Pot Bellied Stove / Water Cooler



  • jlhawki
    jlhawki Posts: 225 Member
    Hello All! I am still using MFP but haven't been checking in here as much. When I checked in, I had 85 posts to check!!! SO, 85 posts later, here I am.

    Not much going on here, my hip was doing great, I added in a exercise (the PT and MD wanted me to try it) and it made my hip hurt almost as bad as when it first started one year ago. So, steroids and not doing anything but working has helped and I am almost back to baseline. I have been off this week so I've done pretty much nothing but rest. Hoping that I am back on a good path but I can tell you I won't do that exercise again!

    DJ has had a stomach virus and was off with me the whole week. (that's another reason I didn't do much) I did get my closet thinned out, the bushes in the front trimmed and the seasonal clothes tubs decluttered. Doesn't sound like much but it makes me feel better.

    I started listening to YouTube videos on hypnosis and weight loss. I know I am going to need a hip replacement (after this last hip issue, I'm sure it's coming) and they will want me to be at a lower weight. So far, it's been amazing--I never really thought it would help but it has. I'm just not hungry or thinking about food every moment which is a totally new feeling! I've lost 10 pounds in the 2 weeks I've been using the tapes. I am just happy to have another tool to help me. I don't know if it will have lasting effects but I'm sticking with it for now. The best thing is that it's free and I can afford that ;)

    I have been doing my 2 new part time jobs for about 6 weeks now and so far, so good! Both of these jobs are just 1 day each week (so 2 days a week) but are helping me not walk quite as much on the hard concrete floors. Who knows, they might turn into something more but I am very thankful to have them for now!

    That's all for me, Austin is taking his driver's license test on Monday so say a prayer that he passes. He hasn't really wanted to drive but is feeling better about it so if he doesn't pass he will be very upset! I think he will pass but who knows how bad his nerves will be.

    Glad to see you are all keeping busy--I really do love reading about all your lives!!! Take care and I hope to check in sooner :)

  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good Morning,

    Jannie, so good to see you, I am so hoping that you get some pain relief. Sounds like the hip replacement is the answer. Wow, Austin getting his license already, they grow up way too fast. Congratulations on the weight loss, I have wondered about the hypnosis thing, hope it works long term.
    I got an email from Sue and her knee replacement surgery went well yesterday. She said that they already had her up on her feet and walking "around the block" a couple of times.

    I am moving slow this morning...new mouse. I'm in the back bedroom, testing this thing out. I got a shocker when it arrived yesterday, it came in a plastic bag with a sticker on it, "Logitech M570 Wireless Trackball-(Certified Refurbished) New". I hadn't realized that I purchased a refurbished one, I expected new, in the box. So, there is no owners' manual, but I figured almost everything out myself and am printing some info from the Logitech web site right now.

    Well, I scanned through what I printed and it does not mention these two buttons that I don't know what they are for. Marcie, they are to the left of the left click, just above the battery light. Can you help? If not, I guess I don't need them, I can scroll and left and right click, and that's what is really necessary. So far, so good.

  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    I played around with it and I'm pretty sure I figured it out, those two buttons are page forward and page back. I had clicked on the upper "forward" one with nothing happening and naturally, nothing would, there's no page beyond this one, but when I clicked on the lower one, "back", I ended up on the NM Family page with all the post listed, and had to click PBS to get back here. Oh, I should have just clicked on page forward again. This will take some getting used to.
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Hi again, Sylvia's email post has taken on a life of it's own. Reminds me of the old journal room, a very long thread.

    I don't want to give out email addresses without permission first, but instead of reposting the news here, if you want to be included in this post, I'll add you in, just let me know.

    Marcie, Debora and Isabella, I already have your email addresses, but again, I will not give it out without you telling me it's OK.
  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    edited November 2016
    Hi everyone, I finally finished reading and deciding on all the propositions for the elections Tuesday. Then Dan and I went over our choices. I changed his mind on one, he changed my mind on a couple and we agreed to disagree on a couple more. :wink: We didn't have any kids on Halloween again this year. I wasn't sure since we are surrounded on 3 sides by families with kids now but we had the lights off and I don't think they go door to door around here any way.

    Our dinner out was wonderful last week but it was ruined when I had a mishap with the car. I cut a U-turn too tight and drove up over the median which had a broken off sign post on it (from a previous car hitting it??). Then I had to back up over it again to get free. It broke the trim under the doors along the driver's side of the car - which I found out from the body shop is called a rocker. It will cost a minimum of $500 to fix if there is no damage underneath when he takes it off. Dan really got stressed over the damage and the cost. He is concerned that if the car is cut underneath then moisture can get in and damage the car. We'll see what happens when I take it in on Tuesday to have the work done. We won't put it on the insurance because we have a $1000 deductible anyway so there is no point.

    Funny story about making the linguine with clams last week. The recipe calls for minced clams but as it turned out the clams I bought at Trader Joe's were whole (3 cans of clams). I figured no big deal - I'll just chop them up. I took them out of the can to chop and as I was chopping I noticed they all had this little black ball in them. I began to wonder if this was excrement - kinda like the black line along the back of shrimp that you remove. I don't know anything about clams. Well I started to get grossed out and threw out 99% of the clams and only used a few pieces that were clean. I did have the clam juice that was in the cans though which was reserved per the directions and that was good enough for me! The dish tasted great. I don't know if I will try minced clams next time and see what they look like, or perhaps I'll just buy clam juice and forgo the clams all together! :)

    Sheryl, coconut oil should be un-refined, organic virgin coconut oil. They have jars of it at Trader Joe's for a fair price. Thanks so much for the cute Halloween card. We both enjoyed it. So do you like your new mouse better than the old? Thanks so much for all the e-mail updates. I was just thinking about Kel the other day. Granny sounds absolutely wonderful. Hard to believe she is the same woman. I am SO very happy for her!!! Glad you were able to re-size the pics and post them directly here. I like getting pictures here so long as they don't mess up the scrolling. Great job on your cousin update also. Thanks for sharing it. How did you like the A-2 milk? So glad that you found a good converter box at a good price. Once again, something breaking really worked out for you - first the stove and now the converter box. ;) Yay, new and improved! I wouldn't mind being included in the NM e-mails (I would probably really enjoy it) but I'm a bit concerned that a bunch of strange e-mails to our in-box would make Dan crazy so I'll have to think about that one for a bit. I don't want to add any more stress right now after the car damage incident. I'll talk to him about it first and see what he thinks.

