Pot Bellied Stove / Water Cooler



  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    Anew, looks like we were both posting at the same time. SO great to hear from you! We've missed you! So happy that the bugs are gone. Bummer you had to get new clothes and bedding but I'm sure it was well worth it. Also very happy to hear that the truck is finally up and running. What a relief! If anyone can keep it for another 15 years it will be you! :) The coffee bar sounds wonderful! So glad you are both enjoying it. I would love to hear more about your trigger point therapy. Sounds very interesting. Great that you are getting good results from it.
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good Morning.

    Anew, so great to see you here. Glad that you have many things under control now. Still praying for your health and especially your feet.

    Jannie, sorry that I didn't respond regarding the blinds. You're right, my silence meant that I have not had any experience replacing them. But, I could have, and should have, told you that. This old mobile home looks about the same as when we moved here 24 years ago. I'm not one to change much of anything and I don't decorate. Same old mini-blinds from the previous owners. They should be cleaned though, thanks for reminding me.

    Cookie spent both Saturday and Sunday outside, all day. In the evening, when I brought her in for the night, she sat on John's lap and just stretched out and "crashed". Totally exhausted. Wasn't hard to pick her up and put her in the cage for the night.

    I mentioned last week that Norma and I both called Mom on Thursday and she didn't answer. They had live music entertainment, 40's and 50's music, and she had gone to listen. The second floor (where her apartment is) has an open area overlooking the downstairs living room area and Mom sat up there and could see the performer and hear the music without "fighting the crowd" downstairs. She said that on Friday, they had a Cowboy Singer, but she didn't bother to go 'cause she didn't think she'd care for that kind of music. Well, at least she got out on Thursday, Yay!!
    Norma picked up Mom after work on Friday and took her (Mom) to her (Norma's) house for dinner. Made a Blue Apron meal. Norma said it turned out really good and when I talked to Mom, she said it was wonderful. This may become a regular thing now. Since Mom wants to spend time with Norma, but doesn't want to go out to eat or really go anywhere, and Norma wants to be able to get stuff done, not just sit in Mom's apartment when visiting, this may be the ideal "happy medium". Norma said the Blue Apron meals make cooking not quite so bad. (Norma hates to cook). And, she could get laundry done at the same time.

    I saw a post from Sylvia, a photo with the caption, "Our beautiful daughter and our handsome future son-in-law". Looks like Alex got engaged. Wow, how these kids all grow up right before our very eyes. Lynn's daughters are becoming young women also, not so "Tiny Tarts" anymore. However, they will always be the "Tiny Tarts" to us.

    I left the windows open last night, it was so warm, and this morning I am hearing a rooster crow in the distance. I love that sound...as long as it's in the distance. I will never have a rooster again, just too noisy.

    Time to make a fresh pot of coffee.
  • jlhawki
    jlhawki Posts: 225 Member
    Hi all!

    Sheryl--When no one answered about the blinds I figured that no one had on-line experience with it! I've sent in my $$ and they are going to be ordered and should be here in about 3 weeks. I just want them replaced--like you, I don't change things that much. If something works, I just leave it until it falls apart (or in this case Kringle pushed it up constantly to look outside and destroyed it!!) With my OCD, things being the same makes me happier :D Glad that Norma is loving the Blue Apron, I too hate to cook (actually it's the whole preplanning food buying I hate!) and think I'd like something like that also. Once the hungry boy bears aren't around, I'll consider it! :);)

    Anew-- so happy you checked in! Glad the bedbugs are gone, that has to be a giant relief :D Good news about the truck! Do you have any completed pics of the coffee bar? I'd like to see them if you do :disappointed:

    Aero-- We finally got some rain too! It was a slow drizzle which was nice, I would have liked a little more but that's ok. All those poor people in W. Va and the flooding makes me sad. Then of course all the fires in California isn't nice either! I also always have less than a dollar when I try to use my gift card :dizzy: It's almost always when I'm sure that it's the full card that I get the bad news that it's almost got nothing on it!

    Ivanek-- I figured when you said 'finished' with declutterin:disappointed: it wasn't really finished! I don't think many people (unless you live in a tiny home) don't have things they can get rid of ;) I have so much more stuff to go through here but just getting rid of some is better than none! I'm so glad you went to see your friend, that's probably one of the happiest things to happen to her this week! I am very sensitive to cigarette smoke and can't stand to be around it! Even after we go camping, I have to change my clothes immediately to get the campfire smell off :o

    Going to go think about dinner now! Hope you all have a good week! :)

  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good Morning, I spent most of my morning emailing back and forth to Christina, she's having another streak of everything going wrong. New meds are not quite right and although, she's sleeping more, it's not a good restful sleep, it's a drug induced grogginess.
    John is up already, so this will probably be short.

