Pot Bellied Stove / Water Cooler



  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    Just a quick post to bring this to everyone's attention. Remember when I was posting about the IRS telephone scam and them threatening to come to my house to arrest me? Or at least that is what it escalates to.. Well, have a read here because they are getting very brazen. I would have the police hiding out at my house if they tried that with me. I would probably also tell them to try it and see what's waiting for them. Be careful out there, we all have to watch each other's backs.


    These scams have been going on for so many years now. Lots of creepy-crawlers out there. IRS has said repeatedly that communication from them comes via mail. I just wished they could get the word out to to all taxpayers. I've had neighbors who experienced the same thing and shared their story with us on the Nextdoor website. Someone actually showing up on their door step and looking official (purporting to be from the IRS, FTB, power company, etc.). Luckily none of them fell for it. We screen all our calls, so if any ever tried to contact us by phone, they went straight to voicemail, and of course none would actually leave a message. Just never, ever give out personal info over the phone, never open any attachments or click on links in emails from someone you don't know and trust (our security officer at work reminds us this frequently) and never believe it when someone shows up at your door step trying to collect money.
  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    Mygansac-Yeah, it's advertised all the time but people don't seem to get it. Hubby was telling me a gal at work was on the phone with someone and asking why she was going to jail and not her husband, he was on the filing too. Hubby told her to hang up and block the number, it's a scam. He couldn't seem to get her off the phone and when she finally did he explained it to her. I don't know why everyone doesn't know about it but maybe they just are not paying attention.
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    edited October 2016
    Ditto what is stated above. Marcie and Anew, you are so right, I knew it was a scam for years and thought everybody knew, but after working at H & R Block, I realized that so many people are so scared of the IRS that these scammers have the edge because the public is petrified. Ridiculous! We constantly told clients that "the IRS will NEVER call you". One good thing, I recently saw on the news that they arrested about 60 people at a call center for participating in this scam. Anew, I have received messages from these guys, so sometimes they do leave a call back number and I turned them in. The IRS wants to know.

    Good Morning. Yesterday was different from planned, but good. John changed his mind and did not go with me, so we did not go out to lunch. But, because he was not with me, I did get more shopping done, I can move much more quickly through the store when he's not with me, so I stopped at two more stores. Came home and fixed a late lunch/early dinner.

    Doctor's appointment went well, as I expected. Blood work results were very good. No lymph node swelling or lumps. I asked the oncologist what my PCP had asked about my thyroid and he said the CT scan shows the thyroid is normal in every way. So, he's referring me to 2 more specialists to check out my breathing. The ENT to check again on my larynx and a pulmonary doctor to check my lungs. He is baffled as to why this is happening. The specialists will call me for appointments when they get the referrals.
    I will go back to Oncology in 3 months and see him again after another CT scan in January.

    I also told him about going to my eye doctor, I don't think I've even told you about this yet. I've been having a "floater" in my left eye for a couple months now, very annoying, so I had my eye doctor check it. Answer was that floaters come and go and no one knows why and there is nothing to be done about them. But, with the examination, she said that the cataract in the left eye is developing faster than before. I knew I had cataracts several years ago, but they were coming on so slowing, she said that we'd just continue to monitor it. We figured the chemo had accelerated the growth and when I mentioned it to the oncologist, he said that the pills I'm on daily also could be the cause of the acceleration. But, I'm not going to stop these pills, they are keeping the cancer in check. So, cataract surgery is still in my future, just maybe sooner than later, but I think that's still years away.

    Anew, I hope your kitty starts eating well again. That's scary when they stop eating and there's no way to force feed them. We want what's best for our pets and it's frustrating when they can't tell us what's wrong.

    Today will be an outside day to try to get as much done before the heavy rains come in. The early news this morning is still forecasting extreme weather for the next 4 days. 4" of rain at the coast and 2" expected in the Portland Metro area, plus high winds. So, I guess those next 4 days will be inside days and I can get more paperwork done and maybe more cleaning/decluttering. We'll see.

  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    Good morning everyone.

    I sure didn't want to get up this morning. Just one of those mornings where my eye lids felt like they had lead in them. Usually Dad and Cisco get back from their morning walk about 30 minutes before I get up and Cisco likes to snuggle with me before I get up (I think mostly its because he's cold and wants me to warm him up!). This morning they got back just as my alarm clock was going off, so no snuggle time with the dog. :(

    Last night as I was taking a bag of trash out to the trash cans on the curb (this morning was trash pick up day) I noticed the garage door of my neighbor across the street from us was open and the garage was dark. I walked over there to let them know, but no one answered the door, so I went back home and called them (she said she thought the door bell ringing was on the TV...she's getting on up in her years). They didn't realize they had left it up. The night before trash pick up day when we put out the recycle trash can (one week its the recycle can and the next its the green waste can) is not a good night to forget to close your garage. There are always strangers floating through our neighborhoods on those nights, through the early morning hours, rummaging through the recycle trash cans for cans and bottles.

    Today will be meeting-LESS. Yay! I expect to get a lot done today. We are getting ready to roll out some new/revised forms for corporations and I need to get all of that finalized and then get the website ready to post all of these forms. That's what most of the meetings yesterday focused on. Final decisions/issues regarding theses changes.

    Sheryl, I'm glad to hear your appointment went well. Hopefully the specialists will be able to give you some answers. My Dad had to have cataract surgery on his eyes about 10 years ago. They did one eye at a time. I expect one day I will too. Sounds like you are getting ready to hunker down for the upcoming storm. Our rain is supposed to start around 3 or 4 am on Friday morning. Dad and Cisco will be getting wet when they go for their walk that morning. You can be sure I won't be allowing the whole snuggle thing with Cisco that morning. My bed has a "no wet/damp dogs allowed" rule!

    Have a great day everyone.
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    edited October 2016
    Good Morning. It's raining, just like they said, and expected to get heavier rain and winds this afternoon. The tv is saying that could get 1 1/4" by tonight. Of course, that's measured somewhere in Portland, I don't know what we might get, our weather is usually less severe than Portland.