    Debora, Glad you actually got to have a day at home to rest. Thanks for the cream puff recipe. Sounds tasty. I know what you mean about having a great bunch of ladies at bible study. We have a really great group too and feel really safe to share our personal issues. You said in your last post that you went on your errands which included the lumberyard and that you came home with sweet potatoes and a sandwich. From the lumberyard?? Sorry about your brother - hope the Parkinson's treatment goes well.

    Marcie, Surprised you had rain up there we got a couple of sprinkles but not much more. How do you like your new glasses? Sounds like you got a great deal! If I had your little egg machine I'd probably be having those sandwiches several times a week too. And like you said you have healthy stuff with them to balance the meal. Bummer that you had to drive home in the dark but after tomorrow we'll all be driving home in the dark!

    Jannie, great to hear from you. Hope your hip continues to get better. Wise to get as healthy as you can now though in case you do need the surgery. Interesting about the you tube videos. Congrats on the 10 lbs. Great job! Keep us posted on how it goes. Good job on the clothing decluttering and trimming the bushes. As I look in my closet lately I keep thinking I have to go thru and get rid of more. Even though all the clothes fit me now I want to start getting rid of stuff I just don't wear.

    Anew, hope you are well and that the humidity is low. :)

    Well, I guess I'll close this long dissertation and go grab some lunch. Maybe sit outside or go for a walk.

    Oh, and don't forget to set your clocks back tomorrow!

    Have a great week everyone!
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Less time at home since Monday but that was the plan. Ralph headed out early again on Tuesday so my morning was quiet. Good News Club was in the afternoon. Small group but again everyone gets a turn to help or do something almost and they like that. One teacher used two balloons to demonstrate how God helps us resist temptation. One balloon was filled with air. It could handle the heat of a flame (representing temptation) but the one filled with water (representing God's help) did not pop with the flame put to it. Cool to watch.

    Wednesday morning Ralph was off early again with another load of soybeans and I worked on the Echoes - we're up in the 90s now with punching holes in the pages but there is still other things to do so I foresee several months of it ahead of us. I'm working with a fun person and she's willing. If it was just me I'd skip some Wednesdays when the week is busy so this good for me too. From church I headed for Derek's house. Lindsey headed for the Social Security office. She had been trying to get a card for Aven for a long time (she's 5) and still needed Madden. Seems like they always want one more thing. She was home in a couple of hours. She found out the office is closed Wednesday afternoon so she did a couple of errands and came home. Church was in the evening - I still got to go to the kindergarten class but I think she's feeling more relaxed. When I got home from church, I found out Ralph was leaving. Alan found the place we were taking the beans was going to stay open all night and then close at 6 am. So he left at 9 pm and got home at 4:30 am. The semi is not a comfortable place to sleep he said.

    Thursday was a full day of going. I was back at Derek's. Lindsey left at 9 and got home a little after 1 and was successful in getting both cards. Well, the cards will come in the mail. I went straight to the Potwin Community House and friend and I did a basic cleaning. Good I started a tad early cause we didn't know the Girl Scouts were meeting after school but we were just finishing. Evening was Bible study which was good.

    Friday was my usual errand day. I also went up and voted so that's taken care of. We don't have many propositions at all. Not sure what I did Friday afternoon cause stuff I got in town did not get put away. Maybe I just moved slow. The evening we went to the Haggai Banquet. Good meal and the speaker was good plus he played the piano for us.

    This morning we headed for Lori's house. She and her hubby went to do a 5 mile race which out youngest and husband were also doing. Thomas had play practice. Maggie was free to play and I was supposed to get the other three to work on their rooms. So I used my timer and they worked ten minutes and then had a 10 minute break. Didn't get finished but made progress and I did the dishes and straightened the bathroom, kitchen, halls and playroom (which they still call Emily's room). They got home about 11. Jim won in the men's division. Lori said she finished and did not come in last. Julie and Matthew were just ahead of Lori. I think doing 5 miles is great.

    We brought 3 of Lori's kids home with us. They cleaned up my leftovers. We left Thomas at the church to practice a skit and the other two went with me to help get ready for the 4-H County Achievement Celebration. Lori and Thomas came later. Yummy appetizers and then the kids got their pins. I was even recognized for being a leader for 30 years. Doesn't seem that long. Came home and finally put away what I bought yesterday, washed the eggs, got my steps in, helped get the stuff in from the field and will head for be when done here. Tomorrow will be a full day. It's Youth Group Sunday and they are in charge of the service and then serve us a meal. There's a bridal shower in the afternoon (widow marrying a widower from our church - neat couple) and CE in the evening.

    Sheryl, so neat that you heard back from so many from NM. Kind of like old home week. So fun to hear the updates. Good to hear that Granny is doing so well. Not often you hear from her and not a mention of any of her family. She sounds very happy. I hope you are able to visit Billie. Yay for a good knee surgery for Sue. Cool on getting your converter box and being so happy with it. I was going to tell you we have a couple sitting around here that you could have but this is better cause you got it and can stay up to date with your shows. Elaine hasn't done too much on facebook about Christmas but she is doing okay. I keep up with her through our fitbit account. She helps keep me on the move.

