Pot Bellied Stove / Water Cooler



  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    edited January 2016
    Good Morning. Regarding tv, I am taping Mercy Street, haven't watch either episode yet.
    I missed the premiere of Second Chances, but after hearing you talk about it, I taped the second episode but haven't watched it yet and will be gone next Friday to the wedding, so will miss episode three also. At least with Second Chances, I think I'll be able to catch it in reruns.
    On Downton Abbey, I started to feel sorry for Barrows...NEVER thought I hear myself say that!!! But, then, he does another despicable thing and I think he needs his comeuppance.
    I taped Indian Summer and have watched 3 episodes, but just can't get into that one, I don't know if I'll be able to sit through all 11 episodes.
    I like cop dramas, so I'm also watching Luther. Reminds me of Prime Suspect from years ago.

    Going to pick up my dress this morning. Weather report sounds good, so I won't have a hard time keeping my dress out of the rain. Tomorrow, I go in for some blood work and then run errands and make sure I have everything that we need for this weekend. Wednesday, I'll do all the last minute stuff to be ready to leave Thursday afternoon. I should be able to log on at my sister's and let you know I made it safely. And, check in with you on Sunday also, but Friday and Saturday, we'll all be at a hotel in Palm Desert. Sort of a "destination" wedding.

    Jannie, so so happy for you that you've gotten some hip pain relief. And, good luck on the weight loss challenge, I think it's nice to have a friendly competition to help motivate.
    I miss that by not working in an office...BUT, I do love being home. When I was working, not in an office, but mowing lawns, that was automatically my daily workout. Every day, all day, it was great. Now, I have to motivate myself to get outside and do chores.

    Yesterday would have been Mom and Dad's 66th wedding anniversary. I don't make a fuss about anniversaries or birthdays, they come every year. I do acknowledge once in a lifetime things like graduations and weddings. Anyway, I was going to call Mom just to see how she was handling it, I usually call her on Sundays anyway. Norma called me early and said that after church, she and Simon were headed over to Mom's to watch football with her and have snacks, sort of a tail-gate party in her apartment. So, I didn't call, knowing that they were together and watching the games. I'll call her this afternoon. I know Norma misses Dad a lot, they were so close.

    John came out several minutes ago and read my comment over my shoulder, good thing I hadn't started talking about him yet. ha ha ha. He went back to bed again, but just yelled out at me "what was that noise?" I didn't hear anything except maybe a truck going down the street. One of those noises that is so common that I simply ignore it. He said he heard a "thump", I have no idea what he heard. Could be anything. I told him about the earthquake thing the other night, he doesn't remember a thing about it. We both agreed that he must have been dreaming and even when he woke me up to ask about it, he was doing that in his sleep too. His Mom used to hallucinate and see people in her bedroom that weren't there. Scary stuff, and hard to calm them down when they are certain there are strangers in the room.
    I hear about the Alaska earthquake on the news this morning, but that happened a day after our little earthquake episode.

    Time to refill my mug...

  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    edited January 2016
    Got the dress and grabbed sandwiches at Subway for lunch. Nice day and John is outside raking and wheelbarrowing debris to the burn pile. I talked to Mom and she enjoyed yesterday with Norma and Simon and watching the games. Time to get to some more paperwork, mail included 1099's and bills.

    I will put a picture of my dress over in the photo post.
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good Morning. Boy, the coffee tastes exceptionally good this morning. I didn't make a second pot yesterday so there wasn't any to nuked last night. I don't know if that's why, or maybe it's just nice to have this warm mug warming my hands on this chilly morning.
    It's certainly a habit with me, gotta have my mug of coffee.

    I told John about my plans today and he wants to go with me. It will be nice, we'll drive over to Portland after my blood test and run errands and stop by Harbor Freight Tools. He loves to walk around there. We can go out to lunch, such a treat.

    I talked to Norma and she is so frustrated and concerned about Simon. He says that he is eating "healthier", but he is still non-stop eating. Snacks all day long, even if it's better food, he needs to cut down his portions and stop grazing. He still doesn't have a CPAP machine. We're spending next weekend together for the wedding and she is spending President's Day weekend with him. She'll see if there are any changes by then, and if not, she said that she has to call it off, it's too stressing for her to get into a serious relationship with these red flags already showing. She doesn't want to spend her time in and out of hospitals in years to come. She did that the last 10-12 years of her marriage. This will be a very difficult decision.

