Pot Bellied Stove / Water Cooler



  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    edited July 2016
    Good Morning. We're having great working weather and got more done outside. It's overcast in the morning and in the 70's, not too hot and not cold, then the clouds burn off and our highs are low 80's, still very comfortable. I got John out of the house two afternoons in a row, Friday and yesterday. Since we were out, I treated myself to eating out. John didn't put up too much of a fuss. Friday, we stopped at 95th Street Grill again, that place is becoming a favorite. Their July special is a bacon cheeseburger with a side and a drink, for $5.00. We both got that, John got fries and I got onion rings. It was so good. Yesterday, we stopped at Kitchen Table Café and I got my usual favorite, avocado benedict and John got his usual hamburger. I'm so glad John likes burgers...I'm planning on fixing burgers here at home today.

    We are taking the old deck apart and that's fun, John and I working together to destroy something.

    My cousins, Leo and Freya and their kids (daughter, son-in-law and 2 grandkids) are on an Alaska cruise right now. After they dock in Seattle Tuesday morning, and get off the ship, they'll give me a call and let me know they are headed our way. Not knowing how long it takes to disembark, I'm guessing they will get here by noon. It will be great to see them and the kids will love seeing the animals. I'll be spending part of tomorrow cleaning the pools so the water is clean and fresh and inviting. Hopefully, the birds will get in and splash around to entertain them. It looks so nice when the water is crystal clear, but that doesn't last long with these ducks and geese.

    Marcie, John didn't fuss to much about leaving Cookie outside. We were starting to have trouble getting him in at night, he got very independent, with an attitude very fast, and when Cookie started pecking John's hand when he wanted to pet him...

    Isabella, I saw that NM Family post too, it was Susano. I thought the same thing, I wish she'd come by here and chat. I'm also still waiting on what Susan and Lynn plan to do with One Kind Planet. I think that might be dead in the water, they both seem so busy with other things.

    I had to leave for awhile and thought I had lost this, I better post it before I really do lose it.

  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    edited July 2016
    Good morning ladies, well I bought the chair. It was made in America, $329 new, was purchased in 2015 and I paid $110 for it. They will deliver it to work tomorrow at no extra charge. I am very happy. :) I was blowing out my knee with my current chair (which isn't even a year old yet) because I would move but the chair did not move with me!

    Dan and I went to late lunch/early dinner last night after we bought the chair to celebrate all my overtime and the end of his jury duty. We went to Hamburger Factory again and finally got something beside a hamburger. He got fried chicken (which we haven't had in years) and I got a deluxe French dip. Both were OK but not as good as their hamburgers. Go figure! ;) Then we came home and watched an old 60's movie we had recorded called "It's a Bikini World". It was pretty corny but we loved the "historical value" of it. They had some old bands in it like The Animals and The Toys and seeing old Malibu and Hollywood was priceless. Not to mention the clothes and hairdos of the times.

    We started recording a new "comedy" (and I use the term loosely) called Wrecked on TBS that I had heard about that was supposed to be a sort of spoof of Lost. Well, the first episode was OK and got progressively worse. The last episode was so vulgar that we just deleted the series from our system. I don't know why anyone would think that stuff is funny! Not sure who they thought their audience is - maybe 20 to 30 something males?? Anyway, I don't know if any of you watch shows on Sci-fi but we've been watching a show called Dark Matter which just started their second season. It started out very slow while they developed the characters and the premise and has gotten progressively better. The second season has been really good.

    Marcie, I'm sorry, I should have been more clear on who Jan is (what, you can't read my mind?! :wink: ). She is my bible study teacher who I am bringing the meal to today. Dan has never met her and is coming with me to drop off the meal and visit for a bit. I love the story of your traveling chair. My situation will be a bit different in that when I get the chair tomorrow I will pass my old new chair on to a co-worker.

    Sheryl, very good that your weather has been nice enough to get lots of stuff done outside and working together is fun. Your cousins will enjoy it and will have lots of stories to tell about their cruise.