    Jannie, when you are interested in trying Blue Apron, email me, saferris@q.com
    I will submit your name for the free week of meals, you can choose from the 2-person plan (3 meals) or the family plan (2 meals for 4).
    This goes for any of you who want to try it, right now, I have 3 more free gifts to give out, but they continue to give me more.
    You do have to give all info as if you are joining, including credit card number, but you can cancel anytime. Due to the time of delivery and the time to cancel, actually be prepared to get 2 weeks of meals and you will have to pay for one. Unless you cancel immediately upon receipt of the first delivery before you even have a chance to prepare a recipe. I figure that by the time you make a meal or two, and decide if you like it, the time to cancel for that following week has passed. Not totally sure about this, maybe you can cancel at the last minute before delivery. It does state "cancel any time".

    Norma's continuing, she receives her second delivery today. She had a girlfriend over to dinner last Sunday and prepared the catfish recipe. She said it was terrific. I'm fixing the catfish for John and myself today. Norma said that she's going to try to have Mom over once a week for a meal and also can cook for this friend also, they usually have lunch together after church. They are tired of going out to eat every Sunday.

    Still great weather, so John and I will be outside almost all day, gotta go.

  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    edited June 2016
    Hi everyone.

    Hot, hot, hot. We reached around 106 degrees yesterday, and it feels like it will be much of the same today. I just got back from walking over to the Farmer's Market across the street from work and got a little toasty on that short walk. We are supposed to have triple-digit weather through Friday, then back down in the 90s for awhile. At least our AC got fixed before the really hot weather hit. We really lucked out there. You know it's hot here when it doesn't cool down enough to turn the AC off until after midnight!

    I bought this temperature gun the other other day so I can test the temperature at work and elsewhere to see if it's really cold inside, or just me. Well, it's not just me! The temperature at my desk at work under the AC vent is 71 degrees! No wonder I've been so cold inside lately.

    While doing the laundry on Sunday I wound up washing and drying Dad's Fitbit Zip device again. He keeps forgetting to remove it from his pants when he gives me his clothes to wash. That thing sure is sturdy though. This must be the fourth or fifth time its been washed and dryed, and it keeps on working just fine. Much more rugged than my Fitbit One was, which pretty much died after one trip in the dryer.

    I found out the other day that the son of one of my cousins has been drafted by the Baltimore Orioles baseball team. I never did meet him (and haven't seen my cousin since a family reunion in the late 70s), so I don't know him, but they are all really proud of him. Dad keeps up with that side of the family through his sister, Tyler's grandma.

    I'm not looking forward to next weekend. I know the 4th isn't until Monday, but I'm sure the neighborhood will be setting off loud fireworks all weekend. We've been putting Cisco in his Thunder Shirt for awhile everyday for the last few days. Hopefully that will help him with the loud noises heading his way.

    I didn't sleep well last night, so I think after I'm done here I'll go down to the parking garage and take a quick nap before my lunch hour is over. I can't stop yawning today.

    Anew, it's good hearing from you again. That's great news that the bites have stopped. What an ordeal all of that was.

    Jannie, glad you were able to reset your log-in streak. I did that a couple times, but then just gave it up. Now I don't even notice it. It's just the number of days we visit the site, and not the actual number of days we log our food anyway. I was thinking about ordering blinds online last summer for my bedroom window, but never got around to it. They need it. Maybe one of these days.

    Isabella, I agree with you about Five Easy Pieces. Not my kind of movie. I do recall though that back in the early 80's when we first got cable, that was one of the few movies that had available. Sounds like a good plan to set back from house shopping until after Dan has Jury duty behind him. I've been watching a lot of those "House Hunters" episodes on the HGTV network lately and just amazes me how pricey houses/condos/apts can be, especially in your area! Something you can buy in Ohio for $200,000 will cost $600,000 in CA.

    Debora, yes, I do take a multivitamin, but it's just a regular brand. I haven't run across one that is specific to diabetics. Will have to check that out. I went garage sale shopping the other day too. It's been a long time since I did that. Didn't find much though. I bought a meat thermometer for a $1 and that's it.

    Sheryl, loved the pic of Cookie on the bills! We could use her services too, especially on the electricity bill this time of year! I'm sorry to hear about your Dad's cousin's diagnosis. :( Glad Norma is enjoying the Blue Apron meals and that your Mom gets to try them too. I can understand why you don't want a rooster. I have two neighbors across the street who both keep chickens, and they both have a rooster. I don't hear it when I'm in the house, but if I'm outside at dawn I can sure hear the roosters telling everyone it's time to get up.