    Marcie, happy you're getting more rain. We haven't had any for awhile. We also haven't had a hard freeze yet which is very unusual. It often happens toward the end of September. In fact, we've still got mosquitoes around. Good buy on the glasses. Are you liking them okay? Smart to take you leftover candy to work. I'm sure I'll use and eat some of mine and some will get used at Good News Club. The egg sandwich makes was an investment for you. Sounds yummy. Nice that your friend got a promotions but sorry it puts a distance in the office. Glad you could do lunch together.
    Not sure how work can get busier for you. But I know it does with the end of the year. We'll ahve to remember that if you don't drop in as much. But we might be a good sanity check. :)

    Jannie, good to hear from you. Sorry about the hip setback but glad it's slowly getting better. Cool that the hypnotism is working for you. Congrats on the 10 lost pounds. Different things work for different people so hope this keeps working for you. Glad the jobs are working out well. Austin getting his driver's license. Wow. I'm still adjusting to Thomas having his. This morning he was going to buy donuts before play practice and my thought you're driving on those streets but he's used to it. Hope it goes well for Austin and he gets it done the first time.
    Sheryl, your new mouse can sure do more than mine. Sounds nice but I'm probably not do a thing as long as this one works. Feel free to share my email address if they don't mind. I may not need one more thing to keep up with but would enjoy it too.

    Isabella, sorry for the car problems. Hope it stays on the minor end and Dan handles without any more stress. Not anything you could do about it. We didn't have any damage to the car but had to pull one out from when Ralph tried to drive into one of the fields. And he's always so much calmer when he does whatever than when someone else does it. Glad the linquini and clams was good. I know nothing about clams but those thought would probably have ruined the whole meal for me. :)
    Yes, Sutherlands lumberyard. Every fall they bring in fruits, nuts, potatoes, and stuff and have good prices on it. It does sound a bit strange.

    Ok, I'll end this and head to bed. If I don't go soon I won't get any of that extra hour of sleep. Enjoy your Sunday.
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good Morning.

    I got a phone call from my cousin Bev last night. Sad news. Her brother-in-law, Jerry passed away suddenly Friday night. These are cousins on my Dad's side of the family, Dad's baby sister's kids who live in Grants Pass, Oregon. Jerry was married to Marjie, Bev's older sister, but Bev was making the phone calls. They had had a great day, no symptoms of any kind and also attended a church function Friday night and had a good time, got home about 9pm and ready for bed about 10 pm. Got into bed and Jerry took a couple of weird sounding gasps and quit breathing. Marjie called paramedics and they performed CPR for almost an hour, but nothing. No more details than that right now, but Bev asked if I would write an email to let all the cousins know. I said of course, so I'll be doing that just as soon as I'm done here. Marjie is a little older than my sister, who is 66, so I'd say Jerry was only in his late 60's. What a shock.

    Thanks Isabella for the coconut oil info. I can't believe that I couldn't remember. I can easily swing by TJ's on Wednesday afternoon after a blood test at Oncology, it's right down the street. I had planned to stop there already, we're totally out of Fire Roasted Tomato Salsa. John puts that on everything.
    I don't use milk very much but like to have it on hand. So, I haven't actually just had a drink of it, I assume it tastes good. If it lasts longer in the fridge and stays fresh for when I need it in a recipe, I'll be happy.

    I also don't know much about clams and am not sure about that black thing you saw. I have a wonderful clam dip recipe that calls for 3 cans of minced clams. I just dump them in without checking closely, I guess I've never seen a whole clam. I found the most wonderful clam chowder at TJ's, the best I've ever had. It's in the refrigerated section, not a can. Oh, I want some now. I'll put that on my list for Wednesday, my list is growing.

    I close for now and get that email out and hopefully can come back later.
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Hi, I'm back!

    What is it with men...trying to do as much as possible all in one trip. I don't mind walking extra and making two trips. I have to stop John from loading up too much when he helps me unload groceries. Take that one only, it's heavy. Don't squash the bread.
    Anyway, the latest is collecting eggs. John puts the eggs in his pocket and then proceeds to do something else while he's outside and ends up breaking an egg in his pocket. Lots of goo to clean up, I'm doing laundry now.

    I got all the clocks changed. I always wait until Sunday to do that because I go to bed before John and if I change them early, he gets even more confused. Plus, I never am sure of what device may change itself. The computer, the VCR, etc.

    I'll talk to my sister later and see how she did with Mom. We figure there is no reason why Mom can't do that herself, but she doesn't do ANYTHING for herself anymore. It's infuriating.

    Isabella, I usually drink my coffee black, but I decided to enjoy a mug with milk in it. The A2 works very well in coffee. I still don't drink just a straight glass of milk.

    I guess that's it again for now, today is a weird day...I may be back again later.
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Me again...

    Christina Archer (Siegfried) added to Sylvia's email.

    I'll copy/paste to share the info here, then it's in order so you don't have to read the email from bottom to top.

    Sylvia's addition:

    So much is going on in everyone's lives! I think Michael Ray should open at least the journal room for us! LOL!

    I read Sheryl and Lynn letters and my heart goes out to you in dealing with their loved ones and health issues... I am so sorry . I always worry about my mom. My mother-in-law does so much more and is so active compared to my mom and my mom is eight years younger.

    The Tiny Tarts are double digit ages - the time just going too fast! My kids are 26 and 24. They were in high school when we all became friends on NutriMirror! Wow!

