Pot Bellied Stove / Water Cooler



  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    Did you see this over on the NM Facebook page? So cute. It's titled "Me trying to eat healthy."

  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    I didn't go with Ralph yesterday cause I ended up with Alan's kids for the morning. They know they have these appointments but don't ask till the night before. So glad I can change things around fairly easily. Then I got text from Lori that they were putting Maggie in the hospital and she's in a hospital we've not gone to before. He bump (or whatever you call it) which is right before the ear was bigger - now 6x4 cm. They've since decided it is staph and are giving her iv antibiotics so hopefully will not need surgery. Poor little thing. Jim is handling the other kids. Had a small group for Good News Club (around 20 total) but it went well and more could come next week. From there I went to town, ate a hamburger and then went over to judge record books and everything was dark. Finally tracked down a phone number and found out it was postponed due to the weather which seemed fine to me. Well, I got my stuff at Walmart and headed home. It had rained a little but seemed to be done. Well, it wasn't. About 30 minutes later, it let loose. I don't know how much rain we got but it was windy, etc. Talked to someone driving in it and it was horrible. So I'm glad I was at home.

    Anyway I work on the Echoes this morning. We have walk through at 1 and will see how it goes and then would like to go see Maggie, maybe go help with record book judging and may or may not try and make it to the first Wednesday night. Who wants to do anything at home. Babysitting again Thursday morning and have Willing Workers in the evening.

    Cute video Marcie. Thanks for sharing. Made me smile. Time to go walk.
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good Morning.

    Rainy and chilly, but using the space heater at my feet, did not bring in firewood yet after all. The garage guy measured the door opening and said they will build a door to fit, not to cut the concrete out and lower it, but, I do need to fill in the crack and raise the lip so the threshold is not teetering on a ledge. It's hard to explain, but it can be done. Our neighbor, Jack, has experience in concrete and said he would think of the best way to go about it and come up with a solution for us.

    Yesterday, John got up at 9 am, so there was time to get him settled in for the morning and I was able to go to Bible study at 11 am. Interesting, it's a class on learning how to study the Bible and look at each word and the original meaning of it. I have an oncology appointment next Tuesday, but I'll plan to try to go following Tuesdays. I then went to BiZi Farms and looked at their local honey. No clover, which is what I usually buy, but they had Wild Blackberry, Blueberry and Snowberry. (I don't know what Snowberry is). I bought the blackberry, but haven't opened it yet to give it a taste. I'll check it out later today. I also bought lots of fresh veggies to get started on this "Cleanse/Restore". The cleanse part is not what I normally think of as a cleanse, like enemas or laxatives or fasting. It's more like a very healthy diet. It's limiting sugar, so there's a huge list of veggies, nuts, grains and protein and absolutely no fruit. I'm assuming too much sugar in fruit even though it's natural. I printed out some recipes that look wonderful, we'll see how they taste.

    Debora, how sad about Maggie, she's so little to be so sick. I'll be praying that the antibiotics do the trick and she's home very soon.

    John's up already, wow, 8 am this morning.
  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    Good morning.

    Well, I got the all clear to move back to my desk at work this morning, so I've spent the last thirty minutes getting everything back in order. At least that's over...for now. Phase four begins in about a month, so I'll be moving to a temporary location again then. I think I'm going to leave my little fridge under my desk unplugged until after phase four is completed. That way I won't have to mess with defrosting it again when I have to move next month.

    The rain has passed and we are having beautiful sunny fall weather again. I finally broke down shortly after my last post on Monday. It was 65 degrees in the house and I cried uncle. I think Dad was waiting for me to be the first to switch the heater on because he was walking around the house with a knit cap and jacket on! The heater has been on ever since.

    Today we are supposed to go to The Old Spaghetti Factory for a retirement lunch party for one of my co-workers. My stomach is still not aces, but I will probably go ahead and go. It's located in a terrible location downtown with just a tiny little parking lot and not much metered parking on the street. Ugh. I'd walk there, but it's a bit to far away from the office. We pre-ordered our meals, and as I usually do when I go there, I will be having the chicken Marsala. We all paid $23 each. That is supposed to cover the cost of the meals (not including drinks), tip, cake, card and gift.

    Sheryl, hmmm, backberry honey sounds interesting. I like clover honey too. I never heard of a snowberry either, so I looked it up. An interesting plant.

    Debora, awe, poor little Maggie. I sure hope she get well really soon!

    I need to run over to the bank before I get back to work, so I'll close for now. Have a nice day everyone.
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    edited October 2016
    Good Morning. I came by here a couple hours ago and thought I had nothing to say, so I went on into the other room. I'm back, ha ha ha, there's nothing better going on in the other room, I decided I wanted to chat after all.

