Pot Bellied Stove / Water Cooler



  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    edited December 2015
    Hi everyone, and Merry Christmas to you all!

    I actually got to leave early at work yesterday and don't have to return until Monday. I'm definitely going to enjoy the long weekend. Next week will be another hectic work week. I'm sooooo looking forward to putting this year-end madness behind me.

    Shortly after I got home yesterday Dad's walking buddy and his wife stopped by to give us a plate of holiday treats. That was sure nice of them. She made fudge, lemon bars, biscotti, and sugar cookies. I've been pretty good this year about avoiding that stuff at work, but I did indulge in their treats. Yummy.

    I went to bed early again last night and wound up getting up at 3 am today. I've mostly been cleaning house and doing laundry. Like Sheryl said, getting up so early sure makes for a long day.

    Later today, Dad and I may go out for dinner somewhere. Probably just go to Sizzler. They're supposed to be opened today. Last year we went out for Chinese, but I don't feel like going there again this year.

    Tomorrow I'll probably go get my car washed, and then maybe take Cisco to the pet store and give him a bath there. He is definitely high-smelling right now and in need of a good washing, though I'm sure he would disagree. He slept with me last night, and I was tempted to kick him out of bed!

    We sure haven't been getting much rain this year. Mostly just drizzles. Come on El Nino! Yesterday we actually had a tornado touch down near us. Very unusual. Luckily no one was hurt. Just property damage. Scary.

    Isabella, I'm watching A Christmas Carol right now. The 1951 version with Alister Sim. I love that movie. I'm still not having the scrolling problem when pics are posted. Weird. I hope you and Dan are having a lovely day.

    Debora, I miss you too! That's lots of wrapping you had to do. That's great news about your Julie! I hope you and that wonderful family of yours have an extra-special Christmas!

    Anew, all those treats you made this year sounded yummy, but I don't blame you for wanting to stop that! I hope you are feeling ok today, and have a wonderful holiday!

    Sheryl, I'm with you too. I love looking at the snow from afar, but don't want to be in it. Yay on the news from the oncologist, and good luck with the colonoscopy. Happy holidays to you and John!

    Jannie, I'm so happy to hear your pain has lessened! Happy holidays to you, your boys, and Kringle!

    Well, it looks like the dryer is done, so I'll go fold up the towels. One of the towels is Cisco's and he loves curling up in his warm towel. Have a great day everyone!

  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Hi Marcie, I can't tell you how great it is to see you here. You are sorely missed when you have to pour your heart and soul (and all your time) into work.
    I am having the scrolling problem too, so I'll just make my sentences short and start a new line.
    I can hear Cisco now, "Aw, Mom, I was just getting to the smell I wanted and you took it away!" Time to start all over again.

    I stayed away from most sweets too. Plus, didn't go hog wild on egg nog this season either, quite proud of myself for that.
    But, still having problems with portion control. Give me a casserole and I'll polish off the entire pan.

    I just got a phone call from Norma and she is taking Mom to the ER. Mom fell last night going from the bathroom to her bed.
    Used the "life alert" system and had to have help from the manager to get into bed. Apparently, she tossed and turned all night.
    This morning, she was sore enough that she called Norma to take her to Urgent Care to see if anything is broken. They said possible hip fracture and said to go to ER.
    I'll be by the phone all day and check back in here once I get details.
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good news, my Mom will be fine. Nothing broken, but will be stiff and sore and needs Tylenol and ice packs.
    Hospital ran lots of tests, full set of X-rays and a CAT scan.
    They are hungry, haven't eaten yet today. Will pick up something to eat and head to Norma's house.
    Mom will stay with Norma for the weekend.
  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    Sheryl, that's sure good news about your Mom! I took a fall in the bathroom last week and am still healing from that. I brused my tail bone something awful! I hope she heals up fast!

    Dad and I wound up going to Sizzler for lunch today and had a nice meal. Lots of people there. We tried to get there whem they opened at 11 am,but so did a lot of other people. We both had the tri-tip with a baked potato and a side salad and a roll. Really good. It's been a long time since i've had steak and it was really good. I used to only get steaks well done, but today I got it medium well and really liked it. My taste buds are changing again apparently.

