Pot Bellied Stove / Water Cooler



  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    Hello again, I just posted a couple more recipes over on the thread. We had a nice dinner tonight of butternut squash soup and citrus avocado salad with bulgur and red quinoa. It was really good too. I will definitely be making that soup again and I always make the salad.

    I hope you are all having a great night and I'll check in sometime later.
  • cjdigsindirt
    cjdigsindirt Posts: 23 Member
    Sheryl I'm so happy to hear that Norma was not at the building where the shooting took place. It's such a sad sad situation, I just don't understand why this keeps going on and on.
  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    Sheryl, wow, how scary. I'm happy to hear Norma was in the other building, but she must be so upset over this. I'm listening to the special report about the incident on the radio right now. I just can't imagine being in a situation like that.
  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    edited December 2015
    Hi everyone.

    It's sure been a long week. Glad it's just about over. I'm going to have to stop at the grocery store on the way home from work today. I'm out of everything! Yesterday I stopped to get Simon some more cat food, and should have got the grocery shopping done then, but it was cold, windy and rainy and I just wanted to get home.

    It lightly rained most of the day yesterday, but it was sunny this morning. We sure could use some consistent rainy days. We received word from the water company that starting this month our county is permitted to water outdoors only one day a week. That's down from two days a week.

    While Dad was out walking with his walking buddy yesterday morning they ran across a little white dog running loose. He had a harness on and they figured he belonged to someone. They tried to catch that dog, then a woman in a car tried catching him, then another person tried catching him. The dog ran across a busy street and they thought that was it for him, but he made it and ran into the neighborhood on that side of the street. Someone finally caught him. He didn't have any tags on and no chip. She took him to the county shelter and then posted his picture on the Next Door website. The owner saw that pic and went to go get him. He said he just adopted him the day before and was looking all over for him. That one ended well!

    I've been really watching my food consumption since last month (keeping those portion sizes under control and not eating so much sugary food!) and as of this morning I've lost 12 pounds since the first of November. I'm pleased with that!

    It's been so cold lately, Cisco keeps trying to crawl into bed with me or Dad. He especially likes Dad's electric blanket! A couple days ago I remembered I had bought him a doggie warmer last year. It's a disk that you warm up in the microwave and it holds the heat all night long. He's loving that disk! Once he goes to bed and snuggles next to it, he's there for the night.

    I feel asleep early again last night. This is becoming a thing with me lately. I don't think I even made it to 7 pm before conking out. And, and didn't wake up until my usual week day time at 6 am. That's 11 hours of sleep. That's not good or healthy to sleep that long. Not doing that tonight!

    Debora, I bet you'll be back to the weight you want in no time! I haven't had Polish sausage and sauerkraut in decades! My Mom used to like to make hot dogs and sauerkraut when I was a kid. I remember one of her favorite meals to make was that with a side of fried potatoes, and creamed corned served over the potatoes. Lots of fat, salt, calories, and yumminess. Ha!

    Jannie, I hope you are feeling better and not in so much pain. Hopefully you can get that hip replaced soon! That's great that you got to use your new kitchen for the holiday and had help with that!

    Sheryl, glad your freezer is working again. Good reason to eat some Marie Calendars! My box freezer in the garage needs to be cleaned out again. Stuff builds up in there so quickly.

    Well I'll close and get back to work now. Have a wonderful weekend everyone!
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    The week is flying past. We had Good News Club Tuesday. I spent the morning getting the meal ready for the family and when I took M home, I went in and visited for awhile. We do pretty well considering the mother doesn't speak English real well. The oldest girl was baking cookies so I got to eat one of them. Wednesday my sister and I got our eyes checked. I do need new glasses but am looking a bit to find a better price. My sister ordered hers and can now get her license renewed. It's good she went cause the diabetes is causing some problems so she'll get her eyes looked at more often. I didn't get my eyes dilated so she could.

    Ralph went to the Fesper at church. I heard it was really nice but I spent an hour on the phone talking to a friend who lost her husband last April. She is doing as okay as can be but it's even harder cause he took his own life and that was not like him at all but he had not slept for 30 days and I'm sure was not thinking straight. Then we both went to prayer meeting in the evening. It was good but it felt strange to be there since I've taken care of Emily for the last 2-3 years then.

