Pot Bellied Stove / Water Cooler



  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good Morning. Yesterday was a wonderful day. I met Carol at 11:30 and we had good food and a great visit. It's so good to talk to someone, who totally understands and sympathizes. I know you guys understand and sympathize, but it's different face to face, plus getting out of the house too. Carol has gone through dealing with dementia with her mother, so she understands what goes on with John, plus just the regular mother/daughter things, so she understands Norma and my dealings with Mom. Carol and I are both trying to figure out what's going on with Norma and Simon. That is so hard to get together with someone who has so much history. There's more in Simon's personal life that needs "fixing" other than his health and weight. Norma hasn't given me too many details, but she mentioned that she needs to find a widower, not a divorced man, so I gather there are unresolved dealings with his ex.

    Our visit with Fae was good, but very, very short as she was being discharged when we got there. She's doing great and her daughter was there to take her home. She was in a wheelchair, but said that she can walk with the use of a walker, and will go through more PT until she doesn't need the walker anymore. She had fallen while working in her front yard, pulling weeds, and got help from a passerby. We all said that it was wonderful that she was in the front yard, if it happened in the back yard, who knows how long she would have laid there before getting help.

    I had just was walked through the door and the phone rang. I got a phone call from Norma and she asked me to check my email and see if I got the copy of an email she sent to Mom's tax guy. Dad's SSA-1099 had arrived in Mom's mail yesterday and Norma picked it up during her lunch time and scanned it at work and emailed it, but it didn't look like it went through. She tried it twice, at 1:30 pm and again about 3 pm. I confirmed that it did not go through, I did not receive it. I gave her the guy's phone number and she called and got a fax number and faxed the document. At 5:12 and then again at 5:15 pm, the emails popped up on my computer. It shows those times that they arrived to my computer on the main screen and after clicking each one, within the email, it shows that it was sent at 1:35 pm and then 3:15 pm. And, the earlier one sent was the later one to get to my computer. Weird for such a long period of time to pass before they got here. I called Norma to let her know, we can only assume, that for some reason, her emails from work did not go out until she turned off her computer to go home for the day. So, the tax guy got the 1099 three times yesterday, two emails and a fax. He must think we're nuts.

    I came home to a phone message from Cary with County Environmental Services and he said that Ken, the HOA president had told him that they dug out the ditch a little more. Cary said that he did not come out and look at it, but asked me to check and see if it's what I wanted.
    HA!! My excitement was short-lived. John and I went over there and can not see any improvement at all. The area behind us and to the south is untouched, still grass growing over the filled-in ditch. And, it's worse to the north because the grate to the culvert under the road is now broken and debris is down in there, and, they started working on the foundation of another house right next to the drainage to go east to Mud Creek, on the other side of the road, and put dirt and debris into that ditch as well. More blockage, not better clearance. I took more photos and will contact Cary today. It was too late talk to him yesterday, he was gone for the day. Of course, this beautiful weather we have all week has the ground just a bit more solid, so I have no very recent photos of standing water and the squishiness of the mud doesn't come through in pictures. I'm feeling depressed, thinking this will never get resolved.

    Isabella, definitely ask for the higher price for your house. Norma and I had listed the Pasadena house for a little lower than the appraised value because we really wanted it to move fast, well, there was a bidding war on it and it went higher and higher and we actually ended up getting higher than the appraised value by $5,000.00. It was a sellers market back in September, hope it still is for your sake.
    Anew, those homes you linked to are very nice, and a great price compared to what Pasadena has to offer. Probably L.A. County is more pricy than San Diego County.

    Debora, you mentioned that you don't have many spiders, referring to cob-webs. I had always heard that cob-webs are different from spider webs, not made by spiders but by dust. So, I looked it up and I'm more confused, I guess it's both. Conflicting definitions depending on where I looked. One google search had me cracking up...he said that "cob-webs are made by fairies, tree fairies, more specifically". Yes, I have many fairies that come through my house.

    I better get going, need to transfer my photos from camera to computer so I can share with Cary.

  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good Morning. Another gorgeous day yesterday and John and I spent most of it outside working...and playing. Moved more bark dust into muddy spots, the big pile in front is no longer big and I'm thinking of getting a load of sand delivered to help with the rest of the muddy areas, plus the stalls.

    I shared a few photos with Cary by email and called him about 20 minutes later to discuss the problem after he had a chance to view the pictures. I sure wished I could attach a video to an email, but it just wouldn't work for me. He can not view Photobucket, the County has "social media" blocked on office computers. So, I made an appointment with him to take a dvd of my videos to his office. I see him next Monday at 1:30 pm. By viewing the 4 pictures I sent him, he agrees that nothing was done and conditions are getting worse. It's almost like the HOA is talking about a completely different property.

    I will put more photos and videos on Photobucket today so I can share them with you.

    My apple trees are budding out and I should have had them pruned already, I'm always behind in my chores. I would prefer to mow in that area first, so I'm not working in tall grass, but it's just too wet to get the mower in there. I go through this every year, always late. Same with spraying for weeds.

    I'll go upload to Photobucket now, that will tie up the computer for awhile.
  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    edited April 2016
    Hi all, Hope you had a great Easter! Today is a gorgeous day! I need to make green bean casserole to take to Jami's for dinner tonight so I will try to be brief. We are celebrating late Easter/early Jami's birthday.

    Mr. Selfridge (?) started recording on Masterpiece Theater since we never deleted it after Downton Abbey ended. I've heard it is a good show so we'll see. My co-worker said I should try to go back and see some of the earlier seasons though.

    The consignment shop did accept my wedding dress. One of the hooks on the bustle is broken and there is a small hole in the dress so she tagged it $200 "as is" which is fine with me. If it sells we split it 50/50. If it doesn't sell in 3 months I have to go pick it up.

