Pot Bellied Stove / Water Cooler



  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Made it through Monday and Tuesday with mostly being at home. I walked Monday morning and went to help a 4-H family in the evening with their record books. Today I went to the place where my sister was leaving her car to be worked on and brought her home. And I got some things but always think I can get more done. I have a friend who gives me the local paper when she's done with it and I didn't realize how big the stack was but go through them and gave them to Ralph. It's always interesting what we learn. The house is straightened up, I did a load of laundry. Monday afternoon I spent time watching Alan move the back steps and then move in a cement slab which should hold up better than the wood did and then they put the steps back on. So now the step out the back door is not so deep and seems safer to me. Ralph came home right after it was done and was a little unhappy he wasn't here but I know it went smoother without him trying to tell Alan what to do and it was done as a surprise for him. And then Alan finally got an antenna on the roof that has been on a metal pole and wired to a water hydrant. Of course after the rain we got tonight, there's a lot of mud out there so will probably have to go out the front. So glad Ralph got the lawn mowed before it started. Some of the nearby towns had some flooding, it came down so hard and fast. For some reason I have two boxes of graham crackers in the pantry so enjoyed some graham crackers and milk for a snack.

    The next few days have more going to them. Tomorrow morning I work on the Echoes and in the evening am going to Lori's - yep more 4-H. Got started typing things up. Will be easier to double-check on things when they are more easily read. :) Thursday I'm babysitting for Lindsey and have Willing Workers in the evening. Friday is errands. Saturday is up in the air a bit but for sure going to a potluck in the evening so have to decide what to make.

    Sheryl, hope John stays content with the three screws. I'm sure you'll enjoy the new one and not having to move hoses all the time. Will you be able to get rid of the non-working one or will it just sit there. Sorry you had to go back for the tap and then it didn't work but it was another outing. Nice that you could take care of the neighbor's animals but sorry the one was such a problem. Do you tell them about the problems Little Jack causes or just keep it to yourself? Yep, stress will make you BP higher and you had it with Little Jack.

    Don't know what your plans are for the weekend but Downtown Abby is going to be shown as a marathon from the first to the last starting about 7 Friday evening. It would be fun but I like my sleep and have other things going on. I wish they go from beginning to end even with a show a week again.

    Marcie, cool that they got it a tad warmer at work for you. Yay on the bathroom cleaning getting done and you even have a clean light bulb in. :) Glad you and Cisco did okay on his nighttime walk. I think hearing the hospital call and not your dad would have panicked me. Glad it all went well and he got to get home so quickly. I've been eating the rice dish. It's not bad - just not as flavorful as I thought it would be for all that went in it. Guess we just prefer the plain white rice. Glad you'll be able to do your computer work again.

    Sheryl, what an interesting find at Norma's. How fun (in some ways) to do a remodel. It's a lot of work too. I've not heard of Commitment Ceremonies before. Nice that your mom went. So did you work in the bedroom or garage. Fun that you get to see Norma, even if you can't show off the deck. But you still get time with her.

    I'm think I'm ready to head for bed. Sleep tight.
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    edited August 2016
    Good Morning. What a nice surprise, Gayla called last night and they would like to take us to lunch today as a thank you for feeding their critters. I said we'd love to go, but they don't have to pay, but they insist. We'll hear more about their trip and talk about all our animals. I did tell them about Jack kicking John, but then last night, I also told her that there was no bruising or soreness either. I checked John's leg yesterday and if I hadn't reminded him, he would not have remembered. I was surprised it was bruised because I heard it and it sound like a hard smack. I had also told them that Jack bit me, but never broke the skin.

    Oh Debora, I know how Alan feels, easier to get the job done without Ralph's input. There are times that I'd like to do that too, keep John away from the project.
    I did not really do any decluttering yet. Nothing in the bedroom, spend some time in the garage, but ended up helping John with a completely different project. We get side-tracked so easily and move on to something else. I did get 2 loads of laundry done and cleaned the kitchen.

    Today will be a nice diversion, I wonder where they will take us. They eat out a lot and know of so many places.
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Lunch is postponed. John got up and told me he doesn't feel well. I asked if he is physically sick and where does it hurt? He said it's mental and he "can't" go to lunch today. Then, I guess it's anxiety and I'll see how he feels later after the anxiety passes. He went back to bed.
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    edited September 2016
    Good Morning. Well, John finally got out of bed at 12:20 pm yesterday. I'll never know if that's coincidental, or if he waited until too close to the time (12:30 pm) when we were to go to lunch with Jack and Gayla to be able to make the lunch date. I had already cancelled it with them and they are very understanding. I called their home phone at 8:30 am and got the answering machine, I knew Jack took off in his truck earlier but then, looked out the window and realized Gayla's car was gone too. So, I called her cell and got voice mail, so then I emailed her. I wanted to make sure they got the message as soon as possible incase they wanted to make other plans. Yesterday was slow and easy going for us. It was drizzling when John got up and then turned to rain. John spent some time in the garage, but too wet to work outside, so he tinkered with inventory on the computer. I made a Blue Apron meal, salmon with miso soba noodle salad. Very interesting, sautéed eggplant, onions and ginger, cooked noodles, so they were fairly hot and then added raw cucumber, cold. The "salad" was luke warm on the table. I didn't know if it should have been chilled, or warmed back up. Tasty though, and the salmon was very good.

