Pot Bellied Stove / Water Cooler



  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    Hi everyone. Well, this is my third attempt at posting a comment today. I keep getting interrupted. Maybe the third time will be the charm.

    I'm sure not feeling too well. I took yesterday off and just relaxed at home all day. I have a follow-up appointment with my doctor tomorrow, so maybe he'll have some answers for me. My stomach is just so upset and bloated, and I just can't get any sleep. This is getting old! I had an appointment yesterday with the foot doctor, but I rescheduled for later in the month. It will be on the same day as the eye doctor appointment. :s

    While I was home yesterday I finally got around to watching that Matt Damon movie, The Martian. I really liked it.

    We had a really hot weekend, but today it's not been bad at all. Lately the air conditioning at home and here at work have been bothering me. I've been wearing a jacket inside. I'm usually the one who always wants the A/C cranked up, so this is weird for me.

    I procrastinated on sending my mail-in ballot and just got it mailed this morning. Today is election day, but the mail-ins just need to be postmarked by today and received by Friday. I'm so bad about getting that done sooner. During the last election I had to drop off my ballot here at work (we have a polling place in our Archives building adjacent to the building I work in).

    Sheryl, I hope your visit with Norma went well. Love those pics you posted. It's so cute that the chick and John have bonded like that. I'll bet your property is looking really good with all that work you and John have been doing. Thanks for sharing Leona's pic of Sacramento and the sun. Some days it sure feels like that!

    Debora, wow, you sure had a week full of kids! Sounds like all went well. I think you and I must have posted around the same time on the 4th. Before your post I had added a comment that I had received your package. Thank you so much for sending me that booklet. I'm sure I'll get a lot of use out of it. Also, please thank your sister for me.

    Jannie, happy 30th at work! I'm about to hit my 28th year next month. I'm like you. Just stick with what you know and like and do well. I sure hope you start feeling better soon!! Your boys are growing up so fast. Wow, two in high school.

    Isabella, I hope the slurrying has been completed. What an inconvenience. That's great your friend found her bracelet. I would have been upset too! Thanks for getting in touch with Anew.

    Anew, hope to hear from you soon.

    Well, I guess I'll close. Have a lovely evening everyone. :)
  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    Another brain teaser...


  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Oh My, I read that perfectly. I guess that I don't HAVE to go back, reread and check my spelling on all my posts anymore, NOT! hahaha, my OCD won't allow that. I read and reread everything. But, the mind is a wonderful thing, so miraculous.

    Good Morning, yesterday was great. The CT scan went smoothly, just as always and we had such a good time visiting with Carol. Got several errands done and dropped Norma off at the airport with time to spare. She called me about 6:30 pm to let me know that she got to Kalispell and Simon met her and they were driving to his brother's house.

    Today, the roofers come and replace our roof. This will be interesting, to keep John out of their way. The guy that came out for the quote said we probably don't want to be here due to the noise. But, I said that I definitely want to be here, noise won't bother me at all. With the front gate open, I need to keep track of the geese and chickens. The llamas are not a problem out in the pasture, and the ducks don't wander too far from the back yard anymore, but the other birds may decide to be adventurous. The animals were a great excuse to not offend the guy, but I would never leave the property with workmen here, I need to check on them too, even more than the animals.

    I am so totally jealous, John and this chicken are having a love affair. She is absolutely crazy over him. As soon as we returned yesterday, he made a bee-line over to her cage and picked her up and she sat on his lap for hours. She can get him to sit still when I could not, she's turning out better than a cat. John named her Cookie. He asked me what's her name and I said I tended to go with Oreo, because of her coloring, although the white and black are reversed. He said "like the cookie?" I said, yes. He said, "I'll call her Cookie". Then she made her chirping noises, like she approved, and he said her name is "Chocolate Chirp Cookie". He cracks me up.

    I got an email from John's cousin, Larry, in Arkansas. He's emailed me with general news and a "how you guys doing?" twice in the last month and I haven't replied yet, my shame. But, yesterday, his third email says it all. "have now reached the point of being concerned again. Know you're busy so just a simple: Hi, we're ok; will get back with you, will suffice for now."

    Oops!, I better reply immediately. I had planned an update email to everyone after next week's 3 month check up doctor's appointment, but I shouldn't make him wait another week. So, I'll go get that done now.

    After I refill my mug...
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    edited June 2016
    No roofers showed, my fault for not asking for what time to expect them. I just called and got a sincere apology and they will arrive tomorrow morning between 7 and 8. The previous job got delayed due to the record breaking heat we've been having.

