blue Ball Factory
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Hi, I suppose you're in for another long one. I headed to Lindsey's after church. She had their bed ready for me and she slept downstairs until time to leave and a uber driver took her to the airport. Deacon came down to my bed sometime during the night and I let him crawl in. Each morning I got up early and got some walking down in the basement till time to get kids up. Kids got up well, got dressed. First morning Brecken didn't want to go to school but I pushed her out the door. Madden (20 months) plays well on his own which surprised me. He also learned to open bedroom doors during the time I was there. Lindsey keeps a very clean, organized house. Some of the places where toys are kept are not neat but they are behind doors so room appearance is good. Kids helped pick up well - they know where things go and I'd finish up at naptime or after they went to bed. I'd sit outside of the boys bedroom at naptime and doze for 10 or 15 minutes myself. Meals I kind of let them choose from available stuff. Friday the two girls wanted to take lunches but other than get the lunchboxes down, they packed them themselves.
    Ralph came out Thursday afternoon as I accidentally through my phone charger in the wrong bag and he stayed the night. Kids had fun chasing him around. Friday night we stayed up later and watched a movie (Parent Trap). Some of the kids are pickier eaters than the others which is interesting. First day I tried to jolly everyone out of bad moods, second I got a bit frustrated and then if there was whining, I just took them to the bedroom till they wanted to be happy. Worked well. Two went there more than the others. I had taken some surprises - activities or things for them that I pulled out as I wanted. Tarn gave us a recorder concert one evening. They all took baths on Saturday. Just the normal care of 5 kids.
    Ralph came back on Saturday to move things around so he could get my car in the garage. We were supposed to get a bad ice storm. He did get it in but I knew he would also have to get it out. We did get ice and he trees and bushes were so pretty to look at. And streets didn't end up being too bad in the area but we still stayed home. Partly cause I didn't want to get the car out and also, their church cancelled the first service so would only be childcare for the youngest. Ralph went to our church and then came in, got their van out and we went to McDonalds to eat and Lori and Alan's met us there. We didn't get to sit together to eat but the kids had fun in the play place afterwards - stayed there almost two hours. Then it was home and naps for the boys, more play, supper, making hockey pucks which only I liked but they did like the dipped pretzels. The parents got home about 6. There were lots of surprises for the kids with all the freebies Derek picked up at the convention. (I got fruit taffy and fudge as a thank you). The girls then showed them the 300 piece puzzle we did, I picked it up, took my stuff to the car and headed home.
    Ralph was glad to have me home. Monday he had an eye appointment on his dry eyes. He'll continue the med he's on till it's gone and see how it is going off and then he can decide if the eyedrops are worth it or not. It's an expensive medicine but I think it is helping more than he realizes. Biggest "pain" is I have to do it for him - just a lot easier that way. Then we got some errands taken care of, ate and headed home. For supper he helped me make chili - he even cut up the onion and celery. I had left him with frozen meals but he only used two as he went to two funerals and they served meals afterwards and he ate two meals in with us.
    Today was entirely at home and I got everything unpacked. I got started applying for Social Security and began undecorating which is another one of those things that won't take that long. Tried to get a bunch of little things taken care of. Tomorrow it's back to working on the E choes - regular stuff is all starting back up. For now it's time to head for bed so I'll shoot this off now. (And not as long as I thought it would be).
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good Morning. Started raining yesterday at 1:30 pm and has continued with warmer temps, (we're already in the mid 40's at 5 am), so we should be thawing out soon. The gorge is still freezing rain, so there's massive ice and closed down Interstate 84 heading from Troutdale east all the way to Hood River, but we are good here. That's typical, they close that route every winter for a short period of time. There are howling winds through the gorge and that keeps it colder.

    Marcie, yes, that blue ball factory is quite something to watch.
    My condolences on your loss of another co-worker and friend. I probably would not check in with the grief counselors either. Some of us can process that stuff on our own.

    Debora, you had quite a workout with those grandkids. I've been away from small kids for so long, I wouldn't know what in the world to do with them anymore. And to think, when I was young, I wanted to have as many kids as possible and ended up with none, but now, I'm glad it turned out that way.

    Gayla went in yesterday for a shot in her shoulder. Last week, she had an enormous pain as she raised her arm and it didn't go away. She thinks it's attributed to using the cane and/or crutches to help with her hip. Using muscles and twisting joints that haven't been used like that before. I hope it helps.