    The more we look at condos the more we like our house!!! We found one small neighborhood that we will consider if any condos open up there, other than that we will probably stay right here for a while and deal with it. That is the decision for today anyway. ;)

    Debora, you sure are having some crazy weather! Thanks for the heads up on Call the Midwife. I'll have to see if Dan wants to record it. Sounds like your Easter was really nice.

    Anew, glad the bites are getting to be less. Light at the end of the tunnel is a good thing! It's nice that you can find some positives like being able to re-organize and get your cookbooks where you want them. Thanks for the listing in 7 Oaks. We saw that one. It is old, pretty small and has no parking. We could move there if we were in a pinch but we are not ready to reduce our lifestyle to that extent yet.

    Marcie, good job researching the phone plans only to discover that you are better off keeping what you have. That is what we are coming to with our house - at least for now. The retirement party sounds like it will be really nice but I agree that it sounds a bit pricey.

    Sheryl, e-mails can be pretty weird sometimes. At least the tax guy finally got the info he needed. So glad that the SS office wouldn't give you the info. This way you and John got to have that really great outing. It is really disappointing that the HOA guy thinks he has made some progress on your issue. It does sound like he is talking about a totally different area. Hopefully you and Cary can get it all figured out and settled. Maybe you can all meet together to get it resolved.

    Well, I gotta go. Talk to you all tomorrow.
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Was all set to start chatting and Julie & Matthew got here to get the invites to the rehearsal printed and ready to go. She doesn't have a printer. Only it took quite awhile because my computer didn't have the first program she used so she had to redesign in and she's particular. But that's done now and we visited as we worked. Tuesday evening we met with the one doing the flowers at Hobby Lobby and bought flowers for her to use. And last night we went to Joann's Fabrics and found a pattern and material (denim) for the gift carrier dresses and a dress for Maggie. So that's progress. I also met with the chairmen of the foods committee and have some things from that to take care of. I have to get the food to the church but they'll take care of it the day of the wedding. I also babysat for Lindsey Wednesday afternoon, took Ava to speech, did my usual errands and today was Madden's 1st birthday party (a brunch). So, as usual, I've run around a bunch.

    Anew, so good to hear you're getting less bites. And it's helping you get some reorganizing done that you've wanted. Hope it's all soon behind you.
    Sorry you have nights when you can't sleep. I very seldom would be on the computer in the middle of the night. I sleep too well.

    Sheryl, although it seem like a wasted trip since you couldn't get the SSA but it was good that John didn't have a chance to change his mind with a stop at the house and you guys had a great day running around. And then you had such a good time with Carol and got to see Fae. It is good to visit with someone who totally understands you - face to face is nice too.
    Frustrating that the HOA is not doing things correctly but I so glad Cary is hanging in there and working to really get something done.
    Interesting on the cobwebs/spiderwebs. I've just always thought spiders made cobwebs. And after saying that, I've been seeing more and making their lives shorter.
    Hope you get apples. A lady that has an orchard here says that they won't have any peaches because the trees had blossoms when it froze. That will greatly affect their income.

    Isabella, I have watched Mr. Selfridge since it started. It's an interesting show too. It would be good to watch it from the start if you could. Interesting that looking at condos makes your house a nicer place to me and it's even nicer with the decluttering you've gotten done but all the outside improvements Dan has made. Plus you're close to your monthly concerts. :) Glad they accepted your dress. Hope it sells.

    Tomorrow is Sunday. BBQ chicken and rice for dinner. Matthew and Julie may be back because I forgot to have him taste test the potato salad I bought. Not that he and Julie will probably eat much that day. After everyone leaves, I'm taking the material and patterns over to the one who is sewing. Time is gong quickly on time for her to sew. I can't remember if we have anything in the evening or not. Guess I'll find out when I read my bulletin in the morning. Better head for bed now.
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good Morning. I recorded Mr. Selfridge and Call The Midwife all last season and last Sunday, starting off for this season, but haven't watched yet. I want to buy the earlier seasons to watch first, but haven't done that yet. When I do, I'll have a marathon watching like I did with Downton Abbey.

    I want the Great Baking Show to come back again, I really like that competition.

    I finally watched a couple of the recorded episodes of Second Chances yesterday. That was pretty good and even though I missed the premiere episode, I could follow the premise of the show. I have so many dvd's piling up, I don't know if and when I'm ever going to watch them all. At least they take up less room than all my old VHS tapes. Talk about decluttering, I should get rid of all sorts of junk, tapes included.

    Some NBA basketball on today, so John may watch a little, but with good weather, he'd rather be outside. Going to be another beautiful day, with rain coming in tonight and for tomorrow. We finished moving the pile of barkdust yesterday, so the mud in spots will be easier to handle tomorrow. That little bit of work yesterday did me in, I may take today off (like just about every other day). I didn't sleep well again, so I wake up tired.

    I've been splurging...every holiday (Christmas and Easter) whipping cream is on sale and I always buy some, so all this week, I've had real cream in my coffee. So yummy, but now I'm back to having it black again. What a treat I gave myself, I probably gained 5 pounds just in cream.

    Talked to Mom yesterday and she's so sad that another one of the friends that she made there at Mission Commons is in the hospital. She said that she doesn't want to make friends only to lose them, sounds just like Granny when NM closed down and she refused to go to any other site. How sad.

    I hear John getting up, so I better close for now.

  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    edited April 2016
    Good early a.m. again, it's about 3:30 and I am of course wide awake. I have some eggs on to boil for my husband, he likes egg salad sandwiches, and I try to have that ready for him once per week in place of leftovers.

