Pot Bellied Stove / Water Cooler



  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    edited March 2016
    I can't get it, lol.

    Good afternoon, we have been storming alot since yesterday. Today many tornado and flash flood warnings, but we've been lucky here because it's just been rain, lighting and thunder. I am so happy we have that rain gutter up on the back side of the house. It has sure made things much better when it rains and I don't worry the house will flood because it doesn't get too high on the back patio anymore. The winds have been high for the last couple of days and it even took out my husbands huge whirly gig in the backyard. It sent the top flying and it landed stuck into the grass with the metal support pole broken. I had a few buckets from the garden thrown around and my small green house (which is empty) was also on the ground.

    My bathroom shower is all clean now, it is so nice to have a clean shower to look at, lol. Now I don't feel icky while taking a shower because it felt like I was showering with the people that lived here before us, lol. Kind of like the kitchen sink issue, I don't feel bad about setting dishes in the sink anymore since it is finally clean. I had a very long post I wrote the other day and I can't find it. I must have forgotten to actually click the post button. I usually use my last post as my gauge for where to begin again.

    The coffee bar cabinet is finished and we need to build the shelf that goes above it for the coffee mug rack I bought last year. Hubby has found everything we need to build it in our scrap pile so there shouldn't be any extra cost to make it. I only get one shelf, it doesn't look like there is enough room for two shelves without making it look too cluttered. That's ok, I can roll with it and make some changes. It will be a shelf with a shelf attached if that makes sense, the coffee mug shelf I bought is designed to be attached to the bottom of an upper wall cabinet. So a shelf with a shelf, lol. It just might not have my decorative glass jars on the shelf. We'll see what I can do with it.

    I still need to order the cute coffee cup clock I wanted to hang above everything. I am amazed at how much this little cabinet holds and hubby built it to my specs. I had him put the lower drawer/shelf in and we put all the tall stuff in it, this gave him the knowledge of where to put the next upper drawer/shelf. That then left room to make my topmost upper drawer very deep. So deep that I can put the tea/coffee cup saucers upright on their side instead of laying them in the drawer. This is perfect, I can load that drawer up with tall coffee and tea boxes, etc. For now it holds all six coffee/tea cups and saucers, all 6 huge latte cups, various tea steepers and my Downton Abbey ceramic spoons(still in their box) and other things. It's amazing how much this drawer holds.

    We still need to stain the top for the little island and paint the outside and inside of it. Remember when we discovered the door was not a solid wood door, but was hollow in most areas? Well hubby used 2x4's cut to fit into those hollows to make it solid so he would have a place to put the screws. He said there is plenty of solid structure for me to add a towel bar on the side and toward the top.

    Mygnsac-Happy Birthday! I hope you have a nice dinner at Sizzler.

    Sannferris-Glad you had a good time with Carole, it sounds nice to get away from things at home giving you a mental break and maybe a nice exhale once in a while. So sorry Christina won't get the help she needs, and I agree, it's inhumane treatment.

    Arobed53-Wow, that is alot of eggs, what a feat. It sounds like a cookie marathon. :smiley: You have some very competitive kids in your family, I bet that is fun to watch the games. The bride and the wedding sounds beautiful.

    Isyvanek-The chicken Adobo sounds really good and all the cobweb removal and dusting sounds like hard work. For me I can't raise my arms above my head for very long so hubby has to take to that task for me so it doesn't get done as often as I would like since he is already so busy with other things. This house doesn't seem to be as bad for some reason so that is a nice thing. It will be interesting to know how much the house across the street sells for.

    Well all, I am going to get off here, I have been having a problem with a rash all over my body, the doc doesn't know what it is and I have been slathering on the benadryl cream to get some relief. I also discovered I can swallow the small benadryl pills so started taking those. I have looked online everywhere but I can't find pics of what I have. I think it is some kind of hive and wonder if I am allergic to something. It has helped taking the benadryl pills but it's also putting me to sleep for very long slumbers, the nice kind as in I don't feel like my airway is closing down like all the meds I was taking did to me. I can sleep and breathe at the same time, lol. Today I was in bed at 6 am and just woke up at 4:30 pm. Yeah, that is a long time sleeping but I've had lots of weather warnings in-between from my phone. So some awake time, lol.

    I'll come back later if I can. Night all.

  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    edited March 2016
    OH MY GOSH! It's BEDBUGS!!!! OH MY GOSH!!!!!!!!!

    I kept telling my husband it had to be bed bugs, but he isn't getting any bites. He or I haven't been seeing any bugs until about 2 o'clock this morning. He yelled at me to come in the room while he was just laying down and trying to get to sleep, there were two on the bed. He said he felt it crawling on him. OH MY GOSH! The last time he was on a business trip around February 18th was about one week later I started getting these welts on my body. He brought them home from the DAMN F'ING HOTEL. Gosh I am so mad. We have just spent three hours pulling everything apart, vacuuming and bagging everything. Oh MY GOSH and he stores his damn suitcase in my closet, oh I am so pissed off.

    I have guests coming on the 24th, well I did, but I don't think that is going to happen now. I have to get all sorts of treatment and covers and everything else done. I am so PISSED OFF!!!!!!!!!