    Well, I'm off to church. Have a great week everyone!
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    edited July 2016
    I'm back again. Never know what or when or how I get pulled away and so distracted.

    Yesterday was also very productive because I got John to sit for a haircut and beard trim. And then, a shower and back and leg massage with essential oils. I used lavender. Now, he looks great and smells heavenly. I told him that I need to put this activity on the calendar so we do it regularly. He laughed and said, "like every 1/2 hour?" I said, whatever it takes, I just want you smelling good all the time.

    I got some photos I'll put over on the other post. Not great photos...just the septic tank.
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Hi, we got 3 inches of rain this morning in a short time so had water across the road till it quit and then it only got up to 80 - could use that kind of weather next week. Ralph was surprised to find the cinnamon bread and one loaf is almost gone. Fashion Revue was good. I was glad I took a jacket cause the commons area at the school when I sat was freezing. I was able to get away to watch Lucy do her modeling. She said she does it mainly to get a new outfit so her mom is not sure if they'll do it next year or not. I didn't get home until 5 but got what needed to be done done.

    Sunday was a full day. I taught the lesson in Sunday School. Still trying to find someone new to teach with us next year cause one of our group is ready to quit. The one person I asked gave me a no today. Kids stayed until the Youth Group got home so they could get Thomas. And then we went to church in the evening. Good speakers.

    Because of the water on the road, I did not go walk this morning but got a good number of steps here at home. Didn't do anything worth writing home about. I made more cucumbers and onions, fixed stuffed peppers for dinner, made the applesauce jello for the meal I'm doing tomorrow. I did a load of laundry, 10 minutes of decluttering and other little stuff. Tomorrow I'll get the meal done in the morning and do stuff here. A couple days at home and then a day more gone - that's how it goes.

    Isabella, nice that your company is concerned about your safety but two hours is quite a bit of work. Yay on the office chair. Is it doing all you wanted? I'm sure Dan enjoyed meeting Jan. I'll put the recipe for spicy potatoes over in the recipes when I get around to it. It's several spices mixed in with the potatoes, butter on top and cooked all morning in the crockpot. I peeled my potatoes but I'm sure you wouldn't have to.

    Marcie, eating out on Saturday is kind of a nice treat and a good break while doing your errands. Glad the mystery of the fireworks was solved and hopefully brought to an end.

    Sheryl, great on all the work you guys are getting done outside. I think it's fun to eat out when doing errands so glad you got John to do it - twice. Taking things apart are fun and next you'll enjoy watching the new go in. Yay on getting the haircut, etc. done.

    Bedtime is coming up here so I'm going to close and head that way.
  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    Good morning, its been a while again since I have been here. I have been reading now and then but that's about it. The weather has been hot and humid which is usual for us and we haven't had much rain to help cool things down. We bought a new dishwasher and a new stove a couple of weeks ago, and I cant say better things about how clean the dishes are coming out of the new dishwasher. I am amazed and I am using the same products I used in the the other dishwasher. It just goes to show that thing must have just been too old and possibly had way too much stuff built up inside it or something.

    The only complaints I have about the dishwasher is the silverware tray doesn't open up so I can pull things out without touching the silverware on the eating areas. I was hoping to find one of those but couldn't see it in person because no appliance place had one in stock. The bottom racks tines don't lay flat when needed for larger items so you have to pull out an entire row of tines and that just makes half the rack useless that way. Otherwise I am quite happy, I have two bottle washers on the top rack and it is adjustable down about 2" or so which was perfect to fit the bottle over the bottle washers. I put the dishwasher through the ringer the first time I used it. I left dishes on the stove after scraping them and then I cleaned it all on heavy duty while setting it to steam first. Everything came clean and shiny. I haven't used heavy duty since but at least I know it works, lol. Here is the dishwasher we got on sale for $399 and free delivery over the July 4 holiday sale.


