Pot Bellied Stove / Water Cooler



  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    Good morning everyone, We have been having mid to high 80's all week this week. I'm not ready for summer weather yet! But actually it has been gorgeous with a nice cool breeze on most days. This is the weather we live here for. :) We have our free library concert today but don't want to make 2 trips to Poway so we plan to go to the farmer's market right before they close today so I can get my local honey, then we will take a walk for about an hour then attend the free concert at the library. Hopefully hubby will want to grab something for dinner afterward even if it is something like Jack in the Box.

    I don't think I mentioned that hubby is getting quotes to have the fences in the back replaced since they have a lot of wood rot. The young couple on the left is very agreeable to the plan but the neighbor on the right is being VERY difficult. When Dan mentioned getting the fences replaced (which this guy agreed to in the past) he just said "fences are not on his agenda" and walked away. Now Dan has to get the homeowners association involved since the fences must be replaced. Sheryl, Dan plans on having them replaced with vinyl instead of wood by the way.

    Since we are talking about the cost of steaks I went and checked my weekly flyers - they didn't have ribeye prices but this week New York steaks are $6.99 and Filet Mignon is $13.99 both are choice. Gas is $2.39.

    Sheryl, glad the scripture spoke to you. Insert your name in when you read/pray the scripture. When my mom was getting really bad my brother Joe joined an Alzheimer's support group. He said it really helped. Yay that John agreed to the haircut! Glad you got to visit with your friends at H&R Block. Your plans for the deck sound good! I saw Grease way back when but I didn't know the show was on until it was over and you guys were talking about it. I have too many things recording on Sundays anyway. So sorry to hear about Simon. Potassium rich foods such as bananas, cucumbers, mushrooms, are supposed to help with kidney stones.

    Gonna go cook breakfast. be back soon.
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Hi again, quick pop in while John is watching basketball. My experience with vinyl fencing has been good...clients and friends, (we have chain link all around our property). Just be sure to install it with "wiggle room" between each post and slats. The sun will cause the vinyl to expand and if it's installed in cooler temps and tightly, the slats will bow as they get warm. My friends had to tear their fence apart and do it over with an extra 1/2 inch spacing.
    Yes, so hard to get agreeable neighbors. When we did our fencing, we decided to just eat the entire cost ourselves and do what we wanted, the way we wanted it. We did make them aware that we would be tearing down the old barbed wire field fence and on one section, we replaced the neighbor's 4' chain link with our 5' chain link. Plus, their posts were ready to fall over anyway. Everyone came out happy.
    Have a great afternoon at the market and the concert.

    I don't know the current cost of Beef Brisket, it's been quite awhile since I bought any because I thought the price per pound was too high, about $8. I'll check next time I go to the store. You're right, it used to be a cheap cut, but not anymore.

    Time to check on the laundry, washer to dryer and load the washer again.
  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    edited February 2016
    Sorry for the abrupt departure - I called hubby in from yard work to make breakfast so when he came in I didn't want to keep him waiting. :)

    Anew, I knew that you did not pay full price on the bed frame - you're such a savvy shopper. Sounds like it was a really good choice. Great that you finally have a hairdresser that you really like. And it is extra special when hubby notices that it looks great! Very wise to scan and save your important papers. Are you putting them on an external hard drive or thumb drive? How nice that your friends from AZ are coming to stay. It will be great fun! We use our spare room as a "computer room" instead of a bedroom (we have an air mattress we blow up on the very rare occasions that we have visitors). We have 2 computers and 2 printers, 2 desks and a filing cabinet in it. One printer is a laser printer for everyday stuff and the other is a color ink jet "all in one" print/scan/fax. It is very old and we have thought about getting rid of it but it still works and prints great photos so we keep it. Sounds like you made a great choice for your hubby's gift. My hubby sometimes surprises me with a gift on birthdays or anniversaries even though we have long ago agreed that we do not get gifts. I tell him that it is not fair because I get no warning to get him something but he says that he just wants to show his appreciation and doesn't want me to get him anything so...

    Marcie, hubby and I actually watched a good portion of the Super Bowl (or listened while I cooked). Mostly because I wanted to be able to talk about it with everyone at work. Was the puppy bowl as cute as it sounds? I watched part of the kitten bowl last year and it was REALLY cute! How were your French Dips? Dan and I love a good French Dip. Tomato Bisque sounds really good too. I like to order that when we girls eat at Nordstrom's or Mimi's Cafe once in a blue moon.

    Debora, Date night at church sounds really nice. My church does that for Valentine's every year too (we don't attend). Each year is a different theme. This year they are doing a prom night theme.