    I let the birds out, they were happy. Nobody likes to be confined around here, they are so used to going wherever they want, whenever they want.

    I will now start our lunch, another Blue Apron meal, Herb-crusted Salmon with roasted asparagus and zucchini-freekeh salad. (freekeh looks like cracked wheat).
  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    Good morning.

    We're sure having pretty weather right now. Lows in the 50s and highs in the upper 80s. It's supposed to be like this for the next few days. That's good because our A/C conked out on us yesterday. The A/C repairman will check it out tomorrow. Hopefully it's nothing serious.

    Because we will have no A/C today, when I got up this morning Dad had all the windows open and the whole house fan on high. He said he wanted to get the house a cool as possible before it warms up. Froze me half to death. I was glad to go to work! I even turned on the heater in my car on the drive to work to thaw out!!

    After work yesterday I had an appointment with my doctor for the one month followup. He's switching up the Metformin from a 1/2 a pill twice daily for 1 slow release pill once daily. Hopefully that will help with my stomach problems. He also prescribed something for the acid indigestion and gas. As for not being able to sleep, he's ok'd me to use an over-the-counter sleep aid. I took one last night and had a really good night's sleep. Sometime in the next week or so he wants me to go get another round of blood tests, and then come back to see him in the next 2-4 weeks.

    Dad took Cisco to the dog park yesterday morning, and as usual, Cisco ate the pee grass. Sicko dog. He had a good time though. He sure likes to go places.

    I went ahead and signed up with MyNetDiary yesterday with a years subscription ($60). Thought I'd give it a try since Dad raves about it. This is the site Dad uses and I really like the way they've got it set up. You can track all nutrients, like NM, and they have really good reports. Can't say much for the community section, but I've got MyFitnessPal for that. I'm still finding my way around that site, but it took me a awhile to get familiar with NM too.

    I woke up thinking it was Friday. Bummer. On Saturday I need to go grocery shopping (I'm out of everything!), get the car washed, set up an appointment for Simon's annual checkup and shots, etc. I've put off my usual errands for too long.

    Sheryl, did the roofers show up today? I'm with you about not wanting to leave when workmen are working on the house/property. Chocolate Chirp Cookie is a cute name.

    Well, I think I'll eat a little lunch, and then get back to work. Have a nice day everyone.
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good Morning. The roof is on. They worked almost all day Thursday, arrived at 7:20 am, but when they left at 4:30, they were not finished. I think they could have finished if they hadn't taken an hour and a half lunch. Weird, they took off in the truck at 12:45 pm and came back at 1:15, but then sat in the truck until 2:15. That would have driven me nuts, just sitting in the truck. When I was working, I would rather work straight through a job than take breaks. After they left, of course I went out to look at the work and it appeared that they got the front half finished, but still needed to finish the back half. About an hour after they left, we had a quick thunder storm pass through and the wood stove chimney started leaking again, (that's in the front), same spot it did this past winter, the reason I realized we needed a new roof. When they came back 7 am Friday, I told him about it and he said he would check it out and reseal around the flashing. They were done at 10 am, cleaned up and left. We had several quick storms pass through again yesterday, some with very heavy rains...no leaks, yay! Although, not too strong of winds, so I'll be checking, the rain and wind have to be just right, in conjunction with each other, to cause the problem.

    Cookie is keeping John occupied, but we haven't started introducing her to outside yet. Probably starting Monday. Today, I'll be doing laundry again and preparing for Norma and Simeon to arrive tonight. I need to remember how Simeon spells his name, it's still pronounced Simon, but in writing you'll be able to tell if I'm talking about Norma's Simeon or Marcie's Simon.
    Tomorrow, we're all driving to the Coast. Norma has a very good friend, Linda, who moved to Seaside and she wants to go visit her. It will be a beautiful drive and we're having lunch at a very nice restaurant right on the shoreline. John will love the drive, but will probably fuss over the prices at the restaurant, he makes a big deal about how expensive everything is, drives me crazy. The fact that he wants to keep buying tools that he'll never use, but balk over a $10.00 meal, and I KNOW tomorrow's lunch will be much more than that. Anyway, maybe I can order for him without too much trouble.

    Norma and two other ladies are planning a trip up here to see Linda for Labor Day week. Norma thought it would be great to bring Mom also, be on the plane with her, but at Portland airport, I'd take Mom, bring her to my house for the week, and Norma and her friends will rent a car and drive to Linda's on the Coast. Well, we talked to Mom and the answer is already "no". Mom won't go anywhere or do anything. We really knew Mom would decline, but Norma extended the invitation and is now guilt-free.