    Marcie, EVERY bed should be a no wet/damp bed. That made me laugh.
    I have received all good reports from people who have had cataract surgery, so I'm not worried, time will tell. My experience with John's surgery was a good one too.
    Nice that you checked on your neighbors, and got their garage door closed. Good neighbors are the greatest!!!

    We got a lot done yesterday and I'm so pleased that I could work outside all day long. I feel like I'm coming back. When I was doing yard work full time, my body was toned, now, I look in the mirror and see an old woman. I have a lot of cellulite in my upper arms, yuck. I don't go sleeveless out in public anymore.

    I splurged yesterday and had a mug of coffee with breakfast. The previous day, John had nuked leftover coffee which didn't tempt me at all, but yesterday, I made a fresh pot for him and couldn't resist. Smelled so good, and tasted good too, but I was able to limit myself to one cup.

    Today, I need to get a letter off to John's investment company and have them send him his IRA check, the required minimum distribution. I do it in October every year so that it shows on the statement for the last quarter of the year. I used to do it in December and sometimes it would show on the statement received the following year and that would really throw off my bookkeeping. I learned to get it earlier now.

    When I was out Monday morning to exchange the battery, I drove into the development behind us and took recent photos of the drainage problem. So, now that I know they haven't done a thing on the project and rain is here, I will write a letter addressing that. It's a mess back there. The grate on the culvert that goes under the road is broken out and there's actually trash packed down in there. I have decided to consult with my attorney before mailing anything out. I'll call and make an appointment. If it doesn't cost too much, I'm thinking that a letter from a lawyer might get more action than just from me. I'll see what he says.

    Debora, how's Maggie doing? I've been praying that the medications are doing their job.
    I just found out that a family friend, had a massive stroke on September 30th and will have a long, difficult, recovery ahead of him. He's still in ICU as of now. I grew up with him and he's one year younger than I am. I'm praying for him and his family as well.

    I hear Cookie crowing, it still looks dark outside to me, but the sun must be peeking out somewhere.

  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good Morning. We did not get the forecasted storm yesterday afternoon. It rained steady all day, but the wind remained calm. Yay!! The wind is the worst. It's very calm right now, but more on the way for today and the weekend.

    Isabella shared with me a link to a live, on-line, cancer symposium that was suppose to start 8 am Eastern time. I expected it to start for me half an hour ago, but it hasn't. I don't know if the problem is on their end or if I did something wrong. I got the email yesterday that they would email me to join in this morning, but there's no email for me this morning. I figured I'd come over here while I'm waiting.

    Yesterday was sure a very lazy day, both John and I spent time in our big comfy chairs and dozed off a little. Two old people napping in the middle of the day, too funny. We worked our butts off on Wednesday so we could kick back on Thursday. I thought I'd do laundry, but only got one load through, so, today is laundry day...or tomorrow. There's always tomorrow.

  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    Good morning all, I took Thursday and Friday off to use up some vacation time. It has been a very nice relaxing couple of days. We did some house cleaning since Jami and her husband are coming over tonight and I did a load of laundry today but other than that, I have been vegging. As Sheryl said above it just so happened that a Cancer naturopath live seminar is taking place this weekend so since I had Friday off anyway I have been sitting in front of the computer for MANY hours listening to various speakers talk about different aspects of natural healthcare treatments and protocols. It has been very interesting. These speakers are many of today's most respected professionals in their field.

    Hurricane Matthew left a big mess in Daytona Beach but not too many of my co-workers there were affected other than having a lot of yard work ahead of them. One guy has several trees down but none hit anything. I have one co-worker who had a tree fall on her roof but she said the damage isn't too bad. She had the tree removed and is now contacting roofers to fix the roof. She has been off this week to get all of that taken care of but everyone else is back to work.

    Jami and Joe are coming over tonight. We are going to order pizza. I am going to make a nice salad and ranch dressing to go with the pizza. I bought a dessert at Trader Joe's called "chocolate Brooklyn Babka". It is in a loaf shape. They were sampling it about a month ago and it was DELICIOUS so I have been waiting for an excuse to buy one. :smiley: She is responsible for bringing the beverages. We also rented a movie from red box with Sandra Bullock in it called Premonition. It sounds really intriguing.

    Sheryl, so great to hear that you have lost another pound. Keep up the great work. You are already feeling more energy. Great job on the coffee too. Amazing getting the corn and hay taken care of. I know that had to feel good! Nice to hear that the Dr. visit was another good one. Hopefully one of the other specialists will figure out what is going on with the breathing.

    Yes, we had to work Columbus day. Not too many people get it off anymore except the post office and government agencies. I was surprised that Marcie had to work. I know it was more of a big deal back east but not so sure that is the case anymore even back there.

    Interesting about your eye doctor visit. I have floaters too. I got them several years ago. My eyes are used to them now and I seldom notice them. The eye doctors don't really seem to know why we get them but say they are no big deal. You are right, the cataracts shouldn't be an issue when it is time to have them removed.

    Marcie, The keyboard looks pretty much like the one I looked at years ago. Are the keys all in pretty much the same order as a standard keyboard except for the separation in the middle? I might check into one of those but I don't think I'd like that style of mouse. Do you operate the ball on your mouse with your thumb? I would think that would cause some issues too. I have a co-worker who has a ball type but hers is right in the middle of the mouse. It has started to bother her because she finds that she is resting her hand on it and it is causing pain in the center of her palm. Thanks so much for sharing the pumpkin bar recipe. I do remember you sharing it before now that you mention it. I'm going to have to look for some pumpkin. I think Trader Joe's is advertising some this flyer. You got a great deal on the dressy sandals! My navy blue shoes had a blow out so I need to find blue shoes. They are really hard to find! I think I am going to look for some navy sketchers (they can be casual nice) and call it a day. I can't believe you read up on all those propositions already. Anything you want to share on what you read?

