Pot Bellied Stove / Water Cooler



  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    Good morning.

    Another work week has begun. Yay (not!).

    Saturday I went out for breakfast, got the grocery shopping done, got gas, and got the laundry done and the house picked up. I splurged and bought a coconut cream pie, so we enjoyed that too. I've had two pieces and that's it for me. Dad can have the rest.

    Sunday I cooked a pot roast with onions, carrots, potatoes, celery and brussel sprouts. Yummy. The roast was huge, so I split it and froze half for later. I also roasted off some turkey for the week.

    Feeling kind of sore today. Clumsy me took a fall in the bathroom again. I didn't wind up bruising my tailbone again, but my legs and my right arm are sore.

    Cisco took his first ride in Dad's new car yesterday morning. They went to the dog park. He get's so excited when he gets to go somewhere.

    Sheryl, I checked out your pics/videos of the ditch and the flooding. What a mess! Now I get why you've been so upset over it.

    Isabella, what fun to meet with old friends! I've got one of those not-so-nice neighbors too. My birthday is next Tuesday, March 8th.

    Debora, I hope you enjoyed your retreat! A surprise poopy diaper. Yuck!

    Back to work. Enjoy the day/week everyone.
  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    Hello and good late evening all, our weather has been real nice for about the last week with it getting cooler in the mornings and warming up during the day. Our humidity has been nice and low too so we were able to get some painting done. Hubby got all the drawers and door made for the coffee bar this weekend so we started on the painting. I did decide on using the homemade chalk paint using calcium carbonate and I love the flat finish it gives it. The paint brush marks are looking okay until we paint on the polycrylic protective coat because it brings out the brush marks and it gives a shiny look to the paint. It's a semi gloss not matt because I can't get matt unless I order it.

    We decided to go ahead and finish all the painting on both the coffee bar and the kitchen island and using the polycrylic protective coat. Chalk paint does show paint brush marks and I knew that, I just didn't expect them to be seen quite as well when I added the protective coat on it. We can order some matt if it just isn't what we like in the end and I sure want to get this stuff done, lol. Once the coffee bar is done I can get the coffee pot and the tea stuff off the 48" counter and put it in/on the coffee bar. This will open the counter up for holding everything from the kitchen island so we can paint it too. It will be nice to have the pieces matching but the tops will just be temporary until we can order the butcher block tops. Once all that is done we can start on the shelves that go above the coffee bar. Yay, we are in the home stretch on this project and the best part is the 48" counter will be "ALL MINE" when it's complete! :wink:

    The bio cleaner is doing a great job on the shower surround in our bathroom. I have about 3/4 of the space done and it's so nice to have a smooth surface under my fingers, it shines like new.

    And finally, I was able to score 6 of those Pyrex 100 year anniversary red polka dot bowls for $2.48 each at my local store today. Yay, I was happy when I saw those on the shelf. I'm ready for next year at Christmas, I'll just make some sort of dessert and deliver it to people, lol. No more cookie marathons.

    Sannferris-What a mess with the ditch out there, I sure hope you get some resolution to that problem quick. I also say to go to the news if they don't take care of this issue, isn't there a consumer protection department at your local news that checks into things like that? I do understand not wanting to rock the boat, but I also think you have been patient enough. Your animals don't deserve to be treated that way by those people who don't seem to care about flooding them out of their own land. There should be a regular maintenance schedule to keep that ditch open and operating properly. Your animals health deserves those peoples attention.

    Isyvanek-Aren't neighbors fun? You know our neighbors, the ones who cause us such grief? Well when were were on talking terms before I got so fed up with their antics the husband wanted mine to rebuild the fence between our houses because it needs it. Oh and he would pay us when we were done, yeah right, lol. We told him we would give him a list of materials (and did so) that he needed for his portion, and when he bought them we would buy ours and hubby would rebuild the fence. You can bet that hasn't happened yet and it was three years ago. Hubby did replace four of the 4x4's since they were rotted and falling down but that is as far as we have gone with it. He liked our gates hubby built and wanted the same hardware we used, so I gave him that information too. He has done nothing to fix his issues at no surprise to me. He has since rid his yard of the dead cars though so I guess we have some success. I hope it all works out on the fence issue for you.

    Mygnsac-I hope you are feeling better from your fall. Your dad has a nice new car and your weekend sounds productive.

    Arobed53-Sounds like a nice retreat and I hope you all had a great time there.