    It seems like all I talk about now is these monster bugs and it seems that is all that's on my mind anymore. Every spec of anything I pounce on to see if it is a bug, I can't relax but I have had two days without any new bites so that is a nice start. I feel like bugs are crawling on me sitting here typing and yet I see nothing. I have the same feelings while I am trying to sleep. At least hubby and I aren't fighting anymore since the intense prep work is done. I need to order more strips so we can treat the garage and have some for the bags of things that can't go into the heater machine. The whole house will have been touched in someway to get control once I can get through all those bags. But it will all have to go back into a clean bag after it's treated until we are sure those buggers are gone.

    I did get my dining room pantry re-arranged and it has worked nicely. I can now fit the bottles of water and hubby's juices on the shelves so that gets them off the counters. More space slowly being given to me in the kitchen and that makes me very happy. :smiley: Hubby again said he could see a patio door at the window area there, so he started the dialog again. I showed him my design for the permanent pantry in the dining room and he loves it. We agree on the kitchen design too, so we just need the money to buy the materials, lol.

    I have some 2 gallon Anchor Hocking Heritage Jars that I bought way back when, at least 10 years ago that I used to use in my last big house. I kept them on the counter with tea bags, hot cocoa, etc in one and I think I kept sugar in the other one. Those were in the makeshift pantry and I decided to pull them out of there because they were empty and taking up space. I was going to give them away but decided I have room for one on my counter now to show off citrus fruits, and the other one I am going to turn into a terrarium. It should look really nice in the living room corner or even the dining table. I might just decide to put them both on my newly cleared 48" counter top that is my bake center. They are not airtight, so I can't store staples in them, but I might like them there holding fruits and maybe homemade cookies in the other one. I don't make cookies often enough for them to go bad, but I do have bread bags I bought from the store I could put them in and store them in the jar, lol.

    Yesterday (Sunday), hubby worked hard while I slept. I woke up at around 1:30 pm and he told me he did all the work needed in the room to close it up with strips. He told me everything he did and he even sealed off that a/c vent really well. He took the vent off the ceiling and turned it to the closed position, then he covered the inside in plastic and taped it on really well. He installed it back onto the ceiling and taped the edges really well and then covered it again in plastic and sealed it well with tape. Then he turned the a/c back on and felt no air coming from the vent and he didn't see any plastic movement at all.

    He put the dust in all the outlets and switches and then covered them all with plastic and treated the baseboards with the stronger longer lasting chemical. We hung the 5 strips in the room, added lamps and things that won't fit into the heat treating machine and sealed the door closed. We won't be opening that room for at least 2 months, then we will rearrange things in there and reseal the door to make sure there is not one bug that can hide behind anything. I did find one live one when I took the pillows out of their storage bags so the pillows could be treated. I am not looking forward to heating all that stuff that is still in bags, I sure don't want to reintroduce bugs into this house.

    We moved into the guest bedroom and checked for bugs (none seen) in there and put those new mattress liners called Active Guard on the box springs. Those don't totally cover the box spring or mattress, they just go on like a fitted sheet so we decided to put both on the box springs. One on the bottom first then we flipped it over and put the other one on top of the box spring which makes it fully encased. We did the same in our bedroom with our box spring and no bugs found. I figure if we want another one for the mattresses we can order again, but the bugs really want to nest between the mattress and box spring so I don't see any need to have one for the top of the mattress since we already have box springs and mattresses encased. I think this makes better sense and if the encasement tears there will be an Active Guard liner there to help poison anything that might crawl out of the box springs. Although we do believe those are clear of any bugs, we just wanted long term solutions.

    Sannferris-Good visit with Carol and Fae and also sounds like you are getting some of those spring chores done outside, I bet you feel good on the accomplishments. I hope you can get somewhere with Cary helping out regarding the ditch issue. Ooh, apple trees? I wish I had just one of those, lol.

    Isyvanek-Green bean casserole is one of my favorite side dishes. I'm going to have to get busy and make some of that. It's good your wedding dress was accepted. It is so hard looking for a new place to live, it's easy to want out but it is harder to make decisions on where to go. We lived in our RV for almost 7 years, it was fun at first but then the walls began to close in on me and it became way to small for me to deal with it anymore. The house we are in now is a good size but is under 1200 square feet. However that makes it three times bigger than the RV and I feel much more comfortable here.

    It was hard to go from 1800 square feet to an RV (a large one at that), but we did what we had to do for the time being. I don't like condos because I think they cost just as much as a house with all the monthly fees to pay, but that is just me and my thinking, lol. I could be totally wrong on that end. I wondered about that 55+ park, it sure looks pretty online. I think it might work like a condo with monthly fees too though.

    Arobed53-You are busy as always, it still amazes me how much you get done in a day. The wedding seems to be coming along well.

    Sannferris-Sorry to hear about your mom having sadness about friends going into the hospital and losses. We have older friends and they are always telling us who just passed away that we know. It is a sad part of life, my friends say it's time when god decides it's time, he says he is ready, lol.

    Well, the eggs are done and cooling so I need to get moving on that, hubby will be up in a few minutes for work.
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Sunday dinner turned out good - not a lot of leftovers but enough for a couple of meal. And they didn't come try the potato salad but it's the best buy and I like it so we'll go with it - not going to tackle making it from scratch. :) They all stayed until about 3:30. Then I took the material we bought to the person that is going to sew the outfits. The in the evening at church we watched "Finding Noah's Ark". It wasn't found but saw them trying.

    Monday I babysat for Maggie and probably worked harder than I do at home. Besides watching her, I did the dishes, washed and dried 3 loads of laundry and folded 7 loads so lots of piles in the living room. I went along while Lori shopped at Aldi's and then put the cold stuff away for her. Didn't get a lot done when I came home but 1 load of laundry and my list.

