Pot Bellied Stove / Water Cooler



  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    I'm back again, John is now watching another football game, we'll see how long this lasts.

    Isabella, Simon never got a CPAP machine before, his brother and his son both use them and he just made up his mind based on what he observed. Norma is learning that Simon does not follow through on stuff and that is hard for her to take. She is highly organized and plans things out and everyone can depend on her to do what she says she'll do. She is having difficulty understanding why Simon says he will do something and it never happens. So, this is a deal breaker if he doesn't "straighten up". She doesn't need the stress of wondering if things promised will ever get done. Time will tell, she's not calling anything off, just a wait and see attitude right now. And, no nagging nor ultimatums, she feels that she does not have the right to do that, not invested that deeply into a relationship yet.

    Talked to my Mom since I was here last. She says it is very quiet there on the weekends. The activities director only works Monday through Friday and Saturday nights are movie night, but Mom's not too interested in that. We have never gotten into the habit of going to movies. These days, there's plenty to see on tv anyway, so she stays in her apartment. She said that she didn't even turn on her tv today. She decided that since it's the first of the year, she's going to follow the plan of reading through the Bible in a year. Something we've talked about for a long time, but haven't tried it yet. She said it's difficult to get through all the begats, she can't pronounce many of the names. She's hopeful, that soon, she'll be reading a familiar story.

    Christina sent me a book of her favorite poems by Robert Frost. She said that she can't read anymore since losing her eyesight, so she wanted to share her favorites with me. I'll have to give it a try, but I'm not an avid reader and am not familiar with poetry. It may turn into a relaxing time though, get a cup of tea and read poetry. Interesting.

    She also gave me a link to uninstall Windows 10 and put in Windows 7. I would love to have Windows 7 on both computers, I'll let you know how that turns out. Christina is a computer geek and has given me a lot of good advice. I really would love to go back to Windows XP, but that's a dream...that is no longer, Whhaaaaaaa

  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    Sheryl, once again it sounds like Norma is taking the right approach. Time will tell.
    I too am already mourning the last season of Downton. :(
    So sorry to hear all that Christina has to deal with. I am constantly shocked and amazed.
    Sure hope the link to install windows 7 works. Let us know.

    Bye for now. I'm off to get caught up on facebook.
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Hi, I liked doing the business meeting first but for some people that had to leave early, they didn't like it. Our whole meetings are only about 2 hours so that's not that long. I will do it again and see if I get comments. We had scrumptious refreshments. I got home, unloaded, got my evening stuff together and took off. I ended up with extra time and got my haircut. She did an okay job and it's my fault for not saying, I want this package. But she said do you want your hair shampooed or sprayed down, I thought it would be a lesser charge to just spray it down and it wasn't - so I missed out on the shampoo and massage. I'll speak up next time. The hair stylist had lime green hair - she said it was her. Then I met Julie and Matthew at Arby's and gave the wedding booklet from church and then on to the meeting. I got there just as my name was called in roll call. It wasn't a long meeting so then I got the rest of my groceries and drove home - a little foggy but not bad.

    Friday was a good day at home. I got the farm books done, started on the 4-H calendar and got the house straightened again. Made me feel so much better about being gone today. We went to the homecoming basketball game at the high school Ralph and the kids went to. It was a nice evening. I had a freshly made bierrock which was good. They had a candy land theme for the homecoming part and it was really cute.

    Today Ralph and left early to go to the DAV booksale. Books were 3 for $1.00 and we spent 44 books. He dropped me off at Hobby Lobby and by the time I got home, he had the books sorted and had packed up almost all the Bibles (55 whole and 28 New Testaments). Julie met me and we looked at flowers and a few other things. She bought a couple to show the person who is doing her flowers. Then we met Katie, Lori and her girls at a consignment shop that has quite a few wedding dresses. She tried on several - none fit but there were some with tops (not with no shoulder coverage) and she liked them. We ate at Subway and then went to the Bridal Expo. It cost a lot to go to and we were only there an hour but I think if we hadn't gone, Julie would have felt she had missed out and she realized how much she already has figured out - cake, photographer, place, video, shirts for the guys. I found out who is doing what. It was a fun time.