    I received my next Blue Apron delivery at 6:10 last night. Usually it comes early afternoon and sometimes before noon. It was getting so late, I was wondering if I was going to get it yesterday. This next week, we will be eating Porchetta-Style Sandwiches, (with pork), Chicken & Basil Fettuccine, and Salmon again, with red potatoes. The pictures on the recipes look so good.

    There are a few items to get from the grocery store, but I don't know when I'll be going out next. I'm so thankful for these deliveries, so I don't HAVE to go out if it doesn't work out. I want to get back to Lowe's and talk to the door guy again and get more info on the garage door. And, while I'm there I'll look at their patio furniture and see if things are on clearance yet. I'm hoping with fall coming on, summer items will be cheap.

    Norma called me yesterday afternoon just to vent after a frustrating talk with Mom. Mom is so concerned about payment for her Rx's. She gets them through the mail and her co-pay always turns out to be less than a dollar. The latest was 57 cents. It's on her credit card and Mom is so upset about writing a check for that small amount. So, Norma paid the credit card $25.00 and can work off of a credit balance. That threw Mom for a loop, can't understand how that can possibly be done. There was no explanation that satisfied her. But, it's done, so there! She is always saying that she trusts Norma with her finances, but then questions every move. I understand that Norma wants Mom to know where her money is going and everything is being paid, but I told Norma that she needs to stop giving Mom details, it only makes Norma's life miserable. I know how Norma feels though, I handle all of John's finances and I want him to know what I'm doing with his checkbook and investments, but he's past understanding it now, so it ends up upsetting both of us. At first, I thought that it's my fault, I just couldn't find the right words to explain myself. Now, I realize that even with the most explicit information, John just can't grasp it.

    Marcie, did you re-carpet over the Spanish tile? or polish it up and enjoy it? My parents house in Pasadena had hardwood floors, but with the remodeling my Dad did, years ago, opening up the dining room into the living room, the flooring no longer covered that whole area where we moved walls. The carpet was all worn and torn up in the front bedroom, so we removed that carpet and showed off the hardwood floor. They'll have a big surprise if they remove all the carpet thinking there is hardwood floors throughout.

    I guess that's it for now. Not sure what today will bring yet.

  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    Good morning all.

    This will be quick. In a few minutes I have to go attend a three hour "Prevention of Sexual Harassment in the Workplace" training session. We have them once every two years here at work. Not thrilled about having to attend yet again. I know the presentation by heart by now, and I have so many other things I need to do.

    I'm looking forward to the long weekend. We have Monday off for Labor Day. I'm thinking about asking for tomorrow off, but we'll see how the day goes.

    Dad was super sore the day following his procedure, but yesterday he was doing much better. Today he was up and out of the house by the time I got up at 5:30 am. He went out for breakfast.

    I've been watching a series I had put on the DVR. I was just about to delete it without watching it, but then watched the first episode and was hooked. It was called "The Night Of" about a young man accused of murdering a woman he had a once night stand with. It was really good. The end may me so happy. Once of the attorneys in the show adopted the cat of the murdered woman, but was allergic and had to take it to the pound, where the cat would surely be put down. At the end of the show as he was walking out his door at home to go to work, they showed the cat walking around in his house. I was like, Yay! He went back and got the cat.

    Sheryl, no, we put the new carpet over that Spanish tile. I didn't care for the tile, and we needed carpet in there. Sorry Norma had another bad experience with your Mom. Probably a good idea to not share as much info next time. It must be so hard for you and Norma having to deal with situations like that.

    I'd better close and get going. Have a nice day everyone.

  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Marcie, thanks for the update on Dad. I had meant to ask how tender he was feeling, or if all the soreness was gone already. Good for him, up and out of the house by 5:30 am. I'm up at that time, but no where near ready to leave the house that early.
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    edited September 2016
    Good Morning, woke up to wet ground and more rain in the forecast, but nothing like what's happening on the East Coast.

    I am so excited about tomorrow, taking Norma and her friends to Seaside. I was going to wash my car for the event, but since it's raining, I'll probably just clean out and vacuum the inside. The outside of my car looks pretty good even when a little dirty. Too bad we can't be having last week's weather, this week. Norma likes it bright, sunny and hot. She used to live up here and needed to move back to California because she couldn't stand the gray, overcast skies and rain. I think that's what's in store for us all this next week, while she is visiting.

    Not much else going on here...I am just waiting for tomorrow!!!

  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good Morning, they are gathering at Norma's house right now and heading for the airport. Depart Ontario at 10:35 am and get here at 12:50 pm. Then we'll head for the coast and stop somewhere for lunch on the way.
    Girls' Day Out!! FUN!!!

    Because there will be 4 of us and luggage, I'm leaving John at home. It will be too uncomfortable squeezing a 5th person in the car. This will be the longest period of time I've left him in a very, very long time. I'll be gone almost 6 hours. I trust he'll be OK, the neighbors are right across the street and I'm willing to risk it. We'll see, this will be very telling. I highlighted all the football games on the tv schedule, maybe John will watch some tv today.