    My next project, to hire out, will be get the new front deck built. I'm excited about that, not only to remedy the current death trap, but that I'm going to have a ramp on one end and stairs on the other and I think I can use it to train the llamas and give them something new to do. When we would go see the llamas at the fair, they would go through the "obstacle course" of ramps and stairs, etc. We keep thinking that our girls get bored just laying around in the pasture. We know that they like to climb, since they run up all the hills of dirt and sand that I get delivered.

    I better get going, lots to do before Norma and Simeon come in tonight.
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Here we are at another weekend. It zoomed past. Monday through Thursday mornings I was gone from 8-12 working in the nursery for Bible School. There were three of us and we had at the most 7 kids. I thought it went pretty good. One of them had cerebral palsy and even though she was mobile and could do more, gave me remembrances of Emily which was special. One mom with three in the nursery was gone Friday so there was no need for 3 so they said I could skip so I did. So I had the whole day at home and mostly straightened the house - even mopped the floors which was badly needed.

    Evenings were busy too. Monday we went to the visitation at church. Tuesday night we had a church business meeting. There was a clause in the deed on the parsonage that only a pastor could live there (made in 1950). The pastor we have now has his own house. So it took work with the family but the trustees did a great job and now we can let who we want live there. Cost a bit but it was well worth it. Wednesday I went in and helped Julie pack up more in her old house and then went to Jeremiah's 8:30 baseball game. Thursday evening I went back to help Julie again and did my "Friday" shopping before and after helping her. Friday evening my sister and I went to Jeremiah's game. It was at 6:30 this time. We got there and set up our chairs and suddenly realized Jeremiah wasn't there. So I called home - no answer (phone was on silent) so they just lived about a mile away so jumped in the car and they were home - thought it was an 8:30 game so he changed quickly and got back in time to be the first batter. He got two runs and then was the last batter and struck out. It's been getting up in the 90s but last night was a nice evening outside. Tonight I was at home. So whatever I got done at home happened in the afternoons so not a lot got done but that's okay. We'll start a new week.

    Sheryl, so neat for the bond between John and the chicken. Cute name. So even a neighbor who's not a favorite can do something nice for you. Mowing the yard in that heat - wow. Glad the new roof is done. The workers probably had a reason they just sat - maybe it gave them more energy - ha. There better not be any leaks now. How soon will you do the deck? I pictures in the future of the deck and the llamas climbing it.

    Isabella, you always have such fun weekend. Are your weekdays just work and supper? I'm glad you heard from Anew. I miss her. We knew it was a double-yolked cause it was so much bigger. We've gotten one more since then. I've been enjoying egg sandwiches for breakfast and after frying the first ones, remembered the deal my sister gave me that does one egg in the microwave in one minute and is in a round shape - works great.

    Marcie, is the new prescription working better for you. Being able to sleep will help too. I'm glad your doctor is making sure things are going well and having you back in fairly close together to check on you. Our next voting time is in August so I want to remember to take care of it during the fair. I had to go back and find your post about getting the package. I passed the message along to my sister.
    I enjoyed the brain teaser. I think I've seen it before. Amazes my mind at being able to read it.
    Ooo on Cisco eating the pee grass but how would he know.
    Let me know how you like MyNetDiary. I was putting off doing it till I didn't feel so busy. I haven't even been logging all the days but need to since I get less to eat with walking less. And yes, logging there should not keep you away from here.

    Sheryl, have fun with Norma and Simeon. My husband doesn't like expensive meals either. He went out with a man who grew up here (and a few others) and our neighbor paid the bill but he didn't like what it was even though it was buffet. Sorry your mom won't come to visit. But at least the offer was made. Will Norma drop by and see you too.

    Well, I need to put the pork in the crockpot and then head for bed. The last two days Ralph was pretty depressed over how our youngest is farmer (and not letting Ralph help with anything). He was more upbeat today so I hope it stays that way. Not that it dried up and farmers got soybeans planted, we now need some rain again so praying it happens (and soon).
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good Morning, Norma and Simeon made great time getting here yesterday. They left Whitefish, Montana at 7 am and got here by 5 pm. Made a stop for breakfast in Idaho and I'm sure a couple fuel stops, but the weather and traffic cooperated for a good time. They called me about 2 pm and said that they'd be here in time for dinner and wanted Mexican. So, as soon as they arrived, we got in my car and went out. Norma and I are up, but the guys are still asleep. We're planning on leaving at 8 am, another hour and a half, so I'll wake John up at 7. A gorgeous morning for a drive to the coast and we hope to meet Linda at her church for the 10:30 am service.