    When I got home, I cut up the pineapples, got the drinks to the fridge, made pudding pie, did the dishes, straightened the house again and fixed pizza and salads for supper. And I have enough time to chat with you guys.

    Anew, nice that you have some shows to watch when you are up at night. I can usually find something to watch anytime. :) Although I'm trying to cut down. Homemade mayo - that is impressive. Good job. Glasses are good. I didn't have a little trouble focusing when looking at books this morning but it was a lot better than the other night. They are all I wear. Glad your hubby likes his - costs on glasses add up quickly.
    Sheryl, glad you had a fun day out. Anxious to hear when the second dress comes. I didn't see anything in the shop today for me so I'll have to do that one of these days. It is a bit more complicated to order online but you're getting it taken care of. Sorry you had a reaction to the shot but thankful it didn't last long. Cool on the coupon savings. I use a few but just don't get a lot that work for me. You'll enjoy the mango. Have you planned out your meals for the week or just have some things you want to try?

    Marcie, glad you are on the mend. I'm so glad your dad and friends checked on the woman and got her to go in. All neighborhoods don't have people that care like yours. That's really good. Dog food seasoning - interesting. Glad it's working so far.

    Jannie, glad things are going better and you know more about what is really going on. Praying you don't have the bad reaction but good to know about. CPSRA - that's quite a mouthful. Great that DJ is watching things on his own. Cool that he even tried doing potato chips. I've done them once or twice years ago in the deep fryer.
    What book on decluttering are you talking about? I was better about letting things go the first two days. I need to quit saying - maybe the kids would want this and let things go. That's what seems to happen to me. Like a found a box of stencils in different sizes and set them back - I think I'll change and let them go. And then I start moving things here or there cause there's not a place to put them. It helps to be able to say something cause it makes me try a little harder. Great on what you're getting down. Slow but steady is good.

    Sheryl, I hope that was a fluke on the front door being open and if not, you can figure out what to do next. I know John is happier being in his home.

    Isabel, bummer on the storms and the trees going down. Nice that you can see how all the work Dan did is helping. We get rain but not in those quantities. Did you make it to the concert? Yes, I watched Downton Abby - it's one of the shows I tape. Lots of us will miss it. Lots of paper stuff here too - that's what I save for last but never get there - ha. Just keep me accountable. :)

    Katie made the comment that she had never seen my wedding dress so I got out my album so she can see it tomorrow. So different than now - only 5 pictures total.

    Sheryl, bummer that Norma is seeing that Simon doesn't have good follow through but better to find out now and see if they can work together or not. How hard to go through it though. Neat that your mom is going to try and read through the Bible in a year. I've not made it in a year but am staying with it - maybe I'll make it in two years. Nice that she's also filling up time on her own. And maybe some down time is good. Sweet of Christina to share the book with you. It's special even if you don't read it a lot. Hope the windows 7 thing works.

    My niece and family came down to visit her mom (my sister) so they will eat here tomorrow also. And Alan's kids may stay most of the afternoon. It's Alan and Katie's anniversary and she said she would love to take a nap with no interruptions so that would be a way to do it. Also, Matthew and Julie are coming over sometime in the afternoon so we can go over the guest list and talk food and stuff. Both our boys had their anniversaries this week - Derek - 11 years and Alan - 7 years.

    Enjoy your Sunday.
  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    Good morning ladies,

    Debora, we made it to the concert. I'm really glad we did. They were a very enjoyable group that played "happy music". One of the band members played steel guitar and an accordion (not at the same time of course). With an accordion you can only play happy music! :) We went to one of our favorite Italian restaurants afterward and got a large pizza. We ate half and will have the other half for dinner tonight. I have been reading thru the bible "in a year" for a couple of years now and still haven't gotten very far. I'll keep plugging along though. As long as I'm in the word it's all good.

