Pot Bellied Stove / Water Cooler



  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Oh I forgot in my last comment...Marcie, John will stay home for the wedding. I'm leaving Thursday night, Jan 28th, and returning Monday morning, Feb 1st. This will be another test to see how he does without me, (I already know that I can no longer leave him for a week or longer), but I know he'll be happier at home. He no longer travels well and I know that he will not go to a wedding, especially a formal wedding (he has NOTHING to wear). I'd rather leave him here than have him alone a Norma's house. Our neighbors will check daily.
  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    Good morning.

    We're still really cloudy, but there should be no rain again until Friday. We may even see the sun later today!

    I came super close to having an accident on the drive to work this morning. I was driving up the road a few blocks from work and someone who was parked at a parking meter just pulled out right in front of me. I had to slam on my brakes and veer into the next lane (luckily there was no one in that lane!). I'm still a little shaky over that. Ugh.

    Sheryl, it so great how you and your neighbor look out for each other. I figured John would be staying home, but wasn't sure. That salmon dish sounds yummy. I'd probably eat the salsa verde too, as long as it wasn't too spicy. When you signed up for that service, did you get to identify foods you don't like, or do you just get what you get? Bummer about Windows 10. I'm still waiting for the Windows 7 upgrade at work. Should be any day now. They say after that our next upgrade will be Windows 10, but as slow as the State is at things like upgrades, that will probably be years from now.

    Anew, I sure hope you start feeling better. :frowning:

    Debora, glad you could pop in. I hope all is well.

    Have a wonderful day everyone! :)
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    I have said before that my favorite was Windows XP, but I think you will like Windows 7. (I am finally comfortable with that one). I am hoping, for your sake, that the State's next upgrade, to Windows 10, will occur after you retire!!!!

    Yes, you can make choices on Blue Apron. You can list what foods you don't ever want and also I remember a vegetarian menu choice. I left all restrictions unchecked and want to try everything. You can change your preferences at any time, as well as, skip any week and cancel any time.

    There are two plan choices, "2 person plan", 3 meals a week, or "Family plan", with another choice of either 2 meals a week or 4 meals a week for 4 people. Here's what I'm getting for this next week:


    After I get regular on there, they will give me "free" food to pass along to my friends, I'll put you in for a trial one week of 3 meals, that's how I got started, Pam gifted me a week of food. She had also gifted it to Andy and she saw my comments on his Facebook post and contacted me. I don't think he continued because he commented that it was too much for one person and he had lots of leftovers. It's just right for John and myself. Even if I were alone, I wouldn't care, I love leftovers.
  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    Thanks for the info Sheryl, and I'm pro-leftovers too! I'll have to get on my Dad's computer and check out Windows 10. I desperately need a new computer at home, but have been dragging my feet and mostly just use my Ipad. I'll bet whatever I get will come with Windows 10.
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    We stayed home from church tonight so I'll take the time to visit here. I babysat for Lindsey and Ralph kept track of the weather. Some moisture came down just before Lindsey got home. When I went out, the driveway was very slick. No falling but I did slide as I cleared the windshield. Once I got onto the street, the drive home was fine. It started raining when I was about 20 miles from home and my car had ice on it when I got home. I was glad I could pull into the garage.

    Wow, did not realize it has been a week since I was here. Not even sure what all I did. I ran errands and went to Lori's one day. Oh yeah, I got Alan's kids last Thursday to Friday night - well three of them. Katie's grandfather had a light stroke and they went out to check on him and help her sister-in-law. We had a mis-communication on Thursday so I skipped a funeral to get the kids and they took them somewhere else so I got them when I found out. I took one to the dentist (my sister kept the other two), we went to Thomas' basketball game and then I took them to their house to sleep. Back to my house the next morning. Found out parents would not come till evening so Ralph went along so I could do my errands - only got the kids out at the grocery store and he walked around with them while I quickly shopped. I took them home at bedtime and stayed till mom, dad and Clark got home.

