Pot Bellied Stove / Water Cooler



  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Just jumping in to say hi. Wedding was nice. And this week has been busy. Will give you more details soon - I hope. About ready to head for Bible study now.
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good Morning...I'm devastated!!! I had my Scion xB serviced yesterday, routine oil change and lube, tire rotation, etc. and when I pulled into the service bay, the guy came out to sign me in and asked "how do you like your xB?" I said "I love it!"
    Him: "What do you think about Toyota discontinuing the xB?"
    Me: "WHAT?"
    Him: "Toyota isn't going to bring in the Scion xB after next year, they're keeping the FRS, but discontinuing the xB, tC and xD."
    Me: "NO! I hadn't heard anything about that."
    Him: "yea, don't know why, but after next year, your car will be a classic, ha ha ha"
    Me: "I guess I better take really good care of this car. I'll be keeping it a lot longer than I thought if I can't trade it in for a new one in a few more years."
    Him: "We'll keep servicing them, but no more new ones."
    Me: "Thanks, You just ruined my entire day."

    Today, I get to go have lunch with Carol. I'm looking forward to it, I love our visits.

    Yesterday morning, John decided "no more coffee!", he does this every so often, but it doesn't last long. He wanted tea and needed help finding the tea bags (they have been in the same spot in the pantry since we moved here, 23 years ago), nothing new there either, he always acts like I moved them on him, but there they are, same place. But, he then couldn't figure out how to use the microwave to heat the water. That's new, he has had no problem reheating his coffee in the microwave in the past. He got frustrated that he couldn't understand the buttons. "What's this defrost time? what does this one mean? what does this one do? I can't read this. this doesn't make any sense." We got through it and he had his tea. I'll see what he wants and/or does this morning. Coffee or Tea? All by himself or need help?

    The sun is coming up and I'll go put out cracked corn for the birds. It's migrating time and we are getting lots of wild Mallards visiting us for breakfast. I'll put out extra to make sure everybody gets plenty.

  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    Good afternoon all.

    Yay, the end of another work week, and on top of that it's payday! :)

    As usual, it's been super-busy here. We are modifying a bunch of our forms and I think we are on version 40,000 by now! Just kidding, but it seems like it. Lots of eyes looking at the forms, so lots of revisions.

    We woke up this morning to find our Hot Shot (a water heater for hot drinks) came on by itself and was super hot. That was kind of scary. It's really old, so I guess it decided it was time to die. Dad's going on Amazon today to get a replacement. We use that thing a lot.

    I went out for Mexican food for lunch today. I guess now I'm on a Mexican kick. I had a beef quesadilla, beans and rice. It was pretty good.

    We are starting to warm up a bit again. It should hit about 80 degrees today. I think Dad and Cisco are pleased. Neither of them are fond of the cold mornings.

    Throughout the day today I took several breaks and went for walks around the city. It sure does help to relieve the stress and clear the head.

    I don't remember if I told you, but I finally have a printer again. It's just a basic black and white printer, but it does the job. The IT manager here is pushing to get my color printer to work with the new PC, but who knows. I'm sure getting my exercise having to walk to the end of the floor every time I need to print something on a color printer.

    Sheryl, I'm sorry they are discontinuing your beloved car model! What a bummer. I've been driving a RAV 4 since December 2001 and would feel the same way if they got rid of the model. I hope you have a nice visit with Carol today.

    Debora, busy as usual. Looking forward to hearing how the wedding went. I can't believe it the wedding has come and gone already!

    Back to work. Have a nice day everyone.

  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Hello everyone, we've had a cooler week. We got lots of rain Tuesday. There was talk of baseball hail and bad storms so we cancelled Good News Club. The school cancelled after school stuff too. Thomas' choir concert was cancelled so we had the evening at home which was nice as much as it stormed. Just lot little hair so that was nice too. Did have someone get stuck on a mud road but a neighbor went and got them out. We ended up with 2 inches of rain.

