Pot Bellied Stove / Water Cooler



  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    edited November 2016
    Hi all, Happy Thanksgiving!! My brain keeps telling me that I have to go and start cooking, then I remind myself that the turkey is pre-cooked and I can lounge all day and cook most things this afternoon/evening. I will probably start making the green bean casserole around 2pm though. I think I will add chicken to the leftover green bean casserole and make a meal out of that. I think it will taste really good. I also bought a sweet potato pie from Trader Joe's that has to be baked. I'm trying to decide whether to bake it before the rest of the meal or afterward. I resisted buying whip cream for the pie. We can use vanilla ice cream if the urge strikes.

    Just for clarification sake, I have used my own canvas grocery bags for 20 years or more. I keep them in my trunk so I have them no matter what. It is really no big deal. Even more reason that it is silly that everyone is making such an issue of it. I think part of the reason is that many of the stores started charging immediately after the proposition passed without any warning at all.

    I will go to Jami's house tomorrow morning so she can color my hair. I have to go past a mall to get to her house. Hope it isn't too crazy with all the black Friday shoppers out.

    Debora, Ham for Thanksgiving sounds good! I never think of that. I'll have to see if there are any on sale this weekend. 3 dozen deviled eggs sounds like a lot of work but I'm sure you are having a large group for dinner. I learned a secret from a co-worker to put some milk in with the yolks and the mayo and mustard. It makes the mixture very creamy. My deviled eggs are always in demand now. Do you put milk in yours?

    Sheryl, sounds like you and Norma have a good plan for your mom. Time will tell. I could smell your turkey from here! Sounds wonderful. I must admit I'm a tad jealous! :) Buying a roast also sounds like a good idea. I'll have to see what is at the stores this weekend. I agree that asparagus is often spindly this time of year. I don't like the real skinny stalks. I don't think they are as flavorful and can be tough. Sorry Gayla is having hip problems also. Everyone seems to have good success with hip replacements so hopefully that will go well. Great idea to try the pine cones in the stove that you are getting rid of. How did it go?

    Marcie, Thanks for sharing the Dear Kitten video. Very cute. I never think to look for others when I see something like that. It rained pretty steady here Sunday night and all thru Monday so we got a pretty good soaking. Thank God! How was your Thanksgiving dinner at Rosie's?

    Well, Dan is finally ready for breakfast (yes, it is 10:48am!!) so I guess I'll go cook. I think I'll make pancakes. We don't have those very often. I make the batter from scratch. Very easy to do and MUCH better. :) Have a wonderful day!
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good Morning. We had a pretty good day Thanksgiving and yesterday, even though it rained steady and John had to stay in the house. Watched football on and off, but paced a lot from one window to another and moaned about the rain and pitied the critters. I doubt they care, especially the geese and ducks, they love all the ponds that they have to choose from out there.

    I made the rib roast and baked potato and asparagus for Thursday, it turned out good. The asparagus looked good in the store and tasted great. I wonder where they came from? South America?

    This may be very quick, I hear John in the bathroom already, however, he may go back to bed, we'll see...

    Yes, he came out, asked what day is it today and what are we going to do, looked through the kitchen window, it's still dark out there, so he went back to bed.

    So, I'm back. I talked to Norma yesterday morning and she said that she thought Thanksgiving went very well, but she was busy as hostess, so she didn't spend a lot of time with Mom. They had 19 total, a small group compared to our family gatherings when I was a kid, but more people than Norma had expected. Some cousins, and even Norma's boys, entertained their in-laws. (Brent and his family came over for awhile, but left early to go to Beth's family. So they got to see Jackson and Hudson). Mom's cousin from Texas was a really nice surprise for Mom. I called Mom in the afternoon and she said she was very tired and taking it easy Friday, but so glad she had gone on Thursday, she had a great time. No complaints. Yay, a victory. I called Norma back again later to let her know. Mom complimented Norma's cooking and her house. I was afraid that the new tile floor might be too slippery for Mom's walker, but Mom liked it, said her walker glided and is much better than carpet.
    Interesting, Mom mentioned several different times that Thursday was great because she got to see all three of her brothers. I believe she is really thinking of her mortality and I guess, at 94, this actually could be the last Thanksgiving they are all together. Nancy's dad, my mother's middle brother, is doing poorly with the dementia, even with all the family around him, he was confused and didn't know what all was going on. And, Mom said that her other brother, the oldest of the brothers, seemed very frail and weak and she thought he needed a walker to get around. Mom is the oldest of all of them and has already lost two sisters. The youngest brother is a lot younger than all of them, Bob is 8 years older than me and more like my brother than my Mom's. They have never been close, but I've been very close to Bob all my life.