    Today I watched Alan's kids for about a half hour while they did the final paperwork on Ava. No more speech at all. Katie will just do it at home. I'm not against homeschooling but sometimes think going to a regular school is good too. I felt a bit more tired with this cold so laid down for about a half hour. In a little bit I'll head for Good News Club. Ralph is going to go to a visitation this evening for a guy that used to live out here. He's been keeping busy with painting the inside of his brooder house. Putting on primer right now.

    Since I'm in a RSV study and have a runny nose, I reported it today so have to go get it swabbed. At least they said it was okay to do tomorrow. I'm going with my sister to her diabetes appointment so that will work out well.

    Had an email from one of my brothers yesterday and learned he had a stoke 2 1/2 years ago and finally went to the doctor at the urging of his kids so is doing physical therapy. It affected his right side and he just thought he could get by on his own but evidently, it's harder to do things. Said it won't be an easy path. I sure didn't notice anything the last times I saw him.

    Very windy again today - hope no fires accidentally get started. That would not be good.

    Sheryl, I found out this is the last season for Mr. Selfridge. I thought the Great Baking Show was back and was disappointed to find out it was reruns. That was a good one. Moving barkdust is not an easy job. I thought the older two grandsons had moved some branches for me Sunday but I found out they just did a little bit. I didn't think I'd have to stay out there with them. Oh well, it will happen sometime.
    I can see why your mom doesn't want to make friends but on the other hand, you miss out on a lot of if you don't. It's not as fun as you get older. The woman that passed away last week was the same age as Ralph - you never know.

    Anew, yay on no new bites. All the hard work is paying off but it's still not done. Yay on getting more stuff off the counters. More workspace and it looks better. Good ideas for the jars.

    It's time to head for Good News Club. Hope the kids aren't wired up too much. :)
  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    Good afternoon, it's a beautiful day today with lower humidity. I just woke up, had a good sleep thanks to a couple of benadryl. I tried really hard to sleep but couldn't because I just kept thinking I was going to be bit again while in bed. My no bite victory was short lived, I got bit up all down my left arm and elbow while sitting in my chair last night. Must have gotten out when we were moving things into the other room on Sunday, or just a straggler that made it past all the poison. I sure hope it finds the poison fast. I looked all around my chair and inside as much as I could without lifting it and couldn't find anything. It is way to heavy for me to lift the chair so that will have to be done by hubby when he gets home tonight.

    I tell you things just never seem to end around here, hubby's truck needs tires and there are four recalls on his truck. To get those fixed it will take at least 2 days leaving him without his truck, and mine is still sitting in the driveway needing that a/c work. We ordered the tires for his truck and the a/c parts for mine with the hopes he can have mine fixed over the weekend. If not, he will have to get the little car running, that won't be hard to do, it just needs a battery charge and air the tires up. I wish he would just sell these extra cars because we don't use them, they just sit. Selling something could go far at paying off all these expenses we have incurred the last few weeks.

    Arobed53-Sounds like progress with Ava, I think it's normal to stop formal speech and finish up at home. Hope you get to feeling better soon and your brother too.

    Have a good day everyone, I need to get moving with mine.
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    edited April 2016
    Hi, a quick pop in this afternoon.
    My meeting with Cary at the County office went as I expected, he is totally understanding and sees our predicament but his hands are tied, so to speak. I shared my photos and videos and he will set up a on-site meeting with Ken, HOA President, and Brent, owner of Cascade West. Bottom line though is terrible news for us, Cary said that because it's private property, the County has no authority to enforce the maintenance. He is going to stress how much they need to do this and should do it, but can't force them to do it. So, the County Commissioners lied straight to my face answering my direct question on who will enforce the drainage ditch maintenance, they said call the County to enforce it. We'll see what happens after this next meeting, hopefully, next week. I suppose my next step could possibly be calling the media and getting a tv reporter out here. But that's my last resort...I am not one to put myself out there in public and be interviewed.

    I screwed up my dvd recorder and did not record Call The Midwife and Mr. Selfridge last Sunday, so I decided to purchase the box set of all the seasons. I got a 20% off deal. Because the latest season is just now being aired, they won't ship it until May. So, after they arrive and I view it, I will share with anyone who wants to borrow either one.
    Debora, kind of glad to hear that this may be the last season of Mr. Selfridge, only because I won't feel like I need to buy more to complete the set. ha ha ha

    I better go back outside and check on John.

  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good Morning, we are having gorgeous weather and spending lots of time outside. John is getting up early, must be the beautiful sunshine waking him up, plus, he is coming to bed at a decent hour too, so must be getting plenty of sleep.

    Going to do more yard work today, no rain in the forecast, so we can play catch up for all the chores that we've put off.
  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    Hi everyone.

    The weather here is a little wonky. We got up to 90 degrees on Wednesday. Yesterday was a little cooler and today you almost need a jacket!

    It's been a super busy work week. Every time I turn around I'm getting new assignments. Lots of work on the website and on our business forms.

    Last Friday Dad and I went out to dinner at The Old Spaghetti Factory and then on Saturday we went out for lunch at Strings Italian restaurant. I guess we're on an Italian food kick again.

    I think after work today I'll stop by the grocery store and get the shopping done. One less thing to do this weekend.

    I need to catch up on everyone's posts. I'm so behind!

    I close and go for a walk around the building before my break is over. I've been sitting in front of this computer for what seems like ever!