    Well, have a nice evening everyone. :-)

  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    edited December 2015
    Great news on your mom Sannferris, I hope you all are having a very Merry Christmas day. One of the dogs loves the bed, she is
    the two and one half pound one and her brother is five pounds. We took it over on Wednesday night because I made a Christmas cover for the back cushion and wanted
    them to enjoy it for a couple of days before Christmas came around. She laid down in there on Wednesday night and kept going back in to cuddle with the blankets, her
    brother is preferring to sleep under the Christmas tree for now but has jumped in a couple of times, so I am pretty positive that once the tree and tree skirt are gone
    he will sleep in bed with his sister.

    Mozilla is big on the page too, so scrolling is a must. I'll post pics of the bed when they fix this picture issue. I thought it would
    have been done by now too. I have not succeeded in staying away from the sweets but I was able to get most of them out of the house so I'm good and everyone loves
    their new pie plates too, they are a nice deep dish size and I can see making a Julian apple style pie in one of them. Well, without their yummy apples! :smiley:

    We usually play some sort of board game and today we played one called, "Ticket To Ride"

    The goal is to start with two train tickets from one train station to another, as you draw cards you can build your train to reach the points in your trip you need.
    When you finish those first two tickets you can draw three more ticket cards and choose which ones you want to keep, you must keep at least one ticket but you
    can keep all three if you like. The person with the longest train and the most points wins. It was a fun game. I wall all over the Eastern United States and then my
    train went all the way to San Francisco, and I didn't even win, lol. This game is a lot of fun.

    Everyone have a great night, I am going to relax a bit.

  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Hope you all had a nice day. It's been a good week. All the family made it here Wednesday night and we had our pizza and then moved downstairs. Ralph read the Christmas story and then we began opening the gifts. We give out one and then watch it opened so it takes quite awhile. Lots of nice things. Something for all the kids to play with so they were occupied. I got some storage containers of different sizes, a promise of some tablecloths when they can find the right ones, gloves, hand lotion, nice pictures of Alan's family and then the oldest grandson about put me in tears with his gift - I guess cause he did it on his own. I don't wear a lot of jewelry but I'll wear the necklace he gave me (for the person who lets him spend nights, picks him up at midnight...). So sweet. He got the necklace at least a month ago (the school's senior class went to Israel and brought back things people could buy) and didn't lose it. Then Lucy gave us something she made today. Very sweet.

    Thursday was a nice low key day. I straightened the house, worked on emails, some money stuff, and some other easy stuff. Today we had a wonderful Christmas Day service which always ends with the Hallelujah Chorus. The Jim and Lori and family came over (Jim had asked when they were here - two days just with them would be a long time- :)) I fixed chicken tortilla soup and Lori brought a pie from their freezer. We warmed it in the oven and it was yummy. They stayed till around 4. Then I got out what I had ready for my family's side so hopefully I can take it to church tomorrow and we will go shopping for what I need - some soup ingredients and sandwich fixings , etc. We had leftover pizza for supper so that was easy. For Sunday I'm taking stuffed pepper soup.

    Ralph plans to go out with me - we also have to get a tire fixed as it was low this morning. Oh, this morning when he and Paige headed out to the car, they actually got in the wrong car (same color year but has leather seats). Some of us leave the keys in our cars and they had so he even started it and started backing up when he saw sunglasses on the dash and that's when he realized what he had done and whose car it was. By the time I got out they were out and headed to the right car (parked two cars down in the same row). So next time we see the owners, we'll tell them the story and give them a laugh too.

    Jannie, love the pictures of your boys - nice looking young men and it's wonderful to hear how well you are doing now. Amazing how the steroids turned things around. Happy for you.

    Sheryl, you may not be physically busy like you used to be but keeping track of all John does and taking care of the animals is quite a bit in my books. Found out our neighbor's chickens are laying well so got some fresh eggs the other day when I went over to borrow some Karo syrup. So they are going to take some of my egg cartons off my hands. Yay.
    Thanks for sharing the note from Kel. Always good to hear from the NM family.