    Anew, it is really awesome that you are volunteering at the animal shelter! So cool also that you are teaching them how to get the most bang for their buck with the coupons, etc. That real crime stuff can be really addicting. I haven't heard about the site you were on but I have a friend who is addicted to real crime stories. I'm not too surprised that the giant bun wasn't very good. I find that when people usually make something oversized like that it isn't as good as the original because it doesn't cook as well. Too bad the clock doesn't fit over the coffee bar but good that you still have a place for it. I guess the other clock was meant for the coffee bar after all. You'll have to keep us posted on your finicky cat. Hope he is OK.

    I can't believe that someone impersonating an officer went to that woman's house claiming to be there to collect for the IRS. How scary! Even if you don't believe them I can see where you might be scared enough to give them what they want anyway. Especially if you are a woman living alone. I'm with you - if someone comes to my door like that, I'm calling the police! I was really surprised when Marcie said they have come to the door in her area too.

    OK, I've been in this chair quite long enough! You know, they say "sitting is the new smoking"!!! ;) I'm going to finish getting ready for tonight. I'm excited! :)
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Just popping in to say hi. I feel like the week has been busy and I'm tired now so getting ready to head for bed. Will give you the long version later. :)
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    edited October 2016
    Good Morning. Showers on and off all weekend, with a few sun breaks in between. Perfect for John to get outside a little bit, he just can't stand to stay in the house all day. I tried to watch the live on-line symposium on the computer as much as I could, but it was hard for me to sit that long too. I got interrupted to help John with several different things, here and there. I enjoyed the messages of eating healthy and taking the power to be our own "doctor". Our bodies have the power to heal themselves if given the right fuel. It would have been a good link with NM, many of the same principles. However, regarding the cancer, since I have had good experience with my particular oncologist, I have mixed feelings about throwing all that out and trying something new to me. I realize that the pill I take daily is "chemical", not from nature, but I'm getting results. I think I can implement some good habits and still trust my doctor. But, I'm wiser and will speak up if treatment changes in a way that I'm not comfortable with. They debunked all traditional cancer treatment; radiation and chemo and surgery. I'm not prepared to do that.
    I'm also not bold enough to ask too many questions about how things are prepare if I am invited out. If I'm at someone's house for dinner, I will gladly accept what they serve, not give them the third degree on what's in it. I'd rather stay home than be rude.
    But, like I said, I still got A LOT of GOOD information.

    I was also especially pleased that they had a strong spiritual reference throughout. That prayer works and God heals. I know that from my personal experience, God has healed me.

    Today is the last day of the cleanse, tomorrow starts the restore. That entails eating about the same, but loading up on probiotics. I only had one mug of coffee all this time, that really surprises me that I have not really missed it too much. I can start adding fruits back into the day. I have apples in the fridge that I've stayed away from all last week. (due to sugar content)

    We've got the woodstove up and running now, I better go check it and monitor it until John gets up, then he takes over. Although, I supervise or he would be checking it and poking at it way too often.

  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    edited October 2016
    We had a decent amount of rain over the weekend. A lot more than we've had in a LONG time. We wound up getting about 2 1/2 inches. No further rain forecasted for at least another week. Of course it rained the hardest on Saturday when I was out grocery shopping and running errands. As soon as I got home it slowed down to a drizzle, then picked up again later in the day.

    Cisco and Dad lucked out with the rain on their walks. It only rained on them during the evening walk on Saturday. Cisco thinks he's made of sugar, and wanted to come right home, but Dad made him press on until he "did his business."

    Friday night one of our neighbors across the street hauled in front of his house this giant meat smoker he owns and started it up to smoke a couple hundred pounds of beef. He does this once a year (for some annual benefit he participates in) and it smells up the neighborhood something awful. He starts it up early Friday night, and isn't finished until about 24 hours later. Last year it was pig, this year beef. Just awful. I just don't think anyone should be allowed to do that in a residential area where the houses are so close together. It was so bad this time that Dad actually work a mask when taking Cisco out for his walk that night, and he never does that.

    We experimented with the dog this weekend and his stubbornness about eating his dog food. Dad has three different kinds right now (one for weight loss, one with large kibble-buffalo, and one of the same brand with small kibble-deer. Since he's trying to get Cisco to finish them up, he's just been mixing them up. We think Cisco is objecting to the ones he doesn't like being mixed with the one he does like. So...we served him last night using one of those plates that has three separate sections, and separated each of the three types of kibble. He sniffed each section, then immediately started eating all of the small kibble/deer dog food, and left the other two kinds. We tried it again this morning with the same results. Apparently he just didn't like it when we were mixing the yucky stuff in with the good stuff. Hopefully that resolve the issue. I keep telling him he doesn't know how good he has it!

    I received my mail-in ballot on Saturday, and got that done and put in the mail. Such terrible choices for the presidency (the U.S. Constitution should have included a "do-over" clause!). I just held my nose and put my mark next to the one I thought was the least offensive (and that was only by a close margin). We also had a ton of propositions to vote on, but I had them all pre-researched and was ready to go on those. I'm usually a procrastinator about getting my ballot in the mail. I usually wind up having to drop it off at a polling place on election day because I waited too long to get it in the mail.

    Sheryl, that's nice that you guys had a relaxing day inside the other day. It's nice to be able to just chill out inside on rainy days. Good luck on the next phase of your cleanse. After so many years of drinking coiffee, I'm just so surprised how you aren't missing it. My Dad sent me a link to a video the other day that espouses the wonderful affects two or three cups of coffee can have on us each day. Everything is good for us one day and bad for us the next day (look at the poor egg). I take a 16 ounce thermos of coffee (with a little vanilla flavored almond milk added) to work every day and sip on that all day, but I only drink it on the weekend if we go out to breakfast. Dad usually drinks one or two cups every day and thinks I'm nuts for drinking any other way that black.

    Isabella, the roller ball on the station mouse I have is operated by the thumb (I can't stand the ones that have the ball in the center because using the middle fingers causes too much movement in the wrist). With the roller ball on the side that is operated by the thumb, you hand wrests comfortably on the mouse and there is very little movement in the wrist. I hope you had a good time with your friends. The chocolate Brooklyn babka sounds yummy. That reminds me of an episode of Seinfeld where he and Elaine are trying to get a chocolate babka to take to a dinner party, and have all sorts (as usual!) of trouble at the bakery. That's great that your co-workers in Florida are all okay after the hurricane.