    I opened the honey and it's very good. I like the wild blackberry. Plus, it's retrieved from hives right here in Brush Prairie, lots of wild berries growing all over this area, so it's as local as I can get without having the hives myself. Marcie, I'll have to look up snowberry and see what you are talking about. I didn't even think to look. That's my problem, I wonder about things and forget that I have this great tool (the internet) to look it all up. I probably won't be using it right away because of this cleanse coming up starting on Saturday,

    The cleanse is sugar free and caffeine free, but I know I'll drink some coffee here and there. I've been weaning myself off some coffee for almost two weeks now. Anyway, I start my day with water and a drop of lemon oil in it, I've been doing that for quite some time, even Sylvia told me about that during our NM days. Then, when I'd have the pot of coffee made, I'd start in on that and usually drink until it's gone, sometimes making a second pot. Now, I'm limiting to one mug in the morning and then having hot water with a drop of cinnamon oil in it. It's surprisingly good. I think more than "needing" the caffeine, I just need something hot to hold and sip. It's been a habit for so long, I need my mug more than I need the coffee. Next week, I'll try to go without coffee at all, but I'm skeptical about how long that will last. I'm also a big water drinker throughout the day and the cleanse says to add drops of essential oils in the water, so that should pacify me. I'll have different flavors. Fortunately, I've never been a soft drink drinker, so I won't miss that at all, and don't have that extra sugar to worry about.

    The truck is almost empty of hay, just 2 bales left on there, and so it's the time of year that we get a ton of cracked corn before having the truck loaded with a ton of hay again. Not sure, but maybe today would be a good day. It's not suppose to rain again until tonight, but even though a battery charger is on the truck, it may not start up right away because it's been sitting in the barn for so long. Plus, I need to move the tractor to get the truck out. I'll see how John is when he gets up and see if he's up to getting the truck running. If not, the feed run will probably wait until Monday. I can make the 2 bales stretch until then and we'll have a couple more dry days to get the vehicles sorted out.

    Another tidbit of info that I learned from Blue Apron. The meal we had last night was Pimento Cheeseburgers. I have only seen or heard of pimento in olives and didn't like them because they are too salty, but the recipe included Sweet Piquante Peppers and they were very, very good. Now, I'm assuming my dislike before was the olives, not the pimento. I looked up pimento and one of the definitions is a sweet red pepper. I learned something new again.
    The recipe had a tablespoon of mayo mixed with the finely diced peppers and 2 ounces grated cheddar cheese. Spread that on the bun and place the beef patty on that, and that's it, no lettuce, tomato or other condiments like a regular burger. I was skeptical that John would like it since it wasn't a traditional burger, but he ate it and said it was tasty. I'm so lucky that he's easy to please.

    Oh yes, I almost forgot. I had gotten my weekends mixed up regarding Norma and Simeon. He didn't come last weekend, it was schedule for this coming weekend and that has also gotten changed. Simeon has been in Montana visiting his brother and was going to drive to Norma's house from Montana, but now, his brother is driving with him for a function in Bakersfield, so they will be driving directly there and not go to Norma's. But, she did agree to go with him to his reunion the following weekend, in Bakersfield. She will be staying at his daughter's house, which turns out to be so much better for her, they will not be alone in her house. She said he has really endeared himself to her through the texts and phone conversations and so resisting temptation will be so much easier if they are not totally alone. She has fallen for him and it appears that absence really does make the heart grow fonder.

    Wow, I've really rambled on and on. I'll close for now.

  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    edited October 2016
    Good Morning. I am expecting an email tomorrow morning to get started on the cleanse. I suspect it will be encouraging like the E-28 from NM, although, I'm hoping for even more guidance. I need some structure to follow and so far, I've gotten it with a list of foods and recipes. That's what I thought was lacking with the NM program, I wanted to be told exactly what to prepare and what to eat, instead of just "being balanced". I needed more.

    Anyway, in this week of preparation, I have prepared some very good meals and getting into the habit of using more of my essential oils and have lost 4 pounds, Yay!!! I must admit, my main intent is to lose this unwanted weight. I think that if I lose at least 20 more pounds, it will help with my breathing and stamina. I get so fatigued when I try to exercise.

    Yesterday started out a very good day, then had a blow-out with John, but ended up a good day again, so we went to bed happy. From the heavy rain that we got on Wednesday, we noticed that the gutter was overflowing at the NE corner of the house and nothing coming out of the downspout. I let John get the ladder out to clean out the gutter, as long as I was right there with him, I thought it would be fine. And, it was, surprising so, such an easy fix. One handful of gunk that was right at the top of the downspout. Once John removed that, the water came gushing down through the downspout and we were done. Yay, only one climb up and down the ladder and it was finished within 5 minutes.

    We then went on to move the tractor and the fork attachment and prepare the truck. The tractor had the front load bucket attachment on it, so I needed to move that out, un-attach the bucket and go back into the barn, attach the forks and move that out. Since the truck sits for so long with hay in it, I had stored the fork attachment under it at the rear of the truck. That's a hassle because of attaching and un-attaching all the implements to move things out. We have a new place to store the forks now, so I won't have to do that again unless I'm going to use the forks. (to move pallets or something)