    I am very happy that the pine cones burn clean, no gooey mess due to sap. Even though John gets sap on his hands. We'll be using them in the woodstove from now on, even in the new one. They don't smell though, I was kind of expecting a piney aroma in the house. I went to Winco the other day and they had a big display of bagged pine cones with a cinnamon aroma, Oooooo, smelled so good, I almost bought it just to have that aroma in the house. I still may get one, I'm sure they will be available til Christmas. Cinnamon is a great smell.

    I haven't talked to Gayla since she saw the hip specialist, I don't know if she got that cortisone shot and if so, if it helped. Her hip is bone on bone. She said that sitting at her desk and preparing a return won't be too hard, but it's walking that kills her. Maybe the receptionist can guide her clients back to her desk, but knowing Gayla, she will force herself to walk the clients out, that's how social and courteous she is. We'll see how it goes.

    I hear John again, so I'll close for now.

  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    edited November 2016
    Hi all, we had a really nice day on Thanksgiving just the 2 of us. The already cooked turkey breast from Trader Joe's was delicious! My only very minor complaint is that the juices from the breast only made about a cup of gravy. But everything came out wonderful and we were very content. The real surprise was the frozen sweet potato pie I bought at Trader Joe's. I baked it after dinner and it was absolutely delicious!! The crust is the best we've ever had! We'll have the rest of the turkey for dinner tonight along with some green bean casserole and mashed potatoes. I'll add chicken to the rest of the left over green bean casserole and we'll have that for dinner tomorrow.

    My friend Jami convinced me to go shopping with her at JC Penney on Friday morning. She wanted to get some things for her sons for Christmas. I needed underwear and only wear the cotton JC Penney brand called Underscore. I figured they'd be on sale so I agreed if she would drive. We went at 8:30am and it wasn't too crazy. They said a lot of people had come shopping the night before. How sad! By the time we left at 10:30am the parking lot was very busy. We went back to her house and she colored my hair. It came out nice as usual. Hubby took me to a little taco shop for dinner then we came home and watched the old movie "For Whom the Bell Tolls" with Gary Cooper and Ingrid Bergman. It was a tad slow in parts but was good.

    Today we went to the farmer's market so Dan could choose an essential oil he likes that we can use in the diffuser. He decided on a blend called Stress Fix. I also bought a couple for my friend Grace for Christmas. I bought her a blend called Happy that she can use as a fragrance or as a mood enhancer and also Frankincense which many consider the MVP of essential oils. The more you buy the cheaper she sells them for so we got 3 for $30. Great deal! Her website is greenbottleherbs.com/Green_Bottle_Herbs/Home.html if anyone wants to check it out. We went to Trader Joe's after that and came home. Hubby is taking a course for drivers over 55. When you complete the course and pass the test you get a certificate and they give you 10% off your car insurance. The info is very repetitive but I guess it will be worth it. You have to repeat the course every 3 years. I will take the course next.

    Sheryl, so glad your roast came out well for Thanksgiving! I'm jealous again! ;) So happy to hear that things went well at Norma's also. Wonderful that your mom complemented Norma's house and her cooking! Also good to hear that burning the pinecones was a success. Now you know. :)

    Anew, hope you are feeling better and that Thanksgiving went well for you. Praying for you.

    Have a great rest of your weekend everyone!
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Thomas didn't get here until about 11:30 from the Youth Group party but it was fun to hear about it and then head for bed.

    Thursday was a good day. Got up and set the table interspersed with walking till Thomas got up. Our church service was at 10 and it was a good service. Much to be thankful for. Sang a number of songs that are thanksgiving related. From there, Ralph headed to big town to get Uncle Joe. The last three times he's come, he has gotten lost so this was safer. I went home and sliced the hams and put them in the roaster to keep warm, filled the relish tray. As everyone came so did the food and the table was full by the time we ate. I was stuffed when I got done eating. The kids were ready for dessert before the adults but they had to wait till we took care of the food. The cranberry salads were the one thing I wish I could have had some to keep. I got the stuffing (which Matthew's grandmother had made - he said he got the recipe so he can do it next time) and the rest of their salad since they were headed out of town on Friday. Some of us took a walk in the afternoon. The puzzle Ralph started got worked on. The kids played outside a lot and played some old video games that I pull out once a year. A few took naps and there was lots of visiting going on. About 4:30, Ralph took Uncle Joe back in and two of my sisters left. We pulled out leftovers for supper and the last ones left bout 7:30. One sister bought a pumpkin and a sweet potato pie we cut small pieces and compared them. Both were good. I did three dozen deviled eggs and they all got eaten. We went through 6 cans of black olives. After everyone left, I did my list for Friday and we headed for bed.