    The stove is an upgrade from what I had, there is a timer allowing me to set the bake time and it shuts the oven off when that time comes. I don't know when I will ever use it because it seems it would be good for things such as casseroles, which I don't make very often, and I can't see using that while roasting a chicken or something similar. It also has a delay start timer, but I can't figure out how I would ever use that either, lol. Wouldn't food go bad while sitting in the oven waiting for the oven to turn on and get hot enough to bake? Another thing, I think it might be good for is, say a frozen casserole placed in the oven 1 hour before baking, but I don't see any other benefit, lol. The best part about this stove is that my burners I bought for my last stove fit this new one and the oven racks fit it as well. Perfect, now I have four oven racks for baking cookies if I want to do another cookie bake and that $150 I spent on new burners a few months back didn't go to waste. :smiley: I also like the fact that my big stock pot can be placed on the back burner without touching the back control area now. I can actually put my hand between the pot and the control area so that makes me happy. My old one was also a GE.

    Another awesome deal is hubby put in a vent to the outside for the stove so now I don't have smoke or smells staying inside. He was able to send it out through a vent on the side of the house that was already there. This was perfect because it means not going through the roof and having to pay for another windstorm certificate. Score!

    Here is the stove we bought also on sale for $404 and free delivery.


    We got great deals on them but we still had to buy all the extras like hoses and cords and we also decided to get the 5 year warranty for each one because so many people have problems with the new appliances. I figure if it breaks it only cost us a couple hundred dollars in five years instead of paying for them all over again. In order to bring the new appliances into the kitchen we had to move that 48" cabinet/counter we had put there on the L. There wasn't enough space between the end of the cabinet and the refrigerator. So, now we moved the refrigerator over to the wall the 48" cabinet was on and jutting out into the walkway, then we moved the freezer down the wall to accommodate 48" counter against the wall. Although the freezer is now hanging out past the wall opening by about 14", it gives me a huge 72" long counter space. It also makes getting to all my baking supplies and spices easier than having to walk out of the kitchen to the L.

    I don't care to have a refrigerator and a freezer on walls opposite themselves, because it closes off the kitchen when looking into it from the dining room. They are Katty corner to themselves because the wall the refrigerator is now on is at least 3 feet shorter than the one the upright freezer is on. All you see is tall appliances on both sides but it sure opened up the walkway, so I'll deal with it until we can decide what to do. I am just thankful to be able to cook and clean with much better ease now. My feet are thankful I don't have to stand there washing all the dishes which makes my feet hurt less and I only wash the stuff that doesn't go into the dishwasher, another win. :smiley:

    I hope you all have a great day today.

  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good Morning. This will be short, I still have several things to do this morning in preparation for company, clean the bathrooms and wash the dishes and clear the kitchen counters. A few things to make the house look a little cleaner. However, I think we'll spend most of the time outside. Freya wants the kids to see the animals and Jason, (son-in-law), will be interested in all of John's vehicles and parts. We'll also be going across the street to visit all the neighbor's animals too. Plus, Jack has many classic cars that will interest Jason.

    The two chores I had planned to have done by now, washing the windows and shearing the llamas, still haven't gotten done. Oh well, I will get to the windows sometime this summer and at this point, the llamas will probably wait until next year. I will brush them and groom them this summer, but if I shear them now, I think cold weather will set in before they get a warm coat back on. I should have done it in May and early June. Their fiber insulates very well and I think it keeps them cool in the summer just as it keeps them warm in winter. It's just that they look shaggy and dirty.

