Pot Bellied Stove / Water Cooler



  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    edited December 2016
    Wow Debora. After hearing about your temperatures, I should probably stop complaining about mine. With that big family of yours, I'm sure you'll be extra busy this week!

    Here's a picture of Cisco actually sleeping on Simon's paw. A rare siting with those two!


    This morning while walking with Dad and his walking group, Cisco stood up on his hind legs in front of one of the women in the group, and according to Dad, she just melted at his cuteness. He sure does like the ladies.

    One of Dad's walking buddies was making a trip to the dump today and offered to take anything we had. Dad jumped on it and got rid of a lot of stuff we've been needing to dump. That was nice of his buddy to do that for us!

    We still havent't done the mug exchange at work. Waiting for a couple people who've called in sick.
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good Morning. It seems like forever since I've been here. I'll have to back-track and see when I left off. Debora, I don't know how you keep track of each and every day activities, but so glad that you do, I love hearing of your week's adventures. My days run all together and I get so confused. John is rubbing off on me, he will ask me many times through the day, what day of the week it is, I can easily tell him, but later, I can't remember what I did that day. I guess mostly just telling John what day it is.

    I'll start with last night and work backwards. A little after 6 pm, I got a phone call from my neighbor, 2 doors down, Dona, she has many chickens and was concerned about our chickens as she has lost 4 recently, all torn up through the night. We assume it's a raccoon, although, she said that 2 weeks ago, she saw a coyote with one of her roosters just after dawn, but the rooster got away, the coyote only had a mouthful of feathers. Usually, a coyote packs the critter to another area to eat it in secret, Dona's chickens are all gutted and mutilated right there in their pen, so most likely a raccoon. Darlene, neighbor near Dona, has also lost chickens and geese. We have not lost any chickens and I have gotten very lazy about locking them up at night, but since she reported that to me, I went out and got all the ducks and geese in the enclosure and closed the gates. The chickens are already on their roost at dusk, so they are no problem, but the ducks and geese have now gotten used to spending the night all spread out around the backyard, so I'll have to herd them in with cracked corn at night again, like I used to. I'm sure they will adapt to doing that again very soon. Our birds are all old, but I want them to die of old age, not terrorized and mutilated. Anyway, Dona will come over today to borrow our live traps, she went to the farm supply store and the large traps are priced over $100.00. That's outrageous. She said that she found one on Craigslist, but had to drive over to Portland to get it. I imagine the mileage and traffic probably cost her just as much. She's welcome to borrow ours.

    I went to Bible study again yesterday, so good to get out for a good purpose, plus visit. Picked up my Rx and did a little shopping. I try to get as much as I can done in a few hours, since I'm only getting out once a week these days. The grocery store was not as crowded as I had expected, so I was in and out. I am so glad that I don't fight the crowds at other stores, shopping for gifts. It sure takes the stress off of Christmas for me, but like I told Norma, I'm sure it would be different if I had kids. She's scrambling around with all of her activities to still get certain gifts for her kids and grandkids. I hope she can find what she's looking for.

    She got Mom a few things, essentials really, but giving them as gifts anyway. Otherwise, Mom would not be getting any gifts and it's so frustrating for Norma because the last few Christmases, Mom has actually complained about the gifts and even told Norma to take some of them back. Unbelievable!!! Last week, Mission Commons had an "ugly sweater" contest. Mom had never heard of this and didn't understand, but went to look anyway. Thought the whole thing was ridiculous and can't figure out how or why adults act so silly. Poor woman, she never has any fun, never has and I guess, never will. Mom said that one woman had a regular sweater but decorated herself in garland and decorations, looked like a Christmas tree. Found no humor in that whatsoever. Mom is a very dull person.

    Today is suppose to be dry and sunny, even warming up into the 40's. So, it's a good day to get the truck out and go get a load of hay. I gave the llamas extra this past week since the pasture was covered with snow. So, the last load is not going to last as long as I had hoped, but with the good weather for today, it's working out quite well for a hay run.

