Pot Bellied Stove / Water Cooler



  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Good morning. I'm up and going cause I needed to use the bathroom shortly before the alarm would have gone off so just stayed up - no snoozing. This week has filled up. So I'm thankful that I had all of yesterday at home. I got the house straightened up from Sunday, did what I could for meal for today and a number of little things. With no leftovers I had to think about meals but we ate - I'll make more progress on my freezer. Today I'm taking my friend that had the knee scope to PT. She was told she can drive but doesn't feel comfortable doing it. She may end up taking a 3rd week off work. When I get home, I'll finish up the meal, deliver to the friend mid-afternoon, run into Lori's and then to go a superintendent thank-you meal if things go as planned (but things are always subject to change).

    Sheryl, it's so nice you have so many fun and interesting things to do not too far away for you. Have fun with you physical. I hope you get answers on the breathing. Thursday sounds fun too. Praying John will do ok while you are gone.

    Guess I should get busy on things since I'm going to be gone a bunch. Have a great day.
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good Morning, I'm up extra early too. Same reason as Debora, bathroom call and then just stayed up.

    I am so pleased with my new Primary doctor. We had a good discussion on what's going on and she listened and agreed with my analysis. Naturally I liked it that she agreed with me. I've been trying to get off the blood pressure pills and no one would listen. I was scared to just stop taking them, and rightly so, this doctor said it's not good to stop cold turkey. That in itself would cause my BP to rise. She put me on 1/2 the dosage and will wean me off completely, provided my BP stays in the normal range. I'm sure it will, I think it only went up due to the stress of not knowing what was wrong with me and the frustration of being misdiagnosed. Blood pressure meds have a side effect of a hacking cough and I know that my Mom had a terrible hacking cough until her doctor changed her meds, about 15 years ago and the cough disappeared. The doctor also said that the stress and trauma of the cancer could have brought on some asthma or a bronchial something or other, so I will have an inhaler to try to get relief and breath easier. I told her that the other doctors said it would take time for the larynx to heal and if I'm rushing the healing process, just tell me, I can be more patient. There are times when my voice is back to normal, but my breathing is worse. She said I've been patient long enough and it's time to search further for answers. Just what I wanted to hear, she's willing to Help Me, Yay!

    So starting today, I'm on new meds and we'll see how it progresses. I need to take my BP everyday and check back with her in a week and then also a second week, and then we'll go from there, either lower the dose again or put it back depending upon the readings. I'm confident that I can stay calm, cool and collected and keep my BP low without meds.

    John did well while I was gone, I think he worked out in the pasture the whole time. I stopped by Shari's on the way home and picked up late lunch/early dinner. It was Milkshake Monday, a gimmick they are offering all summer, free milkshake with the purchase of a burger. So, I bought 2 NW Tillamook Burgers (a terrific burger with a thick slice of cheddar) and a strawberry shake for John and a peanut butter one for me. Also, John had fries and I had onion rings. Not the healthiest of meals, but so yummy. They also have Free Pie Wednesdays, a free slice of pie when you purchase a dinner, but we never buy the dinners, only breakfast or lunch. It was fun to see so many older couples in there with burgers and shakes. Reminiscing ?!?!?!?!? (I just reread this last sentence and am laughing at myself...the couples were my age and older, Yes, I'm old).

    I got an invite from my cousins in Grants Pass to join them for their family holiday weekend at Gold Beach this coming weekend. I declined because it's so far away. If it were a day trip, I'd go in a flash, but it would take us one day to drive down, stay at least one day to visit and one day to drive home. I know John would not want to be away from home that long. Turns out I have another good reason for declining. Jack and Gayla asked us over a month ago if we are willing to feed their animals if they can take off for a weekend, of course I said yes, they do so much for us, feeding critters is the least we can do in return, plus, it's fun. They came over last night and said that they can get away this coming weekend. They are going to Kennewick, across the state in Eastern Washington, and seeing family coming in for a visit from Idaho. Some family members that they haven't seen in over 20 years. They will be gone Friday through Monday. Glad I'll be home to go across the street to feed.

    As they were leaving, we admired the new front deck again, they really like it too. I mentioned that I haven't found just the right chairs for out there yet. They said we need a swing out there to sit in. I like that idea, a nice patio glider. I'll start looking and pricing, I bet they're spendy.

    I talked to Nancy last Saturday to check on her appointment with the surgeon. It went well, however, he wanted more Xrays before scheduling any surgery, so it's postponed a little longer. She got the Xrays, but won't see the doctor or get more answers until this coming Friday.

    Christina's very frustrated. Finally got the power chair, but too expensive and logistics won't permit a ramp being put in at her house, so the chair isn't useful. Then, their car broke down and they need the money to fix the car, so she feels that she has to sell the power chair. I hope something changes that permits her to get full use of that chair. It's so necessary for her to get around better. She is also completely frustrated with the pain management doctor, getting no help and going into the office is a huge ordeal in itself, extremely painful.

