Pot Bellied Stove / Water Cooler



  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    edited September 2016
    Hi ladies, I worked for 4 hours today from 8:30 to 12:30. I got a lot done and it felt really good. I went to the farmer's market bright and early before work and got some beautiful chard, some cilantro, some little round summer squash, and some wonderful little tomatoes. This one young man has a fairly new stand there that is really interesting. It is set up kind of artfully with little sideways baskets that have little bags of different produce in them. Nothing has pricing on it. He has a chalkboard that says "take what you want, leave what you want, God bless you". He has a container with a hole in it to put the money in. It is kinda funny because most people don't seem to know what to do and can't deal with it and just walk away. He was manning the stand for a while when we were there last time and we finally got him to tell us that when he used to have pricing he charged $2.50 per bag so that is what I leave when I buy his stuff. His produce is wonderful!

    After work Dan and I went to a little Mexican restaurant for lunch that our friends suggested. We each ate 1/2 a burrito and will have the other half each for dinner. After that we went on a little adventure and drove to a Trader Joe's in the next town because the guy with the artsy veggie stand at the farmer's market makes his own meade and they sell it at this other Trader Joe's. It was $20 per bottle but we decided to treat ourselves and are looking forward to trying it. We have read about meade in books but never had it and did not know that it is basically a fermented honey drink. I'll let you know how it is when we try it.

    Sheryl, I seldom go out specifically to go to the grocery store either and usually go when I am already out for some other reason such as church. Glad you had a great time with Carol and that your Dr. appt. went well. Your glider looks wonderful. So nice that you and John were able to go out with Jack and Gayla and had such a good experience. Sounds like you have caught the decluttering bug! :smiley: Hope it goes well. Once you get started it is addicting and feels really good!

    Debora, How was your new griddle? Is it a stove top or electric one? How fun to have lots of different post-its. Very nice that you found the run away chicken and that it was unharmed. Too funny that it just went back inside like everything was normal. Really neat that you got to read the letters that you sent to your mom years ago. Reminds me of when I found my old diaries from high school recently. Like Sheryl said - It is amazing the things you thought you'd never forget.

    Marcie, we had really nice cool weather this week too but Santa Ana weather rolled in and it was in the 90's today and will be thru next weekend. It is great that Cisco is so social and can walk with all his buddies. Good job sticking to your guns on the people food. Hope he continues to eat the new food. Too funny about the "renegade" potato. I hate when stuff like that happens. I wouldn't have put it in my trash either! :) I can't believe you took a fall too. You guys have to stop this! I refuse to be fall number 3!!! So wonderful that your neighbors shared their honey with you. Local honey is so good for your health in many ways. I do really enjoy the honey I get at the farmer's market. The guy I buy from now is not as expensive as others I've purchased in the past. He charges $8.00 for 22 oz or $15.00 for 3 lbs. He also gives you $1.00 off when you return the jar. I am amazed that Beevis (or was it butthead) got rid of the tires in the front yard! Yay!!

    Well, it is dinner time. I'd better go heat our burrito halves. Have a wonderful week everyone!
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good Morning. Isabella, you gave me a start...I read that you "worked out" for four hours, that's way too long for a workout, I would not survive that. Ha ha ha, then I reread it correctly and realized you had gone into the office to work for four hours. I can see that happening.

    Marcie, so sorry that you fell too. Boy, it happens so fast and there we are, on the ground, bruised body and ego. So glad that you weren't seriously hurt, but, the soreness does last way too long. My knees are still touchy.

    All this talk of honey makes me want to try a home-made local type. I usually buy Kroger brand and am pleased with the flavor, but have heard that buying local is good for the immune system.

    Norma got the word that it is asbestos glue under her existing flooring, so the Detox team will be coming out October 5, 6 and 7. She was told it would be a three day job, but because they won't be out til next month, the delay is longer than she thought, not just three days. She painted the family room yesterday and will now move all the furniture into that room and the garage so they can get to the rest of the floors. She loves the new look. She took a video and said that she emailed it to me, but I never got it. Either too big to send or she thought she did something wrong, had never tried to send a video before.

    No set plans for today. As always on a Sunday, if John gets up early enough to be settled in for the day, I may make it to church, but usually our mornings are rough and I run out of time. Carol started going to a different Bible study group at a friend's church, still on Tuesday mornings but at 11 am instead of 9 am like the other one was. I may try to attend that, since it was primarily the earlier hour that kept me from the first one. I think a Bible study would suit me better than a sermon anyway. I'll see how it plays out, I'm realizing more and more that I shouldn't leave John alone so much, but I still want my time out too. What a dilemma, I need a Roy, like Nancy has for her Dad, but John's not as bad yet nor is he as social as my uncle. I don't know how he would interact with a caregiver when I'm not here. When we had Tammy come in after my chemo, she pretty much catered to me and I was here, so John was OK with her.

    The sun is shining, going to be another beautiful day. Hope you all have a great Sunday.
  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    edited September 2016
    Sheryl, too funny that you thought I worked out for 4 hours!! ;) That would NEVER happen! I think an hour is the most I've ever worked out. I think you should definitely try some local honey. You won't go back. With the farmer's market honey people usually have a few different types such as orange blossom or wild flower and they will give you a taste of each so you can choose the one you prefer. Also an important thing to note - I've read more than one article about the fact that much of the honey in the grocery stores isn't even real honey. naturalnews.com/040520_honey_supermarkets_counterfeit_food.html and foodsafetynews.com/2011/11/tests-show-most-store-honey-isnt-honey/#.V-fqgv8VAaU Bummer about Norma's floors - a month is a long time to wait - but it will be worth waiting for and great when it is finally finished. I think you would enjoy a bible study and 11:00am sounds like a good time for one. Let us know if/when you go to check it out.

