Pot Bellied Stove / Water Cooler



  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    edited December 2016
    Good Morning. Very interesting appointment yesterday. Pulmonary doctor has ordered more tests and x-rays to confirm, but his theory is two-fold. The coughing/choking is due to the paralyzed larynx and I'm aspirating on everything I eat and drink, including my spit. No wonder it's a constant hassle.
    The shortness of breath is due to that "elevated diaphragm". Do you remember, way back at the beginning, the first x-ray I got, the report stated an elevated diaphragm and none of the doctors knew what to make of that, never heard of it before. Well, this doctor thinks that it's paralyzed in that elevated position, because it's controlled by the same nerve as the larynx and my arm. My lungs are clear and functioning, but not able to fill to capacity because the diaphragm won't move to allow it to.
    So, I got a few answers, but no fix. I have referrals and will have many appointments this next month to see what, if anything, can be done.

    I have full weeks scheduled in January, CT scan, many doctors' appointments, getting my car serviced, and getting the new woodstove installed. I have to call about that hearth pad today. I expected a call from them by now, to let me know if they have it and it's a go for Monday, OR, we have to postpone the installation, waiting for the new hearth pad. Fortunately, John has not been dwelling on that, so I haven't had to face that issue with him since Wednesday morning. Hopefully, that was a one time confrontation.

    After my appointment and running a few errands, I stopped by Carol's house for cake and ice cream. She called me Wednesday afternoon and invited me over for a birthday party. She threw herself a little afternoon tea party, gathering all her "breakfast buddies" together. There were about 10 of us and it was so great to have a social time. I needed that lift in my day...week, maybe even make it the highlight of my month. I am really appreciating the times out visiting with friends. I was gone almost all day (8 am - 3:45 pm) and found everything in order when I got home. So, so far, so good, I feel like I can continue to take some time out for myself and leave John at home when he doesn't want to go with me. Although, I will do my best not to be gone all day very many times, just keep it to a few hours at a time.

    Today should be a quiet day at home. Always little chores to do around here, but also, maybe just take it easy and do nothing.

  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    Good morning.

    I am just thrilled that today is the last day of the work-year! All these year-end projects at work are coming to a close. Of course I have tons of other projects, but without the year-end deadline hanging over my head.

    The commute to and from work this week has just be lovely everyday! I'm sure next week we'll back to normal with the heavy traffic though. We have Monday off (observance of New Year's Day), so it will be another three-day weekend. Yay!

    Stopped on the way from work yesterday and ran my car through the car wash, then got home and heard we might get rain tomorrow. Figures. I haven't washed the car for about a month and when I do, it rains!

    I think tonight I take Dad out to Fins restaurant for some salmon. I've been craving it this week. We usually don't go there during the work week because the traffic on that road is really bad from people driving home from work. But since the roads are so light right now, we may risk it.

    Sheryl, I'm glad to hear you Mom had a good time at Norma's. So sorry about your Aunt though. Such a sad situation. I sure do hope the doctor's can figure out how to help you. That must be so difficult to have to deal with. My Dad's mom had breathing problems. Lost one of her lungs in her 30s (forced them to move from humid Alabama to drier Arizona). I hope John doesn't give you any more grief over the new woodstove, and that they get back to you about the hearth pad. The birthday party sounds like it was fun. I'm glad you could get out and visit with your friends. Never tried that WEN product. I tend to avoid companies that require a membership to purchase their products. Sometimes it's just so hard to cancel, and when you finally do, they continue to solicit you for years and years (Sirius Radio has been doing that to me for about 6 years now). Remember those record-of-the-month clubs back in the day. I remember cancelling that membership in my early twenties and it was a decade before I stopped hearing from them. Ha!

    Anew, if you are reading...It was nice hearing from you. I hope you have a wonderful Christmas and are feeling okay.

    Better get back to work and get this day over with! Have a great day everyone.
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good Morning. Marcie, so glad that your commute this week was smooth every day. I can't imagine how Tuesday will be, everybody back at work. Yuck. Yay, for year-end deadlines being done and over with. I imagine Isabella is feeling the same relief.
    Oh yes, how well I remember those record clubs. Got suckered in with that first month's free offer, I think I got 6 free records, but then had to purchase a record a month for a year or something and yes, very hard to get out of. That was back in the 70's, I still have some of those records, The Carpenters come to mind.
    I actually expected more solicitation from wen because I didn't truly "cancel" the whole thing at the time. I marked on one of the invoices to skip that shipment because I still had a huge supply of shampoo sitting in the bathroom, I didn't need another shipment at that time. I returned the bill, unpaid, and never heard from them again, so, Yay Me!!! No big hassle. Maybe they were scrambling around dealing with the class-action suit and couldn't be bothered with me.
    How was the salmon? I get salmon in the Blue Apron meals about once a month, it is delicious, but I have never ordered it in a restaurant.