    Thursday was taking Ava to speech. I was able to run off the 4-H program book while I was at the school. Then late afternoon Ralph and went to town so he could look for something for his new "toy" - a soda stream. At Walmart I think I found frames I might get but we didn't have time to do it. Then we went to Taryn's 3'rd grade music program - very nice and from there I went to Willing Workers. Managed to get there in time to hear the speaker. Glad I had asked someone to take notes cause I didn't think about it even after I got there.

    Today I walked, went to town and did my errands and got home in time for Ralph to go to a senior citizen's dinner at the high school. I've got everything put away and gearing up for getting 3 of the grands tomorrow. If Julie and boyfriend want to go along, we are going to a living nativity tonight. Nice day for it - almost got up for 60. We know several of the actors so that's fun too.

    I don't know if I mention the boy from our church waiting on a kidney. He's been on dialysis for 2 years and yesterday was his day. They removed both his kidneys and gave him a transplant. It's done in Kansas City - about 3 hours away. So far all is going well. We are all very excited for him. I have another young friend waiting on his second transplant so we're halfway there.

    Sheryl, glad the freezer is back to being okay now. Een a crack open would affect things. We had trouble with ours last week and decided I had something in front of where the air blows. Now that you've baked the pies, you could freeze some of the pieces if you don't want to eat it all now. We finished up our pumpkin pie.

    Tell John he's looking good since you cut his hair. :) Yay on finished things up at TJ. Hope your blood work is all good.

    Anew, great on getting your spices organized. Did I tell you that you were in my head when I was freezing my ham and all my bags got labeled? I always think I'll remember - ha. I'd like to be one of your friends. You're making some good stuff. (I mean, we are friends - just not one that's close). Cool that you've been able to stock up slowly. I'd love to eat with you - the food sounds good but not sure how much my DH would go for it.

    Sheryl, so good to hear that your sister is fine as are JC and Sue. I was thinking I didn't know anyone in the area but I was wrong.

    Weekend will be busy with the grands here. Thomas will also be here for the night but will come later. Then Sunday we have church, dinner at McDonald's, Julie will watch the kids and we'll do to farewell for a Kenyan couple. The doctor has given him the okay to return to Kenya and then we're invited to a 70th birthday party for a friend.

    When I checked out of Walmart today, my total seemed high but I had bought a bunch of plastic shoeboxes that were on the clearance row but I found out the clerk had typed in 78 instead of 7 for one of the big candy bars I had bought for the Good News Club party. Glad I caught it right away cause I don't always look at my receipts right away.

    Enjoy your weekend.
  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    Good evening all, I slept until around 12:30 today, did the dishes and got the turkey burgers mixed, shaped and in the refrigerator and I'm ready to make dinner tonight when hubby gets home. All I have to do is bring out the burgers and let them sit uncovered for about 20 minutes before I cook them, and I can cook the side of carrots and honey while I wait.

    I just eat my burger alone but hubby likes his on bread with mustard. I think I'll wrap mine in romaine lettuce tonight with a little mustard.

    It was good to see you Mygnsac, I wrapped up early this morning in a soft and cuddly blanket while hubby slept. It was so comfortable I finally felt like going to bed. I did turn the heat on again since it was 39 degrees outside and I turned it off about 30 minutes later. Then hubby turned it back on when he got up for work. I am sure our light bill will be significantly lower this month because the a/c has been off so much and we haven't needed the heat much either.

    Arobed53-LOL, it makes me laugh to be in someone else's head, lol. I'm glad your joining me in my quest for better organization and I'd sure love to have a meal with you too, it would be a lot of fun I think. I'm not sure my friends will be very happy I am making so many goodies, lol. I have added some meringue cookies to the list and I'll be picking up some green and red candy sprinkles along with some christmas colored nonpareils. I'll sprinkle on the warm chocolate after I dip the many goodies. So that's another white goody with colored sprinkles to add to the heavy in dark chocolate plates.