    Friday was at home for the day. I started straightening the house, worked on the outside of the puzzle, watched Pollyanna, cooked the two ham bones and got the meat off and a few other things. At 5 we went to a wedding - both were widowed so they used the grandsons to ring bells, the younger granddaughters to be flower girls and the children and spouses were the attendents. They had some really good music. The only flowers were as decorations and the ushers had on boutineers. The couple came in together. At the reception we sat at a table of relatives of his first wife so got to know them a bit. The meal was delicious. Beef from Hog Wild, potatoes, green beans, fruit salad, roll and brownies for dessert. We were home shortly after 7:30 so not even out late.

    Lori and family and Matthew and Julie headed for Dallas Friday morning. Some were helping in the processing center and Jim and younger kids were doing Lego land and the Aquarium. They'll head home tomorrow. Will be fun to hear about it. The funny thing is that Lori mentioned who her dad was for some reason and someone piped up and said - "The traveling professor is our dad." Never heard him called that before but is was someone from around here also down there working. Small world.

    Today I finished the house - caught up on the dishes, made brownies for tomorrow. My nephew-in-law who had brought his smokes and did two turkey breasts for Thanksgiving, offered to smoke a pork roast so we can have pulled pork tomorrow. I have pineapple left from Thursday so didn't have a lot to do today. We went to town to pick up a few things at Dollar Tree and ate at Burger King. We also went back to the hardware store for another pipe fitting so Ralph could create something to go into the cup holder that will hold the big cup he got for his birthday. Hope he works like he thinks it will.

    Along with church in the morning and evening (already scheduled), a lady from church died Thanksgiving evening and I guess cause family is here, the funeral is tomorrow afternoon. So we'll eat but not be here very long. She was a single woman and the last sibling to pass away. So the day will be full.

    Isabella, how nice that with the precooked turkey, the day could be more relaxing for you. We always do our Thanksgiving meal at noon. But your way made it nice for you. I have never used milk in the yolks. How do you gauge? Do you do milk and then mayo or the other way around. I'll try that next time. Glad your trip to JC Penney went well. I need to get ideas before I shop so hope to have that happen soon. The driving course sounds worth it to get the discount even if it's not very fun.

    Sheryl, bummer on the rain making John have to stay inside but I'm glad it was you and not me that had it so the kids could go outside. Very helpful. (although I can't complain. Derek and Lindsey had 58 at their house - just 30 here). Your Thanksgiving meal sounds delicious. So glad you mom had a good time at Norma's. No complaints is huge for her and compliments too. Norma should write that down to refer too on days that aren't so good. Cool on the pine cones. Maybe you could sprinkle a little cinnamon on yours and see if that makes a good aroma. Do the pine cones burn quickly?

    Enjoy the rest of the weekend.
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good Morning, once again, John has been up and went back to bed, but I hear him in there. Mornings are so tough on him, he wakes up so confused and "lost", just doesn't know what to do.

    One thing that I remember as I read through comments, the senior driving class to get a discount on insurance, my parents did that for years through AARP. Sound like a great deal, they got a good discount. I haven't looked into it for myself and thankfully, John doesn't drive anymore even though he has a valid license til May of 2021. When he went to renew his license in 2015, Washington had just changed policy and licenses are for 6 years instead of 5.

    I got an email from Sue and she sounds great, here's an excerpt:

    My recuperation is going unbelievably, remarkably, amazingly well. My new knee is three weeks old tomorrow. I thought the last knee surgery recovery went well and this one is better, way better. I can hardly believe it. Last week, my physical therapist said, "you're just a freak." HA! The PT staff is as amazed as I am. Last night is the first night I slept through the night. I've been waking up around 3 am to take a couple ibuprofen.

    I went to Boise with Cliff last week and did some shopping while he was in meetings. This being a week and a half post surgery. Crazy, right?

    I've been contemplating why my recovery is going so well. I really hate to admit this, but a lion's share of the blame must be placed squarely on my good diet. Let me backtrack a bit.

    After the NM website closed I managed to re-gain some weight. I just could not get used to MyFitnessPal. I think if I had a smart phone I might have given it a more dedicated try. That is what I tell myself anyway.

    April to July 2015 I seriously contemplated getting my knees fixed. I came to the conclusion that if I was going to have this major surgery, I HAD TO LOSE weight. I counted the weeks until the end of the year. Realizing I only had 23 weeks, I committed to losing 25 pounds. I lost twenty pounds by November 9. I maintained that loss, through the holidays, until February 5 when I had my knee surgery.

    I committed to losing another twenty pounds by the next knee surgery. I lost ten. Better than gaining. :) Anyway, in May 2016 I started working with a functional medicine nurse practitioner to try to get my thyroid medication dialed in. I have Hashimoto's Thyroiditis, an autoimmune disorder. This past July I committed, not very willingly, to six months on a gluten, dairy and sugar free diet. I had been dabbling with gluten free for years. Dairy free has been a challenge ... I really miss cheese and ice cream. Sugar free feels almost impossible, but I do the best I can. Did you know there is sugar in tomato sauce??? Why??? Just to make people like me pull my hair out I suppose.