    I called Morton's Stoves yesterday and asked about the hearth pad. I asked if we need to postpone the installation. (Oh, I mistakenly said in the previous post that they were coming on Monday, I meant Tuesday, it is scheduled for January 3rd.) The employee that answered the phone said that the hearth pad shipment is due on Tuesday, so he would check on the time of delivery and call me back whether our installation needs to be changed or not. I never got a call-back. I need to call again today, I don't want to wait until Tuesday morning and play guessing games.

    I'm back, got distracted and figured that I'd come back to a lost comment, but, it's still here. I better post this so I don't lose it.
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Well, day went much too fast. Sister will soon be here and then I'll not even be on the computer much till Monday. I'll catch up sometime. Happy New Year. Enjoy doing whatever you do. I'm hoping to do a puzzle.
  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    Hi all, Happy New Year!! Hope the year ahead is a Happy, Healthy Blessed year for us all!

    Sheryl, thanks for the fun New Year card. Dan and I always comment about how nice "clean sheet" night is. :) Too funny about your traveling shipment taking the scenic route to get to your house. I track UPS shipments for work from time to time and marvel at some of the wacky routes the package takes. Sometimes it is very obvious that they sent it to the wrong station and you have to wait to see how long it takes them to figure it out. You'll have to let me know how you like the essential oils book when you finally receive it. Were you able to find out if your hearth pad will arrive on time? Hopefully John's anxiety over the new stove is over and everything will go smoothly. I'm sure you'll both be very happy with it once it is completed. I have a friend that used the Wen products and had the hair loss problem. Fortunately her hair was so thick that it wasn't too big of an issue but good thing she stopped when she did. So nice that Carol had a little tea party for her birthday and you all got to participate and fellowship together. Interesting that someone finally knows what your lifted diaphragm means. I'll keep praying that they can figure out what to do about your issues and relieve the problem.

    Marcie, Fins for salmon sounds wonderful. I've been craving salmon too but haven't had any yet. Was it easier since the streets are quieter this week? My commute has been wonderful this week as well since the schools are off also. It always amazes me how the shorter weeks always seem longer than a regular week! I'll never understand why that is but this week went on forever!!! I am a little afraid to say this but my work is pretty well caught up. We'll see what it is like come January when everyone is back from vacation and back in full swing.

    Debora, glad you had a minute to pop in and wish us a happy new year. We plan to stop at a friend's house for about an hour then come home and watch a movie and relax.

    Anew, glad you popped in for Christmas. Hope it was a great one.

    It's been raining (light but steady) for the last couple of days. Yay! The rain let up a bit this morning so we did our grocery shopping today since we weren't sure what stores might be open on Sunday when we usually go. We went to the farmer's market first because I was completely out of honey. Then to Trader Joe's. They have these little peppermint chocolate chip cookies that are fabulous. My husband said they are like crack and we can never buy them again! :smiley: Then to Jimbo's and Sprouts. We are all set for the week. I am making sausage sandwiches tonight. Sprouts hot Italian chicken sausage is to die for! I am going to cook a small ham and mashed potatoes and Brussels sprouts for New Years day on Sunday. Think I'm into food much?! Looking forward to a nice relaxing 3 day weekend.

    Ok, I'm going to go cook dinner. Have a wonderful weekend all. I really appreciate the blessing of your friendship!
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    edited January 2017
    Good Morning and Happy New Year.

    Not much news from yesterday. I called the woodstove store again and was told, once again, that someone would call me back. After many hours, just about their closing time, I got the call and it's still up in the air. They could swap the installation out with the customer from Wednesday, but I have the CT scan on Wednesday. He is going to check on a different supplier for the pad and get it in on Monday. Then, we're still on for Tuesday installation. But, I won't know anything until sometime on Monday. John is obsessing again and questioning everything about the woodstove. He keeps saying that they are going to put a big hole in the ceiling, I keep reassuring him that they are going to use the same hole that's already there. I told him that the guy, Alan, came out last Monday and checked it all out and took measurements and made all the notes needed for installation. John said, "was I here?" Yes, you talked to the Alan yourself. And, you went with me to the store and picked out the new hearth pad that we want.
    It will be an ongoing trial until the job is done. I know he will like it once it is all complete. At the very least, I WILL LIKE IT.

    We had a dusting of snow last night. Not much left this morning, but a little in spots.