    Dan is very discouraged after the tree incident. He said we just can't seem to get a brake and can't keep dumping money we don't have into this house so he wants to get ready to sell it and maybe rent for a while. He wants me to start getting rid of stuff so I guess I'm going to be decluttering a lot whether I want to or not. I thought of a quote by Corrie Tenboom "I have learned to hold on to things very loosely because it hurts when the Lord has to pry my fingers open". I'm going to do my best to get past the "I might need this someday" and let go of stuff.

    Well, it's time to go to church. Have a great day!
  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    edited January 2016
    Good morning everyone, I got a little sleep today but got up so I could be ready when a lady I was giving the love seat to came over this morning. We ordered a new one because the one we had was too small for hubby and just not very comfortable. It's only about a year and half old or so and still in great shape but it just isn't designed for fall into and watch tv comfort. It's really just a small and sit up while your talking kind of furniture, if that makes any sense. My hubby hated it and I did too, there were no springs in it, just a hard surface for the cushions to sit on. I didn't sit in it but he did, and the seat cushions crush down in it so it's gone now to someone who had nothing to sit on at all, she'll need to buy some cushions for it even though the ones on it look nice, just for comforts sake, lol. Our new love seat is getting delivered on Tuesday so I wanted the old one out of here this weekend.

    Sadly I just had hubby take my 1940's cannon ball post head board and foot board bed to the resale shop yesterday while he took the huge corner desk too. Sadly the bed was too big for the small room it was going into and we have to come up with something else. I still have both dressers for the room that are painted white with yellow accents and have found a headboard plan to build but we also need to figure out a bed frame design that I can live with that won't hurt my shins every time I walk around the room. I will probably end up giving up of one of the dressers as well but that won't be until we get this office/guest room really worked out. I would love to have a murphy bed, but the cost for good quality hardware is high, and then all the materials to build the cabinetry is another expense we cannot take on right now. The head board and foot board would have made a beautiful bench seat, but I just have no place to store it before building it and I didn't have anywhere to put a bench if we did build it, so I had to "let it go".

    Because of this it looks like we will build a new head board, but there will be no foot board because there isn't any room for one, lol.

    We may do this but the cost might deter me, lol. It's beautiful.


    Or we may do this with a hollow core door we can buy at a big box store for rather cheap.


    And I thought I might share this website with all of you because I thought writing daily scriptures would be a good idea, the only problem for me is that writing is painful for me, lol. I might try it but think it would cause too much pain but I can sure read it daily, see the monthly scriptures.


    Isyvanek-It looks like your getting busy with the wedding stuff and I'm glad you've been able to declutter some at home.

    Jlhawki-I have never heard of potato chips in the microwave, it sounds interesting but I don't eat potato chips so I probably won't try it, lol. Hubby might be happy to try them though. I'm glad you got a true diagnosis on your hip, I hope things go much better for you now.

    Isyvanek-The more you clean out of your house the happier you will be, I promise. As far as all the paper you are printing you could instead save it on an little flash drive to look back into when you want to see things again. You can keep the flash drive with you so it's available anytime a computer is available.

    It was really hard to give up that beautiful bed and it truly hurt my heart to do it. My husband lovingly removed the water damaged veneer and then sanded and painted it for me years ago for the guest bedroom, and he also painted the dressers to match that I already had. The dressers are 1990's dressers but they have great character as well. I love old furniture, the character and quality is nothing like they make these days with all the bad quality built into it. The lady that picked up the love seat from me also took my neighbors 1960's maple desk and chair I would have gladly taken if I had the room for it. It was perfect for a small room, but we already have the desk we got hubby a month or so ago that works for the office/guest room and it's better suited for his needs. Sorry you have to sell your home but I'm glad you were able to enjoy a concert and dinner again.

    Sannferris-I am so glad your mom is doing well in her new place. I can't get into poems either. I don't know what it is about poems but I don't why I can't really grasp most of what the author is saying. Maybe it's too slow for thinking since my brain is always going a million miles per minute. I wish Christina well.