    Isabella, as for the propositions, I tend to lean a little right of center, read the synopsis, the arguments for an against the proposition, and the proposition itself. For the most part I voted against those propositions that would create more bureaucracy and regulations, etc., or that were poorly written and would not have the intended effect if adopted. I also never vote in favor of a proposition that would extend the sunset date on a tax that the taxpayers previously agreed to have imposed, but only for a certain amount of time. Whenever they try to extend those types of sunset dates, I find it reprehensible.

    Well, I guess it's time to get back to work. Have a nice day everyone.
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good Morning. I've been trying to put together an email update for my cousins and friends and it's getting harder and harder not to repeat myself every three months and just say I'm getting stronger and getting more stamina, little by little, day by day. You guys are my daily journal and I can browse back through to see if there are any big events that I want to share. Really, I just ramble on and on with not much substance to say to the entire world. I think I will share about my mom this time, but it's hard to say enough, but not too much.

    I'm sitting here with a mug of coffee...indulging myself. I am enjoying it, but will not constantly refill it all morning long. Marcie, I'm like Dad, I almost always have it black, although there are times when I indulge even more with a little creamer, but only when I buy it to have on hand when I know company is coming. I usually don't have cream or a flavored creamer in the house. Holiday season brings on egg nog, another WEAKNESS of mine. I will be very careful not to buy it by the gallon, because I'll drink it all myself if I do. That's the key, don't buy it. I learned that from NM, only stock the good stuff, if the bad stuff is handy, it ends up in my hand. After chemo, which has been over a year ago now, I reverted back to my wild child, I want, I want, I want and I supplied myself with all my food desires. I am trying my best to get back to the NutriMirror mindset. I had to laugh at a few things mentioned in that on-line symposium, I'm not sure if I was laughing at them or at myself, but they said that coffee is only good for enemas and the vast majority is "putting it in the wrong hole". Not me!!! It's going in my mouth. Also, they said to throw out the microwave. Not me!!! I can't imagine not having that handy little machine. I know that I survived for years without it, years ago, but now, it's a fixture.

    Yesterday was another good one, I went to Bible study and not only do I enjoy just getting out and talking to other people, but I learn something of importance in the process. I then went to BiZi Farms and stocked up on veggies. Wow, were they busy, at least the parking lot was jam packed, but the barn store was not crowded, the majority of cars were for the pumpkin patch and corn maze. Even in the drizzle, the kids must love to go there. I also went to Fred Meyer and bought more items and headed home to fix late lunch/early dinner. John was out front with a hose dragged down the driveway. He was flushing out the culvert under our driveway. This is in the front, the ditch along our main road, not the drainage problem with the development in back. South of the driveway had standing water and north of the driveway was "dry", well, it was wet but no standing water, it had all flowed to the north. John figured there was an obstruction in that culvert and he was going to take care of it. It looks as though no matter what he did, he did not fix it, so we'll go out together today and see about it. In the years past, I've usually been able to clear it out, I did it about once every other year, but of course, haven't done it in about 3 years now. So many things have not been done in at least 3 years now. Even I didn't realize how many chores I did on a routine basis, until they are not done.

    Marcie, I agree with you about those propositions. Good for you for getting your ballot done already. We got the very thick voters' pamphlet, but not our ballots yet. I've got my work cut out for me with all our initiatives to research.

  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Hi, I searched back to my last long email and wow, I haven't been on for a bit. It was a full week. Kids were here Sunday and then Sunday evening started our marriage conference. It was done by our pastor and two pastor friends of his. Monday night was 4-H so that was my push for the morning. October is when the new year starts so some extra things to do. My 2-4:30 babysitting turned into 1-5:30 and the last part was helping with a unhappy boy who refused to stay in his seat belt. He eventually did. 4-H went well. We had three new families. I stopped by the church to pick up some cookies someone had brought for Good News Club and Ralph saw me and asked me to stay for the second session so I did. Good but I was tired.

    Tuesday morning was at home. Then after dinner I got Alan's kids again and they went along to Good News Club. They are all old enough - Ava just doesn't have the attention stand. Clark really enjoyed it. They came back home with me. It was the afternoon of their court hearing and it went well. Tuesday night I went to church but it was my turn to work in the nursery - 20 kids 4 and under. 2 others helped me and I thought it went well but our rooms warmed up as the evening went on.

    Wednesday we worked on the Echoes again. I went to town in the afternoon and finished up my RSV research thing. They had to draw some blood at my appointment and I had my little finger turn red - bloody like. It didn't hurt or anything so I just watched it but it all cleared up. That evening was the last one of the conference. I enjoyed it but going every night is somewhat tiring. Thursday morning I watched 2 kids for most of the morning. About 2:30 I got a text from Alan, asking if I could take Ava to an appointment. Katie was worn out so I quickly got around to go get her. My sister had the kids so at the last minute we decided to take the boys and she came too and then Katie could sleep with for sure no interruptions. So we went. I met her PT person and held her while they made casts of her legs and feet for new braces - fascinating and so quickly done. It was 5 when we got out of there so decided to stop at McDonalds. They didn't get to play which was disappointing but we all got fed. When we got back to the house, Katie was still asleep so Carol kept the kids outside and I went home so I could go to a meeting. I could maybe have skipped the meeting but it was a fun one.

    Friday was my usual errands. I did take the time to get my flu shot. I was going to get another shot too till I found out what it would cost. I'll wait and see if it's less at the health department. I actually had the rest of the day at home. Didn't do anything great but no babysitting was nice. The guys have combined corn whenever they can. We haven't had more rain and we have some windy weather and temps warmed back up into the 80s but the ground is still so saturated, there's lots of mud.