    Well as of this morning I am five pounds away from my lowest NM weight. I believe the diet I committed to in July has greatly reduced the inflammation in my body at the cellular level. I really hate to admit, but I think it is the reason my recovery has gone so well. I can't say I am overly excited about this realization because it means I'll have to wrap my mind around continuing this life style.

    How well I know what she means, I have already fallen back into bad habits since the 20 days of cleanse/restore. I need to remember that this is a lifestyle change not a temporary diet. I've regained 2 of the 8 pounds that I lost. Time to buckle down again.

    I also got an email from JC, here's an excerpt:

    We had Thanksgiving on Sunday with the kids downstairs. Sue took a nasty fall at the VA on Tuesday. I was off looking for a parking space & she was late so she tried to make it on her own. She has a nasty, really black bruise on her chin with a lighter one on her left cheek up to her black eye. A light triangular brush about the left breast, another on her tummy… She wanted our own Thanksgiving dinner so I went shopping Wednesday & picked up the stuff. We had a pumpkin pie from Coco’s so luckily I didn’t have to do that. All I did was roast a turkey breast & make mashed potatoes & gravy. It was my first time making Thanksgiving Dinner. I had managed to avoid it for 81 years. To my surprise everything was ready at the same time & Sue had seconds. Yea!

    Norma and I are so happy for answered prayer, Mom has been upbeat for 4 days in a row. We talk to her on the phone and she sounds great, finding the good in things instead of complaining. Norma said maybe this is the turn around she's been hoping for, sure makes it easier to be with her and do things for her without wanting to wring her neck. A VERY Happy Thanksgiving this year.

  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good Morning, I got an email from Carol to let me know that Bible study has been changed to 1 pm. That time will work out so much better for me, I feel that I can leave home and John may be set for the day after noon, even if we have a rough morning. We'll see. Also, she invited me to a ladies' meeting the evening of December 10th. I have accepted, it will be nice to have the fellowship since I haven't made it to church in a very long time. The get-together is free, but I need to take a woman's sweatshirt to donate for the shelter. If I get out to Bible study today, I can swing by Fred Meyer and pick something up and have it on hand. Also, today is senior discount day at Freddie's, so I'll get 10% off everything I buy. Great deal.

    Talked to Mom yesterday and she was still pretty good although I let her rant about her lunch. She loves fish and their baked or fried fish used to be extremely good, her favorite lunch. Now, it's a fish that she doesn't recognize and it's rubbery. I made the mistake, well, not really a mistake, but I told her I was making fasula, an Armenian dish with pilaf and she said that she really misses that homemade food like her mother would make. Those are times that I wish I could have her here and cook for her.

    That's all my news for this morning, will check in tomorrow.
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Well, we made it to everything on Sunday. We got some rain and it was windy and cloudy so not a very pleasant day. Monday was a pretty sunny day and got up in the 50s - supposed to be the warmest day of the week. I worked at home in the morning. In the afternoon we went to town. I wanted to take some things I needed copies of in so I could pick them up Friday. It's also the day the health department does shots so I got my Hep AB. It was expensive (to my mind) even there - $95.00. but $55.00 less that the other place I priced. We took Julie's Kerug to her and got some things at Walmart- one being a frozen pizza so guess what we had for supper. Today I was at home till Good News Club - usual group. We are doing stories on Moses now. Temp said it was 44 when I came home but it felt cold to all of us. Brrrr. We been making slow progress on the puzzle but we will get it done.

    Trying to get my job covered at Willing Workers Thursday so I can go to Taryn's concert. It's a little harder cause a local school is also having their concerts so our VP has someplace to go to. Then I am getting out of Sunday School next week so we can go to church with Matthew and Julie. She's joining the church there and because it's a Baptist church and she was just poured, she has to do it again. :) I'm making some progress on my three projects - the one report is written and after Thursday I'll have the bigger one to do for the annual meeting report so lots of little things - helps keep me out of mischief - ha. Exciting thing - I started cleaning off the sink in the utility room. The sink is not hooked up so it's a storage area. I have not been able to find my flylady duster for a long time. it is now found - at the back of the sink - I suppose from the last time I was cleaning it. Just glad to have it back.

    Sheryl, sorry mornings are so tough. Thanks for sharing the news from Sue. So great that she has found out what works for her but I don't think I could be as disciplined. So glad the second knee is going so well. And from JC - cool on the successful Thanksgiving dinner. So sorry Sue had another fall. I miss them so am thankful you do a good job of keeping up with them. Glad your mom has been more upbeat - enjoy it as long as it lasts. Afternoon Bible study will be nice for you - no rushing and you'll have more time to get John settled. Yay for you. And yay for the evening event going on the calendar. It's nice to be able to get out. I wish I could be with you and have you cook for me too. You were just sharing about what you were doing.