    Jlhawki-I hope you are feeling better today than you were a few days ago.

    Take care everyone, have a great day tomorrow.
  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    Hello again, headed out to vote, have a few seats around here to take care of and of course the presidential primary, so lots of voting to do. Then we'll head out for dinner tonight with some friends. I was going through my grocery receipt today and realized I only paid $1.12 each for the red polka dot bowls yesterday. Yay, what a deal! :smiley:

    I hope you all are having a great day and have a great evening.
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Hi everyone, well, the meeting with Alan and Katie was intense. It's back to Ralph not working which legally he can do. It just wasn't he intent with which Ralph did all he did. Ralph and I met with the pastor today and talked about what we need to do for our next meeting on Friday. We are making some concessions to keep peace n the family. It's complicated.

    From the meeting, I finished packing and four of us headed for the retreat - we used mapquest which was not right but twisted our minds so we were about an hour later than planned but we got supper and had a good evening. I roomed with one friend and we were up past 12:30 talking. She said I fell asleep on her. The next day was two more sessions with our speaker, a craft time (I held a baby), dinner and it was done about 2. The food was good (not for dieters)but I enjoyed it. There was a good group there - about 75 women and 16 nursing babies. We looked around some more at the camp and headed home about 3. Ralph wanted to go to a meeting and I agreed but while there I wasn't feeling so good so we came home. I think I was just overtired cause I was better Sunday morning.

    Sunday our message was on sort of based on the shootings in Hesston and how we have God in control. It was a good message. We all went to MacDonald's and ate then and then went and watched Jeremiah play volleyball. Then we had a missionary speak at church in the evening. So it was a full day.

    Monday I babysat for Maggie till noon and then went to the dentist to start a deep cleaning. I came home and got my list done and then Ralph and I went to Lori's and we addressed wedding invitations.

    Today I had some morning at home which was nice. Then we met with the pastor and this afternoon was Good News Club. We're home for the evening. Tomorrow I get to walk again and then have an appointment which shouldn't last too long and church in the evening. Lots of going this week.

    Sheryl, sounds like the tree trimming was a success in more than one way. Will be interesting to hear what happens on the ditch. I'm glad you're not giving up. How much more time does Simon have at Norma's house? Has it been good for the relationship?

    Isabella, glad the fence process is moving along and you don't have to work with the neighbor. What fun to get together with friends you haven't seen in a long time.

    Marcie, hey, tomorrow your work week will be halfway over. Hope the project is going well. Yummy on the roast. I enjoy having already cooked ready to use in the freezer. I'm have a bunch of ham I put in from a week ago. Had some with baked sweet potatoes at noon.

    Anew, how exciting on the coffee bar and kitchen stuff. Is the push to get it done before your friends come? And you're making huge progress with the bio cleaner. Cool on finding the dishes. Have fun voting. We just have a caucus around here and I'm not even sure who can go. I don't like that as well but what do you do.

    Neighbor was just here to talk with Ralph - there's a lot of concern with Alan. We all love the guy.
    I need to get started on supper. I plan to cook up some onion and peppers and throw in some eggs. Simple but I enjoy it. Enjoy your evening.
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    edited March 2016
    Good Morning. I'm feeling so disappointed. I still haven't gotten any result from last Friday's meeting. I emailed Cary this morning to ask for a report. Yesterday, there were trucks in the cul-de-sac, but I think they just parked there to work on the house they are building further north, lot 6. (Lot 10 is directly behind us).

    I talked to Norma Monday during her break (10:45 am) and Simon had texted her and finally left about 10:30am. He was going to leave when she left for work (7:30), but he said he wasn't feeling well and was going to go back to bed. She didn't know if he would leave at all. Anyway, he did go and it's about a 2 hour drive, but later, during her lunch time, she called again and said she got a text and he was still an hour away from home. He stops constantly because he's "tired" and takes a nap in the car, and eats. He texted her a photo of his lunch and it was not healthy. She is just about at the end of her patience regarding his talk of how he's going to get healthy, eat right and exercise, but there's no action being taken. The last 18 days have been a real eye-opener. He was sneaking food at night just like her husband did and she can't go through that again. She has plans with girlfriends next weekend and will tell him that he can not come back for a visit. However, he will be returning the following week for a doctor's appointment. She'll see if anything has changed in two weeks, he should be recovered from the surgery by then. He joined a gym that has locations in all the cities that he frequents, but he hasn't gone at all yet. Now that the kidney stones have passed, and he's recovering, we'll see if he ever makes it to the gym. The bigger issue is if he will ever get the CPAP machine, then he won't constantly fall asleep.