    Once we got the barn and truck cleaned out, we went to start the truck and NOTHING...not even a click, dead battery, completely DEAD. Years ago, John got a great deal on AC Delco batteries and they are great, have lasted long past their warrantied life. They are 7 year batteries and we've used them for well over 15 years. Now, they are dying and John wanted the same batteries again. I've searched and searched for AC Delco and it seemed that no one carries them anymore. There's a small local automotive repair place up the road that I've passed a gazillion times and they have a sign out front that they are an AC Delco Professional. I wasn't sure if they would just sell the battery or if they have to install it and work on the vehicle themselves, so I hadn't called them yet. Yesterday, when John asked me what I would do, I said that I would call them and find out if they have the battery we want. Which they did. I told John that I would go there to buy a battery and put in a new one instead of trying to recharge this old one again. At first, he agreed, then in the conversation, I mentioned that they are not a store, they are an independent repair place, so he changed his mind and said absolutely not, they will overcharge. In the same breath, he asked what I would do. I mistakenly said, "I'm not falling for that again" (I had already told him what I would do and he shot me down), wow, John hit the ceiling. He got really mad that I said that, threw up his hands and said that he can't do anything anymore and I can do whatever I want.
    After I finished a load of laundry and let him calm down, I got in the car and went and bought the battery. By the time I got home, it started raining again, so we'll put the battery in sometime today and be ready to get cracked corn and hay tomorrow or Monday. Now that we already have the new battery, John is happy to have the new battery, he just didn't know how to go about getting it. Or, he's already forgotten the big fuss that he made. Who knows.

    Once again, I've rambled on and on. Thanks for listening.

  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    edited October 2016
    Good afternoon all.

    It looks like our warmer weather isn't quite done with us yet. This weekend we are supposed to get into the 90s again, but then it will cool down again next week. I sure have been enjoying the cooler weather. Even when it gets to 90 degrees, it's still not too bad because it takes all day to warm up to that temperature. Most of the rest of the day is pretty pleasant.

    I've been watching the coverage of hurricane Matthew and just can't believe some of those people that choose to ride it out when everyone is telling them to evacuate. I understand wanting to protect your property, but it just puts themselves and the first responders in jeopardy when they do that. It's probably easy for me to say that though. The closest I ever came to a natural disaster is when we would get tornado watches when we briefly lived in Indiana when I was a teenager. We didn't have a basement in our house, so we would ride those out in the basement of one of our neighbors.

    The retirement party for my co-worker at The Old Spaghetti Factory on Wednesday was really fun. 60 people (current co-workers and some that have moved on to other departments or that have retired already) showed up for it and the room we had reserved was packed. It was nice seeing those people that no longer work in our office. We all had a nice meal (I thought I would be the only one who ordered the chicken Marsala, but about 2/3 of the crowd ordered it too). In addition to the meal, we had cake (I splurged and had a piece...so good!), gave her card signed by everyone, a gift certificate for $500, and then the division chief gave her a "formal" framed resolution (a jokey-legal-like document that documented what it has been like working with her, how awful it will be without her, and that it was "resolved" that she is "hereby" authorized (begrudgingly) to commence a long and happy retirement. :)

    Another one of my co-workers who has been out of work all summer because of a bad fall she took on her son's moped last Spring showed up too. She had an operation last month to have her heel fused to her ankle and she's now able to get around on a walker (slowly!), so she came back to work this week part time. She's in so much pain right now. No only with the bad foot, but the good foot is now acting up because its been picking up the slack for the foot she hasn't been able to walk on. She says pain pills aren't even working to alleviate the pain. I feel bad for her. One things for sure. She sure won't be getting on any more mopeds!

    Dad and his walking buddies have sure been finding things on their walks lately. The other day they found someone's drivers license laying in the parking lot of a gym they walked by (they took that inside and left it with the gym's front counter staff). Yesterday morning they came across a downed drone laying next to a fence. There was contact information on the bottom of the drone, so they called the owner who came and got it. He was really grateful to get that back and gave them $20 for calling him. Those unmanned things scare me. If they go down like that, they could fly right in to someone's house or windshield or hit someone walking along the street. Then, on their walk last night they came across a big black dog. The dog wouldn't follow them, but they knew where he lived so they walked to his home and told the people there that their dog was over on another street. They told my Dad that it was OK. They said he usually likes to roam around that time of night (and poop on peoples lawns no doubt). Unbelievable! Dad came home seething over that one. Some people should not be allowed to have pets. Just so irresponsible. Poor thing will probably wind up getting hit by a car one of these days.

    I was actually surprised this week that Dad has been helping me eat those oatmeal/pumpkin/banana protein bars I made last weekend. He usually doesn't like them. I guess his taste buds are changing again. I think I'll make another batch this weekend, but I'm going to need to stock up on some of the ingredients first (I'm out of oats, bananas, milk, brown sugar, ground flax seed, and walnuts!).

    I found another new TV show I really like and will probably stick with. This one is on HBO though. It's called WestWorld and it's based on that Yul Brenner/Richard Benjamin movie from the early 70's about people vacationing at an old west theme park peopled with human-looking robots (that, of course, will eventually turn against the humans). Not sure how far they can take this series, but it's really good so far.

    Last weekend one of the cable channels had the 1970's movie Charlotte's Web on and I decided to watch it. I thinks it's been over 30 years since I last saw that movie. I remember when I seven or eight my Mom took me to see that animated movie when it came out in 1973. Brought back a lot of good memories.