    Marcie, what a treat to hear from you - a gift in itself. Enjoy the neighbor's treats - I don't know if I would have resisted at the office as well as you do. You'll enjoy the time at home and able to do things without being rushed. Hope things slow down after the next week.

    Sheryl, so glad your mom is okay and nothing is broken. Hope she and Norma have a nice weekend together.

    Anew, good to hear the dogs like the bed. Those are little dogs. An evening of games sounds good. I played a couple of games of skipbo with the grandkids today.

    We may have some bad weather which may mess up Sunday so fingers crossed. My sister (the one whose husband just passed away) is supposed to be coming tomorrow - weather permitting and will stay here. And if she makes it she'll just have to stay till it's okay to travel back. I'm not a great host but she's easy going so it will be okay.

    Better head for bed so I am ready for tomorrow and things get done. Have a good weekend.
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good Morning. What a Christmas to remember. I didn't do anything special except wait for phone updates,
    but Mom and Norma spent the entire day at Hospitals, first Urgent Care and then the ER. I Praise God that He protected her from breaking anything.
    I will be anxious to get updates today too, since Mom is staying with Norma. Simon's going to be visiting, so they should all behave themselves.
    I say that because after a few hours, Norma can get short tempered with Mom...Mom knows how to push Norma's buttons.

    I made a pot of chili for Christmas. We had a turkey for Thanksgiving. I bought the smallest one I could find at that super cheap price, but it was still
    16 pounds, and therefore, we had so many leftovers, was all turkey'd out. We also already had ham last week and rib roast. I buy all the special meats
    when they are on sale for the holidays. So, yesterday, I went UN-traditional with chili. Hit the spot.

    I got to talk to Nancy a lot yesterday, keeping her updated about Mom too. Not great circumstances, but I love talking to her no matter what the subject.

    Anew, we are almost at the end of this page, please post your photos.
    We would love to see your handiwork and then we'll move on to another page without having to scroll, scroll, scroll.

    Debora, your gifts sound like super special ones. Of course, I'm sure you treasure anything and everything the grandkids give you.
    I broke off exchanging gifts years ago. When I come across that special gift, just perfect for someone, I buy it regardless of the time of year.
    But, I can't stand shopping for something just for the fact that I have to give somebody something. That's why I'm now loving wedding registry at stores.
    I can pick out a gift that the bride and groom have already chosen and I will know that it's something they really want.

    Speaking of buying something for the wedding, I think I've decided on the dress for Joel and Janelle's wedding.
    I never did find anything suitable at the Thrift Stores. I'll go back to Burlington next week and hope it's still there. It fit well and within my price range.
    It has a white bodice attached to a long flowing black skirt, with a white bolero type jacket. It hid my big belly, perfect dress for me.
    I was hesitant about the colors, I wish it were dark green or burgundy. I was always taught that you don't wear white, takes away from the bride.
    And, black is more for funerals, but since this is mixed, AND, it's the only dress that fit, I checked with Norma and she said Yes, get it.
    When we are FORCED to go formal, the bride can't be too picky. She's already being picky about demanding "black tie". The Bridesmaids are in blue and
    Norma got a beautiful Royal blue dress, so I didn't want anything blue.

    I also think this dress will pack well in a suitcase, very few wrinkles when removed from the bag. So, I got my new shoes and possibly the dress,
    the plane tickets are paid for, I'm ready for a big weekend. I have to chuckle, Janelle is a sweet girl otherwise, but she's definitely a Bridezilla.
    She thinks this thing is going to be pulled off without a hitch, boy, will she learn a big lesson. Even the invitation made me laugh...it states on there:
    the wedding starts "at 2pm sharp. The doors will close at 1:50pm so please arrive and be seated prior to the start of the ceremony."

    We'll see what happens and how it plays out. I've only been to one wedding, in all my life, that started on time. But, Bonnie was a lot like Janelle,
    so maybe this one will start on time too.