    Saturday I got ready for Sunday and Ralph and I decided to go to Jeremiah's basketball game. On the way we found out he wasn't there but was at his first volleyball tournament which was in the area, so we drove further and went to it and were gone longer but it all worked out. Sunday all but Lindsey and kids were her to eat cause she got sick. I fixed hamburgers, hotdogs, baked beans, frozen fruit salad with cool whip and it went over well. Jim must have eaten 2 cups of the beans. Last ones left at 5.

    This week is our Bible Conference so we had church morning and evening. Today was the only day we missed. It was a good look at I Thessalonians. Other than church I worked on things at home. Doing pretty well with my 10 minutes of going through stuff. That paper stuff is hard though. I end up with more piles trying to get like things together and keep it straight. I got Ralph to go through a little bit more (with resistance). And that is what I've been up too.

    Tomorrow is speech for Ava (if I feel comfortable with driving), a friend and I are going to watch the DVD from Bible study that we missed last week. There's a visitation for another lady in our church who died and then Bible study. Then Friday will be the funeral and my errands. So I'll stay on the go. :) (and now this was so long, you probably wish I'd stay quiet).

    Sheryl, Hudson was on the small size but he'll grow quickly. I don't have a digital camera or a phone that takes good pictures. I let everyone else do the picture taking. I never was a great picture taker - used a lot of disposable phones and quit them when everyone else got better stuff.

    Marcie, that's an interesting law on the shopping bags. I have some cloth ones but seldom use them since I know the thrift store likes the plastic ones. I heard lines were long here for the lottery. Lori said it was tempting but she didn't. I would have loved to have you win. Glad your rain stays rain and so glad you are okay - those close calls are not fun.

    Sheryl, glad you got the trash out in time. We get out workouts anyway we can. Glad all went well the colonoscopy is out of the way. Glad Carol could drive you. I knew someone would have too. Yay on finding the right County guy and I hope he gets the problem figured out and taken care.

    Marcie, Cisco always keeps things interesting for you.

    Isabella, what a fun day at the beach with friends. Simplifying is good (just not always easy) - glad you are on the same page. I am for just the physical but have others due to things going on. I first got a flu shot cause I didn't want to be sick and not be able to help with Emily and have stayed with them.

    Sheryl, BlueApron sounds perfect for you. It would be fun to try but it would never work for us. Leftovers are great here too. Most everything you're eating this week looks good from going to the sight. To me there's nothing wrong with having paper or anything else as long as you know where things are and that's is not that way here anymore.
    So wonderful that the dress fits. I'm sure it was not fun when John couldn't figure out how to zip it but you worked it out. If you try it on when you go pick it up, you should have the alteration lady take a picture of you in it. Then we could see it before the wedding.
    Yay on getting the hay and putting smiles on the llamas' faces.
    Oh my, hope what Nancy is doing works so she doesn't have to have surgery. No fun for her.
    I've not seen WarRoom. I've heard a lot of good comments. I've not started writing scripture - you're saying it is good for us for listening to God better. Hmmm.

    Marcie, Happy Birthday to your dad. Hope I'm still as active as he is when I reach that age. Glad you were able to get the mint from Cisco. He doesn't miss much.

    Anew, hope you are feeling better soon. Headache and cold - yuck.

    Sheryl, hope you are comfortable with windows 8 soon. Once you get one figured out, there's a new one out.

    Oh yeah, Julie found bridesmaids dresses she likes. It's a place where you rent them. Not sure of the cost but you don't end up with a dress in the closet you won't use again. They do the alterations in the rental price. If it works, fittings are set up for Saturday so they'll get done before the ones for the bride.

    Well, if you're still reading, thanks for hanging in there.
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    edited January 2016
    Good Morning, yesterday was so great, just what I needed. All six of us showed up, I had gotten responses from 4 of the other ladies, so I thought it may be the five of us, but Ivy showed up too. We met at 11:30, had good food and visited until 2 pm. I stopped and got John a Subway sandwich and he had his lunch by 2:30. Since I got the Blue Apron meals, I didn't have to stop to get any groceries. Weather was perfect, dry until late afternoon, so none of us had to be out in the rain. I chuckled to myself, when Carol and I meet up, we are non-stop talkers, but I noticed yesterday, she and I were the quiet ones. These other ladies sure know how to carry the conversation. They must have the need to share as much as I do.