    Saturday morning, I got the house straightened, and started on food stuff. I had 8# of carrots to peel and cut up, applesauce jello to make, and pudding pies to do. After we ate dinner, I headed for 4-H Officer's Training. I went to one session and made sure the kids knew where they were to go. During the second one, I worked on a project for Sunday School. It was a fun time but I still had things to finish up when I got home but it was all done by bedtime.

    Sunday I taught Sunday School and everyone was here. I had planned an oven meal since had had cool weather earlier so we turned the ac back on and turned it down. With all the people here and the sun now shining in more through our south windows, it couldn't keep up with the heat but it didn't get too uncomfortable. We didn't have anything going on in the evening but when Lori was leaving she mentioned to the kids who was working on which room. Thomas stayed here cause he had a Youth Group party so after I got him to his ride, I asked Ralph if we could go in and I would help them. So we headed in. Even Ralph helped sort the many socks. I did dishes and had a good visit with Lori. When we left, we stopped at McDonald's to eat. When I got home I found out Deacon was being put in the hospital. He had had a cough when here and it kept getting worse and turned into a bad asthma attack. They put him in ICU even. Derek had things covered with watching their kids on Monday with their friends who live in the neighborhood.

    That night was an unusual night cause I didn't go to sleep like I usually do but I figured I just keep going. I had the morning at home . I was home in the afternoon but had Ava to watch. Then we went and met the boys when they got off the bus so got to hear about the first day of school. Not surprisingly, they looked tired and I found out both had homework and one quite a bit = they always have reading to do but I'm sure the rest was getting used to things. We didn't get much done before mom came. They went home and in not very long I got a call asking if I could come over and help. So I helped some eat, gave some baths, helped with some homework, watched (and reacted wrongly) to daughter-in-law overreacting). When all but one were in bed, I headed home and fixed supper (around 8:30), did my list and went to bed.

    Tuesday morning they went out to combine and didn't go too long cause of the mud - it's just so saturated it can't dry out. The afternoon was Good News Club. We're starting to get used to the smaller group - still has a different feel. I peeked in the grandkids bookbags and there wasn't as much homework and mom came and picked them up so they could get started sooner. So when I got home and made a phone call and found Deacon was still in the hospital but now in a regular room so we went up to visit. I got to watch the struggle to get him to take yucky tasting medicine (helped him a bit). Fortunately, he didn't need oxygen much overnight and her got to go home on Wednesday afteenoon.

    Wednesday I worked on the Echoes, went with Ralph to a meeting about a hearing aid it had tested and then we went to church in the evening. We took along the 4 kids we took last year. The youngest did not want to stay in class so I stayed with her. I could tell she had a good time and afterwards she said she did but she also said she won't come against next week. But she did what her mom asked and tried it. This morning I had Ava most of the morning. This time I let her play and talked and chatted but worked on things I needed to get done. We loaded up my recycling and took it in about the time her parents would be getting the other kids back to school. I came home, fixed dinner and have a few things to do this afternoon before heading for a meeting and then Bible Study. Things just don' slow down and this has gotten so will quit for now (been working on this for three day). I know it's long but I know you aren't surprised. Sun came out so day turned out pretty. But it was a bit cooler which was nice after several days of warmth again (and the ac back on).
  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    edited October 2016
    Good afternoon.

    We are having a really pretty day here again. The weather couldn't get better than it is right now. Lows in the 50s and highs in the 70s. It won't be long before the cold weather hits (which for us is 30s-50s), so I'm enjoying the weather for now. Everyone's mood at home, work and around town just seems lighter when it's not too hot or too cold out.

    I woke up this morning to a cold dog trying to get me to warm him up after his walk with Dad. His little floppy ears get so cold after their morning walks. When they went on their walk late yesterday afternoon Cisco never did "do his business." Very unusual for him. Dad got suspicious and searched around the back yard when they got home, and sure enough he had gone out there sometime earlier in the day. Might be because of the new food, but we are hoping not. We finally found something he likes!

    Before we switched to the food he likes, I tried to hand feed him the "yucky" stuff and he kept backing away from me and shaking his head from side to side like he was telling me NO! That was the first time he ever did that. He must really hate that dog food. Dad tasted it (yes, he tastes the dogs food when we change brands!) and thought it tasted fine and didn't have a strong odor to it. That's probably why Cisco didn't like it. It wasn't stinky enough.

    Dad bought a new mailbox for our house the other day. This weekend I'll help him put it up. We've been having problems with our new mailman and our current mailbox. For some reason he just will not lift the door to the mailbox open and insert the mail inside the mailbox. There is a slot behind our current mailbox that is there for over-sized mail that can't fit inside the box, but he's been putting all our mail in that slot. The slot is exposed and it's very narrow, so hard to get the small mail out. Dad asked him to put the mail inside the box, but the guy just won't do it. With the new box, he'll have no choice but to put the mail inside the box. I want my old mailman back! We never had any trouble with him.

    I bought a bunch of candy a couple days ago to keep on my desk at work for staff passing by. Luckily none of it tempts me. It won't take long before they deplete it. I usually put out treats this time of year through the end of the year. After that, they get no treats from me!

    I'll sure be glad when this election is over. All of our projects at work that require our IT Division have been on hold since the end of August because of the upcoming election. Since I work for the CA Secretary of State, all available resources are dedicated to the election, and if it's not critical, everything else requiring staff from IT is on hold.

    Sheryl, I don't think you ramble on and on, and it's always good to hear from you. I'm glad you will still allow yourself a little eggnog this season. Good plan to not buy the gallon. I'm like you, if I have something in the house, I'll usually indulge a bit too much. Have fun wading through all those initiatives! Ha! Boy I'm glad that's all behind me now. I'm sweeping politics and propositions under the rug for now.

    Good to hear from you Debora. My goodness! I know I've said this before, but...I just don't know how you do it. I would be a mess if I had so much on my plate. I'm guessing Deacon is one of your grandsons. So glad to hear he is out of the hospital and home now. I don't blame him for not wanting to take yucky tasting medicine! I was just wondering, do your kids ever host Sunday dinner for you and Ralph, or is it just tradition to have it at your house? You are so fortunate to have such a great family to spend time with.