    Sheryl, you are doing so great! Four pounds is a great start. I hope the cleanse works out well for you and you are able to reach your 20 pound goal. I'm kind of the opposite on diets. I don't like diets that tell us exactly what to eat because they usually include something I don't like. As long as they have swap outs, I'm good. Cinnamon oil in hot water sounds interesting. I may have to try that. Sometimes it is just the comfort of having something warm to hold and sip on. Glad to hear cutting back on the coffee is working out OK for you. Sorry about the blow out with John yesterday over the battery, but it's nice that all seems forgotten today.

    Isabella, you sure were right about that new TV show The Good Place. I sat through the first couple of episodes and that was enough for me.

    I guess I'd better go eat something and then get back to work. Have a nice weekend everyone.
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good Morning. I get the computer for a little bit...John's watching football. Ridiculous, Notre Dame at North Carolina and John keeps telling me to come look, pouring down rain and yet, they are still playing. Trying to anyway. Stupid to not postpone the game for the hurricane. They showed the rain water coming down the stairs of the stands, looks like a waterfall.

    Marcie, what a good turn out for your co-workers luncheon. That's a lot of people, I would have been overwhelmed, but I'm glad you had a good time.
    I'm dumbfounded about those neighbors letting their dog roam free, with such a cavalier attitude. I'd be steamed too and if I saw it again, I'd call Animal Control, for the dog's sake.

    John's calling again, gotta go.
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Well, Maggie had her surgery this morning. Unfortunately, they were unable to drain but hope they got enough out of it to culture it. So I'm guessing the hospital stay will extend over the weekend. Lori is not going to go in to work but we're getting ready to go up and visit just to be company. Maggie was very smiley yesterday. Wonder how she is now. Jim is taking all the other kids to watch Thomas' football game. Other things keep going on.

    The walk though was nothing at all what I expected but I liked how it went. First they were late (which I didn't like) but they got lost - actually drove past one time but didn't realize cause the numbers on the mailbox aren't quite correct (due to my husband - long story) but with a phone call they got here. We came into the house. They saw my dining room table and wondered how many people lived here. Then we moved into the kitchen, they asked me a bunch of questions - gave me two weeks to get another a few items and left - didn't look at any part of the house. Oh well, Ralph straightened by his side of the bed which I've wanted him to do for quite some time. Ralph was busy fixing something at the farm so we didn't go visit Maggie so a little after 4 I left and went to judge record books - always an interesting process and then home.

    Thursday morning the kids came at 7. (Ok, I'm back). And were here till 12:30 but I still got a few things done - including doing the fridge while they were watching a TV show. Getting in the fridge is so much nicer now. After we ate, Ralph and I went up to visit Maggie. The arm with the IV had a thing wrapped around it to keep her arm straight but she still would use her hand. She was in a good mood. We left in time for me to load the car and go to Willing Workers. I was going early for a meeting and got caught in a horrible rain - could hardly see - but made it the 6 miles. Then it cleared off and we had a decent number come. We had elections, a very good speaker and were headed home by 9:30.

    Since it rained, it was too wet to combine so Ralph went to town with me. It was customer appreciation day at our bank so we ended up killing some time so we could eat the dinner they had. The bank president grills hamburgers and dogs and the other guys do the serving. It was fun. Then we came home. Ralph went to grind some feed. I put everything away and then we went back to the hospital jsut to keep Lori company and watch Maggie so she could get out of the room for awhile. Jim and the girls came as we were leaving and we stopped at Burger King on the way home.

    Today I rode with Jim to Thomas' cross country meet. He told me he usually runs it in about 25 minutes (it's a 5k). He finished in 25.34 but that was still last place today. Considering he also played football last night - that's not too bad. He said next year he'll just do football. We ate at the new McDonalds (opened Sept. 28 - crazy busy and a whole different look than the old one had. Thomas came home with me - took a good nap and then I took him to Bible study. I'll go get him whenever he calls. Tomorrow is church and diner and a start of our CE conference in the evening. Just heard from Jim and Maggie did get out of the hospital today. So hopefully, she keeps improving.

    Sheryl, so glad you were able to make it to Bible study. Sounds interesting. Interesting on the different flavors of honey. Hope the cleanse helps with the pounds you want off. How long does it last? I sure don't know much about essential oils.
    The pimento cheeseburgers sound good. I agree, the way things worked out for Norma and Simon are good. Sounds like things might be moving forwards. Waiting with anticipation to hear the next chapter. :) I love your ramblings.
    Sorry for the problems with the truck. I think it's so cool that you were able to find a battery so close by. After I read your post, we were going to town and came up behind a van that had AC Delco on the back of it. Made me smile.

    Marcie, glad you are back at your desk. Smart to leave the fridge alone. Your temps jump around too. We haven't tuned the heat on yet but the sunshine warms up the living room a lot with our big window. We had to put new batteries in the thermostat today. What a nice group turned out for the retirement party. How nice for her and it sounds like a fun time for everyone. How does anyone in town think their dog should just roam around.