    Mom said that she had a great time on Sunday, although yesterday, she was still tired from all the excitement and fun from the previous day. I told Norma and that made her feel good, that her intentions and being with Mom were rewarded. Mom and Norma just can't seem to communicate that to each other and tensions run high when they are in the same room. They have never been close and are now somewhat thrown together. There are so many times that I wish Mom had passed first, because Norma and Dad would be having a blast together. It would be so much easier for Norma. But, I can't second guess God, there's a reason for all of this.

    Norma said that she can hardly wait for me to arrive...we're going to play all weekend, like "girl's night out" for three days. ha ha ha I am anxious too, I need a play date. I'm so glad that Joel knows how to throw a party!!!!
  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    arobed53 wrote: »
    Has anyone watched Mercy Street - new show on public TV - has nurses and takes place in the Civil War - watched 1st episode and taped the second. Looks intereesting.

    I watched the first episode last night. It does look interesting.
  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    edited January 2016
    Good morning everyone.

    I woke up earlier than normal this morning, so just came in to work. The commute wasn't real great today. Lots of fog and lots of accidents. :/

    During my lunch hour yesterday at work I did my taxes, so that's out of the way. :smiley:

    Looks like we have a new mailman, and Cisco does not approve apparently. He'd gotten used to our old mailman. Dad said he barked his fool head off. He's just not a fan of men in uniforms. Still, no one is as hated as the Clark pest control guy! Hopefully the old mailman is just on vacation.

    Well, it's been about a month now since I had any coffee. I just got to the point where it wasn't tasting good anymore. I switched to tea. I steep a bag of black tea and a bag of mint herbal tea in my 16 ounce thermos, add a little almond milk, and sip on that all day at work. I've been enjoying that.

    I know what you mean Sheryl, about the order of a passing parent. I was always closest with my Mom and had no doubt that Dad would pass first (because of his heart disease). Didn't work out that way, and he and I have grown closer since she passed.

    Sheryl, your dress is so pretty! That's so great that your Mom had a good time with Norma and Simon. I sure hope Simon pulls it together soon. I totally get where Norma is coming from. I hope you and John have fun today, and that he still wants to go by the time you need to leave. I like cop dramas too. I'm recording several cop series now. Criminal Minds, Second Chance, and Shades of Blue (I was surprised I like this one because I'm not much of a Jennifer Lopez fan, but it's been good so far). I hadn't heard of Luther.

    Debora, thanks for the offer of the Fitbit groupon. I think if I need to purchase another one, I'm just going to get a Fitbit Zip. Not quite as fancy, but gives the info I need and is a bit cheaper. That's what Dad has been using and he seems pleased with it.

    Jannie, glad to hear the hip pain is reduced, but sorry your are having muscle pain. Good luck with the challenge!!

    Anew, I hope you are feeling ok and that hubby is doing well. Was he able to take some time off to get better? Yay that the veggies are lasting longer. I can't stand having to throw out produce that's gone bad. I had to chuck a bag of romaine lettuce last weekend.

    Isabella, ugh on the leaky washing machine! How frustrating. I hope it gets fixed soon. I would be lost without a washing machine. We had to change our water heater about a decade ago. Our last one was super old and not up to code. How's you brother doing in NJ? Is he still snowed in. My aunt in North Carolina sent us a pic of her front yard the other day and she is buried in snow right now.

    Ok, back to work. Have a great day everyone!! :)
  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    edited January 2016
    Sheryl, someone on one of the foodie threads out in the main forum posted a pic of that salmon dish you made the other day. It looks really good!
    WinoGelato wrote: »
    I tried a Blue Apron meal the other night (my Father in Law got the service for Christmas and didn't think he would eat this one). Salmon with salsa verde over farro, orange and spinach salad. It was tasty and I like the concept of shipping all the ingredients needed for the meal to your door, but it comes out to about $10/person/meal and I think that's a little pricey especially since I like to cook and would still have to go to the store for other food for the week and for the family. I could see using it more when it was just my husband and I, when we ate out more.


  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Hi, have been gone a lot the last few days. Sunday was SS and church and then family here. 12 of us, 4 lbs of carrots and a sketchy serving left. Roast with potatoes and carrots is always a favorite. We cleared the table and then went to town to a garage sale (lots of "booths" at the rec center). Lori got quite a few things for the shoeboxes. Alan and Katie had a good time visiting with friends. Then in the evening we went and visited a family from Jordan. They speak English some. We stayed for about 2 hours so feel it went okay. It went a lot better than I thought it would but they had a jigsaw puzzle going and that game me something to do with two of the kids.