    Hubby has been working a lot of overtime and is really tired when he gets home each night. He told me last night he already had 45 hours in and still had to work today. I try to make sure I have dinner ready to cook when he gets home so he doesn't have to wait long. I don't like to cook dinner too early and then have to reheat it, I would rather cook when he gets home and then decide what to do with the leftovers. I don't think we will have any tonight because I am only making four turkey burgers with 1 pound of ground turkey. I am pretty positive he will have two of those, lol.

    Have a great night everyone, I'll check back in later.
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good Morning. Not much to say this morning. Still raining and everything is muddy. Yesterday was a big day for my Mom, seeing another new doctor. But I don't know how it all went yet, I'll call later today. Tomorrow is a baby shower for Norma's daughter-in-law, Jackson is going to be a big brother.

    My blood work went well, good numbers and I stay on the same dosage of warfarin.
    I haven't been out to feed yet, so I'll be back later.
  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    edited December 2015
    Hi everyone,

    Sheryl, so glad your sister is safe. Very sorry to hear that she lost friends. That one hit way too close to home. When is this craziness going to end?!

    Had a busy hectic week at work. The new contracts procedure is going pretty well but it is still a learning curve and is taking up a lot of my time. I am VERY behind on all my other duties. On top of all that, my Outlook got messed up last Friday and when the IT dept restored it they took over 4 hours and only brought back half my folders. I decided to wait until the back up/updates are done over the weekend and if my folders are still missing on Monday I'm going to have to call again and hope I get someone who knows how to restore the rest of my stuff (and hopefully not take all day to do it).

    Dan and I went for a really nice long hour and a half walk this morning while it was still pretty cool - about 50 degrees. We really enjoyed it. Then I made our usual Saturday breakfast of over medium eggs, ham and toast. I planned to make pumpkin bread today but when I went to the cupboard to get the can of pumpkin out I didn't have one! I guess I'll pick one up tomorrow and make it then. I got my usual Saturday call from my dear friend Grace. We had a really nice chat. Now Dan and I are spending time on the computer. I'm going to make turkey burgers for dinner then we plan to watch the last 2 episodes of season 5 of Downtown Abbey so I can send the discs back to Sheryl. We also recorded an hour and a half special that was on PBS to get us caught up for the final season coming up. We'll watch that next. I'm going to go and wrap the gifts for Grace and for our white elephant at work and at bible study in a few minutes then sit outside and enjoy this gorgeous day.

    I'll try to check back in later or tomorrow.
  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    edited December 2015
    Hello everybody, today has been a nice weather day and it's been quiet with the tv and radio off. I did my weekly shopping and hubby went with his buddy to mesquite texas for a racing car parts auction. He's on his way home and I'll probably see him around 10 pm. I decided I wasn't cooking so I had a salad with tuna and later I had a vegan eggnog and I have no idea how they call that a vegan eggnog. The only thing that resembles the eggnog is the cinnamon, cloves and nutmeg but the banana really overpowered it and I don't see how adding more spices would make it better. It was good, but I think it would have been better served using pumpkin to make a pumpkin pie smoothie instead, lol. I try things all the time, I don't always get what I think I might get. Though I am happy to have folks out there who are trying hard to make recipes that others will like but I guess it just wasn't my cup of tea-err eggnog, lol.

    sannferris-Glad to hear your blood work was good.

    Isyvanek-My husband has the same complaints about work programs always changing and folders dissapearing. They usually find them and fix it but he doesn't like the down time either. Your walk sounded real nice, I'm glad you get to do that.

    Well, I think I am going to check out here and do some TV watching. I wonder what is on.

  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    edited December 2015
    I couldn't take it, that vegan eggnog left me wanting a pumpkin pie smoothie. So I waited until hubby got home and made one we could share. I added the recipe to the recipe thread if you are interested in trying it.

    Hmm! I might try talking to my husband about changing our food for three months just to see how things go for me. I wonder how he would feel about not having tomatoes, peppers and potatoes in his diet. He might be a little bummed but he might be open to trying it out. I've been told before that Nightshades were an inflammation inducing food but I didn't really know the extent of it. Oh man, I use all those seasonings in my cooking, all-the-time. Hmm :o I need to really do some more research into this and talk to my Rhuematologist, I think she could give me some good information about it.