  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    edited September 2016
    Good morning ladies, You may remember that I took Friday and Tuesday off around the Monday holiday so I can have a 5 day weekend. So far it has been WONDERFUL! I didn't get everything done on Thursday that I felt I needed to have done so I can relax and enjoy the time off so I went into work Friday morning for a couple of hours to get some warranty letters sent out so the bldrs won't hold back any payments. I told everyone "I'm not here - you don't see me!" :) I also took care of a couple of urgent contracts that came up while I was there and typed a bid for one of the estimators. So now I can completely enjoy the rest of the long weekend without these things on my mind. When I left work I stopped at Target to get more low sodium V-8. They have such a good price on it there, then I went to Office Depot to return an electric stapler that was purchased for a new employee. Turns out it was so loud when it staples that everyone jumped and it was causing a lot of stress! Then I stopped at Trader Joe's for a couple of quick items. Later in the afternoon Dan took me to a new burger joint called Burger Lounge. They only serve grass fed beef and organic veggies, in the salads, etc. It was absolutely fabulous!!!! We will certainly go back. We sat on the patio and there was a nice breeze so it was very relaxing. The restaurant is in a new neighborhood so we stopped at a couple of the stores in the new mall and looked around. Dan test drove a bicycle but didn't buy anything. It gave him food for thought though. It was such a wonderful day I am so content right now.

    Today is our free library concert. They moved it up a week this month because they are having a parade next week so the library will be difficult to get to. Then we usually go out to eat afterward. Wow - out to eat 2 days in a row?! We are starting our little staycation off with a bang! I plan to clean the house and fertilize the shrubs sometime this weekend but that can wait until Monday or Tuesday.

    Debora, so far Dan has stayed relatively close by while I shop which is nice - I make him open those stupid vegetable bags for me. :wink: Glad the soybean procurement went well! I don't remember you saying - why does Ralph need eye ointment? My co-worker gave in to her mom and is keeping the chickens for now. We'll see how it goes. So interesting that Ralph's uncle founded "Back to the Bible".

    Sheryl, just curious - why didn't you exchange the air compressor when the screws were messed up? Too much of a hassle? Of course you were stressed with little Jack being so difficult. I don't imagine too many people can deal with that. So funny that he knew as soon as his "dad" got home. Glad your BP numbers are better. I'm kinda surprised your doc said that the first number was the one to watch. So many articles now say that the bottom number is the important one. I would guess that it is because it gives her the info she needs for whatever she is watching for. "I Miss Downton Abbey" sounds like it was wonderful. I'll have to see if I can find it on demand. Great that Norma is updating her house. So many people are taking out the carpet now and putting tile or wood throughout. I like having carpet. I would have to at least have it in my bedrooms. We have tile in the kitchen and linoleum in the bathrooms. I wouldn't mind getting rid of the linoleum but we can live with it. Amazing that those murals were behind the paneling. I couldn't imagine something that large staring at me all the time but it is a pretty scene.

    Marcie, nice that you changed purses and found your $50 coupon before it expired. I would have had no problem spending it all. The TP and paper towels alone would have used half of it. A website called Blouse House sounds fun and interesting. I'll have to check that out. Have you looked for more blouses there yet? I've had good luck with the Macy's website also. The shipping is free and they now send me weekly deals. I haven't eaten at Marie Calendar's in a long time. They seem to have gotten better selection. Glad that your dad's tests came back so good. That is a load off both your minds. I have a couple of co-workers that have used Uber for rides to the airport and really liked it. There was a case around here though of a "hacker" taking the Uber call of a woman then posing as an Uber driver. Fortunately the real Uber driver pulled up in time for her to figure it out and get away from the guy who was trying to grab her. One has to be so careful these days!

    Well, on that note... I guess I'll close for now and get caught up on my e-mails. Have a wonderful day!
  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    edited September 2016
    Good morning everyone, it's been awhile for me to come again, lol. Just busy doing other things I guess. I think we are heading to big town today for some shopping and pick up an order I made from Lane Bryant. Clearance jammies, I love jammies, Yay. :D

    I've been doing a little reading and happy to hear your BP is down SannFerris. Also happy to hear dad is okay and you are doing goo too Mygnsac. I am still so amazed at how much activity you get Arobed53.

    My blood pressure is down too, no meds, just taking it easy so I am happy to know it went down to last reading of 120 over 98. Still need to get that 98 down but at least the doc doesn't think she needs to put me in the hospital. I can't take meds because I have too many side effects from it.

    I also believe that part of my lower BP readings is because I am doing that therapy cane and getting some relief from all my injury and believe the pain causes higher blood pressure readings. I am also doing the therapy for my legs to help the plantar fasciitis and it seems to be working, so I am going to keep going on that. Did you know that a tight calf and upper back knee area can cause the pain in the foot? Because it is knots in my legs that cause the pain in the foot by referring the pain into the foot, amazing.

    I am working the knots out with the cane, although it is quite painful and I have to do it when hubby isn't home. If I do it when he is home he might think I am abusing myself because of the pain and all the yelling I do to get through it, lol. After doing my back, shoulders, neck and legs (feet) I need a long nap, lol. I wake up hurting but that goes away in a couple days and I start all over again which results in better range of motion in my neck and my shoulders and back don't hurt so much anymore either.

