Pot Bellied Stove / Water Cooler



  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    edited December 2015
    Good Morning. Yesterday, I was out the door early for lab work and the CT scan. I had to feed the animals while it was still dark, they didn't know what to think. I like to keep them guessing. Everything at the doctor's office went smoothly. I'll get the results next Tuesday when I see Dr. Smith. Then, I had an hour to kill before meeting Carol for lunch, 11:30 and we both ordered breakfast. She's doing well and preparing for Christmas. The whole family will be together, this will be the fourth Christmas without her son, but, she didn't sound as depressed as she has in the past when we talk about him. Time heals a bit, but still a great loss. It must be hard to count holidays with a death as reference.

    Norma took a Christmas wreath for Mom's apartment door to the hallway and also a "jingle bell" wreath for an inside door and a nativity scene for her coffee table. That's more decorating than Mom has done in several years. I hope it puts her into the holiday spirit. Mom said that she's been enjoying all the carolers that have been visiting the complex. Some school groups and some adults. Tis the season for extra entertainment and a sing-a-long.

    Debora, the ditch is completely filled in, I have to complain again get them to dredge it out, not just pick up debris. I have such a hard time on the phone and now the holidays, I probably won't get any satisfaction til January. Before, the HOA consisted of the developers, but now, there are 4 occupied homes and one more already built, still for sale, plus empty lots with realtor signs on them. I called the realtor, because those empty lots are directly behind us. But, I have to find the right person in charge of the HOA and then call the county to make them enforce it. My neighbor said that I should start calling the newspapers and tv stations. But, I'm not to that point yet, maybe soon.

    We are forecast to have rain all week and at this rate, according to the local morning news, as of Sunday, we will have a record breaking wettest December in history. Plus, best snow season on Mount Hood for Christmas. I guess that's great for the skiers, but I'm not one of them. Lots of snow and ice east of the Cascades, I'm so glad we settled on the west side of the mountains and down near sea level. It's usually pretty nice here. I see more landslides on the news and evacuations and taking houses right down the hills. I feel for those displaced people, gorgeous views during good weather, but so risky during bad.

    I don't know what today will bring. I'll see what kind of mood John is in when he gets up. Right now, I'm ready for another mug of coffee.

  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    About to head for bed. We plan to head out at 6 am but thought I'd share the news. Julie and Matt were just here to show us her ring. He popped the question tonight. It's moving fast.
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Just popping in to say Hi, John's channel surfing between watching basketball and football. I need to clean up the kitchen.

    Congratulations to Julie and Matt.
  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    edited December 2015
    Hi all, It has been a cool week with nights around 39 degrees and days in the mid 60s. OK by me though - we get enough hot weather most of the year. We are supposed to get rain tonight. We'll see if they are right. It's getting pretty cloudy so I'm guessing the prediction is correct. I went to the farmer's market this morning and got some local honey, rainbow chard, a pomegranate, and cilantro. The stand selling the chard gave me some free beet greens again so I am very pleased. I also got some organic rosemary oil because I just read an article that it is really good for thinning hair. The gal at the stand agreed and she sells the BEST organic oils. I still have a lot of the lavender oil I bought from her and it REALLY helps me sleep so I am hooked. Since I was already out I also went to Trader Joe's and Sprouts and did the rest of my grocery shopping for the week.

    We had our department potluck and white elephant yesterday. My deviled eggs were a BIG hit. I add a secret ingredient which makes them very creamy (a splash of milk). Our white elephant is a bit different in that we bring a gift that we already have from home that we were given but wasn't quite our taste. I brought a recipe card set and some homemade shell earrings. If you don't have anything then spend approx. $15. It was a really fun one this time with lots of stealing going on. I ended up with some lindor chocolate truffles. I like "consumables" so you don't have to figure out what to do with it. So I was happy.

    We are going to Jami's for Christmas eve. At first she said she was making turkey again which was fine with us since we don't have it but a couple of times a year. Then her inlaws decided they are making turkey on Christmas day so she said she'd probably make a roast so I bought an uncured ham at Trader Joe's for Dan and I on Christmas day. Now she has decided that she is going to make ham since it is cheaper than beef. Sheesh!!! :s I tried to talk her into the roast, said we'd pay for half but she said it doesn't matter what we eat so long as we are together. What was I supposed to say? I guess I'll make shrimp fettuccini on Christmas and make my ham on New Years day. My assignment for Christmas eve is Delmonico potatoes aka cheesy potatoes. It is made with cheddar cheese and half and half then baked. Very tasty.