    Well, I'd better go finish getting ready for church. Have an awesome Sunday all!
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    edited September 2016
    Good Morning. We're going out for another adventure today. I got an email reminder yesterday that one of the Groupons I purchased back in July is due to expire soon. Wow, how time flies. So, we're headed out to the Columbia Gorge Discovery Center & Museum, when ever John gets up. (He didn't get up until 10:30 yesterday, so I did not get to church again). It should be a beautiful day, weather is good and a drive east along the river will be nice. Here's an excerpt of their literature:

    Situated on a 54-acre plot of land near the Columbia River, Columbia Gorge Discovery Center & Museum chronicles thousands of years of the area’s natural and cultural history. The 48,200-square-foot facility—which received an American Institute of Architects Honor Award—features interactive and multimedia exhibits that let guests study everything from the volcanic activity and floods that created the gorge to its wildlife. Guests can stand in the shadow of a life-size, 13-foot mammoth in the Ice Age exhibit or hide from its intimidating tusks under a canvas tent modeled after the one used by Lewis and Clark.

    As the official interpretive center of the Columbia River Gorge National Scenic area, the center celebrates the area’s indigenous flora and fauna while working to preserve them. Five acres of indigenous plants host turtles, ducks, geese, songbirds, and other native wildlife, on which guests spy as they stroll through the nature walk. At the raptor exhibit, visitors can come face-to-beak with various birds of prey, including a bald eagle, a great horned owl, and a red-tailed hawk.

    I'm sure John will enjoy this outing.

    Isabella, interesting info on the honey. The brand I buy is on that list, Kroger clover honey. I need to stop by the roadside stands around here and the Farmer's Markets to see what local stuff is available.

    I talked to Norma last night and she has that dumpster about 3/4 full already. She is tossing.

    I guess that's it for now.
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Always surprised at how many days have past when I get ready to post. Thursday I watched kids most of the morning - just 2 of them. Then I worked on 4-H stuff till about 4 and headed to Lori's to get her stuff, stop at a 4-Hers house on the way back and ended up at Bible study. Friday morning I walked, came home and got the rest of the 4-H stuff ready to go in. I left about 9. Ralph was disappointed that all the sub sandwiches were gone (the half-price ones) but since I got home late and he went ahead and ate, it worked out. I got home about 2 - felt good with the 4-H stuff in - worked on my list, fixed pizza and salads. Saturday I finished straightening the house, did food stuff for Sunday - both noon and evening, and watched Molly in the evening. It started raining in the evening and pretty much rained all night - probably got 2 inches. Alan had combined all the corn that was in muddy spots so now he waits again. Sunday was a cooler day. I watched the SS opening cause the puppet ministry did it and Thomas is one of them. Sunday School went okay and the message was very good. Dinner went okay and everyone hung around till around 3. After they left I got ready to do some shake and bake chicken and we wnet to the SS picnic which was held at the church instead of the park. Turnout was still decent and we got to sit at tables. I had fun. Today I was home all day (after walking). Watched 3 of Alan's kids for a couple hours this afternoon. Didn't get near what I thought I could done but I just keep plugging along. The kids pulled all the blankets, stuffed animals and pillows out of one corner of the basement. I vacuumed, they had fun playing in the clean space and I'll get everything put back away. Just shows me how much dirt there is. Tomorrow afternoon we meet on starting Good News Club. We think we have the help we need to get started now.

    Sheryl, I love hearing about the good times with Carol. How did your outing go today? Sounds like a good one. Such a bummer that Norma has asbestos but she had worked things out and still getting decluttering done. Yay for her. Not keeping the cushions is smart but hope you can keep them close.

    Marci, I miss you when you don't post but I know you are busy and really understand how time flies. Wish I could give you some of our rain. Not as fun to walk in the dark. We notice the difference when we walk - at least on the track we don't have to worry about traffic. Seems like days got shorter quickly and this morning we woke up to 45 degrees. I even wore gloves while we were walking. Yuck on the potato. They do stink when they go bad. Yay on Cisco's weight loss and food he likes. Bummer on the fall - you sound kind of sore to me. Cool on the tires being gone. Surprises are nice. Is the pharmacy you go to close? Red Robin was good but doesn't mean I'll rush back there.

    Sheryl, glad you can stay on the lower dose of meds and he's searching for what's cause the breathing problem. So nice when you find someone who you can tell wants to help. Yay on getting John out to lunch and a good time. If it would work for you to go to a Bible study, I think you'd really enjoy it. One person that comes to our Bible study has a husband with a lot of health issues and she does have a job but the girl time with us is so good for her.

    Isabella, hope you get paid when you work the Saturday hours but nice that the quiet lets you get lots done. Nice little adventures for you and Dan. The griddle is an electric one. I've never heard of meade. Sounds interesting.

    My husband has been watching the debate. I figure I'll hear enough later that I skipped it. Decided chatting with you would be more fun but I think I'll leave you and head for bed. Good night.
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good Morning, I have no great tale to tell you about yesterday, we postponed. John didn't get up until 11 am and he said that he didn't feel like going anywhere. I said OK, I don't want to force him to do anything, unless it's life or death, then, I'd be much more insistent. Anyway, I told him we can try again Thursday or Friday, because I wanted to go to the Bible study today and I have a dentist appointment Wednesday. Well, Carol was kind enough to think of me and called me yesterday to let me know that she has other plans and possibly wouldn't make it to Bible study this morning. I don't need her to hold my hand every week, but I'd like her to be there for my first time, so I'm postponing the Bible study today and maybe we'll try the museum again, if John wants to when he gets up.
    Funny thing, yesterday at about 2 in the afternoon, John turned to me and asked, "weren't we suppose to go somewhere today?" I laughed and said, yes, that was the plan but you didn't want to go when you got out of bed this morning. We'll see how today plays out.

    No other new news, I'll talk to you later.

