Pot Bellied Stove / Water Cooler



  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Hi again, I just had to come back because I remembered something I've been meaning to tell you for a long time and kept forgetting, except when I was away from the computer.
    No more sightings of Oscar and Leroy. It's been many weeks without any little black ants. Yay!
    Even when I'm lazy and leave some food bits on the counter over night, no ants. I think maybe they were coming into the house during the really rainy season to get up off the wet ground ?!?!?!? No other explanation in my mind. No other differences in the environment.

    I hope Anew is having great success with her bug problems.
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Ah, Saturday was so nice. I didn't have to go anywhere all day. On the other hand Ralph went three places. He went to a car show, book store and grocery store in the morning, An 80th birthday party in the afternoon and men's potluck in the evening. I got things ready for dinner - even did some deviled eggs and just different things here. Haven't had a lot of time at home so I enjoyed it.

    Sunday we were at church, getting a little rain and the electricity went off at church. We found out one of our lights has a battery back-up which is good cause we have no windows in our classroom but it still seems different. And one mom decided it would be her son's day to start Sunday School. We were nervous about how kids would react to the room not being as bright and this boy has a kidney disease and when he started fussing, we took him back to mom. Hopefully, they'll try again next week. Still no lights by church so had to listen carefully. We had baby dedication for 9 babies and Maggie was one of them. By the sermon time they had rigged up a guitar amplifier to a generator and figured out how to hook up a mic so we could hear the sermon and toward the end of the service the electricity came back on. I was glad to find out our electricity had not been off when we got home so dinner was ready. I made way to many meatballs but they freeze well. Kids stayed until about 4. Then Matthew and Julie came over later and Derek called me so got to talk to all the kids. While Matthew and Julie were here we got a storm so they stayed longer than planned. It rained hard and hailed. Ralph was out with the chicks and he said they didn't like the hail sounds.

    Monday I babysat for Maggie and then came home and finished getting things together for 4-H. About 5:30 another storm came rolling in. No hail but wind and lots of rain so I cancelled 4-H - got in contact with everyone (we rescheduled for the 17th). I was cleared up by 7:30 but I was glad I didn't have to drive in the storm. Tuesday evening was the 4th and 5th grade musical at Sunrise so we had two grandkids in it. The kids did a really good job. We had a stuffed sheep and a pair of overalls to take in so we went early and ate out with a coupon so tried something we don't usually get.

    Today I got the invitations to Bible School and Boot Camp (for junior high) and took them to the schools to hand out. Then this afternoon we went to a retirement reception for a friend. She's been a para and helper where needed at the school they said for 40 years. She just turned 80. She'll miss it but has plans to travel and is moving to smaller place and will stay busy.

    Tomorrow is the day at home and then Paige's kindergarten graduation in the evening. Lots of going but yet time at home and so I'm kind of getting to some jobs that have been on the list for awhile. I'm also working on the poster so people can sign up to make meals for the married teachers for Bible School. We need 41 meals this year so that doesn't seem too bad. So that's what's been keeping me out of trouble.
    Sheryl, thanks for the photo info. I'll have to try one just to see if I can. It doesn't sound hard but sometimes easy things turn out. I miss your posts so I would like John to sleep in but I don't always get my way. :) Oh wow, I'm glad you kept him off the roof. He's always coming up with something new to do.

    Isabella, how fun that Dan pitched in with the cupboards so well. My cupboards need something like that done. Would you send him over please? :) How fun to play dominos. That was my dad's favorite game. Maybe I'll try it with the grandkids during Bible School week. Sorry you'll lose such a nice boss. Hopefully, the ones that step up will be just as nice. Changes aren't fun. You've got some fun celebrating going for Dan's birthday.
    Marcie's hot shot is way different than if I talked about a hot shot. We use them with the pigs (try not to) when they won't cooperate. No names for the chickens. He got 3 eggs today.

    Oh my, Marcie, I never knew they stitched IV lines in. They are kind of a pain but they want them in in case they needed. Did you learn anything from your doctor?