    There is nothing in the guest room, we already turned everything over and there is no problem. The mattress and box spring were in boxes all sealed up tight until we took them out of their boxes a couple weeks ago and neither of us have slept on it. I found one bed bug on my husbands ottoman but there is nothing in the living room otherwise, well at least we don't see anything. We turned everything over except our bed frame. It has to be taken apart and he was too tired to do that but he vacuumed it really well. Thank GOD it's only in our bedroom. Nothing on our dining chair seats. Nothing in the lamps in our bedroom. Nothing on any of the furniture other than the bed. We vacuumed thoroughly and tied all the bags up and threw away the contents of the vacuum cleaner. I put everything in bags and tied them off. I found lots of bed bugs on the bed covers and sheets. We inspected everything before I put it in a bag. It all has to be washed again and dried, all on high heat. They say to give it a second dryer run on each load too. I washed all that bedding the other day, we checked the mattress and box spring really well and found nothing then. I had removed everything from the bed, the mattress pad and all the sheets. There was nothing we could find on that bed. Aye Aye Aye!

    My poor husband hasn't had an ounce of sleep since his nap he took when he got home from work yesterday and he has to go to work again today. He is in the shower now, I feel so bad for him. I am now online looking for all the bed covers and treatments necessary to get rid of this beast. We have Terminex, but online forums say they charge between $600-$1,000 and only guarantee for 30 days, they come back once during that time. If you purchase the bed covers and things like that they give 90 days. I can buy everything I need for about $500-$600 (Thanks for credit cards) from Do my own pest control and have enough to do the bedrooms twice plus have all the mattress, box spring and pillow covers needed to kill these things. I'll be buying the luggage liners and laundry bags too. Anything to stop bed bugs when he travels.

    I tell him every single time he goes to a hotel to take that bed apart at night and look under the mattress. He says he does but obviously it didn't work for us. Just like looking and looking at our bed didn't do anything for the last few weeks that I have been eaten alive. It only was discovered early this am because he felt one crawling on him. Oh My Gosh! I have asked him to start using one of those plastic containers we purchased for our trip to California to avoid bed bugs. They seal tightly, they are water tight so he could put him clothes and things in that instead of using a suitcase. He can keep it all locked down in the car and just get what he needs for each day from the truck and put his dirty clothes in the bed bug proof bag I am buying him. I hope he takes heed and does that, I don't ever want to deal with this again. Oh My Gosh, it's the most horrible thing I have ever been through!

    Well here is the website(s) for getting all your needs for any kind of bugs you have. I just suggest you take a look around for better deals and free shipping wherever you can to save on all this stuff.


    This one has things cheaper than the other site and also have the mattress and box spring bundle set for cheaper. They also have the pillow protectors for cheaper. So I am buying from both places to get this job done. I see a huge amount of vacuuming and pulling the bed apart in my life for the next 6 months or so.


    Here are the instructions with the proper steps on how to get rid of bed bugs.


    These are pro strength products and we already have the body suit, shoe protectors, pro masks, green gloves, and the one gallon sprayer. Please make sure you purchase those items if you don't already have them. I don't want anyone to get themselves hurt when doing their own pest control. The only reason I got a Terminex contract was we were having wasp problems in our yard and I wanted them to handle that. They were chasing my husband. I think we had 10 wasp (I don't remember how many) nests of various sizes in our yard they took care of. They came back to take care of more about every one to two weeks. It's about time for that to start again so I'll be happy to let them take care of it. They have also been dealing with the red ants all over the yard too. We put bait down on those nests but they come back over and over again.

    Well hubby just left without any sleep, I offered to drive him to work and he said no, so I asked him to call me to pick him up if he is too tired to drive later. Aye Aye Aye.

    I'm keeping the bedroom door closed with the lights off in there and I walk back in about every ten minutes and shine a flash light. I found one adult bed bug walking on the carpet so he got smashed pretty quick. We vacuumed everything, but it's obvious why those things are so prevalent in this world. Ugh!

    Well, I have probably run my welcome out on this rant so I will get off here. Thanks for listening, er reading!

    Goodnight all!
  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    Oh my Anew. What a nightmare! Glad you now know the reason for the rash, but sorry what you have to go through now to get rid of those things. :worried: I've never really thought about bugs in hotel rooms, but then I haven't spent much time in them.

    Hi everyone. I hope you are all having a nice day.

    Our weather has been cloudy but mild all morning, but they say the rains will return around rush hour today (of course!) and on through Saturday.

    Dad took a nostalgic road trip yesterday up to Shingle Springs where we lived from 1977-1980. It's so pretty up there. He says not much has changed to the landscape. We lived on the edge of a forested canyon in a really pretty house. Lots of hilly roads there. I remember having to walk 1/2 mile up a hill just to get to the bus stop. He says our old house has been taken good care of, with lots of improvements made. Round trip, it was 70 miles. When we lived there my parents had to commute to Sacramento for work. 70 miles a day in heavy traffic must have been tough. The only reason we left was he was offered the chance to manage a TV station in Fort Wayne, Indiana. We lasted a couple years there, but he wasn't happy in the job, and hated the weather, so we returned to CA in 1982.

    Just got an assignment so I need to close. Bye all.


  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    edited March 2016
    Hello again everyone, I've calmed down a little but have done a few loads of laundry today. No sleep for me. Hubby got home safely and is now resting in the guest bedroom which is now our new room for a few days.