    Debora, I pray that things get resolved with Alan and Ralph. I sure do understand how hard it is for Ralph to relinquish his farm. I see it with John too, he desperately wants to hang on to his control and possessions. He talks of fixing up the trucks and we both know that he is no longer capable, but he won't give up. Hope you are not put in the middle, it's hard for everyone.

    Christina's going to accept palliative care now. She needs to be kept as comfortable as possible since there's no hope for her getting better. That's got to be so difficult for everyone involved. I hope they are a comfort for Jason as well. Norma said the staff she dealt with for Dad was wonderful for the whole family.

    It's getting light out now, so I'll go feed the birds and refill my mug.
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good Morning, still no news about out back, I guess I have to come up with a new game plan. I'm so tired.

    I'll be back when I have more to say.
  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    edited March 2016
    Good very early am, it's about 2:35 and I am wide awake. It's been warming up the last couple of days and I can feel the humidity rising and mosquitos have included themselves early into the mix because we have had a lot of rain. Mosquitos love to eat me alive and I can't get away from them, even inside the house because they follow hubby in when he comes and goes. This will be a very long season because the mosquitos will be here until November, ugh!

    I haven't really been doing much except putting the last coat of clear coat on the door and drawer fronts for the island and the coffee bar. Next is getting the coffee bar painted so I can start on the island. The push to get it done arobed is so we can get moving onto the next project, and the humidity makes it difficult to do any kind of woodwork because it is so uncomfortable doing it while the body overheats and sweats, lol. Not to mention those pesky mosquitos too.

    Hubby has a huge amount of vacation time on the books he needs to use or he will lose it and I keep asking him to just take 1 week off so he can concentrate on the house projects to get them done. He thinks taking time off to work at home is not what he wants to do so I asked him, "which is easier, working overtime everyday and then coming home and working, or taking the time off and getting to determine how much time you are actually working?" I don't think he gets me in this area at all, lol. All I know is if he doesn't use up that time he will lose it, so seems to me he should at least use it for something he enjoys, he won't be bored at home that is for sure. He has something like 6 weeks on the books, aye aye aye.

    I made the spinach soup and those really good sandwiches for dinner again tonight. It is such an easy meal to make other than remembering to roast the garlic in the oven while baking something else, lol. I baked the bacon so it was perfect for roasting the garlic too. I also made a new batch of those cornmeal muffins with bacon and green onions to toss in the freezer. We'll have them tomorrow night with the turkey chili I am making for dinner.

    I found a meat company in big town where I can buy chicken that hasn't been dipped in anything and it hasn't been injected with any broth. He says the chicken has received antibiotics for the first 6 months of it's life but this is the closest I will get to getting organic chicken because there isn't any within 300 miles from me. They are open 7 days a week so the next time I am in big town I am stopping by their place. I can also get grass fed and grain fed beef for reasonable prices so I look forward to taking a look at what they have. He said none of their beef is treated with anything to preserve it, no gassing to keep it red. He said it's just like the old days so I look forward to trying some of it. I don't eat much beef but his ground beef just for comparison is $3.99 lb for 90/10 and I pay $4.98 lb for 93/7 at the regular grocery store. I do believe that the regular grocery store meat is treated, so it will be great to compare it to the other guy. Who knows maybe I'll like beef again.

    Arobed53-I sure hope things can get worked out between Ralph and Alan, I don't understand what is happening but it sounds like a real bear to work out.

    Sannferris-I hope you have heard something since your last post this morning regarding the ditch back there at the fence line. So sorry to hear about Christina, I hope they can make her comfortable.

    Well, I am going to get moving on doing some dishes since I am wide awake and hubby says I don't bother him while he sleeps. Goodnight all.

  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    John got up early and I never got over here this morning. We are having more trouble communicating. Had a long conversation yesterday and John said that I NEED to make all the decisions from now on, he can't rely on his memory or his judgment. Wow, that's a lot of responsibility that I thought we'd always share. Plus, when the time comes for a big decision and he doesn't agree, I don't know if I'll be able to convince him to go my way.