    Well, I'd better close while I still have a little time to go close my eyes for a while. Have a nice day everyone.
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    We got more rain Saturday night so all is well watered now (for a bit). We had just enough lasagna at dinner (helped that I had another dish for the two that are gluten free). We had a good time visiting and Ralph barely had time to get a nap in before it was time to go for the evening. The funniest thing there was they were having us come to the table and I commented on it looked that there were more places than people. Oh no, she said, there were 11 there. So I asked who else is coming so she checked her list. Nope - just nine of us. We went at 5 and still didn't hear home till 10.- lots of good visiting - guys in one room and women in another.
    Alan had told us a place they had stopped at on their way home that has a soda fountain but the place was closing at the end of this week. So Ralph decided we'd go on a road trip. So we headed out after dinner. We drove 1 1/2 hours to have a soda and a shake and then looked around and bought a few little things. It was all 75% off but there wasn't a lot left. From there we drove another house to a large "chicken farm". It's where a most of Dillons eggs come from - they had one million chickens at one time. Ralph had heard they were building some cage free buildings and those building had verandas for he chickens so Ralph wanted to see them. You have to just look from the road and he couldn't tell much but it was a fun day. We were going 5 or 6 hours. When we got home, Alan and family were at our house. Alan was mowing the lawn and the kids were playing.
    Their big project they started this week is potty training Ava. She is 6 but with her cerebral palsy, it's not going to be easy. So far they have it so she's not afraid to sit on the toilet. She's wearing panties so she knows when she's wet so hopefully they progress. She knows if she goes, she gets to have chocolate so today they all wanted to earn chocolate. Owen was told he could have some if he stayed dry all day (he just doesn't go in time). The other two came with dad and scooped rock into placed on the driveway to get theirs. :)
    Today I got to be home all day. This evening we went to Brecken's t-ball game.

    Anew, so good to hear from you. Glad to hear you are bug free. I understand what you are saying on your truck. We haven't put as much into our car that was hit by the deer but buying any car would have cost a lot more. Glad the coffee bar has been such a successful project. I've never heard of trigger point therapy but I'm glad it is helping you. That is worth a lot.

    Isabella, so I guess technically we never get done with decluttering. I have three of those tupperware sectioned containers but they are used for certain meals when everyone is here. So glad you spent the time with your friend. Sounds like it was very good for her. Ralph loves rice too. And he probably doesn't get it as much as he would like since it's not my favorite. But he doesn't complain. The flashlight in the charger is a smart idea. I might look for something like that - would make a good gift too.

    Sheryl, sounds like Cookie has the best of both worlds now - outside during the day and then back to John's lap. Nice that your mom was listening to the concert without the crowds. Blue Apron sounds like a winner for Norma. Makes cooking more fun for her and special meals with your mom and her friend. Your mom going to Norma's house gives her an outing too. Win=win.
    Sorry Christina is having another bad week. Good days are few and far between for her.
    Hope you weren't too tired after being outside all day.

    Oh my, Marcie, that is hot. Glad the AC is fixed. I sure enjoy ours. It's just on all the time. The temperature gun is interesting. 71 where you sit - that is cold. BRRRRRRRRRR . Do you have a jacket you keep at work? I took a jacket tonight and used it at Burger King. Glad your dad's fitbit survived the wash. So far, I haven't done that trick. Cool on your cousins' son. That doesn't happen to a lot of people.
    The days don't bother me as much as they used to on MFP. I just wish logging food has a higher priority than logging in. Oh well. It seems like most stores have a section with diabetic stuff (well not sports or hardware stores but you know what I mean) - interesting to check them out.

    Looks like I'd better head for bed since I "walk" tomorrow.
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good Morning.

    Marcie, Norma is in the same situation regarding cold in the office. That's one of the reasons she goes outside and walks on her breaks/lunch, to warm up. The exercise is an added plus. She wears layers of sweaters at work. They were told that all the high muckly mucks on the top floor, in suits and ties, have to stay cool, so the AC is cranked up for them and the lower floors freeze. Interesting theory, but I would think the architect on these big buildings could put in more than one thermostat and keep every floor at a reasonable temp.

    Debora, I'm not too tired, in fact, physical work helps me sleep better, so it's another win-win. Started burning our burn pile yesterday. There will be a burn ban for the summer, so we wanted to get rid of all the debris now and build up another pile in the next few months and will burn again after September. I'll go out shortly to check on the pile, I'm sure it's still smoldering. I had to stop John from adding to it last night, he had a wheelbarrow full of weeds, but I didn't want to add green, wet stuff, it would just smoke. I'm afraid that when the houses behind us get occupied, they will insist that we not burn, too much smoke in their homes.

    Cookie is getting better and better outside. When I'm not within eye shot, I have her protected with chain link panels around the big tree. She has about 300 sq. ft. with food, water, dirt and a little grass. When I can keep an eye on her, I let her out to the freedom of the entire yard. She loves the taller grass. Only 2 other chickens want to pick on her, every other animal seems to get along with her quite well, especially the ducks, although she's not a part of their group, she's alone, but at least they don't chase her or try to peck her. Last night, she wanted to be on me instead of John. Climbed up on my shoulder, settled in and fell asleep.

    I made the catfish yesterday and it was very good. I'm fixing a chuck roast in the crock pot today, (not Blue Apron), a recipe I saw on-line called Mississippi Pot Roast. It cooks with some chilies and ranch dressing. Should be interesting.