  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    edited July 2016
    Good Morning, yesterday was a great day. We had a good time visiting and playing. John and Jason talked trucks and the kids loved the animals. Naturally, the more friendly llamas seemed aggressive and the kids, ages 3 and 6, were a bit intimidated by Topaz and Bandit. Jacob wanted to see Snowflake (our loner and the one who usually stays the furthest away) and she just kept walking away and keeping her distance, so he followed her all around the pasture and as he got close, she just moved further away. A little disappointing, but kept him busy for a long time. Freya was very interested in the quality of our llamas' fiber, she spins and weaves. She gets alpaca fiber in Southern California and showed me some of her scarves and throws that she brought along. They were beautiful. Alpaca fiber is much softer and higher quality than llama. Years ago, I gave her some fiber from our llama, Beauty, and she made a hat for me, but it was so much extra work because of the coarse quality. And, it was hard to clean, I had washed the fiber before giving it to her and she said that she had to wash it several more times before she could spin it. Bandit has much finer and softer fiber, but it's still so dirty, I don't think Freya wants to mess with it.

    Now, I'm ready for the workers to show up and get started on the front deck. I have the gates and panels all ready to move out of the way so they can pull their trucks in. There's room to drive right up on the front lawn and have the supplies right next to the work area. We'll see how much they do today. I don't expect too much because they will pour concrete for the footings and I imagine that needs to set before they can build on it.

    Cookie's crowing woke me up at 5:20 this morning. He's starting earlier and earlier, but still OK that it's not at 2 or 3 am. With warmer weather, and we have the windows open during the night, I can really hear him. It will be interesting to see if he does follow the sunrise and start his crowing later when the days grow short again.

  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good Morning, what a busy two days, with workers in the yard, but they finished the deck in two days instead of three, Yay!!! It's all done. They were expecting to tear down the old deck and when they got here Wednesday, it was already gone, except for a few 4x4 posts. We had most of them loose, but left them in the holes so dirt and debris wouldn't fall in. I thought that they would need to use the same holes, which they did for the 4 corners, but they put in extra supports, so the in-between support posts are in different places. I'll post pictures on the photo post.

    John did fairly well through the whole thing. At first, he hovered over them watching every move, then he moved on and went in the pasture and did his "regular" work out there. Fortunately, he hasn't asked too many questions that I couldn't answer. We had temps well into the 90's, so I was happy to stay in the house, near the fan, and just watch the workers through the window and be nearby to answer questions.

    The finished product really makes the house look so much better. Now, I need to touch up the paint around the front door. Over the years, we've had a cat, plus a chicken, that scratched at the door frame wanting to come in.

    Today is forecast to be very hot again, so I probably won't do much outside. I'm amazed that the heat still zaps all my strength. I feel so lazy on these beautiful summer days. I should get John in the car, turn on the AC, and take a drive.

  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Week has moved along . I got to be home all day Tuesday so again just worked on my list. I mark things off and seems like I have as many new things the next day. It is what it is but some days it can be a bit frustrating. Wednesday we worked on the Echoes - progress there and fun visiting. I babysat in the afternoon. The last time with Derek's kids was really easy. This time I had to work harder but it was still fun - just much busier. They are potty training one so had to keep asking "Do you have to go potty?" Did have one success but he is saving number 2 for when he has a diaper on. :) Ralph had gone along to shop and visit bookstores. When Derek got home, they were going to the neighborhood pool so I kept Madden and Taryn who didn't want to go badly cause she had just gotten a new box of Legos until Ralph came and we took them to the pool. Then they asked us to stay for supper. We had yummy black bean/corn quesadillas. I liked them. Ralph ate his. The kids had to eat a small portion and then they got just cheese ones.
    Thursday I was home in the morning - put mainly things on I wanted to get done before the fair. In the afternoon we went to a seminar on knee and hip pain. Ralph found it helpful. The guy sitting next to Ralph was older we knew but in the course of the afternoon the guy in charge asked him how old he was. We all dropped our mouths when he said 99. Granted his son brought him and he used a walked but he was in good shape for his age. I went to Bible study in the evening. We finished our book on David and next are going to see how it goes with all reading through the Bible. We may take breaks with other things but going to try it anyway.
    This morning I'm headed off to walk, then go to fair set-up and then do some of my errands. Since I'll be going to town everyday through next Thursday I'll have plenty of chances to do things but it's also nice to have the running out of the way. I bought a half-pint of white rice at the chinese place in the grocery store and had dinner on the table quickly. We still had chicken, carrots and cauliflower to eat. Tonight was our pizza and salads.
    I did what I said - also got my voting done and have been doing stuff here at home since noon. I've made more cucumbers and onions and vegetable relish. Got my surprises ready for next week (little gifts for those in the Extension office), added the spicy potatoes and prince's cabbage to the recipe part and right now I'm finishing off some semi old peanuts. Will be at the fair a good part of the day tomorrow. Foods is judged and the grands will bring that. So I'll watch them get judged and spend time with them.

