Pot Bellied Stove / Water Cooler



  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Hello. Got some things done Wednesday with the whole day at home and the tablecloths fit - so the tables look nice again. Don't know why there weren't any blue that I liked for the last year. Thursday morning was my first time to take my recycling to town (and not to Julie's). There was room for everything I had but I'm glad I went in the morning because I was past it in the evening, it was much fuller. So I'll be doing that once a month now. It is in another close town on a different week if I have a conflict. Then I got to go to Bible study in the evening.

    Friday Ralph went along to town again. I went to the library so I would have a book to take when I take a friend in for her colonoscopy so he found some books too and he went and checked out the chicks. In the afternoon he talked to a neighbor who has built a little chicken house but has no chicks and found out he really wants chickens ready to lay so Ralph said he would raise them and gave him a price. So we went back to town and bought 15 more chicks. They were already 2 weeks old so not as cute. I went along for getting to stop and eat a hamburger.

    So far this morning I cut up a watermelon which looks much better than the last one I had, got out the stuff for the noodles and made sure the two grad gifts are ready since we going to a party for two girls (one college, one high school) this evening. So I won't have to cook much today. Tomorrow is our usual Sunday. I have the meal chart at home but a small copy so I can try and feel the last 7 spots. It will get done. Sunday also starts our missionary conference so we'll have a service each evening through Wednesday. We have one main speaker and then get to hear from one of our missionaries each night. It's usually in July so we'll see how this goes.

    Well, it's time for me to take off so I'll have to save my comments until later. Hoping we get a lot packed up.
  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    edited May 2016
    Marcie, sorry that you were diagnosed with diabetes. But I agree, with diet, etc. I think that you might be able to come off the medication at some point. My brother did. His Dr. sent him to a "diabetes" class that was being given at the hospital to learn about counting carbs and glycemic index, etc. He has managed his blood sugar for several years now. You actually can eat pasta but try pasta made with quinoa or something. As always, everything in moderation. You can do this! I'm praying for you. Thank you for the anniversary wishes.

    Debora, How cool that you are getting some time home and so much accomplished. Nice that Ralph can raise some chickens for your neighbor and make a little money too. Seems like watermelons this time of year are always hit or miss. They are the most difficult fruit for me to choose a good one. A cooking teacher told us to choose watermelons with a sun spot on them but that isn't fool proof either and tapping them never worked for me!

    I just made us from scratch pancakes for our anniversary breakfast. I put some cinnamon in them this time. They were quite tasty. I cut up some of the fresh strawberries I got at the farmer's market to go with them. Yum! Well, I'll close for now and go do some cleaning so I'll have plenty of time before we go out to dinner.

    Have a great day all!
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Hope from Julie's. We filled up a lot of containers and boxes. There was stuff we didn't box up they will put up on some swap deal and try and make a little money. I took a few things - actually I have to go back and get some - an air mattress, some sheets I might use, etc. etc. I brought home 3 afghans that she had made but has too many (never used) to donate and some stuff that goes to Lori. So we didn't start cleaning at all but she was happy with what we got done. She had two sets of shelves that they didn't want to move so we set them out by the curb and a guy who lives across the street came and got them so that worked out well.

    Sheyl, yay on the good blood work. Bummer on the back ache. We all have different things bug us. Hope it doesn't last long. Sorry the storm thing has to be fixed but hopefully, it's a help to you and nice that Cary let you know. I never expect things like that to move along quickly. Did Norma survive her day? Sad that she can't look forward to going.

    Isabella, Happy Anniversary. Congrats on 28 years. Sounds like a special weekend planned. The Hollywood Canteen sounds like an interesting deal. They had a canteen in North Platte, NE where I lived for awhile where they did things to - although I wasn't around then. Yum on the pancakes.

    Marcie, I'm glad you found you found out what the problem was and your numbers must not have been too bad since you were able to be put on a pill. To me you eat so well along with already walking. Stress at work might be your biggest problem in my mind. I still remember my sister not realizing anything was wrong - just that she had a toe that didn't look nice (and it didn't) - she spend time in the hospital and ended up with the toe amputated and on insulin. She realizes she won't get off insulin but doesn't have to use huge amounts. She changed her eating and her AIC is good now. That's what they check every three months and I didn't not realize the importance of checking and watching your feet. She has some neuropathy - hope you don't. She goes to a doctor that just works with diabetes. I'd think he could send the prescription electronically too - oh well, you know it got done this way. And you can still have pasta just much less. It would be good to take some diabetes education classes if you can find some. I thought they were very helpful. I'm rooting for you to get off the pill. The news and all you had to take it was probably a bit overwhelming. Was the salmon good?