    Well, I better get that going, in the crock pot, so it can cook low and slow and still be ready for lunch.
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    I'm an idiot! It's been quite awhile since I have used the crockpot. There is "off" and three other settings, what I thought was low, medium and high. I clicked it over onto the first setting, the recipe said to cook it on low for 6 hours. At 11 am, after more than 4 hours, I'm thinking, "why don't I smell the roast? The house should be filled with a wonderful aroma." I checked the crockpot and discovered that the first setting is "keep warm". And then low and high. Augh! Luckily, my Blue Apron box arrived shortly after my discovery, so we had Ginger Pork Burgers with seasoned green beans. The roast will be ready tonight. I don't know if John will be hungry enough for dinner. We may have very late dinner or we'll have the roast tomorrow.

  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good Morning, having problems with computer again, it freezes up whenever it feels like it and I have to do a restart, seems like constantly.

    So far, it looks like it's going to cooperate right now.

    Meeting Carol for lunch today, yay, I'm really looking forward to it. Yesterday, I spent almost 4 hours on the tractor. Got the pasture mowed and moved sand into the gateways that are muddy during the rains.

    Cookie is spending all day, every day outside now and then I bring her in and spend about 1/2 hour with us before bedtime.

    Hope I get back here tomorrow.
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    edited July 2016
    Good Morning. I guess the computer will cooperate again today, this thing gets so frustrating sometimes.

    Christina is in the hospital. Her bladder almost burst. They put in a catheter to relieve the pressure and she said they won't remove it until Wednesday. The chiari and the EDS are shutting down her organs. Her joints keep dislocating and she's in a wheelchair almost full time now. Everything is difficult.

    My lunch and visit with Carol is exactly what I needed. I talked so much that I lost my voice. It was great!!! I stopped at the store on my way home and bought lots of fruit and corn on the cob and rib eye steak for a weekend BBQ. John and I will celebrate at home, just the two of us. We almost always spend holidays at home. One year, we were invited for 4th of July picnic with friends. They wanted to BBQ at a park, we drove and drove and every park we went to, the parking lot was full, we couldn't even get out of the car. After several hours, and starving, we ended up back at their house and BBQ on their patio. That confirmed it for me, I'm staying home.

    Another beautiful weather day and John and I already have planned out what we'll do outside. Time to take down a temporary field fence we had to section off part of the pasture. Now that more permanent fencing is in place, we can get rid of the ugly T-posts and old rusty fence. It will make tractor work much easier too. I am loving this tractor, so much easier than depending on the shovel, wheelbarrow and back/leg/arm muscles. However, I noticed that my right leg gets cramped after awhile, I have to get off and walk and stretch.

    Cookie is doing very well outside, on her own. I think it's time to start her on roosting in the chicken house at night. We'll see how that goes. My problem with that is that she doesn't want to settle down til dark and this time of year, dark comes late. I want to be in bed myself before it gets dark enough for her, so putting her in the cage in the house is a convenience for me. Maybe I'll wait a little longer before leaving her outside at night.

    John's up and ready to go, so I better close for now.

  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    edited July 2016
    Good morning everyone,
    It has been a good week. Busy at work. I took Friday off so I could have a 4 day weekend for 4th of July - to do nothing and relax. :smiley: Dan took me out for breakfast yesterday since it was my vacation day. We very seldom go out for breakfast so it was a nice treat. We really haven't found a good breakfast place that we really like. We decided to try the Hamburger Factory. I got something I wouldn't usually order - a tri-tip, mushroom, and cheddar omelet. It was delicious and I have half left over that I'll probably have for lunch. Today I plan to go to the farmer's market, then go to a couple of stores like Home Goods to see if I can find a nice ceramic 9 X 13 baking dish. Hopefully Dan and I will take a short walk at some point. Not much else planned. I seem to be fighting an earache. I put some Vicks mixed with eucalyptus oil in my ear in hopes that the menthol vapors would clear it up. We'll see.

    Sheryl, nice that cookie is spending all day outside now. Will you eventually keep her outside all night too? What a great win-win that your mom can go to Norma's house once a week for a nice blue apron meal and Norma can visit and get stuff done. How nice that Norma has good interesting meals from blue apron to serve her guests. I plan to have our friends Jackie and Ken over for dinner next month and have no idea what I am going to make. Right now I'm thinking of "Mexican Lasagna". I'll have to dig out the recipe and see if it sounds as good as I remember. How did your Mississippi pot roast turn out?

    Debora, your road trip sounds like it was fun. It is neat to do those little spur of the moment things every once in a while. I agree the little flashlight in the charger would definitely make a good gift. Let me know if you find them. I'm pretty sure you can get them on line if nothing else.

    Jannie, too funny (or maybe not so funny :wink: ) that Kringle ruined your window coverings by moving them to look outside so that they needed to be replaced. Will the new coverings be Kringle proof? Let us know how the mail order ones work out. Are they mini blinds?

    Marcie, very cool that your cousin's son (your 2nd cousin??) was drafted to the Baltimore Orioles. Where does he live now? Sounds like the chance of a lifetime! It always amazes me that offices have to be SO cold. That is usually the excuse used - that the "men in suits" need to have it kept cooler so the rest of us FREEZE. Fortunately this building that we are in has enough thermostats that we can actually regulate the different areas fairly well. Plus since it is a construction company we don't have any men in suites! :smiley::wink: If anything I have to keep a fan on my desk for when the hot flashes hit. My church however is kept SO COLD that I always have to wear a sweater or jacket then remove it as soon as I get outside. I assume that with all the lights up on the stage/podium for the pastors and worship team it gets warm and the system doesn't realize that the rest of us get freezed out. (is that a word??) How is Cisco doing with the noise this weekend? You'll have to post a picture of him in his thundershirt.