    Debora, I'll be praying for rain for you. We should get some again starting tomorrow. But, today will be nice, sunny and 75, perfect for this outing.

    I better get going, I just remembered that I want to wipe down the windshield again, noticed a few streaks last night when I pulled in from the restaurant. Glad we're going to the Coast and heading west this morning and then coming back east later in the day...the sun will be behind us and not in our eyes.
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good Morning, Norma and Simeon left about 20 minutes ago. We had a great time. Yesterday was wonderful, got on the road by 8 am and made good time and saw gorgeous scenery. John loves those drives through the country. Got to Linda's church with time to spare, yay, time for a potty stop and find Linda in the crowd. Church was very different, as you all know, I'm like Granny and Elaine, love those hymns and a more sedate worship service. This was modern, with a "band" and just words to songs up on a screen and hard for me to follow...I need the music. Although, I did not sing anyway for fear that I'd start coughing and disrupt everything. I keep ear plugs in my car and purse and so glad I do, John needed one in his one good ear. The drums, guitar, and other instruments, plus the woman leading the singing with a microphone, were very loud as well as the tone and pitch were piercing, that irritated John's hearing. Mine as well, I'm just not used to that sort of service. But, it was wonderful to get John into church.

    After church, we went to a restaurant of Linda's choosing, Shilo Inn on the Beach. After I took John's menu away from him and told him I'd order for him and he WILL eat, it was perfect. Great food and again, gorgeous scenery. We saw lots of tourist on the beach, fun to see so many people with dogs, big dogs and very little dogs and everything in between. John loved it. And, some kite flying, very fun. We stopped at Linda's house, gorgeous house and furnished "to the nines". Wow, it was fantastic. I could live in her laundry room, so you can imagine how the rest of the house was.

    Great trip back, more gorgeous scenery. Can you tell how biased I am about this beautiful country?
    We took Linda to her daughter's house in Portland, she will be there all week and take care of her grandkids. They are out of school, but her daughter is still working. Next week, her daughter will take her home and the grandkids get to stay with grandma for awhile. She has a creek that runs through her back yard that they can kayak and fish.

    I'll be calling Mom in about 1/2 hour to let her know that Norma has left and is on the next leg of her trip. Norma will call her later also. We all keep in touch, even though it never seems enough for Mom.

    I better go now, I hear John telling Cookie to "get back here, you're getting too brave".

  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good Morning. I have been working on an email update for my cousins...great news. I'm praising the Lord. My CT scan report states: "No evidence of regional recurrence or metastatic disease".

    A whole list of body parts and organs with "normal" after them and bottom line,
    I am "Grossly Normal". Highly technical, medical term.

    Ha ha ha, I knew I was Gross, but no one has ever accused me of being Normal.

    Today, we expect rain, but if it's light or lets up during the day, I'll start uncovering the septic tank and, for sure, finish digging tomorrow to be ready for inspection on Thursday. I've made it easier since that first inspection 20 some years ago. That year, I uncovered the entire top of the tank, then we added a riser to the access and now I only have to dig down about 18 inches to open it up. While I'm outside, I'll have Cookie outside too. She must get used to it and join the flock, the house is getting pretty stinky, even after I clean the cage.

    John went with me to my appointment yesterday, but didn't want to go in, so he stayed in the car and listened to a Bluegrass CD. I was only gone 1/2 hour so it worked out well. I am so glad for any reason to get him out of the house. We stopped for dinner on the way home, but today I HAVE to cook, I don't want another fish Blue Apron meal to go bad..."Sweet Chili-Ponzu Catfish & Green Beans, with Coconut-Ginger Rice" I have no idea what Ponzu is, I'll taste it and if it's super spicy, it's NOT going into the mix. I have excluded quite a few spicy blends from these recipes.

    Norma signed up for Blue Apron and, hopefully, will receive her first delivery when she returns from vacation. Then, there's dinner without having to go shopping and restock the fridge after being gone for 2 weeks. I changed back to the 2 person program (from the family plan) and starting next week, we'll be getting the same 3 meals per week and can compare cooking tips.