    Our lives have been turned a little upside down since we moved to our new hour in May 2014. Mark has always been so great with my family. We had some of siblings live with us over the years (early in our marriage) as they were working their way into their independence and the only sibling that did not live with us - moved next door to me. So in April 2015, Mark's brother moved in with us to get back on his feet after not working for several years (lack of motivation - no drive, an alcoholic and divorced). He tested me to my very core because I chose my life partner because he was not a drinker...fast forward to May 2016 - we got him motivated to work - he got a job and got a place. Mark's youngest brother, recovering meth addict (22 months sober this month) called and asked to move in with us while he moved back from Wisconsin to get back on his feet - BUT he brought a girlfriend with three kids (12, 14 and 16) and a dog with him! WTH?! But they have been with us since July 2016 - Thankfully they are fairly good kids - they are teenagers - they are loud! There is a lot to this story - but I am ready for them to move on. I am being patient - I promised would be patient and maintain my cool. I had bit my tongue and turned my cheek for 2 1/2 months - they now do see that I am not one who will sit back and be used.... I am happy to say they are looking for a place. Now get out faster! LOL Mark and I are ready to live our lives without having to take care of others. I worry that by the time I get the this family out - that I will be moving my mom in. Ay yai yai!

    I hope all is well - I hope to read from other soon!


    And then also added, the next day:

    Oh - really quick - so the family that is staying with us. I have prepared meals that were completely unheard of to these kids. The 12 and 16 year old were willing to try anything once. The 14 year - will not - she refuses to try anything. I have not been so challenged with food! They prefer red meat, potato or mac and cheese.

    The 12 and 16 year old discovered that they like asparagus, zucchini (especially calavasitas con maiz), they like raw spinach, not cooked, broccoli and cauliflower are okay, brussel sprouts are a big fat no. To them a salad was iceburg lettuce, shredded cheese and ranch dressing. Salads with mixed greens or romaine, cucumber, tomato, mushrooms, bell peppers and whatever other vegetable I threw in is a lot more than they could handle. Fish of any kind - were tested but only passed with the 16 year old. None of them like rice or beans! Their mom rarely eats, she does not eat breakfast, seldom eats lunch and picks at dinner, her go to meal is iceburg lettuce, shredded cheese and ranch. Their mom refuses to cook.

    Dinners have become awkward, I basically have quit cooking for the group. Thanks to my loving kids and mom - they invite us to dinner on a regular basis. Meanwhile our over extended guests frequent fast food.


    Leona, Pam and I all commented that we'd be happy to come over and eat her food. She's such a gracious hostess.

    And then, today Christina wrote:

    Hi Everyone!

    Wow, so much is going on. It never ceases to amazing me how life just can’t be still. Something is always happening with family, friends, yourself.

    Where to begin?! I am now married and we are getting ready to celebrate our 1st anniversary in a few weeks! I can’t believe its almost been a year! We are celebrating by taking a “Honeymoon part deux” back to the Florida Keys. We honeymooned there for 10 days and fell in love, so we are going back.

    For anyone interested, we have a highlight video you can watch of the video. It think it is very well done :)https://player.vimeo.com/video/157874037

    I moved us from Toledo to Columbus. I was very unhappy with my previous employer and landed a job with The Ohio State University. I love it here, and can’t wait to own a home.

    I have been struggling with balance, and have fallen into a sort of depression. I just started some therapy, we’ll see how it goes. My husband has some health issues that kept him off his feet since about a month after we moved. He just went back to work, but is still supposed to stay off his feet as much as possible. This has put a lot of extra pressure on me, plus the worry about him. Thankfully, he is healing up, but will need a hip replacement the moment the ulcers on his foot are completing healed. He was also diagnosed with Type II diabetes, and I am still have digestion issues from my gall bladder surgery a few years ago. So hopefully therapy can help me with some coping mechanisms.

    So Sylvia, I would love some dinner!! All your food sounds amazing!!!

    Well, I should sign off and get my shower. I do have a few things to accomplish before the work week starts ;)

    Christina Archer (yep, that’s the new name, lol)

  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good Morning. I got the sad news out to the cousins about Jerry's passing and I received a reply from another cousin, Doreen who lost her husband a couple years ago. I was just thinking of her last week and should have contacted her, but didn't. Her short reply spurred me to answer and I ended up writing her a book. I didn't realize I had that much to say, but you guys know how I get when I start rambling. ha ha ha

    Norma's been widowed 10 years, Doreen, 2 years and now Marjie. Wow, it's hard getting old, losing our loved ones. Carol told me recently that all they seem to do now is go to funerals. The weddings and baby showers are in the past for her peers. I notice that Jack and Gayla go to a lot of memorial services too. Several of John's retired former co-pilots have passed, but John wouldn't go to any of the services.

    This afternoon, I'm seeing my PCP for a flu shot. I also have all my BP readings and will ask if I can reduce the meds some more. The pills that I'm getting now are "scribed" so they would be easy to cut in half. I don't even have to change the Rx, I'll just take 1/2 each day. I need to ask about a pneumonia shot too, I know I got one last January, but I can't remember if that's an annual thing or once in several years, like tetanus.

    I got a shock yesterday, I couldn't find John for awhile. He asked if he could go out front and get weeds out of the front ditch. After I finished what I was doing, (about an hour later), I went out to see his progress and all I found was the wheelbarrow and rake. I finally found him 3 houses down the road, in their front ditch with the hoe. He was cleaning out everyone's ditch to make the water flow. I told him to come home, we are only responsible for our own property. He said, but if it's not clear down here, it backs up. Oh boy, I've got a problem now. Too bad I can't set him loose behind us...maybe he can dig out the ditch for the development, except I don't know where he'll put all the vegetation, dirt and debris, I don't want him to bring it home.

    We should have a few dry days this week, so I'm hoping the handyman will call and get started on the fascia boards and gutters. A lot is happening this week, I hope to go to Bible study tomorrow and then Wednesday, the garage door gets installed and I have blood work in the afternoon.