    We just saw a cement truck drive up to the cul-de-sac, so John went out to see what's going on. I assume they are pouring another foundation for another house.

    I still haven't heard back from Cary, but, before going on to another step, I'm giving him the benefit of the doubt and assuming he's out of the office all week. After next Monday, I'll try something else.

    Monday, I have a blood test scheduled and will meet Carol for lunch after my appointment. I look forward to that.
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good Morning. Frustrating news for Christina, after a seemingly good meeting regarding palliative care and being told she would be on a strong, longer lasting morphine for pain relief and they could keep her comfortable until she dies, she received a phone call that told her she is not a candidate for this care and they won't help her. She is devastated and depressed and hurting. I don't know the reasons, I don't know if Christina knows why either. What she is going through is inhumane. I can't even imagine.

    I kept forgetting to tell you about John and the shower situation. It's so much better now. He complained to me about dry skin and I told him after every shower, I'll give him a massage with coconut oil and that will help with the dry skin. He is loving the massages. I am trying to figure out more about essential oils and mixed lavender oil in with the coconut oil, it's suppose to help with depression and dementia, but I really don't see too much difference yet. I have also been diffusing the lavender for aroma therapy at night in the bedroom, but again, I haven't noticed any difference in our moods or behavior.

    I've got the tv schedule all marked up with the basketball games highlighted for John. It's forecast to rain, so he will stay inside, but I hope basketball keeps his attention for most the day. It's definitely March MADNESS around here.

  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    edited March 2016
    Hi all, not much going on today. Dan and I got the "cob web cleaner" tool out and cleaned all the ceilings and wall edges of cob webs. Then we dusted all the pictures and vacuumed. I now have a load of laundry going. For dinner I am going to make chicken adobo which is a Filipino dish made with chicken thighs, low sodium soy sauce, and vinegar. I also like to add onion. You cook it down for about an hour and the chicken is fall off the bone moist and tender. I will serve it with rice and stir fry cabbage. The house across the street is 200 sq ft bigger than ours and is for sale for $648,000. I doubt they'll get that much for it but it will be very interesting to see what it sells for. I am continuing my decluttering and people are happy to get some helpful stuff. Some stuff is just going to Goodwill. I decided to make corned beef and cabbage on St. Paddy's day and invited a friend over for dinner. Trader Joe's had uncured corned beef for $5.99 per lb which isn't bad but I want to wait and see what Costco is selling it for and what the sodium content is. Tomorrow I am going to Jami's house so we can color our hair and hang out. I always look forward to that.

    Anew, very cool to get the bowls for such a low price. Great idea to use them for the gifts next year. Too funny about your difficult neighbor and the fence rebuilding. It is mandatory with our homeowners association to replace those fences so it was even more frustrating that our neighbor did not want to discuss it. I'm pretty sure part of it is that he can't afford it. We are OK with paying for it. Sounds like your kitchen project is going well. It is always nice when there is light at the end of the tunnel. You'll have to let us know how the chicken and beef are from the new guy.

    Debora, sounds like your retreat went well. It is always nice to get away and spend that time with a bunch of women. What is the date for the wedding? You all seem to be right on track.

    Marcie, your b-day is very close. Will you at least go out for dinner?

    Sheryl, So sorry to hear about Christina. Has she tried contacting a patient advocate or anything like that? It is not sounding good for Simon and Norma. It is very difficult to teach an old dog new tricks! Also sorry to hear about John not wanting to participate in decision making. Perhaps you can still discuss issues with him and see how it goes. Very happy that you will be having lunch with Carol. Give her my love. Dan and I use lavender oil before we go to bed each night. I spray it on our pillows and I also dab some under my nose. It really seems to help us relax and get to sleep. Can you believe tomorrow is the last Downton Abbey?! :'( Dan and I are going to go thru withdrawals!!

    Well, I'm going to go finish dusting and start dinner. Have a great evening everyone!
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Week has sped by. Had my appointment on Wednesday - only about 5 minutes long so I was glad I had a couple of errands to do too. Then church in the evening but I actually had some time at home. Thursday was an interesting day. I took Ava to speech and the 4th graders were in the hall so I saw my great niece and some of the girls waved as Ava and I left. I took her home and stopped by my house to get my crockpot. Had no trouble until I turned into the church parking lot and the crockpot tipped over. I was able to save most of it but I had a mess to clean up in the car. I had brought the egg cartons and plastic eggs so we got started on the resurrection egg cartons. I laid the cartons out in the kitchen on the counters. 120 egg cartons is quite a sight especially as we added the eggs. I didn't get to hear the speakers much since I was in the kitchen but so it goes. I had not gotten enough eggs . The potluck dinner was very good and a nice break. There was plenty of food. We had other projects we worked on too. I got home about 4 so had a little time at home before Bible study. Always enjoy the time with the ladies. And when I got home I remembered my plastic eggs so found enough to finish up the cartons and put them away.