    OK, now I will ask for help and accountability. I am going to do my best to start logging all my food again. Dena and Lynn and others have posted that they really need to get back into the NM mindset and log. Me Too!! Dena's goal is to log everyday for the month of January, I told her I will too and hopefully, after a month, it will be a habit again and we'll continue for the whole year. So, feel free to ask me if I've logged and keep tabs on me.

  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good Morning. Well, I had quite a time late yesterday trying to figure out how to update my weight on this site. I'm so used to being in this "Community" room, I couldn't find the correct area for goals/settings. I clicked on everything above and got nowhere. I finally went to "Home" and found "Help" and then went from there. Evidently, many people have the same problem, lots of requests for help in this area. After I logged all my food for yesterday, the site told me that if I "continue to eat like this, you will weigh 197 in 5 weeks". 197 is more than what I weigh now, 191. I realized that I hadn't changed my weight since I signed on here back in December 2015, at 200 pounds. When I finally found the right place and updated my weight, my food log now says that if I "continue to eat like this, you will weigh 186 in 5 weeks". That's more like it, I like that. Funny thing is that now, my personal page shows that I lost 9 pounds since my last weigh-in and I'm getting lots of "likes" and comments from fellow former NMers. I had to go over there and comment, so they know that I haven't logged or updated anything in a year.

    Today will be a long, hard, day due to the fact that I will have to constantly tell John NOT to start a fire in the woodstove. I want that stove stone-cold for tomorrow's removal and installation of the new one. BUT, if it turns out that the installation has to be postponed, John will never understand why I didn't let him light the stove. I hope Scott will know early about that hearth pad and call me asap. If I'm really lucky, I'll know before John gets up and I can either say for sure they are coming tomorrow, or have the fire going and John will never remember that it should have been for tomorrow.

    Isabella, the book that I got is "Essentials of the Earth, an encyclopedia of oils, blends and applications". It's a small, hand held, spiral bound book and easy to find things and easy to read. I bought a previous edition of this book when I first bought some oils. Later, I bought a big, hard-cover book, "Modern Essentials", and gave the little book to my sister. I thought the big book would have more info, which it does, but turns out harder to follow and find the things that I want and need. So, I bought the latest version (6th edition) of the little book. Now I have both, lots of information to read and cross-reference.

    Debora, how is that puzzle coming along? I went through another phase of thinking that having a jig saw puzzle set up for John would be good, but, once again, he obsesses. Instead of just putting in a few pieces here and there as he walks by the table, he won't leave it until it's done. Gets extremely frustrated about it and that defeats the whole purpose of having it there. I can't find anything in the house that keeps him busy and pleases him, short-term or long-term. Com'on Summer!!!!!

  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Warning - very long - read at your own use of time. :)

    Hello everyone. Again, it's more days than I wanted. I'm so glad Sheryl is so faithful about popping in almost every day. It took me awhile to get back to my last post. My last post was Dec. 20 and lots has happened since then. The good part is that you won't get as many details from me - just a thorough overview. :) Madden was here the 21st-the 22nd. He's easy care and Ralph did okay with him the one lunch hour when I was eating with friends. This friend had a kidney removed so no is adjusting to eating with much less sodium and watching her carbs for her diabetes so she is doing more cooking and sharing it with others. It was fun but the time went too fast. Madden slept all night but he (even during his nap) has a habit of rocking and it sounds loud in our crib. I got most of the gifts wrapped while he was here - had to wait on one order from CBD that they messed up on. They picked Madden up Thursday afternoon. That evening the Youth Group came and caroled. There were just 8 in the group and they sang a total of 3 songs and then we visited a bit. They divide into three groups and each one has around 10 stops but sometimes it's miles between stops. :) Thomas got here about 11:30. So I had the youngest grandson one night and the oldest grandson the next night.

    Friday Thomas helped me get ready for the evening. We set the table, baked some peppernuts, made a batch of cream puffs and took a few of them along with my a gift to my sister for her birthday. I ordered the pizzas for Julie to pick up. Everyone started coming around 5. We ate and then had a fun evening opening gifts. We open one gift at a time and balanced making sure the kids all had something opened. We got the annual grandparents/grandchildren picture taken. I wish I had an album with all of the pictures. Guess I can add that to my to do list. They had all headed home by 9 - with little ones you don't stay out too late.

    Saturday I again straightened the house, made a salad with broccoli, cauliflower and cherry tomatoes (Christmas colors), a lime pear salad, and cranberry relish. I started a pork tenderloin in the evening and did two kinds of potatoes (sweet and white) Sunday morning. Christmas morning I didn't have to rush getting things going cause we just had a church service which started at 10:30. We had the usual crowd over for dinner. No one was in any rush. Lori's kids all got new kindles so they were having fun watching netflix. We worked a 300 piece puzzle.