    Sheryl, glad you can see the progress outside. Little by little you'll get it done. How fun to talk to your mom and not have any complaints. I miss Tammy and the others. I wish they would have come here just to post. You could still log somewhere else. Sure thankful for the ones that are here when they can be.
    Yay on no ants.

    Off to do supper. Always enjoy chatting here.
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Good afternoon - very pretty day here. Not doing anything major but working on things here in the house. Found water downstairs in the furnace room but can't see where it's from so will keep an eye on it. Hubby worked on the washer yesterday so I thought that might be the culprit but doesn't fit. Thought maybe I need more visuals so doing a trial with conometer (will not keep me away from here). There is more visual and already I see changes I should make (which I really already knew) but some things I don't like too. MFP has reports but I have to click on them - they aren't in my eyesight easily so..... checking it out. Need to get my gift ready for tonight and find out what time Ralph wants to leave. We'll eat a hot dog for supper since we're still finishing up what was left from the Good News Club party. Got fringe put on one edge of afghan. Think I'll skip the second two rows of knows cause I haven't figured out how to do them and I think it looks okay with just the fringe.
  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    Debora, I sure would like to see a picture of the afghan when your done! I hope you find that leek soon. We were forever having leeks in the cabinet under our kitchen sink, then figured out the culprit was the sprayer with the extended hose. Tried fixing it, but it wouldn't take, so we just stopped using it. I've had an account set up with Cronometer as long as I've had one here at MyFitnessPal. Just never cared much for that site. Dad's still using MyNetDiary every day and swears by it, but only the paid version.

    Sheryl, yay that Oscar and Leroy have moved on to greener pastures! Ants make my skin crawl. Its been several years now since I saw one in the house. The Clark pest control guy keeps them at bay for us. Yay, no complaints from Mom! I went over to One Kind Planet earlier this morning to see if there was any more movement, but there wasnt. I was really hoping that site would flourish.

    Isabella, I know what its like to lose a beloved boss! Happy birthday to your Dan!

    Well, I went to my primary doctor on Tuesday and they said they didnt have an appointment for me. Apparently there was miscommunication. I thought she had said 4:45 pm, but apparently she had said 11:45 am. Sheesh. So we resceduled for yesterday at 11:45 am. Dad drove me there because I'm still feeling light-headed and wasnt comfortable doing it.

    As I expected, the doctor didnt do much, other than question me and give me my marching order to go get blood tests at the blood clinic, which I just got back from, and he gave me a prescription for valium incase I start feeling anxious. So, still no answers. The technician at the blood clinic was blown away that at age 51 I had never gone for blood tests. In the meantime Im going to have to collect fecal samples at home and mail them in. Another first. I just read through the instructions on that process and all I can say is Ick.

    I dont plan to return to work until Monday, so hopefully I will be able to do that. I'm so behind on my projects. The doctor did give me a note of the time off.

    Take care everyone. Talk to you later.

  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    FYI, here's a message from one of MFP's admin staff. I'm not sure if it will affect the groups, but wanted to give you a heads-up....

    Hi folks,

    Starting at 2PM Eastern Time on May 14th, Vanilla's hosting environment will be in a maintenance window for 6 hours. During this time, all nodes in the environment will be rebooted at least once and there will be some instance downtime, which will impact this forum. The expected actual downtime will likely last for approximately 45 minutes.

    Thank you for your understanding!

    MyFitnessPal Staff
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    edited May 2016
    Good Morning.

    Marcie, thank you so much for keeping us up-to-date on the technical aspects and goings on of this site. I hardly ever venture from this group, so it's a whole different world out there and I get lost.

    Interesting deal...my neighbor two doors down has called out code enforcement on the neighbors in between us. Major problems that I rarely get involved in because I keep my distance. But, Dona has had enough and has reported them. The county guy will be out this morning and I'll take this opportunity to talk to him about the drainage problem that we are having and see if code enforcement will get involved now. I have called that department of the county and got no satisfaction and then started dealing with environmental services. But, since Cary is not getting results, maybe I'll try code enforcement again. At least, I hope he will listen to me. Although I'm prepared to be told that he is out here on another matter and will ignore me completely. I'll give him my letter of explanation and the dvd of photos and videos to take back to his office.