    I also got an appointment for a pulmonary doctor next week. When I called to schedule, I had my January calendar out and ready, when she said the 29th, I said Sunday? No, next Thursday, DECEMBER 29th. I did not think I could get in that soon, Yay, maybe some answers. She asked me if I've ever had the usual pulmonary tests and I said no, so I think I'll be put through all the available tests next week. Not that I want to have another gasping attack, but I hope it happens in front of the doctor so they can see what I'm trying to describe.

    I can't think of anything else right now, even though I know I have a lot to say to catch you up on this past week. I think John is worse than having a little kid, I can't find anything to keep him occupied and happy inside the house. My suggestions are received with a humph.
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Oh, I love that photo Marcie. I had posted my comment before I realized I needed to go to the next page to read all posts before mine. So cute when the critters sleep together.
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    edited December 2016
    Good Morning, another quick note, John is up already. We had a disaster yesterday, well, a disaster for me because I can't fix it easily. I went to move the tractor so that I could get the truck out to go get hay and the front loader wouldn't stay up and I saw a steady stream of hydraulic fluid coming out. There was a crack in one of the hose fittings and we can't move the tractor until that gets fixed. Fortunately, I have enough hay for today and a little for tomorrow if necessary until we can get the truck out. I gathered my tractor info and went to John Deere to buy the part and it has to be ordered, but will be in about 1 pm today. We'll take the damaged hose with us and they said they will swap it out, no charge, it should be under warranty. I asked if it could have frozen, but the guy said no, oil does freeze. I don't know how the fitting got cracked, I never touched it. (He also asked if I had tightened it too tight).
    By the time we get the new hose on, probably with Jack's help, and refill the hydraulic system with fluid, I'm not sure if we'll have time to get hay today or have to wait until tomorrow. We'll go get it even if it's raining, the llamas will need it.
  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    Good morning everyone.

    I took yesterday off. Wasn't feeling very well. Feeling better this morning so went to work, but still have a lingering headache.

    The commute continues to be glorious with so many people not on the roads. Zip and I'm at work in no time. I wish it was like this all the time!

    Dad was waiting around yesterday morning to give the pool guy his Christmas gratuity, but he never showed. Of course, as soon as Dad left to go walk with his walking buddies the pool guy showed up. I guess he'll have to mail it to him. He usually takes Christmas week off, so he won't come next week. The gardeners won't be here next week either. They usually take the last two weeks of the year off. We'll have lots of leaves for them when they return. Our trees out front are being stubborn about releasing their leaves this year. I remember the days of raking leaves, but definitely don't miss them!

    When the gardeners come they always bring their little dog (looks a lot like Cisco). Just found out their dog is named butter. He's so cute, but Cisco sure doesn't care for him being in his backyard. Barks his head off at that dog.

    Usually the State gives us a half day off (to be used in Christmas eve or New Years eve, or whenever), but no word from them on this year yet. If we get word today, I may try to use it tomorrow afternoon. Monday is a state holiday (Christmas observed) so if I can I will work half day tomorrow and take a long weekend.

    We still haven't done the mug exchange at work. Maybe today. Just can't seem to find a day when people haven't called in sick.

    Sheryl, yeah, it's not often Cisco and Simon occupy the same space. When they do I just have to whip out the camera. I hope your feathered critters are all doing okay. Raccoons and coyotes are not their friends! What a pain with the tractor. John seems to be getting up early all the time now.