    This is long this morning and I haven't mentioned any of you yet. I'll browse back through your comments and see what I should have said and forgot.

  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    I did better at sleeping in today - got up a little before 6 and leave in 10 minutes to walk. Had a full day of going yesterday. Morning was taking my friend to PT. She's decided to take another week off work (and will retire earlier if it doesn't go well). But she is trying to do all the things they tell her to do. Got home and quickly got potatoes on to cook for potato salad (and a few to eat for dinner). Made the potato salad and did just a little stuff here at home and Ralph and I headed off to deliver the meal. We visited for about a half hour. It was good but hard. The husband had surgery a year ago and with a new brain bleed and who knows what all, he now can't walk, talk, etc. So they are doing rehab. If you ask him a yes/no question, he can stop shaking enough to answer by shaking his head. He understands but it takes getting used to. Then we went on to Lori's. We stopped at the school to get Lucy and I got to drive their "new" car home. Really nice and they only paid $100. Guy was making a trade-in and only going to get $500 for it so let them have it for less. Wife works with Lori. They may keep the white car and let Thomas drive it just the way it is now. See what insurance cost is. Worked on 4-H and talked till time to go to the thank you meal which was really good and then home. Today is full too but I chose.

    Sheryl, glad your visit with your doctor went so well and you have a plan and John did okay. Wonderful that you can help your neighbors out but bummer you can see family. Glad Nancy is closer to having her surgery. Christina has it tough.

    Time to take off to walk. Talk to you later.
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Forgot to mention - our rooster is going bye-bye today. Think it might end up in a soup pot. One less mouth for us to feed.
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Good morning - days can sure get a different twist to them. I went to church to work on the Echoes. It's interesting to read tidbits in them as we work and we're ready to start on the 80s for the hole punching. I got home, Ralph got here with the semi and then called the place we were going to make sure they were loading soybean meal. Well, they were but only on production basis which means about 3 semis an hour. She didn't say how many trucks were there but she advised not coming. So I figured out what we could eat, adjusted to the fact I was going to have the afternoon at home and started in on my list. I loaded up the rest of the stuff for the Etc. Shop. I have stuff from 4 people and my trunk and back seat are full. I never seem to do anything big but felt good about what got done.

    Today I'm going shopping with a friend. They are the ones that have been in Kenya for the last 4 years so getting used to things here plus some girl time is what she's looking for. I figure we'll eat lunch out. Then I'm going with Ralph to a corn meeting in a town 1 hour away this evening. I'm going for the meal - ha. Right now I'm going to go have breakfast - a dinner roll with egg and cheese. Have a great day.
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    edited August 2016
    Good Morning, Thanks Debora, I'm sure I'll have a great day. I'm excited to meet the ladies for lunch. This time, we're meeting at Applebee's because Connie quit driving since her latest back injury and she chose the place so her husband can easily drop her off and pick her up. I've never been there, so I may check out their menu on-line when I'm finished here. I told John he's welcome to come with me, he'll probably end up saying no, but it's forecast to be 95 and I'd rather have him with me in a cool restaurant than out in the pasture in the heat. Certainly, if he stays home, I'll come home right after lunch so I can check on him. I don't need to stop at the grocery store today and I don't have any other errands in mind for after lunch.

    I've been taking my BP every day, in fact, several times a day. Interesting that it's consistently higher in the mornings than evenings. I would have thought it would be the other way around. Still in the normal range so I'm very happy. I haven't noticed any improvement due to the inhaler though, I need to be patient, maybe it takes time. It hit me yesterday that the doctor's office always asks about smoking, alcohol and drugs and I always say no to all, but I didn't tell them how much coffee I drink. I wonder now if I should cut back on that. I'll ask when I call the doctor next week.

    Going way back...
    Jannie, what an ordeal with the branches. So glad you survived it OK and no electrocution. It all happens so quick, grab without thinking. Gotta be so careful when there are electrical wires involved.
    Your boys are growing up before our very eyes. It's so nice to see them mature and become young men. I recently mentioned that to Lynn about her girls too. Hard to call them "Tiny Tarts" anymore, they're young women.
    Thankfully, Cookie doesn't start crowing until dawn, (right now about 5:30-5:45) and soon the days will be shorter so the crowing will be later in the AM and stop earlier in the PM. It's nice, not as loud and piercing as previous roosters and there's nothing through the night.