    John told me that he went across the street to see Jack while I was gone, and then saw a chicken in the road, up the street. He walked up the street and saw that other neighbors have a lot of chickens, just totally free roaming in the yard and have access to the street. The chicken he saw, saw him and high-tailed it back to her own property. He was amazed that they stay where they belong. I am amazed too, but I do see them all the time as I drive by and I have yet to see one of them in the street. Anyway, I have made a mental note...that John does wander off, down the street, when I'm gone. I'll have to really watch that. I can picture him wandering off, to follow some animal, and getting lost.

    Then, at 6:15 pm, I got a phone call from Norma. Started out like our normal chatting, she wanted to know how my lunch date went and how are all the ladies. Then, she tells me that she is calling from the hospital. "Not serious and nothing to worry about". I'm wondering who she had to take to the hospital this time. (Mom? Simon? One of her boys?) No, she was admitted herself.
    Yesterday morning, before work, she went to the gym and did her workout, (a more strenuous workout than usual, plus she doesn't eat breakfast), and as she was finishing up, she passed out. She said that she remembered going to step off the treadmill and then waking up to find a bunch of people hovering over her. Well, the paramedics took her to the ER and she was there from 7:20 am until 2:15 pm and then got admitted into the hospital for overnight. They will do more tests today, just to make sure there is no underlying condition, but she and I are pretty sure that it's all the stress of this past year catching up with her. Her body is simply totally exhausted and said, "This is it!!! I NEED a rest. If you won't rest, I'll force you to rest". She sounded good over the phone, but then, she had ALL day to sit, lay, rest, be patient waiting.
    We both agreed not to tell Mom. Mom has already made passing comments about what will she do if anything happens to Norma, she'll be ALL ALONE. (Saying that in a whiny tone, very annoying).
    I'll keep you posted, Norma will call me today as soon as she knows anything new and is discharged.
    She's Crazy...she told me that she hopes to get out early enough to make it to work. I told her to call her boss and tell her that she will NOT be in.

    I got a call from the county environmental guy and he said that the HOA has stated that they will work on the ditch within 2 weeks. He said if it's not done in 2 weeks, call him back and he will get on them. So, another waiting game, but I'm encouraged.

  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    edited January 2016
    Hi everyone.

    Been a busy work day. I'm just now sitting down to eat some lunch. I'm just having a cup of my black eyed peas again. This batch was a little on the bland side, but luckily I keep a bottle of garlic salt in my desk drawer. I'd rather something be under seasoned instead of over seasoned. You can always add seasoning, but you can't take it away.

    We are having a gorgeous weather day today. Not a cloud in the sky, bright beautiful sunshine, no wind and in the 60s. People walking around downtown seem to be walking with more pep. They still say we will have rain starting tomorrow morning (my commute time of course!) on through Saturday.

    We got a memo today from our Human Resources section that tells us that along with the W2, they now also must send the employees two new forms required by the Affordable Care Act. Something large employers (like the State of CA) must do. They will have info on them that we will need to include in our tax return. It's the government collecting data about our health insurance coverage, what we are paying for it, making sure we are not in violation of the required minimum coverage. Just makes my skin crawl. Since there wasn't enough time this year to get these forms out before the January 31st deadline, the government has extended that date to March 31st and will exempt individuals who file before March 31st from having to report the information. Next year and each year thereafter, it must be provided in the return. :s

    Sheryl, your lunch with the ladies sounds fun. Carrying on a conversation non-stop is definitely not one of my skill-sets! I hope it doesn't turn out that John is started to wander off the property. That's scary. How's Norma now? You are probably right. Her body was telling her to slow down. Hopefully that's all it is. The story of the loose chicken reminds me of the turkeys on one stretch of road on my drive to work where someone keeps turkeys. Every so often they wander off their property and cross the very busy street. I always expect to see a dead turkey, but hasn't happened so far.

    Debora, those icy and slick conditions don't sound good! As clutzy as I am, I'm sure I would have taken a fall. That's a good idea about the bridesmaids dresses. I hope it works out for everyone. I have no doubt that you will be as active (probably more active) as my Dad at his age! Hamburgers and baked beans sure sound good. I haven't had a hamburger for a few months. I think I'm due one!