    The more I think about the conversation between Katie and I and what has transpired since then, I realize she was defensive cause she thought I was not okay about how they are eating at home (which I have no problem with) and I was defensive cause I look at "junk food" differently, but all is going along fine now. The ones that ate it enjoyed the banana cake - very moist. So venting and talking helped me get through it and it was not near as big as I thought or built it up in my mind. So glad.

    Monday I babysat for Maggie from 7:30-1. Mom had no bottles so she came home at 10:30 to nurse her. And with naps, I was able to catch up the dishes and got the laundry washed and partly folded. Came home and did some stuff here and then we went to Brecken's donut birthday party. I splurged and had two donuts (we seldom buy any). She tuned 5. The house was full of people, all of our family and then 4 of their good friends that live right there and Lindsey's family.

    I walked this morning. Then Ralph and I went to town to the thrift store, bookstore and ate out. I came home and went to Good News Club. We had about 35 people there. And we had 3 less adults than usual so it kept us hopping. There were three brand new kids too. I took two families home and when I got home, I had an uneasy feeling that I forgot to lock the door. I know someone who lives close to the building so called and asked them to check. My feeling was right so drove back in and locked - glad it was only s5 miles one way. :) I fixed supper, did my list and will finish my evening chatting with you guys.

    Tomorrow I walk again and then am home until church in the evening. Have a long list I hope to make a lot of progress on. Hope Hope. I opened a new box yesterday and it seemed like a lot of different stuff and today, the places for it fell into place. So slow and steady I'll keep going. I'm thinking I'll stay on this room another month and concentrate on the stuff out in the room and maybe get it so we could set up a bed again. Would that be a shocker.

    Sheryl, yes, it was my daughter-in-law and she doesn't mind sharing her opinions freely. Sometimes it's best to just listen and love. Sorry to hear it's getting harder to Nancy - those kinds of decisions are always so hard to make. At least she knows you're always willing to listen.

    Isabella, you have such fun interesting days. I love hearing about them. Bummer on the washing machine. It's not fun to have one more thing. Hope this is the end. That's a lot of snow for your brother. Is he shoveled out now. I guess I'll have to check out Second Chance. I'm not much of a science fiction fan but worth a look. I tape so many shows but when you don't watch ads, it doesn't take too long to watch and I do other things at the same time.
    My baking is not all natural ingredients but it's not a constant eating thing either. I do see I've slipped some from my NM days and need to take a step back. My weight is staying the same but I know I'm not eating as well as I could.

    Anew, glad you are better. Cool that your vegetables stayed in such good shape. Hope the grocery shopping didn't tire you out too much.

    Jannie, glad to hear that you continue to do better. I pray that continues for you. Enjoy the friendly weight loss challenge. Lori did that a couple of years ago and it was really good motivation for her and helpful too.
    I agree with the moderations. One of my sisters years ago cooked "healthy" at home and learned later that her kids bought plenty of candy at the store in town. And her way is good stuff at home and "treats" when at other places now that I have observed a bit more. I have a friend starting next week is just going to do vegetables and protein. Nothing wrong with it but will she stay with it when it eliminates so many things she has been eating. I hope it works for her.

    Sheryl, thanks for letting me know where you got the dress. I need to start shopping one of these days. Nice that Norma and Simon spent the afternoon with your mom. I'm sure it's hard for Simon to make so many changes so quickly but I understand where Norma has got to decide what will be best for her in the long run. Your weekend together will be so fun - I don't think you'll get much sleep but that's okay. How did the day go for you and John? Nice that he wanted to go with you.

    Marcie, always good to hear you make it safely to work with all the drivers out there. Do you miss the coffee at all - glad you found another hot drink you enjoy? This is a silly thing but can you tell me how you do your pot of whatever. I keep telling myself I'm going to incorporate more beans (good protein and that's one thing I'm often low in) but don't so thought maybe that would encourage me.
    I wondered about the Fitbit Zip. Do the batteries hold up well? I wondered how often they would have to be changed and how expensive they are but haven't checked since this one is working okay.

    Already 10 so I'm going to close and head for bed. The sun came out again today. Hope it does again tomorrow - sure brightens my day.
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good Morning, I've been up for awhile, but got caught up in facebook. Lynn posted on the NM Family page and it was almost like having Serving Up a Smile back in the journal room again. She should post over on OKP more often and draw people over there. The last nine posts, in a row, in the forum have been me. It's dead over there.