    Isabella, I am now jealous of your kitchen cabinets. Mine needed cleaning and sprucing up when we moved in here, and after all these years, I still haven't done anything. I like the way Dan kind of took over and all you had to do was supervise. Great job!

    I remember that my Grandpa had a hot shot years ago. He would make himself one cup of coffee every morning. I have never bothered making one cup at a time, I drink the whole pot. Debora, I also know of your hot shot too, not that I've ever had one, but John's folks had use of one on their farm.

  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    Good morning all, We had a wonderful evening on Thursday for Dan's birthday. His 60th by the way. :) My Penne Alfredo with shrimp and broccoli came out wonderful (although I over cooked the shrimp a tad per usual) and Dan really enjoyed it. Costco was all sold out of lemon bundt cakes due to mother's day so I bought these little mini lemon cake things instead which are OK but very sweet. I'll probably bring the rest to work on Monday. We are looking forward to a wonderful evening with Jami and her husband Joe tonight at the Hamburger Factory then back here for fellowship and possibly dominoes. I bought a thing of lemon cookie dough that I found at Grocery Outlet Bargain Market that I might make for tonight. Can you tell that Dan likes lemon stuff??!! :wink: I'm really looking forward to Hamburger Factory tonight. They have a burger called the branding iron that has pepper jack cheese on it, then sliced jalapenos, then jalapeno sauce. YUM! Do any of you have a Grocery Outlet Bargain Market near you? This is a wonderful store! They have closeouts that they get from other stores and stuff that may be close to expiration. Everything is cheaper that at the regular grocery stores and you can find some great stuff, including organic foods. The one draw back is that if you find something you like you'd better go back and get more while you can because when they are sold out it is gone.

    Marcie, How very scary (and frustrating) to have those episodes then no explanation as to what is going on! I am also a bit surprised that you have never had blood work before! And I hate doing those home "poop" tests but I chose doing that over having a colonoscopy. Hopefully you'll get some answers soon. Is this making you nervous about going to sleep? Please keep us posted on the outcome.

    Debora, how nice that you actually got to have a whole day home on Saturday. That is unusual for you! Also great that you got to work on some things on your list that you've been meaning to get to. Did you figure out where the leek was coming from yet?

    Sheryl, how did it go with the code violations guy? Did he talk to you at all? Great that the ants moved on. We don't get them in our house. Knock on wood!!!!!! I too was hoping that One Kind Planet would take off. I went there finally after a long time away about a week or so ago and noticed that you were there pretty much by yourself. Too bad cuz it's a great site.

    Well, hubby is ready for our Saturday eggs so I'm going to close for now. Have a great weekend all!
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Saturday evenings here and I have slowed down and I don't think I worked that hard. I made potato salad and a fruit salad for tomorrow. I added more fringe to the afghan. I played in the water beads - they are getting smaller. It was a cooler day - started out at 42 and only got up to 60. Everyone comes tomorrow so I brought up the third table and got the chairs out. I also spent some time looking for concrete steps. The ones are the back door are not in great shape - maybe they just need to be raised up but thought the boys could make them safe for Father's Day. We weren't using them much but now with the chickens, he's using the door a lot. So I don't want him falling. I'll talk to the boys about it. Dessert tomorrow is the middle layer of the wedding cake so will get it out of the freezer when I get to church.

    Marcie, I'll get one of the kids to take a picture when I'm done. I checked out youtube and know how to do the triple know fringe so may try it. We'll see. We're pretty sure the water was from the part Ralph didn't get put on tightly. Cause everything dried up and no more has appeared. He had worked on it in the morning and it was evening before I figured out where the noise was coming from so... He even did a load of laundry to check things out. So I think we're good there.
    I like the charts on cronometer but several other things I didn't. Mynetdiary is only paid (well, there is a two week free trial). I might check it out but even though I'd be willing to pay for nutrimirror, I don't know if I am for any other place. :) I thought that was the one your dad liked.
    Glad you had your dad drive you. Even ask him to take you to work next week if you feel like you can work but don't need the pressure of the drive. Blood work is the start - cool that you've never had to have any before. It's a process to figure things out unfortunately but if you're still feeling under the weather, there's sure something going on.
    Guess, the admin note didn't affect too much. I've not had any trouble today. But it was good to know in case it would have.