    Since there has been such an interest in homemade mayo I thought I would do a separate post on that, it's not hard, but it isn't easy either, lol. There is so much that goes into it and there are no guarantees it will work out. I thought I would give a tutorial on how I came about finally diving in to make my own. I do think it is much healthier than store bought and I will touch on that also. In the meantime I am going to check out and see if I can get some more sleep, my eyes are heavy. I hope you all have a great day today.

  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    edited January 2016
    Good Morning, I slept in and didn't get up until 7:15. The sun was already up, so, I went out to feed first, then checked email first on the computer, and then, John got up and now that he's watching the Seattle Seahawks, I can drop by here.

    Debora's comment reminded me about Marcie's Dad's walking buddy. I was going to say that I have always avoided doctors too, (prior to 2014, I hadn't seen a doctor in 20 years), but, WOW, a twisted, broken arm would have gotten me to the ER pronto. She must have been in awful pain for those weeks. And then, to have to have it re-broken. UGH!!!!

    Isabella, I like that quote...I will copy that and have it handy to refer to. I have to get rid of so much stuff. Maybe this is my year !!!! After taxes are done, I'll get back to John's inventory and start selling. Plus, all my stuff that can be donated or tossed. So sorry that Dan is so unhappy. I hate to say it, but I would think renting in Southern California is very expensive too. However, passing off the maintenance to the landlord would be very gratifying.

    Debora, planning a wedding must be so involved and time consuming, but exciting and fun to spend the time with your daughters. Norma's two wedding involvements were as mother of the groom. Quite different, she pays for the rehearsal dinner and gives them money for the honeymoon, but does not do much of the planning.
    Interesting deal going on today, the "bridal" shower. I put "bridal" in quotes because it was to be coed, so Norma and I were referring to it as a wedding shower. Through passing conversation, Norma learned that it was going to be a "family couples" get together. Fine, but then, Norma never got an invitation, (neither did Mom or any other family member), so Norma finally called Janelle's mother to get details. And, long story short, Olivia said that it will just be herself, Janelle's Dad, Norma, a niece and her husband and Janelle. 6 people having dinner together at the country club. Norma called Joel, surely Joel will be there...NO, Joel said he refused to go to a "shower", that's girly stuff. Norma was planning on taking the wedding gifts to the shower, mine and hers, so we don't have to carry them to the wedding. Mom and I went together and bought the china and Norma got them the flatware they wanted. Norma told Joel that she would stop by the new house and drop off the gifts on her way to the shower, so she doesn't have to carry them and make too many trips to the car either. Janelle called back and said that she would meet Norma at the house and they could go to the shower together. Still, not really a shower, just a dinner together. Joel has confessed to Norma that it's Janelle that's the brains of the entire family and that she holds her whole family together, her mom is a real scatter brain, like planning this shower, very haphazard. Olivia told Norma that time got away from her and couldn't mail invitations, but forgot to make calls too. Norma said that this would drive her crazy and after the wedding, she probably won't do too much with them. Joel said "Welcome to my world!" and that he doesn't plan to either, Wow, what a way to start out a marriage. I teased Norma and said that with no planning and no follow through...Simon would fit right in. OUCH!!! She did laugh though, she saw the humor in my remark.

    Now, after that horror story, Debora, I know you will work with Julie and your wedding will be great.

    I better go start planning lunch, John will be hungry soon.
  • jlhawki
    jlhawki Posts: 225 Member
    Thanks for your support, ladies! I'm feeling lots better :) Of course, I can't just rest and relax, I have to push myself. So, today my hip hurts a little more than yesterday. I did get my storage room more organized and took 3 big bags of decorations (all holiday stuff) to Goodwill. Feels so good to be less junky!

    It was 6 degrees this am- I am not a fan!

    Anew--I like all your new headboard options! I sure hope you like your new love seat better than your old one :) It sure sounded uncomfortable!