    Yesterday was wonderful, although, my blood test number was very low, I'm sure it's because I was off the warfarin for a week for the colonoscopy. I got the usual call, but instead of the usual stay on same dosage and check back in a month, they upped my dosage and wanted me to come back in Friday to be tested again. I said that I'm not available on Friday, I'll be at the wedding. I can come in next Tuesday, she said that she had to check with the doctor and call me back. I'll be expecting a call sometime today, but I'm not changing my weekend plans for a blood test. I feel fine.
    We went to a place called "Breakfast at Valerie's" for lunch. It's very similar to the Kitchen Table Café and only serve breakfast and lunch. Both places close at 2:30 in the afternoon. John was going to get the breakfast special but changed his mind when I told him I was getting a patty melt, he got the same. Wow, it was so good. Just a little bit greasy, but delicious. It was a two napkin lunch. We went to the post office and then to Harbor Freight. Bought a small 2 1/2 gal wet/dry vacuum. We have a 5 gal Shop-Vac, but it's cumbersome to carry upstairs in the barn and John likes to tidy up up there, so we bought a vacuum that can just stay upstairs. I had previously bought one for in the house (because my big regular floor vacuum doesn't get into the corners or up close along the baseboards, plus reaching up to get the cob webs near the ceiling) and John really liked it. He also bought a hydraulic wire crimping tool. I'm sure that he will never use it, but it's very nice and came in it's own case and looks good. It will go into the shop with all his other new tools that he will never use. He is obsessed with tools. I think it gives him a feeling of control, just to know he has just the right tool for any job, should the job arise. Good thing we found Harbor Freight DISCOUNT Tools. Really cheap and yet, still pretty good quality.

    We had light rain when we left, but it turned into a beautiful day. I'm so glad we were out and about and just having fun.

    I love reading about all your days and activities, but right now, I can't think of all the responses that I had planned to make while I was reading them. I'll have to go back and reread, but not take the time to comment right now. So much to do to get ready for leaving tomorrow. I'll have to write everything out for John and pray that he understands what I mean. I am so thankful for my neighbors, they will keep an eye on him.
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    edited January 2016
    I just remembered a comment...Luther is on PBS, which here, is OPB (Oregon Public Broadcasting) so it may not air all over, depends on what programming your local PBS station purchases.

    Also, yes, that Salmon dish is what I prepared, only I didn't plate it like they said, I put the salmon on the side instead of on top of the salad. It was very good.

    If anyone would like to try Blue Apron, I can put in a request for a free week for you. You do have to give them a credit card number, but can cancel after that trial week and not get billed.
  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    Good morning everyone, it's been cold and rainy today and it's the weather I love to have. I don't like the heat and humidity because I can't get comfortable in it, but I sure like it when it cools off and I can actually hunker down in the bed and cover up, lol.

    I am also feeling much better now. The shopping wore me out the other day, I even accepted help putting the stuff in my truck, I usually just do it myself but I was just exhausted before I even finished shopping. I hurt really bad for a couple of days too. That cold thing really got me and hubby just said last night it feels like his head will explode. I felt the same way with the pressure in my head. My upper and lower jaws on the right side both hurt so bad it felt like I needed three teeth pulled on the lower and one pulled on the upper side. It felt like I had abcess in all my teeth! Both of my ears hurt real bad but the right ear was far worse and it's my bad ear anyway. This was a very strange cold, it didn't go into my lungs but I had a sore throat once in a while, not too bad of one though. I sure felt all stuffed up and my nose was constantly on the go and I was constantly sneezing. I had a slight fever, not enough to take my temps but I knew I was running one. I also didn't have the usual aches and pains in the body like a flu would cause, so I think this was a cold and not the flu.

    So glad I feel better now, and I have most of my energy back so I cooked a nice dinner last night. I made that spinach soup again and this time I used swanson chicken broth, it was much better. I also didn't have any fresh parsley it called for so I just doubled the zucchini to replace it. This time was much better and it sure was good stuff. The recipe doesn't make much, we both got a good size coffee cup full for dinner and there was plenty left for lunch leftovers for hubby today. I served it with the cream cheese stuffed zucchini on the side, we were both very satisfied after we ate.

    I have got to get serious about my weight, I have gained, I haven't weighed myself but I know I need to get serious again. Today I just had some tuna with green onions, tomatoes and a little mayo wrapped in lettuce leaves. I have a banana waiting to eat later when I feel I need something else. I have been back into my bad habit of not eating enough during the day and then eating too much in one sitting, eating twice a day is just not good for me, all I do is gain weight. I have got to stop that and eat all day long again, which means eating a lot more food than usual. It was so nice to be satisfied with my meal last night at dinner, it was refreshing to say the least. Sunday we had black bean tacos so my week has started nicely to begin the descent downward in the weight department and feeling better all together.