    Now let's move back to last Saturday. Got to the church by 8 to unlock. Julie and Lindsey and Kayla all showed up along with the person doing their hair. 8:30, the foods committee arrived to start working with the food. All the wedding party was there by 10:45. They took pictures of Julie with the bridesmaids, etc. and Matthew with his groomsmen - any pictures they could do and not see each other. I had two babysitters that helped with the kids from 10-3:30 and that was really nice. And most of the snack stuff got eaten. It was fun watching guests come and 12:30 came.

    Thomas got to seat me. Deacon ran down the aisle straight to his mom (a bridesmaid) so she picked him up and then his dad took him to the nursery. The other two ring bearers came more slowly. The flower girls had fun dropping the petals. They just stayed up front until Julie came in. I kept my eye on the pastor so I knew when to stand and it was fun watching Matthew see her for the first time. He teared up a bit. Of course, Ralph did his part well. The ceremony went well. As soon as family got out, the ushers got the rest headed to the fellowship hall and the food. We went in and took pictures and I was sitting down to eat at 1:40. I enjoyed the meal but it helps that we ate so late. :) The guys were concerned that we had enough meat and I thought I had bought enough baked beans and potato salad for 400. I didn't but they had enough for the 240 that ate and there was lots of meat left. And lots of sweet baby gerkins and lots of BBQ sauce and some cupcakes and the cake.

    The couple took off about 3 and then clean up began. Some of the foods committee helped, all the other kids and some of my nieces and nephews. Some hauled gifts over here and stacked them in the living room. Julie's good friend was in charge of sorting out the decorations, others put away tables and chairs and I think we left about 5. After unloading the last load, a bunch of us headed for Wichita to see the house Derek has in the Parade of Homes and then ate at Braums so we finally got home at 10. I slept good.

    Sunday was church and then the usual gang from here, my sister's two kids and families and Jim's (son-in-law) two sisters and father who came from Maryland ate in the gym area of church. We had wedding leftovers and rehearsal supper leftovers. Ralph had gone to another church to teach a class of Kenyans and then returned the guys' suits so missed the meal. Thomas stayed at our house till the Youth Group party .
    I took him to the party and then went to a Ladies Edge thing at church. Good refreshments and good things to listen too but it was nice to be home for the evening.

    Thomas spent the night and I took him home Monday morning when I went to babysit Maggie. When mom got home at 1, I went to my third visit at the periodonist and then returned the bridesmaids dresses and then to Thomas' baseball game so it was a full day.

    I already talked about Tuesday. Wednesday we had to drive an hour away to return the decorations they rented and we stopped at farm store so Ralph could look at the chicks. He didn't get any more. I think he has about 35 and so far has not lost any. That evening was our last Wednesday night at church till fall so before classes, we had a wiener. We ate inside since it was so cool outside. Thursday I got the invitations for the Good News Club party to the school and met with some of the foods committee to discuss some things. In the evening I went to Bible study. Today Ralph came with me and we did our errands. Got home soon enough so Alan could eartag the 4-H pigs before heading out to western Kansas for a couple of days. Today didn't get over 52 and the sun didn't shine plus in rained on and off all day.

    Oh I didn't tell you about the one "fun" decorations. It was water beads. They start from a little tiny bead and get to about the size of a marble as they absorb water. She had jars filled with them on some of the tables. We brought them home in a bucket cause she wants them to shrink back down so I spread them out in a lot of containers and am having fun watching. It was kind of soothing to put my hand in the bucket and they bounce. I may get some for Alan's birthday cause he was liking them. :) And he's hard to buy for.

    Tomorrow I'll do food stuff for Sunday and figure out seating. My one table is downstairs covered with gifts and since they are opening gifts Sunday, everyone is coming for dinner (including Matthew's grandparents). I think I can make it work with both card tables though. Then in the afternoon we're going to SAT-7 meeting and then to a local concert deal. I've been home enough this week to feel like I'm back to the normal stuff and moving along. I'm working on thank-yous and bills I still owe and stuff like that. So that's what I've been up too.

    Isabella, I hope your cold is gone by now. They aren't any fun. Nice that Dan helped the neighbors with their trash and they seem really nice. That's a relief, I'm sure.