    I got the photo of Jackson in his little league uniform and will share it over on the photo post. There's also more photos of Husdon, he's five months old now, but the five month old photo hasn't been posted yet. I noticed Beth mentioned she was late posting the three month photo because now, "she's just too busy being Mommy", Facebook takes a backseat.

    I'll close for now, so much to do today.
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    another funny...
    I just looked out the kitchen window and I saw John walking across the back yard with a shovel in one hand and a bucket in the other.

    I opened the back door and he immediately said, "Don't even ask, I have no idea what I'm doing!"

    I shut the door and never said a word.
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Wow, it feels like I just was in here chatting but it was last Friday. Saturday we went to the CYIA commissioning. Sheryl, CYIA (Christian Youth In Action) is under CEF under which we do our Good News Club. Thomas was there for two weeks. The first week is intense teaching. Then the second week they go out and teach 5 day clubs. There were 60 enrolled. They say in a local church the whole time. Thomas made a lot of new friends but was glad to go home.

    Sunday I fixed a pork tenderloin, ranch potatoes and mixed vegetables. Didn't have a lot of leftovers but I figured we'd have 3 meals off the meat. In the afternoon I went to a bridal shower. Then we went and heard from a couple working toward going to Siberia and then the evening was a panel of father and sons. Full but fun day.

    Monday I got ready for 4-H and went to a memorial service. They took time during it for people to share memories and there were some special ones shared. We then ate lunch there. We had some good talks for 4-H. They did recreation outside so had the refreshments outside too. The one who had the keys asked if it was okay to lock up and I said sure. She left. A bit later I asked this one mother if I had really seen her mother-in-law there or if I had imagined it. She looked around and said oh-no, she is probably still inside. We'd turned out the lights but they (she and a granddaughter) were off in a side room and we didn't realize it. She knew we left but thought we were coming back. We were able to call Reita and ask her to come back. Patti finally came up and the alarm went off (but the police didn't come). She unlocked the door and Patti and Elsa came out.
    Oh, the other funny thing was Thomas came into 4-H and said thanks for the food Grandma. I said "What". Turned out he and Derek had stopped in and eaten. I saw the empty chocolate milk carton but just thought Ralph had drunk it. Pretty bad when people are in the house and I don't notice. Glad I had something for them to eat. And they left enough pork for us to finish it off today.

    Today I had the day at home and worked at a number of things. Then this evening we went to Brecken's t-ball game. That was fun and didn't last too long. Tomorrow I go in for my bone density test and will go some other places too. I think Ralph will go along. We ate a quick sandwich tonight so will probably eat at Burger King tomorrow. I have coupons.

    Sheryl, no rain yet - keep it up. Glad your time with Norma and Simeon went so well. But I'm sure it went way too fast. Did she have a chance to say how she felt it was going with Simeon? Yay on a great CT report - grossly normal - doesn't sound very medical but you'll take it. Love it that John kept on going with the shovel even as he told you he didn't know what he was doing.

    We're still in the 90s most day but there is usually a breeze which is helpful. Cloudy days make me hopeful for rain but there's no rain in the forecast. Good night everyone.
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good Morning. Had strong thunderstorms pass through late afternoon yesterday, with hail and everything, and, no leaks at the woodstove chimney, YAY!!!!! The top ridge of the roof looks irregular though and I'll have to check that out and see if that's an optical illusion or if the workers didn't lay it down smoothly. I noticed it when I sat outside for awhile with Cookie. I took her out to the enclosure around the big tree, before the storms, but, she went panicky when I left to start digging around the septic tank, even though I was in eye shot, she wanted someone closer, so I went back to the tree and sat with her. John was in the garage, next time, I'll get him to sit with her.

    Debora, I had Burger King coupons too, that's where we went on Monday. I got the buy one Whopper and get one free and I had John buy the new Grilled Hot Dogs special and then we each had a Whopper and a hot dog. Usually I use the Whopper coupons and bring home two burgers, since you can't use more than one coupon per person. Since John was with me, I had him make a purchase and used two coupons and tried out the dogs. They were pretty good, but I lean more toward the burgers.
    Thanks for explaining the initials, CYIA, I'm not familiar with that group. Good News Club and Child Evangelism, I know.