    About time to start supper. Still not used to this getting dark so early but it is what it is. I did remember to park in the garage tonight so won't have to worry about scraping windows in the morning.
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good Morning. Yesterday was a good day. I went to Bible study. The new time works out better for me. Interesting that they said that they changed it so more people could come, but it was a smaller group that showed up. Carol didn't come because she had her grandkids in the afternoon. We'll see how many come next week.

    I got my shopping done and John seemed to be fine when I got home, nothing looked out of place. Naturally, he said that there were things he wanted to tell me when I got home, but forgot what they are. But, he does that all the time now, even when I'm in the other room.

    I keep getting interrupted, so I'd better post this and see if I can come back later.
  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    Hi everyone. Long time, no post. It took me awhile to catch up on all your goings-on!

    Sounds like you all had a nice Thanksgiving. Rosies was very much a bust! They do breakfast really well there, but not holiday meals. It was pretty much just chopped up dark turkey meat served over mashed potatoes and gravy with a side of canned mixed veggies, a couple tbs of canned cranberry sauce, an over-microwaved roll, and a piece of mediocre pumpkin pie (Dad finished that off for me). Lesson learned. When going out, if you want a good meal with good ingredients, you pay a bit more. Season 52 would have cost about $25 more, but I would have enjoyed it more, and I would have had left overs to take home.

    Ack...I just got called into a meeting. I try to make it back here tomorrow morning. Have nice night everyone.

  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    If anyone is interested, The Great American Baking Show is on Thursday evening - new season. I'm planning to tape it since I won't be home. Wrote down all the grandkids Christmas programs. That will keep us busy.
  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    arobed53 wrote: »
    If anyone is interested, The Great American Baking Show is on Thursday evening - new season. I'm planning to tape it since I won't be home. Wrote down all the grandkids Christmas programs. That will keep us busy.

    I have it set to record on the DVR.
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good Morning. Thanks for the reminder Debora, I will be recording the baking show also. I really enjoy all the baking shows, British and American. And, I recorded the special British Baking Show Master Classes, where Paul and Mary showed how it SHOULD be done. Very interesting even though I know that I will NOT be baking. I just like to watch and wish I could taste.

    Yesterday was another typical rainy day. Lots of those on the calendar, for a few months to come. Winter has arrived here in the NW.

    Today is my sister's birthday (66), her boys and their wives are taking her to dinner tonight. Simeon is suppose to join them, don't know yet if he actually made it to town. He was going to come yesterday, then changed it to Tuesday because he wanted to spend as much time as possible with Norma, and then changed it again to last night. Norma got fed up, she has learned that she can't depend on anything he plans because he doesn't come through. Another red flag for that relationship, Norma is so super organized and always does what she says she will do. Simeon "blames" being retired and he has so much free time that he can do "whatever". Norma asked me if that's how she will be when she retires and I stated an emphatic NO. We don't change who we are and when she retires, she will still be very active and organized. I don't think Simeon can keep up with her.

    I received another weekly Blue Apron delivery yesterday and realized that I still have meals from last week. The fridge is packed, so I went in to the web site and skipped next week's delivery. I may do that twice, because with the holiday's, I may be planning some special dinners myself. I also have blood work next Wednesday and I hope I can get John to go with me and we can go out for dinner. I like that every so often, when I can con John into it. ha ha

    Marcie, so sorry that your Thanksgiving dinner wasn't up to par. Next holiday, it's off to the nicer restaurant. Keep Rosie's just for breakfast.

    Well, once again, I had in mind several comments to comment on and now I have forgotten what I was going to say. I have got to take notes!!! And, since we are on a new page, I can't scroll back to look or I will lose my post here. So, I'll submit and try to do better next time.
  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    Good morning everyone.

    We've been chilly here this week. Lows upper 30s and highs upper 50s to low 60s. Not as cold as some of you get, but it feels cold too me. Dad bought Cisco a new coat last weekend and he's been getting use out of it during their morning walks this week.

    A friend and I went to Seasons 52 for lunch yesterday. I had their house burger and a baby field green salad. So good. Bonus...when I was paying, they gave me a $25 coupon that I can use in January. May take Dad out for dinner there next month.

    It looks like everyone is back from their vacations now because traffic has been horrendous for the last couple days. The light traffic we had between 11-23 and 11-28 will be missed!

    Did you see this Christmas card Andy over on NM Facebook painted. I love this one! I made it my wallpaper on my computer at work. So cute.


    I enjoy those baking/cooking competition shows. I think tonight is when Top Chef returns, so that's also going to be recorded on the DVR.

    Sheryl, I was happy to hear all went well with your Mom on Thanksgiving! Happy Birthday to your sister! Good advice you gave her about retirement. During his working days, my Dad was always diligent about getting things done and figuring stuff out, and he hasn't changed.