    My co-worker brought in some soup she made and gave us all a taste. It was so good we asked for the recipe. It is very quick and easy - 1 head cauliflower, 4 large carrots, 1 qt chicken broth, 1 qt water, 1 cup milk or cream, salt & pepper to taste. Combine all but the milk in a large pot, bring to a boil then reduce heat to low and cook the veggies in the liquid for approx. 45 minutes then mash with an immersion blender, stir in milk or cream and heat for another 5 minutes then serve with a sprinkle of parm on top. I am going to make it next week perhaps. I'll let you all know how it turns out. Let me know if any of you try it.

    I'm going to go get ready for our outing. Have a great day everyone!
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Guess it was a week ago when I really stopped in for coffee. Sunday dinner went over great and I didn't have many leftovers. Sunday evening we went and heard a friend talk about his trip to Haiti. That was fun. Monday was 4-H. We had some good talks again and they enjoyed their recreation - some game with a hacky sack. We had two new ones join.
    Tuesday was Good News Club and we did several review games which the kids enjoyed. We had heart shaped cookies. The person who made them (with the help of one of her daughters) is 93. They were yummy. I had gotten the recipe last year and I baked the today and mine didn't turn out near as nice but I'm sure we'll eat them. But they are crunchy and not soft.
    Wednesday our project committee met and cleaned the storage area. We ate brunch together - egg pie, fruit, muffins, homemade summer sausage. After eating we planned things to work on for the next year and then I went to town and delivered things we had collected this past year. In the evening we picked up the 4 kids and went to church.
    Thursday morning I watched Derek's two boys for a couple of hours. Madden was grumpy - turned out to have an ear infection but he did go down for his nap so had some time with just Deacon. Also took their "valentine stuff". I got the oil changed in the car, took a sub sandwich home for lunch and then Alan's 4 kids came about 1:30. It went fine. I fixed mac and cheese for supper with gluten free noodles. I left for Bible study at 7 and left the kids with Ralph. We put the TV on with shows I had taped so things went okay. Bible study was a good end to the day.
    Friday morning I went to town and did my errands. I got home about 11 and got everything unloaded and put away and fixed an easy lunch. I straightened the house in the afternoon and mixed up the cookie dough. When Ralph got home, we headed for town and ate at Spangles and then went to Thomas' basketball game. He got to play a decent amount and they won their game.
    Today I spent the morning at 4-H days. I sit at a table by the door and answer questions, hand out candy bars after the kids do something, and get kids signed up to do pickle power. A friend brought her grandson and sat there too so I had someone to visit with all morning. It was over about 11:30 so I picked up Chinese for dinner. I baked the cookies, frosted a few. I put sprinkles on the gluten free ones so I won't get them mixed up. I fixed pizza and salads for supper. I made applesauce jello and cut heart shapes into it. I don't do a lot for holidays but had a little fun. Got the last of the dishes done and will start the pork tenderloin in a little while.
    We had one really nice warm day (60 this week) but otherwise sunshine but chilly.

    Isabella, great job on the garage. Other things kept me from decluttering much this week but I did get my pile taken to the thrift store.

    Anew, great on the paper decluttering and plans for the guest room. You'll have to take a picture of the coffee bar when it's all done. You and your husband are sure talented. Have you tried making mayo in your new container yet? I'm sure your friends will enjoy your cooking when they come to visit. And I'm sure it the time with you they're looking forward too and will enjoy whatever you get done in the guest room.

    Sheryl, glad marking the keyboard worked okay for John. Seeing the letters is helpful. Glad you were able to meet up with friends and you have a good base for discussing John's behavior. Glad your tax stuff is coming along. I took more stuff into the person who does ours so will just sit and wait now.
    How fun to see the new offices for H&R. So nice that you're able to get away and have lunch with your friends. That's a nice break for you.
    The saga of Norma and Simon continues - kidney stones - how not fun. But nice for Norma since she wasn't sure if the weekend was moving things too fast.
    Did the beard trim and haircut happen?
    Bummer that nothing has happened with the drainage problem but at least he's staying with it.

    Marcie, how fun that you get to work with your old boss. I hope the project is interesting.

    Anew, glad your sink is the way you've wanted it. Where did you get the Bio Cleaner? Sounds like a great cleaner. Doing the showers little by little is a good way to do it. Cool on finding a cool gift for you husband. We don't do much either. His big towel is no more so I got Ralph a new one. We keep things pretty simple.
    Gas here is from $1.21 to $1.39. I walked past the brisket and it was $4.00 a pound.

    Isabella, why don't you go to the Valentine's thing at your church? We've never done anything like this so I'm sure that's why so many are doing it. the soup recipe sounds good. You're husband keeps coming up with more work to do - hope the fence thing works out with the one neighbor. You guys always have fun things to do.

    Enjoy the rest of your weekend. I'm off to start the roast and soon head for bed.
  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    edited February 2016

    Anew, I'm glad Debora reminded me - I wanted to ask you where you got the Bio Cleaner also. :) How much elbow grease did you have to put into scrubbing the shower?

    Debora, We don't attend the Valentine's Day events at church because it is a dinner dance type of thing and Dan doesn't care for those types of events.