    Norma and I had a chance to talk about Simeon when she was here last Monday, alone. This will be one of the most difficult decisions she's made in her life. But, she had rehearsed what she wanted to tell him and ran it by me. It sounded very good to me, loving and gentle, but firm that she has to break it off. However, she told me that she had a conversation with her daughter-in-law's father not long ago and Ted said that he understood her reluctance to get involved with all the medical problems, but that he observed that he had never seen her so happy as when she's with Simeon. When they returned to my house together, I must agree, she was happy. She really cares for him, but can't say that she's totally in love with him. Anyway, when they both came back to my house, she told me that her plan to talk to him Sunday night when they return to her house is screwed up. While in Montana, he told her that he's staying at her house through Tuesday because he has a follow-up doctor's appointment regarding his kidneys, with one of the doctors that he saw New Years when he was in the hospital while visiting her. She told me that she can't have the talk Sunday night and then have him stay two more days. We'll see how it plays out.

    Our catfish yesterday was delicious. The Ponzu is a combination soy sauce and fish sauce. And the chili was a sweet chili paste with just enough kick to it that was good, not too spicy. This was a meal for 4, but it was so good John and I wanted more than our fair share and split a third catfish, leaving only one piece of fish for leftovers, not enough for another meal. So, I get that for an early breakfast, before John gets up. The coconut rice was equally delicious. Jasmine rice cooked in coconut milk, almost like a dessert, except the recipe cooked it with squash as well, so it wasn't dessert. The green beans were only blanched, so they were plated crispy and that threw John for a loop on his first bite. He said they were raw and I said we can eat raw green beans. It was yummy.

    Still working on that email update, it's hard to know how much information to share, enough to let everybody know what's going on and that their prayers are being answered, but I don't want to give out too many details of our daily life. I want to tell them more about Mom, but not wanting to sound too complaining and whiny. Speaking of Mom, she cracks me up. But then, I have a very warped sense of humor. Mission Commons is having their kitchen remodeled this week, so meals are "catered" and/or cold. Monday they had pizza, apparently, no one liked it. Bad crust. It came from a local pizza place, Mom didn't know the name, so I assume it wasn't a big chain. Yesterday, they had tamales, refried beans and Spanish rice. Again, it got bad reviews. Too much trouble to remove the corn husks and then too thick a corn meal, very little meat, dry and hard to cut with plastic fork and knife. Meals are being served on paper plates and paper cups and plastic flatware, too hard for old people to handle. I said it's great to have an adventure every so often, then you'll appreciate what you have. Mom said that she thinks they are making it miserable so they won't complain about the chef when he returns, ha ha ha
    Today's lunch is still a mystery, I can't wait to call her later and find out what was on the menu.

    I better get going, I hear John in the bathroom. I'll see if he goes back to bed (then I'll have the catfish) or if he's getting up early today.
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    I hear some thunder - we'll see what comes.
  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    Hi all.

    Starting to feel some better, but still not feeling wonderful. Maybe my wonderful days are behind me. The doctor switched my Metformin from half a pill twice daily to one slow release pill once daily and the once daily dose seems to upset my stomach even more. Monday I have an appt to have my feet checked, and later that day another appt to have my eyes checked. I also need to go get another blood test, and then set up another appt with my doctor. Appts all over the place!

    Work has been real busy this week. Lots of deadlines on some work I've been doing on our website. Feels like I've made a lot of head way this week.

    We're sure having weird weather for this time of year. Cold in the mornings and only getting up to the mid 70s in the afternoon. Most years I would love it, but the cold seems to be bothering me lately. They say by Monday we'll be in triple digit weather again.

    My division chief from work just called a few minutes ago (she never does that, so I knew it couldn't be good news) to let me know one of my co-workers just committed suicide. I'm just floored and so very sad about this news. I was just working with him yesterday and he seemed fine. I guess you can just never tell what's going on in someone's personal life. He left this suicide note on his Facebook page, and it sounds like he was in depression. I think he was just about 40 years old:

    "The Death of Responsibility
    I stopped moving. I live life online.
    I stopped eating. Everything is toxic.
    I stopped seeing. This screen will show me.
    I stopped hearing. You took to long to explain.
    I stopped remembering. I put it all in my phone.
    I stopped deciding. The majority opinions suck.
    I stopped imagining. I love sequels and remakes.
    I stopped speaking. You challenged me too much.
    I stopped contributing. I wasn't reaching everyone.
    I stopped thinking. Other people seem do it better.
    I stopped feeling. Enjoyment wasn't worth struggle.
    I stopped giving. Someone else will misuse it.
    I stopped caring. There's no personal benefit.
    I stopped loving. You take too much work.
    I stopped trusting. I already have friends.
    I stopped helping. No one helps me.
    I stopped changing. I'm right.
    I forgot why I'm here."