    Monday I made a cheese ball and did things at a slower pace. In the evening we went to the Claassen Christmas (this is the descendants of Ralph's grandparents. About 100 were there. It was in a smaller location but we all fit and there was a small area where kids there could play.

    Tuesday was the 4th Tuesday so we planned to go in for Etc. Shops half price day but I woke up not feeling so well. So I slept the morning away and into the early afternoon and thought I felt better so we went to town. I decided to stay in the car while Ralph went and checked out the books. While we were there, Lori and family came in too so we went and ate an early supper at Wendy's with them so that was fun. We came home and had a quiet evening.

    Wednesday Ralph took care of chores and stuff and about 11:30 we headed to Lori's. I was going to help clean house and Ralph was going to go to the bookstores. I took along my Sunday leftovers - I didn't have enough meat from Sunday but took some Little Sizzlers. I heated things up when we got there and we had a good dinner and it took care of my leftovers. Then we got busy on the house. I have not been going to their house much since Emily passed away and Lori doesn't have time to keep up like she would like so with everyone working, it helped. Lucy was happy cause she got her cast off and now has a walking boot. I was there till about 6:30 - we did the bathrooms, I did dishes, a couple loads of laundry, we worked on the craft room. I fixed potatoes in her new instapot and visited as we worked. Ralph and I ate at McDonalds and then home.

    Thursday I made out my shopping list, hung up a bunch of clothes in the guest rooms (ones I've worn on Sunday but can be worn again but I pile better than hang), straightened the house (again), sorted through a bunch of cards in my card file and in the evening we had our church annual business meeting. It only lasted two hours, was fairly routine. I got nominated once but was thankful I didn't get the job - I feel busy enough right now.

    Friday we woke up to Ralph not feeling good so I went to town by myself. Got food and gifts for Sunday. Got home unloaded some and took stuff for Sunday to church. Then it was back home working on stuff - nice to make a little progress at home. Saturday it was again work on my list. I didn't take trash out cause I got DH to burn it on Thursday and don't add more for a few days till it cools down. My oldest sister got here around 5 so I fixed us something to eat, we worked a puzzle, got ready for bed and stayed up and visited until the new year was here. Thomas got here about 12:30.

    Sunday morning I put our soups on to start heating. Barb always eats protein for breakfast so I fixed some eggs and bacon (pulled out of the freezer and warmed up) and we went to Sunday School and church. Then we went and set up tables and got ready for the rest of the family to come. We have a nice area at church to meet in. We had soup and sandwiches - ate at 1, visited for awhile. Then we gathered in a circle, did the Christmas story a little differently - let some of the kids chose a figure from the creche and tell about it. We took the grandkids picture, the sisters picture and then had our food gift exchange. My way of determining the order was alphabetically by our middle names. I did not realize how many middle names started with A. Ralph gave up his gift to a great nephew who hadn't bought one and he had a good time. "Stealing" and opening took quite awhile but there was lots of laughter and fun. More visiting and then clean-up began. With everyone's help it went pretty quickly and we were home around 5:30. We had more soup for supper, worked another 300 piece puzzle (Norman Rockwell picture), finished up the ice cream in the gallon container (much more space in the freezer now) and went to bed a bit earlier. This morning I walked and then fixed scrambled eggs with onion and yellow pepper. Barb packed up and took off about 10:15. I had not made a list last night but made it kind of a slow day. Doing some phone calls to finish up some committees and refreshments for Willing Workers. Going through my card and doing a list for tomorrow. Hope to get more done at home this week to be geared up for 4-H, meeting with our tax person, etc. etc. And I'll try to drop in more often (no promises) so there's not so much to wade through.

    Marcie, our temps jump around. It hasn't been as cold as that weekend again and today it's in the 50s (was 49 when I got up) but tomorrow is suppose to be cold and yucky again. Cute picture of Cisco and Simon. Glad you were finally able to have the mug exchange. The "stealing" is part of the fun but it's nice to have that sit back and just relax. Have you used your mug? More honey - lucky you.
    Yay, that your projects that had a year end deadline are done and you had good commutes while you were finishing them up. Now it will be back to the usual grind tomorrow.