    I think I'll close and go for a little walk. I've been sitting a lot today. Have a nice evening everyone.
  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    Went for a walk and the glorious weather is no more. Boy, that rolled in fast. Not raining yet, but it's cloudy and windy now. Ugh.
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Sorry that I waited so long to get back here, Norma called about 11:00 am, but then, I got busy with John. She just called again now to say she is home.

    When she called this morning, they had just finished an echo cardiogram. She said after the results are read, she will have a talk with the doctor and be discharged, but that may take hours. They put her on some blood pressure meds, her numbers read high when she was sitting and laying, but normal when she was standing. She joked and said that's why she's ALWAYS on her feet and on the go. She did eat the breakfast that they brought her, juice, coffee, buckwheat pancakes and fruit, (she passed on the milk and took the little box of cereal home with her) and decided that's a change she's going to have to make...eat breakfast. Usually, she just has coffee all morning and then eats lunch.

    Since her oldest son is home on paternity leave, he was available to go pick her up and take her home whenever she called him. She hoped that the doctor would order that she take off work tomorrow too and have the long weekend to recuperate. And, he did. She'll be ready for work on Monday morning. Although, the County has a policy that if an employee is out "sick" for 3 or more days in a row, they have to see the County Doctor before coming back to work. So, Monday morning, she'll go see this doctor who doesn't know her at all and get a release.

    When the doctor came in to discharge her, he said they did not find anything wrong. When she explained how her year has been, losing Dad and then Edna, her mother-in-law, plus dealing with Mom, all the paperwork and the wedding, they agreed with her that she is simply exhausted. They recommended a follow-up with her primary to see if she may need to get back on BP meds, otherwise, she was only on them while at the hospital. They couldn't believe that a person her age was not on any prescriptions. (She's 65).

    She will take things easy. She said that since she felt good and they didn't bother her too much, mostly waiting, she just rested and read her book the whole time. She was able to sleep well last night, she said they took vitals at 10:30 pm and then didn't wake her until 5:30 this morning. Almost the same schedule that she keeps at home.

    She had a message on her answering machine from Planet Fitness checking up on her, she'll call them back in the morning. I'll bet they are thinking "law-suit", but that will never happen.

    I guess that's it for now. Thank you for your prayers.

  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    A quick Good Morning today...John was up all night. When I checked on him, realizing he was out of bed, he was in the living room in his favorite rocker. I couldn't tell if he was awake or asleep. This morning, he was still there, but awake, just sitting in the dark. I don't know what's going on, but he had his jacket on and the back door was unlocked. I now can't remember if I secured the back door last night, because the back porch light was off. John has never turned that off before, so I'm thinking I simply forgot to lock up and turn on the light, and maybe, John has his jacket on because he's cold. But, we'll really never know, life is full of mysteries.

    Will be home today, more paperwork to do for taxes.
  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    Good morning everyone.

    i had a nice, but slow, commute to work this morning. It was raining just enough to slow everyone down to about 30 mph, but everyone behaved on the Freeway. I don't mind taking it slow. I just don't like it when you have those fools out there that weave in and out of lanes or tailgate you at high speeds.

    I went to bed early last night at 7:30 pm and wound up waking up at 2 am. I just couldn't lay in bed anymore so I went to the living room and read for awhile in the rocking chair. I guess I dozed off because the next thing I knew it was 5 am and Cisco was asking me to take him out to go pee. My sleep patterns are so weird lately.

    I can't believe it's already Friday. This week flew by. I think I'll stop at the grocery store on the way home and get that done so I don't have to mess with it tomorrow. I don't have a huge list this time. Just a few items needed. Dad was at the grocery store this morning (at 6 am!) and picked up a few things that were on my list. He said he'd leave the weird stuff for me to get (like dried onions, veggie broth, almond milk, etc.) Ha!

    Sheryl, glad to hear Norma is doing well. Sitting around and waiting at the hospital just exhausts me (from the times my mom and dad were hospitalized). That is a puzzle about John.

    Isabella, did you watch the 2nd episode of Second Chance yet? I watched it last night and I like it. I think I will stick with that series.