    I hear DH getting ready to go to the graduation party so I'd better send this so it doesn't get lost while we are gone.
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good Morning, please pray for Norma...she's spending the entire weekend with Mom. Friday went well, Norma took lunch to Mom's apartment so they could eat a bit early, (going to the dining room at noon would possibly cause them to be late for the dentist), Mom could brush her teeth and off they went. Complete checkup with X-rays and had her teeth cleaned, no cavities. The DMV went smoothly, got Mom's I.D. card updated with her new address and then back to the apartment. Mom wasn't hungry for dinner, so she didn't go down to the dining room at 5 pm. Norma left.
    Then, Norma got a 6:15 am wake up call Saturday morning from Margaret, the manager, and said Mom couldn't get out of bed again, pain in her legs. Margaret had helped Mom to the bathroom and put her back to bed. Norma got over there by 7:15 and had called me in between and we had decided that the problem was Mom had not walked much on Friday. For ease of traveling to appointments, they had used the wheelchair. And, Mom had not gone down to the dining room at noon or at 5 pm. Norma had planned to have Mom walk around her apartment several times and see if that loosened her up. We both figured that if she doesn't use her legs, soon she won't be able to use her legs. I got a call about 8 am asking me if I remembered where I put the heating pad when we moved her to her apartment. I didn't, (I have remembered where a lot of things are this past year, but I didn't remember any heating pad). Norma found it while we were talking, in the bottom drawer of the night stand by Mom's bed. Apparently, walking and/or heat wasn't the answer because the next call I got, at 1:30 pm, was that they had returned from Urgent Care about 11:30 and stayed downstairs for noon lunch in the dining room and then just got back up to Mom's apartment. Mom was diagnosed with bursitis and they gave her a steroid injection into her hip. Margaret loaned them a roll-away bed and Norma spend the night with Mom to be able to help her to the bathroom. Norma will stay there today too, hopefully the steroids will kick-in and Norma will be able to go home tonight and work tomorrow, but she's willing to stay with Mom for however long it takes to help her.

    It's times like this now, that I do wish I lived closer, to take some of the burden off Norma. It would be easier if we could share the work. Norma's planning a two week vacation next month and hasn't told Mom yet, Mom is going to freak out. But, Norma really needs this vacation.

    John goes stir-crazy when it rains. He went outside yesterday, in the rain, because he can't find anything to do in the house. He is so frustrated.
    We have a mama Mallard duck with 5 little ducklings in the yard, so we spent most of the afternoon watching them out of the window. They are adorable. When they got out of sight, John would go outside to check on them. This morning, they are still here, plus about 60 more Mallards flew in for breakfast. They clear out the cracked corn in a matter of minutes. Of course, I put extra out just for them.

    Marcie, so sorry about your diagnosis, however, it's always great to have answers. It's that not knowing that is the worst of all. I trust you got this early enough to live a wonderful, fulfilling, long life. Like Debora said, you already eat healthy and exercise, so just get a handle on the stress part. Easier said than done.

    I'm going to refill my mug and check back later. I have several emails to get out, to tell my cousins about my Mom.
  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    Debora, Thanks for the anniversary wishes. We had a great evening. The steak was fabulous. Cooked to perfection (it had better be for the price!). :wink: The larger cut was just $3 more so of course I got that and have a nice piece left over for a lunch or something. Nice that you got so much stuff boxed up at Julie's and that you got some useful stuff and afghans to donate too. I know they will be appreciated.

    Sheryl, I will be praying for your mom and Norma. Hope your mom is better today. Is there someone at the facility that can look after your mom while Norma is on vacation? Is Norma going away with friends? I know it is tough being far away and not being able to help much. I always felt bad that my brother was left to do everything for my mom but he didn't mind. I also felt bad that I wasn't able to spend more time with her. I couldn't take vacation time to NJ very often. How neat that you get to watch the family of mallards. Did John name them? :smiley: Wow, and 60 more today?! They'll eat you out of house and home! Will they leave a mess? Bet it's great to watch though!

    Not much going on today. Church then grocery shopping then cooking my weekly greens and dinner. I enjoyed my 3 day weekend and feel like I had a mini vacation.