    Sheryl, it's not hard to keep track of the days when different things happen. On days when I'm home more, they run together more. Glad it wasn't had for you to train the birds to go in at night. We sure don't want you to lose any. Glad going to Bible study has been working. Sorry it's hard for your mom to have fun. Nice of Norma to try so hard. Nice that you got into the pulmonary doctor so quickly and have a start on trying to figure things out. So glad the tractor ended up not being a huge problem and you got it figured out and hay for the llamas. Thank you so much for the e-card. I wonder if I should sign up for it and use it for sending birthday cards this year - save a stamp and it would be a fun card. Another project for my list.
    It's okay that you don't decorate. You do what you want. I do the tree for the family coming and I want the nativity upstairs for me but after it's up, I don't look at it a lot. And now it's time to put it away.
    Sorry to hear of more bad news for Christitna. She doesn't seem to get a break. My friend that has Chairi had surgery December 14th. Still having plenty of pain but taking it slowly. She's at home now surrounded by her kids so is being taken care of.
    Glad you got the Christmas present you wanted from John - shower, shave and haircut. Just him being cooperative about doing it was a gift.
    How funny that your book took such a circuitous route. Sometimes it doesn't make much sense but at least it's on its way.
    Hoping the hearth pad came and you are on schedule. Even if it takes longer, the changes you've made are good ones and John will like it when it's all done - hang in there.
    Read your comment on the Wen products just after watching their ad. Glad you didn't suffer any ill effects.
    What a fun get-together at Carol's. It's so nice that you can still get away for several hours and have some fun activities to do.
    Yay for getting back to logging. I took a couple weeks off with eating so many different things so I want to get back to it again too. I've been watching the scale and it's still close to range but think watching my calories helps a bit more (even when I go over some). I want to work on eating better too but I'm not doing so well today - sister gave me some of her Brazil nut cake and Russell stove chocolates, .... When I've going in to update things, I sometimes feel like it's a lot of work cause I forget it. Glad you got it all done. You can do this. It's been fun to hear from more on facebook too.

    Isabella, glad to hear you and Dan had the BEST day - two movies, a meal out, time together. It did sounds nice. Okay - the deviled eggs were creamier so will use milk again. Food is a big part of our lives. I enjoy hearing about what you buy, eat, etc. It's a fun part of our lives.

    Hi Jannie, I evidently missed a comment from you but couldn't find it when I looked for it. Hope all is going well.

    Ralph just pulled up so it will be time to do supper soon. I get the leftover white chili since it's too spicy for him and will keep fixing him other things till it's gone. Have a great evening anyone.
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    edited January 2017
    Good Morning. Debora, loved the read, great use of time. Your disclaimer made me laugh.

    I started a fire this morning. The new installation is postponed. After the hearth pad gets to the store and we're sure they have it, then we'll reschedule. He said he'd call later today or tomorrow. So, today will be another quiet day at home, doing year-end paperwork and getting our tax file boxes out and ready. I will make folders for 2017 for desk drawers and put 2016 files into the boxes.

    Debora, you mentioned looking for Jannie's comment. I got that info from Facebook. She had posted photos of Christmas Day, with her Mom, and said she was thankful that Mom could be there after having a small stroke the Thursday before Christmas. I was hoping Jannie would check in here by now, but I'm sure she is super busy with the boys, work, and now maybe even caring for her Mom.

    I talked to Norma, who told me that Nancy had gone back to my aunt and uncle's house Tuesday after Christmas to check on Esther's condition. She was very concerned and called an ambulance. Esther was taken to the hospital for evaluation. I called my uncle yesterday to see how things are and how he is doing. Esther was moved from the hospital to rehab last Friday and will be there for 2 weeks, trying to get her stronger and able to walk on her own and evaluate her mental state. She is not recognizing anyone. Uncle Paul said that also, she is not wearing her hearing aids in rehab and maybe by not hearing, she doesn't know what's going on, adding to her mental confusion. I told him that he also needs this time to recuperate and regain his strength, but he said that all he does is think of her. He goes to see her everyday, that must be draining also.
    Nancy is phenomenal, here she is with her own pain and dealing with her own Dad, and she reaches out to care for all the rest of the family too. I will never forget how she helped me get doctors to take a look at my situation and get me help.

    Norma spent yesterday with Mom, what a saint. I prayed all day that it would go well and God answered prayer. Norma called me last night to say they had a good day together. Norma was Mom's guest in the dining room for lunch and later in Mom's apartment, they watched the Rose Bowl game and Norma gave Mom a haircut and did her laundry. Usually, Norma takes the laundry home and then later, brings it back. This time, Norma used the laundry room right down the hall. She also told me that on one of those trips to the laundry room, she visited with one of the managers in the hall and Betty said that Mom's been more upbeat in the last few weeks, more cheerful and better attitude, not the Eeyore that she has been. There's hope yet. Now, if I can get John's attitude to change as well. I see so many parallels between Mom and John in their attitudes and behaviors. Everything is doom and gloom, so dreary.