    Sheryl, Thanks for the info/warning on the vinyl fencing. I'll let Dan know. Yes, we have already decided that we will eat the cost of the fence on the grouchy neighbor's side rather than have to try to get him to contribute but the HOA said we still have to consult with him and get his input/agreement on what we install. :s

    Our free concert was very enjoyable. There was a large crowd. We went to Jack in the Box afterward. I haven't been to that type of fast food burger place in several years. It was decent and I'm glad I got that urge out of my system. :wink: Then we settled in for the evening and watched our shows. Has anyone been watching Galavant? It's a very silly show but quite the musical comedy extravaganza. We just watched the season finale. It was very enjoyable. It's kind of a mix between Monty Python and Saturday Night Live.

    Today I will do my usual - go to church then grocery shopping. I am going to make a large pan of lasagna for Valentine's Day dinner then freeze portions of it for future meals. I got a bit annoyed with my local Sprouts because I called last night to request a package of hot Italian chicken sausage in bulk instead of in the casing (they make their own sausage and stuff the casings right there in the store). It is on sale this week for $3.99 lb. She said the bulk would be $4.79 lb. This did not make sense to me - why charge more for something they put less work into and less cost since it doesn't have the casing?! :/ I said forget it! I'll just remove the casing. I'll see what they say when I get there though...

    Well, enjoy your day. <3
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good Morning. Well, it finally HIT Norma, she called me last night and told me that the flood waters broke and she had a melt down. She was sitting at Simon's bedside in the hospital, he was sleeping, and her mind went to all the times she was at Don's bedside and then also seeing Joel in the hospital after the car accident and she had to leave and just bawled. She's been trying to be so strong, but it all finally came to the surface. I told her that's natural and I've been waiting for it to happen. Just let it all out and don't feel guilty.
    She also told me that Simon's daughters said they plan to come and see him. At first, she felt hurt, she thought that they don't trust her to take care of him. I said that God has answered my prayers...I want them to come and take care of him, it's more their responsibility than Norma's. I told her not to take it personally, our Dad had a caregiver, but Norma still wanted to be with him, not because she didn't trust the caregiver, but that he is her father. She thanked me for putting it in perspective and is now planning to house his daughters when they come. It may turn out that they all stay at her house, it doesn't look like Simon will be fit to travel back home. I think that's good that he will have his daughters with him while Norma is at work and also they can deal with him during the night and not disrupt Norma's schedule...she has to work and needs her sleep.

    Debora, I did get John's haircut taken care of yesterday, I got him first thing in the morning when he got out of bed.

    I got John's last 1099-DIV in yesterday's mail, so now, I can get his taxes done and it's all out of the way until next year.

    I guess that's all my news...I just wait for more phone call updates from Norma. She called me 4 times yesterday and I expect that many or more today. Those daughters better show up. Even if Simon stays in the hospital, it's so hard on Norma to be there all day long with him and apparently, he's not one that likes to be alone. At one point yesterday, he wanted the lights out to rest so Norma said she'd go out, where there's light, to read her book, but he whined "don't leave me, stay here", so she ended up sitting there in the dark. That must be when all those memories came flooding back.
  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    edited February 2016
    Good morning everyone, Happy Valentines Day!

    It's a beautiful day, the sun is shining and I don't know what the temp is yet, I haven't looked, lol. Yesterday we went to big town and picked up some old dining chairs that had been painted in a very bad way. White on four of them which was nice for the dining table and then a very bright pink one and an orange one. They are Drexel queen anne chairs from the 1980's. Hubby picked up some paint stripper and we discovered they were originally black lacquer with gold oriental design painted on them. We have one chair almost completely stripped down to the black stain on the wood which makes it perfect to paint them white and then distress them, Yay! Another project to do, but he promised not to be working on the chairs and the coffee bar, and, and and...at the same time. :smiley: I told him the four chairs at the dining table are fine for now, even if they aren't very nicely painted.

    Our old chairs have been repaired a few times and just can't really hold up anymore, too many moves have weakened the joints and one of the legs split completely down the middle. It's too much work to take them all apart to fix them because we can't find the nice oak wood to replace it with in our area and it's too expensive to have it shipped in. I thought I would line them up and take a picture of them to post on Craigslist. When I did that visions in my head started, those chairs are perfect to make a chair bench out of and with all four lined up it measures 74", a perfect fit at the foot of a king size bed. Three together would fit a double and a queen size bed. There is also the thought of just doing two together and using them as side benches so we put them in the storage shed out back for later. LOL, too many things in my head. The best part is the design would be easy to move because the way I can do it means not joining the chairs to each other, but using the seat to join the chairs together with screws, just take the seat off and the chairs would be individual again. Really a very easy project to do, just need to find the time, lol.