    Ivanek-- So sorry to hear about your trees but that seems like a good price especially for an emergency situation. I had one large branch of my tree come down and got charged $300 for 20 minutes of work by the tree company :( I do understand the not catching a break thing, I had to fix my furnace and get new tires all while I was on my sick leave. Thankful now that it's fixed!

    Sheryl--hope the 'non' shower dinner turns out well for Norma! That is sad that Janelle's own mother couldn't plan something for her daughter :( Glad you slept in!

    Aero-- there is a book by a lady from Japan (clueless on the title) that talks about decluttering by items, not rooms. She says that you look at the object and if it doesn't bring you Joy, you need to get rid of it. She also says that you work on items because it's too overwhelming to do the whole room but you can do all the books in your house. She also has a way of folding your clothes to make it easier to know what you have! For me, it seems like if I just work on a small area (like the left side of my closet) I get more done :) Good luck with the wedding plans.

    I'll check in this week, working full shifts and expect to be tired but as long as I am not in much pain, it's going to be ok! :)
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    I'm back for a moment. During lunch, Debora's haircut flashed in my brain. Oh, so sorry...the shampoo and scalp massage are the VERY BEST part of a haircut. I'm thinking of getting mine done too, sometime this week. I choose this week because my hair always looks just the way I want it a couple weeks after a haircut and that will be perfect for the wedding. I was playing with the idea of letting it grow, but it's at the stage now that I can not stand it. I don't think I can outlast this stage to the point of it being longer and more manageable. It's bushy and wild. I've always had thick, coarse hair, but it's even more so now, after losing it to chemo and even after cutting away all the tight kinky curls.

    Jannie, I remember seeing that Japan decluttering lady on some morning show quite some time ago. She made a lot of sense, although, I never followed her advice. Part of my problem is that I tell myself I have room to keep things in the barn, and there it sits, stored, but most likely never to be seen again.

  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    edited January 2016
    Sannferris-I have the same hair you do and I found this brand at my salon, I was amazed what it does for my hair.

    You can buy the shampoo and conditioner online through Walmart for cheaper than buying in a salon. I haven't found the moisture recovery treatment balm at Walmart in store or online from Walmart but you can get that online somewhere else. I had to search for it because my salon stopped carrying it. You might want to try this stuff out, I love it but make sure you get the moisture recovery for dry hair one.

  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good Morning. My sister called me from her car yesterday (hands-free thingy, of course), as she drove from the Country Club over to Mom's apartment. She said they all live in a whole other world. Brunch was fantastic, everything from shrimp to prime rib. It was buffet, so really a good thing Mom wasn't invited. Norma would have had to "serve" her and that's always a problem because Norma will ask Mom what she wants and Mom says, "I don't know, whatever you bring me". A silly thing, but Norma wants Mom to be more decisive and helpful. Hard to fill a plate for someone else. Also, it was hard to get to the bathroom, Mom would have complained. A lot!! But, I digress...

    Norma said she felt like a fish out of water. Was told that dress would be casual and fortunately, she somewhat dressed up, because everyone else was dressy. Janelle's dad was in a suit and tie. That's not casual for us, but then, we don't frequent Country Clubs either. Janelle's mom was the last one to show up, they all came separately. Norma found out through the discussion that Janelle's mom is chronically late to everything. If you tell her 11:00 am, expect her by 12:30 pm. It will be interesting to see if she gets to the wedding on time, as I told you before, I am stunned that the wedding invitation states that it starts promptly at 2 pm, be in your seats early because the doors close at 1:50 pm. Norma told me that she actually asked Janelle about that, "Aunt Sheryl wants to know if you're really not going to let anyone in after 1:50 pm?" Janelle said the front doors would be locked. Then Norma told me that she was afraid to ask about the "clothes police" since I had also inquired about sending someone away because they are in a street length skirt. We laughed and laughed.