    Not for sure who will be here for dinner. I'll set for the usual and adjust as needed if I don't hear for sure. I'll fix the food I got and if there are leftovers the better for me. :) Enjoy the rest of your weekend. Things aren't going to slow down around here I don't think.
  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    edited October 2016
    Hi everyone.

    It's almost 12:30 am here and I'm not the least bit sleepy. Been a busy day and I think I just need to unwind a bit.

    I just finished the laundry. Boy we sure had a lot of it this time. Dad went out this week and bought himself a bunch of new clothes, so they all needed washing along with the other stuff. That man! When he goes clothes shopping he refuses to try them on at the store, so he usually winds up having to go back because something didn't fit right. This time it's a pair of pants. I think he's a bit of a germaphobe when it comes to fitting rooms. He has to sit down when he puts pants on, and he tells me who knows in what state of undress others have been in when sitting on those stools in the dressing rooms. I never give it a second thought, but I don't usually sit when trying on clothes.

    I spent the morning and part of the afternoon doing my errands. It seems like everyone was out and about today. Lots of traffic and filled parking lots every where. Got gas, got the car washed, went to the drug store, went grocery shopping, went to the shoe store (75% discount today), etc. This evening I've been straightening up the house and doing laundry. Tomorrow I'm going to make a bean soup for our weekly pot of something, make another batch of banana, oatmeal, pumpkin protein bars, and hard boil a dozen eggs for the week. I also need to spend some time going through and shredding junk mail that I've let pile up too long.

    Tonight Dad and I went out for Mexican food for dinner. We both had steak fajitas. Really good. Lots of steak leftover, so I think I'll make a steak and veggie omelette for breakfast tomorrow morning. Dad gave Cisco a little bite if steak when we got home and he sure approved of that. He'd like it we abandoned the whole dog food thing and just give him a big bowl of steak for his meals!

    Debora, I'm glad Maggie is out of the hospital now, and that she was in good spirits while she was there. My goodness. You sure have been busy! My head just spins when I think about all you do. How nice that the bank has a customer appreciation meal.

    Sheryl, I hope the day went well for you and John. That was strange that they didnt postpone that game for the hurricane. There's sure a lot of flooding going on right now. I hope it subsides quickly for all those people. I meant to buy some cinnamon oil when I was shopping today and forgot. That's what I get for not taking a list with me.

    It got to 88 degrees today. I got a bit warm, but I think that just because I was running around so much. Tomorrow should be about the same, and then it should start cooling down again. They say we may even get some rain next week, but I'll believe that when I see it.

    My cat Simon is sitting here slapping my leg with his paw. I think he wants me to get up and feed him. I guess I'd better close and "serve" the cat. That's his new thing these days. He gently slaps me when he wants something.

    Night all.

  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    edited October 2016
    Good Morning. The battery saga continues, the AC Delco that I bought turned out to be wrong. The terminals are reversed and the cables don't reached the appropriate positive and negative. We tried turning the battery around, but it still doesn't fit. There was another group 24 AC Delco that they said had to be ordered, so I will return this one that they had in stock and check on the position of the terminals on the other one and if it's right, I'll order it. I called, but they are closed for the weekend. In the meantime, the truck is unusable. I wanted to say it's now a gigantic door stop, but I didn't, I knew John would blow again if I did. I have to watch my words and not be too sarcastic. Well, once again, John said that I can do whatever I want, so, I went to O'Reilly's Auto Parts and bought a group 24 battery. Off brand, Super Start, but at this point I don't care. I don't need a name brand. While there, right next to Lowe's, I also ordered the garage door. That will be available in about a month. When we got home, we installed the battery and the truck started right up and runs great. We'll take it out in the next few days to go get the corn and then the hay.
    Debora, funny that you saw that AC Delco sign. It does happen that way, once something is mentioned, then we see it more times than we realized.

    Marcie, love that you "serve" the cat. That's what we do for our critters. Sometimes, I miss having a cat, they are definitely my favorite pet.

  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    I forgot to mention, I went ALL day yesterday without coffee. That's a first!
  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    Hi all, Bet you thought I wasn't going to show this weekend! :) I've been busy! Did some house cleaning yesterday morning then we went to our free concert at the library. It was a REALLY good one this time. The artist was a gal named Lisa Sanders. She has a beautiful voice and her songs were really good. She also sang Patsy Cline's "I go to Pieces" and sang it beautifully. She mentioned as she was setting up that she was getting a bit of a late start because when she went out to get into her car to come she found that it had been towed. I wanted to help her (as did a few other people in the audience) so I gave her $10 which was all I could afford. She gave me her new CD and signed it. I like it. We went to a Lebanese restaurant afterward and had their lunch special which was a chicken shawarma wrap and a salad. It was really tasty. In the evening we watched the old movie called Giant with Rock Hudson, Elizabeth Taylor, and James Dean. It was a very long movie. Today we went to several stores to get various things for the house, groceries, etc. Then I cooked and prepped for the week and we had baked chicken, delicata squash (one of the few winter squash that you can eat the skin after it is cooked), and rice for dinner. We listened to about a half hour of the debate while we were eating. Still crazy! Now I'm catching up with you all. :)

    Sheryl, glad you got the info you needed from Lowes and got your garage door ordered. The bible study sounds interesting. Sounds pretty in-depth. The honey you got sounds really good. And so nice that you got some good veggies to start your cleanse also. So wonderful to hear that you've lost 4lbs already! That is exciting. And a whole day without coffee?! You are doing really well! Funny about the AC Delco battery. We always thought they were the best too. Now we just get whatever our mechanic wants to put in there.