  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good morning. We went on our adventure yesterday, gone all day. Left at 9:30 am and intended to cross over into Oregon and take the Interstate east. I figured it would be important to get there asap and see how much time we would want to spend there, maybe all day, and then mosey our way back home. But, on I-205, the Interstate that we take all the time just to cross the river, there was an electronic sign giving us estimated time to get to specific locations and it stated 33 minutes to get to I-84, the interstate that heads east. It usually takes about 10 minutes to get there, so either heavy traffic or an accident was holding things up. John hates the Interstates, so instead of crossing into Oregon first, we went on Hwy 14 on the Washington side. Much more beautiful drive, turns into a two lane country road once we're out of the Vancouver area. Took longer but well worth it, John enjoyed it. We stopped for lunch at a little café in Lyle, WA, so quaint and great food. Got to the museum at 1 pm and spent 2 hours there. So funny, John kept saying that we've been here before. I said, well, we haven't actually been HERE, but we did go to the Living Desert Museum in Bend, OR, 3 years ago (when our Crater Lake trip got snowed out) and it looks EXACTLY THE SAME. Oregon must have the same architect design all State Museums, the building looked just like the one we went to before. The layout and Indian artifacts were so similar. It was interesting though and the difference being that the Columbia Gorge Scenic Highway is celebrating it's 100th anniversary this year, so there was a lot of info on the building of the bridges and highway. So cool. From there, we took the old scenic highway US Route 30 back to the west and at Hood River, where Hwy 30 joins Interstate 84, we stopped for another 45 minutes to watch the windsurfers and kiteboarders. What a feat, takes a lot of strength to ride the waves and control those huge sails. Very colorful and artistic. I don't know how they keep of getting all tangled up with one another. I thought it was fascinating that the majority of who we saw out there were middle age to older men. Mid-life Crisis maybe? But, with all the gear, harnesses and pulleys and huge equipment, only rich old men could afford that sport, ha ha ha I took some photos, but I know they won't show the spectacular color and scene that we actually witnessed.

    Going out, as I said, we were on a two lane winding road, wonderful scenery, but I didn't take any photos because I was driving and I didn't find any appropriate pull-outs to stop for picture taking. I need a dash-cam. But, coming home, I took some photos along the way. Once I get them loaded into the computer and see what I got, I'll post a few. There was one in particular that I thought would be great, but facing west, the sun was in my eyes and I have no idea yet, what the camera saw, I clicked anyway. At Ainsworth State Park, Hwy 30 breaks away from the Interstate again and becomes the old Columbia Gorge Scenic Highway and is again a 2 lane country road. Goes passed Multnomah Falls and many other smaller falls and more beautiful country. Sure enjoyed the drive. John wants to go back and take some of the other side trips and back roads that I passed up because we had the destination of the museum. There was a sign for Dallesport airstrip that John wanted to drive to, and also a railroad something that we passed. I think just driving around is more fun than needing to get somewhere specific in a certain amount of time.

    Yesterday was a good mixture of sitting in car, walking through museum, sitting for some short movies and demonstrations, walking the trail outside, sitting in the car again and walking on the beach in Hood River. Got home at 7:30 pm. We held up fairly well, but sure was ready for bed after dinner.

    Today, I'll take it easy, with a dentist appointment in the middle of my day. Just routine check and cleaning.

  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    Good afternoon all.

    We've heated up this week. Ugh. Got up to 100 yesterday. Today should be a bit cooler, and then by the weekend we're suppose to be cooled down again into the 70s/80s. I'll be glad when the hot weather is gone for good. I'm tired of it now.

    Dad and I checked out a new Italian restaurant last night for dinner. Well, it's not new, just new to us. Driving by it, I always thought it was just another hole-in-the-wall kind of a joint, but inside it's quite large and fancy. Candles on the tables and white table clothes (Dad blew out the candle because he doesn't like the smell of burning candles...I can't take him anywhere, ha!). I enjoyed the meal, but I don't think Dad cared for it much. We both ordered the spaghetti, but the sauce was different. It had a spice in it we couldn't quite place and Dad didn't like it. We finally asked the waiter and he told us the spice was cinnamon. Not something I've ever had in a spaghetti sauce. It was good though.

    One thing I liked about that restaurant is they had a "I'm not real hungry" plate for those that don't want a full plate of spaghetti. Dad and I both ordered that and it was a perfect amount of pasta for half the price. I even had leftovers to take home.

    Work has been crazy-busy this week, but what's new. Lots of deadlines this week. And, on top of that tomorrow I have to move to another office on a different floor because they will be working on the electrical wiring in the area I'm currently located. This is phase three of the project. Phases one and two were other parts of the floor. About half of the people on my floor are being relocated for the next four business days while this is going on. What a pain. Phase four will be next month, and I'm going to have to move again for that phase two. Apparently my currently location is going to be affect during that phase too! This afternoon before I leave I need to pick up everything on the floor in my cubicle and set it on top of the tables. Right now I'm defrosting my little mini fridge that I have under my desk. It will have to remain unplugged until I return. My boss' office will be affected too, but she's just going to work from home, and just pop in the office now and then. I wished I had that option, but I need to be here.

    Last Friday Dad and I went out to dinner and then stopped at my pharmacy on the way home so I could pick up my next prescription of Metformin (this time I called it in a few days prior!). While we were there I went ahead and got my flu shot. The last time I tried to do that there they told me there was a 90 minute wait, but this time I only had to wait for about 10 minutes for the shot.

    There sure have been a lot of thefts lately in my neighborhood and the surrounding neighborhoods. Seems like just about every day someone is posting something about it on the NextDoor website. Our neighbor across the street from us had her truck that she parks on the street broken into and vandalized last month. Since then she has installed security cameras around her property and installed a driveway light that stays on all night now. More and more people around here seem to be installing security cameras. Pretty sad. A neighbor my Dad walks with said someone went into his backyard the other night and stole his pool sweep. He doesn't keep the gate to his backyard closed (says he usually leaves it cracked open for UPS deliveries), so it was easy for them to get in. When people do capture images of the perpetrators, its usually always young twenty-somethings.