    I just spent around $845 today on stuff for this problem and it includes a heat machine that kills bugs with heat. It will even fit that ottoman in it and you can add books, clothing, electronics, shoes, pictures, anything you can't put in the dryer and will fit in it. You can bet this will be used when hubby returns from a business trip. I had some of it overnight shipped so I can get started and the rest will come when I need it since they are for the next steps anyway. The shipping was free on the regular shipping stuff, but the overnight stuff cost an extra $57.00 to ship to us. I should get it tomorrow evening (I sure hope so) and can start on that room if it's not too late.


    All in all, after reading the blogs and the fees people are being charged and still not bedbug free I know I am getting a steal on all the stuff I bought. I have 12 pillow encasements of various sizes, two mattress and box spring encasements, luggage and laundry protectors, and all the products I need to combat this problem.

    I called my friend and let her know what was going on, I told her we would understand if they didn't want to stay here. I also told her the pest control lady told me if I do all the work I told her I was doing between now and then it would be no problem for us to have guests. She said I shouldn't be getting any more bites either. It is up to her and her husband to decide what they want to do when they come for a visit. I just want to see them.

    Mygnsac-I took a look at Shingle Springs since I had never heard of it. Wow, what a beautiful place, it reminds me of home in East San Diego County. I bet your dad really enjoyed memory lane and you did too. The housing really seems very reasonable there.

    Okay, well I am tired, I am going to get some fast dinner on and try to get some sleep tonight.

    Goodnight all.
  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member

    Well the overnight shipping fee was well worth it, the tracking says my first order will be delivered tomorrow at 10:30 am. YIP-PEEEEEEEEEEE!
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good Morning, Oh No, Anew, bed bugs are awful. I remember the first time I had Granny come out for the NM Walk, we were at a hotel in Escondido and she had a fit when I set my suitcase on the bed. She quickly told me to always put my suitcase (especially because it's soft-sided luggage) on a hard surface, not on the bed, so that I wouldn't take bed bugs home with me. I had never heard of that before. My sister fought bed bugs a few years ago, after having guests come to visit and she had them stay in her master bedroom and bathroom. Fortunately, the bugs stayed in that area and she never had a problem in any other part of the house. She still sprays the mattress, pillows and bedding with essential oils to help keep her bug free. Hope you are able to get a handle on the problem and your friends decide to stay with you.

    I finally called Kit yesterday and left a message on voice mail. I hope she calls me back and we can get together soon. I hope Billie is doing better, but I have a feeling she's having more physical problems.

    Still no news directly from Cary, but there is so much activity back there while they are building another house. Yesterday, I saw a very large backhoe brought in and thought it was for the house building, much too big for digging out the ditch. Early afternoon, John told me that they were using the backhoe on the ditch and he thinks they will damage the fence, it's way too big. But, I already went out there early this morning and looked for myself and the ditch doesn't look any different and the back hoe is sitting way on the other side of the lot, so I don't know exactly what John thought he saw. Time will tell.

    Today should be fairly nice weather until late this afternoon when the rains return. It's time to get more hay, so this morning should be the best time. I told John yesterday that I want to go get hay this morning, but I'm sure he forgot. I'll see how things go when he gets up.
  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    Hello all, I finally got a few hours sleep and hubby says he feels much better with sleep too. My body aches, but my package was at the door so I'll be getting started on that room soon.

    The day looks beautiful outside, it's a little chili, the sun is shining and I like it that way. We have a quiet sinewave 50 amp generator for the rv, it won't produce any electricity, although it will start. Hubby thinks it needs a new inverter, and we tried to get it fixed a couple of years ago but there were no parts available. Apparently there was some kind of lawsuit against the manufacturer. It looks like parts might be available again so I contacted a repair center in San Diego to see if we can get the part. If so, we can hook up the rv and let our friends stay back there.

    The generator is really quiet and will run the refrigerator (we have a regular house 14 cubic foot refrigerator in the rv), air conditioning, microwave, tv and lights, all at the same time. The generator will run at max for 8 hours on 1 gallon of regular gas. This would give our friends a place to sleep and us the ability to finish the hanging of the new blinds we have while using air conditioning this summer. That is the only work left to do in the RV, replace the blinds. It's perfect, the humidity is lower right now and the air conditioner wouldn't run constantly. They would probably get 12 hours on one single gallon of gas. Here we go, my brain on overdrive again, lol.

    Have a great day everyone!

  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    Oops, forgot to respond to you Sannferris, I'm learning a lot about these things. The pest control company confirmed what I have been reading and it seems these things are just as bad a cockroaches and they get into everything. Walls, baseboards, electric outlets, electric components, lamps, in the carpet edges, hide behind pictures and get behind loose wallpaper. They also burrow themselves into dressers and under the furniture.

    This will be one hectic battle but I am not seeing any evidence they have gone anywhere except in/under our bed so I am hoping that is the case. At any rate I have that room closed off, I put the extra kitty litter box in the guest bathroom and we are taking showers in there too. This way the litter box in our bathroom can be cleaned thoroughly (clean and replace the litter each week anyway) and not move any potential bugs into the other parts of the house. Also, kitty is locked out of the room so the potential of her picking up any of those monsters and bringing them around the house is stopped.

    Have a great day everyone!