    I bought the Bio Cleaner through QVC just like the Joe Campanelli's. Joe's product works well on the stove, stainless cookware and the appliances but it couldn't get everything out of the kitchen sink and I couldn't get the showers clean with it. The Bio Clean has taken care of that kitchen sink and the bathrooms and it does great on my stainless pots and pans too. I don't mind having different cleaners to do different things. Not everything is a do all product, you just have to find what works. Part of my problem is all my injury along with the arthritis means I have to find something that will do most of the work for me. Scrubbing is quite painful for me but hubby couldn't get any of that stuff clean either, lol. As far as scrubbing the shower I just got the sponge wet, rubbed it on the block of clay and got the shower wet where I wanted to clean it. Then just start going in a circular motion. It didn't take long and the clean is amazingly smooth which hubby noticed the clean shower area. I see in the reviews of this stuff some people say it did nothing for them so I don't know what the perfect answer is. I just know what I found to work for me and there a lots of people that agree with me. Some reviews say to just buy that stuff called soft scrub and say it does the same thing. I can see how that would be a comparison but this stuff is a solid block of clay, where soft scrub is a very thick liquid. I remember using it in California all the time but it isn't available here. My showers are the tan colored fiberglass/plastic surrounds so I don't know how Bio Cleaner would work on other surfaces.

    One last thing and then I'm going to get my day started. I haven't made mayo with the immersion blender yet but will this week sometime, so I will let you all know how it works out.

    Have a great day everyone.

  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    Hi all, it's late but I thought I would come in and chat a bit since I haven't had the chance. Our valentines dinner was really nice, I decorated the outside table using that slab of slate I bought a few weeks ago. It really set the stage for a nice dinner of steak, roasted squash and baked potatoes. I wrote in chalk "Happy Valentines Day" on it and added the wine and wine glasses to it. I also added my 24kt gold dipped rose in the 24% lead crystal vase it came with hubby bought me years ago for a little flair, and he presented me with another dipped rose for my gift. I love these roses, this one is red with all the detail done in gold. It's beautiful and I have another, the first one he gifted me way back in 2000, but I can't find it. This first 24kt gold dipped rose he brought home to me from Singapore when he was on a 5 month tour with the Navy. It came with a gorgeous pewter vase and I know it's somewhere in this house, lol. A box is hiding it and I can't wait to find it so I can set it next to the other two on the TV stand.

    They are these roses (I don't know where he bought it from) and it's the "classic red" with 24 kt gold he gave me. I was quite surprised I might say because I certainly didn't expect that. These roses are beautiful and come in an array of colors.


    I went to big town again today with my elderly friend to do some shopping at hobby lobby and joanne's. She treated me to lunch at Olive Garden and I brought hubby his dinner home so no cooking for me tonight, ha! I found some great decorator striped material to recover the new old chairs and complements the drapery that hasn't been hung yet, lol. I need those window valances, lol. She needed supplies for her pillow case dresses she makes to send overseas. We got lucky today, she was able to get a lot of ric rac and single fold wide bias tape. She likes to use the pretty pillow cases with a strong feel to them and buys them at the resale gift shop I donate my stuff to all the time. She gets lucky and finds them for 3-5 dollars each from time to time and those dresses are so cute. She has 20 ready to go on the next shipment.

    Well that is enough for now, I'll come back sometime tomorrow if I can. Have a great day everyone.

  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good Morning. I hope everyone had a nice holiday, did anyone think of past Presidents? I didn't. I went to Fred Meyer to pick up Rx's and do a little shopping. Brisket was $7.99 per pound, but corned beef brisket was $4.99/lb, sure sign that St. Patrick's Day is coming. I didn't buy any, I did, however, spend $7.99 for a pound of ground lamb.

    Sunday, I fixed the Blue Apron Lebanese Lamb & Beef Arayes. It was so good that I put the ingredients on my shopping list to make it again. I went crazy over it, good thing there was built-in portion control or I would have over-eaten. Tastes of Grandma's cooking.

    The last update I got from Norma, Simon was to be discharged from the hospital yesterday, but at 5 pm, they were still waiting. She figured that Simon could get his dinner before leaving. Then, she wouldn't have to feed him at her house. They were told at 11:30 am that he'd be released, but she's been through this before and knew that it would take ALL day. Due to follow-up appointments and care to watch for infections, he'll be staying at her house for the 2 weeks until he's done with the antibiotic regimen and the laser blasting of the kidney stones. I don't think his daughters are coming because they were talking of setting up the in-home nursing care to come out for visits. Norma said that these next 2 weeks can easily break the relationship. She told Simon that he will see the REAL her. Silly man, he said that he already knows her so well, he doesn't know squat...they are still in the blush stages of their relationship and putting on fronts to please each other. She said that she is going to totally be herself and not put up with any guff. He'll see her true colors, and I'm sure she'll see his.