    I've rambled on and my coffee is cold, time to refill my mug.
  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    edited December 2015
    Good morning everyone! Dan and I had a wonderful peaceful Christmas together! I made pancakes from scratch for breakfast.
    I got a really nice surprise in the morning - my nephew Steve who lives in North Carolina called to wish us a Merry Christmas.
    It was wonderful to hear from him!
    We just hung out, read, opened the gifts from my friend Grace in FL. She is the only person I exchange gifts with.
    Dan and I don't exchange gifts but he surprised me and got me some wonderful special bars of soap. I love that stuff! He is so cute!
    We went for a walk and I twisted my ankle. :/ Took some ibuprofen and iced it as soon as I came home so it should
    heal quickly. It is already somewhat better today.
    I made shrimp and broccoli fettuccini Alfredo (I used penne pasta instead) for our Christmas meal and it was wonderful!
    We watched Miracle on 34th Street and Groundhog day (one of our all time favorite movies) then went to bed.

    Anew, I agree with Sheryl, it might be a good idea to post the pics of the dog bed on this page since it is already a scroll problem.
    So glad the gift treats and pie plates were a big hit. I'm not surprised though.
    I don't blame you for deciding not to do it again. Dan and I baked oatmeal cookies for the first time because I wanted to use up
    some oatmeal (they came out good!) and that alone was a lot of work. I can't imagine all the work you put into your gift plates.

    Jannie, I forgot to mention you on my last post. So good to hear that your pain has lessened and you are able to return to work.
    The pics are wonderful. Your boys are great!

    Marcie, so great to hear from you! You have been sorely missed! Lunch at Sizzler sounds really good. I have been having a hankerin'
    for some steak! Nice that your dad's walking buddy brought treats. Sorry to hear that you fell and hurt your tail bone. Hope you're feeling better.

    Debora, your Christmas sounds really nice. Good idea to make the tortilla soup for your company. Everyone loves soup this time of year.
    I love that stuffed pepper soup recipe. Good idea to bring it to your event.
    The necklace your grandson brought you sounds precious. They are good kids!
    Glad you were able to keep everything simple. Did your sister make it to your house?

    Sheryl, Glad your mom wasn't badly injured when she fell. What a way to spend Christmas! Hope things go well with her and Norma this weekend.
    Thanks so much for sharing the update from Kel! Sounds like everything is going really well for her. So nice that she is able to do all
    those things that she loves - baking and teaching yoga. I love what she said about realizing how blessed she is and that she is in God's hand.
    So happy that you found "the dress". Sounds like a good choice. Too funny about bridezilla! I can't imagine telling people that the doors
    will close at 1:50pm. I don't remember even looking at a clock or thinking about the time when we got married. Dan said that
    this is a different generation though and the younger ones may very well need to be urged to be on time because they may not know
    or think about the proper etiquette.
    Chili for Christmas sounds really good. I was just thinking that I am due to make a pot of chili. :smiley:

    Well, I'm off to go make us some breakfast. Have a great day everyone!
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    John's "fixing" the firewood while semi-watching basketball. I'm making cinnamon rolls. Got a sweet tooth this morning.
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Mom update: Norma helped Mom to the bathroom at 4:30 am, then gave her 2 more Tylenol PM and put her back to bed.
    Mom slept til noon. While she slept, and since Simon was there in case of emergency, Norma went to Rite-Aid this morning and
    bought a toilet seat riser with handles. Mom has used it and it works well, she can ease herself down and lift herself back up.
    Great to be able to go to the bathroom by herself. I asked her what her pain level is and she said low. But, she feels weak and is
    afraid that her legs will buckle under her at any moment. Taking everything very, very slow.

    John brought in and rearranged more firewood...we have the best looking stack of firewood ready to burn. He just cracks me up.
  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    edited December 2015
    Here the bed is all finished with it's paint and clear coat in the first picture. I made extra covers for both top and bottom cushions. I resized the pictures as small as I could get them before I posted them, and that's a good thing, we are still scrolling since this went to the next page, lol.