    Have a great week everyone!
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Got a phone call from Mom a little earlier, sounded good and they are going to go downstairs for lunch. She said that she's so afraid of falling, but at least she's trying. I just saw a post on FB about being afraid and doing it anyway, how apropos.

    I just counted 6 ducklings, I miscounted yesterday since they were scurrying about. Hard to count moving objects.

    I discovered what's happening to the duck eggs. Two mornings in a row, I've seen a crow get into a nest and fly off with an egg in his mouth. That's an amazing sight. How he can get a hold of a big egg.

    Isabella, I would love to have additional recipes to use all my eggs. I do make quiche, love it, but more casseroles would be good to have. Thanks.

  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Good Sunday - have a good speaker for our missionary conference. Challenges me. Flag ceremony was moving. They had kids carry in the Christian flag and then flags for countries we have missionaries in now and then counties missionaries have served in. There are 26 flags on display. I made German sausage in the crockpot for the first time. It worked fine but of course, didn't brown so while the noodles were cooking, we browned it in a skillet. Made almost 5 lbs and no leftovers - sad. Do have watermelon to eat but it is good. No one stayed very long so I took a nap and then did some walking and made my list until time for church tonight.

    Tomorrow I go babysit for Lori - could have up to 4 of the kids.

    Sheryl, scary for your mom so nice that Norma could go and so glad to hear it's going okay. And we see the importance of walking and moving. Glad they found the heating pad and urgent care was helpful. I'm glad Norma plans to get away (shouldn't take a phone but...) and you mom has good help where she lives. Where is Norma going?
    Nice that the Mallard duck and babies were able to be watched on a rainy day so John had something to do.
    Wow, how can a crow take an egg without breaking it. Duck eggs are big.

    Isabella, glad the 3 day weekend was like a mini-vacation and refreshing.

    Ralph made a list yesterday of all his chickens - number of each kind. 5 of them he's not for sure about but right now he has 71 chickens and there are 13 different kinds. None of the kids wanted any eggs today but CYIA starts next week and they'll be able to use whatever I have so I'm glad my sister reminded me I could give them there.

  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good Morning, Norma survived the weekend. She called me last night to let me know they had a pretty good day. Norma made Mom get up every two hours and walk around, just like what we did after her back surgery, and they spent a few hours in the afternoon outside in the patio area. Mom never goes outside on her own, so we also think she's deprived of "fresh" air. She doesn't even open the windows in her apartment. Norma spent the night again, but will go to work today from Mom's and then stop back by after work and see how she's doing. Plus, pick up all her stuff to take to her own house.

    I'm back, Norma just called me on her way to work. She truly did survived the weekend. Mom went through her "oh, poor me" routine as Norma got ready for work. Thank goodness Norma is not retired yet, or Mom would expect her to be there all the time. Norma said that she's about the same as before, certainly some pain, but Mom can get around, if she just would. She is losing some of her upper body strength as well, simply because she's not doing anything. There's a fitness class offered there, but Mom won't go to it. She just sits and vegetates. So sad.

    I haven't seen the ducklings yet this morning, but I fed many, many other Mallards, as well as our own birds.
    I have a few errands to run so I'm going to try to get John to go with me, either today or tomorrow. I'll see how he is when he gets up.

  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    edited May 2016
    Oh yea, I forgot to tell you about Norma's vacation again. Well, it could be the final Simon experience...this was planned several months ago, so Norma is going through with it, but at the end, she may tell Simon not to contact her anymore. Simon's brother and sister-in-law live in Montana, have acreage in the wilderness between Whitefish and Columbia Falls. Gorgeous country and they are in the final stages of building a home there. Simon goes there to visit and help out with construction. He's driving up there again next week and Norma will be flying into Kalispell to visit them also. But, she has a lay-over in Portland, so she made it a whole day and will spend it with me, Yay! She flies in in the morning of June 6th, but instead of flying out that same afternoon, she's leaving the afternoon of June 7th. We will get together with Carol for lunch on the 7th. I don't know if I told you that I know Carol because of Norma, they went to college together. Anyway, Norma will fly to Kalispell and spend a few days there (she really likes Doug and Pam) and then Norma and Simon will be driving back home by way of my house again. They will stay here the weekend of the 11th and 12th and then leave Monday morning heading South. They will stay with our cousins in Grants Pass Monday night and then with Norma's sister-in-law in Sacramento on Tuesday/Wednesday. Stop at Simon's in Pismo Beach for a classic car show on the 17th and on to Southern California for a softball tournament on the 18th-19th. A very full two weeks.
    Norma is spending Memorial Day with Mom at the Mission Commons BBQ and will tell her about being gone for two weeks then. Gives Mom less time, only one week, to fret over it. I know Norma and she will have her phone and will call Mom everyday just like she does when she's in town. Mom should be happy for Memorial Day, usually Mission Commons has their special occasion events on a Thursday and Norma has to work. Mom complained to me that she had no one to come with her on Easter and Mother's Day because they celebrated on Thursday.