    OK, enough rambling - I'm going to go to the farmer's market. I'll check in tomorrow or Monday. Have a GREAT 4th of July everyone!
  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    edited July 2016
    Sheryl, looks like we were posting at the same time. So sorry to hear about Christina. No words can express how sad I feel for her. The best thing we can do is pray. I agree - Dan and I stay home for most holidays too. Especially this one! Since we can see the fireworks from our street it is an easy decision. I am going to make burgers for the 4th. I'll probably get some corn on the cob also. It is excellent this year! Very happy to hear that the tractor is working out so well. We'll stay tuned for further developments with Cookie staying outside. :wink: Have to tell you that Dan and I decided to watch the last episode of Downton Abbey again this week (we hadn't deleted it) and we SO very much enjoyed it again. It was like visiting old friends. Dan said we have to thank you again for sending us the discs to such a wonderful show.
  • jlhawki
    jlhawki Posts: 225 Member
    Hey all! Well, I just lost my last thread! UGH hate that.

    I worked all weekend and was a eating machine :( I don't know what flipped my 'overeat' at every opportunity switch but it has been on all weekend! Pizza, ice cream, double stuffed oreos and that was just the beginning :(

    Sheryl-- so sad about Christina! Hope she gets some relief soon! Cookie seems like such a good chick, and I know she'll settle into the coop soon. Glad you got to visit with Carol, did you take any pics?

    Ivanek-- I've never used a ceramic 9X13, what are the advantages over a aluminum one? Have you tried a 2/1 mixture of rubbing alcohol and vinegar for your earache? That works for us, I used to make it at the beginning of the summer and keep it handy for the boy's swimmer's ear! I decided to go with the guy for the blinds in the living room because I want the top down, bottom up kind and wasn't sure how hard they are to install. They should be able to be raised high enough for Kringle's need! :smiley:http://www.everythingsimple.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/09/Top-Down-Bottom-Up-blinds.jpgf8affk9e0j0g.png

    Marcie--I couldn't take a nap and go back to work, I'd be useless! I have enough trouble trying to nap and then to have only a short one would make me a zombie :) Sorry you are having the heat, the rain we got has helped cool things off here finally! Whenever I've washed electronics, they never work again! Glad that your dad's fitbit survived :)

    Aero-- we've had lots of slow rain and we totally need it! It would be better if it came last week instead of the holiday weekend but I'll take it either way :wink: So glad you got to get a shake at the shop before it closed for good! Do the 4 H'ers show their animals in the summer?

    Hope you all have a great 4th! Happy birthday, AMERICA!!!!

  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Good morning. We are good and wet this morning. It started raining again yesterday afternoon and according to the bucket (as scientific as we get), Ralph said we got 4 inches. My sister will drive to church on her own cause she can't come her usual way cause the creek is up. We may go check on how much water is in Lori's basement cause in her neighborhood, they showed someone rowing down the street last night. So we are wet. It's good for the crops and hopefully, everyone was done with wheat harvest. Fixing BBQ meatballs for dinner so hopefully I set the oven properly. Matthew and Julie are joining us so we won't eat till close to 1. Ralph came out and wondered what I was doing for dinner since there weren't any crockpots out (oven, rice cooker and pan on stove instead).

    After our road trip on Monday, I enjoyed the day at home on Tuesday. In the evening we went to Brecken's t-ball game. The next morning I went to the church to work on the Echoes - one notebook is full. Now I know I'll have to buy several more. :) I got home and the answering machine was blinking so found a message from Ralph. Turned out my cell phone had turned off due to needing to be charged so couldn't find me. Alan bought a feed mixer at an online auction so Ralph and I were supposed to go get it. They were on the way to rent a pickup (ours aren't good for long distances). So I made some phone calls for 4-H, called my sister to see if we could spend the night, packed for one night and left about 3. We got to my sister's about 8 so had time to visit before bed and then over breakfast at the local restaurant. We had to go to Canadian, TX which was an hour further than Ralph thought but we were there by 11 and hooked up and ready to go by 12. The mixer pulled butter than he thought it would so could go up to 60 some of the time but we took lesser traveled highways so we wouldn't hold up traffic. We finally stopped at 5 for lunch/supper and found out we had just missed a hailstorm. Ralph dropped me off at Bible study at 7:30 so it was a quick but fun trip. Ralph did all the driving so was thankful for the cruise control. I was just along for the company.

    Friday was lunch at Panera's with some Flylady friends. I got to have the Strawberry/poppyseed salad and then we went to another town for my usual errands. Another full day - left at 9:30 and home by 5. We had something we had thought about doing in the evening but I was ready to stay home. Saturday morning I was supposed to watch Alan's kids till we figured out the soybean plant is closed. I was kind of glad since we'd been gone so much and I could do things without having to push as much.