  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good Morning. I slept in until 7 am and got the feeding taken care of before it rains even harder. I have my fresh coffee and am resting here, ready to chat. I never did get back here yesterday. Our neighbors came over with their coffee cups and we sat and visited for over 2 hours. They come over about once a week, it's so nice to get caught up, with us and the animals and the neighborhood. They eat out ALOT, and they told us about another new place that they discovered, called The Puffin and it's a quaint little café on a houseboat on the water on the Columbia River. I think that I want to take John there soon. Sounds fun and yummy. They said they have the best halibut and I love seafood. John doesn't care for fish too much, but he's always happy with a burger and I think he'll like seeing the river.

    My sister called me and we chatted a long time. I'm beginning to love cell phones now, not that I need one, but my sister was at a softball tournament with Simon and while he's all wrapped up in the game, she and I could talk while she's sitting in the bleachers. She told me about her day with Mom on Friday. Sounds like it went well, they got to the new cardiologist and got the pacemaker checked out. Technology is fascinating, they can hook it up to a "reader" and print out the history. It's working double duty to keep Mom's heart going and twice in October, the pacemaker had to "kick start" Mom's heart again. We could have lost her and didn't even know it. At this rate, she has 8 more years of life on the battery, but I think that's more than enough, she's 93 years old after all. Although, she had an aunt who lived to 106.
    Then, they went to have Mom's new glasses adjusted and went to pick up the new shoes. Norma had a roast beef in the oven and they went back to her house and had dinner with Simon. Mom seems to be taking to Simon well and understanding that the relationship may be getting more serious. Norma was so afraid that Mom would be upset about Simon because she always seems so jealous of all of Norma's activities and friends. Simon would be just another thing or person to take up Norma's time and away from her. But, I think Mom is adjusting to her new place to live and finally making friends of her own.

    After I got John and I something to eat, the phone rang again and it was my Mom. She called me this time, instead of me calling her. Great, finally, she is taking some initiative to do something, anything, rather than sit there and mope. We had a good conversation, repeating almost everything Norma had told me. Mom didn't say much about Simon though, just said he was there for the weekend for softball.

    Then, Norma called me back again, to see what Mom had to say. Check about if Mom had as good a time as Norma had hoped. It's hard to tell because Mom will tell me things that she won't tell Norma. And visa versa, so Norma and I always compare notes.

    Today, Simon will go to the softball games alone and Norma will take Mom to the baby shower. I'll talk to Mom tomorrow.

    I had a lot to say about what they are doing, not much about John and me. We brought in more firewood and I think I twisted my back. I have a nagging pain, but I probably won't be doing much today, so it will have time to heal. I have a doctor's appointment tomorrow, a monthly check with my primary. They called me several months ago and asked if I want to be involved in a new project for "chronically ill" patients. I said yes because I wanted to go in and get the flu shot. And then, the following month, I got the pneumonia shot. But now, I see that they want to see me every month. I want to go in tomorrow to get the results of the blood test that will tell us if I need a colonoscopy and next month, I want the second of the pneumonia shots. But, after that, I don't know if I need to see them every month, I may opt out of this project. When she said that they can come to my house to check on me, I said that I'm not that sick anymore, I really needed them last year, not now. I'd rather go in to the office and then I can do my grocery shopping on my way home. I think that when they talk to me on the phone, with my voice the way it is, they picture a very old lady on her last legs. They can't believe that I can still drive a car. ha ha ha

    Well, I've rambled on long enough, time to refill my mug.

  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Just thinking of my sister this morning, first day back to work after the shooting. It will be hard to have missing people and see the survivors.
  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    I hope she is okay today.
  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    Good afternoon all, the last two days have been back to sleeping half the day and not getting much done. It seems if I can't get the sleep I need I can't get many things done either. My entire brain function doesn't seem to work very well, lol. I've been lucky in the fact dinners have been freezer meals so they have been easy and not much thought had to go into them. Just reheat and make whatever else was going with them. I did get my rebate documents together for my McAfee and will drop at the post office today. I already filed it online, I just needed to finish it up by sending them the "proof" that I actually did buy the product so they'll cut me a check.