    When Dad was out walking with his dog walking buddies last night, the large dog of one of them kept grabbing with his teeth the leash by his owner's hand and tugging like he wanted to walk faster (apparently my short-legged dog was slowing him down!). They would take off in a trot and leave the group, and then trot back to join them again. Cisco thinks going out for a walk means stopping to pee on every bush he passes (just to make sure whoever else passes by knows that bush belongs to him), so he doesn't build up much speed during the process!

    Sheryl, it sounds like you and John had such a nice day yesterday. I'm glad he was up for the trip. I should start taking day trips. Just never enters my mind to do it. Hopefully you are able to post some pics.

    Debora, yeah, the pharmacy I go to is real close to home, and on the way home from work. I've been meaning to ask. When you say you "fix" pizza, are you actually making a pizza, or heating a frozen pizza? I don't think I've even made a pizza from scratch. If frozen, what kind do you guys like? Just curious.

    Isabella, wow, I don't think I've ever run across a vendor with a "take what you want, leave what you want" process!

    Well, I'd better close and finish getting ready for the move tomorrow. I should go for a walk, but it's just too darn hot out there right now. How's that for a sad excuse?!
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    edited September 2016
    Good Morning. Good report from the dentist, no cavities and gums are good. I came home to a phone message from Lowe's and called back and made an appointment for Monday to have someone come out and look at the garage door. Good to get that project started.
    Today, good weather day, we'll work outside and try to get more done in preparation for winter. Supposed to rain this weekend.

    Marcie, really neat about the "I'm not real hungry" plate. If only I had the discipline to order from that. It's obvious that I have portion control problems. I remember admiring JC for putting 1/2 her meal in a to-go box before starting to eat from her plate. I kept saying I should do that, but never did. That's one reason I like Blue Apron so much, each meal has only two portions, plenty for John and me. Previously, when I cooked, I'd make extra thinking I'd have enough for another meal and end up eating most of it during the first sit down. I am terrible.
    Very interesting about putting cinnamon in pasta sauce. Hmmmmmmm

    I'm back, looked out the window and saw llamas where they shouldn't be. After I locked up last night, John went outside again and evidently left a gate open. They were happy to be on some new ground, but easily followed me back into the pasture since I had hay. We can manipulate them with food, thank goodness.
    So, now, even if I'm done for the night, if John goes outside again, I will need to go back out to check everything all over again. Make sure gates are closed and water turned off and lights out. He is so active, even after dark, keeps me on my toes. Sometimes, I wish he would just sit in front of the tv for awhile, but I'm sure I'd complain about that too, I guess this way is the better way.

    I happened to check over at One Kind Planet, just for kicks, and found that site closed down. Has anyone else heard anything about it? Last I heard, Lynn and Susan were planning to revamp it, but I think the talk was to make it a blog with very little interaction from us. Nothing like NM or what I was hoping for.

    Huh, I got an email this morning from Amazon acknowledging that they have now received the returned glider. Wow, that took a long time getting back to them. Now, I'm even more surprised that I got the replacement so quickly, but very pleased that I did.

    My fresh pot of coffee is ready and I am ready to fill my mug.
  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    edited September 2016
    Good morning everyone, it's been a fun but very fast couple of days for us. We left Wednesday morning around 6:30 am to head for Waco to see the Magnolia Silos and a few other places there. We also saw Hal Ketchum in concert at the Hippodrome in Waco. It was a good show, but it's too bad it wasn't sold out. First come, first served seating and the entire floor level was empty. They serve food there, but it was all fast food type frozen food stuff I could buy at Sam's Club, so I didn't order anything except water. I guess I could have ordered a hamburger, but I didn't want that, I really just don't eat hamburgers often.

    The only thing I was bothered by in Waco the whole time we were there was after the show a man almost accosted my husband as we were getting into the truck after the concert. I was driving and getting into that side of the truck and I heard a man very loudly tell him, "I am a vet, I want to talk to you" as I was getting into the truck. I couldn't see him, I could only hear the man. Hubby said to him, "Sorry, can't, we have to go". The man said back, "But I am a vet, and I want to talk to you" and my husband pushed him away and got into the truck. This man had my husband pushed into the truck between him and the door. He was that close to him. I told him, we have got to have a plan when we are coming out of places, especially at night, because this happens to him all the time, but this guy was close enough to touch him. My husband is a vet as well, but he doesn't force himself onto people asking for things. I know the guy wanted some money because they always do. We do support Vets but we do it with legitimate organizations.

    We stayed at the hotel in Woodway, got up at 4:30 am on Thursday and headed for Canton. Texas's First Monday Trade Days for some shopping at the original flea market area (Westgate entrance), we arrived there around 8:30 am. Wow, that place is huge (100 acres) with so much shopping there is no way you can get it done in one day. We sure didn't see everything and we rented the scooters to go around there. No way I could have walked that and when I let hubby know I had reserved a scooter for him he said he didn't want one. I told him he did want one, even able bodied people ride the scooters because the place is so huge. I also told him there are baskets on the front and the back to hold your goodies. He was really glad he had a scooter, he said there is no way he would have been able to see everything he did if he were on foot.

    This place is awesome, there is a tractor trolley from the parking area to the entrance and everything. We brought two coolers with us. The big cooler held everything and the smaller cooler was for the Canton shopping trip to take inside with us. The big cooler had 11 boiled eggs, 2 8 packs of string cheese, 4 servings of pasta salad I had made prior to the trip. We had four big bottles of iced coffee we shared between us, 2 quarts of orange juice, bananas, grape tomatoes and milk. We also brought 2 gallons of water with us and our water bottles were filled before we left home. I did not want to buy fast food and I didn't want to waste time sitting in a restaurant either. This worked out perfectly because we had plenty to snack on while traveling. We never ate at a restaurant because the pasta salad was perfect for a meal for Waco night and lunch at Canton.