    Awwwww, the little ducklings are in the yard, still all six of them.
  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    Hi all.

    Well, I started taking the Metformin pills on Saturday. I have to take a half a pill twice daily with meals. Kind of upset my stomach, so I'm hoping that passes soon.

    I have to stop by the pharmacy after work again today to pick up the diabetes kit (so I can start checking my blood glucose levels). They had to special order it, so it wasn't available on Friday when I picked up the Metformin. I made up a chart to keep track of my blood glucose numbers, so I can verify if changes occur over time.

    Didn't do a whole lot this weekend. Just stuck around the house, did laundry and hard boiled some eggs for this week. I was still tired, so took a nap on both Saturday and Sunday. I also spent my lunch hour here at work in my car in the parking garage so I could just close my eyes and get a little rest.

    While I didn't feel like it, I went for a couple of walks this morning. The doctor wants me to keep up on the exercise, so I can't slack on that.

    We got some pretty good rain on Friday and Saturday. They are talking about lifting some of the water restrictions. Currently we are only able to water once a week. We may be going back to at least two days a week. I hope so.

    Sheryl, I'm glad to hear things went better for Norma and your Mom. That must be so frustrating for Norma. Her vacation sounds fun. It will be great for her to get away.

    Debora, that's great that your sister has adapted to her new lifestyle with diabetes. I sure hope I don't ultimately have to go the insulin route, but I guess we will see.

    Isabella, I'm glad you enjoyed your "mini" vacation. We have Monday off next week, so I'll get a "mini" vacation too. Yay.

    Ok, back to work. Have a nice day everyone.
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good Morning. John and I were gone almost all day yesterday. Didn't do much, just went here and there; bank, post office, several stores. Went to Kitchen Table Café for lunch. But, since John was with me, I didn't rush home, we could drive around a little with no destination. It was great to be out of the house and get John out of his rut.

    Today and tomorrow should be dry, so we'll be outside again, doing chores. I still have my huge list of chores. Some annual chores that I haven't done in 3 years...first on the list is cleaning the windows.

    The wild Mallards have come and gone already this morning. Our neighbor, Jack, gets out to feed about 8 am, so the birds know they can come here first and get cracked corn and then go across the street and get bread, and later, go up the road and Dave feeds by his pond too. They know the routine.
    Isabella, the wild birds come and go so quickly, they leave very little extra mess, but our own birds are very "poopy". Watch your step when you come to visit me, the geese leave big gifts all over the walkway. They seem to like to sleep on the concrete, it must stay warm at night. I hose it off daily. The rest is scattered in the lawn and pasture and we just let nature take it's course and the rain washes it in. But, be sure to wipe your feet on the way into the house, ha ha ha.

    I got back late yesterday so I called my Mom at night instead of afternoon. Unusual for me, I'm usually exhausted and can't handle calling late, I'm often in bed already. She sounded great, very upbeat and told me she's really trying. Was able to get in and out of the shower yesterday morning and went to lunch at noon and felt good enough to go to Bingo at 3 pm. She has 3 pm Bingo again today, so I told her I'd call at 2 pm. After lunch, but before Bingo is my usual routine. Friday Bingo is at 1:30 pm, so she doesn't even come back to her apartment, goes straight to Bingo right after lunch. At least she has that one activity, with her friend Peggy. I just wish she could have something daily outside too. Norma joked and said we need to get her a dog so she has to go out every day. When I told John, he said, "Oh, do you really want to do that to a poor innocent dog?" We laughed, hard, I almost crashed the car laughing so much.

    Time to refill my mug...

  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    edited May 2016
    Morning all.

    It's cool this morning. The cold seems to affect me more these days than it used to. We may get a little rain later today, but mostly just a cool cloudy day.

    I got to work early this morning, so I took a long walk. I plan to tack on another mile or so later today. I'm trying to be consistent with the walking now.