    Jami's mom is in town so I took Tuesday off so she and I can do something while Jami is at work. It should be nice. I will give her a choice of going to La Jolla, Coronado or Balboa Park to walk around then have lunch. Balboa Park has museums too so I'm kinda hoping that is what she will choose. There is supposed to be a 50% chance of rain so we'll have to have a plan B.

    We also have an old friend who will be in town tomorrow so us gals are all going to meet at a Chinese restaurant for lunch. It will be nice to see everyone.

    Sheryl, sounds like your mom is finally settling in. How wonderful to call her and find that she had company over! It must be a really good senior facility. Good that you got your permanent crown and was able to go to lunch and have a nice drive with John afterward. I am scheduled for my permanent crown on Jan 21st. I had to wait for the new year so I would have dental benefits again. Glad you and Carol had a nice lunch and catching up. What a hassle to deal with trying to get the neighborhood behind you to clear out the ditch. Very inconsiderate to say the least. Would calling the city and asking them to go after the responsible party do any good?

    Anew, I can only imagine what your house smells like with all that wonderful baking! Those home made almond joys sound heavenly! Bummer about the chocolate not setting. I have never made anything like that so I don't have any advice. Have you checked the internet for suggestions? So nice that you got the chance to have lunch and get caught up with your lunch bunch. Especially nice this time of year! You'll have to let us know how it goes limiting the nightshades.

    Debora, so busy as always. The Christmas joy concert sounds really nice. So great that you found the lost box that was in a very safe place! :wink: How nice that Julie and her fiancé came over to show you the ring. Sounds so sweet!

    We got coupons for buy one get one free at the new Jersey Mike's subs that just opened up in our neighborhood so Dan and I are going there for dinner. We thought about walking there approx. 3 miles but it is getting cold and dark so we decided to drive instead. We are finally going to watch the Downton Abbey special we recorded last month so we can get prepared for the new season. I sure will miss it when the final season is over. Dan and I think it is one of the best shows we've seen!

    OK, I've rambled on long enough. Have a great evening everyone!
  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    Anew, just a quick thought - could it be that the chocolate didn't set on the macaroons because they are too moist due to the coconut?
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good Morning, just a quickie, John's up already.

    Hope everyone has a great Sunday.
  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    edited December 2015
    Good afternoon, the last couple of days have been real hard on my feet, legs and back. I tried to pace myself while doing the baking but running out for lunch with the ladies on Thursday and then shopping with my friend afterward really got my feet hurting. I still had to make that cookie dough and bake those meringues that night and my feet have been dying ever since. My legs hurt real bad too, it feels like I have sciatica on both sides the last couple of days which wasn't helped by running into big town with hubby yesterday to deliver a goody tray and do some more shopping.

    We went to World Market, Petsmart and had dinner at Olive Garden again. I found they had the Downton Abbey ceramic spoons in stock so I bought a package of those for my coffee bar. I also found the tray I needed for coffee syrups in the white ceramic tray area. It's about 12" long and 5" wide with a very small lip around it. They had some 750 ml syrups there so I put four bottles on the tray and they fit perfectly. Yay, now my coffee bar design is complete, we just have to build it now. I didn't buy any syrups because they don't have the organic ones I want to get in glass bottles. I'll need to store in the refrigerator when not using because I don't drink sweet drinks often, lol. They'll sure look nice on the coffee bar though and I can reuse the bottles when I make my own syrups.

    I also decided to go another direction on my island potato, onion and garlic storage. Hubby built the drawer and needs to install it but I didn't want him to do that until I knew how deep I really wanted it to go. I needed to have my root vegetable storage available so we could gauge how much distance was needed between the drawer bottom and the slatted shelf. We couldn't do that until I had the storage vessels available for sizing. Instead of using those stacking black scroll baskets from Bed Bath and Beyond, I saw World Market had a bunch of strainer bowls with feet that I liked, so I bought three. These are steel ( I hope stainless, but I doubt it) and they are either painted on the outside or covered in ceramic. I bought one small bright yellow one for the garlic and two larger ones for the onions and potatoes, one is bright red and the other is a nice turquoise color. These will work much better since they have handles and I can use them when I need to wash things like berries or other fruits and vegetables, so it's a win win.