    We have used up the mayonnaise I made and I am going to make another batch. I'll make notes and see if I don't have the same problems I had last time. It's not as simple as a recipe, you have to make sure you don't make it separate from the oil, it's called "Break" and once it does that you can't fix it. I was lucky mine didn't break so I was able to save it last time by starting over and adding what didn't thicken up to the new batch. That's the best tasting mayo I have ever had, hubby likes it too. I would really like to have a new immersion blender since mine broke, because that seems to be what people have great results with while making their mayo, I guess it's real fast, not like making it in a mixer. You can also just do one egg if you want while using an immersion blender, I like that idea, fresh every few days. I'm going to try again in the kitchenaid mixer, I think I was going too slow to start and think that was my problem. Also think two eggs was not enough in the bowl because I have the largest one, the Pro 6 or something like that. Anyway, I'll let you all know how that comes out and make a post over in recipes when I do. Everything has to be at room temp to make the mayo so it might not be today when I post about it. I also can't make my leek and potato soup anymore because my immersion blender broke, and I don't like the texture of it when I finish it in the vitamix. :'( I need a new immersion blender, lol. I just wish I could find one I think I can use comfortably with my arthritis.

    Everyone's been busy posting and I don't see how I can catch up to it all so I don't think I will try too hard, lol. I'm glad everyone is doing well. Have a great day today.
  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    edited January 2016
    Good morning.

    It's a pretty morning today. There was a little fog on the drive to work, but nothing like yesterday. The fog has mostly burned off now and it nice and sunny outside. Yay!

    I watched the second episode of Mercy Street last night and set my DVR to record the rest of the episodes. I think I will like this series. The second episode was a bit racy though.

    Sheryl, I hope the doctor cooperates and lets you go in for the test next week! Sounds like a nice day out with John yesterday. Last night I was looking at the recordings on my DVR, and it turns out I did record Luther. I must of set that recording so long ago that I forgot all about it. Ha! I haven't watched it yet, but probably will tonight. I probably won't sign up for Blue Apron. It would be just for me (my picky Dad wouldn't be interested), and I don't think I want to incur the cost of $10 for a single meal for just me.

    Debora, glad to hear you and Katie worked it out and you're feeling better about it now. Roast with potatoes and carrots is one of our favorites too, but I don't make very often. Bummer about having to go back to lock the door! The battery on the Fitbit Zip seems to hold up really well. Dad got his Zip last June and the battery is still going strong. His Zip also survived an accidental trip in the washer and dryer once, unlike my last Fitbit One. With the Zip you don't get the food logging feature, but I don't use that anyway.

    Debora, one of my favorite beans is pink beans. This is how I usually make them (kind of a soupy-bean recipe):
    • Soak the beans overnight to reduce the cook time the next day and also to eliminate most of the "gassy" effect beans sometimes have.
    • Rinse the beans and then put in a large pot.
    • Pour in a carton of low sodium vegetable broth (chicken or beef broth is good too, but they cause the beans to spoil a little quicker than veggie broth, and I like veggie broth).
    • Pour in a jar of your favorite spaghetti/marinara sauce (I use tomato/basil sauce).
    • Add about 1/4 cup minced dried onions)
    • Season with Italian seasoning, black pepper, and garlic salt to taste.
    • Add enough water to the pot to cover the beans well.
    • Bring to a boil, reduce heat the medium-low, put a lid on the pot but leave a little gap so air get in there.
    • Cook for about 30 minutes. Check for done-ness and if not done, keep cooking for 30 minute increments until done.
    • Sometimes I'll chop up some veggies and add them to the cooking beans (things like carrots, brussel sprouts, new potatoes, etc.), but usually I just add them to the beans during the week when I heat up a serving. The less stuff I add during the initial cook, the longer the beans last during the week. When I reheat a serving I also like to add pepita seeds and raisins, but I'm weird like that. Sometimes I also will sprinkle a little parmesan cheese on top.
    Another favorite of mine is black eyed peas. Same prep as above, but I just cook them in water (no broth) and I don't add the marinara sauce or Italian seasoning. And our other favorite is lentils. I cook them just like the black eyed peas, but I don't add the dried onion, and there is no need to soak those overnight. Lentils usually cook in about 20 minutes. I don't usually cook pinto beans. Not a fan.
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    edited January 2016
    Good Morning, just printed out my boarding pass, so excited. I can hardly believe how excited Norma is, she called again yesterday and is counting down the time until I arrive. Not counting down to the wedding, but for my arrival. Now, I'm even more excited. I bet she calls on her break again this morning too. I need to call Mom today before I leave. I arrive at 8:30 pm and we decided that would be too late to go see Mom tonight and so the only time to spend time with her will be Sunday.