    John got up and questioned me about today and the weather and a bump near his ear. He has now gone back to bed. He may fall back to sleep, or, he'll be back in just a few minutes.
    I guess I'll close for now.
  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    Good morning.

    On the way home from work yesterday I drove by a new place called Rubios Coastal Grille, so popped in and checked them out. Their claim is that they use only fresh ingredients. I bought Dad and I a chicken burrito and took them home. They were okay, but don't know that I would make a special trip back there. Just meh.

    Worst commute to work EVER this morning! When I was driving in I noticed the stretch of the Business 80 Freeway was a parking lot (worst than usual), so I decided to take an alternate route on Highway 160. The problems on 160 were what was causing the back up on 80. As I was inching my way up 160 I finally got to the point where I would turn on to the street downtown to get me to the office and the police had that street blocked. Everyone was being diverted onto a road I wasn't familiar with. I spent about 45 minutes driving around trying to figure out how to get to work. I finally threw up my hands, and drove like I was going home. Once I could, I caught another freeway, then had to merge onto I-5 South, then had to merge onto the Q street exit, then had to slowly make my way to the street where my office is located (of course hitting every light on red!). The whole trip too two hours!!! From what I understand, there was a "despondent" person on the street the police were blocking, but it had traffic in all directions jammed up terribly. Okay...Rant over.

    We were supposed to get another round of rain and wind later this afternoon, but it turns out it arrived early. Dad and Cisco got drenched on their walk at dawn this morning. By the time I got up it was just a light drizzle, but it's supposed to pick up later the after. The way this day is going, it will probably be during my afternoon commute home.

    Dad spent some time tinkering with my computer yesterday while I was at work. He got frustrated after awhile because it's so slow. Says he'll continue today. I just know I'm going to wind up replacing the wheezy old thing (the computer...not Dad, ha!).

    The funeral service for my co-worker will be noon next Saturday at her church. I may try to go. Gonna have to figure out how to get there. I've never been in that area of the city. I was talking (on Facebook) with a former co-worker (now retired). She lives in Oregon now and plans to fly to Sacramento to attend the funeral.

    Sheryl, all that pretty snow is going away. I'll bet you'll be glad to have the roads clear again. Poor Gayla is sure having a time of it. I sure hope she gets some relief from that pain.

    Debora, wow, a busier week for you than normal. I didn't think that was possible!

    Back to work. :)

  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    Woo hoo! Yesterday I lost one of my favorite mitten/fingerless gloves. I must have dropped of them in the elevator at work yesterday afternoon. I just went up to the lost and found desk and after much digging through that box they found my glove. I'm so happy some nice person took the time to take them to lost and found. :)
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Good morning, I've been out and walked with my friend and now have about an hour till I head for the church. One problem is I can't remember for sure if we meet at 9 or 9:30. I think it's 9:30 so I'll leave at 9 and be fashionably late or a little early and take care of a couple of things. :)

    Sheryl, you were smart to put off your mammogram and swallow test. That was quite a snow to even shut down a hospital area. It was a beautiful snow. I know you'll do them soon. Good job on the shoveling you did - that is hard work.

    Marcie, nice that you've been getting some good rains. We've talked about getting the MyPillow. I know several who have - they just cost more than we usually pay for pillows so we keep talking. Good to hear your dad likes his. Yay for your smoothie. I wish I liked them - such a good way to get several servings of fruits and veggies with little work.

    Sheryl, I'm with John, every pretty snow is like brand new. Hey, I decided Sunday I should start logging again. I was staying at the top of my 5 pound range. So far I'm staying within the calories but need to do it with healthier choices. (oops - just remembered I forgot to record one thing I ate yesterday - it will put me over but it was a good hockey puck). Marcie makes it look so easy. I don't think she keeps much sweets in the house (and I like mine too well).

    Marcie, bummer on having to drive in hard rain - makes the commute even less fun. :) Gift cards to places your dad enjoys going to was a neat gift idea. Ha, water rates go down - that's doesn't happen much once they go up. Those oranges are beautiful. Are the trees hard to grow? I'd have strained the pulp out too. I seldom drink any juice anymore - don't even enjoy it like I used to. Sorry you woke up early on a non-work day. Does your sandwich maker cook the egg?

    Isabella, I love hearing about your free concerts. Just thought about a girl who talked about playing in free band concerts last summer - may have to check and see if they do them this summer. And getting you shopping done - nice Saturday.