    Marcie, poop on the new phone mess. Hope you got it straightened out by now. Just hearing about those smart phones, drives me to drink, ha ha ha Just too much info. I think they do everything, way too much. There's my old dinosaur coming out again.
    My grandma (Mom's mom) had lots of fruit trees, orange, lemon, lime and fig and gave bags of stuff to all the neighbors. I loved picking ripe figs, right off the tree, and pop them in my mouth. She also had grape vines, which the grapes usually ended up raisins because she picked the good grape leaves for sarma and the grapes would dry out on the vine. Lots of veggies and herbs too. My grandpa (Dad's dad) had an avocado tree in the back yard. Norma and I would go out with a knife and spoon, pick them, slice them in halve and scoop out mouthfuls. Great to grow up in Pasadena with one set of grandparents north a few roads and the other set right down the street, within two blocks.
    My Toyota has one more, already paid for in the purchase package, maintenance servicing, so now I'm stretching it out. The sticker says I should take it in by October, but I think I'll wait for more mileage instead of the calendar month. I just don't drive as much as the average person anymore.
    Fish tacos are one of my favorites. Great photo and good idea to use a fork, it looked like it would be messy to try to fold and pick up.

    Isabella, so good to hear that Dan is doing better. We really test ourselves when we go "out of our comfort zone", sounds like Dan excelled, Yay !!!
    Any more looking for another house?
    Your time with Jami and other friends sounds wonderful. And, your free concerts and other outings. So glad you can get some relaxation and release time away from work.

    Wow, Debora, time for Thomas to get a first car already? Once again, "kids" we have gotten to know through our friendships here are now all grown up.
    I remember all my cars. I bought a Plymouth Valiant when I lived in Wisconsin, almost as good as my Chevy Nova, but not as sentimental. I sold it when my roommate got a new car and we car-pooled and did almost everything together, so no need for 2 cars. Then, when I got ready to move back to California, I bought a Volvo and traveled East first, drove all over the U.S. visiting family and friends and ended up out West again. That "little" car had the biggest trunk I had ever seen, in any car, and, in the trunk plus the back seat, I was able to pack all my worldly possessions to move. The only piece of furniture I had was my huge Lincoln Rocker (which is now John's favorite chair) and a former roommate had put that in her U-Haul and took it to California, months before I moved, when she left to get married. Aawwwww, memories. Too bad I can no longer fit all my worldly possessions in a car. Really time to de-clutter.

    OK, I'm tired of sneezing now. For the last few days, every time I sit at this computer, I have a sneezing fit. I go outside or even just to another room and I'm fine. I think there must be something sitting here beside me that I'm allergic to. John's got a few shop towels piled on the table next to some nuts & bolts, probably there's solvent or something on those rags. Time to take them out and see if that cures my problem.

  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good Morning. Yesterday was so much fun, six of us gathered together. Although, with six of us, spread out around a big booth, there were 2-3 conversations going on at once. A bit hard to get in on all the talk and catching up on each and every one. But, it was great to get out and see everyone again. When the bills came, the waitress asked who was a "Golden Apple", I didn't respond because I didn't know what that was, I figured they had joined something. Carol spoke for me and said I was in that group too. Apparently, you don't have to register, just say so. If you are 55 or older, you get 10% off your tab. Nice!

    I had a grilled shrimp, avocado and red grapefruit salad. Very Yummy! I chose this salad originally, at home after looking on-line and then in the restaurant, changed my mind to the Thai shrimp salad with peanut sauce. Fortunately, the waitress mentioned that the peanut sauce is spicy. If she thought it was spicy, I figured it's way too spicy for me, so I went back to my original choice.

    After 3 ladies left, Carol, Ivy and I stayed longer to visit. It was nice to get to know Ivy a little better. I know her through the group, but really don't know her very well.

    John did fairly well while I was gone, (11am - 3 pm). He said there were things he wanted to ask me about, but can't remember. I didn't find anything totally out of place.

    I better get going, John's up and we'll plan our day.
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Good morning. Very full day away from the house yesterday. I picked up my friend at 8:30 and we went to Dollar Tree and then the Etc. Store after we unloaded the trunk and back seat full of stuff. We both found things to buy at both stores. Then we headed to the bigger town and went to Aldi's. We ended up at McDonalds for lunch. I caught up on all her kids. Next was Joanne's - fabric and crafts. This friend is very crafty. I enjoyed the looking. Dillons was our last stop. I just walked along with her since I'm headed to town today but part of the idea was to make her more familiar with the area. Biggest mistake we made (and we realized it just a little to late) was she bought chocolate chips at Aldi's and it only got up to 80s but that's too hot even with windows down for chips. It didn't phase my friend though. She said you can't buy chocolate chips in Kenya - you buy a chocolate bar and chop it up so she'll just do that. We got back to her place, unloaded (her husband was there and helped) and I headed home. I had time to check my email (and help grandson proof and English assignment).
    Then Ralph and I headed out for the evening. We drove an hour, had time to walk through a bookstore and then went to the meeting. Dinner was really good and meeting was fairly interesting and we were home by 9:30. Today Ralph and went to town, did our Friday shopping and were home by noon. He found another sub for half-price so had it, potato salad and vegetable relish for dinner. He headed to the farm and I'm working on putting everything away and then my list. Just the usual. Tomorrow we'll go get the soybean meal and get ready for Sunday. Hopefully, the wait in line won't be too long but we're going in the morning so it shouldn't be too hot. We've had two more good rains this week so plenty of mud and no one can be in the field.