    Saturday I was home all day. Alan had asked me to babysit but that got cancelled when we found out the place they get soybean meal from was closed so I got everything done but didn't have to push. So I enjoyed that and just worked steadily along.

    Had an email from Granny. Trish has gotten moved and Granny is keeping up with her walking and exercise class.

    Sheryl, good to burn when you can and so neat that the tractor is such a big help. You still have to do the work but some of it can take less time with its help. Glad it's all going well with Cookie. I've done that with the crockpot too and my crockpots don't have the low and high in the same order so I try to be very careful to double-check so I don't mess up too much. Yay on the good time with Carol.
    Oh, poor Christina. So much to deal with. Will pray.

    Isabella, your omlette sounds delish and two meals too. I probably would have plowed through the whole thing. Nice that you get a 4 day weekend. Did you find your baking dish? I often take a sweater to church too or for when we go out to eat. I should have a jacket I keep in the car full time but...

    Jannie, that will be an interesting look to your blinds. The nice thing about the rain now is there shouldn't be any fires from fireworks. Yes the kids will show their animals at the County Fair. Ours is the very last of this month-first part of August. I have a mixture of alcohol/vinegar that I spray in my ears about once a week - helps me not to have ear wax build up so fast.

    For a treat for Ralph (I like it too), I think I'll mix up some cinnamon raisin bread in the morning. Otherwise it will just be a regular day (at this point). Happy 4th of July.
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good Morning. Happy Fourth of July. We've had fireworks going off for the last 3 nights, thankfully, they stop by 10:30. The law changed this year, in our County, so that we are suppose to have personal fireworks only on the fourth. Tonight will be loud, but hopefully, it won't run into all of next week. In the past, it has been loud the week prior to the fourth and the following few days as well.

    What ever problems my computer was having with MFP seems to be resolved. It's not freezing up now. That was so weird, and, I'll never know how or why it happened.

    Catastrophe!!! Yesterday, Cookie crowed several times. Augh, I don't want that. Immediately went back a little chick peep and all other traits look female, so only time will tell. If it does turn out that we have a rooster, I'll wait and see if he can control himself throughout the night. That's my problem, the piercing crow at 2 and 3 am. Cookie stays outside all day now, free to roam the yard, and seems to like it. Well, of course, outside is so much better than a cage.

    Debora, thanks for the update on Granny. I feared that Trisha's move would put her into a depression again, but she's plenty busy at her new place now and with the kids getting older, I guess she doesn't babysit as much as she used to.
    Your road trips sound like so much fun. Glad you had a safe and productive trip.

    Isabella, you're welcome regarding Downton Abbey. I got the dvd's for Call the Midwife and Mr. Selfridge, but there they sit. Maybe I'll loan them out before I watch them myself. I just don't seem to find the time right now to sit and watch. I did watch Season one of Call the Midwife because they sent that out when I ordered it, months ago. But, the others weren't sent until after the latest seasons were aired on tv.
    The Mississippi roast was very good, I will try that again. The gravy mixture is very unusual and tasty, with ranch type dressing and chilis. John had his sandwich with just the meat, but I made mine hot, open-face with the gravy over the meat and bun. I liked it.

    Jannie, your blinds look nice. I like that idea of coming down from the top. Many times I want light and brighten the room, but don't want everyone to see inside.

    Today, we'll be outside again, so much to do. I will tamp down the dirt over the septic tank and replace the concrete pavers. I meant to do that right after they pumped it out, but all I got done was putting the dirt back in that area. It's covered sufficiently, but doesn't look it's best.

  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    Happy 4th of July everyone!

    It has been a nice weekend. I did a bunch of running around but did finally find a baking dish. It is glazed terra cotta from Italy instead of ceramic (couldn't find a large ceramic one). I read up on it and supposedly it is a healthier way of cooking - keeps the nutrients better and more even heat distribution. I'm glad I read up on it after I bought it because you have to cure it before you use it the first time and put it in the oven when it is cold instead of pre-heated. I soaked it last night and look forward to trying it out.

    Jannie, I don't use aluminum cookware at all. I have read that it can contribute to Alzheimer's and dementia. I have a VERY large stainless steel baking dish but my smaller pieces are ceramic or glass. They are great to cook in and clean up easily. You just have to be very careful not to set them down on a cold counter or metal when they are hot out of the oven or they could crack. My pots are all stainless steel but a couple have a ceramic coating so stuff like eggs don't stick. Thanks for the tip on the alcohol and vinegar. I'll have to try it. The pain is much better when I take ibuprofen so I'm not sure what is going on but I'm getting less twinges so hopefully it is going away. Your blinds look beautiful! Great choice. We have roman blinds on the French doors in the kitchen which look somewhat similar but don't come down from the top. Some like yours would be nice. I'll have to keep that in mind. Thanks for letting us know that Granny is doing well.

    Debora, sounds like you are busy as always. But it sounds like things went smoothly.