    I hope you all have a wonderful day today! :)
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good Morning. First off, I reread my last comment and saw that I forgot to put a NOT in there. Regarding the hydraulics, the oil does not freeze. Anyway, this is turning into a much longer story than it should have been, it's still not fixed yet. Jack and Gayla came over yesterday morning, Gayla visited while Jack went out to look at the tractor. I had asked for help because John had first said it's "easy to take that hose off" and then said he didn't "know what to do". So, I figured I better get help from someone who has a tractor and knows about all these hoses. When Jack came back in with the hose in hand, (it's only about 12 inches long from fitting to fitting) he said that he can't find a crack in the fitting and that the fitting was loose when he put the wrench on it. I am now assuming that the crack I saw must have been an optical illusion caused by the oil streaming down it. Which makes sense since everyone has told me it's too rare for a fitting to crack. But then, if it's been loose, why didn't it leak when I was using it all these past months? I waited until after 1 pm to call John Deere and see if the hose came in before driving over there and there was a misunderstanding, it did not get on Wednesday's order, so it was ordered yesterday and is due in today, about 1 pm. When I told him that we can't find a crack now, he said that he'd keep it in inventory, he should have one in the store anyway. Yay, I don't have to buy it, but I drove over to buy more hydraulic fluid and when I got back, Jack and Gayla were just leaving for the afternoon/evening. I am going to wait for Jack to come over this morning to make the repair. I know I could put the hose back on, but I'm not sure where to add the oil. Plus, I want someone with good eyes to watch it when I start it up.
    I will give the llamas the last of the hay, it will be short of what I usually put out, but I can give them more later after we get the truck out and loaded.

    Oh Marcie, how I remember raking and raking and raking this time of year, I sure don't miss it either. My routine was to do my last mowing for Thanksgiving and spend the next month raking to have all my clients cleaned up for Christmas. I never bothered with ALL the flower beds and nooks and crannies until after ALL the leaves were off the trees, otherwise, I'd be doing the same areas behind shrubbery over and over and over again. During winter, I was "on call", no longer going out weekly, but if we had a wind storm or something, they could call me and I'd go clean up.
    I can imagine Cisco going absolutely crazy over another dog in HIS territory. That must be torture for him.
    You may have a New Years' Mug Exchange, sorry so many are out sick, it seems to happen with the stresses of the holidays. But, so glad that your commute goes so smoothly. I wish you could have that luxury every day too. I can not even imagine fighting traffic on a daily basis. I love watching the early morning news and constantly commenting during the traffic reports that I am glad to just watch it on tv.

    Last night was night three of locking up the birds. They are already back into the habit and go right in and I close the gates behind them. I'll be going out at dawn to open them back up again and give them corn. I trust that they feel safe.

    More info from my lawyer and he sent me copies of what he found and the letter that he sent to the County. I see a light at the end of this tunnel, but I sure don't want to get too excited until more happens. I got my hopes up before when I was communicating with Cary at Environmental Services and nothing happened.

    Looks like we will not have a White Christmas, we had it last week instead. Sure gets confusing when Christmas and New Years are on Sundays. Glad that most of you have Monday off. Norma gets today AND Monday off. Oh wait, I guess it's her regular alternate Friday to have off, not that the office is closed. But, that turned out great for her, she has lots to do to prepare for tomorrow morning. They are having their family Christmas at her house and she still needs a tree. I told her to forget it this year, but she said that she can't have Jackson and Hudson come to Grandma's for Christmas without a Christmas tree. Good luck, Norma!!!

    Once again, I have done zero decorating for Christmas. I will play on the computer today and send e-cards. I can sit here for hours watching all the animated cards. Let me get my coffee mug...
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    edited December 2016
    Merry Christmas Eve Day. I trust you are all in the holiday spirit, all decked out. I am, even though I have not decked my halls.