    Debora, my pasta meal turned out decent last week. I threw a bunch of veggies into it and some broth, sour cream, and parm. It is funny that you didn't even get to eat your shake N bake because it was all gone already. Must have been good! Glad to hear that little Maggie is back home. Hope all is well for her. Keep us posted. When I said that I put some effort into taking care of my teeth this is what I do: I brush them, then I floss, then I use this little bristle brush to get between each tooth. You'd be amazed - even after brushing and flossing, I often still get something out from between my teeth when I use the little brush. Also at work I rinse/swish out my mouth after I eat. I read somewhere that the act of swishing after we brush is as important as brushing to get our mouth clean.

    Marcie, those pumpkin bars look great. Have you ever given us the recipe? I find it interesting that you mention that you prefer the ergonomic keyboard at work. I took a look at one once but it looked too odd for me and I never tried it. What do you find better about it ergonomically? The video about the puppy eating the celery was very cute. We feel that way sometimes don't we? What channel does lethal weapon come on? I don't know if hubby will let me record any more shows - he says that we are recording too many as it is. We are watching MacGyver for now also but it may get too outlandish eventually. We'll see. For now it is entertaining enough. Did you buy any shoes at the 75% off sale?

    Well, have a wonderful week everyone. Pray for all those affected by hurricane Matthew. Our home office is in Daytona Beach, FL. They closed Thursday afternoon to evacuate and I don't know if they will be back tomorrow or not - not sure if they have electricity yet.
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good Morning, we should have 3 days of beautiful, dry weather. Thursday, it all changes again for what they say will be 4 days of extreme wet weather. Next weekend is forecast to be the "wettest October weekend", but that's still so far off weather-wise. So, today and Wednesday, I plan to get all the truck errands done. Tomorrow is a check-up with my oncologist, 4 months since I've seen him. I trust he had a nice vacation last month. I was suppose to have a 3-month check-up in September, but he was going to be gone.

    And, another full day without coffee. Being mindful of what I eat and reminds me of when I started NM, not depriving myself, but simply eating right. I lost another pound since Friday.

    Isabella, do you really have to work today? I thought it was a legal holiday, I know the post office and banks are closed. Norma has the day off, but then, she works for the county, maybe just government employees get the day off. I also pray that the hurricane damage was minimal. My Mom said that she felt a small earthquake on Saturday afternoon, but it didn't make the news up here because the hurricane was a much bigger weather story.

  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    edited October 2016
    Sheryl, we are supposed to get rain later in the week too. They say maybe an inch to an inch and a half (a lot for us!). I hope all goes well with the oncologist tomorrow. Are you experiencing any signs of caffeine withdrawl? CA state workers didn't get today off. We used to get Columbus Day off, but they took that away years ago.

    Isabella, with the ergonomic keyboard (this is what I currently use at work) your wrists are turned out a bit for a more natural, relaxed position. I switched over to that type of keyboard (and a stationary mouse (similar to this one) that you don't have to roll around and that is controlled by the thumb and fore finger) around 2004. That was about the time my Mom had to have carpel tunnel surgery, and I wanted to try to avoid that problem in the future (since with my job, I spent way more time on the computer than she did). After so many years using a standard keyboard, it took me about a week to get used to it, but Ive been loving it ever since.

    I wound up buying a pair of dressy wedge sandals, $75 marked down to $20. I posted the recipe for the oatmeal bars back in our NM days, and also here in our Recipes post in January 2015. A simpler version of the recipe originated from Granny (she didnt add pumpkin, spices, sugar, nuts, etc., and I think she just used egg whites, but I prefer using whole eggs. Someone from her church gave her the recipe to use during the Daniel fast). Here it is...
    mygnsac wrote: »
    I made a batch of these tonight and house smells sood good! These things will keep you full for hours. Portable oatmeal!

    Pumpkin Banana Apple Oatmeal Protein Bars

    Wet Ingredients:
    • 2 ripe (cheetah spotted) bananas
    • 4 large eggs
    • 1 1/2 cups milk
    • 1/4 cup plain yogurt
    • 1/3 cup unsweetened applesauce
    • 1 cup pureed pumpkin
    • 1 tbs vanilla

    Dry Ingredients:
    • 2 cups old fashioned oats (don't use the quick oats)
    • 1/4 - 1/2 cup brown sugar (or whatever sweetener you like)
    • 2 tbs vanilla protein powder (optional)
    • 2 tbs ground flax seed
    • 1 tbs baking powder
    • 1 tbs apple pie or pumpkin spice
    • 1/4 tsp ground ginger

    Add Ons (Add whatever you like. I used raisins and walnuts this time.):
    • 1/2 cup raisins
    • 1/2 -1 cup chopped walnuts (pecans are good too)

    1. Preheat oven to 400 degrees.
    2. In a large bowl, mix together the dry ingredients and in another bow mix the wet ingredients.
    3. Pour the wet ingredients into the dry ingredients and stir until mixed well.
    4. Stir in the add-ons.
    5. Spray a 9 x 11 baking dish and pour the batter into the dish.
    6. Bake on the middle rack in the oven for 50 minutes.
    7. Remove from oven and let cool completely.
    8. Cut into 8 large meal-size bars or 16 snack size bars.
    9. Wrap each bar in plastic wrap to have grab-and-go bars.
    10. Store in the refrigerator. The bars are good cold out of the fridge, at room temperature, or warmed up.