  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Another busy week. The kids were here Sunday but no one stayed too long so we had time to go over to a house and go through books she was wanting to donate if we could use them before church in the evening where a missionary spoke. I had a nice visit with here while Ralph went through the books. At 6 Monday morning we headed for Kansas City. We stopped at three places to look through books and ended up being able to pack too more boxes so shipped 14 boxes. They should arrive there the first past of June so they can deal with them before they come home in August. We got home about 7:30 and about the time I got time to get on the computer, the electricity went off. We got out the lantern and I walked cause that was an easy thing to do and we headed to bed about 9. The electricity came on shortly after 10 or so I was told.

    Tuesday I walked, worked at home and had Good News Club in the afternoon. Alan called Ralph to come over and grind feed (had to fix a goof up) and has ground several loads of feed this week. We gave out the resurrection egg cartons at Good News Club and the kids were excited about them. Wednesday I babysat for Derek and Lindsey. I just had the two boys to start with and I learned how quickly Deacon lets himself out of the house. He's also talking a lot more which is fun (he's 2 1/2). When the girls game home, we ate. I could tell Aven wasn't feeling well cause she wanted to lay down. So all but one ended up taking naps. I was there until about 4. Lindsey had two great-uncles pass away within three days so one funeral was Wednesday (why I was there) and one was today. From there I went to Lori's and did the dishes, picked up a little, went and got pizza and headed home so we could go to church in the evening.

    Thursday morning Ralph went and spent the morning at preschool with Brecken for grandparent's day which he enjoyed and I took Ava to speech. Then in the evening we went to the REC (rural electrical coop)'s annual meeting and meal. The meal for years has been the same but that caterer is closing down so that will be a change for next year. The meeting lasted over an hour, then there was a speaker, some singers from the local college (who were really good) and then the doorprizes. We won a stadium seat through the doorprizes and then in another drawing they had, we won a chainsaw so didn't do too badly.

    I walked and went to town this morning. I was able to pick up hog meat that Alan had done at the locker and dropped it off on the way where Ralph was napping in the living room. He was out pretty good cause it was my third trip back out the door before he woke up. :) Tonight we are going to go watch Cinderella which oldest grandson Thomas is in (no speaking part but will still be fun). So that's what I've been up to and why I've just popped in to read.

    Sheryl, glad you had such a good visit with Carol. Both of you have things to talk about and it's so good to have someone you can really tell all. So, in some ways it was nice John stayed home. Thanks for not telling what happened on Downton Abbey. I enjoyed watching it. John may not remember but it's great that you work so well with what he says from day to day. Ralph has been able to grind feed but leaving the rest of the farm alone has not been easy for him and he has gotten some lectures from me. I'm so happy Alan was doing some spraying today cause that's helped with his mood. I have a dress I can use for the wedding. It's a tad long so thinking how I can fix that but unless I find something I love, this will work for that day. It's has 3/4 sleeves which are not my favorite but the price is good (just clean it after wearing).
    So glad you heard back from Cary. That makes it a little easier to wait. Glad you have the amount of land you do so you won't get houses too close. Bummer on spilling the corn - but it did wait on you to clean it up.

    Marcie, cool on the new computer and keyboard even if you do have to get used to it now. With a big project to work on, you'll have to jump right in with it. You probably stopped watching Mercy Street with about one show to go. It was only 4 or 5 shows long. You end up with yummy meals whether you cook or buy them.
    When we went to the REC meeting we took along a guy that Ralph graduated from high school with. He's been a widow for several years. I asked him what he did for food and he cooks whatever he wants - even makes his own pizza from scratch. I think he cooks more than I do. :)

    Anew, glad you shower is all clean but a big bummer on the bedbugs. Yuck that it was causing the rash. Hope it's gone soon now that the bedbugs are too. Glad you are getting it all taken care of. That's one thing we haven't had and hope we never do. You are on top of the situation though - glad you finally got some sleep. A quiet generator - didn't know that was possible. Hope you can get the needed part.

    Marcie, fun for your dad to go see where you used to live and see that's it's been well cared for. That's fun to do every once in awhile. One anniversary, we went to all the places I had lived and drove past the schools and stuff - some of it was hard to recognize.

    Well, a guy is supposed to be stopping by anytime about an oil well they want to drill on us. With the price of oil so low, we think we'll extend their lease for a year and see if the price goes back up or not.

    Haven't done a lot at home but I did straighten things (since this guy is coming) and got the dishes caught up. Trying to work on the counted cross stitch afghan deal - more fun now that I can see the picture coming. So maybe I'll do a bit more on it while I wait. I'll fix our frozen pizza as soon as he leaves so we can eat early and head out. I'll check in later.
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Cinderella was so fun last night. Thomas had a very small part so wasn't on stage a lot (he is a freshman) but it was a well done play - longer than I thought (2 1/2 hours) but it was fun. This morning I'm going to a bridal shower and watching Maggie this evening so Lori can watch without a baby (although we had her the first half of last night). Then I'll be bring Thomas home with me so I can get him to church at 6 tomorrow morning to leave on work project. Julie is coming over have the shower to think though what we still need to do for the wedding and see if we are on track so it will be a full day.
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    A quick Good Morning...John went to bed early last night, so when I got up at 5, he got up early with me, so my routine is changed a bit. More basketball today, so he'll be occupied for part of the day. I'll try to come back later to chat longer.
  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    edited March 2016
    Hi everyone, I took a vacation day yesterday and Dan and I hiked up to Black Mountain summit 2 1/2 miles each way. It was pretty steep but we did OK and it was a gorgeous panoramic view at the top. My pastor suggested to the congregation that we take the hike if we are able so we can pray over San Diego for blessings and revival. After our hike we drove to check out 2 convention areas that are giving notary exams so I can choose the best location for my seminar and test in a couple of months so I can renew my notary commission. We stopped at a Sonic on the way home. We have never eaten there so we wanted to check it out. It was pretty good! We came home and watched the rain then also went out for pizza for dinner at a new pizza place we wanted to check out. In my decluttering I found some old diaries that I wrote while I was in high school. So crazy to read what my thoughts and activities were back then! I did a bunch more decluttering of stuff in boxes in my closet today and took 8 bags of stuff to my church's resale shop. Then Dan and I went to our monthly free concert. It was funny because no one had told the artist that he only had to play for an hour and he played for an hour and a half before someone finally told him. I got an Olive Garden gift card for my birthday so we stopped there afterward and had a free dinner.