    I am really waffling about my hair, such a silly thing to be troubled about and making such a big deal about. I got a trial one month version of Wen products. I see their ads on tv all the time and I know it's an ad, but I am so hoping that it really may do some good. I had always just washed my hair, towel dry it, comb it and go. It had a natural wave and I didn't style it or blow dry or anything else. Since it has grown back after Chemo, the natural wave is gone. Now, it looks ok while it's still damp, but once it dries, it sticks out every which way. Wen has an anti-frizz treatment that seems to be helping a little. I will continue to use this stuff until it is used up and see if it makes a difference over time. So far, I've only used it four times.

    The sun is starting to rise, I better go feeding before the rains come. I can hear a little rain right now, but it's suppose to rain a lot later in the day and tomorrow.

  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good Morning, I did it, went out to Great Clips yesterday and got my hair cut. Short in the back, but mostly thinning and shaping top and sides. Makes me feel so much better, thinning it makes a huge difference, not so bushy.

    Other than that, nothing new right now. See you later.
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    What a surprise...I just received an email from my sister with photos. Hudson was born last night, Norma's a grandma again. Surprise because Beth's due date was January 28th and was scheduled for a C-section on January 22nd. What a nice early arrival.
    Photos are over on the photo post.
    I sent Jackson an animated e-card...He's a Big Brother now.
  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    Good morning everyone.

    I think yesterday was our warmest day since before Thanksgiving. It nearly got to 60 degrees yesterday afternoon. Looks like more of the same today. A very pretty, sunny, chillly but not cold morning. Tomorrow will be another matter. It's supposed to get windy and start raining after midnight and probably on through the commute to work.

    Got to work this morning to find the main set of elevators are out of order, so to get anywhere in the building I have to walk to the elevators on the other side of the building. I know the walking is good for me, but it just takes up so much time doing that. Hopefully it will be fixed soon. I could do the stairs, but my knees tend to protest that.

    That awful bruise on my arm is still there, but has shrunk and is now a shade of mauve. Ha! It's been stubborn about going away.

    After the last time change I stopped driving to work on the freeway in the morning because I hate driving in rush hour traffic on the freeway when it's dark out. Didn't bother me when I was younger, but as I've aged it does. Instead I've been using the surface streets. Took a little longer with all those stop lights, but I felt safer. It's finally light enough in the morning so yesterday I started using the freeway again. I never thought I'd say this, but I missed the freeway!

    Sheryl, little Hudson is soooo cute, and Norma looks like a proud Grandma! Glad you feel better about your hair now. I'm so sorry it's turning out John may be a wanderer and turns out not to be the case. That was nice of Christina sending you that book of poems. I'm so very sad to hear she's lost her eyesight. I hope you are able to get Windows 7 back. That's the operating system they will be installing on my PC at work soon. Dad just installed Windows 10 on his computer at home last week. So far I haven't heard any complaints, but he's computer savvy and will figure it out I'm sure. My motto is let him figure it out, then when I upgrade he'll be my teacher. That's odd about locking the doors at the wedding and not letting late comers in. Hopefully Janelle's mother will arrive on time for once!

    Sheryl and Isabella, sorry to hear it's the last season of your beloved Downton Abbey. I never did watch that series. After you all were talking about it, I checked Netflix to see if they had it, but they didn't. I'll have to check again. Maybe they've added it now.

    Jannie, glad you are getting some answers and that you don't have rheumatoid arthritis. Hoping it's not a chronic condition. Sorry about the GI distress. Not fun. How cool that DJ has decided to make better choices! Sounds like a wise young man. 6 degrees?! I think I should stop whining about our 40 degree weather! Love the declutter by item idea. I think I will take that tack when I start decluttering the stuff in our spare bedroom. It's bursting at the seams with stuff that needs to go.

    Isabella, last Wednesday was our worst storm day too, but I think you got hit way harder than us. Sorry about the trees. We lost a tree last year after a storm. Cost us $150 to have it removed. It fell on the fence, but luckily the fence survived. I feel you on letting go of "stuff." I hope the decluttering goes well and that you find a rental home you both will be happy with.