    The original plan was to go for two days and didn't work out, so we didn't see the rest of it. Hubby found some old wrenches for himself, we bought some new oak cutting boards with walnut strips running through them. I found an old cast iron chicken fryer, so now I guess I have to fry hubby some chicken, lol. We don't buy fried chicken out and he misses it, so I need to provide him some of that once in a while.

    On our way out we decided to hit the restrooms and wound up in an area where he found the tools. When we were leaving that area we decided to go out the opposite side we came in at and found a guy there that was selling silverware wind chimes. We spotted one he made from spoons and forks. He made a person with a large spoon (head) and he used forks as hands. He bent the tines just right to make it look like he was holding a spoon and the bottom parts are the bowls of spoons and then I asked if he had any clocks. Oh my gosh, he showed me a clock made of spoons as the hand directors. The 3, 6, 9 and 12 O'clock positions have a large serving spoon and the other positions have a small cereal spoon. I loved that so much we bought it for above the coffee bar, lol. I won't be buying that coffee cup clock now, I think this one is much better and the round wood it is on is painted white, it was $20 cheaper than that other clock and it was only $20. Although it is much larger than I realized, it is still perfect.

    The trip up and back were uneventful making it a pleasant one. My truck purred the whole way. We arrived home around 12:30 am this morning. So, it was definitely a very long trip, but so fun we are planning to do it again. This time we are hoping to have the original plan and stay for two days there in Canton. Although I didn't get to see all I wanted to in Waco, I don't think I'll go back again because once you have seen it, you pretty much have seen it all, lol. We did go to the silos and we both had a cupcake from her bakery. I had the lemon and lavender and hubby had the chocolate. They were very good but they are also very sweet with the icing and I have never been much on too much icing, lol. I think it overpowers the cake but it was definitely a very good cupcake.

    Have a great day everyone!

    Oh and I had to come back. The 100% best part of this trip is the cold front that came through here. I was never overheated during the whole trip. I am so glad I didn't have to deal with the humidity. The weather was a perfect 80 degrees in Waco and hubby put his jacket on when we stepped out of the truck in Canton yesterday morning around 8:00, lol. I got to drive with the windows down and enjoy the fresh country air, and let my hair blow freely. I love to drive like that, air conditioning is just too overrated when you don't need it, lol.

  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Decided you guys should be have to today. Chatting is more fun than other things. Got my errands run this morning. Ralph didn't go along cause he had to go for a part for the combine. They got going again on Wednesday but broke down last night. Dried up faster than we thought it would. Met on Good News Club and got the invites to the school to be handed out. We wouldn't mind a couple more to help but we'll get by. Wednesday afternoon I was supposed to watch Ava but it turned out Katie went late for an appointment with the boys so was back home. So instead, I rode along with Ralph. We took Jim and Paige to Emporia (about 90 miles away) to get their car. On the way home from a football game, they hit some animal and it messed the radiator up so left it to get fixed. Jim learned that when McDonalds says it closes at 11, no one gets in. They got there about 10:30 along with other families from their school. He left the kids with another family and went out to the car to get the stuff they needed to take home with them. The clock went past 11, they locked the doors and at a bit after 11, would not unlock the door and let him in. So he just had to wait outside while they finished eating. They got their car, we stopped at Taco Bell to eat and headed home.

    Wednesday evening I got asked to watch kids Thursday morning so did and then had Bible study in the evening. Whenever I'm home, I have plenty to do. Made a pathway down in the one room in part to make it easier to bring stuff out that I'm taking to the thrift store and in part, in case they check that room on the walk through I'll be going through. In the saga with Alan, the couple that Molly is staying with has a grandchild on the way so if when that happens, Molly would stay here but I have to be background checked and have a walk through of the house which hopefully will pass. It's not super clean so we'll see how it goes. Waiting on a phone call to schedule it now. Both Jeremiah and Thomas play football tonight. Junior High at 5 and high school when it's done so planning to go to it. So I'm home but never for too long at a time (or alone too much). :)

    Sheryl, glad you are flexible in your days. Glad you and John got your outing done and it sounds like it was really nice. Hope it works out for Bible study next week. Cool on the garage project coming along and a good visit to the dentist. My one tooth that was sore is much better now so hopefully stays that way. Glad you saw the llamas but sorry you now have to stay up till John goes to bed and double-check on things. Hay wouldn't be very good bribery for me. Glad they think it's tasty. Glad the glider made it back and that you are already enjoying the new one. It makes the deck look nice even if you don't sit on it much.

    Marcie, glad the meal was okay at the Italian Restaurant. And now you know. Cinnamon - different.. Bummer on having to move your office. Hope the changes are good ones. Deadlines keep things moving along but sounds like you have lots of them. Yay on getting the flu shot done with a short wait. Must just depend on the day or time of day you get there. Sorry to hear about so many thefts happenings. We have gone through spells of them in the area but I've not heard anything for awhile now.

    Fix pizza now days is taking a frozen one out of the box and baking it. I made out own for years and then we found this one that we like. It's a self-rising Kroger one - thick crust but soft so easier for Ralph to chew. I didn't mind making it but this is faster and while it bakes, I do our salads. Not sure what I'll eat to night - something from the concession stand.

    Off to get a few things done here before I take off. It's a beautiful fall day here.
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good Morning, late start getting over here, but I've been up for hours. I signed up with Monica Pelle for an Essential Oils Cleanse and Restore and received my first email this morning, so I got carried away reading and printing and looking at recipes. We have this week to prepare, plan and shop for groceries and the 10-day cleanse starts next Saturday. Then the next 10-days is restore the balance in the gut. I think it may be similar to NM's E-28 and I trust it will jump start me into better habits. I am skipping the Blue Apron meals for at least the first week of the cleanse.

    I shared the honey info with Carol and she said that she found local honey at Bizi Farms, a really neat place about half way between our two homes. It's a farm that has a barn set up like a store to sell all their own stuff. I will plan to stop by there on Tuesday, after Bible study. It's raining today and John will be inside most the day, most likely watching football, so maybe I'll go today, not sure, they may be really busy on a Saturday and I hate crowds.