    Sheryl, glad you're enjoying Call the Midwife. There's always lots going on in each show. Bummer on Photobucket. Wonder if there's something else that you could use. Yes, Matthew and Julie went to Eureka Springs, Arkansas. One day was going fishing. Then they were going to St. Louis and were going to a Cardinals game. That's all I know about. They come home tomorrow. They both go back to work tomorrow. Sad that John is having trouble remember the animals' names. I'd prefer tea - you have an amazing amount of patience but we know God gives what we need when we need it.

    Isabella, yay on all the decluttering you got done. 5 bags to give away - yay.

    Marcie, bummer on the headache but glad you can take a day off when needed. Nice that your dad got rid of some stuff. Funny that he won't do baskets. Mexican's a good phase to be in.
    So glad you can take breaks from work and go for walks. Helps keep your mind fresh and as busy as you are. Wow. Glad you have a printer even if it is black and white.

    Oh my, Sheryl, I hope your car lasts a long time. It's sad when something you like is discontinued. The car we are driving now is no longer made but we usually get used cars and we hope this one will last a long time too. Alan is working on getting the one that got hit by a deer looking good again. They put in a new radiator and got a different hood so Ralph is looking forward to driving it again.. Yay on lunch with Carol. It's a good time for you.

    Well, here's my usual long email. Hello to everyone who hasn't had time to pop in. I know how it is but I always get excited when there's a new post. For now, I'll get busy on my list for tomorrow. I went several days without list right before the wedding but I'm glad to get back to them. :) Have a good weekend.
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    I forgot to mention (in case you're interested), I got the crocheting done around the edge of the afghan I'm doing. Now I'm ready to start doing the tassels of which there are 44 on each end so it will take a little while. It took me a little while today just to find something that was 20 inches to wrap the yarn with. Each tassel has 6 strands so I'll have to make a lot of them. Hoping I can finish it before the end of the school year and get it to the teacher (just don't look at the back of it).
  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    Good morning all,
    I'm at the tail end of my cold. Still coughing a bit and blowing my nose. I am SO tired of blowing my nose!!!! Now poor Dan who was still getting over whatever the other thing was that he had for months has caught my cold. :( Poor guy!

    I took yesterday off from work in the hopes of getting together with an old high school friend who was going to be in San Diego on vacation this week ( I had not seen or heard from her since high school). She contacted me about a month ago to let me know she was coming and wanted to get together. Well, she never did call me or set anything up to see me. Oh well, I was a bit annoyed but I'm over it. I enjoyed a quiet day off with my hubby and he was very happy to have me around.

    Today Jami and I are going to a large yearly neighborhood garage sale event that we go to together every year. Then we are going to a "warehouse resale event" whatever that is. So I'd better go get ready because she will be here very soon.

    Marcie, taking lots of walks throughout the day sound like a wonderful idea and will add years to your life!!! Glad you finally got a working printer.

    Sheryl, did John have tea again? How did it go?

    Debora, the wedding sounds wonderful! It would be great if you can post some pics in the picture post. Has Ralph done chickens before?

    Well, I'm going to get going. I'll check in later.
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good Morning, John poured himself a cup of coffee yesterday, no mention of tea, we'll see what he does this morning.

    I had a great visit with Carol yesterday. So good to just get out of the house and change up the routine. I talked so much, my voice really had a workout, came home very raspy. I had so much to say about John, Mom and Norma and Simon, I didn't let Carol talk about herself at all. I totally forgot to ask her about her daughter-in-law and grandkids moving in June. I know it weighs heavy on her heart, she will miss those kids so much. But, like Carol told me before, it's too hard for her to see her DIL with another man, Kara is suppose to be with Carol's son, so, it's smart to move after she remarries. Carol and Kara have never been super close, Carol's son was the only one holding them together as family.

    We're forecast to have three more beautiful, dry, and rather warm days, no hint of rain until Tuesday. I hope to get more done outside.

    Isabella, so sorry your high school friend stood you up. But, nice that you are appreciated by Dan and had a nice day with him. Enjoy your day with Jami.

    Debora, thanks for the review of the wedding. I'm sure it was a wonderful day for everyone.