    Anew, MAJOR BUMMER about the bed bugs!!! I've heard that they are difficult to get rid of. I hope I never have to find out for myself. Hopefully you've nipped it in the bud. Very nice that you are no longer "showering with the previous owners of the house". :blush: So happy to hear that your coffee bar came out so well! I guess I should specify that Dan did the actual cobweb removal. We have a special tool but he did all the reaching while I supervised and pointed them out. :wink:

    Sheryl, Dan and I also LOVED the ending to Downton Abbey! Right down to everyone singing Auld Lang Syne at the end. I loved it so much I could not bring myself to delete the episode yet. They will be greatly missed! So good to hear that lunch with Carol went well. Sad about her grandchildren but at that age it won't be long before they probably wouldn't be hanging out with granny much anyway. Good to hear that Cary didn't forget about you. Hope he is better soon and back to fighting your cause. Did you get your hay?

    Marcie, hope your birthday was wonderful. Did you go to Sizzler? Actually there are 2 different answers to your riddle. I thought of 0 + 4 = 4 but didn't say anything to Dan and when he came over to look at it he came up with 5 + 4 = 9. Thanks for the fun brain teaser! Interesting that you gave up on Mercy St. I don't feel so bad now that Dan didn't want to watch it. I'm trying to convince him to watch Call the Midwife since everyone says it is so good.

    Well, it's time to go hang out with hubby and watch some shows. Have a great rest of your weekend all!
  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    Good late evening everyone, today has been a very busy and hopefully successful day. I got the overnight shipment yesterday so we tackled it all today. We tore apart our bedroom and found 4 more adult live bugs and one teeny tiny baby one. This is after the really good vacuuming we did the other day, those suckers can hide. There are only bed bugs infesting the bed support board closest to the headboard and our mattress and box spring. We decided to throw away all the support boards and just put new ones in when we are ready to put the bed back together. We tore off the bottom cover from the box spring and found nothing in there to our relief, so we treated it with the chemical dust the lady told me to use on it. We vacuumed everything down again and treated the rest of the room including all the furniture, walls and baseboards. We sprayed the dust all around and under the big door ship picture above the headboard and behind my big vanity mirror.

    We should be good to go in there for one week until eggs hatch that we missed, but I will be looking in there tomorrow night and every night after looking to see if I can find anything crawling around. I think we really dodged the bullet on this one because there wasn't anything in our electronics, or in our lamps or even on the walls. Just the bed frame slats and bed. I should get the mattress covers and pillow covers delivered sometime this week so we will be ready to encase everything in a couple of weeks. The hot machine should come sometime next week too and I will use that to cook everything that can't go in the washer and dryer, including the lamps and electronics.

    It has been nice to sleep without being bit, not one bite while using the guest bed and there is nothing in the living room so I am pretty positive we got really lucky. I am healing so I am very happy about that, and I praise the fact that I get eaten by bugs now, because if I wasn't so sensitive to bugs I don't think we would have caught this. Do you know they say that the people in the house that are not showing signs of being bit (hubby) ARE being bit? They just have no reaction to it. Scary, no wonder people have such a huge problem when they don't know it's happening.

    We will have to treat all the furniture, doorways and baseboards in the living room tomorrow and I'll have to lock the kitty up in the bathroom again while it all dries. Oh well, she'll get over it and it's safe for pets once it is dry, they can't smell it so they don't go looking for it. I'll need to mop the floors tonight so she doesn't walk on any dry powder that might have missed the baseboards.

    If anyone does anything, I would recommend that heater for using on luggage after any trips to help safeguard yourselves against bedbugs. The things are horrible.

    Isyvanek, your hike and concert sounds great, I sure do miss my San Diego. It's good teamwork when hubby will help out, lol.

    Well, I need to get going, I am exhausted so I might try to get some sleep early tonight. I need to pull the kitty out of the bathroom and love on her for a little while before I put her back in and get to doing some mopping.

    Goodnight all.

  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    edited March 2016
    Good Morning, weird thing...MFP wouldn't let me log on for about an hour. Kept saying my password was invalid. I usually stay logged in all the time, but for some reason, when I opened the site, I was not logged in and it wouldn't let me until all of a sudden, now, everything is OK. These electronics are really getting the better of me.

    I came on yesterday and played the 5-letter word and then John was up and I never got back here to this post. I guess that was the same for Saturday too, once John gets up, I get busy with him.

    My answer to the brain teaser was changing it to 5+4=9. Interesting, I never thought to make that 6 a zero.