    Sheryl, glad John did okay while you were gone for a long lunch. Yep, with 9 you can't all be in on one conversation but it's still fun to be together. Your salad sounds good except for the grapefruit. Yay on the BP staying in the normal range. Yes, give the inhaler time. You didn't get to how you are overnight - why would you get out of it quickly and your doctor may try something else if this doesn't work. Cool on knowing all your cars and I love the stories about them. Strange that you sneeze when at the computer. The rags doing it makes sense.

    Ralph told me last night that Derek and Lindsey gave him a card for us last Sunday (just now telling me - yea) and it has a Starbucks gift card. Seems a strange choice since I don't drink coffee but I know they have other stuff so going there will be a new experience for us.

    If I pop in more often it doesn't take as long to write but you probably get more detail. What a trade-off.
  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    Hi everyone, and happy Friday!

    It’s been another busy work week (what’s new) and I’m glad the week is over (what’s new again!). I’ve been doing a lot of work on the website this week, and will be more of the same probably for the next couple weeks. Lots of website projects right now.

    We’ve been having beautiful summer weather for the last week. Can’t get much better for this time of year. The highs are in the low to mid-90s and the lows are in the upper 50s to lower 60s. Great walking weather. I’ve been getting back into the walking groove and spend my breaks/lunchtime at work walking around the city.

    The smoke from the wildfires to the north of us finally lifted and the air is so much better now.

    Yesterday I took my last Metformin pill (for diabetes) and needed to stop by the pharmacy on the way home to get the prescription refilled. The pharmacy is in a grocery story, so I usually just stop in and while they fill the prescription I go shopping. This time they told me it would take three days to fill because they were revamping their computer system and it’s taking longer to generate the paperwork. When I told them I needed it for today they went ahead and filled it, but said it would take about three hours. So went back after three hours and it took another hour. I was so glad to get home last night. What a pain. Next time I will call ahead for sure and make sure I don’t wait until I run out to get it refilled.

    Dad informed me a couple days ago that he’s going to the hospital on Monday to have an angiogram performed. Since he is one to not let me know when there is a problem until it’s on top of us, I asked what was wrong. He tells me it’s just routine and his cardiologist said it was time to have it checked out again. I hope that’s the case. The hospital he’s always gone to shut down last year, so tomorrow he’s going to take me to the new hospital so I know how to get there…just in case there’s a problem.

    My appetite has not been very good for a while now, but it seems to be returning. I’m going to have to watch myself so I don’t gain back the weight I’ve lost. I’m at my lowest weight in a long time now. People at work have been remarking on it lately. I had to go buy some smaller pants last weekend, and this weekend I will probably go get a few new tops because the ones I have now are so baggy on me. I don’t mind that at home, but not at work.

    Anew, sorry about the heat. I hope it lifts soon for you.

    Isabella, sharing the meals sounds like a good plan. It would be easy for me. It’s rare these days that I ever finish a meal when I go out. How’d work go this week? Bummer that you couldn’t work on Saturday.

    Debra, I hope your friend who had the knee scope is doing ok. They sure do shuffle people out of the hospitals quickly these days, except when you want them to, then it seems to take forever. Happy Anniversary (belated!) to you and DH. Glad Thomas or the other person didn’t get hurt in that accident. I had a similar experience once back in the early 90’s, but I was the one with the right of way and the person turning pretty much totaled my car. I got a bump on the head, but nothing serious. Wound up having to get another car, but his insurance came through on that. You sure have been getting a lot of rain! Send it our way, would ya?! Did you "dispatch" the rooster, or did someone else do that? I don't think I'd have it in me. My Grandma was an old pro at though!

    Sheryl, that’s great that your heat wave is over too. Your new PCP sounds like she will really work with you. That’s great! I hope your breathing gets better soon. The glider for the new deck sounds like a good idea. Hopefully you can find something not too spendy. Thanks for the update on Christina. That poor girl just can’t catch a break. Toyota continues to rotate my tires for free, but my last free maintenance service was last February. This time I had to pay full price, which was $51. Next time I’m going to wait for a coupon to come. That’s a bit pricy for a standard servicing.

    Well, I need to walk around a bit before I get back to work. Have a great night everyone!
  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    edited August 2016
    Good morning ladies! Work was better this week. Contracts have slowed down a tad so I was able to work on some of the insurance requests. I would really love to get my e-mail inbox emptied a bit so I don't overlook something important. I have so many requests pending something such as more info or some documentation so I've had to leave them in my inbox and it is beginning to be somewhat cluttered. I'm trying different things to manage it such as putting a red marker next to the ones that are pending. I've only had a chance to listen to one essential oils talk so far but it was on managing anxiety so it was the perfect one to catch. I will try to listen to some today and I think they are having an "encore" day tomorrow to listen to any of the weeks talks that you miss so I will try to listen to one or two tomorrow. They are almost an hour each so I'll really have to pick and choose. We had a very nice time playing dominos with Jami and her husband. The key lime pie that we got at Trader Joe's was good. I'd get it again. They got a cheese cake for dessert so it was quite the decadent evening! :p The temps have broken for a while and it has been a pleasant week. Especially yesterday. Hope it continues but since it is August... We don't have anything planned this weekend - just R & R. It will be nice. Dan has gone to church with me the last 2 Sundays which makes me VERY happy!! :smiley: Then he goes with me to do my grocery shopping. We haven't grocery shopped together for probably 20 years. We'll see how long he lasts! I took Friday and Monday off next week for the labor day weekend. No big plans but it will be nice to have a long weekend. I am a tad concerned about getting behind at work again but hopefully lots of people will be off too and things won't pile up too badly.