    We have our load of hay. Yesterday morning, expecting Jack to come over to help out, I saw them pull away in the truck about 9:30. I thought that maybe he had an errand to run and he'd be back, but when they didn't come back, I decided to put the hose back on myself, but still can't find where to refill the hydraulic oil. I poured over the owner's manuals, both for the front loader and the tractor. So, I ended up moving the tractor out of the barn, hoping that there was still enough fluid in the system to not do any damage. I parked it about 30 feet away, got the truck out and picked up a ton of hay, and when we returned, I put the tractor back. Good news is there were no leaks, so it must have been the fitting somehow loosened up and leaked, no cracks. I'll wait until after the weekend to get Jack to show me where the filler cap is. John and I spent a lot of time searching all over that tractor and can't find it.
    The great news is that it did not rain while we did this chore, so no wet hay and no wet tractor. And, the greatest news is that the llamas were thrilled to get new hay. Yummy. I started to get a bit worried that we'd be without hay for an entire weekend. The llamas would throw me into a huge guilt trip, standing at the gate, staring at the house. I'd go berserk every time I looked out the window, and worse yet, I'd have to listen to John boo hooing about it ALL day long, ALL weekend. Yikes, that puts chills down my spine.

    More sad news for Christina, she's now been diagnosed with congestive heart failure. That doctor wants to do surgery to give her a "little more time". I don't know if her body can withstand surgery, that would be so much trauma on all her systems. She's very despondent, no where to turn. I doubt she can travel, so I assume she'll be spending the weekend at home like she did for Thanksgiving. Jason went to visit his family last month, so I don't know if he'll stay with her or go to his Mom's house again for this holiday. I want to bring her to my house so I can take care of her.

    I have several emails to write today. My Mom's cousin that's visiting from Texas is still in California. Came for Thanksgiving and staying through Christmas, so I didn't send a card to Texas and I couldn't find her daughter's street address in Pasadena. I usually email Jan, the daughter, so I don't know if I ever wrote down her physical address. I want to send them a special thank you for visiting my mom, Thanksgiving was such a nice day for Mom. I had planned to email Jan all this time since Thanksgiving and kept thinking "I have time", Oops, looks like I've run out of time, Christmas is here, NOW.

    Talked to Norma yesterday and she's all set, tree and decorations are up and food is prepared and she'll have her boys and their families coming at 10:00 this morning. I can imagine the excitement for Hudson's first Christmas, he's just shy of a year old, so he'll know what to do with all those presents. Jackson will start school this coming year, wow, how fast they grow.

    Just about time to let the birds out, so I'll do that and refill my coffee mug.
  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    edited December 2016
    Good morning all, Happy Christmas Eve day! We've had rain the last few days. What a blessing. It's been chilly but certainly not compared to what you all have been having! Dan and I had the BEST day yesterday! We decided to do our grocery shopping since this Sunday (the day we usually grocery shop) is Christmas. That all went very smoothly and even stopped raining while we were out and about. When we got back we decided we had just enough time to run to the movie theater to see a movie that we saw a preview for and thought sounded good (we only go about once a year). The movie is "Collateral Beauty". It stars Will Smith, Helen Mirren, Kate Winslet, Keira Knightley and Edward Norton. It was a really good, heart warming movie! We went to a local theater called a luxury theater where all the seats are recliners and you get assigned seats. You can also eat there - burgers, pizza. That sort of thing. We didn't eat there but Dan took me to dinner to a new burger restaurant called Grub that I've been wanting to try. It was EXCELLENT! We went to Trader Joe's afterward then home. A little later we watched another Hallmark Christmas movie and ate popcorn.

    Today we are taking it easy. I planned to go to the farmer's market and get some honey but decided I didn't feel like going out so the honey will have to stretch until next Saturday. My crazy husband is out working in the yard in the cold and wet. He better not get sick! Our church is combining all services into 1 tomorrow at 10:30am so I told Dan we'd better head over earlier if we want to get decent parking and seating. We'll probably leave about 10. It only takes about 10 minutes to get there so that should work. Then I'll start the sauce for the lasagna when we get back. My good friend Grace always makes a vegetable lasagna and inspired me to put spinach and/or chard in mine this year to up the nutritional value. I'll probably just put it in the sauce. Trader Joe's had this wedge of Lemon Ricotta which they said is more like a dessert cheese so that is what I bought for dessert. I will treat it like a piece of cheese cake.