    Arobed53-You'll be interested to know I am making other changes in the refrigerator. I decided to try the tip I have been reading about online to save my produce longer. They say to use flour sack towels to wrap all your produce in because the 100% cotton allows it to breath, absorbs excess moisture and also protects from the extreme cold of the refrigerator. They also say to pack leafy greens into an air tight container but to leave the spinach so it can breathe. So, I moved everything from the crisper drawer into containers but wrapped in flour sack towels. Then I put the peanut butter, pickles, etc into the crisper drawer so I had room for the containers. I'll see how it goes and if this makes it so I am throwing out less greens I'll be happy. I missed not having my salad last week so I want them even if hubby can't eat them, and I can always make his salad without greens.

    I've always wrapped my greens in paper towels and put them into ziploc bags that I let all the air out and sealed well. It worked on the lettuce, but not as well as I would have liked it to because I couldn't get it used before it went bad. The spinach always goes bad too fast so I have found myself freezing half of it just to make sure I don't toss it in the garbage. This leaves me way too much frozen spinach, lol. If I could find smaller leaf lettuce heads I would be happy, lol. Now the containers are marked what is in them and easy to find what I need for a salad or to cook a meal. So doing it this way I now save on paper towels and on ziploc bags, win win if it all works out.

    Headed off to the post office, I'll check back in later. Have a great day everyone!

  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good Morning. I had a great talk with Norma last night. She sounds like she's holding up very well. She said that they had a big press conference first thing in the morning and the Board Heads spoke. Then 3 of the doctors who triaged the victims and helped so many people also spoke. Later, the chairman of the board came in to each office and spoke with each employee individually. Norma was so moved, he said that the whole building will get through this as a family. They will dismantle the offices across the hall and Environmental Development will be moved into another location. She said that the day went fast, so busy because of all the work piled up from being closed Thursday and Friday, but that was good. The only thing that bugged her was constantly being told, all throughout the day, that there were grief counselors to talk to. She appreciated the concern, but being told once, or maybe twice, would have been enough, not constantly. She's gone through a lot in the past year, so she is already able to handle her grief. Everyone deals with it so differently.

    The baby shower on Sunday was very nice. I got a message from Mom on my phone yesterday and she said she enjoyed the shower too. The invitation asked that instead of a card with a gift, please bring a book that Beth could read to the baby and then he can eventually learn to read himself. Mom was so impressed that there were no duplication of books. I'll call her later today and get more info.

    We had record breaking rain yesterday. We are pretty swampy here, but nothing like Portland or south of Portland. Just 25 miles away from us, they have road closures, houses evacuated and rivers and creeks over flowing. A big sink hole in Gresham and mud slides in the hills. The news said that yesterday was the wettest December calendar day in Portland history. Once again, I am counting my blessings and will stop complaining about the "little lakes" in the pasture.

  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Hi, weekend went as planned. Ralph took me to Derek's house so they could leave. Then after he got cone at the DAV book sale (3 books for $1), we loaded up the three kids and came home. We used their van so didn't have to move car seats. I kept Madden (8 months) to his schedule and he went down for the night at 7:30 and slept till 7 am. He has an infectious laugh. The girls had fun doing different things and the time went quickly. Thomas went to Bible study and then slept here.

    Sunday School was a different morning. We had two that would not quit crying so finally I took them to the nursery. One mom was there so she kept him and the other one finally slowed the tears down and talked. He said he had to go potty and go a lot he did and then he was willing to go back for the last few minutes of class. It was my day to work in the nursery which worked well. I just took the three there with me. Madden wet through everything (including me). Got him changed and after church we went to McDonalds's. Got there and found out Madden had a blowout. Jim and Lori came to eat with us too so we had a good time and then we took the three home and left them with Julie.

    From there we went to a farewell for a Kenyan couple we got to know about 2 years ago. It started at 2 so we didn't think there would be a meal but we ate again at 3 (hard to say no to them). Then they had a program. The couple is Ralph's age. They and one daughter left for Kenya today and if she can arrange medical care, the couple will stay. Otherwise they'll come back here. From there, we rushed home. Ralph did chores and we went to a friend's 70th birthday party and had good food there. So it was a full day.

    Monday, I babysat for Maggie along with doing dishes and laundry. I fixed a casserole for their supper. Lori got home about 2:30 so I left and did a bit here and then had Bible study. We finished up we had done on food and will not meet again till after Christmas. The sad news of the day was Karl, a brother-in-law passed away but can't be too sad cause he was 96 and ready to move on.