  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    Hi all, I am finally back again. It's been a surreal week for me. I have found myself immersed into the Websleuth's website reading threads about crime. You know those people actually solve crimes while pouring over all the evidence they can get to online? It's really quite amazing what they do. There was this one very interesting thread titled, "The woman in the Furnace" I was engrossed in reading about a woman from 1929 who was found burned from the furnace. It looks like she was actually electrocuted instead but it is a very interesting read. If any of you like a good crime novel you might be interested in checking it out. I have been discussing some of these crimes with the hubby. He thinks I am nuts, lol. I have always been interested in crime and solving it but I won't be joining the website or anything. I think if I did that I would never get anything done around here. ;)

    Our weather has cooled off with the humidity lower, I love it when I get to enjoy being outside. Hubby went to San Antonio last weekend and had breakfast at this place called Lulu's and are known for serving a hot 3 pound cinnamon roll. I asked him to bring one home and he did, lol. It was huge! I cut it up into 8 large pieces and froze all but two. I didn't find it to be what it was all hyped up to be as far as flavor goes. It could be that I just don't eat donuts and such and might not have liked it either way.

    I have been helping out the local animal shelter here. I have found some great deals on dog and cat food with coupons so I have delivered some to them. I have also started teaching them how to use coupons. Tomorrow I will be dropping off a bunch of coupons and scenarios on how to buy the food for the least amount out of pocket.

    Update on my clock I was so happy to get. It is WAY too big for my coffee bar area and I might just have hubby hang it in the kitchen above the sink, haven't decided yet. It is so large it looks out of place, which means I may be getting that coffee cup clock after all.

    Finally, our 13 year old cat is getting so finicky I think she might starve herself to death. I have to run into big town tomorrow and take back three cases of two of the three types she would eat and now she is down to only one of those kinds. I am out of that kind and she just walks away from the other one. So, I will return and pick up the one kind I know she likes and hope for the best. I have ordered Only Natural Pet dry cat food for her and some of the wet brand as well. I know she likes the dry because I had purchased a sample of the chicken and the turkey, she liked the chicken but not the turkey. That Turkey!

    So, if she doesn't start eating better it will probably mean a visit to the vet. She won't even eat the chicken breast I cooked for her in it's own broth like she was. She walks away from it too. So much food wasted. Ugh! I only hope she gets happy soon.

    Mygnsac-I remember that post and the pictures make my mouth water, lol. I think I even made them before. It's been pretty hard to get pumpkin around here so I haven't had any for at least 6 months or so. I am hoping they start getting it in stock at the store soon. It's my understanding that damaged crop issue last year has really hit this years pumpkin supply hard, at least in our area. I have a digital coupon for two 29 oz cans for $4.00 and can't find any to buy, lol.

    Have a great day everyone!

  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    edited October 2016
    Good Morning. Yesterday was great, very productive. It reminded me of the good ole days when I could get a lot done. These last few years, I'm lucky to get just one chore done in a day, and it usually takes more than one day. Anyway, I called the auto repair place about the battery first thing and talked to the owner, he immediately knew the problem...I was given a group 24RPS instead of group 24PS, the 'R' meaning that the terminals are reversed. I drove up there and swapped them out, so, we now have 2 new batteries, which we will use. I'm leaving the O'Reilly's battery in the truck since it's already in and working, even though it's supposedly a lesser grade battery. It cost just as much, but it has a 3 year warranty and the AC Delco has a 7 year warranty. Next, we went to the farm supply and bought a ton of cracked corn, (40) 50 lb bags on a pallet, quick and easy for them to load onto the truck with a fork lift. But, usually takes me a much longer time to unload by hand. Got home and I fixed lunch and then went out to unload the corn. John and I worked together, he was up on the truck pulling the bags off the pallet and I was down taking them from the truck to the shelf. It went so smoothly and I was able to continue the job til done, without taking a break.


    It was only 2:30 pm and I thought, wow, there's still time to go get hay and we'll have all the truck errands done and plenty of feed for all the animals, Yay!! The corn will last all year, the hay will last until late December or into January.


    But now, the truck will not be going out again for awhile, so I need to remember to start it up every few days and warm it up and keep that battery going.