    The birds are so cooperative, when I go out at night to lock them up, they are already in the enclosure now, waiting for me. They learn quick and must know it's for their own good, feeling safer in there. I need to call Dona and see how things are down the street, if she caught any raccoons in the traps.

    My mug is empty, time for a refill. It sounds like I'm still drinking a lot, but I'm only making one pot every morning and not a second for later in the day anymore. And, most days, there's still coffee left in the pot that I dump down the drain and I'm ready for a fresh pot in the morning. I have now logged 2 full days of my food and logged 4 cups of coffee per day, over a year ago, I was logging 10-12 cups.
  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    edited January 2017
    Hi everyone. Happy New Year! I sure hope 2017 brings us all peace and happiness!

    I enjoyed the long weekend. Our next Holiday will be on January 16th for Martin Luther King, Jr. Day. This year it falls on Dad's birthday. I'll probably just wind up taking him out to dinner someplace. I usually give him the choice, and more than likely he'll choose one of his hole-in-the-wall joints he likes so much.

    Friday night Dad and I went out for dinner at Fins restaurant and both got salmon sandwiches with a side of their yummy coleslaw. As usual, I had my sandwich on their sour wheat walnut bread and Dad had his on their sour dough bread. So good, and satisfied my salmon craving. You have a choice for a meal (salmon, veggies, potatoes, crusty bread, etc.) for $18 each or the salmon sandwich meal that we had for $9 each. We rarely go for the $18 meal and really enjoy the sandwiches.

    Saturday afternoon I did a little shopping and on the way home I noticed a new Togos sandwich shop had opened nextdoor to the grocery store. I new they were coming, but didn't know they had opened. Apparently they had opened that day. So, I popped in and got Dad and I turkey sandwiches. Of course I had them put avocado on mine and Dad wanted to know why I would ruin a good sandwich like that.

    Got a lot done around the house this weekend. Lots of laundry, changed sheets, waxed the furniture, vacuumed, cleaned bathrooms, made pintos (for my pot-of-something), hard boiled the weekly eggs, etc. I usually prefer my pintos made with tomatoes, but since Dad can't eat them anymore I just added chopped onion, carrots, celery (and celery leaves which dissolved into the broth and added flavor), garlic, a little chili powder, salt and pepper. Turned out really tasty.

    On New Year's Day a couple of neighborhood kids asked if they could rake the leaves on our front yard for $10. Our gardeners were off last week and again this week, so it sure needed it. They did a great job and we paid them $15. They also raked the leaves on our neighbor's yard across the street the next day. When they came to rake our leaves, they just brought this tiny little rake and a broom. Dad gave them our big ol' leaf rake to use and they were thrilled at how much easier it was! They were cute.

    The fireworks weren't too bad on News Year's Eve. Starting around dark until around 11 pm one would be shot off here and there, then it got real loud, of course, at midnight, and then a little more until around 1:30 am. Cisco did get upset, but nothing like the Fourth of July when he was a trembling ball of fur that wouldn't go out at night again for days afterwards! He just planted himself next to me and waiting until it was over.

    While I was petting Cisco the other night I noticed a lump right on his right hip. Hadn't seen that before and I'm worried about it. It's not real hard, so I'm hoping it's just a fat patch (Simon has one of those). If that dog gets sick on me he is going to be in soooo much trouble! Dad was able to to make an appointment at the vet for 1:30 today to have them check it out, so they should be there right now. He's not exhibiting any symptoms of illness, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed it isn't anything serious.

    It's been drizzle-drazzling on us since Saturday. Not a lot of rain, but mostly just a steady drizzle. More of the same today. I'm ready for a little sunlight now. So is Cisco. He hates it when that wet stuff falls from sky! The temps have been cold, but not too bad. Lows in the upper 30s and highs in the mid-50s.

    The traffic this morning on the way to work is nearly back to it's usually yucky self. Oh joy! The commute home will be more of the same, I'm sure. Oh well. I enjoyed it while it lasted.

    Sheryl, sounds like you are doing awesome on the coffee intake and on logging. Good job! I still haven't got back to it. Too back they had to reschedule the installation of the wood stove, but at least you could make a fire and have a nice day. I'm so sorry about your Aunt. It is so great how Nancy looks after the family like that even with all that is going on in her life. It's nice that your birds are so cooperative! That's great that your Mom is in a better mood lately. I had to chuckle at your reference to Eeyore.