    Marcie, good luck on the walking shoes. When the ones you like wear out, they don't make the same kind anymore. I found a pair last fall that weren't too expensive and have slowly been buying up my size as I see them. My first two now have been retired with their 500 miles and I've started on the next two but should be good for a couple of years now. :) That's smart to look for a computer before yours goes out. Hopefully, what your dad does will make its life longer.
    Sheryl, sorry you had a rough weekend. There just aren't many inside things John can putter with. Your patience is amazing. Hope the third time is the charm with the woodstove. It's good to make the appointments work with your schedule so you don't have to rush. Sorry Bible study got cancelled but safety is more important. Nice that you enjoyed the quiet time. And you got home safely and all was okay there. And you learned more about your larynx. Knowing what's wrong is helpful even if it's still not fun to deal with. It's good that you have a good group of doctors working with you. Waiting to talk to your PCP is a good idea. If the stress could be lessened. And if you need the meds, it's not the worst thing (as long as they aren't too expensive).
    Funny but not funny about your recording problems. Sure hope the shot helps Gayle.

    Marcie, so nice how you help Cisco warm up - probably helps him endure the cold walks. We're up to 50 today after starting up at 28 so we go up and down.
    So very sorry to hear about your co-worker. You have come good memories of her. It's nice for the grief sessions to be set up for those who have a need for them.
    Oh my, blue ball factory is a busy picture - so much fun to watch.

    We got started back on the Echoes this morning. Took a little bit to remember where we were at. Now working at home till church. Plan to make some cream biscuits to use up the whipping cream I have. Enjoy your day. It's a pretty one here.
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Good morning. Mother Nature got me up this morning so I ate a fried egg sandwich and am ready to start on my list. Wednesday night class was good - story was told in a very interesting way. Kindergartner I go with knew her verse and we had yummy brownies (which put me over but not too much). And there was some good visiting after church while we waited for junior choir to get over. Walking is really needed so I can eat more.
    Marcie, my computer has Vista on it too but I'll stay with it as long as I can.
    I'm excited cause I actually get to go to Bible study tonight.
    Have a good Thursday.
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good Morning.
    Looks like I get one more chance to record the first episode of Victoria (Friday night at 11:00) before the second episode airs on Sunday. I'd like to have them in order on the dvd. I'll be very careful setting the timer this time. I know I won't be awake for it.

    The swallow test yesterday was very interesting. She gave me 4 different things to swallow, first, the liquid barium, a thick milk, then the barium was the consistency of pudding. Then, the pudding was on a graham cracker and I had to chew and then swallow, and lastly, a barium tablet, taken as I would take my pills with water. The x-ray was video and we could really see what was going on. First thing abnormal is the hyoid bone. When swallowing, it should move upward and outward, mine only moves up, but not out. Then, it's noticeable that food and drink are not going directly into the trachea, causing the aspirating when I swallow, but residue stays at the top of the esophagus and later, falls into the trachea. She labeled that as Pharyngeal swallowing problem/Esophageal transfer problem. So, that's why I choke anytime, even after a meal, I can choke on the food that I ate before because it's hanging around in the wrong place. She gave me a hand-out of tips, which the majority of them, I'm already doing. Smaller bites, chew really well, alternate sips of water between bites of food and swallow several times before next bite. The pulmonary doctor had asked me if I have acid reflux, I said no. I didn't think I have any problems with digestion, no heart burn or anything else that I relate to acid reflux. But, the ENT said I do have acid reflux, my throat was irritated by it, so this hand-out addresses that also. Stay upright for 60/90 minutes after eating, avoid bedtime snacks. Sleep with head elevated. I already do that, I use two pillows in bed. But, now, I do have to avoid snacking and going right to bed. I'll see what the other doctors say once they get this report.

    I got a lot of grocery shopping done and got home at a reasonable hour, fixed dinner and took it easy. Today, I stay home. Tomorrow, I go to Portland for a PET scan.

    Marcie, congratulations on finding your favorite gloves. It's a great feeling when finding a lost item, I do that all the time for John, of course, many times, those "lost" items are sitting right there in front of him. Hope your commute to work gets better as people get used to driving in rain, or the rain lets up during those hours. And, nobody tries to have another standoff with the police on your favorite road.
    I shared the Blue Ball Factory with Carol and she replied that she found it fascinating.

    Debora, what's a hockey puck? I mean in your context, I gather, by what you said, it must be a cookie of some kind? I can sure see how you can maintain your weight, you are so active, but also good that you are logging again. I know it has really kept me on track. I'm down 5 pounds since the beginning of the year. I haven't had any gravy in a long time, some healthy sauces, but no thick, rich, creamy gravy. You know I'm a gravy girl, biscuits and gravy, mashed potatoes and gravy, I would even go for gravy on gravy. Uh oh, I'm talking myself into wanting gravy now.