    Sheryl, let us know how the meeting with code enforcement goes. Use any chance you get.

    Isabella, what did you use on your cabinets? I need to do something badly. I just figured I use Old English but you're sounds like it did a great job. Glad the meal for Dan turned out (I wasn't surprised). Hope you have a fun evening tonight.

    Guess that's it for now.
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    I said I had no trouble but I left here and clicked on something else and it came up as maintenance but then I was able to get back to things so...
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    edited May 2016
    Good Morning.
    Oh yea, Debora, Marcie told us about the maintenance but I had forgotten about it already, that it was yesterday. Well, I guess that's done and over with, I can forget about it again.

    I got zero satisfaction from County code enforcement. Same pat answer, they are on private property and the County can't force anything. So, I asked what he is doing out here for Dona's call...our neighbor in between is private property. Somehow it's different, not sure why or how, but it just is! This is ridiculous. Another neighbor suggested that I skip the County and start contacting at the State level. When I told the County guy that the County Commissioners flat out lied to my face by telling me the County would enforce this, he smirked and said "well, they are my boss, so I'm not going to comment on that". He told me to contact a lawyer. Gee thanks, I have this bundle of cash that I can throw at a lawyer.

    It's raining this weekend, so it's a mess outside. We ran errands yesterday and John was even willing to go out to breakfast. The guy at NAPA was very patient and helpful and we finally found the correct connector for this special part. John was so happy, all the rest of day he commented on how nice the NAPA guy was and how he spent so much time on us for only a 99 cent connector terminal. We bought 6 of them though, so he got more than 99 cents for his effort, ha ha ha.
    Then, we searched for a 33 mm wrench, unheard of in the stores. Even when their web site shows it's available, it's not actually in the stores. They stock up to 32 mm and then, a couple stores jumped to 36 mm, but nothing in between. We want to tighten some nuts on a tractor attachment and 1 1/4" is too small, but 1 5/16" wrench is just a tad too big, so I figured it's metric and checking the conversion chart, I think 33 mm is the answer. I found one on Amazon and I guess I need to order it and take a chance. An adjustable Crescent wrench and/or Channel locks are too big to fit into this area. We've tried every tool that John already has and believe me, he has a lot, but nothing is working. Actually, a socket would work even better, but I can't find one in that size either. I'll have to take this attachment off so that I can use the tractor for mowing the pasture. I don't want to have the attachment rattling around loose on the back and get ruined.

    My sister has just about hit the tipping point with dealing with my Mom. Mom is totally unreasonable when it comes to Norma and makes demands on her that Norma has tried her best to meet, but enough is enough. A friend of Norma's told her that she has to stop and be firm, or Mom will just continue to beat her down and walk all over her. The latest thing is that Norma wants to take Mom to the DMV and get her California ID updated with her new address. She needs to have her Social Security card and the old ID, plus something with her name and new address on it. Mom said that she doesn't have any mail with her name and address on it because she shreds all the envelopes. So, Norma said to go downstairs to the office at Mission Commons and ask for a copy of her rental statement. Mom said that she can't do that, what? she can't stop in at the office when she goes down to the dining room? She doesn't even have to make a special trip, she goes downstairs everyday for meals. Norma calls me to vent, she has had it, Mom expects Norma to do every little chore for her. Mom does nothing now except sit and complain. Norma has given up inviting Mom to join her and her friends to do fun things. Mom doesn't know how to have any fun. So Sad!