    Mom is totally jealous and whining that Simon is taking all of Norma's attention. She is so wrong, Norma bends over backwards to make Mom her priority and it seems to go unappreciated. I told Norma that I bet getting back to work in the Office never looked so good, she agreed completely.

    Like I said, I did my errands yesterday, so I could be home all day today to be ready for what may come regarding the drainage ditch. I hope something comes!!!! I'll be here today and tomorrow, but Thursday, I'm meeting Carol for lunch and will be so ready for it. Just my luck, that will be the day that they want to come talk to me and look over the problem.

    I better post this, I lost it once already and retyped most of it, I don't want to do that again. Boy, do I need my mug refilled!
  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    edited February 2016
    Good morning everyone.

    Had a busy weekend and kinda glad to be back at work now. Bet you'd never thought I'd say that. Ha!

    Got the house cleaned, tons of laundry (clothes & bedding), changed Dad's sheets and pillow cases, mail and junk mail shredding (I let it build for too long!), and cooking. Made a pot of black eyed peas, baked some banana nut muffins, hard boiled a dozen eggs and roasted off some veggies for the week. I also flipped over Dad's electric blank. The side he sleeps under went kaput last week, so I flipped it so he can use the heating unit that is on the other side of the blanket. The blanket has separate heating units on each side. I don't know how he stands sleeping under an electric blanket. I can't stand them.

    Since I had the day off yesterday for the holiday, I had set up an appointment at the dealership for the six-month service. Ugh. I was there for two hours before they finally came out to tell me there was corrosion built up on the battery and they were working on getting it fixed. After waiting another hour they came out again and apparently the battery's "basket" (whatever that is) was destroyed by the corrosion and they needed to order a replacement. So they gave me a rental car and sent me home. Said it will take a couple days for the delivery to arrive from Los Angeles, so I'm stuck driving the rental until then. The rental is a Camry, and I'm not a fan. It's so low to the ground and not so easy to get in and out of. Well, at least the rental and the battery issue isn't costing me anything. The battery is still under warranty and they aren't charging me for the rental. I'm just glad they caught the problem before I broke down on the road!

    Got home from the dealership and realized I forgot to get my glasses and my key card (for work) out of my car. Had to drive back and get them. Got home again and realized I forgot my thermos. No way I was driving all the way back there for that! Just not a good day.

    We've had a nice run of beautiful weather (it got up to 80 degrees yesterday), but we are supposed to cool down and get rain tomorrow and maybe Thursday. We sure do need the rain. I don't look forward to driving in the rain in a strange car though.

    One of our neighbors posted in the NextDoor website a positive review of a restaurant near us. We've drove by it for years, but never tried them. Dad and I decided to give them a try and went there for lunch on Saturday. It's called the Mongolian Bar-B-Que. The decor wasn't the best, but the food was great and the server/owner was very friendly. It's an all you can eat (I ate one serving and dad went back for some more fruit salad) smorgasbord of salad fixings and then different kinds of noodles, tons of fresh veggies and lots of different kinds of raw meats and seafood. You plate up what you want, then they have about 20 different kinds of sauces to choose from. Then you hand your plate over to the cook who cooks it up in front of you Japanese style. Comes with a side of sticky white rice too. All for only $9.00! Dad and I were both impressed and enjoyed the meal. One trip only meals cost just $6.00, so next time I'll go for that.

    I couldn't believe the amount of food some of those people at that restaurant were consuming. I don't know where they put. One guy made a HUGE Plate of food and then went back two more times and got two more huge plates of food, and had two servings of the white rice.

    Today was supposed to be the start of a new two-month project at work, but the kick-off has been delayed until next Tuesday. There are four of us assigned to that project, and three of them called in sick today. One of key people on the team is my old boss who only works on Mondays and Tuesday. She has an appointment next Monday and won't be in to work that day, so we'll have to wait until next Tuesday. Hopefully everyone shows up!

    Anew, that 24kt gold dipped rose is sure pretty. What a sweet think for hubby to do. Your Valentine's Day meal sounds yummy.

    Isabella, that doesn't seem right for Sprouts to charge more for the uncased sausage! Lasagna sounds good. It's been a long time since I made one. Do you add veggies to yours or just meat, sauce and cheese? I usually load mine with lots of veggies.

    Sheryl, I sure hope finally get that drainage ditch done! This has been going on too long. That's great the Simon is out of the hospital and Norma is willing to let him stay with her. That's too bad his daughters couldn't come (hopefully that was a "couldn't" and not a "wouldn't").

    I think I'll go take a walk around the building and the get back to work. Have a nice day everyone.
  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    Hi again, just a quick note. Do you all get trash mail you don't want? today we received another four insurance company offers from the very same insurance company and addressed to four different people. All these people at one time or another lived in this house but we have been here over three years.