    I watched the first 1/2 hour of the first episode and recorded all the rest of Mercy Street. I'll watch it someday. I have more dvd's to record season two when it comes out and will probably watch a marathon of it someday. I also recorded season three of Mr. Selfridge, but will need to purchase seasons 1 & 2, if and when I want to watch those. Nancy raves about Call the Midwife, but I haven't started watching that one yet. I think that show is going into Season five now.

    We did get a load of hay on Friday morning. It sprinkled as we were driving up the road and then stopped, we got loaded while dry but it started raining when we got home. I'm so glad we went early.
    Years ago, John bought quite a few AC Delco batteries for the vehicles, they were high quality and have lasted for years and years, but now, are failing. Naturally, we can't find those particular batteries retail anymore. After Friday morning's trip to get hay and charging up the battery, the little green light came back on. So now, John is hooking up all the old batteries to chargers again to see if we can resurrect the old batteries. Another project that will keep him busy.

    I am jealous of all your clean homes. I need to get busy. My house has so many cobwebs, I'm ready for Halloween all year long. I bought couple more of the rigid wands for the shop vac so I can reach the ceiling, now I need to get that job done.

    Anew, glad your rash is healing. My sister never did find bites on her body, but she had specks of blood on her sheets every morning, that's how she discovered those pesky little bugs. It took her a long time to eradicate them, but she's certain she is bug free now, but as I said before, she continues to spray to keep them away.

    I need to go to the post office today to send something certified/return receipt. I think I'll go close to noon and stop by a "taco truck" in the produce store parking lot to buy "super chicken burritos" for lunch. Our neighbors came over for a visit over the weekend and raved about these burritos. Full of chicken and veggies and really, really good. A client came into Gayla's H&R Block office last week with a burrito and so several others went over and brought back lunch for the office. Then, Jack went up and he liked them too. It will be a good, easy lunch for today and they said it's so big, it will be dinner as well.

    Two of my Blue Apron meals this past week were very weird as I was preparing them. I didn't know if John would like them or not, but the more they cooked, the better they smelled and by the time they hit the table, they tasted fantastic. So yummy. I am still so impressed with Blue Apron and enjoy the variety.

    I guess that's it for now, I better get going.

  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Saturday went as planned. The bridal shower was very nice. They decorated with dresses worn in weddings and shared the history. Julie and I kept Katie's girls with us during the program since she was the MC and we helped a bit with clean-up so everyone could get done. Babysitting went well. I ended up having Paige too as she had fallen asleep and waking her to go with Jim was to no avail. I found out she didn't wake up until 7 on Sunday morning so she was worn out. Maggie went to sleep for a couple of hours so I did the dishes, made pumpkin muffins and folded some of the laundry. Thomas and I got to our house at midnight (1 with springing forward). I got him to church on time but was glad I could come home and sleep another hour and a half.

    Church was good and the fellowship meal was very fun. Our hostess gave us a tour of her home - very nice but that's sure something I would never do. Having my home that way is a dream. Came home and had a quiet evening and I finally got some steps in.

    Tonight is 4-H so I'll work on getting ready for it and I told DH he should mix up the fruitcake he wants to make so we can get that done and he has a project to do. We got a little bit of rain yesterday so that was nice.

    Sheryl, you didn't make it back so you must have gotten busy. Should be plenty of basketball during March madness. Hope John will watch a bunch of it and give you a break.

    Isabella, how fun to go on a hike together. What a neat suggestion to pray there and then other activities filled your day. I didn't know you had to take an exam to be a notary. Glad you enjoyed Sonic. My husband doesn't like to eat in the car so we don't go there a lot but it's a fun place. The old diaries sound interesting. Are you still keeping them? Yay on the decluttering. You are doing a great job. Seems like your concerts are more than once a month - just shows how quickly time goes.

    Interesting on your solutions to the puzzle - mine was 8-4=4. So there was more than one. Yes, Call the Midwife is good. Do watch it.

    Anew, you have been really busy but so good to be on top of the situation and good to hear that you are healing.

    Sheryl, glad MFP finally let you one. We can get along without you. Yay on getting the hay. No clean house here. Cobwebs aren't bad right now cause there aren't a lot of spiders around but there is plenty of dirt and dust and stuff to work around. The burritos sound yummy. Glad Blue Apron continues to work out well.

    My 4-H calendar is ready to run off. Ralph is mixing up his fruit cakes (ended up mixing some hog feed this morning) so the day is moving along.
  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    Good morning everyone.

    I took yesterday off, so today is my Monday.

    After work on Friday, Dad and I decided to go out for Italian at Roma's Restaurant for my birthday dinner instead of Sizzler. He had his usual pesto chicken sandwich and I had my usual Spaghetti Aglio E Olio. He managed to make two meals out of his sandwich and I made three meals out of my spaghetti.

    Boy have we gotten the rain since last Friday. Steady rain with the occasional downpour. We even had to let water out of the pool a couple times over the weekend. The roof gutters overflowed during the downpours, so they need to be cleaned out again. Dad will call the gutter guy this week. The storm has passed on now and we're having a pretty sunny day today.

    Saturday morning I went out for breakfast at my favorite hole-in-the-wall breakfast place. Just had oatmeal and an English muffin, but it's always nice chatting with the waitresses there. It had been a few weeks since I was there. They make a point of getting to know their customers (who are mostly retired folks). Dad thinks they are too expensive and has his own hole-in-the-wall place he goes to most mornings.