    My sister went to a women's retreat this weekend with ladies from her church. I hope she has a blessed, restful and rejuvenating time. Mom has really stressed Norma out. And, Simon situation is causing stress too. His visits are fewer, he even texts less and less, so he knows that the relationship isn't moving forward. Unless and until he takes better care of himself, Norma is not going to care for him, so June is a deadline for him to show some sort of progress. He's quite a talker and I think that he thinks that he can BS his way through this...He doesn't know My Sister!!! She won't take any guff and will stick to her guns.

    My breakfast is almost ready, I put a couple of fish filets in the oven to bake. I've been craving fish and can't get enough of it, so I'll have it for breakfast before John gets up. He rarely wants to eat breakfast anymore, so I eat a little something before he gets up and then make a big lunch for both of us. I'm still enjoying the Blue Apron meals.

  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Saturday went as planned. Had a good time at our afternoon/evening things. Sunday was a good day. Fun time in SS. Good message in church. Everyone was okay with waiting till one to eat. Potatoes (twist on my usual recipe) were good - wish I had more leftover. Gift opening went good - lots of nice things and amazed at how much they got in gift cars and cash. Matthew's grandparents came too. I was writing the gifts down so didn't get to sit with them but now they know what it's like when our whole gang is together. And Ralph learned about some more chicks so think he will be getting some more today. Most of the kids were gone by 4. Matthew and Julie stated longer and opened their cards. They had borrowed a van so had room to take everything home (except they have to come back for stuff left from the wedding). Enjoyed not doing much when everyone was gone.

    Getting ready to head for babysitting Maggie. When done with her I need to go buy food for the Good News Club party, get it put away and then go to the choir program that was rescheduled from last Tuesday. Ralph is going to a Historical Society meeting so it will be a full day.

    Isabella, sorry the cold is hanging on. They like to do that. Did you get anything at the warehouse event? Sorry your friend didn't call but a day with your hubby is always nice. I would post pictures but the only ones I have are ones I shared on Facebook. If anyone can tell me how to take them from Facebook to here, I'd do it. Ralph has done chickens many many years. From 14,000 and down. :)

    Sheryl, thankful you get the visits with Carol. Good for both of you and this was your time to talk. Glad your sister got to go to a women's retreat - good for her with all she has going on. Glad things have slowed down with Simon. Will make it easier to end it.

    Time for me to take off so better send this and run. Have a good day.

  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good Morning.

    Debora, I read your comment about the photos and looked for them on facebook. I scrolled and scrolled and couldn't find them, finally remembered that I can search for your name and I saw two, the couple and the cake. Is that what you posted? I can share them here in the photos post for you.

  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    I'm back again. John's still in bed, so I have more time this morning. Beautiful morning, picture perfect except for the construction behind us, ha ha ha No more nice view of the field, trees and creek.

    When I called my Mom Saturday, she relayed to me her "episode", as she called it.
    Tossed and turned all Friday night with pain in her leg and she couldn't put any weight on her right leg. Skipped her "during the night" bathroom runs and at 9 am Saturday morning, she pressed her emergency button and Margaret (one of the managers) came and helped her to the bathroom. They decided it was serious enough to call Brent, since Norma is away at retreat. Brent took Mom to Urgent Care at 10:30 am and the doctor couldn't find anything specific wrong with her leg. But, it doesn't sound like he really did any tests either. Her right leg was very swollen and he said her "veins are protruding". Sent her home with Tylenol with Codeine and said to keep her legs elevated.

    Brent called Norma and updated her, but Mom said for her not to come home early. Mom got home in time for her noon meal, but had it delivered up to her apartment instead of going to the dining room. She was disappointed that it was cold by the time it got to her and now she has a tray that she doesn't know what to do with. Made a big deal about that. She worries about the dumbest things.

    She was feeling fine by the time I called, but she had been off her feet for a few hours. She said that she'd just wait for Norma to come home and see what she should do. I told her that if she feels worse tonight, for any reason, call 911 and go to the ER, she does not have to wait for Norma. They may do more tests at the ER than at Urgent Care. My only experience with Urgent Care was a bad one, but I have gotten treated very well in the ER.