    I feel so good that I'm getting my stamina back little by little. This Cleanse/Restore is about that too, getting rid of that sluggish feeling that is attributed to sugar and glutens. I thought it would be much more difficult to go without those, but the recipes I've been making are very good. I haven't noticed any direct effect of not having my coffee. I have heard of getting headaches when someone went without caffeine, but I haven't had any headaches and I'm going on day four now.

    Marcie, those ergonomic devices look interesting. I looked at the keyboards before, but figured John would not take to the change. The mouse looks extremely inviting, since John is always complaining about our mouse pad slipping around with the mouse and then it doesn't do what he wants it to do. But, still, it may be too different for him to get used to, I try to change as little as possible these days.
    I am so impressed with your photo of Pumpkin Bars...just look at that clean counter!!!!! And, your Vitamix and scale are so clean too, mine have grease and crud on them. As I've said many, many times, I AM the world's worst housekeeper.

    John's going with me today to the oncologist and then, we'll go out for lunch and he'll go with me to Trader Joe's. We got a beautiful thank you card from Norma and her friends that included a gift card to Shari's, so we can enjoy several lunches on them. They thanked me for taking them from the airport out to the coast and meeting up with them 2 other times that week. I was so thrilled to be a part of their vacation, it was fun for me too. At Shari's, I will get the NW steak salad and I think it will fall mostly within the parameters of the cleanse; beef, lots of greens, a tomato and vinaigrette. The only thing in there that is not allowed is some cheese. But, I'll cheat and splurge. I made a veggie omelet the other morning and did not put cheese on it, very unusual for me, I always load it with cheese, but it turned out very good and we liked it.

    It's 5:55 am and Cookie is crowing, wake up everybody!!!!!!

  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    edited October 2016
    Ditto, yet again!
  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    edited October 2016
    Hi everyone.

    It's sure a pretty day here today. Lots of sunshine and a nice cool breeze. Probably won't get much above 80 degrees.

    Most of the morning I've either been preparing for meetings (i.e., killing trees by making lots of copies for everyone) or going to meetings. I have another meeting coming up this afternoon. Just one of those days where you can't get much done.

    I did escape the office at lunchtime. I just felt the need to get in the car and drive somewhere. I wound up driving back to the Old Spaghetti Factory and ordered their chicken piccata dish. Their chicken marsala is still my favorite, but the chicken piccata is a close second. The chicken is cooked in lemon and butter with scallions and topped with diced tomatoes, capers (not a huge fan of those, but I'll eat them), and cheese. I took my voter's pamphlet along with me and studied up on the BAZILLION propositions that will be on the November 8th ballot.

    Anew, that 3 pound cinnamon roll sounds like a yummy monster to me. It's been a long time since I had a cinnamon roll. Rule number one for me is they must have lots of raisins and nuts in them. Best one I ever had was in a mall near Kent, Washington in the early 90s (we were up there visiting relatives). I was curious so I looked up Lulus online and that roll looks humongous. That's so nice of you to help out at the animal shelter. I'm sure they appreciate any help they can get. I hope your kitty is okay and is just being picky. Good idea to have her checked out just in case. With loss of appetite, you just never know. My 14 year old cat Simon will only eat dry food and has always turned up his nose at wet cat food and at people food. For the last couple of years I've been feeding him BLUE - Healthy Aging Chicken & Brown Rice, Mature Senior Cat Food. He loves the stuff and his skin and coat looks so good. I'd like it if he would at least give wet cat food a go, just in case he ever has issues where he can't chew dry food, but he apparently thinks that stuff is gross. That's too bad about the pumpkin shortage. I haven't run in to that yet here. You can always order canned pumpkin on Amazon. I've done that occasionally with particular kinds of soups the stores stopped carrying.

    Sheryl, wow, you sure got a lot done yesterday! With all that lifting, you must have great muscle tone! That's great that going without coffee is causing you any side-affects. Good choice on your meal for Shari's. If you're going to splurge a little, cheese is a great way to go! I sure can understanding not wanting to change computer things that John is used to. If the movable mouses (mice) and pad bother John, you could always get one of those stationary mouses (or mice), plug it in and just see if he likes it. They don't cost to much. I'm not much of a house cleaner either (I try to do a good cleaning job a couple times a month, and just pick up the rest of the month), but when it comes to the kitchen I'd be all twitchy if I went to bed and it wasn't cleaned. I think I get that from my Mom who was always worried about drawing ants. My Dad doesn't suffer from that phobia though. After he leaves the kitchen, it looks like a crumb-laden cyclone hit it...and, he never hangs the kitchen hand towel straight! I think he does that on purpose!

    Well, I guess I'd better kill some more trees and get prepared for my next meeting. If all goes well, tomorrow I will be meeting-free!

    Have a nice day everyone.

    My "Ditto" post again was because I had a posting problems and this post was duplicated about 8 times. I asked MFP to remove them, and that is the last one still here.

  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    Just a quick post to bring this to everyone's attention. Remember when I was posting about the IRS telephone scam and them threatening to come to my house to arrest me? Or at least that is what it escalates to.. Well, have a read here because they are getting very brazen. I would have the police hiding out at my house if they tried that with me. I would probably also tell them to try it and see what's waiting for them. Be careful out there, we all have to watch each other's backs.