    Well, I'd better get to work. I have a full day ahead. It's going to be like this pretty much until January. Tis the season to be busier than normal around here!
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good Morning. Yay on the Seasons 52 coupon, I always love a good deal. Plus, a good lunch.

    Norma is taking Mom to the dentist today, pray for them both!!!!!! I will talk to Norma later and find out how everything went. I told Mom yesterday that I would call her on Saturday. Simeon is still here, leaving tomorrow morning, and the two of them are babysitting for Hudson tonight. That should be an adventure, Hudson is 11 months old already, wow how time flies. Of course, Norma and Simeon are both used to having little kids around, spending lots of time with their grandkids. For me, it would be a culture shock, I haven't been around little kids in many years.

    I forgot to mail one of the truck registrations in a timely manner, it's been sitting in my pile of papers for a month now, so I think that's an excuse to take a run up to the post office today and do a few other errands. A stop at the bank, I still have those checks from my cousins for the plant that I want to cash too. I just need to get out of the house. Maybe I can talk John into going with me and make a day of it. I just don't know how to keep him busy.

    I haven't talked to Nancy in such a long time, but if Disneyland Christmas Music is still on the same schedule, it should be this weekend. It's always been the first Saturday/Sunday of December. I sure hope her back holds out for her, this is strenuous work. This is her busiest time of year, many Holiday concerts, Disney, church, Caltech and LA Master Chorale. Plus, if she has any studio work lined up. She is in demand, I'm so proud of her.

  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Sunday morning - 39 degrees. We got a decent rain last night - nice and gentle. Glad it wasn't colder so it wasn't ice. We are headed to the church Matthew and Julie go to this morning. They said there's a potluck meal afterwards we can stay for. So no dinner at my house today. Thomas was here for the night. He had Bible study last night so spent the night. My sister will pick him up and take him to church.

    My sister is driving one of our cars. Thursday afternoon she ended up hitting a car but he was at fault since he didn't yield (had a stop sign)-the sun was bright so had a hard time seeing. But it still messed up her car and the policeman said she couldn't drive it home. So they towed it to a place in town. She tried to call us but we were already gone and her cell phone was dead so was trying to figure out who else she could call. About that time two girls from our church that live in that area came by and recognized her so stopped and they brought her all the way to our house (about 20-25 miles) and she took one of our cars home. Ralph and I had headed to town and went to Costco to see if wanted a membership (no), ate and then went to Taryn's concert. To my surprise, it was not a Christmas concert but then I realized none of theirs are. It was a patriotic one. One song tamed all the 50 states and their capitols, Another was about the constitution - not familiar songs. There were a couple of familiar ones. They did a nice job. I had Ralph drop me off at church so I could help clean up after Willing Workers. That's when we learned about Carol's accident. Ralph noticed his work car was in the parking lot so came in to find out why so we both got some of the delicious refreshments.

    Friday we did the usual errands and then went to the Senior Christmas dinner at the local High school. Some of the music students played the piano while people arrived. They had tablecloths on the table and nice centerpieces (which we later learned were for sale). The students had eaten earlier. We went through the lunch line just like the students and had the same meal (mashed potatoes with turkey and gravy, green beans, peaches, jello, roll and pumpkin cake. It was plenty to eat. Then while we ate the Singers sang some Christmas (and patriotic) songs for us - very nice. And then we came home. It was not a very large group but I'm glad it went (Ralph has gone other years but it was my first time). When I got home I went to town with my sister, we got the police report and took it to the insurance company and got stuff out of her car. She thought it was messed up more than she thought. Hopefully, the adjustor can check it out soon and then they will okay it being fixed. She would not enjoy having to car shop (although her kids would help her). We went to a Living Nativity in the evening - very well done. Ended up walking about a mile and it took about an hour and a half to go through. I'm glad we went the first night cause I think weatherwise it was the best time.

    Saturday we went to the DAV monthly book sale. Since no one was coming for Sunday, I could go with no problems. Unfortunately, when we got there, we found out it was the last day of the bookstore. The high-ups had decided to close it. Maybe everyone was like us and just went on the sale day. Books were 3 for $1 and we spent around $100. So the trunk is full of books.

    I finished the puzzle - missing one piece. I've served all over for it so going to see the company can to anything about it since Ralph wants to glue the picture. He does not want to work it again. 1000 pieces is a lot. I had fun so might get out another one to do - even if Ralph doesn't help. But will just do 500 pieces. :) I wrote down all the programs the kids have and none of them are on the same night which is good. Counting last Thursday, we have a total of 6 to go to plus two girls from Good News Club invited me to their musical so want to try and go to it. Will save basketball and volleyball games till after Christmas.