    My poor Cisco is going to get poked and prodded today. Dad's taking him in this morning for his annual checkup and vaccinations. He'll also have them cut his nails while he's there. I am not a good pet nail cutter!

    On the riddle, we are only allowed to move the match sticks around to make the equation work (not remove or add match sticks or change the plus to a minus). The correct answer is 0 + 4 = 4. Isabella, 5 + 4 = 9 wouldn't work because you would have to remove a match stick from the 6 to make it a 5 and you would have to add a match stick to the 4 to make it a 9. Debora, 8 - 4 = 4 wouldn't work because you would have to add a match stick to the 0 to make it an 8 and you can't change + to -. :wink:

    Isabella, the hiking was a great idea. I've never been to Sonic, but there stuff always looks good on the commercials. I'm not even sure if there's one around here. A Chick-Fil-A recently opened near us. I want to check them out one of these days. Did you like the new pizza place?

    Debora, that was a neat idea for the bridal shower decorations! You got home last on Saturday! I just watched the first two Mercy Streets.

    Sheryl, how was the huge burrito? With everyone raving about it, I'll bet it was yummy!

    Anew, glad to hear you are healing up from those bites! I get itchy just thinking about bedbugs! Poor kitty, but you do what you gotta do to keep your fur baby safe.
  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    Good morning everyone, well it was morning when I started this but never finished it, lol. I need to give a huge apology to everyone for my very bad language when I first discovered the bed bugs. Sorry for such bad language.

    The other sprays arrived yesterday so we saturated the mattress and box spring, treated the entire room with the sprays and tonight we will put the encasements on the mattress and box spring. We will have to brave it and sleep in the room tonight, I don't want to do that because we put double sided tape at the doorway of our bedroom at 2:00 am this morning and at 10:00 am it was full of little tiny baby nymphs that got stuck on it. This tells me we are extremely infested if we have done all that treatment and those nymphs were able to survive it, oh my gosh we are in for the long haul. They also could have been eggs that hatched after the treatment and the nymphs tried to escape the room. I double stripped (inside and outside the room) the door now and put strips at every other doorway in the house, lol.

    Terminix came by today to do their yearly termite inspection and when I told him we had bed bugs he got all freaked out, lol. He said he doesn't do bed bugs, he does termite inspections, lol. He also told me the cost is $400 per room and that is all he knows about it, he also asked if I called them. I told him no, I can't afford to pay for three or four treatments to get rid of this stuff so he asked what I was using. He told me all the areas to treat and I told him we had treated all of those areas and then some. We have covered that entire room in the walls and outside the walls, lol. I named everything we are using and he shook his head like he knew the products. I have been reading online that Terminix does not guarantee to get rid of the problem and only come back once within the first 30 days. He doesn't know the ins and outs of it, he just said he is scared to death of taking them home with him. If you buy the encasements for the beds and pillows they say 90 days. I don't know, I didn't call them because I knew I wasn't going to be paying them money for zero guarantee when we can battle this ourselves.

    He didn't say if the bathroom is considered a room, if they are the cost would be $3200.00 to treat our house. That would include the garage, oh my gosh I can't even imagine what it will be like to treat the garage. There is nowhere to put all those tools. If I could convince my husband to stay out of the garage for 4 months straight I could put one of those NUVAN Pro Strips in there but the garage has to be sealed and he can only go into it for four hours per day. There is no way he would go into the garage without opening the door so it would be useless to try fumigating it if he won't adhere. I am getting too much resistance from him and trying to convince him I am not a crazy nut over this. He questions and wants to take short cuts on everything. Last night I made it point blank, short cuts are not to be taken, I am not dealing with this three years from now and I will not be their food anymore either. I feel for him, I know he is extremely tired and he doesn't really understand the severity of this.

    After all the spraying we have done I would have expected to have some dead bugs laying around but haven't found even one cockroach, I did find one spider dead by the kitchen sink, lol. I know one thing, if our efforts for the next 6 months do nothing for us we will pay to have the house tented and heat treated because that kills all life stages, including the eggs.

    Note: update, I spoke to our regular spray guy and he said he doesn't do bedbugs either, and doesn't know much except that they freeze them out. How to freeze them out of the entire house I do not know, I think I would rather go with the heat treatment because that kills every life stage of those monsters. He will come on Saturday to spray the entire outside of the house for us.

    I have been doing more laundry daily than I have ever done in my life and decided to find out how hot the dryer gets on the lower setting. I can't put everything in there on extremely high heat. The dryer is 150 degrees which is plenty hot to kill eggs on anything I put in it. I have a rack that goes inside the dryer and each day I put our shoes, hubby's belt and anything else that can't be tumbled and have worn onto the rack to kill anything (eggs) that might have been picked up. If I can keep this up I am hoping to have it at least under control within a couple of weeks. We spray the aerosols again in 7 days, so that will be easier than the first two steps. Sadly we still have other work in the house to do, there is just so much and he is still working overtime everyday. I told him to take the night off and just get sleep, he gladly did so.

    Arobed-The bridal shower sounds like it was a lot of fun, so interesting to use past wedding gowns and their history. I like that idea.

    Sannferris-Your home delivery dinners sound really interesting. How was your burrito, did it live up to the hype it's been getting?