    I had a great laugh last night while watching Sheldon in an old episode of The Big Bang Theory. He was video chatting with Amy and was complaining about a headache he had and she proceeded to tell him how to get rid of that headache by finding the knot in his neck that was causing it. Then she told him once he found it, "now pounce on that thing" and proceeded to say something about what the bullies in school would do to him. lol. He pushed on it real hard and said he had never been touched so good like it before, lol. If you have amazon prime you can stream it I guess, this is the episode but I couldn't find it free to stream from. It's a great laugh, but at the same time it basically shows how I feel when I am doing my therapy, lol It's a hurt that hurts so good, lol.

    I had explained it to my Rhuematologist and let her know I had ordered it so she asked me to bring it next time. Next time came last week and I gave her the update on my self therapy and she was amazed. I showed her how I can turn my head at least 95% to the left now, I could only turn it about 75% for the last 30 years because of an old injury. I can also hear better out of my right ear all the doctors kept telling me was fine with no issues and it was all in my head, sheesh!. Now I can hear far better, sometimes even when I am in the kitchen I can talk to hubby who is in the living room, huge improvement. My right jaw has also not locked up once in about three months because I have been working on the knot in my neck right below the jaw. I do think this is where the hearing and jaw lockup was coming from. The huge knot is almost gone now and I don't feel like I have the mumps on that side anymore.


    We will have more rain today as we did yesterday and it helps to cool things down.

    Have a great day everyone!
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Good morning, I have things ready for the morning so have some time to chat with you. I have the TV on to Downton Abbey. Even though I'm missing a lot of the marathon, I'm enjoying what I do see. Ralph is missing his channel 8 shows but he'll survive. Pledge weeks are always hard on him anyway cause his regular shows are often not on. I ended up not babysitting Thursday cause Madden got sick but that gave me time to run around with Ralph. He had been going to hunt for a battery while I was babysitting so I rode with him. We hunted for a place he had heard advertised on TV. He was sure he knew where it was so didn't check the card he'd written the address on. When we got home we found out we did not go quite far enough. We got home earlier enough in the afternoon for me to get a few things done before Willing Workers and it was a good evening of work, visiting and interesting speaker.

    Friday was our regular trip to town. I had a couple of extra things on it and was successful in finding some knives for the missionary home. We were home the rest of the day so went to my list and did what I could. I already resorted back to my old way of my list. I may not get to thing I think need to be done any faster but I'm not always trying to remember things that I have on the daily list that were not always coming up daily so my mind was not remembering as well.

    Saturday we got up early. I was eating my breakfast while watching TV and all at once my chair was rattling and the TV was moving back and forth. I just kind of froze and realized when it ended that I must have just felt my first earthquake. There have been others but I never felt them. It was a 5.6 and the main part was in Oklahoma. I won't mind if it's a long time before I feel another one. We took off and went to the DAV book sale - we are pickier about what we get but still spent $50 and the books are 3/$1 so we have quite a few books in the trunk. We'll leave them there till tomorrow. From the book sale we went to a cousin's (by marriage) funeral. He was 95 and had not been in good health. I did not know him well but I always thought Ralph has a lot of first cousins with 50 of them. This man had 125 cousins on one side and 105 on the other. That's a lot of relatives. They had a meal after the funeral so we got home about 2. Did a little bit for today. Gathered my food together for the potluck and did quite a bit of walking around the house. Then we went to a potluck at church and a worship service with the Arab conference. We had an update on a church in Syria we pray for. I had a hard time concentrating on the message cause the speaker was his own translator so he would speak in Arabic and then English and back and forth. But it was still a very nice evening. On the way home we dropped off some thing with our missionary friends and visited with them for a bit so it was a full day. So far today I have set the table and done our pills. We have donuts and juice at church to start the quarter. We start a new class of 2 year olds today - 8 of them. Hoping it goes well.

    Will send this off now and do my replies later. Have a great day.
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    I'm back - wedding reception still to go to but everyone is gone from dinner. And I have leftovers this week - more hot dogs than hamburgers plus the sub sandwich we bought at Walmart and didn't start cause we realized we still had part of the one from the week before to eat. So I won't cook much this week (and I'm not complaining).

    Sheryl, sorry you missed the lunch but another day. But at least Blue Apron to the rescue and a delicious meal you had. You and John always get interesting things done. I figure if you keep up with laundry and meals, the rest of the decluttering can wait even though it's good to work on it. Even the stuff in the room I had to rearrange to get the dresser out looks better to me now even though the stuff is just there - just rearranged. This could be a good time of year to get patio furniture as long as you don't mind waiting. Sorry Norma is having more frustration with your mother. We are working with my uncle Joe - my niece is having some frustrations with him but not sure we can help much. Need to call and talk with her again.

    Marcie, I'm sure you're glad to have the required training out of the way. Did you take Friday off too? Glad your dad is doing better. Never heard of that show - The Night Of - always nice to have something you enjoy to watch.

    Sheryl, I hope you had a wonderful time with Norma and John did okay. Can't wait to hear about it.