    Here the bed is with the Christmas cover on the back cushion, what you can't see is the sparkles in the material on the back cushion.


    Here the bed is from the front with the cute dog bone shaped chalkboard sign, the multi colored blanket in front of her is her blanket she already had. The yellow
    and green blankets on each side of her are the ones I made for the dogs. Arthur is not in the pictures, lol. Millie weighs just two and one half pounds.


    Here the bed is from the side and if you look to the right you can see the other covers I made for it but the covers are folded up so you can't really see them very well, lol.

  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Oh, those are so cute. You bumped us over to the new page, but no problem, it all fits and I don't have to scroll.

    Talked to my sister again and all survived the day, they are playing Rummikub. See you in the morning.
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    What a day. With Alan gone, Ralph is doing all the chores so it was after 10 before we headed for town. He aired up the tire but did not get it fixed cause Walmart said it would be hours and they were the only place open. So we are checking it when we go somewhere. :) I got my stuff and checked out. Not sure what happened but the cashier had to imput the whole receipt. Glad I hadn't gotten any more. We had Julie meet us for lunch. She had mentioned making guest lists the other night so wanted to know when they were thinking and it looks like it will be a spring wedding - so not too far away. They had a date but I realized a conflict so... Went to Dillons and the rain came. Got home and unloaded what stayed home and loaded the other stuff or the church. My sister arrived from western Kansas and went to the church to help me unload there which was nice. Then, because my niece decided not to come because of bad fog, my sister went to my sister's to stay since we had somewhere to go tonight.

    Tonight was the Claassen cousin Christmas - about 100 there. Good food and good visiting. The rain had stopped when it was time to come home but there a bad snow warning out for the night. Alan and family got home. My sister said they drove through some bad sleet and slid off the road but Alan got them back on the road so I'm thankful they are home safely.

    So we'll go to bed and see what the morning brings.

    Sheryl, you chili sounds good. Any meal can be festive. Sheryl, I'd like to see a picture of your firewood. I like shopping for what someone wants but I'm not a fan of gift registries - usually I have trouble finding the right item. I do like the concept and they have come a long way since Lori got married (16 years). She had a handwritten one at Wal-mart.
    So glad you found a dress. It sounds beautiful. We'd love a picture of you all dressed up. Yikes, I'll have to do dress shopping. Hadn't thought of that yet.
    I want a cinnamon roll.
    Glad your mother is moving slowly but will she be ready to be on her own Monday. Although it's amazing what a difference a day can make. The higher stool is great.

    Marcie, how are you feeling today?

    Isabella, glad your ankle is doing better. Your Christmas day sounds relaxful.

    Goodby for now.
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good Morning. Not much to say since I was here all day yesterday.
    My nephews and their family will be arriving at my sister's house at 1 pm today for their family Christmas. Nice that my Mom is already there, and Simon is there too. It will be a really nice family Christmas for Norma. Beth is due in January, but since they already know the baby is a boy and his name will be Hudson, it's like he's there too, probably will even get a few gifts. Jackson got a bike this year, boy, they grow up so fast. Norma had a hard time deciding what to give Simon. Wanted something nice, but not too, too personal. She's trying to slow things down a bit. She's in love, but doesn't want to totally change her life for him. She is extremely independent and he wants her to totally depend on him. What a dilemma.

    I think Mom is doing very well and will be able to sleep in her own bed tonight. Norma leaves for work early in the morning and plans to take Mom home, to her own apartment, tonight. We'll see how the day goes. Norma decided to skip church this morning, she knew that Mom wasn't up to going to church.

    I'll most likely be hanging around all day. I see more sports on tv and that will keep John off the computer for awhile.
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good Morning. Had a rough day yesterday with John, everything seemed to bug him, and I mean everything. Sometimes, it's just that way, nothing goes right. I trust today will be better.

    I didn't check in on Norma and Mom at all yesterday, but I assume they had a wonderful Christmas together. I'll find out today.