    Debora, sounds like you are busy as always. I'm surprised you aren't even busier. I don't think we really notice a taste difference when adding milk to the deviled eggs, they are just creamier and the yolk mixture is much easier to work with as you said. I love that Chick-Fil-A gives that little deal where you get your same meal free if you come back within a certain time period. Yikes that your temps were at 21 degrees! Yay for the 42 degree "heat wave"! :wink: Your sister's Ford Fusion seems like a good choice, especially since she's already had one and is used to them.

    Marcie, did you ever get to have your mug exchange? LOVE the pic of Cisco and Simon! It was really nice of your dad's buddy to take the waste to the dump for you guys! That is such a big help! We have a hazardous waste site in the next town over where I work but you are only allowed to use it if you are a resident of that town. Very frustrating since we are only 6 miles away and can't use it!!! Your deviled eggs looked really good on facebook. It's fun to get creative with them and try different ingredients sometimes. I had a co-worker who used to put bleu cheese in hers.

    Sheryl, thanks for the lovely e-Christmas card. :) It's really good that your neighbor gave you the warning about the chickens and geese so you could keep them safe. I can't imagine how awful it would be to find them mutilated in the morning. Good that they can borrow your traps. Let us know if they catch anything. I didn't know that raccoons eat chickens. Makes them not so cute!! What a continuing saga with the tractor for a few days. Good thing you were able to get some hay just in time. It would make me crazy to have them staring at the house and not be able to feed them for the weekend. Wow, surprising that they were able to get you into the pulmonary Dr. so quickly. I bet they had a cancellation. My brother Joe has hernia surgery scheduled for Dec 29th. He was originally scheduled for Jan 3 but they had a cancellation which turned out to be a blessing because his deductible has been met for this year so everything should be covered. God is good! I can't believe poor Christina got more bad news. How much more can that poor gal take!!

    Well, crazy husband has come in from the cold so I guess I'll go make breakfast/lunch and see if he wants a nice warm cup of tea.

    Merry Christmas to all of you and God's blessings for the coming year! Love you all!
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Just popping it to say Merry Christmas to everyone. I'm still working on things for dinner tomorrow and picking up from last night. And if anyone is interested, there's a Call the Midwife Holiday Special on PBS tomorrow night - 6:30 on our station. I'm got it set to tape. Back when I have more time. :)
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Merry Christmas!!!!

    And she brought forth her firstborn son, and wrapped him in swaddling clothes, and laid him in a manger; because there was no room for them in the inn. Luke 2:7
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Merry Christmas.

    So thankful that God loves us so much that He sent His Son. Today is a Celebration.

    Talked to Mom yesterday, she was "resting" up for a big day today. The Sulahian clan will gather at my aunt and uncle's house. Lots of raucous laughter and great food. Ha ha, that will be so much for Mom to handle.
    I missed Norma's morning call yesterday, she spoils me by calling every day on her morning break and now, even on her days off, but I know she was occupied with her Christmas activities. Can hardly wait to hear all about them, we'll have lots to talk about when she has a chance, maybe tonight or tomorrow.

    Sounds silly for Christmas Day, but I hope to give John a hair cut, beard trim and get him into the shower. Didn't work out yesterday. Once again, we're having a problem with personal hygiene. In other words, he stinks.

    I hope each of you has a Blessed Christmas Day.
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Yay, John is in the shower, all trimmed up.

    Merry Christmas to me, my gift, sweet smelling Christmas.
  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    Hi everyone. Just popping in to wish you all a very Merry Christmas!!

    I hope you are having a wonderful holiday!

    We did the white elephant mug exchange on Thursday. I'm not one to steal stuff, so I just kept what I got. The mug I brought was stolen twice!

    Sheryl, yay on getting John trimmed and clean!

    Isabella, sounds like you had a really great day yesterday! I'll have to make note of that movie and watch it when it shows up on cable. Good idea adding veggies to the lasagna. I dont make it very often, but when I do I always load it with veggies.