    Sheryl, OH NO!! Not a crowing Cookie?! Hope SHE settles down back to chicken sounds. I would imagine John would be devastated if she/he had to go.

    Well, Dan is waiting for me to go for a walk so I'll close for now. Enjoy the rest of your day and have a great week everyone!
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good Morning, late morning, I slept in and then got caught up in Facebook, just checking everything out, not posting.

    Yesterday, John wanted to go to Harbor Freight again. That's always a fun day, walking the aisles and looking for things on our list. We had gotten a coupon book in the mail, so we got good deals on what we bought. He bought a big ticket item this time, a welding cabinet. He'll probably use it for air tools and hoses instead of welding, but everything will be together and portable. We'll put it together today. I bought a 4 gallon back-pack sprayer. I hope the bigger capacity will spray more weeds along the fence line without having to walk back to a faucet to refill so many times. I use an Ortho hose-end sprayer for weeds in the pasture, but the vegetation killer that I use at the fence can't be diluted as much as the hose-end sprayer does. So I was using a 1 gallon hand sprayer. That takes so much time to keep refilling.

    Looks like MFP will allow me to continue posting, yesterday morning, it froze up my computer again, so I gave up.

    Talked to my Mom and she had a good time at Karen's for the 4th. She said all 3 of her brothers were there. She's the only sister left living. Visited and had good food, but it really tired her out. Mostly, the extra driving, she now lives 50 miles away instead of just 5 miles up the road. Plus, Norma wanted to stop at Rose Hills and visit Dad's grave on the way. Norma took her grass clippers and trimmed around grandma and grandpa's head stones. She said Dad's headstone is really nice, different from the others because the VA provided it. It is brass colored instead of black granite and has more info on it, his military service. Mom didn't leave the car because of the steep grassy area to get up to the site, but wanted to see the headstone. She asked Norma to take a picture, but unfortunately, Norma didn't have her camera with her. Well, another trip will be in order to get the photo.

    I think I'd better post this before I lose it.
  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    Hi everyone. I hope you all had a nice holiday Monday.


    As expected, my "brave" dog has not been doing well with the loud explosive (and I suspect, illegal) fireworks that have been going off. Friday through Sunday they were pretty bad, but it was REALLY bad on Monday. They were so loud they shook the windows and sounded like someone was knocking on the windows. I don't think those were coming from anyone on my street, but they were nearby. Even scared my cat Simon. He's usually pretty good about taking fireworks in stride, but he spent most of Monday night cowering under Dad's bed. Poor Cisco was shaking so bad. I tried comforting him, but he kept running around the house trying to find a safe space to hide. He finally burrowed himself underneath my bed. I've never seen him do that before. I didn't even know he could fit under my bed.

    Here's a picture of Cisco wearing his Thundershirt (this was before the noise started, so he was still calm). He really hates that thing. I think he is a bit chunkier than when we got it last year, so it's probably not fitting as well. We also gave him 1/2 of a benydral tablet, but neither did anything that I could tell. It will probably be another week or so before I can get him to go outside after dark. Right now he just gives me that "you must be crazy" look when I try to get him to go out to go to the bathroom.


    Dad's walking buddy was setting off fireworks on the 4th (the legal kind!) and invited us to join them. Dad went, but I stayed home to be with the animals. Dad said there were about 40 people there and they served all sorts of sweets (homemade ice cream, brownies, cookies, etc.) and had a really great fireworks display. Oddly though, there were no kids there. Just adults.

    Dad's said he will consult with the Vet the next time he takes Cisco for a check up and see what other alternatives we have with loud noises. I just don't want to have to dope up the dog!

    I'm still not feeling aces. I stayed home from work yesterday, but am back at it today. My blood sugar legals are getting better though. Yesterday was my lowest yet at 105. I'll be glad to see it get under 100. I have a feeling there is more wrong with me than diabetes. My stomach is still very bloated, and now clear liquid is periodically seeping through my legs. Will bring it up when I see the doctor again later this month. I'm just a mess.

    Sheryl, thanks so much for the beautiful e-card!

    I need to catch up on all of your posts, so I'll be back tomorrow to comment on all of your goings on this past week. I'm so behind again!

    Have a nice evening everyone. :)
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good Morning.

    Marcie, sorry to hear of the latest, legs seeping does not sound good. I pray it is not too serious and can be taken care of easily. I hope you can get your stomach under control too, how miserable.
    Poor Cisco, amazing how that boom can travel. You said it was not on your street, but still sounded close enough to put fear into the critters. I had asked Carol at lunch if her dog has a Thundershirt, but she said that the fireworks don't phase her dog at all. Her sister-in-law went to GoodWill and bought a baby sweater for her dog, works just like a Thundershirt, but a whole lot cheaper.

    Our rain showers started yesterday about 3 pm and is forecast to continue through the weekend. Nice gentle rain on and off, this is the best kind of rain. Cookie was outside in her first rain yesterday. When it started, she went into a barrel nest to get out of it, but soon, we saw her out and about pecking on the ground like there was no rain at all. I still brought her in at night. And, there has been more faint crowing, so I guess I should start to train myself to say "he" instead of "she". Cookie is still very quiet throughout the night, so if it stays that way, I'll keep him. Of course, John will keep him regardless.