    The news says that Portland has snow, some of the roads in the West Hills are closed. They always have trouble on those roads, I rarely go over there, they are terrible roads even in good weather. Way too much traffic for narrow, winding roads. We don't have any snow here.

  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    edited December 2015
    Hi everyone.

    Back to the grindstone at work. That weekend flew by so quickly. I'll have another 3-day weekend this weekend as our office will be closed on January 1st.

    We got some rain overnight. Everything was wet when we got up. It had finished by the time I hit the road, so that was good.

    Yesterday Cisco dragged his blanket out of his dog bed and started attacking it. It was so weird. I just couldn't figure out what he had against his blankie. Finally I took it away from him and shook it out, and his favorite squeaky ball had been wrapped up in it. He must have buried it in there and decided it was time get it. He probably has stuff stashed all over the house, and knows exactly where everything is! I know he has stashes out in the back yard. Mostly treats we've given him that he didn't think warranted immediate consumption. Ha!

    I took too long of a nap yesterday afternoon and it just threw my sleep pattern all outta whack last night. I went to bed around 9 pm, then woke up at 11 pm and could not get back to sleep. Tossed and turned until about 3 am and then just got up. I should be dead tired by now, but for reason I'm not.

    My tail bone is still smarting, especially when I'm sitting or when I turn over in bed. Doesn’t hurt so much when I'm standing and walking. I wished I could kick myself for taking that fall, but knowing me I'd just wind up spraining my foot! I guess I should be grateful nothing was broken.

    Yep, it looks like I'm experiencing the scrolling problem on my computer at work with pages that have a pic posted. I don't have the problem when I'm using Safari on my Ipad. The MFP Admin staff say they are working on the problem. The problem is that when they fix one problem, they create another. This has been going on for a year now. Lots of people are complaining about all the various issues.

    Until they get it fixed, what we may want to do if we want to post a picture is just start a new post and link to it. There will probably be a scrolling issue in the new post, but at least it won't mess up the Pot Bellied Stove post. Or we can all just use this "Photos" post I just added.

    Sheryl, I hope John is doing better today and you are both having a great day. That sounds wise of Norma to slow it down a bit. Your chili sounded yummy. Comfort food on a cold winters day always works for me. Glad your Mom is healing up. My Grandpa used a toilet seat riser with handles in his later years. The only problem was he glued it down onto the toilet, so when company came to their house they had to deal with the riser, and they only had the one bathroom. I remember going to visit them once in the early 90's, and I couldn't use it (not at my weight). I ate very little when I was there, and when I did need to go, I got in the car drove to the little store down the road. Ha!

    Debora, that's some weather you've been having! Glad Alan and family got home safely. You're Claassen cousin Christmas sounds like it was fun. You are so fortunate to have such a large and wonderful family. I hope you are able to get that tire fixed soon.

    Anew, that doggie bed (and the doggie) are just so cute! You are so talented.

    Isabella, it sounds like you had a nice relaxing Christmas Day with hubby. I enjoy both of the movies you watched. I've watched Groundhog Day so many times over the years, I could probably play it back in my head. I hope you ankle is healing up well!

    Ok, I guess I'd better get back to work. Have a nice evening everyone.
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good Morning. I talked to my sister yesterday morning and Mom in the afternoon. They both relayed just about the same events for the weekend. Very nice Christmas together. Mom is doing very well and getting around, just taking it slow. When Norma took Mom back to her apartment Sunday night, Mom exclaimed "it's good to be home". Yay, she's settled in enough to call it home. Norma was so happy. When we got info about moving Mom and Dad, they told us that it takes about 6 months to adjust. It has now been 6 months since we moved Mom. They really know their stuff.

    I go in for blood work today and plan to go buy the dress for the wedding. On the way, I drive right by 2 other dress shops, so maybe I'll drop in just to see what they have before making a final decision.

    Marcie, thank you for putting in a new post just for photos. Why didn't I think of that?? I'll put my pictures over there just as soon as I transfer them from the camera into the computer. Love the photo of Cisco all curled up. Too funny that he "buried" his squeaky toy in his blankie. Glad that mystery was solved.