    I've got John all prepped for me to be gone, but we'll see how he does. Carol picks me up at 3:30 today and I'll return about 2:30 pm on Monday. (Oh yes, I got that phone call and will go for blood work right from the airport on Monday, I arrive at noon and have a 1:45 appointment).
    I have big notes on the counter, remind John that I'm gone and where I am, remind him of all the food available for him to eat and remind him how and when to feed the animals. I know the animals will be fine, I just hope John eats.

    Marcie, thanks for the pot of something instructions, I need to do more of that.
    I keep ALL my grocery receipts and it will be interesting to compare the dollars after a couple months. Blue Apron sounds a bit spendy, but for me, I think I will be saving in the long run, but I'll check after I'm doing it a little longer.

    Well, I better get back to preparing to leave. I want to leave the kitchen clean with absolutely NO dishes left in the sink. Ordinarily, I never actually FINISH the dishes, always something left in the sink or on the counter.

  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    edited January 2016
    Just have to share another "funny" thing...I went out to feed the birds and went into the barn and there was the little 2 1/2 gal shop-vac sitting by the door. We bought that to stay upstairs, so John doesn't have to lug a vacuum up and down the stairs, but I guess he forgot already. Now, there's two vacuums downstairs and none upstairs.

    Received a morning email from my sister, "see you in 13 hours".
  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    Good afternoon everyone, it was 30 degrees this morning here and I love it, lol. I was able to sleep last night from 10 pm to about 4:00 this morning so that was a nice change. I worked on making mayo again yesterday and had to save it again so I definitely believe my mixer bowl is far too big to get the consistency I need. An immersion blender is on the wish list for sure and I think I want this one (link below) but the cost is so high I don't know that I want to pay that for it. I do know it fits in a mason jar and that is what I want to make my mayonnaise in. The lower priced ones are too large to fit even the large mouth mason jar. The difference between this expensive one is the fact it's all stainless steel on the important components and that includes the gears. The cheaper ones have plastic gears that wear out and many people say they have only lasted 6 months to a year. I would rather pay the higher price for a better quality product that will last than pay even half for something that won't last very long. My immersion blender broke on the plastic connection to attach the wand, so it wouldn't stay on the handle/motor section.

    Here are videos demonstrating things that can be made with it and just watching these videos has sealed it for me. I won't need to buy the expensive dry container for the vitamix to blend small amounts of nut flours or spice mixes. The processor attachment would be great for my needs. With the Bamix I will have everything I need in the kitchen available.

    This link will take you to one that just goes from one to the next with Gordon Ramsay demonstrating the Bamix

    Mayonnaise is demonstrated at about 19:00 minutes on this video, Gordon Ramsay does all kinds of things with the Bamix.

    I was able to join the ladies for lunch today, we went to Hudat Noodle house and I had-Hmm, I forgot what I had, lol Chicken, peanuts, bamboo shoots, chestnuts, and a nice semi hot sauce with fried rice. I brought half home for hubby, it was too much food and they served it with egg drop soup as well. Very good today.

    I hope you all are doing good today.

  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    Here's an inspirational post from Granny over on Facebook about Captain Kangaroo and Mr. Rogers...

    "Never Would Have Guessed


    Captain Kangaroo passed away on January 23, 2004 at age 76 , which is odd,
    because he always looked to be 76. (DOB: 6/27/27 )
    His death reminded me of the following story.

    Some people have been a bit offended that the actor, Lee Marvin,
    is buried in a grave alongside 3 and 4-star generals at
    Arlington National Cemetery His marker gives his name,
    rank (PVT) and service (USMC). Nothing else.
    Here's a guy who was only a famous movie star who served his time,
    why the heck does he rate burial with these guys?
    Well, following is the amazing answer:

    I always liked Lee Marvin, but didn't know the extent
    of his Corps experiences.

    In a time when many Hollywood stars served their country
    in the armed forces often in rear echelon posts where they
    were carefully protected, only to be trotted out to perform
    for the cameras in war bond promotions,
    Lee Marvin was a genuine hero.
    He won the Navy Cross at Iwo Jima There is only one
    higher Naval award... the Medal Of Honor!

    If that is a surprising comment on the true character of the man,
    he credits his sergeant with an even greater show of bravery.