    I've had my mug of coffee this morning, now, I'm debating on a second mug or go back to hot water with cinnamon oil. Since the cleanse/restore, I have not made a second pot of coffee on any day. To my surprise, I've cut back dramatically.
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good Morning, Great news, my doctor took me off the BP meds completely. I still have some pills, so if my readings get above 130/85, I'm to take a half of a pill, (25 mg), but I really don't think that will happen, my BP has been in the range of 110/72 to 118/78 all month. Now, the big test, to see if these pills have been part of my coughing problem. I got my flu shot, but the series of 2 pneumonia shots that I got last December/January are good until I turn 65. Then, after that age, a different series of pneumonia shots are needed. I also get to do another poop test and mail it off. Even though I did it last year and it was negative, plus I had the colonoscopy as well and that was negative, they want this again. It's been a year since all that happened, this year sure zoomed by.

    John went with me yesterday to my appointment and then we stopped at Shari's for late lunch. We still have the gift card that Norma and her friends gave us when they came up to spend the week in Seaside. We ordered our favorite burgers and the waitress said "It's Milkshake Monday, what flavor would you like?" I said, I thought that expired after Labor Day. She said, it did, for about 3 weeks and then they brought it back. So, we pigged out, burgers, fries (John), onion rings (me) and milkshakes, yum, but we were stuffed. All free, (burgers on the gift card).

    Another beautiful day forecast here, dry, sunny and in the 60's. I did not hear from the handyman, so I suppose he's finishing up his other jobs before getting to mine. Possible shower tomorrow morning and then should be sunny and in the 60's again. I hope that it isn't raining at 8 am when they come to install the door. I know the handyman won't come tomorrow because I told him Wednesday was the door installation and then I have a doctor's appointment. It's just the finger prick to check the warfarin, but I'll still be gone for a few hours. I want to stop at Trader Joe's also.

    I'll go feed animals and shower and be ready for Bible study and see how John is when he gets up.
  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    Hello everyone, I know, I have been gone too long again. I haven't been feeling up to par lately and finally got to see the doc today. I have water on my lungs, a good indicator as to why I was waking up gasping for air. It's been a long hard last couple of weeks with this but I am hoping it will get better from here on out. Doc gave me diuretics and an inhaler. I am supposed to only use the inhaler when I wake up and can't get a breath. The other I will take twice a day to get the excess water out.

    I did get out to vote today before I saw the doc, so I was able to cast my vote in this ever contentious race. I hope to never see another one like this in my lifetime. I had to call hubby to come get me at the polling place and take me to the doctor, I just could not get my breath walking into the polling place from my truck, and knew I wouldn't be able to get to the doctors because the parking is too far away from the building entrance. It's on base and there is a lot of walking once I get into the building. It was hard enough getting the Xrays, Labs and even got a mammogram done today after I had chest xrays. Each department is in a separate corner of the building, then the pharmacy is in the middle, lol. Sheesh, a lot of walking to get things done and hard to breathe once I got to point B.

    I hope you all have a great night and I will try to come back sometime this week.
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Week is zooming past. Sunday was a fun day. We actually got our Sunday School class to sit in one row. The Youth Group did a good job with service. Skit grandson was in was cute. The meal they served was good - ham, potatoes, green beans, rolls, jello and butterfinger dessert. We headed home about the time we sometimes eat. I went back in the afternoon to a bridal shower which was fun. Then in the evening we heard from someone who works in a pregnancy and family resource center. Very interesting. They have a portable sonogram machine and they brought it and did a sonogram that we could all see up on the screen on a woman in our church who is expecting.

    Monday I had pretty much at home. We had cancelled an appointment for Ralph and there was moisture in the air so they couldn't combine but we'll redo the appointment when they are done. For supper we went to McDonalds. Some friends came in so instead of going to Historical Society and hearing about the tornado or 1941, we had a nice evening of visiting. Since Ralph's hearing aid is in the shop, this was probably better.

    Today I was home until Good News Club. We had a review party over what we studied the last five weeks and they all had a good time and we knew they had been listening. Ralph went to a Farm Show so he left in the morning and just got home a little bit ago. He had fun look around and visiting with the seed dealers and people he knew. It was in the 50s and 60s today - cool when in the shade. For our team at club, I was captain of the yellow team so she had a bright yellow sweater for me to wear. It kept me comfortable.

    Sheryl, so sad for Marje. A sudden loss like that is hard. Since you sent out emails, they know you have all the addresses so it was great that you could notify the family and save her phone calls. Eggs in the pocket. I'm glad Ralph used the eggs buckets we have. But we're getting about 4 dozen a day so way too many for pockets.
    Thanks for sharing the emails. Sylvia is such a caring person but it looks she has quite the challenge right now. I'll go eat at her house - well, maybe not the brussel sprouts. :) And Christina has been married for a year. How time flies. Her video was really nice. They have plenty going on.
    Sounds like John want to get to the root of the water problem - wherever it may take him. Yay on no BD meds. Hope it stays done - sounds like it will. Yummy meal you and John had - a splurge once in awhile is okay. Did you make it to Bible Study? Hope the garage door goes in smoothly.

    Tomorrow is my usual Wednesday - Echoes in the morning and church in the evening. Thursday I have a teeth cleaning, a 4-H Council meeting in the evening and am going to do my Friday errands in the afternoon since banks are closed Friday.
  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    Hello out there.

    I just got back from lunch with a group of 15 co-workers. We took out the attorney's new assistant. She's actually not new to the department. Been here for 26 years. Just changing positions. Went to Burgers and Brew and was a nice stretch of the legs walking to and from. I had a cheese burger (only ate half the bun) and a spring salad. They make such great burgers there. The weather is just perfect right now for walking. Highs have been in the mid 70s the last few days.