    John is up now, so I better get going.
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    A bit sad this morning, have to tell John that we lost another duck. Victor, our only male duck, has been crippled for a few months now and I've been pampering him every morning, making sure he gets his own cracked corn and water. This morning he was curled up and didn't move to eat, looks like he went to sleep and didn't wake up. The best way to go. We now have four ducks left, all girls, so if we get any eggs, they will not be fertile, not that Victor was able to fertilize eggs lately anyway. Two ducks are very old and I know they are not laying eggs anymore, the other two are very good at hiding their nests, I haven't found a duck egg in weeks. But, I'm still inundated with chicken and goose eggs, even with only 4 chickens and 2 geese laying.

    Rained all day Sunday, got 3/4", will be drying today, sunny tomorrow and rain again on Wednesday. Typical Spring in the NW.

  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Hi. The wedding cake this time was white - it was good but I can leave it alone so I took the extra to Lori's house Monday. They hadn't eaten any because of going to a graduation party. We had pork (from the wedding), potato salad, fruit salad and corn. Not a lot left over. We left at 2:30 to go to a graduation and left everyone else at the house but they were all gone when we got home. We had a little break and then went to the one party we were invited too. Good food and good visiting. Glad we could be inside cause it was a cool day.

    It was raining when I got up Monday and rain off and on all day. I watched Maggie and Paige. Paige was good help with entertaining but she would not just let Maggie play. Lori got home at noon so I could head for my periodonist (4th quadrant done). And in the process a crown came off. She said it was only the second time in 13 years but.... It didn't hurt and they put it in a container for me. I had waited to eat till after the appointment so stopped on the way home and then came home and got some stuff done. I fixed eggs and peppers and onions for supper which we haven't had for awhile.

    Today I had the morning at home. Ralph went to a funeral that we learned about this morning. Then we went to town this afternoon. The dentist was able to get me in so 20 minutes and 75 dollars it was glued back in - just supposed to be careful with it. Then I went to my Research appointment, gave them some blood, signed a paper, got weighed and got paid $50. Then we went to Walmart, returned some things at Dollar Tree and came home. Ralph gets a ham sandwich for supper and I'm having a grilled cheese - just sounds good. Then I'll head out for 4-H. I think tomorrow is at home so hope to get the house straightened. Especially since Julie has asked me to come help pack things up and clean her house - I didn't think she'd get it done this fast but good for her. I can do it as long as I work ahead on things.

    Sheryl, bummer that you got on help from code enforcement. At least you tried. Yay that John went with you willingly and the clerk was patient. I'd take a chance with ordering online. It's worth a try. How sad for Norma. How can your mom not see what she's doing. I hope I don't get like that some day.
    Sorry to hear you lost a duck. Did John handle it okay? It was nice that he went in his sleep and he had been getting tender care.

    Hope everyone that hasn't been lately is doing okay.
    Marcie, did you go back to work?
    My grilled cheese was good.
    Sun finally came out - had more rain last night. I'm wearing my coat again and we have out furnace - just runs at night but.... We'll see what tomorrow brings.
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Hi, just a quickie pop in this morning. John went outside already and we have one more beautiful day before the rain returns. Got a lot done yesterday outside. Got the tractor out and mowed the high spots in the pasture. The llamas are very happy, rolling around and laying in the cut grass, plus, with the tall, tough, grass knocked down, they will graze more evenly and thoroughly on the tender shoots.

    I have blood work scheduled today and am thinking of packing up all the recalled frozen foods I have purchased from TJ's and return them on the way. Since I'll be driving right by there, I might as well get some money back instead of just throwing away all these veggies.

    Gotta go, hope everyone has a great day.
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    What a fun picture it makes in my head to see the llamas rolling around. What a smart idea to take the recalled foods back. Wouldn't take very long to do.

    Pretty day here. Friend and I finally walked outside - nice to do. Stopped by the church and got the meal chart. I only need to line up 13 more meals - out of 41, that's not too bad. Got an email about working in the nursery for the Community Bible School. I did it last year but the two Bible Schools weren't so close together plus I'll probably be gone longer because of where the nursery will be. I'll think and pray about it and see what Ralph says.