    Debora, Happy Anniversary!! We had a great time playing dominos. Glad it brings happy memories for you as well. I really enjoy it. I never played until Jami's husband Joe got a set for Christmas a couple of years ago. Did you get rid of the rooster? My co-worker that I used to buy eggs from has decided she is really tired of taking care of chickens and wants to get rid of them even tho her mom still wants them. She has around 40 to get rid of. She might just load them up and take them to a farm up north she is familiar with. $100 for a car is an amazing deal!!! Hope it runs well for a long time.

    Anew, great to hear from you! Glad that the problem with the truck was an easy fix and that it is running good as new. Hope the heat and humidity break soon. When does summer usually end in TX? As you know, here in the San Diego area it usually lasts until the end of Sept. Going for some "retail therapy" sounds like a really good way to get out of the house for a while. :smile:

    Sheryl, glad to hear that your heat wave broke for a while. Your PCP sounds wonderful! They are hard to come by. It is actually a well documented fact that BP is always higher in the AM. That's why they tell you to be careful when waking up not to overdo it. When Dan takes his readings he has to do it several times at each sitting because the first is always high for some reason. It may be the type of cuff, etc. It is wise to do your car maintenance according to amount of mileage rather than time passing. That is what my mechanic suggested since I don't put that many miles on my car either. She is a 2012 and only has approx. 29,000 miles on her. That is low for a so cal car. So glad you were able to have lunch with the bible study gals. That is always a good time of fellowship. Food, folks, and fun I like to say. :smile: Dan doesn't feel up to "house" hunting right now although he still says he'd like to move so I don't bring it up. I'll let him initiate it again if/when he is ready. We still look at the listings the realtor sends over though because you never know when the right place might come along. There is a little condo on the listings right now that is very close to what we want but it only has a 1 car garage and they want $445,000 for it!!!!!!

    Marcie, crazy that they took so long to fill your prescription. How frustrating. I would definitely call it in from now on so it will be ready for pick up when you get there. How did things go with your dad's test? How was the new hospital? Sounds like you are having lower temps like we are. Isn't it wonderful?! So happy to hear about the weight loss. Having to buy new clothes is a good problem to have. :smiley: I just started my walks at lunch time again too. I am really enjoying it. They are slurry sealing the roads in our business park though so I have had to change my route so I am not poisoned by the horrible fumes. Hopefully it will dissipate soon.

    Well, I think I've rambled on quite long enough!! I'm going to go and check on those essential oils talks. Have an awesome weekend!
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Good morning. We headed out first thing for the soybean meal - sailed down the road for the 1 1/2 hour drive and had not wait at all. So we didn't have to hurry when we went to the Farm and Ranch store to look for some stuff. Ralph offered lunch out at McDonald's but I knew we had just enough leftovers that would empty about 3 containers so we headed back home. The afternoon I did the usual - had to shred some carrots so got the magic bullet out - trying a new rice dish. It was nice to have the house picked up so we'll see if my new idea lasts very long. Looked up schedules for grandkids in sports so need to see if any of the home dates will work - try and go to at least one of each thing they are in. Meat smells good, vegetables are in another crockpot so just waiting to head for church. We started doing Ralph's eye ointment last night. Second time went much smother. It's not easy doing something to an eye.

    Marcie, your weeks are always busy - so glad we get weekends. You spend a lot of time staring at a computer screen, I imagine, when you are working on websites. Does your neck get tired? Glad to hear the air is better. Glad you were able to get the metformin. Since I fill pill cases for us, I can always tell when we're down to the last week so I call them in then. Since I don't go to town real often, that works good for me and gives the pharmacy time when they have to call the doctor for a refill.
    I didn't know angiograms were routine things. Your dad seems so calm about what goes on with him. Will he be able to drive home?
    Cool on needing new clothes and being able to find some. Glad your appetite is back but hope you can eat to stay where you are.
    Yes, my friend is doing okay. She's down to using one crutch. She'll go back to work on Sept. 6. Glad you accident was no worse either. I had a "run-in" with my father-in-law once and got to visit the dentist. Hired man who took the rooster took care of it. Cage is back and that's all I need to know. :) I'd sent you the rain if I could. I don't mind sharing.