    Isabella, not sure I'd have gone in and worked on Friday but it sure has made the weekend more relaxing for you. Sounds like it's going well for you. Sounds like you and Dan are working well together at the grocery store. Ralph seems to continually fight stuff in his eyes and this is to help clear it up but I'm not sure it's helping. We're to use it another week.

    Hi Anew, you posted just shortly before I did. Good to hear from you. So glad taking it easy has gotten your blood pressure down and out of the hospital. Hope you can keep it that way. Funny about having to do the cane when hubby is gone. I'm glad you can feel the results. But it doesn't sound fun. But it's giving you huge results - keep amazing those doctors. Sounds like you know what to do.

    Guess I'll start working on my list for tomorrow till it's time to leave. Still trying to get hold of Lori - she acted like she wanted some help tomorrow so need to figure things out so I know what time I'll have here.
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    edited September 2016
    Good Morning. Saturday was wonderful, I was gone longer than expected, but John did well on his own. I checked the Southwest web site and saw that their flight was early. I left at noon and got to the airport by 12:30 and watched them land. They waited until everyone else deplaned since they had gotten wheelchairs for the other two ladies. They can walk, but walking through the whole airport is a bit much to ask. They are both much older than Norma. I drove up to the baggage area and picked them up, it worked out so smoothly. We immediately went to lunch, all were hungry. There's a Shari's right on Airport Way. The drive to Seaside was gorgeous, the weather perfect. I stayed and visited longer than I had planned, an hour and a half, so I got home an hour later than I told John, 8 pm instead of 7 pm. But, it was still light out, so he wasn't concerned, he doesn't keep track of time except for day and night, sun is out or it's not. During the drive out, Norma and I had 2 hours to visit, she sat in the front passenger seat and the other ladies have trouble hearing, so they just watched the scenery from the back seat and did not talk much at all in the car.

    Friday, I stopped at Lowe's for a few items and checked out their patio furniture "clearance" and it's just about all gone already. No swings or gliders to try out. Only 2 table and chair sets left on display. I mentioned that to Norma Saturday, plus that I wasn't sure if I could fit it in the car and the truck has a load of hay still on it, she reminded me to go to the internet and have it delivered. I checked last night and Lowe's didn't have anything I liked, but I found a real nice one on Amazon and plan to order it this morning.

    Isabella, we thought of returning the compressor, but for just a stripped screw that really doesn't do anything, I thought it would have been a hassle to rebox it and try to exchange it. No guarantee that the next one would be any better. Also, the cashier and the receipt state that there is a restock charge on that item. John's been using it and it works well for our purposes.

    Norma has stripped that poster off her living room wall. She's taking down all wall paper and already ordered her paint. She's so excited to update her house, but it will be a lot of work. I wish I lived closer, I like painting and we could visit while doing it. Did I tell you that one evening, she called me and put me on speaker phone and we talked while she stripped wall paper? Not for too long, I guess it was about 1/2 hour, but she could work and talk at the same time.

    Debora, I thought I had a lot of cousins, 17, but Ralph and his family have me beat. Over a hundred cousins on each side of the family is enormous, and I imagine such a blessing too. It HAS to be potluck when they all get together, too much cooking for one hostess. Norma is always saddened by the fact that her boys have no first cousins. Don's brothers had no children and I have no kids either. Her boys' childhood was so different from ours, no first cousins to get into trouble with at family gatherings.

    I did see that my PBS station was running Downton Abbey all weekend, but I didn't have a chance to watch any of it. I didn't even try, since I have the dvds and could watch it again at my convenience. As I mentioned before, I also got the dvds for Call The Midwife and Mr. Selfridge, and have only watched the first season of Call The Midwife. They are sitting right there, but I don't make the time to watch, something else always comes up.

    I think I'll clean the pool today. It sure gets dirty fast, all the ducks and geese pooping in there. They love it when it's filled with fresh water. I clean out the little wading pools often, but the big stock tank gets attention about once a month.

    I guess that's it for now, I hear John getting up. Time for a fresh pot of coffee.
  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    Hi all, Happy Labor day! The long weekend has been going well. On Saturday, the free concert at the library was a bluegrass band called Virtual Strangers. Very enjoyable upbeat music. The place we wanted to go to for lunch/dinner afterward had closed at 3pm and would not open until 5pm. We didn't want to wait so ended up at a place called Iron Wok. It was just OK and we won't go back. Sunday we went to church and grocery shopping then relaxed the rest of the day. I made curry chicken for dinner and it came out really good!

    No big plans for today. More relaxing. :smiley: I'm doing laundry and I'm going to go sit outside and read in a few minutes. I bought steaks for tonight. I'll sauté some mushrooms to have with it and make some mashed potatoes too. We haven't had steak in a very long time so we are looking forward to it.

    My friend Jami is in Paris and her son who is taking care of her dogs now has to fly to Chicago unexpectedly because his grandfather passed away suddenly so I am next in line to go up there and feed the dogs. I will have to go Tuesday and Wednesday night only so not too bad. Not sure how I'm going to work that out with bible study Wednesday night but I'll figure it out.

    Anew, so glad you are keeping busy and that the therapy cane is working so well. I'll have to look that up.