    Our neighbor across the street gave us another jar of his homemade honey yesterday. He's so nice, and his honey is really good.


    I remember back in the day all the kids in the neighborhood would be outside playing with their new toys and bikes on Christmas. Just doesn't happen anymore. I just walked outside and didn't see any kids out there. Kind of sad.


    Well, I guess I'll close and go make some lunch. A tuna sandwich sounds good. Have lovely day everyone.

  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    Merry Christmas!
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good Morning. Hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas and that each of you received what you wanted. As I mentioned yesterday, I got my gift of John smelling so good. I rubbed him with lavender again after his shower. He was so funny last night, as we went to bed, he commented on the clean sheets. I said, yes, we have clean sheets and towels to match our clean bodies, we both took showers today. "I took a shower? today?"
    I wonder how he thinks his beard disappeared when he looks in the mirror? Silly question, I guess he doesn't even remember that it grew.

    Talked to Norma yesterday at noon, she was getting ready to go pickup Mom to head out to our uncle's house. She said that Saturday was great. Surprised that Hudson did not know what to do with presents, but, Jackson sure did. Jackson opened up everyone's gifts for them. "Oh, this is for my mommy" and he proceeds to open it, it is HIS mommy after all.

    I'll talk to my Mom this afternoon and see how she endured yesterday.

    This morning between 9 and 10, the woodstove people are coming by to do their preview. They send them out a week ahead to make sure there are no questions and that they bring everything they need for installation. John has many questions, but he may still be in bed when they come. I'll ask the pertinent ones, but mostly I'll let them do their job, they should know what they are doing. (I'm stating that half sarcastically, I should know by now that not all "professionals" know what they are doing)

    More paperwork to do this week, not only end of the month stuff, but end of the year too.
    I received a health questionnaire to fill out and take with me on Thursday to the pulmonary doctor. And, I need to get all my drainage ditch info put together for the two new names I got from that County notice. I need to give them enough history on the situation without inundating them with too much info or maybe they won't even look at it. I plan to email them and follow-up with certified US mail, so I can send the CD with videos. I still can't get videos to attach to email. The videos show so much more than a still photo.

    It's just about time to let out the birds and put out cracked corn. Then, I'll be ready for more coffee.
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    I'm back already, just have to share this...
    I ordered a book regarding essential oils and got an email last week that it had shipped. I just checked the tracking number and noticed that it arrived at the Troutdale, OR, FedEx station Dec 23 at 2 am. Troutdale is just about 20 miles from here, John and I used to live there. But, at 4:30 pm on December 23, it arrived at the station in Kent, WA, that's a city near Seattle, 150 miles from here. FedEx is NUTS, they could have delivered it here last Friday from Troutdale, but instead they shipped it way up north only to make the trip back south again. I should get it tomorrow. I'm not in any huge hurry to get it, but it just shows how inefficient they are, didn't check the map.
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    edited December 2016
    Good Morning...I say sarcastically! I had a long comment just about finished and the computer went wonky and I lost it all. I need to do what Debora does, put it in a Word document and then copy/paste. How many times have I said that before.
    I'll see if I can remember what I wrote, it's only been 15-20 minutes.

    The stove guy showed up right at 9am and was here about 1/2 hour. Did a lot of measuring and stated that the new stove will need to be a little further away from the wall, due to codes and regulations. That means that the hearth pad need to be placed further out into the room and leave about a 2 inch gap between the pad and the wall. I figured that's a 2 inch space that will collect lots and lots of dirt and dust and be difficult to clean back there, behind the stove, like I would ever clean back there anyway. So, we decided to go to the stove store and pick out a new hearth pad. The old one is 48" x 48", the new one is 54" x 54" and better yet, the front corners are angled and the edges are beveled. So, no more catching our toes on sharp edges. Naturally, it's not in stock, so it's possible that the installation for next Tuesday may have to be postponed. He's checking their other store and will call me.