    I just submitted by absence request for the week I was out following the hospitalization. I'm out of time, so I'm going to be docked for four of those days. I have a doctor's note, so there won't be a problem there, but I'm losing four days pay. Ugh.

    I stopped by the pharmacy after work yesterday and picked up my blood sugar level checker. The doctor wants me to check my levels three times a day. Glad I had Dad around because he helped me with the first jab. Doesn't hurt as much as I expected. Yesterday before dinner my level was still pretty high (172, normal should be 100 or less), but this morning when I woke up with was down to 141. They say the numbers day by day aren't as important as the overall average, so I'm hoping my two-week average is decent. When they tested me at the blood diagnostic clinic a couple of weeks ago, it was at 189.

    Apparently the diabetes kit I picked up yesterday isn't covered by insurance. The cost for the device would have been $30, but the pharmacist's assistant was able to get me a coupon, so there was no charge. I did have to pay $20 for my first 100 test strips (a month's supply) though. Those strips are sure expensive. They are $1 each, so when I have to order my next supply, it's going to cost me $100 for a month's supply if I still have to test three times a day.

    When I was testing my sugar level after waking up this morning, I didn't think I'd ever draw enough blood to test. I had to set the device at it's highest level (sharpest jab) and still wound up having to jab myself three times before I got enough blood to test. Apparently my blood doesn't flow well first thing in the morning!

    The pharmacist said I should try to not exceed 50 g of carbohydrates each day. That's sure tough. Just one serving of my brown rice cereal is 25 g! I'll have to come up with a eating plan. Today at the Grille at work is salad bar day, so I plan to have a big ol' diabetes-friendly salad for lunch.

    One thing the doctor told me to do is to eat a banana every day. I'm finding that difficult. I'm not much of a fan of bananas. But I'm forcing it down!

    I wasn't feeling very well yesterday, very head achy, bloated and gassy, but I sure am feeling better this morning. Maybe I'm developing a tolerance now for that Metformin medication. Hopefully. Dad said when he took that medication in 2008 he didn't have any side-affects. Leave it to me.

    I think Cisco knows I haven't been feeling well lately. He just never leaves my side and keeps kissing me. My cat Simon could care less though. Ha! He just comes around when he wants me to wait on him. That's a cat for you.

    Sheryl, that's so nice that you and John were able to get out of the house yesterday. Sounds like a good day. That's also great news that your Mom is perking up and participating again. I hope it lasts!

    Looks like break time is over (they sure fly by). Have a nice day everyone! :)
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    edited May 2016
    Good Morning. Marcie, you gave me my morning chuckle, Simon! Yea, That's a cat for you, don't you just luv'em.

    John and I worked outside all day yesterday, from 11 am until 5 pm when I came in to start dinner. John went out again after dinner. I was pooped, took a HOT shower and was ready to head for bed by 7:30 pm.

    This is short, John is up already.
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    edited May 2016
    Good Morning. Boy, did I feel it yesterday, sore legs, sore back and sore arms, achy all over, I really gave myself a workout on Tuesday. I took it easy yesterday and am ready to get more work done today. Still have joint pain in my knees, partly arthritis, partly a side effect from the cancer meds, and maybe, partly due to actually doing some real work again. Although, I would think that the work part should work out all the kinks and pain in my knees.

    I forgot to tell you that when John and I returned from our outing on Monday, we had the metric wrench and sockets waiting for us in the mail. It's the perfect size, yay!! I had a bit of a scare...John took the wrench out first, without me, and came back in and said it didn't fit. I thought, how can that be? 33mm is the only size left that we hadn't already checked. Well, when I went out with him, he was trying the wrench on the wrong nut, one on the tractor instead of the one on the attachment. So, all is well now.

    I just heard on the news that another church was set on fire last night. And, it's the church I go to, when I get to church. Liberty Bible in Salmon Creek. Night before last, another church was set on fire in Hazel Dell. Two church fires in two days, both arson, they think it's the same person or persons. The first church was built back in the 60's, with very unusual, special architecture, looked like an ark with a lot of stained glass, almost a total loss. The news stated that the shape of the building made it difficult for firefighters. But, the news said Liberty Bible has a sprinkler system that caught the fire right away, so I trust there's not too much damage. I'll find out more from Carol and see if they have Sunday services.