    Isabella, glad work was better and hope that a long weekend doesn't make it worse again but it will be a nice break for you. An hour for a talk is a long time but glad the one you did get to listen too was helpful. Nice that Dan is going with you to church. Does he stay beside you during the grocery shopping or wander on his own. That's what Ralph does and that works okay. A R&R weekend sounds good after the busy ones you've had. Yummy desserts on domino night. 40 is a good number of chickens to get rid of. Sounds like she has a place to go at least. It's nice that house hunting isn't a have to - but just a fun thing to do together and you know what you want when Dan's ready to hunt again.

    Well, it's about time to head for church. Have a good day.
  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    Good morning everyone.

    It's a beautiful Sunday morning here. Nice and cool and Dad's out and about somewhere so I have the house to myself for awhile.

    Yesterday Dad drove me out to the hospital where he'll be tomorrow. It's downtown and a VERY confusing multi-complex hospital. I'm glad we went, so I could get the lay of the land encase there's a problem and I need to go there while he's there. His appointment tomorrow is at 4:30 pm, so we suspect he'll wind up having to stay overnight. He's packing a bag just incase.

    After we left the hospital we stopped at Costco. When I was cleaning out my purse the other night I found a Costco coupon for $50 I forgot I had and it expires this week, so I wanted to use it. I wound up purchasing $23 worth of groceries there, and then pocketed the remaining $27.

    After we got home I went clothes shopping. I only found one top I liked, and also purchased some capri pants to where around the house. I need more tops, but just couldn't find much that I liked. I may have to order online. There's one online company I like called the Blouse House.

    Today I will clean the house and get my weekly cooking done.

    Isabella, that's nice that Dan has been going to church with you, and shopping, and yum to key lime pie and to cheesecake! We used to play dominoes all the time when I was a kid, but its been a lot of years since I've placed it in real life (I have a dominoes app on my Ipad that I play now and then).

    Debra, I agree, doing anything around the eyes is not easy. I can just smell that food you are cooking. Sounds yummy. I hope you and your family have a great day!

    I think I'll close and go get something to eat. I bought some turkey and some asparagus yesterday, so I think I'll make myself a turkey and asparagus omelette. I wished I had picked up some mushrooms too. Those would be good in the omelette.
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Good morning. Ready for the "work" week? It's here. Well, that new rice dish. I won't make it again. Lots of it left and Ralph doesn't really like it. So I'll work through it - probably freeze some. No meat and just a little vegetable left. I'm happy to have quite a bit of vegetable relish left. One grandson called it salsa. Several liked it but I wanted leftovers so was glad more didn't. I left some people here when I went to the baby shower and had a good time there. Found out one lady in our church is expecting twins and they have 5 now. We haven't had a set of twins born to a church family for 20 years. And I found out a second cousin is having twins (her first). That will be a busy mom. In the evening we went to another church to hear Woodroll Kroll (used to be with Back To The Bible which Ralph's uncle founded). He had a good message and was exciting to hear about his new project. This church is the "split" from our church so saw a lot of familiar faces. I'm getting ready to go walk and then home until evening when I'm going to go help a 4-H family. I have a little bit of stuff to get together for it. Trying something new with my list - it saves some times in the evenings but I feel a little lost this morning so we'll try it for a few days.

    Marcie, I hope your dad doesn't need you but glad he showed you where he'll be. Hope he keeps you updated on whether he has to spend the night. That's cool that they gave you cash back on your coupon and that you could stick to only $23. That's not much for Costco. Glad you found one blouse and the capris. Sometimes, it's hard to find what you like. Online shopping gives us so many more places to look. Enjoy your clean house. What was your pot of? Mushrooms would have been good in the omelette but turkey and asparagus sound pretty good to.

    Have a wonderful day everyone.
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    edited August 2016
    Good Morning. What a crazy weekend. Read comments, but just didn't feel up to typing.

    John has had an air compressor in the garage that hasn't worked in years. Long story about getting wrong parts and bad advice, etc. anyway, never got it running again and now, John will never work on it. I am so tired of air hose running all over the property...John uses the air compressor in the barn to feed air into the tank of the one in the garage and then can use it from there. Must have at least 500 feet of air hose running up and across the driveway. He doesn't want me to drive over it, so when I move the car, I have to disconnect and move the hose and then put it back. I'm tired of that. Last week, we bought an air compressor from Harbor Freight and set it up and immediately, a screw fell out, totally stripped of threads. Came from the factory that way. We removed another screw for comparison to find a compatible screw in our huge supply of screws, many nicely labeled in trays and many coffee cans of misc screws. That screw was sort of buggered up too. We finally confirmed that it's metric so Friday, we went to the hardware store to buy 4 new screws, figured we'd replace them all. We planned on buying a tap also, to clean out the threads in the hole on the metal, but the salesman actually talked us out of that. I was surprised when John agreed with the salesman and put the tap back on the shelf, but didn't say anything. Stupid move, I know that John usually wants all the tools he can get, you never know when you need one and it's better to have it in the tool box than have to make a trip to the store. But, that's what happened. The screw did not go easily into the hole and John wanted a tap. Saturday, we made another trip to the hardware store and bought the $6.99 tap. Cost more than that just to drive there, I could kick myself. After all that, we can't use the tap because the gauges are in the way and we can't get a straight shot into the hole. I examined the situation and determined that these 4 screws are only used to hold a plastic cover, no moving parts in that area. I convinced John that 3 screws will hold the plastic securely and we can leave that 4th hole empty. He agreed, but we'll see what happens the next time he sees that hole and wants to put a screw in it.