    Sheryl, your drive/visit with Norma and the gals sounds wonderful! Very happy to hear that John did well while you were away too. I completely understand why you didn't return the compressor. We probably would have done the same thing. You will have to show us a picture of what you ordered from Amazon. Also look forward to seeing pics of Norma's house when she is finished.

    Well that sunshine and interesting book I'm reading are calling me. Have a great week all!
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Hi, a quick pop in...we're heading out for another adventure, driving to Astoria.

    One of Norma's friends left her I-pad in my car last Saturday. They had planned to drive to my house yesterday or today to pick it up, but their plans changed and I had a doctor's appointment yesterday. So, today we'll drive to the coast and meet up with them. John will go with me this time, so it will be a fun day for us and I hope he doesn't mind meeting a bunch of new people. we'll see how it goes.
  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    Good morning all.

    We're going to have another lovely summer day today. A little warmer than the last few days, but still nice.

    I wound up taking last Friday off and yesterday as well, so I had a nice five day weekend. I really enjoyed the time off. Did a lot of shopping and house cleaning.

    Our neighbor across the street had security cameras installed in her house yesterday. He truck that was parked on the street was broken in to a couple weeks ago, so she's decided cameras might be helpful if something like that happens again. It seems like more and more of our neighbors are doing this now. We'll probably do the same one of these days. Robberies seem to be on the rise. Pretty sad.

    Saturday morning I got up early enough that I could go out to breakfast with Dad. He took me to one of his favorite hole-in-the-wall places. It was really good. I got a chicken/mushroom/avocado omelette. Dad said leave it to me to get the yuckiest thing on the menu (he hates mushrooms and avocados). Ha! He didn't even have to tell them what he wanted. They have it memorized.

    Saturday afternoon when I went to Costco I decided to have lunch at the Applebees that's in the same lot. It just opened recently and I've never been there. I ordered the salmon with mashed sweet potato and broccoli. It was so good.

    Lately Dad's been having trouble drinking milk. He thinks he's becoming lactose intolerant. He bought some Lactaid milk the other day, and it's actually not too bad. He'll use that from now on. It's a bit pricey though.

    I looked to see if Downton Abbey was being televised on cable. I found it On Demand, but they are charging $3 per episode, so I won't be watching that.

    One of my co-workers will be retiring next month, so we are going to have a retirement luncheon for her on October 5th. We'll be going to The Old Spaghetti Factory. The price per person will be $23, so that will be a bit cha-chingy. That will cover the meal plus the gift. I hate that restaurant in the downtown area. The parking is just terrible and it's too far away to walk there.

    Sheryl, I hope you and John have a nice day out and about.

    Isabella, it sounds like you had a nice mini-vacation. I guess its back to work today like me!

    Debora, that earthquake must have been jarring. I haven't felt many in my life, but when I did it was not a good feeling. The last time I was on my bed an it started moving back and forth.

    Well, I guess I'd better get to work now. I just have one meeting today, and then the rest of the day will be catch up from the days I was off.

    Have a nice day everyone.
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Oh my, the wedding reception was nice Sunday evening. They had a full meal - BBQ pork sandwiches, fruit salad, chips and cake and ice cream. We stayed the whole time - had fun visiting and got to hold a little baby for awhile.

    Monday morning my sister and I went to Lori's and we worked on Emily's old room. We cleaned all the stuff the girls had spread in there, finished taking care of the rest of Emily's stuff, took up the carpet (nice wood floor underneath). When there wasn't work for two of us, I cleaned out their van and made more piles for Lori to go through. We took a break and ate at McDonalds and sister held Maggie while she napped. Lori looked up two cell phones for me and helped me choose one and I ordered it after we came home. They finished up the room after we left and the picture she posted looks really good.

    When we got home, my sister called and told me something was going on with Alan's kids. The oldest one they adopted has some anger issues and acts out inappropriately. Anyway, they called it in and she was removed from the home to determine how to help her. (I got this all from my sister - they have not told me anything which is hard too especially when I know they told some of their friends but this is the son we've had other conflicts with). As I understand it from my sister, she has a court time on Thursday and their recommendation will be to have her be at home and get counseling. It's not an easy time.

    Tuesday morning we headed in for Ralph's physical . We got it and lab done in time to meet out missionary friends at the Used Bookstore. All books were 50% off so ran about $2 each which isn't a bad price but he found a lot of books so the check I wrote was a bit bigger than I'd anticipated. We had him take them home so he could go through them for fun - can't ship them for a few months anyway. We are at Burger King and then headed home and did what I could here.

    Today I worked on the Echoes again. We got through 2 years so it's progress. Came home and heated up the hot dogs for lunch. In a bit, I'm taking my sister to get her fixed car and dropping our keyboard and some other items off at our missionary friend's house and later tonight we'll go to Lori's and get the stuff for the State Fair since I didn't think about getting it Monday. :) So things don't slow down too much.

    Oh Shirley, sounds like your time with the girls was so much fun and it all went so smoothly. Glad to hear that John did okay too. Having the DVDs is great - you can watch at your own pace - binge watch or here and there when you have time and aren't too busy (ha). It was fun to listen as I did other stuff. Did you get the pool cleaned?