    I called yesterday morning, 11 am, and Mom was up and around and getting ready to leave early to make her way down to the dining room for her noon meal. She was taking the pills and said that they helped when she needs to walk. When she is sitting in her chair, she is pain-free. Brent had also called her just before I did. Sweet kid, (ha, he's in his 30's, but still a kid to me). I called again at 3 pm and she was doing fine, and, Norma had just arrived.

    I hear John getting up now, so I better go.

  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good Morning, John was up early today, so I just have a few minutes to say "Hi". Lots of activity behind us and John went out to look at what's going on. Big trucks dumping more fill and dirt in an area that looked finished...what are they building next?

    Mom's doing fine, I talked to her yesterday and she's back into her normal routine. Got down to the dining room for meals and able to make it to Bingo for fun.
    One couple, Paul and Jean, that used to sit with Mom in the dining room have not been coming down for meals due to the husband being in hospice care for several months now. Mom found out that Paul passed away Saturday morning when she was at Urgent Care. I'm sure that's very difficult for Jean, but I hope she will readjust to her old schedule and join Mom for meals again.

    The forecast was off 24 hours, no rain last night after all. They say possible showers tonight, so I have another day to work outside. Although, I don't do much at a time, I still get out of breath easily. Maybe I will never get back to the way it used to be. I'll just do a little bit here and there. Hopefully, eventually, the chores will get done.

    I hear John coming back in, gotta go.

  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Good morning. Cool again - in the upper 40s. But it warms up to 70. We are walking inside today but said next week we'll get back to outside whatever the weather (unless it's raining). Spent 8:30 - 4 helping a friend work on getting ready for a garage sale with her sister-in-law's house. Two other women came too. So we worked but had fun visiting too. I got lots of up and down steps. For our pay, we could find things we wanted - I didn't t find much - guess that's my decluttering mode. We got back earlier than we thought which was nice cause I had about 1 1/2 hours before Alan's kids game. Ralph took them out 2 at a time to see the chicks and the chickens. Oh, O haven't told you about the chickens or did I.
    Here we are 24 hours later but at least I still have the post. Ralph bought 11 seventeen week old chickens on Monday. Matthew's grandparents told us about them. They were a bargain at $10 each. And we've already gotten 4 small eggs. He took them over to Alan's for the kids to enjoy. I think he has around 45 birds total now. He's enjoying them. I need to see if I can locate a plastic egg flat. I gave the ones we had away cause he said he would never have chickens again.

    Thursday Ralph and I went for his checkup with his cardiologist. About 3 weeks ago he decided to quit taking one pill to see if he had less muscle pain. He did but when they checked his cholesterol, it had gone up by 60 points so he's going back on just 3 days a week (it's a low dose) and see how that goes. So we've had two call backs from the heart doctor - one was to recommend another med - cost made us say no to it and then his regular doctor called today so he's being watched over. :)

    Got my errands run this morning and have been working on my list this afternoon. A half day at home can be a huge help. And it looks like I have the day home tomorrow. Ralph is going to go to a car show so I can have him go get what got left at the grocery store today. (A package of meatballs). I'll go along if he wants but I would enjoy staying here.

    Sheryl, thanks for sharing the photos. Can you explain how you did it? - either here or privately. There'll be some other I might be able to share later and it's good to learn new things.
    Glad you mother is okay and there are good people taking care of her. Hope Norma enjoyed her time away since it was right back to business when she got home.
    Hope the activity is not more building. Glad you have as much land as you do.

    Our mornings have been cool - high 40s but today was in the 80s. Next week my friend and I will start walking outside (unless it's raining). I should be able to get the trash out this week (first had to let the heat disappear and then it was so wet and muddy. No excuses now. Enjoy your weekend.
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good Morning. I have some time this morning to pop in. Almost everyday this week, John's been getting up within a 1/2 hour of when I do, so I don't have any of my alone time. The morning that he slept in, I ended up having my coffee in my recliner and rested there. I didn't want to get up. One day, I had to talk him out of using the ladder again and cleaning pine needles off the roof. This is exhausting work.

    Debora, I clicked on your photos and copy/paste them to a folder in my computer. On the photo post, I just clicked on the image icon above, (fourth one from the right), and browse my pictures and click on the one I want to attach. MFP does the rest and copies it here. I think whatever photos are in your computer, you can put them here.