    Debora, sounds like a fun day out with the girls looking for a wedding dress. I hope Julie finds the dress of her dreams. She sure has all her ducks in a row with this wedding! I would have thought spraying down the hair would be cheaper than shampooing too. Glad the glasses are working out ok. I toggle between three pairs. One for driving and seeing distances, one for reading and working on the computer, and my prescription sunglasses for driving. I have a pair of progressive glasses, but never could get used to them. I'm due a visit to the eye doctor. It's been about 3 years since I last went.

    Anew, I hope the new love seat works out for you and hubby. I can see where the old one wasn't a good for "fall into and watch tv comfort," ha! That's a lot of furniture that had to be returned. I'm sorry you had to return that bed you loved. Both of the headboards you linked to look very pretty.

    I guess it's time to get back to work. Have a great day everyone!
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Sheryl, congratulations. Babies have their own time schedule, don't they? Glad you like your haircut. That's worth a lot.

    We worked on the guest list Sunday night and got the meal for the reception planned. We may try and cut the list down some cause it's a lot of people right now. Julie has an appointment at 4 to try on wedding dresses. Lindsey and Taryn will join us this time. Hopefully, we find a dress at a good price - if not we'll shop another day. I was supposed to go help a friend this afternoon but she wasn't feeling well so I got a little more time at home. I had fixed a plate of leftovers for Ralph to heat up (although I did it since I was here) so I fixed me a fried egg sandwich. I haven't had one for awhile so that was yummy.

    Oh yeah, 4-H was last night and this month everyone had their talks ready and there were some good ones. One gave a demo on making smore cookies. His mom forgot the flour and the pan and this boy who's only 8 or 9 just went with the flow. We had one tell about a picture she had drawn, one showed us how to make pompoms and one showed us an electric circuit with a kit he had. It was fun plus we got to sample the smore cookies. They were good.

    Isabella, happy music - how fun. Moving would be a real good reason to declutter. Are you okay with moving? Surely, this should be the end of things. After hearing you guys talk about decluttering, I'm trying to let things go easier. I do have a box and a sack and an under bed storage thing to take in tomorrow.

    Anew, how exciting to have a piece of new furniture coming today. Glad you were able to get rid of the old love seat and hope the new one is just right. And you got rid of some really nice pieces too, but if they don't fit, it seems good to do. I'm sure it was hard but hopefully you have pictures to remember them by. You're doing a good job of working on your place.
    I was going to do the scripture thing in December and it didn't happen. It's a great idea though. I have a friend who said she and her son are working on writing out the whole Bible. I don't know their plan. I'd do better typing it but haven't done that either.
    It's me that's working on the wedding stuff.

    Sheryl, you sound like my sister. She has seldom gone to any doctor - when she had kids and when she broke her ankle are the times I know. But now with the diabetes, she is going but relunctantly and not doing anything more than she has too. They said she should get a flu shot. She never has before so didn't. So...
    Yes, it's different with the mother of the groom although with Lori's, we did most of the groom's stuff too. Just how it needed to be. But I've never given money toward a honeymoon. Quite an interesting shower that Norma went to - different experiences are good life experiences. It is sad to think they won't do a lot with her family. Glad she was able to get the gifts dropped off. One less thing to think about. Hopefully, they do pictures before the wedding and the mom can make it for the wedding (even if she misses pictures). :) Locking the front doors - wow.

    Jannie, that sounds like a book Katie has been talking about and quoting. I have not read it. But I always seem to revert back to the same old thing.

    Marcie, pretty day there. We might get up to 40 here but the sun is shining so nice, you think it's warmer. Bummer on the elevators. Taking the stairs takes time too and that's great when you're not trying to get work done. Did something happen with your fitbit or did you just decide not to use it for awhile? I know something was wrong once but I thought that got resolved.
    Yes, you are due at the eyedoctors - supposed to do it every year now (it was 2 years when I was younger) but I sometimes stretch it some anyway. Amazing to juggle three pair. I wouldn't enjoy that.

    Well, I'm going revamp my errand list a bit and do something today I was going to leave for tomorrow so will need to gather things together so I don't forget anything. Like I did last night. I had all my 4-H stuff sitting together and it was an armful and halfway to 4-H I realized I had left my purse at home. It was on another chair. I found a pen to use and drove carefully.