    Last Friday after work Dad and I went out the Mongolian Barbecue restaurant for dinner. That's the place where you choose the veggies, proteins, sauce, etc and then give it to the cook at the end of the line where he cooks it on a flat top. It was funny. Dad and I got the same sauce, and I tested it first just to make sure it wasn't too spicy, and it wasn't. Yet, his plate turned out so spicy he couldn't eat it. Finally figured out what he did. He chose a bunch of what he thought was okra, but turns out it was jalapenos! I took a bite of it and my mouth was stinging for the rest of the meal! He started over and got himself a new plate (since it's an all you can eat place).

    Loving my new glasses that I got from Costco. I picked them up last weekend. They did a good job on them. I got a pair of long distance glasses, long distance sun glasses, and computer glasses. Those computer glasses are really great. I'm not squinting at the monitor any more!

    I just realized today that we have Friday off for Veteran's Day. Totally forgot about that one!

    Dad's walking buddy (the one he walks with in the morning) said his doctor wants him to lose about 50 pounds, so he decided he would join Dad and Cisco on their dusk walks too. Dad comes back each day grumping that he has yet to show up for that walk. Keeps finding poor excuses to not get out there.

    Sure glad that election is behind us now. Now, maybe my office will get back to normal and we can get some projects completed. The woman who sits near me has been up on her soapbox for the last couple months (very much anti-Trump), and as expected, she whining about the results all day. This is supposed to be a non-partisan office, so she really shouldn't be doing that, but I just put my ear plugs in to listen to the radio while I work and tune her out.

    Last week I ordered a bag of my Broccoli & Friends seeds (broccoli, clover, alfalfa and radish) from Amazon. I've been want to make some sprouts lately, but had run out of the seeds. Went to get them started on Saturday, but couldn't find the lid I use on the jar (it has holes in it that are wide enough to drain water, but small enough where the little seeds won't drain out). So, I wound up having to order the lids. They got here on Monday, and I started a batch Monday night. The sprouts are so good, and so much cheaper than buying them in the stores.

    Sheryl, you are doing so great getting all of your projects on the property done! Love the wood burning stove, but it's too bad they couldn't get it installed sooner for you. We have a fireplace, but its in an awkward place in the dining room. I think we've used it maybe twice since we moved into this house in 1998. Eww on the eggs in the pocket. Ha! Thanks for sharing the emails with us! Sorry to hear about Marje. That's nice of you to send out an email to let people know. Woohoo on no more BP meds!!

    Debora, that's neat they brought that portable sonogram machine. I sure wish I could get my Dad to consider wearing a hearing aid. He thinks his hearing is fine, but more and more I'm having to shout at him to be heard and I'm not a good shouter!

    Jannie, thanks for popping in. Wishing you much luck in getting to where you can get that surgery!!!

    Well, back to work. They are having a little baby shower here later this afternoon for one of the attorneys who is pregnant. I'll probably pop in, but won't stay long, or eat any cake. They have the table all set up right now with baby bottles filled with treats, a three tiered diaper cake, gifts, etc.
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    edited November 2016
    Good, very early, Morning. I woke up at 2 am and couldn't get back to sleep. But, by the actions that I've taken, I AM still sleepy. I made my usual fresh pot of coffee, but neglected to clean out the pot and dump out the left over coffee that sat in the pot from yesterday. So...Overflow. I have coffee running all over the counter. That sure woke me up immediately to clean up the mess.

    Tuesday was great, I got to Bible study and enjoyed the fellowship and then went shopping at Fred Meyer and Winco. Picked up sandwiches from Subway and headed home for lunch. Found John across the street, in the neighbor's ditch, this time cutting back blackberry vines off their fence. Was able to enticed him home right away for lunch. And, he stayed home the rest of the day.

    The handyman called and said he'd be available Wednesday of next week to start on the fascia boards and put up gutters. I have that on the calendar and won't schedule anything else next Wednesday through Friday til that job is done.

    Yesterday was great too. The garage door installer came at 8:05 and was done by 9 AM. Looks great and works well. Tight fit right now, so we have to really pull the door hard for it to latch, but the weather stripping will wear a little, and I suspect that soon, the door will close very normally. I took photos, but when I looked at them, the door stands out extreme because there is so much dirt and moss on the siding. I really need to clean the gunk off to make it look even better. But, I'll share the photos anyway, imagine it clean. ha ha ha

    Here's before:


    Here's after, but will look much better when the big garage door is cleaned and painted:


    Added bonuses, the plain, exterior, doors in the store were steel, but since this had to be special made, turns out it's fiberglass. The installer said it's much better and he prefers fiberglass. Of course, he could have just been saying that, they're probably all real good salesmen. And then, when I ordered the door, they were going to tack on another $25.00 charge to take the old door away and haul it to the dump. I said to leave it, since it's rotten wood, we can simply put it on the burn pile. They took the $25.00 charge off the bill. But, this guy tossed the old door in his truck and hauled it away anyway, yay, I don't have to mess with it.

    After the door was installed and John got up, he said that he wanted to go with me for my blood test and errands. Another victory, because now, I don't want to leave him home alone or he'll be down the street again. Instead of hanging around all morning, just killing time until my 11:45 appointment, I said let's go early and go out to breakfast. It was good, Kitchen Table Café, and I got my avocado benedict and John his usual burger. Every time, their food gets better and better, or is it just that we don't go out that often, so it's such a treat. It was delicious.

    We went to the post office, stopped to fuel the car, on to Harbor Freight (so John could have fun too) and then Trader Joe's, (I had a blast there, as usual), and on home. John was in a good mood all day long, such a good day!!!!!