    It's definately going to be a sad day at work tomorrow. :'(

    I think I'm going to turn in early tonight and try to get some rest. Have a nice evening everyone.
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    edited June 2016
    Oh, Marcie, what a sad situation. You're right, work today will be tough, I'll be thinking of you and praying. This poem sounds that he had such a creative, artistic side, what a loss. One life does reach out and touch so many, too bad he will never know now what an impact he had on family and friends and co-workers.

    So sorry to hear that your meds are still giving you trouble. It takes time to adjust the right meds to the right dosage and get relief. I pray that time is soon for you. Did you get any sleep last night? I'm sure you had so many things racing through your mind. I know what you mean about appointments. For years, all I had was work, and the calendar looked clear. Now, the calendar is scribbled with appointments. A whole new life started two years ago.

    Talked to Mom yesterday and they had pulled pork, flour tortilla and black bean salad for lunch. I said that sounded like she could put together a great burrito, but she said that she ate them all separately. Can't stand trying to eat with paper and plastic and looking forward to things getting back to normal in the kitchen and dining room. She said that she would never complain again...ha ha ha, that will last for a day or two, at the most.

    Today, we have the septic tank inspected, it's uncovered and all ready for the guy. If the sludge is beyond the parameters, then we'll have to have it pumped, but the guy said that with two older people (John and me), it is probably fine. He said our generation knows what should be flushed and what to keep out of the toilet. I'm thinking what all can go in a toilet other than the obvious? I guess the sky's the limit!!!!!

    Cookie didn't make it outside at all yesterday. Maybe today, I want her to get acclimated. We have some drizzle, Debora, did you get your rain?

    This summer is going to be a busy one, I continue to think about Billie and want to get together with her, but keep thinking "after next week", but then the next week gets hectic too. I hope she is OK, last message from Kit, she was not doing very well.

    I hope Anew pops in soon, I'm anxious to know if Earl's friends are dead or alive or anywhere in sight. After our big storms the other day, Leroy and Oscar returned. It must be the rain and dampness under the house that makes the kitchen counter so attractive.

    Time to refill my mug...
  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    Hi everyone.

    As I suspected, it's been a very sad day at work. Our division chief sent an email around the agency informing them of my co-worker's passing (of course, not disclosing how he passed) and everyone was thrown by it. Come to find out, he was in the midst of a very messy divorce (she was divorcing him), so I'm sure that was one of the triggers. Since the divorce was never finalized, I assume she will wind up with everything now.

    My boss thought it would be a good idea if our group (12 of us) got out of the office, so we all went out to lunch. We talked about our experiences with my co-worker and were able to express our sorrow over his passing. It helped. Apparently my boss was the one who called the cops to go check on my co-worker, and that's when they found him. That must have been so hard for her. It will take time to get over this one, that's for sure.

    Earlier this morning I evaluated all of the tasks he'd been assigned and what I need to take on, and in some cases, what I can delegate to others. We'll get all of that hammered out over the next few days.

    I snagged a picture of my co-worker off of this Facebook page, incase it's needed here. Usually, when one of our staff passes away, we add something about it, along with that person's picture, in the agency's quarterly newsletter, and I didn't have any pictures of him on file.

    Lunch out was really good. We walked to an Italian restaurant, about a mile or so, so I got some exercise in too. I had a roast chicken salad with romaine, avocado, onion, corn, red bell pepper, bacon, hard boiled egg, Gorgonzola cheese, and an Italian herb vinaigrette. That thing was huge, so I ate half and Dad will inherit the rest for his dinner tonight. That place makes really good spaghetti, but I was good and stayed away from the pasta dishes!

    Sheryl, yes, I did gets some sleep last night, but I had to take a sleep aid to make my brain shut up and stop yammering at me. Thanks for asking. And yes, my co-worker was quite artistic. He had a way with words, and loved playing his guitar. I can't imagine what his parents are going through right now.

    Sheryl, I don't blame your mom on not liking to eat with plastic utensils. I don't like them either. I don't mind a plastic spoon to eat things like soups or beans, but plastic forks are the worse! I hope it gets back to normal for her real soon. Did you manage to get Cookie to go outside today? I don't think I've ever flushed anything in the toilet that shouldn't be flushed, even as a kid. But I've heard stories from others who's kids were more "experimental." Ha!

    Well, I guess I'll get back to work and finish out this day. Have a nice day everyone.
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good Morning, got an early start and finally finished and sent off my email update to my cousins. Have time to make it over here since John is sleeping in.