    Dialog from "The Tonight Show with Johnny Carson":
    His guest was Lee Marvin....
    Johnny said,"Lee, I'll bet a lot of people are unaware
    that you were a Marine in the initial landing at Iwo Jima ..
    and that during the course of that action you earned
    the Navy Cross and were severely wounded."

    "Yeah, yeah... I got shot square in the bottom and they gave me
    the Cross for securing a hot spot about halfway up Suribachi.
    Bad thing about getting shot up on a mountain is guys getting
    shot hauling you down. But, Johnny, at Iwo , I served under
    the bravest man I ever knew... We both got the Cross the same day,
    but what he did for his Cross made mine look cheap in comparison.
    That dumb guy actually stood up on Red beach and directed his
    troops to move forward and get the hell off the beach..
    Bullets flying by, with mortar rounds landing everywhere and he
    stood there as the main target of gunfire so that he could get his
    men to safety. He did this on more than one occasion because
    his men's safety was more important than his own life.

    That Sergeant and I have been lifelong friends. When they brought
    me off Suribachi we passed the Sergeant and he lit a smoke and
    passed it to me, lying on my belly on the litter and said,
    "Where'd they get you Lee?" "Well Bob....
    if you make it home before me, tell Mom to sell the outhouse!"

    Johnny, I'm not lying, Sergeant Keeshan was the bravest man
    I ever knew.
    The Sergeant's name is Bob Keeshan.
    You and the world know him as Captain Kangaroo."

    On another note, there was this wimpy little man
    (who passed away) on PBS, gentle and quiet.. Mr. Rogers is
    another of those you would least suspect of being anything
    but what he now portrays to our youth.
    But Mr. Rogers was a U.S. Navy Seal, combat-proven in

    Vietnam with over twenty-five confirmed kills to his name.
    He wore a long-sleeved sweater on TV, to cover the many
    tattoos on his forearm and biceps.
    He was a master in small arms and hand-to-hand combat,
    able to disarm or kill in a heartbeat

    After the war Mr. Rogers became an ordained Presbyterian minister

    and therefore a pacifist. Vowing to never harm another human and also dedicating the rest of his life to trying to help lead children on the right path in life... He hid away the tattoos and his past life and won our hearts with his quiet wit and charm..

    America's real heroes don't flaunt what they did; they quietly go about their day-to-day lives, doing what they do best. They earned our respect and the freedoms that we all enjoy.
    Look around and see if you can find one of those heroes in your midst.
    Often, they are the ones you'd least suspect, but would most like to have on your side if anything ever happened....... Jus sayin"
  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    Good afternoon everyone, it was 30 degrees this morning here and I love it, lol. I was able to sleep last night from 10 pm to about 4:00 this morning so that was a nice change. I worked on making mayo again yesterday and had to save it again so I definitely believe my mixer bowl is far too big to get the consistency I need. An immersion blender is on the wish list for sure and I think I want this one (link below) but the cost is so high I don't know that I want to pay that for it. I do know it fits in a mason jar and that is what I want to make my mayonnaise in. The lower priced ones are too large to fit even the large mouth mason jar. The difference between this expensive one is the fact it's all stainless steel on the important components and that includes the gears. The cheaper ones have plastic gears that wear out and many people say they have only lasted 6 months to a year. I would rather pay the higher price for a better quality product that will last than pay even half for something that won't last very long. My immersion blender broke on the plastic connection to attach the wand, so it wouldn't stay on the handle/motor section.

    Here are videos demonstrating things that can be made with it and just watching these videos has sealed it for me. I won't need to buy the expensive dry container for the vitamix to blend small amounts of nut flours or spice mixes. The processor attachment would be great for my needs. With the Bamix I will have everything I need in the kitchen available.

    This link will take you to one that just goes from one to the next with Gordon Ramsay demonstrating the Bamix

    Mayonnaise is demonstrated at about 19:00 minutes on this video, Gordon Ramsay does all kinds of things with the Bamix.

    I was able to join the ladies for lunch today, we went to Hudat Noodle house and I had-Hmm, I forgot what I had, lol Chicken, peanuts, bamboo shoots, chestnuts, and a nice semi hot sauce with fried rice. I brought half home for hubby, it was too much food and they served it with egg drop soup as well. Very good today.

    I hope you all are doing good today.