    I'm enjoying the day at home. I've got most of the house straightened which always feels good. Got the extra table carried back downstairs. Going to measure the tables in a bit and see if I bought the right sizes yesterday. :)

  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good Morning. My blood number was good, 2.2, I need to stay between 2 and 3, so I stay on the same dosage of warfarin for another month. Trader Joe's was good, ha ha ha I returned packages of frozen peas and chicken fried rice for a refund of $8.56 and turned around and spent close to $60.00 in purchases. I go crazy in that store. I think I could have kept the frozen food because, at the same time, I also had purchased frozen sweet white corn and vegetable fried rice and a package of peas that we already ate and came out feeling fine, but then, why take a chance.

    It's lightly raining this morning, just as promised. Suppose to rain hard later today and let up again and just showers tomorrow and Saturday . So, I'll stay inside for a couple days.

    I have a slight back ache, better from yesterday, but still achy. I assume it's from sitting on the tractor for 2 hours. Previously, I'd use the big walk behind Scag mower and complain about my feet afterwards, I thought the tractor would prevent that. It did, my feet are fine but my back hurts, I just can't be happy.

    Don't have much more to say this morning, I'll see what today brings.
  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    Good morning everyone.

    Sheryl, sorry about the duck. I hope John took it ok. That's great your blood numbers are staying where they should. Getting an $8 refund and then spending more than that sounds like something I would do! I too smile at the mental image of the llamas rolling around in the fresh cut grass. :)

    Debora, dental work, ugh, though I'm glad you are getting it taken care of. You guys sure do have a lot of social engagements!

    Well, I took last week off work, but returned on Monday. I'm still feeling overly tired, but hopefully that will pass soon. I have a follow-up appointment with my doctor after work today at 4:15 pm, so hopefully he will have some answers for me. He's received the results from my blood, urine and fecal tests and I think he wants to go over the results with me.

    Work this week has, as usual, been crazy busy. I've been trying to catch up from being off last week, and new projects also are piling up.

    We warmed up here over the last couple days, up into the 90s, but they say today should be cooler and tomorrow we may get some rain. It's that time of year when you are either still needing a jacket or coat, or you are having to use the AC.

    Yesterday I decided to try and get a little exercise, so I went for a long walk during my lunch break. This morning I woke with a sore ankle. I think I over-did it. If it's not one thing it's another. Grrrr.

    Better get back to work. I hope you all have a lovely day.
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Marcie, you are so right, if it's not one thing...
    Just like my achy back vs. sore feet. Grrrr
    Hope you get answers and are feeling great very soon.

    I forgot to tell you all that John didn't react much at all to the dead duck. I actually was relieved at his passing because it looked so painful for him to try to get around, couldn't use legs at all, moved using his wing and head, he's at peace now. John would get more upset seeing the duck struggling than the fact that he's gone.

    I came back right now to share very possible good news, received an email from Cary with environmental services:

    Good Morning Sheryl,

    Another issue has arisen at Hockinson Oaks. Their entire stormwater facility was found to be out of compliance so I am working with Clark County Public Works to get Ken and Brent to fix both issues at the same time.

    Having this stormwater facility out of compliance gives us more leverage so I expect the work will be finished soon.

    I’ll let you know as I hear more.


    Cary Armstrong
    Clark County Department of Environmental Services,
    Clean Water Division

    I am rejoicing that there is hope for fixing our problem. Thanks for all your prayers.
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good Morning. Nothing new since yesterday's post...I'm still just giddy with delight that the Builder/HOA has to re-do the entire storm water system.

    Norma is spending the entire day with Mom today, please pray for her.

  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    edited May 2016
    Good morning all, tomorrow is our wedding anniversary so I took today off from work. It will be our 28th anniversary. We are going out to dinner to a nice local restaurant called Carver's. Yep, you guessed it - their specialty is steaks. :wink: Our evening with Jami and Joe last Saturday went great! We had a lot of fun playing dominoes and hanging out. My local community has a farmer's market on Fridays which I don't usually go to since I work so I thought I would go today. I even convinced Dan to come with me. Then I'll see if I can convince myself to clean my shower later. We watched an old 40's movie last night called Hollywood Canteen. It had an amazing cast of stars and was about the actual Hollywood Canteen that existed back then. It was very enjoyable and entertaining. I had never heard about the Hollywood Canteen which was created by Bette Davis and John Garfield for servicemen usually on their way overseas and it was free. The stars served them and entertained them. It was an amazing thing.