    We are feeding our neighbors' animals while they are gone for a long weekend. Everything goes smoothly except for their miniature donkey, a real Jack *kitten*, in fact, they named him Jack just for that reason. Which is very confusing since the husband is Jack too, they refer to Big Jack and Little Jack. Anyway, this little power packed bugger likes to kick and bite. So Beware! We have to be extra alert and know where he is at all times. I'll be glad when Jack and Gayla return tonight. Gayla called yesterday afternoon to check on things and said they are having a fabulous time. Everything is even better than they ever expected.
    So, funny...I had to come back in and edit. The site changed the word to "kitten" because I guess they won't allow *kitten* on their site. So I changed the "s" to a dollar sign, that's what I've seen before and now I know why.

    Yesterday, I woke up with a headache that stayed with me all day. And, my BP readings were higher than they've ever been. I don't know whether it's the stress of that donkey, the new meds/lower dosage of BP pill, or the metric screw and empty hole. I feel pretty good this morning, headache gone, and BP much lower than yesterday, although still higher than I would like it. I'll take another reading this afternoon and see what it is.
    Thanks for the info, Isabella, about BP reading always being higher in the mornings. That alleviated a lot of my concern. I'll still take it before my coffee and keep track of it, but will count the afternoon readings as more accurate.

    No special plans set for today yet. I'll see what mood John is in when he gets up again. He was up earlier and then went back to bed. Maybe I can trim his beard and get him into the shower again, he sure needs it.

    Marcie, hope Dad's procedure goes well today. Smart to be prepared to spend the night. What will Cisco do without him for the evening walk? I guess you will fill in.

    Last night, PBS showed a special "I Miss Downton Abbey". I sure enjoyed it, brought back memories and tears, very sentimental. Interrupted by pledge breaks, but it still was very good. I think I needed good cry.

  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    Good morning.

    For once I'm not shivering to death at my desk at work. Looks like the bumped the A/C up from 70 degrees to 72 degrees. Sure makes a difference. Hope it lasts.

    I spent about two hours yesterday just cleaning my bathroom. It really needed a good cleaning, and I needed to purge a bunch of items under the bathroom cabinets. In the middle of it all the light went out, so I had to go get the step ladder and change that out. I hate changing that light. There's nothing to hold on to when climb up to change the light. After I finished, Dad told me he had step ladder out in the garage that has handles on it. Wished I had known that beforehand!

    Dad and I went out for dinner Friday night to Marie Calendars. I had the cajun salmon with broccoli and potatoes and he had prime rib with a wedge salad. It was pretty good, but he found the steak a bit tough. Cisco liked it though! For once we actually brought something home for him. We chopped it up and mixed it in with his normal kibble. He surgically pulled out each piece of the steak and left the kibble behind. Such a brat.

    I sure hope all goes well for Dad this afternoon. The last time he was in the hospital and they ran an EKG, they thought there was a problem and immediately sent him over to the emergency room. Turns out there wasn't. That's just his normal reading. This time he had his cardiologist give him a copy of the latest readout so he could take it to the hospital with him.

    Dad plans to call an Uber driver to take him to the hospital this afternoon. He on their site yesterday figuring out what to do and accidentally ordered a driver at that time and couldn't find on the site where you could cancel an order. The guy showed up within minutes! That error probably cost Dad about $5. Oh well, at least now he knows what to do.

    Tonight I'll have to take Cisco on his evening walk and also tomorrow morning on his pre-dawn walk. I don't mind the evening walk, but its harder in the morning because I have to go to work. But we'll deal with it. It's times like this I wished that dog would just go in his own backyard!

    Sheryl, that's too funny that MFP changed that word to kitten. They used to just change it to asterisks (***). What an ordeal with the screws. I hope it works and John down the road John doesn't mind the empty hole.

    Debora, wow, lots of twin action going on right now. That woman who already has five kids will have her hands full! Sorry the rice dish wasn't a hit.

    Well, I think I have time to walk around the building a couple times before getting back to work. Have a wonderful day everyone. :)
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Have a moment to pop back in. That donkey was the worst we've ever experienced this morning. John got kicked just above the right knee. He said it's a good thing it didn't connect on his knee or he would probably have a broken knee cap. I'm sure he'll have a bruise. Jack, the man, gives Jack, the donkey, a lot of attention since he works from home and is around during the day. I'm sure the donkey is just lonely, but he's so aggressive, they don't even let him in with the other animals. Oh, how I wish they did have a Jack Kitten, I could handle that.