    You and Marcie still on Vista?!?!?!? Com'on girls, get with the times!!!! You know I am being sarcastic, I hate change and started with Windows XP and still wished we had it. If Vista works for you, hang on to it as long as you can.

    Marcie, Debora mentioned how nice you are to warm up Cisco after his chilly morning walks. You're a saint, I'd probably ban him from my nice warm toasty bed. Well, probably not, those beautiful big eyes would melt me and I'd let him under the covers.

    The only snow left in our yard are the piles of snow from shoveling the walk. With our warmer temps and more rain, those will be gone very soon. Back to mud. Yesterday morning, the ground was still frozen hard so I didn't sink into the mud, but the snow melt and rain water sure caused me to wade through lots of water out there. No where for it to go.

  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    edited January 2017
    Good morning everyone.

    The weather yesterday was pretty severe here. Rain all day coupled with sustained strong winds. Some of the wind gusts got over 60 mph. The city was just a mess. Trees falling down all over the place on homes, cars and busy streets, street flooding here and there, accidents on the freeways, power outages all over the place, etc. One big rig flip over on an overpass and shut down one busy freeway during the afternoon commute (took some over 3 hours to get through that) and wasn't cleared up until 9:30 last night. One family of three was leaving downtown yesterday around 6 pm and a tree fell on their truck crushing the cab. They were extremely lucky and were able to get out unscathed. We lucked out. Didn't lose power and are trees are still standing. Before going to bed I made sure the flashlights had fresh batteries and I got out my wind up alarm clock...just in case.

    The storm has sure warmed us up. It was already up to 50 degrees by the time I got to work this morning. They say the rain will continue on through the weekend. I read online somewhere a comment from someone who said "when California ends a drought they don't mess around!" Ha. All of the ski resorts up north of us are super excited right now with all the snow, of course.

    When Dad and Cisco went for this walk at dawn this morning Dad said the sky was clear and they could see the stars. Well, that was over by the time I left for work. It poured on me the whole way in. Luckily the strong winds haven't returned (yet) and the traffic was back to normal.

    We got a call from my Aunt in North Carolina last night. She called to let us know that her son (my cousin) with the brain tumor passed away yesterday. Earlier this month he had fallen into a coma and was on life support, but came out of that. He spent his final days in incredible pain that no pain medicine to alleviate. My Aunt is just grateful that he is no longer suffering. His two brothers had flown in earlier this month when he was on life support, and stayed for a couple weeks, but had to return home to go back to work, so they weren't with him yesterday. Just such a sad thing. He was only 40 years old and leaves behind two young children. What with the passing of my co-worker this week and now my cousin, that's enough already. :'(

    Sheryl, if you aren't able to record the first episode of Victoria, the PBS website at Victoria (click on "Watch Online") appears to have it available online. Sounds like you got some useful tips yesterday. I hope they help!

    Sheryl, I probably would have upgraded my computer's operating system a long time ago if I didn't have an Ipad. I just prefer using that thing over the computer. Easy to carry around anywhere. Yeah, Cisco knows he's allowed to get on my bed...as long as he's not wet from the rain! He also knows that if he gets up on my bed and I point to the floor, that means go get in your own bed. On the rare occasions when I do that, he obeys, but gives me a sad pitiful "why don't you love me" look when doing so.

    Debora, yes, my sandwich maker cooks the egg and warms up the English muffin, cheese and whatever cooked meet is added (4 minutes for a softer yolk, 5 minutes for a harder yolk...I'm a hard yolk person). Never heard of a cream biscuit, but it sounds yummy!

    I guess I'd better get back to work. Got lots to get done today. Have a nice day everyone.

  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good Morning. A quick note as I get ready to leave for the PET scan, but I definitely want to tell you, Marcie, how sorry I am that you lost your cousin, and at such a young age. As we lose family who have lived a long, full life, it's expected, but to lose a younger person who has children of their own, we question it. So, so sorry for your family as you deal with this loss.
  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    edited January 2017
    Good morning everyone.

    Yesterday I went online (a company called the "Woman Within") and ordered a couple bras. I made the stupid mistake last weekend of tossing my white bras in with the load of laundry that had my new blue bath towel. My bras are now a lovely (not!) faded blue color. I don't know why I did that. I guess I'll just chalk it up to yet another senior moment.