    I called Mom yesterday and she sounded a bit down. Did not feel as good as Tuesday which was not as good as Monday. I think she was down because she expected to continue to feel better each day after that steroid injection. Attitude is everything! She said that she made it downstairs for lunch, but planned to skip dinner. I should say that she takes the elevator, even though I say "downSTAIRS". Norma and I take the stairs when we're on our own, but the elevator when with Mom.

    Marcie, how are you feeling today? I trust that your body will adjust to the new meds very soon. I'm still so surprised of your diagnosis, when you take such good care of yourself. There must be some genetics involved, 'cause you already eat well and exercise regularly.

    Debora, looking forward to your next post and your whole week of activities. You are so very busy.

    Jannie, miss you, I'm sure you are enjoying your new kitchen. Let us know what's cookin'. I'm sure the boys keep you busy, plus work. Are are you feeling? How's the hip?

    Anew, miss you too. Haven't heard from you in ages.

    Isabella, John hasn't named the new little critters. I am so surprised that he has forgotten the names of our own animals, or he calls them by the wrong name. Lucky, our oldest goose, and Beauty, our oldest llama, gets reversed in John's mind. He'll tell me something that "Lucky" did and I know that a goose can't do that...it was Beauty.
    I am extremely surprised that the mama duck with the six ducklings are crossing the road back and forth every day. In years past, once they get across the first time, they stay over there with the big ponds and lots of brush to hide out in. But, this one is returning for cracked corn. Yesterday, I saw cars on the road out front slow down and come to a complete stop. I looked out the window and saw both lanes of traffic stopped to let the family of ducks cross the street. Amazing, since they drive like maniacs out here and we've seen some cars speed up, seemingly to try to hit critters in the road. Teenagers!!! and, unfortunately they live next door. Speaking of next door, they are going through a divorce, so hopefully, they will have to sell the house and we'll get better neighbors.

    If John stays in bed a little longer, I'll have a chance to call Christina this morning. She's still having a hard time, the new pain meds are not working. However, the pain management doctor had said that he wouldn't give up and had other meds he'd prescribe, so I have hope that there's still relief coming.

    I guess that's it for this morning, I've really rambled on. Time to refill my mug.

  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Oh yea, one more thing. In preparation for Norma's visit and then Norma and Simon the following weekend, I temporarily changed my Blue Apron from 2-person meals to the family plan, 2 meals that should feed 4. I got my first family plan delivered yesterday, I wanted to make sure the change went through before Norma arrives. And, it did. It looks good and I will make up the meals and John and I will eat the same thing two days in a row, Thank goodness he doesn't remember things and won't know that he just ate the same thing yesterday. ha ha ha
  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    Good morning everyone.

    I'm tired this morning and would have loved to stay in bed a little while longer. I dragged myself to work, and if I have time later today during my break I may go down to my car in the parking garage and take a short nap. Just didn't sleep well last night.

    It's warming up a bit again. Yesterday it got up to 80 degrees. Perfect weather to open all the windows and get some fresh air in the house. Today should be more of the same. Still chilly in the morning though.

    When I got home from work yesterday Cisco did his Dino (Flintstones) impression and attacked me! Usually he just meets me at the door with his tailing wagging a million miles a minute. Dad says Cisco parks himself in front of the window around the time I usually get home, waiting for my car to pull up. It's nice to be wanted. Ha!

    After a few days now of checking my blood glucose levels, the pattern seems to be I'm in the 140s when I wake up in the morning and the 160s before I eat dinner each night. The numbers don't seem to be going down yet. I guess I just have to be patient.

    When I got home yesterday I got a call from an Ophthalmologist I had never heard of to set up an appointment to have them check my eyes. Apparently my doctor referred me to him after the diabetes diagnosis, but didn't give me a heads up that they would be contacting me. I set up an appointment for late June. My Dad said he goes to this Ophthalmologist and this is the doctor who worked on his cataracts years ago. So now I have an appointment on June 6th to see the foot doctor, an appointment on June 8th to see my doctor, and an appointment on June 20th to see the Ophthalmologist. The appointments are sure building up.

    Our neighbor next door (the good one, not Beavis & Butthead) finally decided yesterday to remove his eyesore of a basketball hoop. He had put it in the ground with concrete when his son lived with them, and that's been nearly 30 years ago. He wasn't able to get the pole out though. It looks like he's going to have to jack hammer that concrete. Our other neighbor across the street (who's 90 years old) has the same issue. He tells us that he plans to tackle the removal of the thing soon. I don't think he realizes he's 90 years old!