    These notices come every three months, even though we put all this junk mail back in the box and tell them "not at this address" the post office continues to deliver this mail that is addressed to someone else. So, today I called the insurance company and asked them to remove our address from their database and to stop sending their junk mail to us. I did a search for information on how to get off of these junk mailings and came upon with website with a lot of good information that I will be using in some form or another to stop all this mail I am still getting for people that don't live in this house anymore. I thought this might help someone else who has problems like we do.

  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Happy Birthday Isabella!!!!!! I hope you have a wonderful day.
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    edited February 2016
    Good Morning. More of my "in-house" soap opera...I talked to Norma 3 times yesterday, she had a blow-out with Mom Monday night. Mom is crazy jealous and making things worse for Norma. When Norma called her from the hospital to tell her that Simon was being discharged and would be staying at her house for 2 weeks, Mom then tells Norma that she NEEDS more Depends and some air freshener so that her apartment doesn't stink. Norma said that if she can get Simon out of the hospital and home and can get to Mom's before 8 pm, she will be there that night. 8 pm is the deadline because the front doors are locked at that time and Mom refuses to go downstairs to let Norma in the side door. Actually, I think that's great, otherwise, Norma would be expected to show up at ALL hours. Anyway, after much conversation, it finally comes out that Mom has enough Depends for another week and a half, so urgency was not necessary. But, Norma decided to get the items anyway, you can NOT say that Norma has not done EVERYTHING that Mom has asked. My first thought was that Mom knew Norma was planning on being out of town for the entire long weekend, so I knew that she was prepared with supplies beforehand, this is just a ploy to gain control. While at Mom's apartment, Mom wanted Norma to pay a doctor's bill, which she did. Then, Mom starts in on how she doesn't know what's going on and she going to go to jail. That's her latest obsession...her taxes are not being done right and she's going to jail. Norma pointed out that Norma's been widowed for 10 years and has taken care of her own finances, plus, taking care of all financial responsibility for another aunt and her mother-in-law, and NOBODY went to jail. Norma's blood pressure sky-rocketed and she had to leave before more words were said that she couldn't take back. (Mom pulled that jail thing on me too, when I was down there and, of course, my reaction was far different than Norma's...I told Mom Yes, that's what I'm planning, send her to jail because that's where she belongs. I was fed up). Norma has made it perfectly clear that Mom is her first priority, and she's proven that through her actions, but Mom just doesn't believe it nor does she appreciate it. So frustrating.

    Marcie, to comment on your comment, Simon's daughters COULD come down, but WON'T because they are not coming to take him home. They don't work, so they could travel, but they don't want to. I thought that he'd need to be taken care of, but I guess he's OK to be on his own while Norma is at work. The in-home care nurse is coming out to clean the catheter and check for infection, but other than that, he is well enough to care for himself. We'll see how much stress it puts on Norma, like I said, she is now having trouble with her blood pressure and it's not ALL because of Mom.

    Yesterday, we saw a truck on the road behind us and John walked out there and reported back to me that there were 2 workmen looking at the ditch. John tried his best to explain to them what needs to be done, but he said that they looked bewildered and wouldn't talk to him much. I don't know if they didn't understand John, or they didn't understand English, or they just didn't get that they have to do some work to clean this mess up. I also don't know if they were sent by the County of by the HOA, I'll wait for a call from the environmental agency guy.
    Then, John came in to tell me that there is a broken tree branch on the power line to the barn. He wanted to get the ladder out to take care of it. NOoooooooo!! I put a stop to that immediately. I called the power company and they will come out and take care of it, but, I just don't know when. Now, John's really antsy and wants to know when they will come, he is not patient at all. I'll be home again all day, waiting to see what happens and who shows up.

    You know now what I'm about to say...time to refill my mug!!!!
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    edited February 2016
    Good Morning. More waiting today, no one came yesterday (and not a phone call either) and I'm not leaving John alone to deal with either the drainage problem or the Power Company guy. Actually, I'm not leaving John alone because I can't trust him not to get out the ladder and try to cut down that branch himself. I had to postpone my lunch with Carol. And, I guess it's a good thing that I haven't set up a lunch date with Billie and Kit yet either. I hope the power company comes out by tomorrow because Monday I have blood work scheduled and I don't want to have to change that appointment.

    I need to change my comment about Simon's daughters, first off, I sounded a bit harsh not really knowing their personal situations. Sorry about that. I talked to Norma and found out that the older daughter was a bank manager, but had to quit due to severe pain that prevents her from working. She has fibromyalgia and has constant pain. The younger daughter has the one year old, so I'm sure that takes up all her time, mommy is a full time job. Simon seems to be doing well and Norma said that it's kind of nice having dinner ready and waiting for her when she comes home from work.

    Marcie, love the photo...I really need that today.
    I know that Leona is now in Sacramento, is she near you? Is she someone who you think you might get together with? I had her name for the first Secret Santa I participated in at NM, that was when she was traveling to India.