    Septic tank inspection shows that we do need it pumped out after all. It's gets inspected every 3 years and was last pumped in 2003. They will come back next week to do that, so I'll leave it uncovered until then. No problem since we put in the riser. Like I said before, that first year was a huge deal, digging about 3-4 feet down and I uncovered the entire top of the tank. Made a diagram of where it is in relation to the house and walkway and the drain field that crosses diagonally across the backyard. It's about 8' in diameter and the stupid people who lived here before poured a concrete slab over a portion of it. I rented a concrete cutter and removed that portion of the slab and then we put in the rise over the access hole and now, the job is pretty easy, only uncovering the access.

    As I am typing, I hear John getting up, so I'll close for now.

    Time for more ☕️

  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Hi again, a quick pop-in because I remembered something I meant to say earlier about Cookie.

    She has not made it outside for 3 days, I want so much to acclimate her, but our weather is being typically normal for this time year. Showers, sun breaks, a short rain storm passing through, some drying, more sun and then rain again. Changing every 10-20 minutes or so. Maybe later today, we'll have a dry period for long enough to make it worthwhile sitting outside.
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Well, we did get some rain - not really enough here. Derek got 4 inches where he lives. There is some rain in the state tonight but doesn't look like we will get any. We got up to almost 100 again. It's just hot.

    Wednesday I went in for my bone density test. I got the results back today. I was tickled at whoever read it - they said - "We had the pleasure to perform a clinical" - glad it was a pleasure. The my diagnosis is NORMAL. :) Only one area was at 90% of a young adult at the age of 30 - spine was at 122%. Neck I sthe "weakest" area. So that's not what made me have a stress fracture. So I guess that's good to know. We did some other errands too - took another load to the thrift store. Then I had the rest of the day at home.

    Thursday I was home till mid afternoon when I took my recycling to town and then went on to the bigger town - wiped out cupboards at Julie's and then went to a meeting on doing 4-H record books. Today I did my usual errands and added picking up two processed hogs for Alan. I'm sure glad it all fit in my trunk cause all my groceries, etc. were in the back seat. We didn't eat till almost one cause of unloading at Alan's house and that's when I realized my watch had quit working. Hopefully, my sister will have a battery that fits it. It seems like I don't use it a lot but I miss it when I don't have it.

    Tomorrow morning I want to get stuff done for Sunday. In the afternoon we have a wedding reception to go to and maybe a baseball game in the evening. Sunday all the kids will be here. We have two birthdays to celebrate. I finally got a cabinet in place that I got free from a friend. I had broken a shelf so let it sit till Derek got me a new one so it's all good now but for putting the doors on. I may have Derek help me Sunday. Ralph can display some of his toy tractors and hopefully, they won't get real dusty.

    Sheryl, I understand why you want to keep John in familiar surroundings. A friend moved her parents a couple weeks ago. Her mom has alzheimer's and it's not safe at home. They have God's peace about doing it but it has not gone well. Now the friend and her sister have the house to go through and stuff - big job - glad she has a sister.
    Glad your roof is holding with rain. We got the whopper junior jr. deal on Wednesday. We have our favorite of the coupons we use. Otherwise we go back to our value meal stuff.
    Nice that Norma could practice her talk on you. Guess she should wait an d do it Tuesday night. He is good at springing things on her. Blue Apron is working out so well for you. The meals sound good too although I'm not sure Ralph would go for some of it. We eat rice cooked in regular milk with cinnamon and sugar - I'm sure the coconut milk gave it a different flavor.
    Your mom is just like me - change is not fun - so the different foods etc. sure give her something to talk about. Hope it's back to normal soon for her.

    Marcie, what a sad week for you. And you are the second friend who had someone close commit suicide. Going out to eat together was a good idea and everyone walked - that surprised me but it was good. And you took on more work but there wasn't much choice.
    Bummer that the med change is not a good one. Have you let your doctor know.

    Sheryl, glad you know what to flush. We haven't had too much trouble with that either. You've gone a long time without having it pumped so this is the year. Glad it's easy to get it ready. Did you get Cookie outside today?

    We brought the dehumidifier upstairs and found out there's plenty of moisture in the air up here so we may go shopping for a second one. I'll try and see if there's any chance of plugging them in so we can see how quiet or not they are. This one is plenty noisy. It goes back downstairs Monday. I can tell by smell when it's not running down there.

    Well, by the clock, it's time to head for bed. Good night.