    Norma told me that she talked to Simeon every night this past week, about 2 hour conversations each time and it sounds like he is making real progress on his health. Eating better and exercising and had the sleep study and has the CPAP machine on order. They haven't seen each other for over 2 months now and she misses him...so, he is driving to her house today and will go home tomorrow night. He has a 50th high school reunion next weekend in Bakersfield and wants her to go with him. She will see how this weekend goes first, before committing to next weekend.

    It's almost lunch time already, I better get busy doing something constructive.

  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    edited October 2016
    Hi all, I'm visiting here late today because I decided to sit outside and read this morning while it was still cool. It was really nice so I stayed out and read till about 11:30am. It has been hot this week and was supposed to cool down this weekend but it hasn't yet! I got a couple of loads of laundry done too so we will have "clean sheet night" tonight! ;) Not too much planned for the rest of the weekend. Just R & R and some minor house chores like dusting, etc.

    We drank the meade. It was tasty and we really enjoyed it but would not buy it often because it is kind of expensive and bit of a trip to go and get.

    Our cable company Time Warner just got bought out by a company called Spectrum. As if the monopoly wasn't big enough before!!!! Several people on our Neighborhood site have posted that Spectrum cancelled their special deals with Time Warner and their cable bills have gone up dramatically. A few people recommended something called Sling-TV. Has anyone heard of it? Not sure what we are going to do if our bill goes up too high...

    Has anyone watched any of the new shows that just started? The stand out new show in our opinion is "Designated Survivor" with Kiefer Sutherland. Really well done. We also enjoyed a new show called "Pitch" about the first woman major league baseball player (not a true story). Has a lot of heart. One of my co-workers insisted we start watching "This Is Us" so we watched the 2 we missed on demand then programmed it to record. So far, so good. We really like the honest portrayals of the characters including a very over weight woman. The last one we started watching is "The Good Place" but we're not sure we will continue - we'll give it couple more weeks. It has great actors Kristen Bell and Ted Danson but has some odd humor that really isn't that funny. Well, those are my reviews. :)

    Sheryl, your trip sounds so great and the pics are beautiful! So happy that you both had such a wonderful day! It's days like those that make us so content for the little joys in life. Glad you found the honey info helpful. You'll have to let me know what you end up buying and how you like it. I haven't been to the One Kind Planet site in a while. Last time I checked it there wasn't much activity - I think you were pretty much the only one commenting. Sad because it had good potential if they'd gotten more traffic. Nice that your dentist appt went well. I had my 6 month appt about a week ago and my hygienist told me that I had the best gums of anyone in the office! :p I was very happy to hear it since I do put some effort into it. Sounds like Norma is still going great guns on decluttering her house. Hope she isn't tossing anything that could be re-purposed but I guess you gotta do what you gotta do. Really good to hear that Simeon is putting effort into getting healthier. Not only is that good news for him but it also tells us that he cares enough for Norma to make the effort to improve for the sake of their relationship. It will be interesting to see how it all plays out. I am very interested in your essential oil cleanse that Monica sent you. I wonder, would you mind forwarding the e-mail to me? I'd love to check it out. Let me know how it goes!

    Debora, funny that Dan and I were just talking about "Shake N Bake" the other night and how it was a blast from the past and now here you are talking about making shake n bake chicken! Did you use the actual product or your own version? Yes, I do get paid time and a half when I work on Saturdays so that makes it extra nice! Dan and I listened to about a half hour of the debate on the radio while we ate dinner. It was enough for us to get a taste of their styles and rhetoric.

    Marcie, what a hassle to have to move things to and from your cubicle not once but twice! Why can't they just get it all done in one shot?! I would be a bit annoyed. Hope you got some cooler weather up North. We haven't yet but we are still hopeful! I skipped my walk at lunch on one of the hotter days and cut it a bit short a couple of other days. It was just not worth it. So odd that they put cinnamon in the spaghetti sauce. I can't help but wonder if they were middle eastern owners (or something to that effect) - we've been to a few Italian restaurants run by Greek owners, etc. Or maybe they were just trying to be fusion or nouveau cuisine. I'm with your dad - I don't think I would have liked it either.

    Anew, sounds like you had a nice little trip. Wise to pack your food and rent the scooters. Were they like motorized wheelchairs or more like little motorcycles? The clock sounds really cool too - perfect for above the coffee bar. Glad you enjoyed the concert but bummer that your hubby got accosted afterward. We have people holding signs on street corners pan handling around here but have never been hassled by vets. How sad!

    Well, I'm trying to figure out our dinner. I have some pasta leftovers but didn't have much sauce and don't want to make some or open a jar just for the little bit we would need so I am going to just start throwing things in it and we'll see what we end up with. :o Have a great evening everyone!
  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    edited October 2016
    Mygnsac-Bummer on your continuing office saga, I hope that stops soon. My friend adds cinnamon or nutmeg to her sauces and says that is the "Old World" way. I don't remember which it was, but I think it might have been the cinnamon because it seemed to add a bit of sweetness to the dish. Nutmeg seems to me would add too much spice.

    Arobed-Good luck with the walk through inspection, I hope things work our for Molly.

    SanFerris-Sounds like you had a great outing, the pictures are so beautiful. I love the country.

    Isyvanek-Time Warner was bought out by Charter two years ago in our area, it is only now they are changing the name to Spectrum which is now a division of Charter. At least here it was bought out by Charter two years ago. A friend of ours was telling us that she was chatting with them about their account and was told that because it is now Spectrum her bill might change. She was told it could not go up in price, but it could go down in price. She was told that the channels she gets could have some added to stay in her price range or the price could go down if she doesn't get those channels in our area. She was quite confused by the whole thing. She said I don't want anymore channels, lower my bill, lol. I would find out what is going on by calling them and asking about it, here is a link which talks about the final merger signing from 2015.

    Here is a thread about the change and people are posting about their bills/service changing.