    My Blue Apron box arrived and I prepared Japanese noodles with cabbage and mushrooms with a nice piece of cod on top. Once again, I omitted the spicy hot blend of spices and it turned out excellent. I'm amazed that John continues to comment on how good the food is and is enjoying it as much as I do. I really like the variety of recipes and trying stuff that I would never seek out and cook on my own. It's fun as well as being nutritious. They are still offering for me to send free food to any of my friends, just let me know if anyone is interested. (one trial week=choice of 3 meals for two or 2 meals for four).

    I'll go feed the birds and pour myself another mug of coffee.

  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    Hi all.

    Well, it's Thursday and I haven't heard from the dealership. Hopefully they will call sometime today to tell me my car is ready.

    Yeah, I knew about Leona. There are a couple others in the area too.

    Sheryl, that's scary about the power line. Can you just take your ladder over to your neighbor until the power company gets it fixed, or would a missing ladder be too upsetting for John?

    I haven't quite decided yet if that photo I posted is super cute or super disturbing. Ha!

    Isabella, belated Happy Birthday!! I hope your day was extra-special!
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    It's just magical (the photo) and I'm hoping some magic rubs off on me.

    Oh, I forgot about your car, I hope you get it back very soon. I know how yucky a different car can be, especially low to the ground and hard to get in and out of and poor visibility.

    Unfortunately, we have too many ladders to choose from and it's not feasible to remove them all. If I move the big one, he'll try to use a shorter one and find a longer pole...worse case scenario.

    Me too, Isabella, belated Birthday wishes from me too.
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Sunday was nice. Good church service. Dinner was okay - jello didn't work so well but we still ate it. No one stayed too long since we had the deal at church. It was very nice. The board wives had made three casseroles (all with noodles) and a tossed salad and then a chocolate dessert. The speaker was really good. There were 200 adults, and 20 babysitters watching 100 kids. Good time for all. They had a display of all the wedding pictures which were fun to look at.

    Monday was at home and then watching Alan's kids in the evening. We worked puzzles colored and played upstairs this time. We watched a couple of shows and then read books till mom and dad got here. Tuesday was Good News Club. I had to run home after serving the cookies cause I forgot the verses. I knew exactly where they were though. Then we went to Thomas' ball game and he got to play quite a bit and the won. We went and ate afterwards.

    Wednesday Ralph went to a seed meeting and I went to town for a few errands - got a box of books at the thrift store and then headed for Lori's. I baked pumpkin muffins, did the dishes and worked on laundry. I left in time to come home eat and then get the kids and go to church.

    Today I didn't have to take Ava to speech so had the morning at home. Got a few things done. Julie got the wedding invitations ordered. Three of us cleaned the Community House this afternoon and in an hour I leave for a meeting at 6 for 4-H leaders. It's only supposed to last an hour so then I plan to go to Bible study a little late. Working with someone who's doing a bridal shower for Lori so progress there too. Also made plans with Matthew (fiance) to surprise Julie on his birthday and get to meet his grandparents (who raised him).

    So the week is moving right along. We got up close to 80 today but wow is it windy.

    Isabella, no dancing at our church (or in my life). I did help decorate for the junior senior prom but didn't go. We just eat and talk. Nice concert again. Seems like they are more than once a month. I saw a bit of Galavant at Lori's one day - it seemed like it would take a bit to get into it but they liked it. How was the lasagna. Silly that uncased sausage cost more in my book.

    Sheryl, yay on the haircut. Norma has quite the stuff going on. Glad it's going okay with Simon being at the house. Bummer on your mother getting upset but you guys know you're doing all you can for her. This time may be helpful if deciding if there is a future. Norma has a big heart (just like you).

    Anew, thanks for letting us know where you got the cleaner. If something will really work, that's the most important thing. Are the instructions with it good? I've used soft scrub. Cool on your "new" chairs. Your gold roses are beautiful and will last. Is there room for one on the coffee bar? Glad you found a way to stop the mail you don't want.

    Marcie, you did a lot over the weekend. Whew - tired me out. Did I tell you I found the pink beans - haven't made them though although I've been enjoying some canned beans with my $.47 avocados. Glad the car problems were found at the dealership and not when you were on the road. Is the rental behaving okay. We have a restaurant that cooks the food like that too only it's a bit more in cost. It was fun to go there once. And I got plenty with one time through.

    Sheryl, hope the limb and ditch get taken care of soon. That waiting gets old for anyone. The blue apron trial thing is sort of tempting but I know I wouldn't continue it. But it would be fun to try. Can you choose what comes in the free trial?