    Have a nice day everyone.
  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    edited April 2016
    Good morning everyone, We've had a light but steady rain with cooler temps the last couple of days. It precludes us from doing much outside but is a good soaking for the plants, etc. It is supposed to be this way thru Monday. I am supposed to take Jami shopping for her birthday today. It is our tradition to take each other shopping for our birthdays. I'm looking forward to our time together. The green bean casserole was a hit as usual last Saturday. I had to use a different cream of mushroom soup which was not as flavorful to me but no one else seemed to notice. Apparently Trader Joe's only sells theirs for Thanksgiving/Christmas. Now that I know, I'll stock up on a few when they have it this year.

    We finally got the fences replaced Monday and Tuesday (right before the rain on Wednesday). Things went pretty well and they look beautiful. Maybe I'll see if I can figure out how to post a couple of pics on the picture thread. The nice neighbor is supposed to drop off a check for their portion today and of course, we have heard nothing from Mr. Difficult - but I guess that is a good thing.

    We found out that the house across the street similar to ours but with a room extended 200 sq ft. sold for $625,000 but they had to put $5,000 of repairs into it before the buyer would close the deal. We also found out that they called it a 3 bedroom house because of the extended room (so it must have some sort of a closet in it). I hate that people are allowed to get away with that. The new neighbors moved in last week and alas, they have 2 boys between the ages of 10 and 13. Haven't seen much of them yet so hopefully they will be good kids. I'm just concerned that they will become friends with Mr. Difficult's boys and reek havoc running back and forth between their houses, but as the bible says "don't borrow trouble for tomorrow" (or something like that!). :wink:

    We had "installer appreciation day" at work yesterday for our field installers. We catered in breakfast from one of the local little Mexican restaurants. Then several office personnel volunteer to come in early and serve the food buffet style. I was in charge of ordering the food, etc. We started at 6:00am! The good part of that is that we were done by 7am so I had an hour to work while it was quiet before the phones start ringing at 8:00am and since I came in so early I had to leave at 3:00pm. It was nice to have that couple of hours off. And the icing on the cake is that there were lots of leftovers so I got to take some yummy food home for hubby and I to get a couple of meals from.

    We tried to watch Mr. Selfridge but couldn't get into it since we had no idea what was going on and since it is the final season we decided it wasn't worth it and deleted them all. And hubby did not want to program yet another show into the DVR so we did not program Call the Midwife.

    Sheryl, bummer on not having any real accountability with the ditches. Hopefully the HOA and builder will do the right thing. I'll keep it in my prayers. I think I'd like to take you up on borrowing your Call the Midwife set after you are done with them. :)

    Anew, I was so excited to read that you weren't getting any bites only to see that the victory was short lived. I know you and hubby will get this licked eventually but how exhausting. I'm very proud of hubby that he got all that prep done in the room while you were sleeping. He is definitely a keeper! :smiley: Also wonderful that the contention is over. Hope he can get your truck fixed in time to take his in for the recalls. We have HOA fees here of approx. $220 so if/when we move to a condo that will not be so much of a sticking point for us so long as they aren't exorbitant. Dan has calculated what we pay for outdoor maintenance here to figure out what reasonable HOA fees would be on a condo. If you are ever interested, I have a "from scratch" green bean casserole recipe that I have made a few times where you even make the cream of mushroom soup. It is not that difficult and is very tasty. The only reason I went back to the prefab soup (aside from time constraints) is that Trader Joe's soup is so good.

    Marcie, sorry that they are keeping you so busy at work but I guess that is job security?? Did you ever get your printer problem resolved? Great idea to get away from your computer for a bit and walk around the building to clear your head. So healthy for you in more ways than one!

    Well, I have definitely rambled on long enough! I'll probably stop back by tomorrow to check in on everyone. Have a wonderful weekend!
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good Morning. Just needed to pop in and say something, although, nothing really new to say. We're having record breaking heat, in the mid 80's. It usually doesn't get this warm until summer, but we're sure enjoying it.

    I will get back to inventory cards until John gets up and then, most likely, will head outdoors again. We're getting a lot done before the rains return.
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Hi everyone. I didn't let any grass grow under my feet this week. :) Good News Club did go okay and I enjoyed a quiet evening at home while Ralph went to a visitation for a former neighbor. Wednesday I went with my sister to her diabetes appointment and then I went to where I'm doing the research study to have nose and throat swabbed since I have congestion and a runny nose - nothing else - no cough or fever or such. And I found out I got paid for that visit. Then we went to church in the evening.

    Thursday morning I headed for Derek's house and was there until 4. Lindsey enrolled one for kindergarten for next year, got a haircut and worked on decorating it the model home Derek built. He's one awards with his last two. We'll try and get in to see it one of the next two weekends. Ralph went in for a preschool concert of which he couldn't hear much off but they looked cute and I went to a 4-H meeting. The 4-Her I take had a committee meeting so I got to go to Freddy's to eat with Julie and talk wedding. The meeting then was fairly short which was nice.

    Friday I did my usual errands, came home and got everything put away. Then at 5 we went to a special wedding. It had some interesting things to it. The groomsmen were all in the 50s and the bridesmaids were all younger than 34 (her sisters, a sister-in-law and a good friend). Then she had a children's choir sing 1 song. It included her nieces and nephews old enough, Alan's kids cause the bride used to work for them and a few other kids. She also had mini-attendants had her youngest child with her - for one it was just being pregnant. Those kids didn't say up front too long.

    Then we moved on to the reception. Meal was lasagna, french bread, a salad and then brownie and ice cream for dessert. About 8:30, they did two pinatas - those who tried to break them were the bride and groom and some of the attendants but the kids there got the candy. We left after that so I don't know when the couple left but the whole church was all cleaned up this morning and they had tables set up for the salad supper which is tomorrow night.