    I'm not sure I'll get rid of the yellow plastic Tupperware one I have had for at least 25 years. It stacks on top of another bowl real nicely and has the smaller holes in the bottom instead of larger holes all around like the metal ones do. I might need it for things like quinoa but if I don't use it often I'll give it to the resale store and open up some door storage in the pantry. I also had a deal at the grocery store a couple of weeks ago to buy potatoes and get a new masher for free. I like that masher far better than the yellow Tupperware one I have so it's definitely going to the resale shop, lol.

    Finally, I'm going to work on the doggy bed cushion covers so I can be closer to having that done in time for Christmas. They are having us over on Christmas Eve so I might try to finish it before then and bring with me since it will have a Christmas print on the back cushion, lol.

    Sannferris-You were quite busy there, I hope you've caught your breath. It's sad to see people lose their homes and I think the drought hasn't helped those on tops or the bottoms of mountains. It sounds like your mom is doing well this Christmas, it's good she's taking in the fun of caroler's. I hope you can get that ditch issue handled. I'd probably go to the county real estate records to find out who developed the project. Their might be a record of the responsible HOA there or call the one you know of and see if they know who handles things now.

    Isyvanek-It sounds like you've been busy too. I love Balboa Park and if it rains you can always linger a little longer in each of the museums between rain downpours, lol. As far as the chocolate goes, I think part of the problem was the fact that I added 60% cacao chips to the melting wafers so the percentage of wax wasn't where it should be. I did go ahead and try to dip the pretzels in melted white chocolate wafers but that just melted the chocolate off the pretzels into the white, lol. So, instead I took a fork and drizzled (splashed-looks terrible to me but hubby says it's great!) lines of white chocolate over the top of the chocolate pretzels. That set and made it easy to hold the chocolate pretzels.

    I put the almond joys in the refrigerator for hubby since they are for him anyway. The chocolate is nice and set in there, lol. I did go ahead and dip some pretzels in just white chocolate and they set perfectly, so I do believe it was my mistake of adding the other chips to the chocolate melting wafers that caused my problem. Humidity probably doesn't help either but in the end all is good. I was able to package them in little cupcake papers and put them on the trays. I keep forgetting to get a picture of the trays, lol.

    I hope you all have a great rest of your day, I know I am planning on it.

  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    Hahaha, didn't get through one evening without using my tupperware strainer, lol. Yeah, well beans need a place to be rinsed too, lol. I guess that's not going anywhere.
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Hi, I'm waiting on a phone call from Thomas to go pick him up so we'll see how long I can chat. We were the last stop on our caroler's list so they didn't come until 8:30. Our Youth Group divides into three groups and our group was small but we still enjoyed it. They were going back to eat soup and make gingerbread houses so I figure he'll be out till at least 11. They go to all the homes in our congregation of everyone 70 and older (if they are home) so put on a lot of miles.

    Friday went as planned. I walked. Ralph and I went to his appointment and came home and I headed to the other town. I got home about 4:30, unloaded the car and Ralph took it to wash it. I put away all I bought and then we went to a visitation of a friend and got ready to be gone Saturday.

    We headed out at 6 am. My sister went with us and our oldest son and he drove most of the time. We stopped for breakfast and got to Elkhart about 11:30 - just in time for the lunch the church ladies served us. Another sister and one brother were there. My brother had gone up the night before and was doing a good job of taking care of Barb. It was good to see how much Karl's family cares for her so we feel that she'll be well cared for. The memorial service was at 2 and then we went to the cemetery for the military part and then we loaded up and headed for home. We stopped to eat on the way home and got home about 9:30. We supplied the car, Derek drove most of the time and bought the gas and my sister paid for the meals we got.

    Today was church. Grandkids were disappointed that they didn't get to come over at eat but it was more relaxing this morning. Thomas did come so I could get him to the Youth Group party. He is spending the night and I'll take him home when I go shopping tomorrow (in time for him to go to basketball practice). Then I'll shop till I'm done. :)I hope my list is good enough.

    We are moving our family gathering up a day so both Julie and Matt can be here. We'll either do that all the time or maybe his family will alternate with us. Time will tell.

    Sheryl, you have been busy and wet. We are windy today and it's till 54 out. Yet Saturday morning started out at 22. Hoping for no snow so my sister from Elkhart can come up next weekend.

    Isabella, hmmm, I'll have to try a splash of milk next time I make deviled eggs. How many eggs to a splash? Good rules for the white elephant. I like what you got and am with you on the consumable part. I got several gifts from SS kids and am enjoying them. Sounds like you'll be eating good this week along with fun times.