    Have a great day.
  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    edited January 2016
    arobed53 wrote: »
    Did something happen with your fitbit or did you just decide not to use it for awhile? I know something was wrong once but I thought that got resolved.

    Yeah, it stopped again and I just put it down when work got so busy at the end of the year. Dad was asking me about that last night. I'll have to figure it out or get a new one.

    The demo the kids gave at 4-H sounds fun. A fried egg sandwich does sound good. Maybe I'll have that tonight.
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    I was totally LOST in these last comments. Talk about Anew's furniture and writing out scripture...how did I miss that? What are you talking about? I went back to research and found that Anew and I had posted one minute apart and I guess MFP didn't recognize that her post would be new to me. All the new comments I got came after my comment, so, now that I went back and read it all, I'm up to speed on what's going on.

    I talked to Norma on the phone and got more details about the birth. Apparently, Beth saw the doctor yesterday and her blood pressure was through the roof and a urine sample showed toxicity. So, they went to the hospital to try to get her BP down. After more tests, the doctor said it would be best for both mother and baby to take the baby now. She had a C-section. They are both doing great now. Brent gets paternity leave for 3 weeks, so he's home with Jackson. Thanks for the compliments, I think he's cute too. Norma said that she's never seen a baby so small. Brent, Joel and Jackson had a lot more "meat" on them.

    I tracked FedEx and the size 16 dress arrived back today, so I expect to get an email that the size 18 has been shipped. I should get it within 5-7 days. I'm glad, that will still give me time to get something else if it comes to that.

  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    I have spent the last 20 minutes reading through the link that Christina sent me regarding uninstalling Windows 10 and getting Windows 7. Well, that's not true, It uninstalls Windows 10 and reverts me back to the operating system that came with the computer, in my case, Windows 8. So, I will put my energies into learning Windows 10 and see if I can master this thing.
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    I'm back again. Seems that I can only get one thought out per comment.

    Marcie, if you can't get Downton Abbey on Netflix and are interested, I will send you the dvd's to watch. Since I got Season 1-5, I ordered Season 6 also, even though I'm watching it on tv, I will have the whole series for the future.
    my email is saferris@q.com to give me your address.
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Left a little after two and made 4 stops in the two small towns by me and then headed to the big town to meet Julie. Lindsey and Taryn got there just as she put the first dress on and 5 dresses later, she found the one. The are getting one in in her size in Feb and in white. We will add straps which look really nice. I told Ralph it will not quite be what he likes but it looks really nice on her. I wish I could do pictures and show you but I can't so you can just imagine that it's very pretty. She got a sash (which I didn't think was needed but...). I notice you mention the top you want to pay and that seems to be about what they bring out - not too many that cost less. Of course, we'll have some alterations which will add to the cost but what do you do. Lori's was simpler and needed none but their tastes are different.

    We went and ate at MacAllister's Deli afterwards. I had never been there. I have quit using mayo on my sandwiches. Still had an okay flavor but I'm okay with out it. The fruit cup was good. It was fun to sit and visit. Then I went to Lori's and loaded up my car with stuff she had for the thrift store so now I'll have to go there tomorrow. Hope the stuff I have can fit in too. :)

    Marcie, was this the fitbit they replaced? My niece has had trouble too and went with a Garmin but I hope you stay with the fitbit. I miss seeing your steps. I can't believe how many steps I've done in a year's time.

    Sheryl, how big was Hudson (or small as your sister says)? Glad all are well - that high BP is not a good thing. Yay that the 16 has arrived back at the "store". Hope windows 10 isn't too hard. You can always google your questions too. I still do that with what I have.

    Tomorrow morning I walk, work here in the morning, run around in the afternoon and go to a visitation in the evening so another full day.
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Ouch - I just looked up the calories in the sandwich I had to log it. I would never guessed it had that many calories. Oh well, I'll know better if I eat there again - it was my first time.