    Debora, Sounds like you are busy as always but that things are going along smoothly. Did the boys agree to fix the steps for fathers day? I think Old English or Murphy's oil soap would be fine but we used a natural product called Touch of Oranges cleaner and Touch of Beeswax. Cost for a bottle of both is approx. $35 but it goes a long way and we loved it so will buy it again. The website is touchoforanges.com. Chemicals really bother Dan and even more so as he gets older and this stuff didn't bother him at all so it is worth it.

    Marcie, how did it go at your Dr. appt? How is your ankle feeling? Hope your day is going well.

    Sheryl, did you order the wrench you need? Sorry that your mom is getting so much more dependent on Norma and isn't willing to try to help herself. It gets tough as people get older. Was she used to having your dad take care of everything for her? It is good that the duck isn't suffering any more and that John took it well. An abundance of eggs is a good problem to have. I wish I lived closer so I could have some of them. :) Do you make quiches or anything? I have a couple of great casserole recipes with eggs if you ever want to try them. I didn't have any of the veggie products that were recalled except for some organic green beans which we ate long ago and were fine but as you said, no sense in taking chances if you still had them. My largest weekly grocery bill is spent at Trader Joe's so I know how that is. And that is for regular grocery stuff, not the fun stuff. I love that store! Great news from Cary that there are other issues with the storm water system so they now have some leverage. Thank you Lord! Can't wait to see how it all plays out but the wheels of bureaucracy turn slowly!

    Well, I'm going to go make breakfast then we'll head out to the market. I am making us pancakes from scratch tomorrow for our anniversary so I will make our usual egg breakfast this morning. Bye for now.
  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    Good morning everyone.

    I went to the doctor yesterday afternoon and got my diagnosis. It would appear I have diabetes. He's putting me on Metformin and prescribed a diabetes kit that I need to pick up at the pharmacy after work today. He thinks with drugs and diet we may get this under control, but time will tell. Point forward I will have to have blood tests every three month. In a couple weeks I will be going back to his office so they can examine my feet. Suffice it to say I was quite upset when I left that office, but it is what it is. I guess my days of eating pasta are over! He wrote out a standing order for blood tests that I need to run over to the blood clinic tomorrow so they can keep it on their files. It would seem these days the doctor could do that electronically, but apparently not.

    The doctor also told me he wants me to eat a banana every day. I'm going to have to stop at the store tonight and get some diabetes-friendly groceries.

    About a decade ago Dad was diagnosed with pre-diabetes. They put him on the same med and he had to change his diet. He's been off that med for quite awhile now and is fine, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed I follow in his footsteps. His brother has full on diabetes and lost his foot last year, that kind of scares me.

    Isabella, I hope you and Dan have a wonderful anniversary. 28 years these days is something to be proud of! I've never seen, or heard of, Hollywood Canteen. Sounds interesting. Enjoy your day off today!

    Sheryl, that's great news about the storm water system. Now maybe they'll resolve your issue. I hope your achy back is feeling better by now.

    I think I was mentally drained when I got home yesterday. I conked out early and didn't even realize I had fallen asleep. The next thing I knew it was time to get up for work. I hate it when I do that. Just makes me feel off the next day.

    The weather yesterday was nice. Light breeze and didn't get over 80 degrees. Today is supposed to be cooler still. We may only make it to 70 degrees. When I woke up it was super cloudy outside, but they are moving on quickly. They say we may get some rain, but it's not looking like it right now.

    The lunch special in the Grille here at work today is salmon and veggies, so I think that will be a good diabetes-friendly meal to have. The salmon here is usually hit and miss. Sometimes its cooked perfectly and sometimes its so dry its inedible. I guess I'll roll the dice and hope for the best.

    Well, I guess its time to get back to work. Have a nice day everyone.