    Debora, I enjoyed reading about your extremely full week! Thanks for stopping by and sharing with us. No, I haven't used the white elephant mug. I'll most likely just use it at work to hold paper clips or something.

    Isabella, I agree...shorter work weeks always seem longer for some reason! Those peppermint chocolate chip cookies sound yummy. I think I shall stay far, far away from them! I haven't been to Sprouts in such a long time. I need to pop in there one of these days. I need to load up on nuts anyway, so that would be a good reason.

    Well, I guess I'd better get back to work. Have a nice evening everyone.

  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    Woo hoo, Cisco's lump on his rump is not cancer! I was so worried about that. Dad's email to me...

    "They did a biopsy and tested the cells. It's a lipoma which means a fatty tumor that is benign. May or may not get bigger. They normally don't do anything with these unless they get big enough to interfere with movement. Sort of like Simon's thing on his shoulder. He may or may not get more of them. Having a lipoma does NOT indicate that he is more prone to develop cancer later on. He should be brought in for a biopsy if he does develop another one though just in case it's not just a lipoma."
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good Morning. Great news that Cisco's condition isn't more serious. Hopefully, it will "dissolve" on it's own and not recur. That's a sinking feeling when we see or feel lumps, whether they are on our pets or on us.

    This is short, I'm feeding early, in the dark, so I can shower and get ready for the CT scan. I'll be leaving at 7:50 am. John wanted to stay in bed again, so I'll leave him, but I'll be home about 11 am, much earlier than when I left him last week. Ha, he may still be in bed when I get back.

  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    Good morning all.

    Still drizzly and drab around here. At least the wind has died down finally. It's trash day this morning, and when leaving for work I noticed a lot of trash cans on the curb in the neighborhood have blown over. I think people overfilled their recycle bins with Christmas stuff and the wind just blew them over. They will wake up to a mess to clean up.

    Dad's walking buddy is going to make another run to the dump at the end of the week, so yesterday Dad gathered more stuff for him to haul off for us. Dad's in major purge mode right now! His buddy was planning to go yesterday, but he said no way he's going out to the dump when its muddy out there. Don't blame him.

    We got a call from my Aunt yesterday. She lives back East in North Carolina. Her son, my cousin, has fallen into a coma. He's been battling a brain tumor over the last couple of years. He's on life support now, and she tells us she will be taking him off of it as soon as his two brothers fly in. Such a sad thing. He's only 40 years old and will be leaving behind two children. The men in his family have been ravaged by cancer over the years. My Uncle, his Dad, succumbed to cancer in 2010, as lots of his Uncles on his Dad's side also have lost the battle to cancer over the years. I never got a chance to get to know him. I knew his two older brothers well as our families got together every year or two when we were kids.

    Sheryl, sinking feeling describes it right. That's how I was feeling all weekend not knowing for sure what was going on with him. Good luck with the CT scan today!

    Have a great day everyone!
  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    Driving up our street on the way home tonight I drove past two sad looking creatures trudging through the wind and rain. Yep, Dad and Cisco. Cisco's rain coat does a good job keeping his body fairly f
    dry, but his head, rear end, legs and tail were soaked. I had me a soggy dog when they got back! It's supposed to clear up tomorrow, but the say next Sunday and Monday we will be hit hard with rain again. They are calling it an "Atmospheric River." Yet...they still say we are in a drought. They just won't give it up on that front.

    Dad and I went out to Sizzler for dinner tonight. He had steak, salad and a baked potato and I had chicken, salad and a baked potato. It was really good.

    Sheesh. Someone stole all four tires on a neighbor's car night before last. Unbelievable.

  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    edited January 2017
    Hi all, I just posted a recipe over in recipe thread.

    I had to respond to your post Mygnsac, because all four of my tires were stolen off my car back in 1988. Yep, all four in the middle of the night. It was very strange going out to my car in the morning for work. It was shocking to see it, hopefully they will get locking lugnuts from now on.
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good Morning, Oh My, not for that poor neighbor...what a shocker to wake up to. I see they left their jacks, I wonder if there are finger prints on them. Anything to help find those thieves.

    I woke up to an email from another cousin telling us that my aunt has passed away. This is a different aunt than in my previous comments from Christmas (Mom's side of the family). This is my Dad's older sister and was the last surviving sibling. The email mentioned that she is now in heaven with her husband, son and all her brothers and sisters. She was 98, we come from a line of long life. Susan's email mentioned that Ruby's ashes would be scattered along with Bob's up in the Big Bear Lake area, where they had their Honeymoon. That's sweet.