    Ugh. Looks like my break is about over. Have a great rest of the day everyone.

    Got a chuckle out of this the other day...

  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    Hi all, I had to work today. Actually I was glad - I got somewhat caught up and I get paid overtime. I clocked out for a half hour and ran to the farmer's market also and that made me very happy. After work I stopped at Trader Joe's so I won't have to go tomorrow since I am getting my hair colored tomorrow.

    We all had a really nice time on Saturday. The pizza was good - lots left over! The babka was just OK. Kinda dry. The movie had an odd ending but was good.

    I had my yearly physical on Tuesday (I forgot to go last year!). All my numbers were really good (except my weight) which made me very happy. I did have to bring a poop test home but they have simplified the process so that went well too. (was that TMI?!) :wink:

    I have heard miraculous words out of my husband's mouth 2 days in a row now: "I had a good day today." So things are working - God is working - and I am an extremely happy and content woman!!

    Debora, all I can say is WOW!!!!

    Sheryl, Glad you enjoyed the symposium. I recall that some speakers said that conventional treatment work for some, that it depends on the person and the illness; so I agree, don't throw out the baby with the bath water. If something works, don't fix it (or break it?). Some speakers are too extreme such as Dr. Mercola. I just take what tidbits I think I can deal with and incorporate into my lifestyle. It is always good to hear the info anyway as you said. I too enjoyed the spiritual aspect and such as talking about how forgiveness can play a big part in healing. Really glad the bible study is going well. Looking forward to hearing how the restore portion of your cleanse goes. I know it will continue to go well. Funny you mention about the microwave. I still have one but use it VERY seldom. Dan uses it more than I do.

    Marcie, Interesting that your neighbor cooking all that meat stinks up the neighborhood. I would have thought that it would smell good. I will have to get my booklets out and start reading up on those propositions. I'm like you, when in doubt, vote no.

    OK, gotta go - hubby is waiting for me to come sit outside. Have a wonderful weekend everyone!
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    We just got home from a wedding. Young couple - both grew up in our church. Very nice. Served spaghetti, french bread, salad and cake for the meal. Had a good time visiting with the family that sat at our table. I had the rest of the day at home. Since we'll be gone for dinner tomorrow, I could concentrate on other things so that was nice.

    Thursday was another morning for babysitting but it was just Ava. Part of the time, I loaded up my recycling and we took it in to town and met her folks when they brought the other two back to school. I had the afternoon at home. Then I had a 4-H thing at 6 and went to Bible study from there - didn't want to miss since we were celebrating the October birthdays. :)

    Friday was my usual errands. Made it home by noon. I had a call from Lindsey asking if I could babysit 2 of her kids while her mom took Deacon in for his checkup from his hospital stay. (Derek and Lindsey had gone on a trip to a friend's wedding). My sister and I were planning to go in for Thomas' football game so I asked if she was willing to go earlier and she was. We got there and both boys went to the doctor as Madden had a fever. And Aven was at a neighbors. So my sister and I stayed at the house for 1 1/2 hours watching no one. Aven and the neighbor came over about 4, then the two school girls got home and shortly after that the other were back from their appointment. So that was relaxing babysitting. My sister and I went and got something to eat and sat and visited for awhile and went to the game. It was cooling off so glad I took some layers. Our team won which was nice. I thought about leaving at the end of the 3rd quarter but I was holding Maggie and she fell asleep so we stayed. Then we stopped by Lori's to use the bathroom and got home about 11. Late enough but not too bad.

    Tomorrow is church, then we go to our fellowship meal. I made cream puff dessert and used gluten free flour so curious to see how it tastes. It will be a fun day.

    Sheryl, glad you got the right battery for the truck and got what you needed done. I enjoyed the pictures. Congrats on the weight loss. So neat when you find out what works for you. Hope the restore part goes well too. You are pretty strong if you could handle those bags of corn. Wow. Nice for you to realize that you have more strength and stamina. This cleanse you're doing - did they supply the recipes for you too or did you have to find your own? Sorry to hear about the family friend. My grandkids are doing fine. Lori learned she can flavor whatever meds Maggie is taking and that helps a lot.
    Have you used much of your wood yet? We turned the furnace back on again. Still gets up in the 70s but cools down at night. Even wore my long johns to the football game. It's kind of nice that you don't have much to say in the updates to your relatives - means things have settled down.

    Marcie, cool on the new shoes and the price. What a steal. Nice to have your voting done. Our ballot will be simpler than yours but I need to get a copy printed off so I can know what I'm doing and I'll vote some Friday when I'm in town.
    I'm surprised the meat being cooked smelling bad - I would think it would smell good. Nice to let your neighbor know about his garage being open.
    Your experiments with Cisco and food are paying off. Glad you found one he likes.
    Smart to change your mailbox if the mailman won't listen. Whatever it takes to solve the problem.
    I think you're just as busy as me - when you talk about all the things you do at work, my head spins and I knows there is lots we don't hear about. Yes, Deacon is a grandson. He took his medicine much better at home and is done with it now. Once in a great while, the kids have done the meal (my birthday once) and once in a great while, we go out to eat but it's kind of something I do for them so they don't have to think about food when they are busy getting ready for church. I'll keep doing it as long as they'll come.

    Anew, stories on crime - intriguing but not up my alley. Great to help the animal shelter. How's your cat doing? I still have some pumpkin from last year but noticed it on the shelf at Walmart yesterday. Didn't notice if the price was higher or not. I guess scams work cause people don't think when they get calls like that. So sad that people do that.

    Isabella, glad you had such a good time with your friends. Yay on the overtime today. Yay on the good numbers. I'm getting to do the poop test too - one more time will do it. So wonderful to hear that Dan is having some good day. PTL

    Well, I think I'm going to start heading toward bed. It's earlier than usual but a little extra sleep won't hurt - or I'll end up reading for awhile. Enjoy the rest of your weekend.
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    edited October 2016
    Good Morning. Friday morning, I just didn't feel like I had anything to say, yesterday, Jack came over and started working on the concrete for the new garage door. Busted up the section of old concrete and while he went to get more tools, I cut away a portion of the old door jamb, so the concrete will be nice and even from stud to stud. Gayla came over and then while Jack cut a clean edge on the concrete and framed the area, she and I visited. Boy, did I talk and talk, lost my voice. It was like when I get together with Carol, so nice to talk to another female adult, I go crazy. They were here about 3 hours and everything is ready to pour the concrete today. I suspect Jack will be over later this morning.