    We've watched Designated Survivor the first couple nights but missed it this week because of our trip. I haven't watched any of the others. We do like Designated Survivor though.

    You can make your own Mead-It's a lot cheaper than you think, well that is after you buy all the equipment to make it over and over, lol. I am going to try this one if I can find the equipment.

    I make a great pasta recipe, it's the one we took on the trip. I think I put it over in the recipes thread. I use mostly red peppers but I double the bell peppers, onions and tomatoes when I make it. I also use the left over oil and juice from roasting the onion and bell peppers, and I used Rotini pasta this last time I made it.

    This makes ALOT of pasta, it keeps well in the refrigerator and as I said, I double the veggies, so I just put it into 16 oz mason jars for meals and pop in the refrigerator. We can eat it for a few days.

    Keep the recipe the same if you are serving it for a side dish. I served it with some fresh green beans and sauteed mushrooms on the side the other night. It was a nice meal.

    Pasta salad with roasted bell pepper, mozzarella, artichoke hearts, kalamata olives and tomatoes


    7 oz large elbow macaroni, cooked per instructions
    1 large sweet onion, roasted
    1 yellow bell pepper, roasted
    1 red bell pepper, roasted
    1 cup grape tomatoes
    1/4 cup of vinegar marinated artichoke hearts, chopped
    1/4 cup of kalamata olives, sliced and rinsed with water
    8 ounces soft mozzarella cheese, diced
    3 tbsp olive oil
    1 clove of garlic, minced
    2 1/2 tbsp balsamic vinegar
    1 tsp dijon mustard

    Tip: Roast 1/2 pound of chopped asparagus to add to this recipe alongside the roasted bell peppers and onions. Roast them last because they only take about 10 minutes to finish..

    Start water to boil for pasta, cook pasta, drain, rinse and let cool well. Place back into pan you cooked it in. While waiting for pasta water prep the veggies for roasting.

    Preheat oven to 425 degrees, line large baking sheet with foil, set aside.

    Wash bell peppers and asparagus (if using), set aside to dry.

    Chop onion in large pieces, add to foil lined baking sheet. Add washed and dried bell peppers and chopped onions to the tray, drizzle with olive oil and coat well. Roast in oven until peppers are blackened on all sides while turning every few mintues and onions are nicely caramelized. Add asparagus at the last 10 minutes of roasting if using. Remove from oven and let cool.

    Add the minced garlic to a small dish followed by 3 tbsp olive oil, balsamic vinegar, dijon mustard, sea salt and freshly cracked pepper, to taste. Whisk until well combined then set aside.

    Add the roasted bell peppers, grape tomatoes, sliced kalamata olives, artichoke hearts, and diced mozzarella to the pasta..

    Drizzle the vinaigrette on top then gently toss to coat evenly. Season with more sea salt and freshly cracked pepper, to taste.

    I had to come back and tell you the scooters are 4 wheels with two balance wheels between the two back wheels. Those keep the scooter from getting stuck on uneven ground. Those things scoot fast, it was actually kind of scary learning how to control the speed on them, lol. So, they are not motorized wheel chairs but they aren't cycle style scooters either. The basket on the back was a square wire one, not a plastic bin as you will see in the picture. Although some they had did have the plastic bin on them.


    Have a great night everyone!
  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    Anew, Thanks for sharing the recipe. Sounds great. I think I do remember you posting it somewhere but good to get it here. I'm going to take a copy of it. The scooters sound perfect. I would have been afraid to use the cycle type. The gal on my neighborhood site said she called Spectrum and they told her they could no longer honor her time warner deal. She asked to speak to a supervisor - same thing, the supervisor said we are no longer time warner. She then went to the acct retention dept and they did the same thing. Not budging. I haven't gotten our bill yet but I'm concerned. I doubt VERY highly that many people will be seeing a reduction in their bill. What happened to the good old days when we were protected from mega monopolies?! :/
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good Morning. Yesterday did not rain as much as forecast, so John was outside almost all day. I went out part of the day. We picked apples off our trees. Today, it is raining and suppose to rain all day long. We'll see if that holds true.

    I just happen to see a tv commercial for SlingTV two nights ago, but didn't pay much attention to it. We still use over the air broadcasting, no cable.
    I have watched This Is Us, but did not start watching the other programs that were mentioned.

  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    A quick Good Morning. I got interrupted yesterday and just quickly posted the few lines that I wrote. Not much new to say this morning either. The Lowe's consultant will be coming between 10 am and noon to look at the garage door and write up his recommendation. After that, I go back to the store and go over all of the options, make the final decision and pay for it.

    It didn't rain as much yesterday as forecast, again. They always paint the worst case scenario on the news. When they say rain, we usually end up with scattered showers. It is chilly though this morning and I'm thinking of bringing in firewood and starting up the wood stove for the season.
  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    edited October 2016
    Good morning everyone.

    I stayed home from work today. Not feeling well. Ugh.

    Yesterday it never made it out of the 60s. Fall has definitely arrived. We got a little bit of rain yesterday, and some more this morning. No down pours, but we'll take what we can get. We haven't turned the heater on yet this season, but I was tempted yesterday. It won't be long before that thing is on all the time. Dad likes to keep it set at 71 or 72 during the winter.

    I got set up at my temporary desk on Thursday and will be there through tomorrow. It's on another floor, and I get so turned around when I use the elevators. I keep pushing the up button when I need to go down and the down button when I need to go up! The desk I'm at right now also only has two computer monitors (I have three at my regular desk), so I keep trying to drag windows and files over to a third monitor that isn't there. Ha! One of the ladies who sits by me in my temporary location took pity on me Thursday and found me an ergonomic keyboard (that's what I use at my regular desk) to swap out for the regular keyboard. I hate those straight regular keaboards...so hard on the wrists.

    Last night I made a batch of banana, pumpkin oatmeal bars (with walnuts and raisins). I never made any last year. They turned out so good and make the house smell so good when tgey are baking. I love those things.