    Julie and I met at church with the wedding coordinator today and got some things more finalized. Just two weeks to go. After that meeting we went in for what we thought was the last dress fitting. But she got the dress on and about started crying cause it was too tight at the top - probably a bit cause it's that time of the month but it was a tad tight last time. The woman can fix it (for a price) so of course I said yes so we go back on Thursday to try it on again. It's a 45 minute drive there so takes some time. I still hope to get to Bible study that night. Julie then showed where I'll need to return some decorations and I wanted to stop at Walmart where I found out my credit card was missing. It was back at the alterations store so I'm so thankful we realized it before leaving town. And the place was then closed but the owner was still there.

    Came home and finished up what I needed to for tomorrow. My sister went to her son's for the weekend so no dinner rolls so I am doing a meal with tortillas - chickens and the toppings. And then I made a salad for the women's deal in the evening - lots of good salads there. And then I suppose Ralph and I will go pick up the chicks - the building is painted and ready.

    Anew, hope you are making progress on the cars. That's some big work for your husband - nice that he can do all that.
    My kids almost all got to do some speech but none of them started till they were in school - same speech teacher and we would use what she put in the notebook to practice a bit each day and none of them had to take too long. Ava is the one with cerebral palsy so she is behind. But since I know her mom never even looked at her speech notebook, it's probably better this year although I'll miss seeing the teacher again. I will see her when I get this afghan done that I'm working on. :)

    Sheryl, that's a real bummer that Carey can't do anymore but at least you know where things stand. Hopefully, you can get something figured out. Glad that's willing to meet with the HOA and try and make some progress. I know it's out of your comfort zone but hope you follow through since it needs to be done. Enjoy your DVDs when you have the time. You'll enjoy them I think. Nice that you're making progress on the outside work. The wind has gotten stronger as the day as gone on. It would be nice to have it blow in some nice rain as Alan finished planting the corn (as have a lot of other farmers) and we need some rain to bring it up. Did it go smoothly getting back to the inventory cards?

    Wow, Marcie, they are keeping you hopping at work. How do you keep it all straight. Some good eating out with your dad. Is he still walking as much as he was?

    Isabella, how was the shopping trip. Did Jami find anything she wanted? The fence does look nice. And now you'll get to enjoy it for awhile. Are all the outside projects about caught up with now? Hope the new neighbors are good ones and the boys well-behaved and well supervised.
    The "appreciation day" sounds like it went well and the quiet time to work and leftovers to take home were good pluses. Yes, Mr. Selfridge does have a lot of different things going on. It took me a bit to get into it.

    Have a good rest of the weekend.
  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    edited April 2016
    Wow, what a week Debora! :) Thank God you figured out where your credit card was and got it back quickly! Hopefully they will have Julie's dress perfect when you all go back on Thursday. Jami and I always have a successful shopping trip. There is an upscale resale shop that she likes to go to called "My Sister's Closet" where she donates designer clothes that her mom sends her and gets store credit for whatever they sell. What they don't sell they donate to various charities like the battered women's shelter and the humane society. Well, she got a couple of items there but had enough store credits to pay for it so she didn't spend any money out of pocket. There was this really cute pair of ankle boots that looked brand new for $25 that she really liked so that is what I bought her for her birthday. Then we went to Macy's which is always having a great sale. She found a few more things there (her mom had sent her $50 for her birthday so she only spent $6 out of pocket) and I got 1 blouse for $16. I had a $15 gift card so it was almost free. :smiley: So we made out really well.

    Yes, we should be done with outdoor repairs/maintenance other than trimming bushes occasionally for quite some time God willing! Hopefully other than a few minor plumbing things we want to have looked at, we shouldn't have much inside either. The nice neighbor did finally come by with a check for his portion of the fence so all is well and I am praying for 40 years of peace like the Israelites got after one of the judges (like Gideon or Deborah) went to battle. :wink:

    Dan finally has a Dr. appt. on Monday so hopefully the Dr. will be able to figure something out to help him beat this thing he has had for a couple of months now!

    Well, I'd better go get ready for church. Have a great day!
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    edited April 2016
    Good Morning. After nearly a week of gorgeous weather, yesterday stayed overcast almost all day. John had a bad morning and went back to bed, so I worked on inventory cards for several hours. I barely made a dent in the files, so much more to do. Every time I look at it, I think I'm about a third of the way through, even after yesterday, this morning...still about a third done. Com'on, when will I reach half, or 3/4, boy, then I'll be excited.

    Saturday, I received the dvds for Call The Midwife, Seasons 1 through 4, haven't started watching yet. (Isabella, I have them ear-marked for you as soon as I'm done). Last night, I watched Masterpiece on regular tv, Grantchester. I watched that all last season and will not buy any dvds for that. I enjoy it, but not that I want to keep it and watch it over and over. We also watched a wonderful special on Wilderness Areas in Idaho. I thought of Sue the whole time, what beautiful country.

    Our neighbor gave us a dvd of a Hallmark Movie, "Away & Back", about swans making a home on a farm pond. They thought John would really enjoy that, but, I can't get John to sit long enough to watch the whole thing. His attention span is getting shorter and shorter.

    Norma was planning to spend several days with Simon and his brother and sister-in-law in Las Vegas. Simon used to play in a men's fast-pitch softball league, he no longer plays, but still sponsors it and goes to the games. Big tournament in Vegas Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Simon drove last Monday, Norma flew in Tuesday night and they met up with the others on Wednesday to have a couple days of "fun" before the games started. Norma really likes Simon's family, but Las Vegas had some torrential storms and the soft ball games got cancelled due to rain, they came home a day early (Simon drove Norma home) and Simon was not happy. However, it gave Norma more insight to Simon and unfortunately, it is not good. She's having more and more signs to call the whole relationship off. Better to know now than later. He still has done nothing in the way of progress regarding his health. He needs a lot of "care and attention", someone to constantly pick up after him and she is NOT going to be his mother.