    Now, my next little project to hire out is a locksmith. John is always asking me which key goes to which lock, so I think with the new doorknob and lock on the garage, I'll have a locksmith come out and key all the locks the same. One key will open all the doors to the house, the garage and the barn. My uncle does that sort of thing, but he lives too far away (Southern California) to have him do it for me.

    Today we'll stay home and work around here. If the wind stays calm, I'll start the burn pile this morning. I no longer want to burn on the weekends, since the houses behind us are occupied and they are home on the weekends. I'll try burning today and hope everyone is at work. I suspect that soon, they will ban burning in our area, I don't know what I'll do with all our yard debris.

    I can hardly wait to talk to Gayla today...she and Jack have each been having some physical problems and they were scheduled for MRI's. Jack had tingling in his head and his doctor was afraid it was a symptom of stroke, so wanted the MRI to check the carotid artery. Gayla has had severe lower back pain and thought it was sciatica, but her doctor said it was more severe (in her spine/bones, not the nerve) and wanted to check that out. Her bones are extremely fragile since a childhood accident/severe burns and any little thing, her bones break, almost crumble. I pray that both of them will get relief from pain and some solutions.

    I guess that's it for this morning. I'll go wipe down the kitchen counter again, clean up all the coffee that got into all the nooks and crannies.

  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good Morning, Just popping in to say all is well. I got the burn pile going yesterday by 7:30 am and the wind was calm, and stayed calm all day. The smoke went straight up and never blew into anyone's home. Yay, Victory. I was constantly thinking of you, Marcie. I checked on it this morning and it's still smoldering and greatly reduced in size. I threw a few more buckets of pine cones on it. Gotta get rid of all these pine cones that John has been collecting. Buckets and barrels stacking up in the barn. He has become a "collector" of many things. Pine cones and the popsicle sticks from the frozen fruit bars that I buy for him. He's a huge fan of popsicles, whether summer or winter. A couple years ago, I decided that popsicles are just sugar water, so I started buying real fruit juice bars. I think it's a much healthier snack, especially since he eats so many of them. But, now he has many peanut butter jars filled with those sticks. All lined up on his desk. Maybe I can convince him to burn those in the new woodstove later this winter.
    Just for humor sake, here's a photo:


    At least he makes sure they are clean and dry before sealing them up. He needs to eat more peanut butter for more jars. We are pretty weird!!!!

    I am so surprised that I can easily go back and forth from one computer to another and adjust quickly to the different mouse. I like the new one, perfect for that smaller table space in the back bedroom.

    Also, a comment about the eggs in the pocket. I can't seem to get John to take the basket, even though I have one. But, since we only have 4 hens anymore and right now only 2 are laying, the basket isn't crucial.
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Hello, Wednesday went as planned. We worked on the Echoes. We only got through one year. There were lots of pages plus we started a little late. But that's one more year done. We are in the 2000's now so getting closer to being done with step number 1.

    Thursday I left the house around 9 am and got home around 9:30 pm. I took a couple of books to the school library to see if she could fix them (more than I know how to do) and visited with some of the people I hadn't seen for awhile. Then it was on to Wichita to the Mall to get Derek's birthday gift. I didn't realize cologne would cost so much so that's all he'll get. :) Then it was off to the periodonist for a cleaning. Some part of my mouth they were happy they were happy with, some parts they weren't. So I'm supposed to do better at using this periodontal aid that you use with a toothipick. I will try cause I want to avoid surgery. Met a friend for lunch at Panera's. I had their turkey chili. While we were eating she got a call from her doctor's office (after sending in a hemocault test) that she has to have another colonoscopy. Bummer. So I'll be taking her when they schedule it. From there I went to another town and did my "Friday" errands. Julie told me that she got a promotion which includes some extra money so that was nice to hear. I got done and had over an hour before my meeting so I ate at Burger King and read my book. Also, for fun, I checked my email and facebook on my phone. The Council meeting lasted about an hour, I went to the grocery store and got my cold stuff and headed home. A full day of going but a fun one.

    Today I had another full day at home (wow, 2 in one week). I made a lot of progress on 4-H stuff. Got the goody sacks filled, most of the program typed, got the stuff ready to hand back to kids along with other things. That will help not make Monday as busy. Tonight I fixed us salads and we finished up the pizza in the fridge.

    Found out that the daughter-in-law of a good friend has chairai - isn't that what Christina has. She is traveling to some state next week to see a surgeon so this week friends have been helping to get meals in the freezer, etc. so hubby and Kids (I think there are 10) will be taken care of. She also has chronic lyme disease and lots of pain.

    Marcie, you have some fun outings and events with your co-workers. Nice that you could walk to the place. Oh my, your poor dad. I'm glad he could do a new plate - jalepenos and not wanting them. Whew. Cool on liking the glasses. Did you do anything special on your day off? No matter how the election went, some people would be unhappy. Now I think we move on. Enjoy your sprouts.
    Hearing aids do cost a lot. Ralph only got one but he is missing it so much. He went to a meeting last night which had a good meal but he said he didn't hear much of the talking at all.
    Sheryl, oh my on the coffee overflow. What a mess and not fun to clean up. Probably won't forget to dump the leftover coffee out for a long time. Yay on making it to Bible Study and a time set for the handyman. Garage door looks great but I had it in my head you were changing the garage door that you drive the car in. Strange how you get something in your head. The new door looks great.
    What a nice shock when John volunteered to go with you. Glad it was a fun time out. What a smart idea to key all the locks the same. Yay on being able to get the burning done. I love the jars with the popcicle sticks. They look brand new. I had saved a lot and have gone through them with Sunday School stuff. Hmmmm. I'm not sure Ralph would take a basket out for two eggs either.