    Anew, yay on the dishwasher and stove. My stove is a Whirlpool but it sure looks like yours. I've always had a delay start timer and it's been used a lot - especially on Sundays. It might be handy for you on shopping days to have food ready when you get home. I don't use the stop time as much. I've never had any problems with food not being good, We never buy the warranties. That's more progress on your kitchen. How fun.

    Sheryl, I'm glad you had such a good time with your company and wow, you already have your new porch on. That went fast and it looks fantastic. It was fun to see the old come down and the new up in your pictures. Fun that you could watch them work and John was okay with them doing it. Did you go for a drive today.

    I'll probably come here and read but may not spend too much time here so have a good week.
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good Morning.

    Have a great week Debora, I know you'll be busy, fair week is always hectic.

    Anew, I agree with Debora about the food in the oven for delay bake. I have never had a problem with spoilage by having it sit in there and wait for the oven to come on. It sure was convenient when I was working. I rarely use it now though, since I'm home all the time.

    We did go out yesterday, and so glad we did because the news said it got up to 96 degrees and I would not have been able to keep John from working outside, even in that heat, he can't sit still and goes out. At one point, the "outside temp" on the dash of the car showed 98 degrees, but we were comfy inside with the AC blowing on us. We went to Fort Vancouver, a historical site right in the city. I wanted to go to the National Park Headquarters to get a senior pass to all the National Parks. After the age of 62, for a one time $10.00 fee, you can get a pass to get you in to all the parks for free. We got John a pass some years back, but he is having trouble signing his name now and you have to show the pass, your driver's license or some form of ID, and sign in, to get in free. John gives me fits when he has to sign anything. So, since I'm old enough now, I got my own pass. After viewing the visitor's center, we went to Pearson Air Museum and spent about an hour looking at the history of aviation. The fort and the air field are right next to each other. Last time we were there, we toured the fort and ran out of time and energy to stop at the air museum. This is something we could do much more often, walking around and seeing interesting things and it's close to home. It was a good, full, day.

    No set plans yet for today, but it should be cooler, so we'll probably get outside. When they installed the deck, they sawed both wood and the plastic in the front yard. I have no problem with sawdust, but I want to get the shop-vac out and suck up the bits of plastic before we let any animals in the yard. I'm pretty sure I'll do that today.

    I talked to Christina Thursday morning. She called me because she's having so much trouble with her hands, this time it was easier to talk than to type. She's on morphine full time now and said it's helping ease the chronic background pain. She's also been having breathing problems for awhile (I wasn't aware of that before) and spent about 5 hours at the allergist's office. Bottom line is asthma and multiple allergies. She was prescribed an inhaler and epi-pen to always carry with her. Her brother moved to town and lives very nearby, so she has some help and company during the day while Jason is at work.

    I guess that's it for now. I put on a fresh pot of coffee.
  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    Good morning all,
    I worked again yesterday. I worked a full day this time - started at 6:15am and worked until 3:30pm. Got loads done though and am somewhat caught up. We'll see what Monday brings! :wink: It was month end so there were quite a few people that came in for at least a few hours. Had a quick dinner of fish burgers and relaxed for the rest of the night watching an old movie and Dark Matter.

    Debora, you are even busier this week with the fair, etc. I bet the rain made it more humid? Thanks so much for posting the recipes. I will definitely make them. The chair is great but I do find that since I get up so often I don't sit all the way back in the chair so I will probably get a small cushion for lumbar support. We'll see. Our visit with Jan was great and she said she liked the food I brought so that made me happy.