    Sheryl, after you mentioned the church fires I looked them up and that Hazel Dell church does look like and ark. They article said they refer to it as an upside down boat church. That's sad that people would do that. With all the chores you do, I'd be sore too! I hope it gets better today. Sorry Mom is not as peppy now. The ups and downs must wear on her too. Great idea to change the Blue Apron plan to accommodate four people. I hope they enjoy the food.

    I guess it's time to get back to work. Have a lovely day everyone. :)

  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Another rainy day here. Very humid too. I turned the ac on cause that will help with the indoor humidity. :) The week is speeding by. I did have 4 of Lori's kids most of the time. We had an easy dinner and I did the dishes and we played some board games. I didn't do anything with the laundry cause they trying something new so I didn't want to mess anything up. Tuesday I took my friend in for her colonoscopy. I was glad I took snacks along so I could eat since it was done over the noon hour. Bad thing was they couldn't finish it (couldn't go around one corner) so they scheduled her for a barium emema (whatever that is) the next day. And she had to stay on clear liquids. I took her home and waited until she had things scheduled. I like animals but 4-5 cats looking me over was a lot for me and the floor was covered with things so you stepped on them as you walked. She did have a clear spot on the couch for me to sit. She was able to drive herself the next day cause no anesthesia was involved.

    Monday Derek had called to see if I could mend some jeans for him (one job he saves for me) so I tackled that Wednesday. I did 7 pair and it took me a good part of the day (did do a few other things). I tried to make them look nice. He's supposed to come by today to get them cause tomorrow he leaves for Guatemala. Yesterday afternoon we went to a visitation of a friend that passed away suddenly. Each evening this week we went to church. The speaker was really good and then the last night we celebrated one of our missionaries who is retiring. Yummy dessert and lots of good visiting. We didn't get home until 10.

    Today I've worked on emails, did my list and started it and did a little mending for Ralph. I also decided some of his jeans can just go - they aren't worth mending. I have Bible study this evening.

    I have slowed way down on my walking today. Monday when I got up I had a sore place on the top of my left foot, but keep plugging away. Each day it has hurt a bit more and today I decided I'd try taking it easy and see if that helps. I don't know if I should have a doctor look at it or not so babying it along. Otherwise things aren't slowing down but what else is new.

    Sheryl, what a lot to do on Norma's vacation. So nice that you'll see her on both ends, one with Simon and once without. I agree, this could be the decision maker. Both of you will stay in touch with your mom via phone and she has good care where she is at. Hope she does get to feeling stronger and pushes herself.

    Marcie, hope you're getting used to the metformin. A pill sounds so easy. Glad they helped you get a deal on your meter. My sister always has hers at her appointments and they take it and downlaod the results of the past three months. Yes, that 30 minutes a day of exercise is important. You're far from where my sister was. Even though she had no idea she had diabetes, when she went to the hospital, her blood sugar was 800 and her AIC was 12. Now her A1C runs 6 something and her average is around 120 which they say for a diabetic they are happy if it's even a little higher than that. It takes some figuring and learning what foods work for you.

    Sheryl, nice that you and John had a good day out doing errands with no rush and your wrench was waiting on you when you got home. Yay that it worked. 11-5 outside - that's a lot of hours of working. Smart to change your Blue Apron order. That will work out nicely. My husband may eat the same foods for several days in a row but he doesn't complain. Nice that the mallards are so fun to watch and the mom and babies keep coming.

    Marcie, yuck on losing 4 days pay - that's a real bummer. Yes, the test strips aren't cheap. Check around and see if you can buy them elsewhere for less. We did. Are you sure your phamacist said 50 g a day. My sister's doctor and the classes we went to say for women, it's 50g (or 3 carb units - 1 carb unit is around 15g). per meal. The banana thing surprised cause I'd never heard them talked about a lot. I asked my sister and she was surprised cause they are high glycemic and she can only eat half a banana if she eats one. They always say to eat a banana for the potassium so maybe you could find it another way. The idea is to eat food you enjoy that work for you so I would say to nix the banana but don't want to go against the doctor either. So sweet of Cisco to care for you and I love the Flintstone welcome.
    Yes, they watch a lot of things when you have diabetes. My sister went last December and has to go back this next week (6 months). Interesting they had the opthamologist called you and they didn't just tell you to set up an appointment. So much to deal with all at once.

    Sheryl, that horrible about fires being set in a church. I hope the person is caught. Were you able to talk to Christina. Glad this doctor isn't giving up on her.