    Mygnsac-What a nice birthday dinner and it sounds like a huge storm came in on you. Poor Cisco, at least you aren't the bad guy, your dad is, lol.

    Goodnight all, I have to get to resting.

  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    edited March 2016
    Good morning.

    Another pretty, sunny day here today. After so many rainy days, I'm really enjoying the sunshine.

    As I was driving home yesterday, over the American River Bridge, I was amazed at how full the river is now. It's been years since I've seen it like that. Yet, they still say we are in a drought. All the lawns around town, which were quite brown after last summer, are all nice and green again. Once summer hits they'll die off again as we are only allowed to water once a week this year (last year it was twice a week).

    Dad said Cisco did really well at the vet's office yesterday. He wasn't nervous and didn't protest all the poking and prodding. He weighs the same as he did last year, so she was pleased he hasn't gained, but he still needs to lose a few pounds.

    In addition to the exam and vaccinations, the vet also cut his nails and expressed Cicso's anal glands. He had them expressed six weeks ago (we get it done once every two months), but they were already full again. She thinks he needs more fiber to slow that down and recommended we give him a couple tbs of pureed pumpkin each day. Of course he wouldn't just eat the pumpkin like any normal dog would. I had to mix it with a little of my dinner to get him to eat it. Will have to figure that out.

    My cat Simon goes to another vet, but I'm thinking about switching over to Cisco's vet. Their prices a more reasonable. The one I currently go to is more of an emergency pet hospital, with about 10 vets on the payroll, so the customers tend to incur more cost. Lately Simon has been drinking more water and begging for food all the time, but not gaining weight. He even lost a little last week. Dad ran it by Cisco's vet and she thinks maybe it could have something to do with his Thyroid. Our first thought was cancer because that's how Casey acted when he was sick with cancer. I'm going to make an appointment and take him into see Cisco's vet.

    Dad has a hurt hand right now. It's red and swollen below his knuckles and hurting. And, of course it's his right hand. He hit it on something a couple days ago, but didn't think much of it at the time. Just watched it to make sure there was no bleeding since he's on blood thinner. He's icing it and expects it will take a week or so to heal up.

    Xfinity (our cable company) sent us a new remote control yesterday. Each household gets one for free and Dad didn't want it. This remote control has a voice command feature. You just push the voice button and say what you are looking for. E.g., saying "NBC" takes you to that station, saying "Lifetime" takes you to that station, saying "Walton's Mountain" takes you to that show if it's on or gives you a list of upcoming episodes, saying "Kids Movies" gives you a list of movies available, saying "Basketball" takes you to the game or gives you a list of games that are on, etc. Pretty neato. About all Dad ever watches anymore are his pre-recorded news shows, so he has no use for this remote.

    I have a two-hour training session this morning on "Privacy." Staff must attend this meeting once a year. It identifies what constitutes personal information (staff and customer info) that must be protected and how to handle such info. I've attending this meeting for years now and have it down pat, but we are still required to attend each year. Just like the "Prevention of Sexual Harassment in the Work Place" training sessions we must attend every other year. I have that one pretty much memorized by now too.

    We'll be having a St. Patrick's Day potluck tomorrow. We've been asked to wear green (I usually don't pay attention to that, but I think I will wear green tomorrow) and to bring "green" food to the potluck. I anticipate lots of green dye being used (Lynn Matova would probably cringe). I'm going to go natural and bring in Green Beans Almondine. I've never made it, but I looked it up yesterday and it looks simple to make. I'll bet someone brings in deviled eggs where the filling has been died green. I need to stop by the grocery store after work to pick up the whole green beans, slivered almonds, and a lemon.

    Anew, bug guys afraid of bedbugs. Ha! I guess I can see their point, especially when they have to visit other customers houses. No need to apologize for the language. This must be so incredibly frustrating for you and hubby. Hopefully these treatments work and you don't have to ultimately tent the house.

    Back to work. Have a lovely day everyone.
  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    edited March 2016
    Mygnac-you might like this, I don't know how close to you it is but you might want to take a hike. I wonder how much water is covering things again though since the rains began.


    Here is another one, wow it's amazing what a drought brings out. I have never heard of any of this until seeking on the internet, lol.

  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    edited March 2016
    Good afternoon, it's a beautiful day today (at least outside) but inside it's not so beautiful. I slept in my room for the first time last night and was bit all over my right arm. Ugh! Everything has been treated, either by chemical or heat and the mattress and box springs have been encased, the pillows have been encased. I hope I can get through this without going absolutely bonkers first. So, back into the dryer goes the blanket and sheets. This time I am going to heat them 1.5 hours instead of 1 hour and see how it goes.

    The thing I just realized is our bed frame has those decorative silver brads all over it and we didn't spray those. I just finished spraying the entire top of the bed frame with Bedlam Plus because it never occurred to me to spray those metal brads, but maybe there are eggs on those. I don't know, they say I will still be bit until all the eggs hatch and the nymphs are all destroyed. I have oil moats around all bed legs and the supports for the box spring and mattress. There is no way they can climb into my bed from the floor. I did find something I am really interested in getting so I am going to talk to hubby tonight when he gets home. This thing draws them out and takes them in with no escape possible. It mimics a human sleeping. It's not cheap but if I can use this in other rooms while we are sleeping I think we can get this thing under control and keep it that way a whole lot faster.



    Everyone have a great day today, I will.