    Sheryl, Wow, the deck looks fabulous! Great idea giving John the massage with the lavender oil. I would think it was very soothing for him. Sounds like your visit went very well as was expected. I'm not at all surprised that the heat saps your strength. You have to remember the ozone layer is somewhat depleted so the sun's rays are much more intense than they used to be. When Dan checks the weather everyday it says the sun exposure is "extreme". Good idea to get the parks pass. I know you'll make good use of it. Thanks for the update on Christina. Glad to hear that her brother lives close now. That has got to be good comfort for her.

    Anew, so great to hear from you! The appliances are wonderful! Sounds like the new set up in the kitchen is much more efficient too. My stove has the timer feature also but I've only used it a couple of times because like you I've been concerned about food sitting out too long before it turns on. I never thought of using it for frozen foods.

    Well, time flies per usual. Gotta go to church. Have a great week everyone!
  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    Good morning everyone.

    We had triple-digit weather most of last week and into the weekend. The highest was 107 degrees. Yesterday it cooled off a bit and "only" got to 97 degrees. As long as it stays in the 90s during the day, it usually cools down nicely once night falls, but when it gets up in the triple-digits we usually just leave the AC running until the next morning. Poor thing got a work out last week!

    Well, I bit the bullet this morning and weighed myself. At my second doctor's appointment on June 16th I had gained 20 pounds from my previous appointment on May 9th (caused from that awful bloating). As of this morning I've lost that 20 plus another 9 pounds. I thought I might have lost some weight because my clothes are getting big on me. I may have to go down another size here soon.

    Last week my cat Simon had his 14 birthday. I can't believe he is already 14 years old. I remember bringing him home (with his litter mate brother Casey). They were little 8-week old fur balls then and so cute. We got them from a co-worker of my Mom's who cat had a litter. They had already named Simon "socks" (because he's black with white fur on his paws). They didn't like it that I ditched that name. I also ditched the name they gave Casey (they were calling him "Meek" because he was the meekest of the litter...all of his "meekiness" went away quickly with us!).

    A couple of weeks was Cisco's 3 year anniversary with us. It seems like we've had him a lot longer than that. He was 1 1/2 years old when we adopted him, and he's 4 1/2 years old already.

    This month will be a month of appointments. I need to go get my blood test done, set up and appointment with my doctor, set up an appointment with the vet for my cat Simon's annual check up/vacinations, and set up an appointment to take my car in for its regular oil change/check up. I'm thinking about switching vets and take Simon to the vet that Cisco goes to. Their prices seem a bit more reasonable than the place I've been taking Simon for the last 14 years. Also, it will be nice to have them both go to the same place. The only problem I have with Cisco's vet is their parking lot isn't the best.

    I don't know what it is lately, but chickens and turkeys are showing up wandering around the neighborhood (not a common sight). One little chicken was found and picked up by a neighbor. He's been trying to find it a home for the last couple weeks. He was calling it "Wilbur" until one of his friends corrected him on the sex of the bird, so then he changed it to "Peepers." Yesterday one of his neighbors adopted the chick (they have chickens of their own). And, only their walks around the neighborhood, Dad said their is an old turkey that seems to be wandering around one of the more rural streets. He seems to be hanging in there (lots of bugs, etc. out there), but there are a lot of stray cats wandering around.

    Ugh, time to get back to work. Have a great day everyone.
  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    Good morning, It's been hot and humid here with the dew point so high the air conditioners can't keep up, lol. Sitting in the truck with A/C full blast and barely feeling anything out of it until it's been on at least 10 minutes is a bit taxing. The house a/c works great but it is also a bit more humid in the house because it can't control the humidity very well inside either. Speaking of my truck, I am now getting the engine light on and a trouble code which means 'Evap System Air Leak". When will it ever end? We are hoping there is a loose wire from all the work hubby did that is causing this.