    Sheryl, glad the new time worked good for you and things seemed fine when you came home. I can have things to tell Ralph and forget them if I don't write them down. My list is my lifesaver sometimes. I like the baking/food shows too - cable would be nice for more of those but oh well. I taped a couple of the master classes and found I didn't enjoy them as much - maybe cause I'm not that good of a baker.
    Happy Birthday to your sister. Simon sure is an interesting person. They seem to enjoy the time together, but other things just don't jive for them. They'll figure it out. Hope taking your mom to the dentist went okay for her. Will your mom do anything for her birthday? Hope Simon and Norma's babysitting went well.
    Nice that it was so easy to cancel your meals for a week. It gives you some good flexibility.

    Marcie, sorry Rosie's didn't turn out so well. You did eat and now you know for next time. I got to watch the Baking Show yesterday -- so fun. Very cool on getting the coupon from Seasons 52. Nice for you. Sorry you have to fight traffic so much. Our highs are supposed to be in the 30s this week. We'll see what actually happens. Thanks for sharing the Christmas picture. I missed it.

    Well, time to head for church. Have a great day.
  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    Good morning all, it was a very busy day yesterday so I am just now getting a chance to check in before I go to church. I worked yesterday morning from 6am to 11am. After work I shopped for a gift for the angel tree person I chose at church last week. She wanted a bath gel and body lotion set. Believe it or not, I had a hard time finding it. I finally found some at Ross. Then I went to Angelika Theater to buy a gift certificate to give to our bible study teacher from all of us. Then I went to Trader Joe's. Then home to help hubby do maintenance on our spare tires, etc. Finally had late lunch, wrapped the couple of gifts I purchased. Then hubby got a wild hair and wanted to run to Borders to buy calendars so off we went. Back in time to make dinner then off to Jami's house for dessert and dominoes. Whew! :D. We had a great fun time there! It has been cold here! Well, cold for us anyway. ;) 40's at night and high 60's to low 70's during the day.

    I took my "mature" driving class. Passed with 84%. Some of the questions were really hinky and not in the material they covered at all. Dan and I got really annoyed! Then there were a couple of questions that I chose an answer for but he was so sure it was a different answer that I changed it and mine would have been the correct answers. Oh well, all that matters is that we both passed. And believe it or not, I have noticed that I am more observant when I drive now so the class was good in more ways than one.

    Sheryl, thanks so much for keeping up with Sue and JC and everyone and thanks for sharing them with us! So happy that Sue's knee replacement went so well. I'm pretty sure she is correct that it is at least in part to do with her life style change. My bible study teacher has arthritis so she went gluten free, and sugar free and can't believe how much the inflammation has been reduced. She had knee replacement surgery a couple of months ago and her PT is also amazed at how quickly she recovered. How did it go with your mom at the dentist? Very happy that they changed the bible study time which makes it easier to attend. Happy birthday to Norma! And you're right, she may relax a tad when she retires but will not change all that much. As far as remembering to tell Dan stuff, like Debora, If I don't write it down I forget sometimes too. So annoying! I also always take notes otherwise I won't remember everything I wanted to comment on here. :)

    Debora, I don't measure the amount of milk I put in my deviled eggs. When I have all the yolks in the bowl, I put in the mayo and mustard (also not measured), salt and pepper and mash it up a bit then pour in a splash of milk and mash some more until I get the consistency I want. Comes out really good. I'm curious - what did you mean when you said that Julie was "just poured" so she has to do it again? Wow, that living nativity sounds like it was huge!

    Marcie, wow, sounds like Rosie's was a major bust!! Bummer. But you got a nice meal at lunch at the other place and a great coupon. :) Try not to work too hard.

    Well, I'm going to be late for church! Gotta run!!!
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    edited December 2016
    Good Morning. John came out of the bedroom as I was coming back into the house from feeding. He asked what I'm going to do now and I said sit with my mug of coffee and rest, trekking through the mud with hay is a real chore. He went back to bed.

    Mom's dentist appointment went very well, just a cleaning, the exam showed no cavities and good gums. That's great, Mom only went for the cleaning and was hoping no further work would be needed. She's having trouble brushing her teeth and doesn't think she does a good enough job daily. Having trouble with her hands and can't hold the toothbrush strong enough to brush very hard, plus can't get to her back teeth. The dentist suggested buying a child's toothbrush with a bigger handle for better grip and smaller head to get into all the spots. Norma will go shopping. Norma walked Mom back to her apartment and paid some bills and then left to go meet up with Simeon, not telling Mom that Simeon was in town. Mom can't figure out their relationship, (none of us can), but it's too hard to explain things to her, so we simply don't tell her. The babysitting was interesting due to this was the first time Norma had Hudson without Jackson, so without his Mom, Dad and big Brother, Hudson through a tantrum. Norma was shocked, but said she handled it and was glad it was just anxiety and not illness. Later, when everyone came back home, ALL WAS CALM, ALL WAS BRIGHT.