    Friday I walked and then did my errands which again didn't take very long. I got home and put things away and fixed dinner. Then we had our meeting. The outcome work wise was sad for Ralph as he has to stay away from the farm but they'll be here for dinner tomorrow. And as I've thought about it, some things make sense to me. It's too complicated to explain but thanks for all your caring. I don't know if Ralph will see it but we were looking at things differently. And so it goes. Then at 6 Julie, Matthew and I met with the wedding coordinator and then back here. They brought pizza which they wrapped in to towels and after an hour and a half it was perfect to eat. We add the inserts to the invites and sorted out the ones for church.

    This morning we headed out for the DAV book sale (3 books for $1). We got three boxes full. Then we went to Dillons to get grapes (on sale) and stamps (for the invites). On do El Dorado for out caucus. We did not expect the long line - great turnout which is good and I did have time to vote before meeting Julie to go to the next wedding dress fitting. The dress looks really good on her. There's still more cleavage then I or her father will like but she'll still be a beautiful bride. She brought me home and I've been doing things here since. Ralph got the books boxed up - we have like 9 boxes to take and 1 box we home to fill with the bookstores we stop at. We finished off the pizza from last night so meals were easy too. I just finished listening to end of the girls BB game which they lost by 3 points. I'll listen to some of the boys too and see if they get to go to state. They have like 23 wins in a row but any game can change that.

    Tomorrow is Sunday so church, dinner here and then I think just the rest of the day at home. Hope you have a good one.

    Sheryl, sorry you haven't gotten feedback from Cary yet. Hopefully, Monday. Sorry it looks like things aren't for Norma and Simon but better now than later.
    I feel so bad for Christina. I don't understand why she can't get the care. It does not make sense to me. Constant pain has to be so tiring.
    Not easy to be told to make all the decisions. Will he feel that way tomorrow. But it's also good that he trusts you. Cool on the massages making John want to shower. You are a smart woman. Is he enjoying the basketball games?

    Anew, progress on the projects is good. Sorry the weather makes it hard to work on. But I know you're doing all you can. Interesting that your hubby doesn't want to take his time. I'd be willing too. Yummy food at your house. Cool on finding meat that you like.

    Isabella, no cobwebs - WTG. That will be good for you to see how the house across the street will sell. Your supper sounds good. Only an hour and that tender. Yum. And fun with a friend. Makes for a good weekend.
    Wedding is April 23 so not too far away. Seems like things are getting done but I'm sure it will get busier as it gets closer.
    Didn't realize this week was the last for Downton Abby. Sad but not much we can do.

    Boys' game is just getting started now. So will keep my ear tuned.
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good Morning.

    I have invited John to come with me to the blood work (only takes about 10 minutes) and then lunch and run errands. Yesterday, he said he'd come with me unless it's raining. Well, it's raining, so he'll use that excuse to stay home. I can speak more openly with Carol if John's not there, but I really want to get him out of the house and out of his rut. Plus, I have so much to tell her about Norma and Simon, we probably won't have time to talk about John anyway. If you remember, I only know Carol because of Norma, they went to college together, so Carol is very interested in what's happening to Norma.

    Yes, last night was the end of Downton Abbey, but I am so happy that it all ended on a happy note. Just the way I wanted it. It was wonderful.

    Debora, that's one of the big problems...John doesn't remember our conversations and tomorrow he may have a different point of view. It's so hard for me to tell him that he no longer has a say in any of our matters, I just can't do it. Although, he does trust me with his finances and that's huge, I'm so honored that he gave me power of attorney and put everything in my hands. It's mainly these stupid trucks and parts that he keeps changing his mind. First, he'll say sell it all and then he talks about buying more parts to fix them up, then he gets frustrated about trying to get parts (right now, it's some brake parts and wheel cylinders that are needed), but I know, even if we find and buy parts, he can't work on them and get them fixed.