    Marcie, loved the chuckle of the day. I've had those days and it does help to think there are worse situations, so just be thankful.
    I have to chime in with Isabella and Debora, I thought the aroma of smoking meats would be heavenly. It always smells good at the BBQ places.

    Isabella...never TMI. Around here, I love that we can share EVERYTHING. I believe I shared when I did the poop test too.
    I'm so glad to hear that Dan is satisfied with how his days are going. I know exactly how content you must feel, I also get that feeling when things go well with John.
    In the symposium, that part about forgiveness really hit me hard. I have always had problems with my Dad, and even though he's gone now, I need to work on that forgiveness, for me. Like the speaker said, usually the other party doesn't even realize there is a problem, and I know my Dad didn't understand how I felt at all, he was happy with our relationship.

    Debora, we've got a little over 2 cords of wood out front. In the past, when we have burned exclusively, no electric heaters, we have gone through 2 cords in a winter. Now, we waffle back and forth, burning in the woodstove or turning on the space heaters, so this wood will last us at least through this winter and then, we'll see if we want to continue getting wood or not. I'm not sure how many more trees we or our neighbor will be cutting down. If I do buy wood, I will pay the extra and have it delivered, I'm not up to loading it onto the truck and then offloading it here at home. The guy I had deliver about 6 years ago had a huge dump truck and all I had to do was stack it.

    The restore is going well, eating clean. I have prepared quite a few of the recipes from https://thecandidadiet.com/candida-recipes-lunch-dinner/page/3/

    It's really quite a bit like NM eating except I'm also eliminating sugar, gluten and caffeine. When I was mindfully eating NM style, I never thought about gluten or caffeine at all and I thought "real" sugar was OK, although I didn't go overboard with it. Once again, I know my main problem is portion control, but some of the things I've learned through this experience is an eye opener. When it's over, I'm sure I'll go back to some coffee, but not several pots a day. And, I've incorporated a lot more almond flour and milk, plus, coconut flour and milk into recipes, and plan to continue that. I will be returning to Blue Apron meals and don't plan on changing my preferences. I think they offer gluten free menus, but I'll stay with the general variety that I've had.

    I will close for now and get ready for the concrete job. Since I knew Jack would be coming back over, I didn't even plan to try to go to church today. Maybe next Sunday.

  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    edited October 2016
    Good Monday morning everyone.

    The commute to work this morning was yuckier than normal. Lots of congestion everywhere, and a lot more bikes than usually on the roads. So many people who commute to work on bikes are just the worst. They don't seem to think the rules of the road apply to them. Swerving into traffic, running red lights and stop signs, etc.

    Friday after work Dad and I went to a new place, Pasquales, for Italian food. It's not really new though. Just the first time we've been there. He had a BOGO coupon. He got spaghetti and I got chicken marsala (not as good as Spaghetti Factory's chicken marsala, but still pretty good). Pretty nice restaurant, reasonable prices, great waitress. One of Dad's pet peeves at restaurants is when the wait staff constantly come over to ask how everything is and/or interrupt conversations. This lady did none of that.

    When we got home we found my Dad's walking buddy (and his big ol' dog Duke) on our porch waiting for Cisco and Dad to go for their dusk walk. Dad had emailed him to let him know we had gone out, but he hadn't checked his emails. So he quickly leashed up Cisco and off they went. While they were gone, I walked up the street to where one of our neighbors set up a pop-up boutique store (called the LaRue Chic Boutique) in her home. I wound up buying two really nice night gowns, and the prices weren't too bad (about on par with normal store prices). I had never met that neighbor, but when I was talking with her and told her where I lived up the street, she said "Oh yeah, that's the house where Cisco lives." My dog knows more people in my neighborhood than I do!

    That pop-up boutique was sure packed with a bunch female neighbors! In her dining room she had the tops, bottoms and night gowns set up, in her kitchen she had accessories like belts and scarves set up, her bedrooms were set up for people to try on clothes, and her family room was the meeting/getting-to-know-you place where she had laid out a bunch of snacks and drinks. Her parents were in town for it (they live in Missouri) and I noticed her Dad, husband, and dog had escaped to the backyard during all of this. Ha!

    Saturday morning Dad went out for breakfast and found he was missing his credit card. He realized he may have left it at the restaurant on Friday, so he gave them a call and sure enough they had it. He dodged a bullet on that one! He said he wasn't worried though. He has it set up that he will receive an email when anything over a penny is charged on his card, so he would have known if the card was being used by someone else.

    Saturday I got my errands ran and the laundry done. I ordered five tops from BlouseHouse (my go-to online store, mostly for work tops) and they were delivered on Friday. This is my favorite style for work, so I got five of this style in different patterns. I also had a 40% discount on the total bill, so that helped. I like tops that have collars, but those are so hard to find in the stores these days. These are the collar-less tops (different patterns) I've been buying in the stores lately (when I started dropping weight). I get a lot compliments on these tops. They have a slimming affect. Those new tops, along with the new night gowns and a couple new pairs of pants that Dad had bought for himself made for a lot of laundry. Usually I have three loads each weekend, but this time I had five.

    While I was out and about on Saturday I stopped in at Costco and checked out their optometry section. They now accept the Vision Care (VSP) insurance I get through the State of California, so I thought I would give them a try. I've been going to the same optometrist since 1988 and I'm ready for a change. I made an appointment at Costco for next Saturday. I definitely need to get some new glasses with a stronger prescription. I need a new pair of reading glasses, sunglasses, and regular glasses for nearsightedness. Going to Costco on the weekends is just awful though. So many people go there on Saturdays. That's where Dad has one up on me. He can go there anytime throughout the week, but with work, I have to go on the weekends.