    Isabella, what a nice weekend you had. Lots of time to relax and still take care of some things at home. Did you finish your book? Another good concert. Your steak meal sounds good.

    I'm sure after Monday off, everyone dived into a busy work week. Take care of yourselves.
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    edited September 2016
    Good Morning...get ready, I want to really vent today. I told you yesterday that John and I were driving out to Astoria for the day, nice drive and meet up with Norma and her friends. They had planned to go to the Columbia River Maritime Museum, someplace that John and I have talked about going to for a long time. In fact, one of our drives, many years ago, we stopped there, but it was late afternoon and the museum closes at 5:30 pm so we decided not to pay for only a short time inside. We always said that we'd go back one day. When I reminded John that this is a place we've been wanting to go to for years, his response was that years ago, he was younger then. DUH! Weren't we all !!!! When I told him that we were going to return Estelene's I-pad, he said that we could package it up and mail it. How Rude!! He no longer puts others first and never puts himself out for someone else's benefit anymore. This dementia (or just old age, cause Mom is like this too) has made him so selfish, not like him at all. I said that the drive would be nice, but, 1/2 hour before leaving, he said he wouldn't go. I said I'm going anyway and I had a terrific time. Norma and I had a chance to visit even more, we broke away from the group for a couple hours and also going to lunch, Norma went with me in my car since we all couldn't fit a one car. It was great to just gab and yes, we both vented...me, about John and Norma, about Mom. We have promised each other that we will never be this way. Sure hope we are in a state of mind that we can keep this promise.

    Now, the kicker. I got home about 5:30 pm and John was in the garage, so he saw me pull in and came to open the gate for me. He sheepishly and poutingly apologized for ruining my morning and after he reread the big note I left on the kitchen counter, I am going to the Maritime Museum in Astoria with Norma. I'll be home before dark. He said that he would have liked to go, but didn't see it until after I left. I said I told you, many times, where we were going to go, but he had in his mind that I was going to Seattle and he didn't want to go there. I never, ever mentioned Seattle, I don't know where that came from. The only thing I can figure is if I mentioned Linda lives in Seaside, he heard Seattle. I said we'd go another time, I saw several things along the way that looked interesting, an Eagle Sanctuary and a Wildlife Refuge off of Highway 30. Lots of Lewis and Clark attractions.

    Thanks for listening, I got that off my chest.

    Oh, then, when John opened the gate for me he asked if he should bring in my big barrel to the inside of the gate. It's a barrel I put out for package deliveries, so no one has to mess with the gates and possibly be "attacked" by animals trying to get to the house. I asked if the Blue Apron meals were delivered already and he said yes, he got a box out of it, so I said OK, bring the barrel in. After coming in the house, and naturally, making a trip to the bathroom, first things first, I looked around for the box. Not on the table, not on the counter, not on the floor. I asked John where he put the box and he didn't know. Isn't it on the table? No. "It has to be here somewhere, it was a very big box and it was very heavy, I had a hard time getting it out of the barrel." So, we went on a search for a box of Blue Apron meals. I told John to go out and check the garage while I called Norma to let her know I got home safely, and of course, to vent to her about what just went on. Ha ha ha, she told me to call her back when I found the box and let her know where it was. I went out to find John chatting with a neighbor and when I asked if he checked the garage already, he said "for what?" Sheesh, I looked in the garage and the barn, no box. I came back in the house before walking out to the pasture to check out there. I couldn't imagine where it might be. Why would he carry it out to the pasture???? Especially if it was "very heavy", BUT, I never know anymore where I might find things. John came in the back door with a smile on his face and said "front door". We always use the back door, but he had carried it over to the front and left it on the deck near the front door. I would have never looked there. I called Norma back, had a good laugh, and then started dinner, BBQ Sloppy Joe's, a meal from the box. They were good.

    Today, I have a blood test scheduled for my warfarin med. Very quick, in and out, finger prick so I'll have a chance to stop at the grocery store on my way home...You'll be surprised, but I'm out of coffee!!!!!!! Yikes!!!!!!!!!! I had to make a pot of decaf this morning. I still have a small package of decaf in the pantry for when my friend JoAnne would come over, she only drinks decaf if and when she drinks coffee. It's very old, since JoAnne hasn't come over since before I got sick. This isn't the greatest, but it's still coffee. In fact, it tastes awful. Boy, am I addicted.

    Isabella, I think you're right about the blood pressure numbers. I have noticed that even if that first number is good, sometimes the monitor states a Number 3 and it's due to the second number being too high. This monitor has a little scale 1-5, #1 being normal and #5 being high. I've had readings numbering 1,2 and 3, but fortunately not any higher than that. Yesterday afternoon it was 123/92, a #3. I'm sure it's the 92 that bumped up the reading to a 3. Last night it read 115/75, a #1. It sure does fluctuate throughout the day. In the morning, right after John said he wouldn't go with me it was 130/90. I have to call the doctor today and give her the average numbers for the past week.