    This is hard, to remember what I wrote and how I wrote it. So, for now, I'll call it quits, refill my mug and come back later.
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good Morning, I can see that this is going to be a very long week, or even longer if that hearth pad is not in stock. John is reneging on the woodstove and doesn't think it's a good idea to change it. He doesn't remember that it's not an option due to the leak in the chimney, he thinks I just want to change the woodstove to have a new one and the old one is just fine. He is questioning all the holes that will be drilled in the floor and in the ceiling. I keep trying to explain to him that all of that will remain the same, but he is not understanding. "Houston, We Have A Problem". I will try to convince him that he needs to trust me. It will be like the weeks preceding the cataract surgery. It's draining all my strength. He came out this morning and told me that he had a nightmare about it and he doesn't want it. He has gone back to bed, hopefully, he won't remember.

    I talked to Mom and Norma together on Monday, (this was part of my yesterday's comment that I lost). I got a call from Mom and then realized that Norma was there visiting. They had a good time Christmas afternoon, big houseful and good food. However, my aunt, Esther, stayed in bed. She is not only physically frail, but her mental state is going downhill fast. Dementia is touching everyone's lives these days. So difficult. They are looking into getting in home help, as my uncle is frail too. I pray that they can find the right personalities to fit into the family. From what Norma told me, Esther is acting like John's Mom did, very belligerent and acting out, fighting and biting. How heartbreaking to have to deal with that. It's caring for an entirely different person, a stranger.

    It just occurred to me again that here I am typing right into the site. If I lose this comment, I'll scream, I better copy and paste into a Word document and then copy and paste it back again.

    Marcie, I loved that label on your honey jar. I am thoroughly enjoying the wild blackberry honey I got from BiZi Farms. It's delicious and different from the store bought clover I was used to. I get a tinge of blackberry after-taste.

    Jannie, so glad that your Mom was able to have Christmas with you. Any lasting effects from the mini-stroke? How did you realize that was happening to her?

    OK, this is funny. I don't think I told you that when my hair started to grow back after chemo, I decided to try WEN hair products. I had seen the tv commercials and I WANT to have hair like Angie Harmon, ha ha ha, OK stop laughing, I will NEVER have hair like Angie Harmon. I spent the big bucks and ordered the WEN products. It's like a subscription and they keep sending you this stuff and billing you, so, after awhile, I cancelled, I still had plenty of shampoo and they wanted to send me more. Well, last week I received a post card in the mail regarding a class action suit against WEN, I believe it was for hair fall-out. I haven't had any ill effects from the products, but am curious about joining the suit to recoup some of the money I spent. I'll have to re-read the card and see what I have to do, OR, just drop it, I have enough on my plate and don't need to get involved with this too.

    I guess that's it for this morning. I'll go refill my mug.
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Took a minute to check on the status of my book. Now, instead of stating a delivery date, it says "pending". I think they are trying to find Brush Prairie up near Seattle, idiots.
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good Morning, woke up extra early. Set the alarm for 5 to be sure I didn't miss my appointment, but woke up at 20 minutes to the hour, so no problem. I'll feed early too, the critters won't know what's happening, with me out there in the dark. Take a nice hot shower and be on my way at 7:50 am. But first, naturally, I have my mug and came to visit here for a few minutes.

    I have all my medical history in order, ready to take with me. Quite a bit in the last 3 years. Absolutely nothing for the 20 years preceding it. I pray that there is something that can be done, but doubt there is a simple fix.

    Checked the tracking info on my book again and now, it states that they turned it over to the US Postal Service and it should arrive today. Too funny, we saw a FedEx van drive by yesterday and then it appeared behind us in the cul-de-sac, and drove by the front of our house again, southbound. I told John maybe he was looking for me.

    If I can, I'll let you know what the doctor says late this afternoon, otherwise, see you in the morning.