    I hear John already and the coffee pot is finished, I desperately need to put fresh coffee in my mug.
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Oh, I see now that I have posted...the icons are "above" only while you're replying. Once posted and you are reading this, the icons are not "above" this comment.
  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    edited May 2016
    Hi ladies, Dan got up when I did again this week so we started doing stuff together again. Kinda like Sheryl's experience with John getting up when she does. Today though I got to find out how Tom Sawyer felt when he got his friends to paint the fence. I started to clean and wax the kitchen cabinets and when Dan saw the great results I was getting he had to jump in and try it himself. I got him to polish all the kitchen cabinets while I watched and handed him paper towels and such when needed. It was awesome!!! :wink: Those poor cabinets haven't been waxed and polished since we bought the place! They are so much happier now! We used an all natural orange oil cleaner and a beeswax polish preserver product that I bought MANY years ago and used on the old house a few times. It is amazing! We used it all up so I checked on line and it is still available. It's not cheap but it is so worth it! $35.00 total and it includes a bottle of each.

    Jami's dad is visiting and we were supposed to go over and play dominoes this evening but she caught a cold after our garage sale last week (claims I gave it to her but I doubt I was contagious after 2 1/2 weeks). And now her dad has the cold also. :( So they had to cancel. I more than understand. So we will spend the evening watching some movies we recorded on TCM. We watched Little Women last night. Really enjoyed it. Wow, Katherine Hepburn was REALLY young in that movie!

    I got some VERY upsetting news this week. Our boss is retiring after 30 years with the company. We are very happy for her but very sad for us :'( She is such an amazing woman and mentor. She will be greatly missed. The 25th is her last day. One of my co-workers got promoted to take on some of her duties managing about 10 people (great gal and much deserved) and they are hiring someone to supervise the accounts receivable/billing girls.

    It is Dan's birthday Thursday the 12th. I am going to make his favorite dinner of fettuccini alfredo with shrimp and broccoli and buy a lemon cake from Costco. Then on Saturday Jami and Joe and Dan and I will go to Hamburger Factory (one of our all time favorites) for dinner to celebrate.

    Marcie, what is a hot shot? Does it give you a cup of hot water for whatever you want such as tea? I am on a Mexican food kick too. Did you get your car washed? I finally got mine washed, so of course it rained this week. At least the wash was free since I had accumulated enough points.

    Sheryl, glad to hear that your mom is OK. I agree Urgent Care doesn't usually seem to do much good. How was Norma's Women's retreat? Hope she got some good rest and replenishment. Thanks for posting Debora's pics.

    Debora, Julie looks beautiful. Glad everything went so well and that life can get a little bit more back to normal. I didn't realize that Ralph had done so many chickens before. Does he name them? :) How nice to have fresh eggs and so quickly!

    Anew, hope all is going well where you are and that you are not affected by all the flooding.

    FYI, Jessica posted a very interesting article on the NM facebook page on why we regain weight after we lose it. I highly recommend reading it.

    Well, I am going to go and start dinner. I'll try to check in tomorrow. Have a wonderful weekend my friends!
  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    Hi everyone. I've read all your posts since I was last here, but I'll come back to comment on them a little later. Just wanted to catch you up on my current health scare.

    At the end of last week I started not feeling very well. Just overall ickiness. On Saturday night when I tried to go to bed, after being asleep for a few minutes I woke and soon after I took a deep breath to go back to sleep my heart just about jumped out of me and I thought that was it for me. Very scary, and it kept doing it every time I tried to go back to sleep. I finally had to give up on sleep that night and quicly consult with my Dad (since he's been dealing with his heart problems for many years). He called an ambulence and they raced me the hospital. The first time I ever road in one of those things? Very weird experience. They ran tests and kept an eye on me until almost 5 am. I just used a Taxi because I didn't want to wake Dad. The doctor at the hospital gave me her test results and directed me to make an appointment with my primary care doctor.