  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    edited December 2015
    Good morning everyone.

    I'm splurging this morning and having a biscuit and gravy from the Grille at work. It sure is hitting the spot. I didn't eat much yesterday and woke famished this morning.

    I wound up going to bed last night at 7 pm and slept through until 3 am. I even managed to go back to sleep for another 2 hours after that. I sure feel rested today.

    It's cold out there this morning. When I left for work it was 29 degrees. Doubtful it we'll even make it to the 50s today. Dad put Cisco's coat on him this morning when they went for their 5:30 am walk. Most days Dad gets up at 4:30 am, walks the dog at 5:30 am, goes and eats breakfast at his favorite hole-in-the-wall restaurant (they know him by name and what his usual order is), then gets his shopping done if he has any. He's usually home by 7:30 then he goes walking with his walking buddy at 8:00.

    While he was out shopping the other day, Dad bought a new litter box scooper for me. It was a plastic box that you line with a bag and with a sifter and handle attached. The box has lid that is supposed to close after you scoop the used litter, trapping the litter, and then when you scoop again, the litter that's already in the box isn't supposed to come out. Big fail! As soon as I went to get the second scoop of used litter, the litter that was already in the box came pouring out all over me and on the floor. And then when I opened up the box to pull out the bag, the littler that was left in the box went everywhere. What a mess. Back to my tried and true litter box scooper!

    I made a boo boo last night. I fixed my dinner (turkey, 1/2 a baked sweet potato, and some steamed green beans) and set it aside (unfortunately in reach of Cisco) to get something out in the garage. By the time I got back, he had eaten everything but the green beans (he doesn't do green beans). I had only myself to blame on that one! I still gave him the evil eye. Ha!

    Sheryl, that so great that your Mom is doing better, and considers her apartment home now. Looking forward to seeing your pics.

    Back to work. Have a wonderful day everyone. :)

  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    edited December 2015
    Hi everyone, thanks for the thumbs up on the dog bed. We are further along on my kitchen island with the drawer in but still needs a drawer front, I stained the tongue and groove boards for the bottom shelf and hubby put together the slatted shelf and needs to install it. After that's all done, everything will come back off so it can get a couple coats of paint and polycrylic to protect the paint. Then reinstall the drawer, top shelf and bottom shelf. Then the top needs to go on and we might have a change to the top design because I came across a 3/4" thick slab of black slate for $30 and it might work for my top. I can put hot pots and pans on it without burning it and it isn't affected by acids like lemon or tomatoes. It might just be what I need on that little island but it sure is heavy and I need to find a fabrication shop to cut it down to size and maybe do a little honing to the surface of it. It is so heavy that I can't move it at all and that is a concern for me since I need to be wheeling my little island all around the kitchen, and I'm not so sure the wheels we installed can handle that weight or not.

    This thing is 18" wide by 42" long and I need it to be 18" wide by 33" long so it won't be losing much weight when it is cut down. The original posting for it said it was 18" by 24" and I thought it was perfect for the coffee bar(and still is if it's cut down to size) since coffee can etch surfaces with the acids in it, and it can handle anything a coffee bar can throw at it. It is also the exact size I needed for the top. When I went to take a look I said that can't be 24" long and I then realized the man transposed the numbers in the ad. He told me the piece came off an old antique piece of furniture like a buffet, and it looks like it would have because the edges are straight cuts. I'm calling a local granite shop tomorrow to see if they can give me an idea what they would charge to take care of it for me, if it's too expensive then we will use it outside for a table instead. A table that would never leave the backyard, or be moved around, lol. No way would I be moving that 25 to 33 pounds per square foot for 3/4" thickness, so that would make it as it sits that's 5 times the weight of 25 to 33 pounds. Whew!

  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good Morning. I blew it on the dress. Went back to buy it and it's gone. They have it in small sizes, but no longer in the larger. Today, I'll check the other Burlington store, if not there, then I have to start all over again looking for a dress. I'm bummed.

    Not much else to say, my mind is dwelling on this dress. Guess I'll try back again later.