    Anew, now that the baking is done, maybe you can baby your feet some. You've done a lot. Hope you can get the dog bed down by Christmas Eve. It would be fun to take along. Good to have more decided on your kitchen. Successful shopping trip. How fun on the Downton Abby spoons.

    With the way the temperature is, I'm trying to decide what coat to wear tomorrow. If the wind would die down, we could almost walk outside. We'll see how the morning is. Have a good Monday.
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    edited December 2015
    Good Morning. Got the woodstove going and will turn off the little electric space heater here at me feet very soon. When it gets colder, I'll try to stoke up the woodstove for over night, but for now, I go on to bed and I'm pretty sure that John makes sure the woodstove is almost out before he comes to bed. He doesn't get the concept of stoking it up and choking it down so it burns very slow to keep the house warm overnight. I guess that's a good thing, I don't want him to accidently start a fire. I've been exhausted by 6 pm and head for bed much earlier than John, however, I don't sleep soundly and listen for any odd noises that John makes in case he needs help with something. Sometimes, he'll come into the bedroom and stand at the bed trying to see if I'm asleep or not, I usually get up to see what he needs and then go back to bed again.

    It's official...I need a new coffee maker. I've been babying this one for several months, but I give up and will treat myself to a new one. If I can wait just a little longer, Fred Meyer has Senior Discount of 10% off everything on the first Tuesday of every month. I know what I'll be doing on January 5th.

    Anew, I am always grabbing my yellow Tupperware strainer, I can't imagine a kitchen without one. ha ha
    Keep it handy!!!

    I got an email from John's cousin Larry (lives in Arkansas) and his other cousin Karen is joining them for Christmas. We had lost track of Karen since her father died about 6 years ago. She retired and was caregiver for her mother and then later for her father. Her mom and John's mom were sisters and they both had dementia, it runs on that side of the family, their mother was afflicted also. Larry's dad was their brother and he was fine mentally, that's why I was so surprised when John started losing it, I was hoping it only hit the women in the family. Anyway, it will be good to hear about Karen and see what she's doing now. Last night, when I told John about the email, I was totally taken back by him not remembering who Karen is. I hesitate telling Larry and Karen about that, it's hard to realize that you are not remembered when you were a big part of someone's life. The 3 cousins grew up together and they are all John has left of his family. They were all only children and just had cousins, no siblings.

    I talked to my Mom yesterday and asked her to do me a favor...go to her file cabinet and give me the full name and address and phone number of her tax guy. She always balks at doing anything and says that she "can't" and that she'll wait for Norma to do it. I was prepared to tell her that I don't want Norma to do this, she can do it at her convenience as long as I get the info by the first of January. That would give her a couple weeks and surely within that time frame, she can open her file cabinet and get the name and have it by the phone to read to me. Low and behold, she was willing to do it right then. Yay, I waited on the phone and she got the papers and gave me the info. I will contact him and let him know that Dad died and Mom's new address and please send the questionnaire for taxes so that I can fill it all out when I'm down there the last weekend of January. I've helped Mom with this before and Rocco has it all spelled out and easy to fill in. Norma had told Mom that she doesn't "do taxes", she sends all her stuff to her tax lady, so Mom was freaking out about what to do this year. She thinks it's going to be so much harder because Dad's not there to sign his name, but I told her it's all the same except checking a box that states "deceased". I'll fill in the $ amounts for medical, property taxes, etc. for deductions on the questionnaire and Rocco will take care of everything.

    Anyway, the point being, is that Mom could and did do that little chore for me. As soon as I hung up the phone, I called Norma and told her about it. She was just as amazed and impressed as I was. If only Mom would do more when Norma asks, instead, she thinks Norma will do everything.

    I guess that's it for this morning, I wish you all a good Monday.
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good Afternoon, late afternoon. I saw my oncologist this morning and got the results of the scan, not much of a change. Just a few "nodes". Good news is that there's no new cancer. He said that I should go ahead with a colonoscopy, the scan only shows full blown cancer cells, not polyps. When I got home, I called the Medical Center to schedule and they can get me in tomorrow for the preliminary appointment. I'll meet the doctor and get the preparations that I have to drink and set the appointment for the procedure.

    On my way home, I stopped at TJ's and Fred Meyer. The coffee pot was on sale for a better price than waiting and getting the senior discount. So, I've got a new coffee pot, Yay!!!