    We went without ants for over a week and then, Saturday, a couple of them showed up on the counter again. I laughed about Earl the bed bug, and John named these two, Leroy and Oswald. I couldn't kill them in front of John, but did later and no one showed up yesterday. I wonder if we see more of them, if John will remember that he named them.

    Mom's completed tax return arrived and she's getting a refund. See!!!! I told her there was nothing to worry about. She was so sure that she wouldn't pay her tax bill in time and go to jail. Where does she get this stuff in her head???? I told her that next time she doesn't trust Norma and me, and doubts what we say, I'm going to throw this in her face and say "remember your taxes, there's nothing to worry about!"

    She was very sad this past week, another friend at her complex passed away. His name was Frank and she said she always knew he was coming down the hall because he whistles. I immediately realized that he reminded her of Dad, my Dad always whistled a tune.

    Last time I spoke with Nancy, she was still having back pain and most likely the only remedy is surgery. I need to find out how she's doing now, she had an epidural, but the relief didn't last very long.

    I'm getting a load of sand delivered to help with mud control. I don't know when it will arrive, but I need to prepare the area at the end of the driveway, I'll probably do that today.

  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    edited April 2016
    Good morning everyone, our weather has been a little rainy the last couple of days but it hasn't been too bad. We did lose our electricity for a few seconds Saturday evening but otherwise things are good here. We have been continuing our work on the bedbugs issue by completing our fourth treatment. The first three were one week apart and now we did our fourth at 2 weeks apart. We completely retreated the entire house baseboards, door frames, furniture, cabinets, etc. The closets and the craft room are still sealed in plastic with the strips and I have been working on the sealed bags that need dryer treatments. We did not find one bug, dead or alive in the house. I have still been getting bit though so I do believe they are the tiny little instars that are getting to me.

    Eventually these things will be gone and I just keep telling myself that at least my body isn't one huge welt anymore. I am not using any benadryl at this time except when I have flare ups of the original bites from before. I didn't know you could get flare ups but I did a search online and found a forum with people talking about it.

    We need to purchase all new electrical outlets and replace them all before I use the zappbug heater machine. I only need to do one of them to make sure it is a good solid outlet to be safe, but hubby said we will just buy all new outlets and light switches to make sure all electrical is safe. We have a couple of outlets that are loose when you plug into them and I have told him before I don't like that. I still need to order more strips so I can use some in bags of things that can't take any heat treatment and to set the garage up with them.

    I have spent some time going back in time to see if I could get an idea as to when the bugs came home with us. I do believe they came home with us when hubby went on a business trip on December 18 last year. I surmise this because of how many bugs we found under the bedskirt and how long it took me to start noticing the bites and how bad they got when we actually discovered them. I am just glad the fighting is over and we can relax a little, but we still have to be proactive and keep moving along. We can't let the treatments stop until we know for positive they are gone, which means no bites or sightings for 55 days straight. The dryer treatments will be continuing on a daily basis and everything will continue to be packed away until it is safe to unpack. Vacuuming will also have to continue daily.

    This weekend was very busy and we got a lot of things done. Hubby was especially busy since he had racing Saturday and we had to re-treat the whole house. He also worked on the little car and the parts came in for my truck yesterday morning, so he fixed that yesterday and my a/c hasn't worked better in a long time. The best part is the squeeling is gone, whew! He is driving my truck this morning for work, while his truck is in the shop getting the new tires installed, and the recalls fixed. I am sure glad he got the parts, because I just didn't know how I was going to drive that little 4 speed with my feet hurting me like they do. I needed to pick him up from the dealer after he dropped the truck off. I am still having feet trouble, but having my ice packs on my feet right now is not what I want to do. I don't want any bugs deciding they like that material and making a home there so they will stay in the freezer until I know I am safe to use them.

    Sannferris-I sure hope you don't have to go to the media but it might be the best thing you could do to get these people to do something for you, especially the HOA. It's good to hear John is getting some good rest and enjoying the outdoors

    Mygnsac-It's good you could take a walk to relax a bit. Hubby has been so busy at work he is extremely stressed when he gets home.

    Isyvanek-Good to know the fences were replaced and that's off your list of things to do. I am sure you have peace of mind now that it's over with. Your HOA fees sound reasonable considering I have heard of people paying much higher fees before. On the green bean casserole, are you sure I didn't give you the yummy from scratch recipe a while back, lol? That's how I make it too. :smiley:

    Arobed-I don't think you ever let the grass grow beneath your feet and lately I haven't been. It seems with all this work around here I am hurting a little less as I keep moving so I guess that is a good thing. Sad news on the dress fitting not going so well, hopefully things will work out ok in the end and sure am glad you found your credit card in time.

    Iyvanek-Your shopping trip sounds like it was alot of fun. I'm glad you are caught up on outside chores and I look forward to hearing about Dan's doctor appointment results.

    Sannferris-Leroy and Oswald, lol, I can't help but love that. It seems the longer I deal with this issue the more I learn about these darn monsters, and I become more and more fascinated by this one Entomologist named Lou Sorkin. Wow, has be done a lot for the study of bedbugs. I am so sorry about your moms loss of her friend, I am sure she enjoyed hearing his whistle in the halls.

    Here is a video of Lou Sorkin


    Here is an email question and answer Lou did for New York.


    Another great article with Lou.


    I hope you all have a great day today.

  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    Here another great article on identifying bed bugs.

  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Good morning, another week is speeding past. Sunday dinner went well and even with three missing, I didn't have that many leftovers. Monday I got ready for 4-H and we had our exchange meeting which went well. It was interesting that both clubs had the same roll call and it was nice that they didn't hurry off afterwards even though they had a 30 minute drive home.