    Have a nice day everyone. :)

  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Cold here but getting around is not a problem. Sounds like a real mess out east. I have a friend whose granddaughter went with a group to DC and will have to stay another day or two. Went to a funeral this morning. The woman was given the name Irene at birth but in the fourth she got call Ire pea (egg pie) and she complained to her mom. They changed the I to an A and it stuck. So that's how most people knew her. I ate lunch at church and then headed for town and did my errands. I got home and unloaded the car one sack at a time and got everything put away. We had our pizza and salads and I've watched TV, worked on the computer and got up and walked every once in awhile.

    I did take Ava to speech yesterday - roads were okay. Then she came here till mom got done with Bible study. Had a sticky situation there. Her mom had a sack of stuff to give me (bag of sugar, pizza crust mix, box of macaroni and cheese and some coconut) and called in junk food and I asked her not to call it that. She said the words were in quote but I said the kids can't see the quotes. Then are eating all fresh (which is great) and at my house they can have the treats (junk food). But in that sack the sugar was the only thing I would call junk food. I shouldn't have reacted but I guess I don't like there thinking that when I serve cake or cookies that the kids are having their junk food rather than enjoying dessert at grandma's. But it has made me think of how I eat. I do eat junk food but I eat a lot that's not too. They have also gotten rid of their TV which is fine but she doesn't like me to ever let them watch a DVD or taped show. Just some days it takes some of the grandma fun away - it's not like we do it all the time. Foodwise, I think she's gone to extremes but it's their choice. I've had to move my candy dish so their kids won't have any and things so it has been interesting.

    While Ava was here I did the dishes but at noon we realized we didn't have water so Ralph called but the guy didn't come till around 4. They had to put a new water pump in and hopefully the one we put in just 3 or 4 months ago will still be under warranty cause they should last longer than that. :)

    Went to Bible study last night. The study of David is going to be good. Tomorrow I'm going to go get a peek at the bridesmaids dresses and then go to Jeremiah's basketball game. And the rest of the day will be getting ready for Sunday.

    Sheryl, what a fun time with your friends. It was probably easier for you and Carol to listen more too since you had just had time together when she took you to your coloscopy. John is doing new things. Prayers that you can handle whatever he does and all goes well. So glad Norma is okay. Not telling your mom is a good idea but glad they checked things out well. Funny that she has to go see the County Doctor too but the rules are the rules. Glad the County guy thinks he has things moving and you can let him know if things do happen.

    Marcie, I think people do have more pep when the sun shines. It make me feel a lot better. Glad people were driving wisely today. Did you get your groceries taken care of so you can stay home tomorrow? Hope you can get a good night's sleep. I don't know how you do all you do when your nights are short.

    Think I'll head for bed myself. Good night.
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good Morning. Oh Debora, I feel for you...yes, being with grandma should be loads of fun and very different than the restrictions of home. And, food that is not considered "junk", but nice treats. Good luck finding a happy medium that will please their mommy and please yourself. I assume this is your daughter-in-law and not your daughter. I would guess that you can talk with and be more open with your own daughter, but a daughter-in-law is a bit more touchy.
    Wow, a water pump SHOULD last much longer than a few months. Hope you get compensated for the hassle of changing it out again so soon.

    Marcie, I know how confusing weird sleep patterns can be. I hope you are able to get back to your familiar routine and get plenty of rest. Of course, Cisco needing to pee can happen any time, day or night. Good Luck.

    John woke me up last night to ask me if I felt the earthquake. I did not feel anything, but then, I have slept through many an earthquake in my lifetime. So, I listened carefully to the early morning news this morning to see if they mentioned anything about it, they did not. Now, I'm wondering if John dreamt it. I'll really never know. Between John and the animals, I will have many more "mysteries of life" coming my way.

    I got an email from Nancy and she's having more problems as her Dad deteriorates. It is so hard when he can't even remember how to get to another room in the house. She is considering needing some help in caregiving. My other uncle has helped so much since he has retired, but he is not going to live with them, he has a family of his own. I pray that she can find just the right person, who is a good fit into their family, to come in and help. I feel for her, I know that my time will come too as John gets worse. At least I have the resource of Comfort Keepers, they were so terrific to us when I needed help last year. I wouldn't hesitate to call them again.