    I probably won't be here in the morning, I'll be heading out to see another new doctor.
  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    Good evening all, I had an eye appt this morning and doc says that with all the tests I have had and the monitoring that I have been declared glaucoma free. He is still watching for Temporal Arteritis but otherwise I don't have to go back to see him until September next year when I have my eyes dilated. Yay!
    Merry Christmas to you he said this morning. :smiley:

    I got the sewing done for the doggy bed yesterday, I finally got some sleep today and grocery shopped. I only got half the dishes done so I bought a turkey breast hot from the deli to make some hot sandwiches with for dinner. Then I can finish the dishes and hopefully save my feet.

    Arobed53-Now I know why I stopped baking for everyone, it is just too hard on me and especially now with my new foot problems added to the arthritis in them. Probably won't do it again but I sure have to remember not to, lol.

    Sannferris-Great news for you.

    I'm headed into the kitchen to get dinner going, I'll serve a salad with the sandwiches tonight.

  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    edited December 2015
    Monday was a tad chilly to me but I was amazed at how many people weren't wearing coats at all. I took Thomas home making 5 stops just around our house dropping off or getting things. I started shopping around 10 and got home about 4:30 so thought I did pretty well. Only place I had to wait very long in line was at Hobby Lobby. We had pizza and salad for supper so nice and easy.

    Yesterday was gift wrapping day. I put each person's things pretty much into one gift but first I set it out to show DH and then I wrapped. Mail, UPS, etc. did a great job with things I ordered and got things here much earlier than said which is what I was hoping would happen so I didn't have to put any notes in with the gifts. With about 25 gifts to wrap, I was pretty proud of myself for getting it done in one day. I use gift sacks for birthdays but not Christmas. I also got some peppernut dough mixed up so it could chill and sheets off the guest room and washed.

    Today I made cream puffs - that's part of my sister's birthday present and the rest are filled with cool whip for tonight. I baked about half of the peppernut dough, fixed dinner and cleaned everything up. I got the sheets back on the bed. I think all I "have" to do is get the table set and order the pizza. We do pizza and then snack on whatever people bring in the evening. Moving at a slower pace.

    Sheryl, not surprising your tired by 6 with all you do during the day. Smart to listen to your body. Yay on the new coffee maker. So excited by your mom's willingness to do what you asked and do it right. Tell Norma to keep trying and maybe she'll start doing more for her. She's doing so much better than you thought she might so that's great news.
    Hope your appointment went okay. You are sure able to get things taken care of quickly which is really nice. The worst part of the colonoscopy is the prep. Don't plan to go anywhere the night before. :)

    Anew, fantastic news on being declared glacoma free. Doing a happy dance for you. Great on the dog bed being done. We'll try and help you remember not to bake of if you do do it, spread it way way out. My back took a while to relax after I did the peppernuts.

    Marcie, I'll be glad when your work slows down and you can maybe pop in a bit more. I miss you.

    Okay, back to getting ready for tonight. Enjoy your day.
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good Morning, Merry Christmas Eve.

    Yesterday went smoothly, I have the colonoscopy scheduled for January 15th. The doctor was quite pleased with my test results regarding the breast cancer, said that he would consider me in remission and it shouldn't be a factor in colon screening. Plus, because my Primary ordered this due to my Dad's colon cancer, this doctor doesn't feel hereditary is a threat because my Dad got it at such an advanced age. He said it usually runs in the family if detected at a much younger age, like in 50's or 60's. Dad was 87. And, lastly, my paralyzed larynx should not prove to be a problem either, no intubation. So, he says it should be a normal screening procedure, just a preventative measure, but he doesn't expect anything unusual. I have had no bowel issues.

    Debora, thanks for thinking I'm so busy, that's sweet. I really don't do a fraction of what I used to do, but have had more trouble sleeping and that's why I think I'm so tired by 6 pm. And, then, I get up early and that makes for a long day.
    Speaking of early, I am having my "me" time with a fresh mug of coffee that came from my new pot. I'm so happy, it dripped quietly instead of gurgling so loudly that it could wake the dead. And, it poured nicely into my mug instead of dripping all over the counter. It even tastes better, I'm a happy camper.

    Our friend, the other John, came through surgery nicely. They removed the entire prostate and were able to do the robotic procedure, so didn't cut his abdomen open. That will make for a much better and quicker recovery. He comes home from the hospital today. What a Christmas to remember.