    Need to get my list ready for tomorrow. Don't have to clean since no one will be here Sunday but there's plenty else to do.
  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    edited November 2016
    Hi all, busy weekend so I'm just now able to check in. Got my car back Friday afternoon. They found damage to the front fender so total cost was $1,360. Well at least no one got hurt and it was done quickly. Now we can move on.Glad the election is over too. We will have to pray for the new administration and for our nation. We had our free library concert yesterday then Dan and I went to a new Mexican taco shop that opened up very close to us that we could walk to. Unfortunately we were pretty disappointed. The food was very sub par! Hopefully they will get someone in the kitchen who knows what they are doing. We won't go back there any time soon. I checked on line and discovered that the "black stuff" in the clam was indeed excrement although all the "clam savvy" people said you could eat it anyway because they only eat plants. Well, NO THANK YOU!! I guess when you buy them minced that is already removed or something. I made a really good turkey meatloaf today and a casserole that has lentils and beans and veggies for later in the week.

    Sheryl, sorry to hear about Jerry. I got such a chuckle out of John putting the eggs in his pockets then bending over to pick something up. I put my little hot peppers in my pocket when I pick them but they are not messy if forgotten. Great job on cutting back on the coffee but bummer that the coffee overflowed. That happens at work sometimes and people aren't very good about cleaning it up. Really happy to hear that you can come off the BP meds! I have heard that a cough is a very common side effect of some BP meds so I will be very curious to hear if yours clears up now. I am really surprised that you have to do a poop test after a colonoscopy. My doc told me if I had a colonoscopy I wouldn't have to have another one for 10 years and that I wouldn't have to do a poop test but I refused. Perhaps there is a concern for you? Have you had polyps? Your garage door looks great. I thought you were talking about the large one you drive thru also. :) We always have all our locks work on the same key. It makes life much easier.

    Debra, that is amazing that you have been 4-H leader for 30yrs! Congrats. You are amazing! I had to laugh when you said one of your days "was a full day". Seems like all your days are full days!!! :) Glad your grandson had a cute skit. I can't imagine getting 4 dozen eggs at a time. What do you do with them all? Can you sell them?

    Anew, glad you finally got to the Dr. Hope you are better soon. Gasping for breath is very scary!!

    Marcie, We love our local Mongolian BBQ. We don't go often but we really enjoy it. Ours is called Stir Fresh and you can opt for a single helping or pay for all you can eat. We always get the single helping because it is always more than enough. Your poor dad with the jalapenos. Good thing he could start over with another plate! Your sprouts sound wonderful. That is on my list of things to try to do some day.

    Well my hubby has been waiting for me so I will close for now. Have an awesome week everyone!
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good Morning. The weekend was calm, we stayed home, although I didn't get over here at all. John got up within a half hour of when I got up, so I didn't have my morning me time. I ordered a plant for Marjie. Norma and 4 other cousins are chipping in. It's a "Blossoming Abundance Gardenia Bonsai", very pretty and Norma said that Marjie has a beautiful backyard and can leave it in the pot on a retaining wall, or later, plant it in the ground.

    I originally thought I'd have to replace all the garage doors, the "man" door and the 2 big drive-through doors. But, when I had the garage door guy come out, he said the drive-through doors are still in good shape, no dry rot, just needs cleaning, prepping and good paint. He did adjust the tension of the springs and the doors work great now, glide up and down. He said that his company doesn't deal with "man" doors, only the big ones. So, that's when I went to Lowe's. The handy man that's coming out to clean, prep and paint the fascia boards and then put up gutters this week will also handle the big doors later. We'll wait for better weather, so probably in the Spring/Summer. I can wait a little longer, I've already waited years having them look like that.

    Good news about Jack, his MRI shows nothing wrong in his neck/head, so the tingling and throbbing is most likely a pinched nerve in the neck. He remembers that he had a job a couple weeks ago that was very tense and put a lot of stress on his shoulders and neck. So, he's having some PT to see if that helps. What a relief that it was not a stroke. Gayla's MRI was not great news. She has complete deterioration of her L4 and L5. The doctor said that he can't believe that she's functioning with all the pain she must be in. She got a referral for a neurologist and was told it might take up to 2 weeks. But, she got a phone call Friday night and sees a neurosurgeon Tuesday morning (tomorrow). If she does have surgery, she's hoping it's soon and can recover in time for tax season. She was so afraid that with delays in seeing a specialist, any necessary surgery wouldn't take place until into January.

    Debora, yes, Christina has Chiari, as well as EDS and multiple other problems. It seems that Chiari sufferers also have other issues that compound the problems. Lyme disease is a major problem all on it's own. I feel for these loved ones who suffer so much. Sounds like she has a huge family and therefore, lots of responsibility. I'll be praying for her.

    Isabella, ouch on the fender, but you're right, thankful that no one was hurt and the damage wasn't worse, and more expensive. Also, in constant prayer for our country. This will be quite a time in history.

    I hear John already, I haven't even put on a fresh pot of coffee yet.

  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good Morning. Nothing new except that the handyman postponed...too much rain. I can certainly understand, I wouldn't work out in the rain and I don't want him painting in the rain, it would turn out to be a terrible job. I told him to fit me in whenever he can, when the weather cooperates.

    John has gotten up very early the last few mornings, leaving me no free time to chat. Not that I couldn't just continue to chat anyway, but when he's looking over my shoulder, reading what I type, I get weirded out and then can't type anything. ha ha ha, Not that I'm trying to hide something from him, but I guess I am, sort of. This is my time to share and vent if I need to.

    The llamas have been spending the nights in the front yard, higher ground and therefore dryer. And, to prevent a muddy mess trekking out to the feed bunks in the stall/pasture, I've been feeding them their morning hay in the backyard. We figured any left over hay on the ground would be a good ground-cover to prevent more mud...HA! nothing left on the ground, they clean it up all the way down to the mud.

    The coffee pot is done gurgling, I'm ready with my mug...