    Hubby replaced my headlights with some new fangled "best of the best" and they are fantastic. I can actually see very well at night again, so it seems my old headlights were not up to par anymore and I don't drive much at night so it never really posed much of a problem for me. I am amazed at how much I could see last night, lol.

    I think I am hanging around the house all day today, I thought I might go to the store but have decided I don't want to deal with the heat. Stay cool out there everyone.

  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good Morning, we've been working on an outside water faucet for two days now. The job probably was a one hour job, but I wanted to include John in the process, so it's taking longer. This is the only faucet that doesn't have a shut off valve, so we needed to turn off the water at the main and thereby shut off the water to the house. In the process, since we needed to cut the pvc pipe anyway, I wanted to install an in-line shut off valve, so if it leaks again, we can just shut it off without affecting the house water. Also, I can shut it off for the winter and not worry about the faucet freezing.
    The can of pvc cement states that it "sets up" in 10 minutes, but is completely cured in 24 hours. John takes that very literally and decided to wait 24 hours before turning the water back on. Good thing it's done, I have an appointment today and need to take a shower.

    Marcie, that's interesting about Simon and Casey's earlier names. I don't why people would get upset that you changed them. It's a very personal thing and you have to live with those names. I would have liked to changed Beauty's name, the first llama we purchased. I think Beauty sounds pretentious, but the llamas were registered and I didn't want to go through the hassle and expense to redo all the paperwork. Snowflake fit her name, she was all white, although after many shearings, her tans and browns have come through now, so her name doesn't fit her either. Same with Chessie and she was born here and we named her. Full registered name is Cheshire because she had gray markings that gave her a Cheshire cat smile. But, those are all gone now too and so her name doesn't make any sense. Naming an animal is hard work. I bet it's even harder to name a child.

    I hear John getting up, so I better get off. See if I can get him go to my appointment with me.
  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    It's going to be an afternoon of meetings here at work, so thought I pop in here real quick.

    It's still hovering around 100 degrees here. Yesterday the air was real still and it felt hotter than it was (too me at least). We also have poor air quality right now due to a wild fire just north of us (tis the season for fires around here). Night before last the smoke had really settled in and it was so bad that your eyes watered when you walked outside. Just best to stayed indoors as much as possible. Doesn't seem to affect Dad much though. He and Cisco are still going on their twice daily walks (at dawn and dusk) and he's still walking with his walking group (at 6:30 am).

    I didn't get much sleep again last night. I tried for a couple of hours and then just gave it up and got up. I spent the time purging old items in the freezer and in the box freezer we keep out in the garage. Today is trash day, so I was able to get it all in the trash can before they got here at 6 am to pick up the trash.

    While he and Cisco were on their morning walk yesterday Dad noticed a stray dog in a neighbor's yard. He said the dog had a collar with tags on it, but wouldn't let him close enough to see it. So he snapped a picture of the dog and posted on the neighborhood's NextDoor website to see if anyone knew who the dog belonged to. The dog is back with it's family now. That website is sure useful when it comes to lost and found pets. It's always great when it ends well and the pet is reunited with its owners.

    Sheryl, you are so talented. All the things you are able to do to fix things around your property! I agree. Naming an animal is hard work. I've always been the "pet-namer" in my family. I can't even imagine having to name a child!

    I suppose I should eat a little something before I get back to work. I haven't eaten anything since 4 am and better get something in me. Not real hungry though. If I didn't have to take my Metformin pill, I probably would just skip it. Have to take that pill with food.

    Have a nice day. :)
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good Morning. I left John alone for 2 1/2 hours yesterday. My appointment was quick, but I stopped at the post office, bank and did some grocery shopping and knew John would not be interested in that. When I got home, John told me that he lost his glasses. I fixed us something to eat first, (I was starving, ha ha ha), and then we spent over an hour looking for his glasses, getting side tracked with other things that John remembered. He always says that he saw something that he wanted to tell me about, but then can't remember. Anyway, finally, I noticed the creeper out of place and thought that John must have used it and was rolling around under the vehicles. Sure enough, I found his glasses and an air hose nozzle under one of the trucks in the barn. We'll never know what he was doing under there, he can't remember. We're a comical couple around here.