    I guess that's it for now, going to send out an update email and a Merry Christmas to my cousins.
  • jlhawki
    jlhawki Posts: 225 Member
    Merry Christmas Ladies! Hope you all have a joyous day and enjoy time with your families!! :)

    Quick update on my hip: The oral steroids made a GIANT difference! I'm back at work for 4 hour shifts and will go back to my regular schedule after New Year's. The pain is almost gone unless I try to walk very quickly or pivot around in place. I don't think I'll be able to pivot until I get a new hip! I'm hoping to wait until my FMLA rolls back around in October to get a new hip-- unless of course I can't and then we see what the doctor says. Went to see a rheumatologist, took Xrays of my hands and they drew literally 12 vials of blood! Go back Jan. 7th to see what if anything I have going on. She felt like I had joint involvement and probably need stronger meds than the Mobic. We will see and go from there!

    Safe holidays to all and again, Merry Christmas from our house to yours!!!! :)
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good Morning and Merry Christmas.

    Jannie, so glad that you are getting some relief from pain. What a wonderful Christmas gift.
    I see on Facebook that Christina is also getting some pain meds, finally. The doctors sure have been giving her the run-around.

    John and I plan to have our quiet day at home, pretty much the usual routine. However, being extra special grateful for all our blessings.
    I think I'll go over to YouTube and have my Christmas morning time with Nancy at Disneyland.

  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    I spent a wonderful hour listening to the Christmas Story and great music. Actually, it's a good thing that I know the Christmas story so well because this year's narrator was not miked properly and difficult to hear.
    But, of course, my favorite parts are the Overture and the Recessional, where Nancy is really featured over the choir. The camera is focused on her. I love it.

    Yesterday, it was snowing about 10 miles north of us and the news was all a buzz about a White Christmas. Not happening, at least not at my house.
    The snow in the mountains is beautiful though. I love to look at it, not be in it. Mount Hood's ski season is booming.

    I see basketball on the tv schedule today, so John will be occupied for a little bit and I can play on the computer. See you later.
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Merry Christmas to each and every one. Have a wonderful day.
  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    Good morning and Merry Christmas everyone!
    I see the scroll problem when someone posts a picture hasn't been fixed. I'll have to try going to the site on Mozilla or something and see if that makes a difference because this scrolling makes me crazy!

    OK, enough whining! :smiley:

    We had a nice evening at Jami's house last night. We kept it simple. My Delmonico potato casserole was a HUGE hit. Not much left. We ate at 5pm, watched the movie Christmas Story, had pie, chatted a bit then headed home.
    When we got home we had some eggnog, watched the last Hallmark Christmas movie we had recorded then went to bed.

    Today we will keep it very mellow. Just Dan and I. We'll eat, lounge, eat, lounge, eat, and watch one of the classic Christmas movies such as Christmas Carol or It's a Wonderful Life or Miracle on 34th Street (the original of course!).

    Debora, for the deviled eggs I just make whatever quantity of eggs - usually ends up to be about 1 1/2 dozen - then mash the yolks, put in the mayo and mustard, then splash in a bit of milk, mix it up, then check the consistency and add more if needed. I don't measure quantity on anything. Just add small amounts until you get it where you want it.

    Anew, I don't have the yellow strainer you all have - I got rid of mine many years ago - but I do have a Tupperware strainer that is like a bowl but has slitted holes in the bottom. I use it often as well.
    So glad your eyes are glaucoma free! Great news!

    Sheryl, Yay on the new coffee pot and on sale too! I was wondering if it would be since it is Christmas. Glad your oncologist appt. went well.
    I'm with you - I would enjoy looking at the snow on the mountain tops but not have to be in it.

    We had a really nice steady rain a couple of days ago so our plants are very happy! Looks like it is going to be a beautiful day!

    Well, Merry Christmas again to all and God's blessings of health and abundance in the year ahead!

    Love to all!
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Received an email from Kel, she says "hi" to all of you. Here's a portion of what she's up to:

    Overall, I am really happy! I am practicing yoga 5 days a week. For now, I am also a sub teacher and will be on the schedule full time in January.
    I have also applied for my LLC as a baker! I will be baking out of my home as a "caterer".
    I am able to recognize this Christmas Eve how blessed I am. I am surrounded by love and reminders that God has
    Me in his hands. I walk everywhere I can, and find coins constantly. My angels are caring for me!