    Tuesday was a wriggly bunch of kids at Good News Club. Today I had a consultation at the dentist. He says I need 2 root canals so will work on that a bit later (after the wedding). Ralph went to town with me so we ended up eating at Burger King so was nice not to have to fix dinner. I took a trunk load of stuff to the thrift shop. When we got home, we decided since people were burning pasture, we could burn our trash so I carried out all the sacks I had in the basement and Ralph was watching the fire so he knew I was bringing out old check registers from his dad and ledger books, etc. and was willing to let them go. The thrift store stuff and the trash came out of the same room. Today I'm hoping to load up an old TV (ecycle) and the rest of the egg cartons so it's getting closer to being to set up a bed in there. Oh, there's still lots in the closet to go thru but it's behind a door. :)

    Today is mostly at home until time for the wedding dress fitting and Bible study. I got to wondering if the dress got pulled up a bit with the straps cause I was thinking there was less cleavage but I'm praying it all goes on smoothly tonight. I want to get the house straightened and get Sunday food planned out (hamburgers and hot dogs) cause I have some running to do the next two days or want too. Saturday I do have to get the hog meat to get roasted. 9 days till the wedding now.

    Isabella - 40 years of peace - sounds good. Did Dan learn anything at the doctor?

    Sheryl, bummer on a bad morning for John but nice that you had time to work on the inventory cards. What all do you have to do on them? I often have the TV on sort of for noise (sometimes have to play a show more than once). I usually do Mr. Selfridge twice as there seems to be so much that goes on in a show. Hope you enjoy your DVDS when you get to them.
    Sounding less and less like a good outcome for Noma and Simon. Glad they don't live in the same town. Yay on your mom already having her refund back. We had ours sent to us awhile back and I kind of ignored them since I knew I would have to pay. Fortunately Julie mentioned the paper we sign so our tax person can efile them. So got them our and found out we sort of get a tax refund since we overpaid last year on estimated taxes. It's taken care of now. Have you had a chance to check with Nancy? Naming the ants - love it but also good it's okay if they aren't seen again.

    Anew, yay on the work done on the vehicles and your car being in such good shape. Sorry you are still getting bites but glad you're not seeing things. What a process. I've would never have imagined. Sorry you are still having feet problems.

    I'm up a little early (didn't hit the snooze button as much). I needed to answer the call of mother nature and I breathe easier upright. My nose is better but I still mouth breath to sleep but sleep well. I have a long list so hopefully this extra time is used wisely. Off to have my oatmeal right now. (I miss NM - it did better at helping me stay away from sweets. I do okay with calories and stay at the weight I'm at but know I can eat better).
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good Morning.

    Debora, I agree...I miss NM so much. I thought that it would get easier as time goes on, but I was wrong, it's hard. I just can't get into logging regularly. Not that it's difficult to log here, it's just my heart isn't in it.

    We got the load of sand delivered for some mud control and I haven't spread it out yet, so the llamas are having fun and excitement playing "King of the Mountain". I'll post a couple pics over on the photo post. Once I get the videos uploaded to Photobucket, I'll put in a link. It's raining today, so I probably won't get outdoor work done until the weekend.

    When I went outside to prepare for the sand delivery, John came out several times, wandered around and went back into the garage, then the house, then came outside again...he finally told me that he came out to get me and tell me something, but couldn't remember what. Later, when I finished what I was doing, I said let's go in the house and we'll see if you can remember what you were doing. Immediately, I knew because he had turned the water off and I couldn't wash my hands. He had the bathtub faucet all apart and didn't know how to get it back together. I had planned to call the plumber recommended to me by Carol, but, John got to it before I did. Long story short, we did get it back together and it works great now. Who knew!!! I keep telling John not to take things apart unless I can watch to see how to put it back, but he still thinks he can remember. I've got the name and number of a good plumber for the next time.

    I got lots of errands taken care of yesterday. Brought home some BBQ pulled pork sandwiches for late lunch and bought some groceries and my Blue Apron box was delivered, so now I'm set for many meals at home. I bought a chuck roast and a small brisket that was greatly reduced due to the sell by date, plus Blue Apron included pork chops, roasted chicken and catfish this week, so we have quite a variety. (Blue Apron always includes a meat, chicken and a fish meal). I have a great recipe for BBQ brisket, so I'll get that started now, it roasts in the oven for 6 hours at 225 degrees. I can't get enough BBQ.

    I haven't heard from Nancy, but I got an email from her sister, Karen. She's very concerned about Nancy and says Nancy is really suffering and needs surgery, but the insurance is putting her through a series of other treatments before they will approve surgery. Karen is going to have surgery on her feet, so she will be laid up for a while too. Elizabeth is now old enough to be a great help to her around the house. I told here that's a pretty severe way to get a "vacation" from work.

    Debora, I pray that the dress fitting goes well tonight. The countdown to the wedding is close, how exciting.

    Anew, I agree with Debora, I'd admire your perseverance in the bed bug treatments. Sounds like a whole lot of work...full time job.

    Marcie, I picture you walking every day at your break time and lunch time, just like my sister. I get a cell phone call from Norma almost every day at 10:45 am as she does her daily routine walk around. I can hear all the outside background noise. I can no longer walk and talk at the same time, I run out of breath, so, I am very impressed that she walks briskly and can carry on a conversation. We usually rehash what's going on with Mom, or, more on Simon.

    Isabella, your day with Jami sounds like fun and what great deals you got. That makes the shopping so much more satisfying. I usually hate shopping for clothes, but I like getting a good buy. Hope Dan is well, he should feel very satisfied with all the jobs he has gotten done around your property.

    Jannie, hope all is well with you. I'm sure you are busy and will pop in here when possible.

    I better get my brisket in the oven.