    Today will be hot and I will take John with me. To get him out of the house, out of the hot pasture and also to take him to lunch at one of his favorite spots. We ordered a 3/4" pipe die to work on our plumbing and it came in and is ready to be picked up. We were so surprised that nobody carries this tool. All the stores we stopped at on Monday had smaller sizes, up to 1/2", so Tuesday, we went to Parkrose Hardware, a store around here famous for having EVERYTHING and great service and helpful people. (Privately owned, not ACE Hardware). Anyway, the Vancouver store was out, but the Portland store had one and trucked it over for us. We had bought plumbing parts from Lowe's and they are not going together smoothly, there are burrs in the threads, so John wants to run a tap and die on them and clean the threads. We got the tap, but had to wait for the die.

    For the last several weeks, John's been talking about going to Goldie's, a great little BBQ place close by. He mentioned it again when we were out on Monday, but they are closed on Mondays, so we'll go there today after we stop at the hardware store. Then, since it's going to be in the 90's, I'll probably keep driving in the nice A/C'd car and not come straight home.

    Tomorrow, we'll finish the outside faucet and get the spigot installed. So nice having that shut-off valve on there now. The PVC cement set up nicely and it's holding back the water. We have full pressure set on all the outside faucets, so sometimes the water pressure can blow a hose or a fitting. But, when you need high volume/high pressure to reach the far edges of the yard, it's great.

    We are leaving the house everyday this week. What a change for us, kind of nice. Tomorrow, (or Saturday), we'll go to Harbor Freight again. I got a coupon for 25% off any single item. I always get 20% coupons, but this one is for more discount, but only good Friday through Sunday. It's a good excuse to get John out of the house and get a discount on another tool that he wants. He has a bench grinder on his work bench and wants a separate stand for it, to free up more work bench room. Kind of like my kitchen counters, just never enough free space. We found a tool stand for $29.99, and now we can get it for 25% off.

    The shop is shaping up with beautiful new tools and stands and tool boxes, too bad John can't do the work anymore, but he enjoys looking around in there. Someday, someone will use all these tools.
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Marcie, even my Mom comments on how "handy" my sister and I are...our Dad taught us well. I guess he wanted to make sure we didn't have to depend on any man.
  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    Good afternoon everyone, I have some awesome news. We are having a grandbaby in a few months and I have been busy buying a bunch of Carters and Garanimals on clearance. I have quite a few nice outfits and layette things, and it's been such fun to hunt for them. It's been so hot here with dew point extremely high. There was absolutely no wind at 5 am this morning and it felt like I was standing next to a heater. I hope this changes soon.

    Have a great day everyone!

  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    Found out last night that one of my cousins (the son of my Dad's sister) has a brain tumor. He had surgery on it a while back, but its regrowing again. I feel so back for him. He's only 40 years old. He also has two brothers (both cancer free, but monitored closely). Cancer runs rampant on his father's side of his family. His father had 14 brothers and sisters, and cancer took him, his parents and all but one of his siblings.

    Congratulations Anew! Will this be your first grandbaby? Stay cool. I would not do well with the heat and humidity. At least we just get the heat, but very little humidity here.

    Sheryl, that was wise of your Dad. I've never been much of a do-it-yourselfer around the house. Glad you were able to track down the glasses. It must be like a puzzle trying to find things someone else misplaced, but you've gotten really good at it.

    Have a nice day everyone.
  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    Another day, another heat stroke, sheesh, t's been so hot here lately. I just came back from shopping and it took the a/c almost all the way home to really cool the truck down. At least nights are cooling some when the sun goes down.

    Mygnsac-This is my 4th grandchild, yay, I am so excited.

    I hope you all stay cool out there!