    I had to come back and say after I did more research on this item I found that the shaft and blades are made from stainless steel but the blade safety housing called the cutter guard is made from chromed aluminum. Apparently they begin to peel the chrome off with acidic foods like tomato and citrus. So, it's out, I guess I have to find one that is too big for a mason jar and just figure out another way to make mayo and transfer it to the mason jar for storage.
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    edited January 2016
    Good Morning, I made it to California safe and sound. Even though we stayed up late talking, I still woke up at my regular time and luckily, Norma keeps her computer on all the time, so I can come over here while they still sleep. We are going to have lunch with Mom before driving out to Palm Desert. Also, plan on spending Sunday with her and we can tell her all about the wedding.

    Sunday will be a full day because I definitely want to get over to visit Brent, Beth, Jackson and see Hudson. Really packing in the activities this weekend. I'll see Brent at the wedding, but Beth is staying home with Jackson and the baby.

    I called John last night and all sounds good there, but he was only alone for 6 hours at that time. I'll call again tonight (and every night) and see how he's doing.

  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    edited January 2016
    Good wonderful morning, I just woke up from a midnight to 8:00 am slumber, whoo hoo! I'm already brain functioning, as I made the bed I saw hubby has a clothes pile that needs washing so I will get that started and clean the bathrooms today. I love when I get sleep, the functions of my brain actually work well, lol. Last night was a beef pot roast with potatoes, onions and carrots for dinner I cooked in the pressure cooker. I did better about not obliterating the meat this time but the vegetables were way overcooked and wish I could figure out how to use that pressure cooker to our benefit. I've had it at least two years and have only used it four times because I'm not happy with the results I am getting. Hubby was happy with the fact he got a roast for the first time in years though. :smiley:

    I think I will use the leftovers to make some sort of meat pie by mashing the overcooked potatoes (only cooked for 6 minutes) and layering the meat and reasonably textured carrots with the way overcooked onions (recipe said add them with the meat, so cooked for 60 minutes-perfect mush) and leftover gravy into a pan and call it supper on Sunday with a side salad, lol. Maybe I'll add some corn, peas and green beans to it, hmm. I just took a break and made a breakfast smoothie, peanut butter, banana, milk and lots of spinach that's real good. I would normally use a few soaked almonds and water instead of milk but I forgot to soak some almonds last night.

    Mygnsac-That is a great inspirational message you posted for us, I didn't know all those facts but think I had heard something like it years ago and had forgotten, thank you.

    Sannferris-I'm glad you made it safe and sound and that John was doing well last night. Have a great time on your trip and seeing all your family that you can. I'm sure the wedding will go well too.

    We are going to breakfast or lunch tomorrow with our friends at our favorite family diner, it will be nice to see her hubby too since I had lunch with her and the ladies yesterday.

    Have a great day everyone!

  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    edited January 2016
    Hi Anew. Good to hear from you. I hope you are continuing to feel nice and rested. A good nights sleep comes dear for you. That meat pie idea sounds yummy! A good way to use up the mushy veggies. I've never tried to cook anything in a pressure cooker. Just roast it all in the oven.

    Sheryl, I know your not reading this now, but I hope you are having a blast on your trip. Your days will sure be filled! I hope John continues to do well in your absence.

    Everyone, if you experience any of the following issues (I was experiencing the first one today), here's a copy of MPF's response. They are adding the issues to their list of stuff that needs to be fixed.

    Alex wrote: »
    Hey folks - seeing the several reports of new bugs here since last night; will work to reproduce and file ASAP and will summarize here so everyone knows what issues have been added. "Happy" Friday to all.

    Update: New bugs from last night/today:

    Added 1/29/2016 Posting a message isn't always working, hit post reply and nothing happens, refresh the page and it works, although occasionally it is then double posting.
    Added 1/29/2016 Not seeing all discussions in groups when clicking on all discussions
    Added 1/29/2016 Getting intermittent maintenance error when loading community pages
    Added 1/29/2016 Not getting all notifications in a discussion

    Have a great day everyone.
  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    This was in a post out in the main forum. Can you figure it out? It took me awhile, but I finally got it.
    Rax1974 wrote: »
    Three people check into a hotel room. The clerk says the bill is $30, so each guest pays $10. Later the clerk realizes the bill should only be $25. To rectify this, he gives the bellhop $5 to return to the guests. On the way to the room, the bellhop realizes that he cannot divide the money equally. As the guests didn't know the total of the revised bill, the bellhop decides to just give each guest $1 and keep $2 as a tip for himself. Each guest got $1 back: so now each guest only paid $9; bringing the total paid to $27. The bellhop has $2. And $27 + $2 = $29 so, if the guests originally handed over $30, what happened to the remaining $1?