    Mom was not invited to the birthday dinner Thursday night, and I don't know if she did anything special for Norma's birthday or not, I forgot to ask. I know that when I talked to Mom on Thursday, Mom was waiting for a call from Norma and then, when I talked to Norma, she said that she was waiting for a call from Mom. The least Mom could do was make a phone call. I didn't even ask, I'll stay out of that one.

    Norma's been having trouble with her computer and Joel was going to fix it for her birthday. Turns out that he said her computer is too old to put any work into it, so the boys bought her a new computer for her birthday and Christmas combined. There was so much to talk about, I also forgot to ask what Simeon gave her for her birthday, I will ask next time I talk to her.

    There was no "serious talk" about the future. Norma said that she was waiting for Simeon to bring it up and he never did. She's wondering if he's just biding his time until she retires and then will do something, but she told me that then, it's too late, she'll be off traveling the world without him. She has friends who are missionaries in Spain and she's headed there for a visit.

    Big news on the drainage front, I received a notice from the County that there will be a public hearing in January regarding Hockinson Oaks Storm Water Problems. I will definitely call my lawyer this week and give him all the info so he can represent me. More money, but I just can't do this on my own anymore. I have letters and photos and videos, and he can find out even more details about their "Non-Compliance" and, hopefully, get my fix put into the record like he did last time. He found a loophole in 2009 that forced them to dig the ditch in the first place that I would have never known about. He has contacts in the County Office.

    Funny thing...I bought some Trader Joe's items to give as a gift to my mail lady, I always pack up a TJ's bag of goodies for her. I just noticed that some of the items have a "best by" date of yesterday and today. I can't gift expired items as a gift, I will just have to eat them myself, poor me !!!!

  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good Morning, brrrrrrrr, it's cold, got the woodstove going and getting toasty. They are showing snow in the hills this morning and we are forecast to be below freezing tonight, right here, at sea level. So, today, I will wrap up the garden hoses and turn off some of the outside water. The last thing I need to deal with is frozen/broken water pipes. The morning tv news is talking about prepping your car for this winter weather, changing to snow tires, etc. My solution is stay home. Once again, I am so grateful that I don't have to get up every morning and go to work. With Bible study and all my appointments in the afternoon, I can safely judge if I want to be out on the roads this week. Plus, by afternoon, I think the roads will be safe, just wet, not icy.

    I talked to Gayla and she did get a steroid shot in her hip this past week and she said that it seems to be helping, although she doesn't want to jinx it. Just taking one day at a time. The doctor said that if it lasts a couple months, then she can get another one to get her through tax season, however, she can't have surgery within 3 months of getting a shot. If this shot doesn't last very long, he said there is no use in another shot, it won't help at all. Optimally then, if this shot gets her into February and another one through April, she can have surgery after May and take all summer to recuperate.

  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    edited December 2016
    Good Morning, we had snow yesterday, beautiful! Starting falling at 9:45 am and ended an hour later. Everything was covered in white and looked so cleaned. But by 2 pm, it was raining and all muddy again. Forecast high of 39 and back down to 25 tonight. Tomorrow forecast high of 36 and dry. At least I don't have to fight rain when I go out for my appointment.

    I made an appointment with the lawyer for next Tuesday, so I have a week to get all my papers and photos in order. That public hearing is January 26th, so he'll have time to get more info all ready.

    I hear Cookie crowing but when I look out the window, it's still dark out there. I'm not going out to feed until I have some light. I'll just pour myself a mug of coffee and wait for the sun.
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good Morning, you know it's winter when you have to leave the water faucets dripping in the sinks and bath tubs so that the pipes don't freeze. Brrrrrrrr. Got down in the 20's last night.
    All is well this morning and I took hot water out to the water dishes in the back yard for the birds. The ducks immediately jumped in and splashed all over.

    Bible study was so good yesterday, but for changing the time so that more people can attend, there were even fewer people there than last week. I have an appointment with the lawyer next Tuesday morning at 10 am and I can still get to Bible study at 1 pm. I don't think it will be worthwhile going home and then back out again, so I'll so some shopping or something. Unless, John is in a mood and I feel that I have to get back to him asap.

    On my way home yesterday, I stopped at a couple places looking for a "toothbrush for arthritic hands" for Mom. I found some on-line, and one was at WalMart.com, so I wanted to see it in person to tell Norma about it. They don't carry it in the store, only on-line. Amazingly, none of the child's brushes were suitable. Most were Spin-brush and are battery operated. Norma already tried that and had purchased a battery operated brush last year, Mom would not use it, afraid that she'd get it wet and electrocute herself. No matter what we do, I know Mom will complain about it. I guess she has to let the dentist clean her teeth every 6 months and we'll put up with her complaining about the drive over there and back.

    John's not up yet, but I'm hungry. Time to fix myself some breakfast.