    On the drive home yesterday I needed to stop at WalGreens, and decided to pop in to a new restaurant nextdoor to that store. It's called the River City Brewing Company. I had their house burger with a side of their cole slaw. Really good and burger was cooked perfectly. The burger was a 1/2 pound patty, so I couldn't eat the whole thing. That restaurant is part of a centre called the Milagro Centre. It's one long building that has that restaurant, a mexican restaurant (haven't tried them yet), a gillato/frozen yogurt shop (haven't tried them yet either), and a community center. Pretty neat place. Before that centre was built, that lot held a Waffle restaurant for many, many years. My Mom, Dad and I frequently went to that restaurant on Saturday mornings. I was sad when they demo'd that building to make room for the new restaurants.

    I'm not sure I care much for those new towels I ordered. They are just so thick and heavy (almost need a forklift to use them when they are wet!), and the bath towel shedded on me when I took my last shower. I'm hoping after a few washes that will stop. I don't think I will order that brand of towels again.

    I noticed Jessica on Facebook was talking about the Instant Pot yesterday. I checked it out online and viewed some videos on it on YouTube. Pretty interesting appliance. Costs about $100. I may get one down the road. But, before I do I need to figure out where on my kitchen counters it would live. I won't buy any kitchen appliance if I have to store it out of sight. History has shown that those appliances NEVER get used! I watched one video where a woman made homemade greek yogurt in that appliance. It took about 17 hours to complete that process. I don't see myself committing that much time to yogurt, but it was interesting to watch.

    Another bad commute to work this morning, but nothing like the 2 hour trek earlier this week! I never did hear what the issue was this morning. Just never got over 10 mph once I hit the freeway. Was about 30 minutes late to work. Grrr.

    Trying to listen to the inauguration, but the two radio stations I listen to in the morning are both having "technical" issues. Coincidence? I'm thinking not. Scanned other radio stations in the area and found one that is not having "technical" issues.

    It sure is windy this morning. I just walked outside the building a few minutes ago using my very sturdy bubble umbrella, and the wind was trying to blow it out of my hands. That type of umbrella won't bend backwards like the standard umbrellas, but the wind can get underneath it and try to blow it upwards if you don't hang on tightly. I like the bubble umbrellas because it keeps the rain off you better.

    They say we should have rain and wind pretty consistently throughout the weekend and into the first of next week. I need to run some errands tomorrow, and may attend my co-worker's funeral, so I predict I'll be a wind-blown mess tomorrow.

    Dad said when he and Cisco were walking this morning at dawn, it was raining, but the wind was blowing so hard that it was drying the rain as quick as it was falling. So, no wet dog this morning. Yay! I think my summer dog is longing for warm weather. After so many years of drought (all the years he's been alive), he's not used to sustained rainy, cold and windy weather.

    Sheryl, thank you so much for your kind words. I hope the roads are safe for you to drive on today!

    I guess I'll get back to work and get this day done. Even though it was a short work-week, I'm looking forward to the weekend! Have a nice day everyone.
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Hello, my last two days have gone much differently than I anticipated. I was starting on things Thursday when Alan called to see what I was doing. They had appointments to go to and the school had called to say Ava had thrown up which is an automatic go home. So I headed to town to get her and bring back here till they came home which ended up being 1:30. She never threw up again and played fine. I let her eat applesauce, some cheese and saltine crackers for lunch. As soon as they picked her up, I got ready to do what I had planned to do in the morning. I loaded my recycling, grabbed the Good News invites and headed for town. I could mail my package cause the Post Office is only open in the morning. After that I took some eggs to a friend in the area for the year and had a good visit. Then it was home, do my list for Friday and go to Bible Study. We celebrated two January birthdays and had a good study together.
    I was so thankful Deacon didn't have any asthma problems while I was taking care of him but it didn't last. Yesterday (after 2 bad days at home), Lindsey was back in the ER with him and they ended up being admitted. This was his 4th ER time and second hospitalized. Haven't heard if they'll get out today or not.
    When I got home from Bible study I had a note to call Alan and he asked if I could come over at 6:15 and be with the other three till they got on the school bus (they don't plan ahead real well) and they took Ava in for surgery. If I understood the plan, they are snipping the tendon on her leg that her heel won't touch the ground. They'll cast it (walking cast) in position and the scar tissue will fill it in. This should let her walk more normally and she won't have to wear braces or get botox shots which sound positive to me. So instead of walking with my friend, I went to Alan's house. Kids were already up and going so after eating, they had time to play a bit. I drove them out to meet the bus and headed home when it came. Ralph and I went to town and went to about 10 different places. We had found a sandwich at Walmart which was out dinner when we got home about 1:30. Now I'm working on my list. Noticed the roads by home had been graded this morning so no longer had a dead skunk in the middle of the road.