    Wow, April 23rd will be here before you know it, but, it sounds like everything is being managed very well. I imagine the dress and invitations are the biggest part. Although, I guess flowers and food are very big too. Looking forward to hearing about more details as all the plans are finalized. Do you have your dress yet?

    Anew, I am with you, I think it would be great for your husband to take his vacation and work on the projects. You don't HAVE to go out of town for vacation, lots of satisfaction in getting projects completed.

    I better get my morning chores done and shower and get ready to go.
  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    Good morning all, just popping in real quick to wish Marcie a happy happy birthday and many more! Hope you have a very special day Marcie!
    Love, Isabella
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Happy Birthday To You!
    Happy Birthday To You!
    Happy Birthday Dear Marcie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Happy Birthday To You!!!!!!

    (I'm with Isabella. Hope you have a very special day.)
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    edited March 2016
    Good Morning,

    Happy Birthday, Marcie, hope your day is very special.

    I had a wonderful visit with Carol yesterday. (It wasn't raining...but John didn't go with me anyway). It was so great to just get away from the house and enjoy good food and good company. We talked over everything and if we could be in charge, our lives would be ecstatic. I feel for Carol, her daughter-in-law is going to remarry again, in June, and move to Florida. Carol will miss those grandkids tremendously, but it's also so hard for Carol to see Kara with anyone other than her son, so in that way, the move is good, Carol won't see them as a family with her son missing. Just wish it wasn't so far. The grandkids are now 15 and 13, so at least they are old enough to have their memories of grandma and grandpa, but Carol will still miss making so many new teenage memories.

    I got my errands taken care of and feel I accomplished a lot in one day. When I finally got to the computer last night, to send Carol info on Blue Apron, I saw that I received an email from Cary. He apologized for the delay, he threw his back out and had to cancel that on-site meeting and was out of his office all last week. He will let me know when the meeting gets rescheduled.

    I see more cement trucks coming up the back road this morning, so there is more concrete being poured. I'll look into the cul-de-sac when I go out to feed the llamas. Our barn blocks the view of the cul-de-sac from my kitchen window, I can see who drives in and out, but not the activity directly behind us unless I walk out there.

    I better get back out there to clean up a mess I made earlier this morning. As I was carrying my scoop of cracked corn out to the backyard, I bumped my arm and spilled some on the floor, right at the door. I didn't feel like getting the broom and dust pan at 7 am, but I'll go do it now.

  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    Hi everyone.

    Thanks for the Happy Birthday's everyone, and thanks for the song Debora! I'm not sure if we'll go out for dinner tonight. It just depends on how we feel when I get home. I have a Birthday coupon for Sizzler, so if we go out it will probably be there. It doesn't expire until March 15th, so we don't have to use it today.

    I got to work yesterday morning to find ITD had deployed my new PC. I wished I had been given a little heads up. I wound up spending most of the day yesterday trying to figure out where everything is. It's a Windows 2007/Microsoft Office 2010. Other than being lost, the only technical issue I'm having is my printer is not working. ITD is working on the issue. They also gave me a nifty new ergonomic keyboard. My old keyboard must have been at least 15 years old.

    We've gotten some nice rain over the last couple days. It's sunny today, but it's supposed to be rainy the rest of the week.

    I stopped watching Mercy Street. Just got to where I had too many recordings. So I deleted that series and some of the movies I recorded a while ago.

    Sheryl, thanks for sharing the news about Christina. I just hate that she is suffering so much. :cry:

    Sheryl, yay on the shower situation with John! Have you heard from Cary yet?

    Isabella, nice job on the cleaning. I need to knock down cob webs and vacuum too. It will be interesting to see what that house actually sells for.

    Debora, I'm so sorry to hear about Ralph. It will just take time to get used to the new normal. The wedding day is getting really close now!

    Have a lovely day everyone!
  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    Another riddle. Can you figure out how to make this equation work by moving just one match stiick?

  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Got it.
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good Morning, I got it too. Thanks for the brain teaser to wake me up.

    Not much new today. Just had to pop in to say good morning, maybe I'll be back later.

  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    You guys are smart. I had to look up the answer!

    I'm semi-splurging on lunch today (calorie-wise) and having a BBQ meatball sandwich with a side of roasted veggies from the office's grill. Yummy. I discarded half the bread, so not too bad.

    Not much new here today either. Have a nice day everyone!