    Isabella, the new shows I've watched so far are Designated Survivor (it's pretty good, but not sure if I'll stick with it. I suspect it will become a little too far left of center for me), Lethal Weapon (pretty entertaining so far), Bull (really enjoying this one), the remake of MacGyver (it's ok, but probably won't stick with it) and Kevin Can Wait (really bad, won't watch that one again. Terrible acting by the support cast, especially the wife). I was going to warch The Good Place but forgot to record it. I may check it out On Demand. Our cable company is Xfinity (formerly named Comcast). I agree...no monopolies! My biggest gripe is we can't choose the stations we want. We have to buy packages, and so many of the stations we never watch (e.g., I'm pretty sure I'll never watch any of the sports channels or the foreign language channels). I wished you could just order what stations you want and pay accordingly.

    Sheryl, thanks for sharing pictures of you day trip last week. They are just gorgeous! You sure are getting a lot done this year on your property. I hope all goes well with the garage door. Good luck with the cleanse.

    Anew, as always, it's good to hear from you. Your sauce sounds yummy.

    Debora, glad your sore tooth is better now! I can't believe McDonalds wouldn't let Jim in. That seems a bit unreasonable to me.

    I think I'll close now and take a little nap. Maybe that will help break this headache. Have a nice day everyone.

  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    This was one of those beautiful weekends. Yes, I needed my layers on Friday night to keep warm but good football weather. Our teams didn't win. The girls did a good job with their two cheers. I enjoyed my nachos (about the only time I have them). I didn't stay till the end of the senior high game. I'd been there a long time and Ralph was home and kind of down so headed that direction. Alan is broken down again - went to get a different computer box today but still not going.

    Saturday was spent at the Fall festival. The 4-H club rode on the back of a pickup - our float. Then I found Molly and had her for the rest of the afternoon. We stayed in the area where the free activities were. The puppet team from our church did a performance every half hour. One booth had hand painting and then there was a bouncy house and two other inflatable activities. We stayed till after 4. She was well entertained and Lori and her kids were there till the puppets were done. We came home, rested and fixed pizza, finished just as they came to get her.

    Sunday I worked in the nursery during the communion service. We had good help so all the little ones stayed happy for the most part. Right after church, I got my food from the kitchen and we went to the Community dinner. Lots of good food. It's a meal where you eat and visit a little and then head out. We went out and watched the antique tractor pull (I enjoyed visiting too). We came home and I took a little nap and then we had church in the evening with a couple working in Italy.

    Got home to an email from Lori asking me to babysit but by the time I called she had decided to stay home and was taking Maggie back to the ER. She had woken up with a fever and was just not acting like herself. When they go to the ER, they had a flat tire - had a Allen wrench in it. So Jim went and was going to change it and found out they had no spare. He barely made it to Tires Plus and got a new tire and got it back on by the time they got done. First time they thought she had a UTI (not easy getting a urine sample from a one year old). She took Maggie back in about 10 cause some of the lymph nodes on her neck were swelling up. They decided it was strep or staph so changed the antibiotic. Haven't heard anymore today so she must be doing better.

    Today I've been at home. I didn't get as much done as I wanted but I have things ready for Good News Club tomorrow. I printed off a bunch of paperwork to fill out and have an appointment for a walk-through on Wednesday. I'm a little nervous about it. The kids all have stayed here but never when someone checked how I have things. So we'll see how it goes. I'm doing it so if the family M is staying with wants a weekend off or something comes up (like they have a grandchild due in Oct.), then she would be able to spend the night here. Somehow that's different than just a day. So we have to do a background check and all that. I'm staying home while Ralph goes to hear about the history of MCC canning. I plan to do a quick straighten, run the sweeper and hopefully have the house okay.

    Tomorrow I'm going with Ralph for a hearing aid deal. He's getting one to try out for two weeks and then tell how he likes it - then they'll want him to buy it but he won't - too much money we're sure. In the afternoon we start Good News Club and then I go to town to help judge record books so it will be a full day away from home. I'll take the paperwork along to the meeting in the morning and I can work on it when I don't need to be listening for Ralph. :)

    Anew, you and I must have posted about the same time the last time I wrote. So glad Isabella mentioned things from it so I went back to read it. Your trip sounds like it was a lot of fun. The clock sounds very interesting and a nice addition to your coffee corner. Hope you can get away another time soon. Relaxing for both of you. Glad you enjoyed taking your food along. I think the opposite when I travel. :) Perfect weather for you. Sorry for the incident with the man. Glad it all ended okay.

    Sheryl, it will be interesting to see how your cleanse goes. I've never done anything like that. And you located some honey quickly. We have a young man in our church that got some hives this year but I don't know if he's gotten any honey yet or not. Glad to hear Simon is taking better care of himself. Hope their time together goes well and Norma will know how to proceed.

    Isabella, sounds like your may have to make some decisions about your cable. I've heard people talk about sling tv but don't know much about it. We just have an antenna and the regular channels although it's many more channels than it used to be. Designated Survivor I haven't watch cause there are two other shows I like on at the same time. I've been watch This is Us. I also have enjoyed Macgyver. I like too many shows I think. I've started the new season of Poldark on channel 8.
    I used the actual Shake and Bake product. I didn't end up eating any of it. It was all gone by the time I went through the line. How did the pasta leftovers turn out.

    Anew, the scooters look like what I've seen people have and kind of like what you use at Walmart and Dillons, etc. That would have made it nice for getting around such a big place. Glad you talked your hubby into using them.

    Sheryl, your weather must be cool if you're thinking of starting a fire. We still have the ac on although have added the blanket to the bed.

    Marcie, your weather is cooler than ours. We start out in the 50s but got up to 80 today. Yum on the bars.

    Ralph left so better get busy on my plan.
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Isabella, I forgot to ask you about how you take care of your teeth since you said you put effort into it. I'm trying to do a lot better so if I can learn something to help me, that would be great.

    Combine is going again. Yay.