    The sun is starting to rise, so I'll go feed in the backyard for all the birds. I usually wait until it's much lighter to go out to the llamas in the pasture. Don't want to fall in the mud, in the dark.
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Hey, Marcie, have you found out if fitbit will replace yours or if you have to buy a new one? Just wondering cause I could do a groupon and get one for $65.00 till the 24th. So thought I'd check with you.

    Fitting the bridesmaids did not take very long. They will have straps and they will add a bit to them to make the cleavage not be so much. So then we drove to where the basketball game is and sat in the car and talked for awhile. My sister went with me and then Julie (who rode in with a friend) and two granddaughters rode with us. The basketball game was okay. Jeremiah played about half the game. Then we went and ate at Chick-a-fil. It was really busy. Home then and I'm getting started on things here. I'll get it done by tonight.

    Temperature has gotten above freezing (up to 37) and the sun has come out. YAY
  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    edited January 2016
    Hi all, I'm checking in late today because I met a co-worker friend named Paula for breakfast at 7:30am then we went to an Asian market called Zion market that she has been talking about at work. It is huge! It was so interesting to watch the 99.9% Asian clientele shop and look at all the interesting foods. The seafood area was self serve then you give your bag of fish or whatever to the guys behind the counter to weigh and price for you. We did not get any seafood. We purchased some very thinly sliced ribeye for $5.99 per lb to make stir fry tonight. We also purchased some of the VERY inexpensive produce such as cauliflower 2 heads for 99 cents and oranges 4lb for 99 cents. When I left there I went to Costco to look for a home phone for an old friend who is not very functional. I couldn't decide on one so I went to the farmer's market to get some honey, then to Trader Joe's to do the bulk of my grocery shopping. I also stopped at Target, Best Buy and Staples to look at phones but didn't decide on anything there either. I came home and discussed it with Dan then I went on line and purchased a Panasonic with 2 handsets and an answering machine for $79.

    Our "can't catch a break" thing this week was a leaky washing machine (leaking inside the washer) which turned into a call the plumber situation because the water shut off valve didn't work and the plumber had to cut into the wall to fix it. And while the plumber was here he and Dan decided we needed a new water heater. Then we had to call in a drywall guy to repair the wall and Dan had to paint the wall. The washer repair guy will come Tuesday. Sheesh!!! :s At least it wasn't one of those situations that caused there to be water all over everywhere so I am thankful for that.

    I talked to my brother Joe who is in NJ and he said there is anywhere from 6 inches to 3 feet of snow depending on where you are and how the wind is blowing. It is also very icy under the snow. Fortunately JC Penney told everyone that they would not be opening so he didn't have to try to get to work. I told him he'd better not try to go to church tomorrow either. Hopefully he'll take my advice.

    Anew, hope your cold is feeling better soon. Take good care of yourself.

    Marcie, I am not 100% yet but I am feeling much better, thanks for asking! So glad you liked Second Chance. We haven't watched the next episode yet. Probably tonight. Happy 72nd B-day to your dad. He is doing great! You are going to like Windows 7. It is next best after Windows XP. It will take a bit of getting used to but it is very functional.

    Debora, Good for you on the 10 minutes per day of decluttering! After my bit of decluttering last week I managed to find a home for a stuffed draft stopper bear I had made for me many years ago in the last house we lived in. A girl at my bible study gave Mr. Bear a new home. :) It is so great that they have a bride's maid dress rental place so no one got stuck with a dress they won't wear again. I can totally understand you being a bit sensitive about the "junk food" comment. If you are making homemade cookies with all natural ingredients it is not junk food (processed store bought) it is a treat like you said! And what is wrong with a DVD once in a while at Grandma's?! :( I have a friend whose son in law gives her many of those same sort of restrictions but she just ignores him. She is pretty headstrong. I'm sure you'll work it out. You have such a close family. BTW, we love your posts - they are never too long! I'm getting pretty verbose myself! :wink:

    Sheryl, Great that you got an opportunity to see War Room! It is an amazing movie about the power of prayer. I really enjoyed it. I had great intentions of trying to do something similar to some small degree but I have yet to take any action on it. I also would like to at least write some scripture in a notebook or journal. A couple of girls in my bible study do and they say it makes a real difference.
    Glad you got to have lunch with the girls. What a great fun day! You needed it.
    Sounds like the blue apron is still going well for you. They did a write up in my Environmental Nutrition magazine on a few of these types of Services and Blue Apron was one of them. A couple of others that also sounded good were called "Sun Basket" and "HelloFresh".
    Did you pick up your dress yet?
    So sorry to hear about Nancy. I'll keep her in my prayers. Please keep us posted.
    Glad that Norma is OK. I agree that she needs to start eating breakfast before she works out!
    Nice that the county guy got a response from the HOA. Let us know if/when they take care of the ditch.
    I am praying for wisdom and divine intervention with John. It is good that you already have a resource to turn to when the time comes.
    It is funny that chickens do tend to not stray too far from their yard. There is a house I drive by near work that lets them run loose. I expect to see a squished chicken someday but I never have.

    Well, I think I have more than rambled on long enough! Have a wonderful evening ladies!
  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    Good afternoon all, I finally kicked the cold or flu thing I had so today I am going grocery shopping. I am amazed at the vegetable storage I am using because I had only two pieces of lettuce to toss out and aside from the gold bell pepper being a tiny but wrinkled everything else is perfect. Cucumbers, lettuce, asparagus, zuchinni and red and yellow bell peppers. I didn't cook much while I was sick and I didn't make anything fresh like a salad because I didn't want to feed my husband food I had breathed on that wasn't cooked. I tried not to get him sick but today he is coming down with the same thing I had so here we go. I am bummed, he works so hard during the week and all that overtime he is forced to work is taking it's toll on him. I am afraid this being sick is going to really throw him for a loop. I am headed to the grocery store, I'll try to check back today. I hope everyone has a good day today.
  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    Glad you're feeling better Anew. Maybe you can make hubby some chicken soup. Hope he doesn't get slammed too hard. Maybe he can take a day or two off work and rest?
  • jlhawki
    jlhawki Posts: 225 Member
    Hi all! Just checking in--not much new here! My hip pain is much better with the new medicine. I am having the muscle pain and am working on strengthening my upper thigh (quad). Overall though I am so much better :)

    We are having a friendly weight loss challenge at work. 5 of us are trying to not only lose weight but increase our water intake, log everyday and increase our exercise. We are putting in $5 a week and hope to do it for 8 weeks! If you win a week, you don't have to pay for that week. We are taking the rest of the money for a BIG win at the end. Some of the money is going to buy material for a new scrub top for the winner. One of my friends is a excellent seamstress and will custom fit the top for the winner! Just a fun way to make us stick to our healthier life styles :)

    Sheryl-- glad Norma is ok! Sorry to hear about John and the wandering and being up while you sleep. I know it's hard to see him changing so much. You seem to have the best attitude about it! :)

    Marcie-- I too had the weird sleep patterns but now that I am almost done with menopause, that seems to be better. Nothing worse than not sleeping when you know you should be.

    Ivanek--sorry you are still having the money drainers! UGH :( Doesn't make it fun, does it?! How big of a water heater did you get? I'm going to need a new one in the not to distant future. I think I want a 40 gallon one at least!

    Anew--glad you are feeling better, sorry your hubby got it! We have had a lot of head colds and flu B going around here. Not fun at all :(

    Aero--why can't kids have junk food occasionally? All the 'organic' kids I knew growing up loved and would make themselves sick eating sweet stuff once they weren't around their parents! Moderation is the best either way. I have always felt like if someone was helping me with my kids, they could make the rules at their house. (unless it was dangerous, of course).

    I'll check in soon ladies, hope you all have a great week! :)
  • jlhawki
    jlhawki Posts: 225 Member
    I forgot to mention that I watched both episodes of 'second chance' and really like it! :)
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Has anyone watched Mercy Street - new show on public TV - has nurses and takes place in the Civil War - watched 1st episode and taped the second. Looks intereesting.