    While I was at Costco I sampled some organic plain yogurt at one of the sample vendors carts and it was soooo good. Problem is at Costco you have to buy such a huge container of the stuff, and it would go bad before I could finish it, so I passed. I also forgot to jot down the brand name (I was going to check around the other stores to see if their carried it)!

    I bought this egg sandwich maker at Walmart this weekend. I had read about it online and decided I wanted to get one. So far I've used it two times. I made Dad one for lunch yesterday, and I had one for dinner last night. I made them with turkey, cheddar cheese, and one egg, and on mine I also added some mushrooms. I really like it. The cooked sandwich pops right out and it's super easy to clean. It makes better egg sandwiches than using a skillet as the egg and the cheese cook into the English muffin. Kind of like an Egg McMuffin from McDonald's. It doesn't take up much counter space, so I think I'll leave it out and get some use out of it. One of the people who reviewed the device said it was impractical because it would take her too long to cook a sandwich for her family one at a time. Apparently it escaped her that it wasn't designed for someone cooking for a large group of people. There are lots of us out there that just cook for ourselves.

    Sheryl, Isabella and Debora, it's not so much the smell of the meat cooking (though that's not something I want to be smelling all the time), it's the smokers and the barbecues. Its the smoke, and in the case of barbecues, the smell of burning lighter fluid and the smoke, that is the worst. It just stinks up the neighborhood so bad and makes it hard to get any fresh air outside. On top of that, now people are cranking up their fireplaces, so that smell is in the air most nights (really bad with those that use those stinky store bought logs). This is the time of year when the air is so cool, clean and crisp, but all the smoke in the air just ruins that for me. When I got up yesterday morning, the smell of smoke was all throughout my house. Dad said he opened the windows earlier, and then Beevis nextdoor decided to barbeque early that morning. Before Dad could get the windows closed, it was too late. Ugh.

    Sheryl, sounds like you are really moving along with the garage door. Glad you and Gayla had such an enjoyable visit!

    Isabella, yay on the results on the physical exam! I've yet to have to do a "poop test," but I'm sure that's in my future. Oh boy!

    Debora, that wedding sounded nice. Lots of babysitting for you!!!

    Time to get back to work. Have a nice day everyone.
  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    edited October 2016
    Good morning all.

    Yay, it's raining. It started late yesterday afternoon and has been toggling between sprinkles and rain ever since. Tomorrow it's supposed to clear up, and then more rain forecasted for Thursday and Friday. Dad grumbled this morning that he doubts his 8 am walking group will show up this morning because apparently they object to walking in the rain.

    I had a soggy dog when he and Dad got back from their morning walk. He was a good boy though and didn't even try to get in bed with me. He just went to his own bed and buried himself in his blankets.

    Yesterday I made 11 am reservations for Thanksgiving at Seasons 52 (the restaurant Dad and I have gone to the last three Thanksgivings). I thought I better get it reserved now. We prefer going there when they first open at 11 am. Last year we had reservations at 1 pm and wound up having to wait quite a while to get seated. The Thanksgiving menu includes: Traditional Herb Stuffing, Yukon Mashed Potatoes, Maple Glazed Butternut Squash, French Green Beans, Housemade Cranberry Relish, Pumpkin Pie Mini Indulgence (also has about 10 other desserts to choose from), Basil Rolls (these things are so good). We'll still look around to see if there is someplace else we want to try, but will most likely go to Seasons 52. It's such a nice place. For the two of us it will be a total of $54 plus the tip. Dad paid when we went out last year, so this year I will pay.


    I sure have dropped a lot of the new TV shows I was trying out. Most got boring and/or too predictable after the first couple episodes. The ones I'm sticking with (so far) is Bull, Conviction, Westworld...my favorite new show, Animal ER, Life at Vet U. I also have several returning shows that I record (The Black List, The Vampire Diaries, The Big Bang Theory, Dr. Oakley, Yukon Vet (I enjoy these types of reality vet shows), The Walking Dead...my favorite returning show). These will keep my DVR full for a while!

    I can't believe it's almost Halloween already. Time just goes by quicker and quicker every year. I was going to pick up some Halloween candy last weekend when I was out shopping and forgot all about it. Dad bought it last year, so this year I'll buy it. We didn't have a lot of trick-or-treaters last year and wound up having tons of candy leftover (the people at work took care of that for me), so I think this year I will not get quite as much.

    Better close and go get some water before I have to get back to work. I'm missing having my little fridge under my desk plugged in. I would always have a chilled bottle of water ready to go. Now I have to go down to the Grille in the building and get ice water there. I brought in my 32 ounce thermos, so the water stays cold in it a long time. Fill that thing up twice a day, and I've got about 40 ounces down by the time I leave to go home (40 ounces of water plus ice).

    Have a nice day.

    P.S. I'm missing your daily updates Sheryl!
  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    This is my favorite desert at Seasons 52. It's their "Mini Key Lime Indulgence" with crushed graham crackers, candied pecans, key lime, and meringue.



  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    Hi everyone, popping in for a quick note.

    I just ordered hubby a lunch Crockpot for his desk, it heats your precooked food and it's ready when you are. Apparently you have to plug it in when you get to work and your lunch is hot when you want to eat it. Some people say it takes 1 hour, and others say it takes longer than that. But the best part is that nobody says their food is burned. It stays hot without scorching.

    Anyway, the deal at Target right now for it is this.

    On Sale for $17.99 but by using promo codes you can get it even cheaper. These things are around $29 at Walmart.

    So, $17.99 sale price and free shipping-You have two promo codes to use.
    Promo Code "KITCHEN" FOR 25% off
    Promo Code "CROCKPOT" For 10% off
    Use both codes together and still have the free shipping.
    If you are a red card holder you can get an additional 5% off but I am not.
    I bought two, one for a gift later and my total for two with free shipping is $26.28

    I thought those of you who work or don't use microwaves might like something like this.

    Hope you all are having a great week so far.