    Today is our Good News Club party and then I'll go to play the 5th and 6th grade is doing. The girl I take home from Good News Club invited me so.... So things don't slow down much. I haven't started decorating and have shopping to do. We'll now have a memorial service to hopefully attend on the 19th plus everything else going on. It's all good but some moments - whew.

    Anew, since your sleep patterns are messed up again, it's nice you have so many meals that are easy to do. How's the new fridge arrangement working. True, you can fix salads for you - just like you could have potatoes and things for your hubby and you not eat them.

    Sheryl, yay on the blood work being okay. What a nice visit with your neighbors. Cool that your mom called you. She is sounding more upbeat. Glad going back to work is going okay for Norma. How's your back.

    Isabella, hope they found all your files. You'll enjoy the Downton Abby special. I taped and watched it too. Work is keeping you busy.

    We are getting up in the 50s this week and down in the 20s-30s at night. My coat feels good. Will check in when I can to write - but I check in often to read. Have a good day.
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Good morning, just wanted to let you know that the Good News Club party went very well. The kids cooperated with the games, listened fairly well to the story and enjoyed the refreshments. In the evening I went to the 5tha nd 6th grade musical. The girl I took home had invited me. I should have gone earlier. I did get a seat but the auditorium was full. It was a cute program. Then when I pulled into our driveway, I noticed a pickup so wondered who was there visiting and then it dawned on me whose pickup it was. It was Julie's boyfriend's and it was just him there cause he had a special question to ask. Ralph had already given him his blessing to ask Julie to marry him and I did too. It's moving quickly but does feel right. He told us this was his fifth trip to the house to try and find us home and when he came last night, there were lights but no one came when he rang the doorbell. He started to leave and then decided to call and Ralph heard the phone.

    Getting ready to head for town. I have an appointment this afternoon and doing a lot of little errands around it. Have a good day.
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    A quick Good Morning. As I watch the local news, I'm counting my blessings again that we are not flooded out. So much mess both south of us and north of us. Rivers are overflowing and they are talking about this being worse than the big flood of '96. We are soggy, but OK.

    Debora, my back is better, still a twinge at times, but nothing like several days this past week. I used up the 3 pain pills I had left from last year. Now, all I have is Tylenol if I have pain.

    I talked to my sister again yesterday and she said that she's so busy at work, it still hasn't really "hit" her yet. She said that the office is extremely quiet and that's kind of eerie in itself.

    I better go now, John got up very early today and I think I will actually fix us a nice breakfast together. I have turkey sausage and eggs in the fridge.
  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    edited December 2015
    Hi all.

    I've gotten caught up on the posts on this page. Haven't checked out the previous page yet, so I may be missing something.

    When I got to work today I got a message from my boss (she's been on maternity leave since last July and will be coming back to work next week) that she wanted to take her assistants and analysts out for lunch today and invited me to come. Would have been nice to get a little more advance notice because I had a meeting at 1 pm and wasn't sure if I would make it back in time. We walked to the restaurant (quite a hike), a place called the Iron Horse Tavern, and I got back to work exactly at 1 pm and was able to make my meeting. The food at that was so good. I ordered a "Breakfast Board" which was a cutting board that had on it bacon, a hard boiled egg, fresh fruit, greek yogurt with honey, toast points, fresh peanut butter, dried fruit, and fresh jam. The board looked like a painter's palette. Everyone else ordered stuff like burgers, sandwiches, pizza, and salads. We got there at the perfect time because after we were seated the place filled up quickly.

    My boss had a cold today and I'm keeping everything crossed that I don't catch it. She caught from her kid who caught it at day care. I just don't have time to be sick right now.

    My section of the office is doing a sweet and savory daily thing again this year. For the next couple weeks, everyday someone brings in something sweet and someone else brings in something savory to snack on. I opted out this year. The last thing I need to do right now is graze! Just not in the mood this year.