    It's about time to head for the meeting. I left food for Ralph in the fridge. Alan is watching the kids but is hauling honey so is helping watch the kids. Have a great evening.
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good Morning. I have gotten so wrapped up in telling you about my days, that I have forgotten to comment about what many of you have said and are doing. I need to take better notes while reading your comments. Reading Debora's last comment reminded me what I wanted to say about the Mongolian Restaurant. We have a lot of them around here, but John will no longer go to buffets, so I haven't gone in years. My first experience was Nancy took me down in Pasadena when I was visiting, we pigged out. I remember that it was super yummy. That was back in the day, when Nancy and Karen and I could really put away the food and we gorged ourselves, thinking it was great fun. We have learned so much in more recent years. (Well, that last sentence was a great joke).

    Well, the metallic marker didn't last long, it has all rubbed off already, the E looks like F again and the O is just a little portion of an arc. I guess we'll just live with it, I don't see the purpose of buying a new keyboard unless and until this one actually won't type anymore. I don't mind the expense, they don't cost too much, but I know that John won't be happy with a new one either. Unfortunately, he's not content no matter what I do, so I'll leave it alone.

    Anew, I am amazed at all the furniture you build yourself. I have bought put-it-together kits for a couple lateral files and the computer desk, but I don't think I could venture out into your imagination. You seem to be able to see so much potential in an old scrap heap and envision the finished product. I am not that creative and marvel at those who are. I don't even decorate, the walls in my house are still pretty bare like when we moved in 24 years ago. Hey, maybe I have a "bachelor pad". Although, I know some guys who are better decorators than I am.

    Marcie, I just have to chuckle when I hear you talk about Cisco and when it's time to take him to the groomers. I wish that I could do that with John. Do you think that if you were to tell Cisco that he's getting stinky, he would answer, "I don't smell anything!", that's what I get. It would be so nice and easy to put him in a carrier and take him to the groomers. Well, maybe NOT so easy. This may be TMI...but I've decided to try to make cleaning up "romantic" and get in the shower with John. We'll see how that goes.

    Debora, I'll email you with more details about Blue Apron. There are choices regarding your food preferences, such as vegetarian, or more chicken than red meat, or more fish, or food allergies, but I don't think you can actually choose which recipes you receive. However, I'm not positive because I wanted the variety, so I didn't check out the choices that thoroughly. I checked the box for accepting whatever they send out. I know that Pam gifted Andy with the free week and he stopped it after the trial, so it's not hard to cancel it. He said that the food was very good, but too much for one person. I think he said that he made 3 meals out of each recipe.

    More waiting again today, the power company guy should come today, although, they still wouldn't give me a set time. Yesterday, more work being done behind us, but, on the house lot, not the ditch. A lot of big equipment and trucks coming in and out of the cul-de-sac. We could see some feet under the fence, pacing back and forth at the ditch, and at first, we thought they were checking it out to work on it, but then, John and I joked about the guys just using the ditch to pee into. Sorry, TMI again.

    Time to refill my mug...
  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    Good morning. Yay, it's Friday and another beautiful weather day!

    The last couple days we got some much needed rain and the the north of us snow. Was real windy though. Today its sunny and just a slight breeze.

    Before I left work yesterday I called the dealership to check on my car. The guy goes to check on it and comes back to tell me the received the part they were waiting for, but I needed to give them an hour before coming to get the car. Which tells me they've been bumping my repair to work on other cars! I got there an hour and 15 minutes later and still wound up having to wait another 20 minutes. Grrrr. Picked up the car and it was filthy. It had been parked outside through the rain storms and with the wind blowing so hard, dust and dirt settled on the car. Also, there was a greasy hand print on the drivers side window. Another grrrr! Well, at least I have it back now.

    I've been on a popcorn kick lately. Just craving the stuff. I've been popping up a bowl every night all week. I've been eating just breakfast and lunch and then having popcorn at night. Last night both Dad and I had a bowl and the house smelled so good. Love the smell of popcorn. I'm sure I'll get sick of it soon though and go for another long stretch of no popcorn.

    Sheryl, I'm certain Cisco wouldn't agree with my "stinky" diagnosis! He probably thinks he just got it where he likes it and then I go and wash it all away. The "romantic" solution sounds like a great plan! I could eat tons of food in one sitting back in the day too. My full-o-meter was always on the fritz.

    Debora, I hope you enjoy the pink beans. Wow, only $.47 for an avocado! Avocados here are usually $1.00 (or more) each. With as much as you do, I'm surprised that my busy weekend tired you out reading about it!

    Have a great day and a great weekend everyone! :)
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good Morning, Mmmmmm, popcorn. I can smell it now. Coincidentally, the other John just emailed me a photo to show my John, I'll go post it for you Marcie.

    I got no-showed by the power company yesterday. I guess I'll call again on Monday.

    Norma's got one week down, one week to go with Simon at her house. It actually went pretty fast and the situation has gone well. Simon had a follow-up appointment yesterday and had the catheter and bag replaced. He has blood work scheduled for next Wednesday and then the kidney stones get laser blasted next Friday.

    I hear John already, I don't want him to get up this early, but sometimes he does. If I'm lucky, he'll wander around and then, go back to bed. More later.