    Debora, I'm praying for your family. Must be hard having a problem child and especially if things aren't quite right with the relationship with Alan, he doesn't confide in you. I know that things are rough between Alan and Ralph, I'll just keep praying.
    I had also meant to mention about your earthquake. Glad you are OK, I told myself to check on Granny and still haven't done that. Our news said that the epicenter was just outside Tulsa and so is Granny. I need to email her. Growing up in Southern California, I've gone through many earthquakes and don't even think about it much. There was a big one in 1971, my senior year of high school and I learned about it after getting to school, I slept right through it.

    So much other stuff going on, I never did get the pool drained, cleaned and refilled this week. One of these days, soon.

  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    Good morning.

    Yesterday was the warmest day we've had in weeks. Upper 90s. We walked to the Iron Horse Tavern yesterday afternoon for lunch (it's about 6 blocks from work) and I was feeling the heat by the time we got there. I had their house burger and a few homemade potato chips. Really good.

    I must have been really tired last night. I fell asleep watching TV. Luckily I woke up around 1 am (Cisco was nudging me to get up and let him out to go the bathroom which I usually do around 11 pm). My alarm wasn't set, so if I hadn't woken up I probably would have been late to work. I never fall asleep like that. Maybe the heat got to me yesterday.

    Cisco is not a happy dog right now. We've been sticking to our guns and only feeding him the weight control dog food. He eventually eats it, but very slowly. He takes one piece at a time. Carries it over to the carpet. Studies it. Sighs deeply. Then eats it. Sheesh. We'll win this battle! We're determined to knock a few pounds off of that dog.

    Dad has a new walking buddy for his 7 pm walks with Cisco. This guy walks his huge long-legged dog, Duke, at that time, so they've been walking together. Dad says for every step that Duke takes, Cisco has to take about five steps to keep up. The group Dad walks with in the morning decided to change their walk time from 6:30 am to 8 am. Dad prefers walking earlier, so he's not walking with them as much lately. Just now and then.

    I think today will be a good, productive day here at work. I have no meetings to attend (yay!) and will be able to just focus on getting things done.

    Wow Sheryl. What a day you had yesterday! I'm glad you were able to go and spend some time with Norma and vent. Did you enjoy the Maritime Museum? I hope your day today is less stressful.

    Debora, that's sad about the child with anger issues. I sure hope she gets the help she needs. When does your state fair start?

    Have a good day!
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    edited September 2016
    Ahhhhhhhh, good mug of Yuban.

    Good Morning. With a sale and a coupon, I got the name brand coffee less than 1/2 the price of the generic I usually buy.

    My appointment went quick, walked in, they took me directly into the lab, pricked my finger and I was on my way within 5 minutes. My INR is 2.3, within the range that I'm suppose to be, so no change in medication. I'll go again in a month. I stopped by Trader Joe's and saw a lot of new items on the shelves. Some things I'm not too interested in, "pumpkin chai" everything, but I did get some new chewy granola bars with Oats, Millet, Quinoa, Amaranth, Buckwheat & Dark Chocolate Chunks. With all those grains, I think I'm going to be chewing The Country Tart. I also splurged and bought a jar of "Bacon Jam". I have no idea what it will taste like, or what I'll use it on, but it's BACON, so it HAS TO BE GOOD.

    Marcie, I did walk through most of the museum and we looked at photos and read some of the descriptions, but I honestly can't remember details, I was more interested in just chatting with Norma. She bought tickets to the 3-D movie, "Penguins", but about 15 minutes into it, we heard a loud pop and it went dark. The projector had blown. There was audio, but no video. They gave her a full refund on the movie. We went to The Buoy for lunch, a restaurant, right on the water, and with a glass portion of the floor so we could watch the sea lions resting on the planks underneath us. Funny thing, they are famous for their Rockfish and Chips and I was all set for fish, but they had run out of it and took it off the menu for the day. The others got sole or salmon, but Norma and I split a beef brisket on ciabatta and then we each got a cup of clam chowder, very very tasty. (I'll be fixing salmon today, Blue Apron) Another so funny, Linda insisted on a table by the window so we could have a nice view, so we waited for it. There was immediate seating in the "Tap Room" (they brew their own beer), but we insisted on being near a window. When we got to our table, the window (a huge glass sliding door) was open and everyone but me was cold with that river air breeze coming right in. The ladies asked to close the window, but the waitress said that other patrons want it open and we could be reseated in the Tap Room, if we would like. They just put their coats on and we enjoyed the view, and I enjoyed the breeze, no coat, I didn't even take my jacket. I have become acclimated to this weather. They are all used to Southern California heat.

    Another twist and turn in our plans and I get to enjoy Norma's vacation once again. She flies Southwest and that airline has a first come, first served policy. (I'm used to Alaska Air and reserve my seat when I buy the ticket). So, 24 hours before the flight, she prints out her boarding pass and gets a seat assignment. The closer to the time of the flight, the less choice of seats there are, so she usually gets on the computer exactly 24 hours before to get first choice. Linda does not have a printer, so Norma and I will connect by phone and I'll print their boarding passes this afternoon. We'll meet up for lunch tomorrow near the airport and I can give them the boarding passes and visit with them again. I hope to convince John to go with me and then we'll drive over to Harbor Freight after lunch. That should entice him to go. The girls really want to meet him, they've heard so much about him. But, I'm not telling him that.