    Derek was just by to pick up his jeans. He doesn't take off till 12:30. He asked me to check in with Lindsey next week but with having kids here, I won't be able to do much. We'll see. I need to get my shopping list ready and supper before it's time to go so will leave you all for now.
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good Morning. Yes, Debora, I was able to call Christina and we chatted for only a few minutes. She said that she was getting ready to try to take a nap, only mid morning and she was exhausted, and as soon as we started talking, I heard John getting up, so we kept it short. We don't call often, with the 3 hour time difference, it doesn't work out conveniently for either of us. But, every so often, we just need to hear each other's voices. Her birthday is on Monday, but they don't have any special plans. Her latest pain patch is not working out well. It released too much meds due to her over-heating and the adhesive on the patch irritated her skin.

    Marcie, I can so empathize with you on doctor appointments. Didn't have a single one for years and years, and now, it seems the calendar is full of scheduled appointments.

    I received a phone call from another cousin who lives in Southern California and they are driving by here while on vacation in July and want to stop by. I said "Yay!" come over. It will be so great to see them. I won't tell John, we'll just spring it on him. They will spend one day with us and have accommodations reserved for the night in Portland. Since they are not spending the night, I feel it's safe and easier to just spring their visit on John when they are walking up to the door. I hope this is the way to not cause him another panic attack thinking of company coming. I'm so fortunate that he has no problem with Norma coming and staying, just others give him anxiety. He knows Norma and Nancy and wants them to visit.

    John and I worked outside again yesterday, got a lot done, but so much more to do...same old story, I sound like a broken record. more mowing, more weeding and I ordered more fence tubing and hardware to do fence repairs later. And, still more sand to move around into muddy spots.

    And...still more coffee to put in my mug.
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    More rain last night and more rain this afternoon. We drove home from the doctor with the wipers going full blast. Creeks are up, water on the road. I don't keep track of how much but we've had plenty. Bible study was good last night but when I got home and took off my shoe, my foot hurt with each step. Taking my shower was painful. At least it doesn't hurt when I sleep and was better when I put my shoe on but I was ready to go get it checked out. Couldn't get in till the afternoon so Ralph and went and did our regular errands in another town in the morning. I'm kind of getting used to him going every week. Oh, I did go walk slowly with my friend. Got home, unloaded the car and put things away and then fixed something to eat. Then I went to two places to invite the kids to Bible School and then to our Jordanian family to see if they wanted the afghans Julie had made but didn't need and they took them all.

    So then we headed for the doctor - got xrays which showed nothing but he's pretty sure it's a stress fracture which often don't show up on x-rays. Fortunately, my walking friend had given me a surgical show and it basically fits. I have a narrow foot so still figuring it out. If it hurts I'm not suppose to do it and I'm supposed to slow down. He even mentioned crutches but we didn't go get any. I'll try and do less. I go back in 6 weeks. And because I didn't do anything in particular to have this happen, he wants me to get a bone density test so got that set-up for two weeks.

    We had one of our Bible School teachers quit cause her mother-in-law has cancer and it doesn't look good (she also from our church) so I worked on getting her meals switched to the person taking her place.

    The house looks about like it did last Sunday evening so the main jobs tomorrow are to straighten the house and do the food stuff. I won't push much past that and I'll get my crochet project out. I've planned simple meals for next week and simplify for that week anyway so I'll just start a little sooner. Guess I can test my foot each night when I take the shoe off. :)

    Sheryl, glad you got to talk to Christina. She never seems to have an easy day (so guess I shouldn't be complaining). Cool that another cousin plans to come by. Such an encouragement to have others there. The outside work doesn't end and has to be repeated over and over but it's great that both of you can work on it now and progress is made every day you're out there.

    Off to make my list for tomorrow.
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good Morning, rained on and off all day yesterday, so I took the day off again. Seems like I work hard one day and laze around the next, work one more day and take another day off. So, should get something done today and rest tomorrow.

    Liberty Bible is combining the two Sunday morning services into one tomorrow, due to the fire.

    Norma got a new phone and it continually butt dials me...happened again last night after 9 pm and I was in bed. I got up for nothing!!!!! Well, I tried to eaves drop and hear what she was doing, but couldn't make it out, sounded like fun though, many voices. I'll have to ask her where she was on a Friday night, whooping it up.

    I guess that's it for a Saturday morning. Hope you all have a great weekend and Memorial Day.