    I have completed 4 full days of logging food. It's coming back to me and getting easier. The best part is my mindset, "Do I really want to put that in my mouth? I'm going to have to log it if I do!". That caused me to put down the chocolate truffles yesterday, (I ate 2 of them the day before). Anyway, I think this is good for me right now, not only do I need to lose weight in general, but I really want to see if it helps my breathing. This belly fat can not be good, pressing on my organs and maybe hindering that stupid diaphragm even further.
    I went without any coffee yesterday. I couldn't eat or drink before the CT scan, and when I came home, I just drank water, extra water to flush out all the iodine contrast used for the scan. I am enjoying my mug this morning, but will probably stop at 2 or 3 mugs. Then I heat water and add a drop of cinnamon oil or just cold water for most of the day.

    The scan was routine as usual and went smoothly. I was so pleased with myself that I could lay there without coughing. I was a bit worried, as I usually cough a lot when I transition from vertical to horizontal and visa versa. I will get the report on Monday when I see Dr. Smith. I also filled out paperwork to ask that the scan be shared with the pulmonary doctor.

    We're having very cold temps this week, extremely cold nights, and Brush Prairie states 17 degrees this morning, but forecast to a high of 34. Then, back down to 18 for tonight. I will not be going out to feed until the sun comes up. Yesterday morning was harder, trying to do all my chores in the dark. I like to see clearly where I'm walking out there.

    On my way to the scan, I saw a frozen fountain, I put photos over on the photo post. Very pretty.

    Oh yes, one more thing. I got a phone call from Scott, the woodstove guy, and he said that the 54 x 54 hearth pad that I chose has to be manufactured, everyone is sold out, that will be at least 2 weeks. However, he found a 48 x 54 pad, in my color, and since it's the extra length that we need and the 48 inch width would work just fine, do I want it? I said "yes, if it has the angled corners like the other one". I don't want sharp corners sticking out even further to catch our toes and trip someone coming in the front door. Those extra 6 inches will really stick out as someone walks in the house. He said he'd call on that and if it's angled corners, he will get it for me, if not, he'd call back and we'd discuss where to go from here. I never heard back from him, so I think it's a go. I also trust it will be cheaper, but forgot to ask to confirm. I want it anyway.
    So, I expect a call today to figure out an installation date. I will be so glad when this project is done, John is driving me crazy with all the questions, over and over again.

    Speaking of Scott, that reminded me of my friend who I told you about last month, who had a stroke, his name is Scott also. Anyway, he is doing better. Working hard at rehab and gaining some strength and speech. Still a long way to go, but so encouraging.

    I guess that's it for now, I've rambled long enough. Ooo, the furnace just kicked on again...it is COLD!!!!!

    Oh so funny, as I proof read this before posting, I see MFP advertisement below and it's for a free log splitter if I buy a 100,000 btu, 3.4 cu ft box woodstove from Canada. Ha
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Ha, sun came up and it's even colder. Weather station says 16 degrees, feels like 8. I got the birds taken care of, but will wait a little longer before trekking out to the pasture for the llamas.

    Blue Apron never arrived yesterday, I got an email that states the roads are impassable and meals will be delivered tomorrow. "Taking full assurance that food will be fresh and protected".
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Just refreshed the weather station site again and it now says 15 degrees, feels like 9. At this rate, we'll be in the single digits most of the day. Brrrrrrrr
  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    Hi all, I just posted a recipe over in recipe thread.

    I had to respond to your post Mygnsac, because all four of my tires were stolen off my car back in 1988. Yep, all four in the middle of the night. It was very strange going out to my car in the morning for work. It was shocking to see it, hopefully they will get locking lugnuts from now on.

    On the NextDoor website that's what all the neighbors are advising her to do. It's sad it's come to that! I parked my car on the street in front of my house from 1998 - 2011 and never a problem (except that one time mischievous teens went around and throwing eggs at cars and hit my front hood!).
  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    Good morning everyone.

    The rain has left and the cold weather returned. Also seems to be the case. Colder with clear skies. Still, no where near as cold as your weather Sheryl! Usually we will have one, maybe two days each that where the temp gets down in the upper 20s, but that's about it. So far we haven't had one of those. 30s-40 lows and 50s-low 60s highs.

    Sheryl, my condolences on the passing of your Dad's sister. She sure lived a long life! Longevity like that in my family is practically nill. The oldest that I know of was my maternal great grandmother who lived until 94 years old. Hoping the alternate hearth pad works out for you! Great job with the conscience eating and walking away from the truffles. No easy feat!

    I'm going to keep it short today and get back to work. Have a great day everyone!