    I went to SAS Shoes this weekend. Decided to get a pricey pair of shoes. Came out of that place so aggravated! It's been many years since went to that store and it sure has changed. I just wanted to look around and check every thing out and the sales ladies would not leave me alone. Then when I went to pay for the shoes, she asked me to give her my phone number. I don't give out that information in stores and she said she had to have it in order to ring me up. I declined again and said I wasn't required to give them personal information. She and the other lady finally figured out how to bypass that in their register, but they sure didn't understand why I wouldn't disclose that information. I doubt I'll go back there again.

    Sheryl, glad to hear your back is getting better. Ouch! That's so great that your Mom seems to be adjusting to her new life. I hope she doesn't give Norma any grief over Simon. I sure wish we can divert some of that rain my way. It's supposed to rain here tomorrow and then again next Sunday.

    Debora, your days sure are full! I just don't know how you do it. That's so sweet that Julie's boyfriend has sought your blessing. Don't see that much these days.

    Anew, I'm sorry you are having so much trouble sleeping. I hope you get a good, restful night of sleep very soon. Let us know how the flour sacks work out.

    Back to work. Have a lovely evening everyone.
  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    edited December 2015
    Hi everyone, I've been sleeping most of the day today, I did go to bed early last night only to get right back up because I couldn't fall asleep. I decided to start working on my Christmas treats and made the peppermint candies yesterday. They are done drying so I need to figure out how I will store them until I pack up trays. I am not sure how long they last so I'm going to put them in the refrigerator and see how it goes. I might pack them into the little candy cups I bought and then put those into a zip loc bag. I only made one recipe because it makes about 80 little mints and I figured that was plenty for the trays. I gave hubby a chunk of the candy mix to eat last night when I got tired of rolling them out, and he loved pulling little pieces off and eating it. I suppose I could make a square pull apart mint but it wouldn't look nearly as nice as the little balls do, lol. Hubby said I should coat them in chocolate, but I have too many things in chocolate planned already. Today I am going to start on the cookie bars.

    I got a call the other day about an urgent air bag recall on my husbands truck so I called the dealer and was told their were four recalls on his vin number. They go all the way back to 2009 and I have never been notified before, our phone numbers have not changed since 2004. They said we have to leave the truck for two days. There is a steering linkage recall, two air bag recalls and left ball joint recall. So, we need to decide when we want to leave the truck with them. It's a good thing the weather is cooler, so he can drive the no a/c car and not leave me stranded without a car.

    So far so good on the flour sack towel wrapping of the veggies other than I don't like how the bell pepper didn't stay as crisp as I would have liked since I didn't actually wrap those at all. I just stuck them in a tray and left it to the refrigerator and normally would have kept them in a plastic bag in the refrigerator. I'll be wrapping those next time to see how they do but I am sure happy to say I have not found one bad piece of baby spinach in the whole lot. I laid the towel in the container and layered the spinach on the towel, folding the towel over and putting the next layer on. The towels are huge, I buy them at Sam's Club and I love them because they are 100% cotton and are perfect for in the kitchen, especially baking.

    Sannferris-I'm so glad you aren't flooding out there and I'm glad your sister is doing ok. It sounds like the company is trying hard to address the outcome from the horror of it all. My son told me they weren't affected by it or anyone they know but that he wants to carry his gun loaded all the time now. I don't think he is allowed to because of California state law and I think that needs to change. People need to be able to protect themselves. It's us against the criminal and I truly believe they have the upper hand regarding gun laws since they don't care about the laws, and will do whatever they want to anyway. The regular citizen doesn't want to go to jail so they try to abide by the laws and have no recourse when their guns are at home locked in a safe. I know here in Texas a licensed carrier can open carry and we have a huge percentage of licensed gun owners that do carry out here, all the time.

    Mygnsac-First, I really hope you can manage to stay away from that cold. I've gone shopping and have had the same problem in stores telling me they needed my phone number and I tell them no as well. I can't believe these companies think they can be so demanding of our privacy, it's really frustrating. I've even been told before at some place it had to be my cell number. No way! The lunch with your boss sounded so good.

    Well, I think I am going to get started on the cookie bars, dinner is easy tonight we are having those chicken with apple and raisin sandwich on some of that cranberry bread with a salad. Easy dinner since the chicken was in the freezer already cooked and the bread was in the freezer too. Have a great evening everyone.