    Sheryl, I was going to tell you I noticed the Saturday showing. After you mentioned the show, I thought I'd check it out so looked for the first one. That was a very detailed swallow study and beneficial in that they learned more things and moved you one more step along. It's good to know you're already doing things to help you. Nice to have a day between appointments to rest up . :)
    A hockey puck is two round crackers (like Ritz) with peanut butter between them and then dipped in almond bark (usually white). I really like them but had never made them before. Congrats on the 5 pounds. Slowly but steady is a good way to do it. I do try and stay active but without the walking I do, I wouldn't get that may calories. I like gravy too so just enjoy it once in awhile.
    Yep, I'll have Vista as long as this computer works and then will have to switch to whatever the next one has. Your snow didn't last long - the mess afterwards is not as nice.

    Marcie, you are really getting the rain and it's needed but the winds and downpour that go with it aren't so fun. Glad you didn't lose trees or power. So sorry to hear about your cousin. That's enough loss to surround you right now. Prayers for you and the family. It won't be an easy time for sure.
    Your sandwich maker is tempting. Wish it would also do regular bread cause we always have it around. I'm been doing fried egg sandwiches for breakfast and this would be so easy. I think I'll google it. Cream biscuits are basically biscuits made with whipping cream rather than butter and milk. Rich tasting.
    Even if the bra isn't a pretty color, at least others don't see it. Those things are easier to do than you think (or I just have a lot of senior moments).
    Glad the new restaurant was good. Sorry the new towels aren't so great. They sounded wonderful. Shedding is no fun. My daughter likes hers cause of putting stuff in and not having to stir it. With what you make, I'm not sure I'd see you using it a lot. But I could be wrong. I need to ask Lori is she is still using hers quite a bit.
    Your work commutes vary so much. I cannot imagine creeping along at 10 mph. I hope you have some good music or programs to list to.

    Updates on the grands - Ava is home. Cast goes to just below her knee. I don't know how long she'll have it. Deacon was all set to go home (no oxygen all night or all morning) and then alarms went off and he needed it. His appointment with an asthma specialist has been moved from March to Monday.

    Having frozen pizza and salad for supper. Haven't done this for a few weeks so looking forward to it.
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good Morning. I will be tired today, I'm still sleepy now. I had a nightmare last night and woke up startled. So rattled, in fact, I just got up. 3:30 am. I was not going to lay there and dwell on it and try to figure out the meaning. Maybe today will be a day for a nap.

    Marcie, I thought of you yesterday as I drove I-5 into Portland and got caught up in traffic. How can you deal with that on a daily basis? I am so spoiled. Even when I was working everyday, being self-employed, I could leave the house later and miss all the traffic. And, I would usually work later and miss the traffic coming home too.

    The PET scan went smoothly. I arrived early, because I wasn't sure how traffic delays might hold me up, and I checked in and grabbed a magazine and sat down. I didn't even open the magazine and my name was called. Complete opposite from the ENT office, I sat there for over 2 hours. She injected the radio active isotopes and then I rested in a comfy recliner for 45 minutes to get that stuff circulating all through my body. I was in the scanner for about 1/2 hour and then ready to walk out the door. I'll get the results when I see the oncologist on Jan 30th.

    Debora, "hockey pucks" sound delicious. You can't go wrong with peanut butter and chocolate. I pray that Ava's surgery is successful. I guess it will take some time to tell, or maybe not, even with a cast she may walk better already.
    How scary for Deacon and the family. Those asthma attacks are awful. Yes, so glad nothing happened while he was in your care. What a helpless feeling when you see someone having problems. I know in my case, when I am gasping, I see more fear in John's eyes than I feel myself. And, it would be so much worse for a child than an adult. Good thing that his appointment with the specialist got moved up, I'll pray they can help.

    Yay! I have Victoria on a dvd, now I'm ready to get the next episode tomorrow night. I have no idea when I'll be able to watch this, but at least I'll have it when the time is right. I have a whole pile of dvds waiting to be watched. It's time to weed through those and pick out what I'm certain that I will never watch so I can record over them. I'm running out of blank dvds.

    No plans for today, I'll see what mood John is in when he gets up.