    I've seen those nice big, 5 step, step-ladders advertised with handles. l almost bought one, but not yet. Maybe soon, they look stable and safe.

    Norma is remodeling her house, removing all the carpet and having porcelain tile throughout the whole house. She's stripping all the wallpaper and removed the dark paneling in the living room and will paint with a brighter, solid color. This is what she found under the paneling...


    Looks like they put a frame around it right onto the wall.
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Hi, I'm back again. Jack and Gayla came home earlier than expected. Yay, they can do their own evening feeding tonight. I'm glad to do it and enjoy all the critters except the donkey. He's just too rambunctious and unpredictable. He sure was happy to have Big Jack home, I could hear the crazy braying before they even got out of the car. He heard their car pulled up.

    Anyway, I just took my BP and it read 111/85, much lower than before, so I think that donkey was stressing me out.

    See you in the morning.
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good Morning. Not too much to say since I popped in yesterday afternoon.

    Talked to Mom and she attended a commitment ceremony there at Mission Commons. The couple live there and had the ceremony in the living room with their friends and family around. Mom couldn't understand why the "commitment" ceremony and not getting married. I really don't know their situation, but I know that in some cases, it's financial. I understand that if they marry, their social security is reduced. Anyway, Mom said it was very casual and lasted about 20 minutes. Most of the time was spent introducing the members of the family and getting their "blessing". Turns out that the couple grew up in the same area and attended the same schools, but didn't know each other back then. They met at Mission Commons. The reception was cupcakes. They are on their honeymoon now, the man owns and still flies his own plane.

    My BP is 121/93 this morning. I have to get all my details together and call the doctor today with my first week report. When I saw the doctor last Monday, she said the important number is the first one and important to keep it under 140. I haven't had a problem with that, so I think I'm good.

    Again, no set plans for today, I'll see how John is when he gets up. I look around the bedroom and see I should declutter, but the garage is more important. Necessary to organize John's tools and get all the similar types of tools together in one place. Much easier to find them that way.

    I'm excited for Saturday, Norma and two friends are flying into Portland and I am going to pick them up and drive them out to the coast. Linda, their friend who now lives in Seaside is having them up for the week. Then, the following Saturday, Linda will bring them back to the Portland airport to fly home. I'll leave that Saturday open in case Linda can't make the trip, I can go get them and bring them back. Norma said that she wished she could see the new deck, but I know Linda will be anxious and waiting for them to arrive. Plus, the other ladies won't care about the deck and the side trip back to the house for a few minutes is not reasonable. Norma will just have to come visit again.

    I guess that's it for now.
  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    Good morning everyone.

    I woke up thinking it was Wednesday. Getting ahead of myself again.

    By the time I got home from work yesterday Dad had already left for the hospital. He said Uber worked out really well. The ride to the hospital cost $21.

    I took Cisco for his evening walk and he kept looking over his shoulder at me, like he was trying to tell me I wasn't doing it right! Dad has such long legs and walks quicker than I do. Anyway, Cisco "produced" fairly quickly for me, then turned around like he was ready to go home. I made him keep walking though. We probably only walked around 1/4 of mile.

    When we got home I got a call from the hospital. I was expecting a call from Dad to give me his room number that he would be in overnight. Instead it was someone from the Cath lab telling me Dad would be ready to be picked up around 8 pm. When I heard their voice instead of Dad's, I thought for sure they had bad news for me! I'm sure glad Dad and I explored the place on Saturday. It made navigating around it at night a whole lot easier.

    They said Dad's arteries look great, no blockage, and no need for stent. Yay! He's walking a bit stiff today, and needs to avoid sitting too much while the main artery in his leg where they had the catheter heals up. Still, he got up this morning and took Cisco for his morning walk. I'm just glad this is behind us and he seems to be doing good.

    Just got in to work and the computer system and our website is back up and running. It was down the entire day yesterday. Hopefully today will be a better day.

    Sheryl, that's too bad that Norma won't be able to stop by on this trip. So close, and yet so far. That's nice that your Mom attended the commitment ceremony. Little Jack sounds like a handful! I can see how interacting with him might cause some stress for you. Glad to hear his owners are back now. What a find under Norma's paneling. When we had our carpets replaced awhile back, we found Spanish tile under the dining room floor. Never knew it was there. You just never know what's under stuff.

    Time to get to work. Have a nice day everyone.

  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Marcie, what great news. So glad that Dad is home and healing and doing well. And, could walk Cisco this morning, I'm sure that made your morning go smoother. What a shock to the system when you heard the hospital on the phone instead of Dad's voice, but so relieved that it turned out so good.

    Yay! on computers being up and running. We sure do depend on them now, in everyday living, for everything.