    Then yesterday night Dad woke up to me curled in a ball on the my bedroom floor semi-uncontious with my sticking out sucking in air. He called an ambulence again. The EMTs felt the issue might be be stubance abuse (I guess they've seen it all) so they searched every inch of my room to see if they could find anything, which of course they didn't and they left my room a terrible mess). When they tested me at the hospited they focused the tests on drug abuse, but of course found nothing. I was there until about 1 pm. When I got home I realized why I was on the floor is I was having trouble breathing while the heart pounding again. I probably tried to get out of bed and lost consciousness.

    One embarrassing thing about yesterday, when I leaving home frome the hospital was that when the took me in the ambulence the night before, of my shoes must have falling because there was only one in the hospital room, and I was only wearing my nightgown. So when Dad came the next day to be with me and then take me home, he didnt know to bring me the shoe and some clothes. When we left to go home, while he was outside featching the car, I had to walk through the hospital and extremely busy ER waiting room to get outside while in my nightgown and hospital socks. Then when I got outside I couldnt find Dad and was walking all over the place looking for him! Turn out he had parking at the top of the multilevel parking garage and was having trouble getting out of there.

    Well, I have an appointment with my primary care physicial tomorrow at 4:45 pm. Im hoping he'll have some answers, or at least direct me on the right. Its so hard not getting sleep. I think tonight I try slepeping in the chair in the living room.

    Well that's my news for now. I'll check back with you later.
  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    P.S. They sure do put a lot of stickers on you to run tests! I've been finding them stuck all over my body throughtout the day since I got. Even under my bra, kept sticking to the residue of the stickers! The last couple days have been my first time as a patient since I had my tounsel out as a young child. One thing I didnt like at the two days is the IV line the immeditely put in and leave in the whole day while you're there. Those things hurt every time you move your arm while lying in the bed! Dad told me that back in the day they actually stiched those lines into your arm, so I probably shouldn't complain.

  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    P.S.S Parden my typos in the last two posts. I usually preview better!
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Marcie, how very scary. Sleeping in a recliner might be good - was the chair better? Praying the doctor can figure something out. I'm glad your dad called an ambulance. I suppose they had to think abuse but furtherest thing from your mind. I can' imagine how you can work all day after not much sleep. (((((((((((((HUGS))))))))))))))) to you. Let us know what you find out.
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good Morning,
    Oh, Marcie, how I hope you are having a good morning, what a scare. Trying to sleep in your chair is a great idea, sometimes you just can't lay flat without compressing something vital inside. Sorry that they wasted so much time looking for drugs, that must have been so frustrating that they don't believe what you say. Unfortunately, I suppose a lot of people lie and they can't take any chances.

    John and I are plugging along, getting the outside of our place a little more presentable and manageable. There are some very high spots in the pasture and many spots that are nipped down to the ground. So, I need to mow and knock down the tall grass. It's hard to figure how and why the llamas graze the way they do, but they know what they like and go back to those same spots. We burned the burn pile a few weeks ago and now it's cold enough to clean that out. Lots of decomposed grass and ashes have left a pile of good fertile dirt underneath and we're removing that over to low spots in the pasture and will reseed. Then, the burn pile area will be much smaller and we can start all over again, piling on branches and weeds, pine cones, etc.

    I talked to my mom yesterday and she was in good spirits, not a single complaint, that's a first. Norma spent most of Sunday with her and Brent and his family also dropped in for a short afternoon visit. Hudson will be 4 months old tomorrow and Mom said he's really growing. Mom said that Jackson is talking much clearer now and she can understand him, no more baby talk. He'll really be ready for school, Beth spends so much time with him. That kid is so much more cultured than I ever was, Beth takes him to museums and afternoon concerts in the park and so much more. I never did find a photo of him in his T-Ball uniform, I'll have to ask Norma if they ever took the picture. Maybe, Beth just didn't post it on Facebook, I saw another one of Hudson for his 3 month old photo, I suspect there will be a four month old photo later this week.

    I got an email notifying me that Tammy commented on my posts over at One Kind Planet. I haven't been checking over there, seemed that I was alone. But, I'll reply to Tammy and tell her we need her over here. She said that she's really busy and hardly ever gets a chance to chat anymore. Lynn mentioned on Facebook that she and Susan are going to revamp OKP and change it to more of a blog form. I don't know exactly what that means, we'll see.