    We lost the second Golden chicken that Billie had given us. Two days ago, I saw several piles of what I thought was llama fiber in the pasture, but when I got close, it was feathers. All the chickens had been in the backyard for cracked corn at 6 am, so this attack took place after that. I found her body about 10 feet away, really torn up. Must have been a raccoon, but usually they show up at night. And, we haven't had a sighting since they started the development behind us. May have been a dog, but don't know how he got into the yard, or how he got out for that matter, we have chain link fence all around us. Another animal mystery. It has upset John, he wants to know what happened, we'll never know for sure.

    I just found out that my aunt had surgery and is now undergoing chemo for uterine cancer. I called yesterday, but of course, I got the answering machine. My message included that I KNOW how fatigued she is feeling and I wouldn't answer the phone either, but I want her to know I'm thinking of her and praying for her. I'll call my uncle on his cell and get more details. This uncle, Bob, my Mom's youngest brother, is more like my brother. He's only 8 years older than me (23 years between he and my Mom) and grew up with my sister and me. His wife, Glenda, is even closer to my age, I'm sure she is younger than Bob. Anyway, I'm very close to Bob and call him on his cell, so I haven't talked to Glenda in a long time because I rarely call the home phone. I last saw her at my Dad's memorial service, last year. They have 4 adult kids, so I'm sure she is being taken care of.

    I guess that's it for now. Yesterday, I thought of several things I wanted to tell you, but can't remember them now. Time for a fresh pot of coffee...

  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Another week is almost gone and I would have said I chatted just a day or two ago. I guess that's cause I drop in and read. I did make the cinnamon/raisin bread. Turned out a little dark . Second loaf we started is not quite as dark and definitely better tasting. I think he wants me to do this recipe again. I actually followed the directions so maybe that helped.

    Tuesday I had an appointment with my foot. I'm supposed to wear the shoe 4 more weeks and don't have to go back again. He thinks it happened cause of my flat feet and I slapped it down too hard too much - maybe the day I got 28,000 steps - so won't try that again. Will keep my numbers a bit lower. We took stuff to the thrift store (one thing was a table), went to the hardware store and then to shop at the thrift store and they already had the table out on the floor. They were asking $30. I would never have been able to get that much so hope it works for them. We picked up the car we were having the AC worked on and it was working great that day. It's not now so we need to take it back in after all we paid.

    Wednesday morning I went in and we worked on the Echoes again - will be doing this for many weeks but hey, we're making progress. I've enjoyed the time at home and do things but the list doesn't ever seem to get much shorter.

    Thursday morning I got cookie dough mixed up for the evening and then Ralph and I went to an estate sale. They had a fairly decent couch and love sheet plus Ralph got a sack of books. We went home and talked about the furniture. I wanted to wait until Saturday cause things would be half price. Ralph said we better pay what they are asking and get it since it was close so we went back and got 2 sofas and a loveseat for $200. At least one sofa from the basement will leave the house sometime tomorrow. Ralph went in and looked at Jim and Lori's car. Some corosion on the battery cable seemed to be the problem. I went to Willing Workers in the evening. Good speaker and I am on the last half of my year as president. Today was errands and then here at home. Tomorrow is mostly at home. Seems like I should get more done than I do but oh well. It is what it is.

    Had a scary moment this morning. I was fixing my breakfast when Ralph hollered for me to come and it was a come right now call. He's been have some D so imagined a mess but it was that his back was hurting and he couldn't stand up. But it got better and he's been working all day.

    Sheryl, oh no, if cookie is a he. Hope he doesn't like to crow loudly. Glad being outside is going so well with him. Good job on all you're getting done outside. You're making progress. OOOO, a date to Harbor Freight - doesn't take a lot to keep us happy does it. The 4-gallon sprayer will be a big help. Glad to hear your mom had a good 4th. How sad about the chicken you lost. I hope you have a good visit with your uncle and get more details. Your aunt has a battle in front of her.

    Marcie, poor Cisco. Hope he's feeling better about the outside now. That was a lot of day of loudness. Nice that your dad went to the neighbor's. And since you were home, the sweets weren't a temptation to you. You're doing great with your blood sugar levels. Can't imagine that seepage from the legs is good. Hope you appointment is soon. You've had quite a time with all this.

    Isabella, glad you found the dish you wanted. Very glad you found out you had to cure it. I love hearing about you and Dan walking together. Sounds fun.

    Doing food for Sunday shouldn't be too hard. Might make the one salad I didn't do last Sunday. We'll see how the time goes.

    Oh, one more story, I went to take care of a box on the shelf in the guest room and found the overalls I thought I had given away. Now I know I misplaced them in just a week but that was not a box that even entered my mind. And I was able to find the receipt and get them returned. From now on, things should go direct to the gift area. Need to work on gifts for the July birthdays. Oldest grandson turned 16 this week and then there are I think just 5 more birthdays this month.